[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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xchosenonex said:
The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big. Frankly, I can see why they're scared. TNA has better wrestling while WWE has the same old boring storylines of DX v. Spirit Squad and Vince McMahon, and Edge v. John Cena...Again. So, I think what the WWE fan's nervousness is based around is, TNA wrestles and WWE doesn't. In reality, WWE fans realize that better wrestling beats better actors/stale storylines.

yeah Im really scared of a company that has wrestlers he can't talk on the mic, who have horrible anouncers to talk about the match(that means you Don West) and a company what gets very low ratings like .9's.:glare: I hate TNA it total shit if you ask me. Their X-Divsion was fun but now sucks.

Also TNA needs to stop taking shots at the WWE, thats a sign of weakness by the company. They should focus on their shit not what the WWE is doing. I mean come on Rhyno burning a bag..whoa scary...NOT. Those wrestlers who take shots at WWE are just bitter.

Also TNA has ruined Sting, Sting was great in WCW but he his horrible in TNA.

They have done nothing with Chirstain at all. They gave him the NWA championship, but he wasn't the mainevent, it was Jerret vs Sting. Now where is Cage? Right back in the Mid-card.

Am I saying WWE is a perfect company? No. Does WWE have flaws? Of course, but I am saying WWE is the better company( or atleast it is to me.)

G-Money said:
yeah Im really scared of a company that has wrestlers he can't talk on the mic, who have horrible anouncers to talk about the match(that means you Don West) and a company what gets very low ratings like .9's.:glare: I hate TNA it total shit if you ask me. Their X-Divsion was fun but now sucks.
What is so bad about Don West? Is it because he doesn't root for the bad guy all of the time like Lawler, Heenan, or Ventura did? Or is it because McMahon doesn't feed him lines with pre-rehearsed jokes? Be specific. Which wrestlers can't talk on the mic? You're shooting blanks with no sign of backup. What went so wrong with the X-Division?
G-Money said:
Also TNA needs to stop taking shots at the WWE, thats a sign of weakness by the company. They should focus on their shit not what the WWE is doing. I mean come on Rhyno burning a bag..whoa scary...NOT. Those wrestlers who take shots at WWE are just bitter.
TNA as a company (Dixie Carter in specific) have been nothing short of cordial towards WWE and it's wrestlers. I also remember an incident where TNA wrestlers came bearing gifts to a WWE commercial shoot in Orlando a while back and WWE had security boot 'em out. The only sign of weakness is McMahon regurgiating ECW in a cosmically pathetic fashion to further saturate the market with his bull***t product. Rhyno's, 3D's, and Christian's promos were the only ones directed at WWE and that's because they were allowed to shoot on the mic. And maybe those wrestlers are just as fed up with Titan's garbage as a majority of wrestling fans (myself included).
G-Money said:
Also TNA has ruined Sting, Sting was great in WCW but he his horrible in TNA.
Sting was brought in to secure a TV deal. Notice they don't have him wrestle but on a minority of the shows? Maybe that's because they want to showcase their homegrown talent most of the time, and confine Sting to only a few matches. Still, watching Sting in the ring is ten times better than WWE bleeding more life out of Flair and Hogan's legacies. Even if his hair is thinning and he has a bit of a gut, Sting can still work.
G-Money said:
They have done nothing with Chirstain at all. They gave him the NWA championship, but he wasn't the mainevent, it was Jerret vs Sting. Now where is Cage? Right back in the Mid-card.
In the midcard? Newsflash, homeboy, but Cage is involved in one of TNA's premiere feuds with Rhyno and will probably still mix it up with Sting for the interference in his last encounter with Jarrett. It's not exactly as if he's wrestling Shark Boy in the opener.
G-Money said:
Am I saying WWE is a perfect company? No. Does WWE have flaws? Of course, but I am saying WWE is the better company( or atleast it is to me.)

If you want to compare a list of flaws, WWE's is going to be a mile long. TNA might be lower budget, but at least the wrestling hasn't sucked ass week in and week out for the last three years. WWE sure can't say the same.
Kasey said:
What is so bad about Don West? Is it because he doesn't root for the bad guy all of the time like Lawler, Heenan, or Ventura did? Or is it because McMahon doesn't feed him lines with pre-rehearsed jokes? Be specific. Which wrestlers can't talk on the mic? You're shooting blanks with no sign of backup. What went so wrong with the X-Division?

TNA as a company (Dixie Carter in specific) have been nothing short of cordial towards WWE and it's wrestlers. I also remember an incident where TNA wrestlers came bearing gifts to a WWE commercial shoot in Orlando a while back and WWE had security boot 'em out. The only sign of weakness is McMahon regurgiating ECW in a cosmically pathetic fashion to further saturate the market with his bull***t product. Rhyno's, 3D's, and Christian's promos were the only ones directed at WWE and that's because they were allowed to shoot on the mic. And maybe those wrestlers are just as fed up with Titan's garbage as a majority of wrestling fans (myself included).

Sting was brought in to secure a TV deal. Notice they don't have him wrestle but on a minority of the shows? Maybe that's because they want to showcase their homegrown talent most of the time, and confine Sting to only a few matches. Still, watching Sting in the ring is ten times better than WWE bleeding more life out of Flair and Hogan's legacies. Even if his hair is thinning and he has a bit of a gut, Sting can still work.

In the midcard? Newsflash, homeboy, but Cage is involved in one of TNA's premiere feuds with Rhyno and will probably still mix it up with Sting for the interference in his last encounter with Jarrett. It's not exactly as if he's wrestling Shark Boy in the opener.

If you want to compare a list of flaws, WWE's is going to be a mile long. TNA might be lower budget, but at least the wrestling hasn't sucked ass week in and week out for the last three years. WWE sure can't say the same.

First Ill talk about West. Its not because he doesnt root for the bad guy, he just sucks period. He gets overexcited over every single move and really needs to learn how to breave when talking.

Again TNA doesn't have to worry about what WWE is doing. Vince brought back ECW because the one night stands made a lot of money, maybe TNA was part of the reason, I dont know but what I do know is ECW is kicking TNA's ass.

Iv seen Stings matches from some ppvs and they were decent...nothing compared to what he did in WCW. Thats because he is getting old, but story wise I think he is in a horrible story..it bores the hell out of me. Also wasnt Sting supposed to bring in ratings..which worked but then the ratings dropped again cause no one gave a shit.

As for Cage though, yes he is in the mid-card, High mid-card yes but still the freaking mid-card. He was pretty much in the mid-card when he was the champ. When Sting came into TNA Cage wasn't the main guy anymore, he was and still is in Sting's shadow. And he is fueding with Rhino, who cares, Rhino is boring.

And another thing, TNA better stop shooting on WWE because they will end up waking a sleeping giant that TNA can't handle and then before you know it TNA will be apart of WWE 24/7

WWE/:wwf: >>>>>>TNA
Jrock said:
Jeff Hardy has done a lot of career threatening moves you TNA idiot! Yes I am talking to you WCTONENEWGITTY queer

your ignorant, you just think what the WWE is feeding you is wrestling. im not saying hes never done career threatening things in WWE but he did a LIFE THREATENING move in TNA.
G-Money said:
First Ill talk about West. Its not because he doesnt root for the bad guy, he just sucks period. He gets overexcited over every single move and really needs to learn how to breave when talking.
That's fine with me. I'd rather have him be excited about the matches than not caring about half of it and continually plugging lousy main events ala WWE's commentary staff. Besides, West actually has something to get excited about because unlike WWE, TNA's wrestling is actually good.
G-Money said:
Again TNA doesn't have to worry about what WWE is doing. Vince brought back ECW because the one night stands made a lot of money, maybe TNA was part of the reason, I dont know but what I do know is ECW is kicking TNA's ass.
ECW isn't kicking anyone's ass because ECW is dead. ECW was owned and run by Paul Heyman. Neither of which is accurate about that show at present. The only thing you get to watch with that moniker can best be described as "Diet Raw." TNA is definitely part of the reason for Vince slapping another show together and putting it on...the Sci-Fi Netork?!? Vince remembers that his ego and shield of invincibility was what nearly did him in back in the mid 90's. This is why he's trying to kill TNA before it steals fans away from his continually droll product. Vince and co. are and have been stuck in a rut for a few years now.
G-Money said:
Iv seen Stings matches from some ppvs and they were decent...nothing compared to what he did in WCW. Thats because he is getting old, but story wise I think he is in a horrible story..it bores the hell out of me. Also wasnt Sting supposed to bring in ratings..which worked but then the ratings dropped again cause no one gave a shit.
If you want to get nit-picky, I've been a Sting fan since 1988 and I don't think all but a few of his matches since he put on the black and white were anything near what he was before the layoff. Each to his own regarding the story. It may bore the hell out of you, but those at the Impact Zone each week would probably disagree with you. Sting wasn't supposed to be a ratings magnet. He was there to secure a TV deal, just like Steiner. If he was supposed to generate ratings, then I ask you again: Why do they barely use him on TV?
G-Money said:
As for Cage though, yes he is in the mid-card, High mid-card yes but still the freaking mid-card. He was pretty much in the mid-card when he was the champ. When Sting came into TNA Cage wasn't the main guy anymore, he was and still is in Sting's shadow. And he is fueding with Rhino, who cares, Rhino is boring.
So even though he's in a feud that is drawing major heat from the crowd, he's still an underused midcard wrestler? His segments are usually given more airtime than the other midcard talent. Is it because he's not in the hunt for the belt this month? Why is Rhino boring? Because he's a solid worker who was pissed away by WWE. Because he's one of the most brutal, agile, big men in the game. Please astound me as to what gets you hyped about watching wrestling.
G-Money said:
And another thing, TNA better stop shooting on WWE because they will end up waking a sleeping giant that TNA can't handle and then before you know it TNA will be apart of WWE 24/7
WWE/:wwf: >>>>>>TNA
End up waking a sleeping giant? Newsflash: The giant has been dead for a few years now. Panda Energy generates over $200 million per year (not including TNA revenue). Anyone with some money can oppose Vince McMahon. Panda is loaded. And Vince better not mention Turner's name too much or ol' Teddy might have to jump back in the "wrasslin" business and throttle Vince's ass. I'm not sure if you're aware, but with the purchase of WCW and the cornering of the market WWE should never have been a sleeping giant in the first place..but alas Vince McMahon is a lot luckier than he is intelligent.
Kasey you crack me up. Talk about shooting blanks, all you have been doing is blindly attacking WWE, atleast G-Money has backed up his stuff with FACTS! TNA isn't as good as you think it is, so just stop it!

And yes, ECW is killing TNA in the ratings, deal with it. BTW Kasey, do you even watch WWE?

:wwf:>tna... Sorry dudes, but as Kurt angle says, its true, its damn true.
ok hows this for some facts:
1. WWE does not put on any exciting matches anymore and are not really worth watching for the most part.
2. WWE is giving air time to no talent loser like Cade and Murdoch, Spirit Squad, and the Samoa Joe clone Umaga.
3. The only competitive division in WWE anymore is the heavyweights, while on the other hand TNA has all three divisions going full force.

nuff said pal
DeathIsARight said:
Kasey you crack me up. Talk about shooting blanks, all you have been doing is blindly attacking WWE, atleast G-Money has backed up his stuff with FACTS! TNA isn't as good as you think it is, so just stop it!

And yes, ECW is killing TNA in the ratings, deal with it. BTW Kasey, do you even watch WWE?

:wwf:>tna... Sorry dudes, but as Kurt angle says, its true, its damn true.
Look, I'm not sure if you're aware, but there is a solid difference between facts and opinions. He doesn't like West's commentary style. That's his OPINION. Not a fact. He sees TNA taking shots (when it's actually just a few of the wrestlers) as a "sign of weakness" by the company. Once again, OPINION. He says TNA "ruined" Sting. I'm sure there are others who would disagree...because it's all OPINION. Next, he states OPINIONS about the current storyline Sting is in. Look, I could go on forever, but the point is that you need to actually read the posts. No, actually TNA is as good as I think it is. ECW is nothing but a WWE B-level show. If ECW was started as a completely fresh show that wasn't sucking off the lead-in advertising and starpower of Raw and Smackdown's collective tits and still beating TNA, then that would be something. Do I watch WWE? Yes, almost nonstop since I was five. I went to watch Wrestlemania 2 on closed circuit TV before the days of PPV, so I kind of know the score in relation to most American wrestling and I actually realize there were solid matches produced before the turn of this century. You remind me of myself when I was 15 and too stubborn to admit that ECW was kicking ass all over the Big Two when it came to delivering better wrestling.
Kasey said:
Look, I'm not sure if you're aware, but there is a solid difference between facts and opinions. He doesn't like West's commentary style. That's his OPINION. Not a fact. He sees TNA taking shots (when it's actually just a few of the wrestlers) as a "sign of weakness" by the company. Once again, OPINION. He says TNA "ruined" Sting. I'm sure there are others who would disagree...because it's all OPINION. Next, he states OPINIONS about the current storyline Sting is in. Look, I could go on forever, but the point is that you need to actually read the posts. No, actually TNA is as good as I think it is. ECW is nothing but a WWE B-level show. If ECW was started as a completely fresh show that wasn't sucking off the lead-in advertising and starpower of Raw and Smackdown's collective tits and still beating TNA, then that would be something. Do I watch WWE? Yes, almost nonstop since I was five. I went to watch Wrestlemania 2 on closed circuit TV before the days of PPV, so I kind of know the score in relation to most American wrestling and I actually realize there were solid matches produced before the turn of this century. You remind me of myself when I was 15 and too stubborn to admit that ECW was kicking ass all over the Big Two when it came to delivering better wrestling.

1. I am 25 and have seen all wrestlemanias.
2. If you think TNA has better wrestling, that is an Opinion not a fact, because I don't think they do. I have watched TNA and never liked it too much.
3. You have no right to call people stubborn for not thinking TNA has better wrestling. Its like calling people stubborn for not agreeing with you.
4. Its not right to compare ECW to WWF and WCW, ECW had a different style of wrestling then them. Also saying they had better matches is also a opinion, one I don't share. I didn't watch it then and don't now. Saw it didn't like it.
DeathIsARight said:
1. I am 25 and have seen all wrestlemanias.
2. If you think TNA has better wrestling, that is an Opinion not a fact, because I don't think they do. I have watched TNA and never liked it too much.
3. You have no right to call people stubborn for not thinking TNA has better wrestling. Its like calling people stubborn for not agreeing with you.
4. Its not right to compare ECW to WWF and WCW, ECW had a different style of wrestling then them. Also saying they had better matches is also a opinion, one I don't share. I didn't watch it then and don't now. Saw it didn't like it.

Not my place to get involved but f*ck it. You my friend are not 25 unless you are a girl, nobody could possibly prefer two oversized, overtoned no-talent, braindead monkeys bitchslapping eachother for ten minutes in the WWE over the WRESTLING delivered by TNA on a weekly basis. If you said you preferred ROH, CZW, PWG even, NOAH, FMW, AAA, hell even old WCW and WWF stuff, it would be understandable - all are a different style with their own unique appeal. The current WWE style has no motherfucking appeal whatsoever. Ive seen better technical wrestling in bar fights, and more athletic high-flying ability in golf.

I showed my 10 year old Cena-mark nephew a CZW match (don't judge me - I know i probably shouldnt have) and he has never watched WWE again. So you obviously are quite young yourself and have never watched anything outside the WWE. And if so, then you don't watch it for wrestling, you want to see pyro, light shows, smoke and music. Just to let you know there are many CONCERTS you can watch on tv and dvd that would absolutely blow your friggin mind away.
The biggest trouble with TNA now is they've got loads of great talent but they keep booking people like Jarrett and Sting for their world title. They won't challange WWE until they can grow their own champ
DeathIsARight said:
1. I am 25 and have seen all wrestlemanias.
I am, too. So have I.
DeathIsARight said:
2. If you think TNA has better wrestling, that is an Opinion not a fact, because I don't think they do. I have watched TNA and never liked it too much.
TNA has better executed wrestling with a more diverse roster, more creativity in each match when it comes to moves and pacing, more creative gimmick matches, more consistent crowd response from said matches, and no limits in regards to the types of maneuvers each wrestler can actually perform. Notice the WWE crowds and their listlessness during the majority of their shows? That's because the majority of the wrestling isn't entertaining them, hence the piped in crowd sounds for Smackdown. The funny part is that those dumbassess are stupid enough to pay to see it.
DeathIsARight said:
3. You have no right to call people stubborn for not thinking TNA has better wrestling. Its like calling people stubborn for not agreeing with you.
You bet I do. I don't care if someone is stubborn, but they better have ammunition to back up their claim. TNA's crowds are consistently more responsive with each match (even on TV). WWE has trouble keeping people awake a majority of the time. Does this mean that WWE wrestling is so good they're held speechless? I thought not.
DeathIsARight said:
4. Its not right to compare ECW to WWF and WCW, ECW had a different style of wrestling then them. Also saying they had better matches is also a opinion, one I don't share. I didn't watch it then and don't now. Saw it didn't like it.
Bulls**t. Both of the Big Two stole ECW's ideas for hardcore wrestling and created belts to try and capitalize off of it. They stole the idea for using cruiserweights (where do you think Mysterio debuted in the states?). They also raided plenty of talent. The difference was that they didn't know how to use it to draw the insane reactions those wrestlers once received in Philly (with a few exceptions...namely Austin). I mean, they had Tommy Dreamer eating stuff out of a toilet bowl and Perry Saturn wearing a dress. Even in the heyday of both big companies, they NEVER had fans as passionate and loyal as the ECW bunch. You never heard fans chanting "WCW" or "WWE" because they loved the companies so much. You say you didn't watch it then? They how the hell would you know if the matches are better or worse? Most of the best wrestling of the '90s came out of there. Just because something is run in a bigger arena doesn't make the product anymore full of quality than if it's run in a bingo hall. If you tried looking past your own nose you'd see that there is more going on in the squared circle than the s**t that permeates from Connecticut each week.
DeathIsARight said:
I don't like what you like so I MUST be a child.

I am done with you TNA marks and your crappy promotion.
No, you're a child because you have WWE blinders on and can't acknowledge that there is/was any wrestling that beats what happens in WWE. I bet you like Cena and Batista, too. Go back to Markville with the rest of the lemmings who eat every spoonfed gimmick the McMahon's s**t out. Don't let the door hit you in the rump.
uld have mad this a month ago but still hne wasnt gettuing along with Zybysko and AJ and Jarret plain hated him whjile more people feel its better for hardy to be in WWE
Of course its the money. But did you notice the attention the drew to his return? Using him as a money spinner!
I only got one thing to say on the matter....back when WCW and ECW were still around, i watched all three programs, recorded raw while i watched nitro and then watched raw later....i watch both TNA and Raw now, don't get into smackdown to much, but i watch when i get a chance. I personally think tha TNA and WWE are on opposite ends of the spectrum as far as story lines go, WWE drags them out far to long, and TNA in my opinion abandons most story lines not involved with the heavy weight title far before they should. I like the fact that Raven himself started talking while he was absent about the good developing story line they were getting him into but i feel TNA dropped the ball on that one. It seemed like it was a few weeks of Raven stalking Zybisco and then a match and boom it was done, no after math just dropped. And to stick to the same star here the brother Runt angle should have been developed longer after the 1000 tac match....making the turn more of a paper view type event. I know we all like to see the shocking on each and every show but sometimes you have to save some....Another thing i honestly think they do wrong is like with sting coming to TNA.....They make an announcement of the face of TNA changing, and then they hint to who it is, and then eventually prematurely tell you.....Build it without really hinting, maybe leak it out on the internet as a rumor and get us all buzzing......This business is about more then wrestling, acting, and politics......Got to have us anticipating, so that we can't wait till next week to see what happens.......TNA trys to do this i just think they do it in more of a defunked towards the end of the run WCW way by having a star like Jarret say you'll get my answer next week....He don't need to say that....the question or challenge has been thrown out....we know if we don't see an answer by the end of the show we will get one next week unless they pull a WCW and just forget about it.......Look at the greatest story line i think that has ever happened, the Sting out of action for over two years....they slowly brought him back in the rafters, build us up.....that was a story line.....
I agree the Sting storyline has got to be one of the best stories in pro wrestling history. I personally prefer the ROH/CZW invasion, but then again they are both on equal footing, each is just pure brilliance in their own way. I also think that the whole Jarrett/Zbysko/Raven conspiracy was awesome. The only problem was Raven. I honestly believe that the story was not intended to end up where it did - they were building towards something special, Raven got screwed out of the title and I really think that he was supposed to end up holding it again.

Only problem is fate decided to kick TNA in the ass. Raven's years of drug abuse finally came back to haunt him and out of nowhere he gains a solid 30-40lbs. Raven couldn't be used in the main-event picture anymore. He is still to this day overweight and subsequently slow and sloppy in the ring. So yeah TNA fucked up with this story but its hard to put the blame on them.
WWE fans are not "scared." That is just stupid. Why would they be "scared." I just don't understand what the point is of being "scared"! If they are watching the WWE, then they obviously like what they are seeing, and will likely continue to watch. There is not a rule ANYWHERE that says you have to choose one promotion. I love both companies because I love wrestling, and the 2 companies offer 2 different takes on wrestling: one is about pure wrestling and the sacrifice the entertainment value of non-wrestling segments. And I love to watch the matches but as soon as a match ends and they start talking about storylines and the announcers talk I am bored because like someone else said before me, it just feels cheap, and there hasnt been very many entertaining storylines. But the wrestling is incredible and I continue to watch TNA for the wrestling.

WWE has sarcrificed pure wrestling to entertain in other aspects and I love it for that. How can TNA beat the DX storyline? Even though they've used it before it is still very entertaining now! WWE has simply chosen to focus more on the stories, and other things than the wrestling. But I still enjoy it very much.

Now if you could put TNA wrestling with WWE production and storylines, holy sh!%@!!! But that won't happen so appreciate your options and maybe even take them both for what they are! YOU DON"T GOTTA CHOOSE JUST ONE!

WWE fans are not scared because there is nothing to be scared about! Even if TNA becomes a major competitor the fans still win because competition will drive WWE to focus more on their weaknesses. But why would they be scared of something that doesn't really hurt them. I guess thats the whole point in this rant is just that I don't understand why they are scared of anything. It is stupid to be scared about this.
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