[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Well I mean how big are they're ratings going to be if they're on at 11 on thursdays for one hour. You guys gotta give them a chance. The rating will improve.
well...just take a look at the excellent in-ring performers that TNA has: Samoa Joe (the best active wrestler right now behind Benoit), AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and the entire X Division. Fasninating future in this company. The storylines certainly aren't as entertaining as the WWE, but the wrestling is lightyears ahead.
Look, the thing about WWEs storylines is they are all recycled. If you've got WWE 24/7, take a look back at the shows from 10-15 years ago. All this shit that's happening now, happened then, just with different characters. And in some cases, the characters aren't even changing. If I have to suffer through one more "reunion" storyline, I'm going to shoot myself.
Another thing that bothers me about their out-of-ring entertainment (as a father) is the fact I have to screen what my son can and can't watch. I don't think bra-and-panties matches, pillow fights, lingerie contests, and diva searches have any place in a wrestling show. I'm pissed at what Vince has turned the women's division into. Years ago, you had women that really could wrestle, that were as athletic as the men, and in some cases (Chyna, Luna Vachon, and Nicole Bass come to mind) that were as strong and scary-0looking as the male wrestlers. Today, you have Trish Stratus v. Ashley Massaro for the world title, while Gail Kim is released from her contract, and Victoria is fodder for Torrie Wilson and Candace Michelle to whup on...
I still watch WWE, and there ARE a few bright spots, but it seems the real talent can't climb above midcard status, and I am predicting where a storyline/angle/feud is going as soon as it starts.
...not that I didn't see where Christian Cage's involvement with Sting and JJ was heading, way before he turned heel...
Hey, I'm a fan (probably soon to be an ex-fan if things carry on as they are) of WWE and I've seen some TNA and I like it. I was just wondering, as a UK fan where can I view it? I try and keep up with it but that's difficult when all I have is TNAwrestling.com's tricky multimedia facilities.
steveo said:
look at tnas ratings...........look at wwe rating
If ratings were what guaranteed quality in a show, then I wouldn't watch wrestling and would frequent an "Everybody Loves Raymond" messageboard.
Okay why would WWE fans be scared of TNA? No one even goes to those shows, WCW was a threat but WWE squashed them, so what makes you think that WWE wont squash TNA. what are you crazy? Yeah right if WWE wanted they could kill that show 1-2-3. Keep on dreamin buddy..
ok buddy get out of the TNA threads because you obviously have not watched a single pay-per-view. Your defensive actions just shows how scared you really are.
mwahhhhhx33 said:
Okay why would WWE fans be scared of TNA? No one even goes to those shows, WCW was a threat but WWE squashed them, so what makes you think that WWE wont squash TNA. what are you crazy? Yeah right if WWE wanted they could kill that show 1-2-3. Keep on dreamin buddy..
They're scared because they've grown up being reared on an inferior product and change is frightening. No one likes to know that they've been believing in something that sucks, while there is another ballgame across town that has more passionate fans, better matches, and better athletes as a whole. In this case, WWE programming (on the average) has been sucking big time. WCW wasn't just a threat, they kicked Vince's ass for 86 straight weeks until Vince Russo overhauled Raw. And once again, I'll inform another newbie mark: Vince only purchased WCW because Bischoff's investors back out at the eleventh hour. There was no corporate takeover. WCW had no TV deal because Time Warner wanted to distance itself from wrestling altogether.
Aeksis8745 said:
ok buddy get out of the TNA threads because you obviously have not watched a single pay-per-view. Your defensive actions just shows how scared you really are.
Don't worry, man. It's the same defensive mode I went into when I watched the first ECW PPV in '97 and they were making fun of all the other wrestling I was watching. It took me a while to finally admit that the bingo hall in Philly had more electricity in the room on any given night than Vince could generate for Wrestlemania.
xchosenonex said:
The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big. Frankly, I can see why they're scared. TNA has better wrestling while WWE has the same old boring storylines of DX v. Spirit Squad and Vince McMahon, and Edge v. John Cena...Again. So, I think what the WWE fan's nervousness is based around is, TNA wrestles and WWE doesn't. In reality, WWE fans realize that better wrestling beats better actors/stale storylines.

totally false, TNA wrestlers are requesting to leave whilist WWE are making new promos as the old ones are coming to a end.
Rated R Superstar316 said:
why would i be scared of tna xchosenonex? theres no good wrestlers on the show, exept like 3, i watch it on thursdays here and there, and to tell u the truth i aint impressed. crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit. i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name Fuck NOT) and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history. Fuck tna. 1 day a week for an hour. wow, how nice.

Can we please make a rule that no kid under the age of 14 can make posts on here, it pisses me off when i have to read what these idiots (through pure immaturity) write stupid things. It makes me want to jump into my screen run through my coxial cables be shot through the air into a satellite and shot back down to their screen just so i can throw something at them. Seriously if u are 12 and like the WWE good luck to you - FUCK OFF!!!! come back in 3 years when you will have the good sense to tell the difference between good and bad wrestling - trust me it WILL happen!!!! By they way dissing TNA for having crappy pyro and theme music is the dumbest thing i have ever seen. if you want good pyro and theme music watch a FUCKING CONCERT. Thats not wrestling you little shit. Although I must admit you're pretty damn cute kid. Be good, dont give ur parents any trouble. OOooh!!! and i feel it is my obligation as a good person and as an elder in the community to pass on my wisdom, dont do drugs kid. Take care. Remember you're welcome back in these forums in 3 years time. I look forward to it.

As for the whole WWE rejects thing, its not their fault that WWE can't make anythign work. Christian as a heel was the most over guy in WWE and they tried to stop fans from cheering him, they even removed his merchandise from WWE shopzone so people wouldnt buy his stuff, WTF!!!!! The with the Dudleys they said they didnt have any story for them at a time when they had not one single legitimate tag team in WWE, this was before even MNM came in. They had nobody. They felt time was better spent on that fkn DivaSearch bullshit. (Note to Vince: if i wanted to watch PORN i would just watch porn). And Rhino, OMG!!!! How do u possibly fuck up a talent like Rhino. Yet another example (along with that bullshit they are calling ECW) of how Vince and the geniuses who work for him could fuck up a wet dream.

Yessie420 said:
why would WWE be scared of TNA i have no clue.. im not saying they are better but they have more $$$$ to work with and when they feel tna becomes a threath they will squash it just like they did WCW.

Why does evryone think this. TNA is backed by Panda Energy, a company with deeper pockets than the WWE despite what everyone seems to think. The only reason TNA is still how it is is because Mr. Carter wants TNA to become a little bigger and a safer investment before he starts pumping some real money into the promotion. WWE cant buy anything if the existing owner doesn't let them, do you people know nothing? (Note: Vince is NOT god. Despite what he may think). Why are people so impatient. As soon as TNA has the confidence to have a real go at it, THEY WILL!!! just be patient, they are taking the safe way to the top, baby steps. And that is the mart way to go at a giant - slowly crrep up behind them.

mwahhhhhx33 said:
Okay why would WWE fans be scared of TNA? No one even goes to those shows, WCW was a threat but WWE squashed them, so what makes you think that WWE wont squash TNA. what are you crazy? Yeah right if WWE wanted they could kill that show 1-2-3. Keep on dreamin buddy..

This is the exact opposite. The small company of the then WWF beat the multi billion dollar WCW becuase WCW had lost their direction and were making shit TV while WWF was on fire. Fast forward 6 years and now its the other way around. The big company is losing fans to the smaller TNA because WWE is making a crappy tv show while TNA is on fire. If history is anything to go by, the question you should be asking is "why wont TNA squash the WWE?"
xchosenonex said:
The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big. Frankly, I can see why they're scared. TNA has better wrestling while WWE has the same old boring storylines of DX v. Spirit Squad and Vince McMahon, and Edge v. John Cena...Again. So, I think what the WWE fan's nervousness is based around is, TNA wrestles and WWE doesn't. In reality, WWE fans realize that better wrestling beats better actors/stale storylines.

Im not scared of some lame company full of reterds.The WWE will always be better because they have real wrestlers and they arent boring like "tna".
The MIZ said:
Im not scared of some lame company full of reterds.The WWE will always be better because they have real wrestlers and they arent boring like "tna".

Please watch TNA before talking about it. BTW, speaking of lame do you actually watch WWE? I highly doubt it. WWE wants to be TNA, i mean you say TNA is full of ******s, so WWE went out of there way to create Eugene - an actual ******ed character. How desperate is WWE. Of course they are scared of TNA, i mean how else do you explain it? Oh thats right Vince is just a dick. Seriously watch TNA before talking shit about it.

BTW I sincerely apologise to all serius wrestling fans who read this. I know its not meant as a forum for me to bitch but I couldnt hold it in, these marks are really pising me off. Ill try to refrain in future.
Tna would be good if its bookers had any idea about wrestling........ I mean u have talented guys like joe, aj and sabin but all they ever do is get put in the shadow of all people jeff jarret......Untill jarret gets his head out of his ass and moves out of the spot light so other younger and more talented wrestlers can take the top spots then tna will not move forward only further and further behind wwe.
Ok let me explain something to you WWE > TNA overall...At the moment TNA > WWE.We cant say TNA is better overall because if we go back in history WWe has put on alot of great matches and has made history so many times on different occasions.No im not a WWE Mark because I have defended TNA on many occasions.TNA > WWE at the moment because WWE is getting boring...There wrestling sucks except for SD! there story lines all there story lines if not most of them is stale.Yeah I prefer TNA RIGHT NOW over WWE but this is just a bad time for WWE. A bad year. We never know if something else happens and changes all of it..So overall I say WWE is better than TNA but right now at this very moment TNA > WWE by alot. Better wrestling, story lines and gimmicks. Its my opinion. Flame me if you want. I really dont care.
The MIZ said:
Im not scared of some lame company full of reterds.The WWE will always be better because they have real wrestlers and they arent boring like "tna".

You, kind sir, are a total idiot. Real wrestlers in the WWE? Where? I mean, yeah, there are a couple, and 90% of them are buried in dark matches, on Heat, or are just used as jobbers so that Batista and Cena can get more screen time.

WWE is to wrestling what circus clowns are to economic probability theories....there ISN'T any wrestling in the WWE. Hell, Vince went as far as taking the word wrestling and doing away with it. Its now called "Sports Entertainment" and no one even says World Wrestling Entertainment...they just say WWE. Its like he is embarrassed that the name has wrestling. If Vince had his way, he would just call it WE. Just get rid of wrestling all together. Hell, if Vince could completely take wrestling out of the shows, make it just two hours of nothing but talking (pretty close already) and still keep ratings up, he would do it in a heart beat. McMahon doesn't care about the fans, the wrestlers, anything. He cares about his money and ratings. Hell, he didn't release Kurt Angle out of sympathy. It wasn't "Oh no, Kurt could kill himself...and think of his family. I can't let that happen." It was more like "OH no, Kurt could kill himself....that will drop ratings cause people know he won't be there anymore....thats not good. I can't let that happen."

You fucking marks talk about him like he has helped create the best thing in wrestling. He did help create the best thing to ever happen to wrestling. If he hadn't bought out WCW, then TNA could have never been. All McMahon has done for the WWE is take it down.

And to the guy who complained about the pyro and music....you're a fucking doucebag. So what TNA doesn't have the commercialized bullshit bands you hear on WWE. Yeah, it doesn't have the big pretty light shows. I thought wrestling was about.....I dunno...WRESTLING!

And Attila...no need to apologize. I've been doing it for awhile. I don't know how many times I have tried telling these douchebags that you can't buy something if it isn't for sale. Their just stupid marks. I mean, cmon, that guys name is THE MIZ?! He's a fucking reality tv star from the real world, and this guy is a big enough fan of his to name himself that. Its obvious the guy has no idea what wrestling really is.

And also, last thing, to the guy who said "why can't you just like both..."

The reason why is because I don't HAVE to like both. WWE doesn't offer anything of any value to me. They take their best talent and waste it, and push utter shit to the top. Their storylines are ridiculous, and they focus to much on stories. I don't care about the stories. Not to mention, their boss isn't even a wrestler, but him and his son are out there EVERY FUCKING NIGHT WAISTING TIME!! At least in TNA the boss really IS a wrestler!
I have liked TNA since i first watches it back in 2002. They were still doing their weekly PPV and those were so good because they made each week a week you could not miss. I have been watching WWE since like 1993 and stopped watching it back in 2002, but then rewatched it to see Hulk Hogan. Ithink that WWE should be scared because they are on Spike TV and are in a bad slot but are still getting good ratings for the bad slot they are in. Also TNA doesn't have cheesey gimmicks that are similar to other ones in the past but altered (Boogeyman-Papa Shango, That school teacher guy on ECW-Shane Douglas of 1995, King Booker-Macho King) I have more. Finally, bring back ECW was a good thing at first, but then they ruined it because they tape it before Smackdown or Raw and they should really have it in small places like they used to. Furthermore, don't say the match is Extreme Rules because all matches that were on ECW never had DQ's, so stop with it and just make it like it used to be that means with PAUL E. in charge making the decisons not Vince.
Final Note: On this website there is a fact saying that T
I have liked TNA since i first watches it back in 2002. They were still doing their weekly PPV and those were so good because they made each week a week you could not miss. I have been watching WWE since like 1993 and stopped watching it back in 2002, but then rewatched it to see Hulk Hogan. Ithink that WWE should be scared because they are on Spike TV and are in a bad slot but are still getting good ratings for the bad slot they are in. Also TNA doesn't have cheesey gimmicks that are similar to other ones in the past but altered (Boogeyman-Papa Shango, That school teacher guy on ECW-Shane Douglas of 1995, King Booker-Macho King) I have more. Finally, bring back ECW was a good thing at first, but then they ruined it because they tape it before Smackdown or Raw and they should really have it in small places like they used to. Furthermore, don't say the match is Extreme Rules because all matches that were on ECW never had DQ's, so stop with it and just make it like it used to be that means with PAUL E. in charge making the decisons not Vince.
Final Note: On this website there is a fact saying that Turner cant put on a wrestling show until April 2006. If Turner had the chance to have wrestling there again (TNA) you dont think he wouldn't do it and do you think that TNA will not take his money, I think so, so watch out WWE.

TNA has two things that WWE wants Better Action, Ultimate X Matches, and
Yes at the moment TNA is not even trying and are burying WWE. I mean there giving the fans a chance to beat the crap out of Jarett with those straps. Even though there probally props i would give anything to be apart of a match where i can help joe or something beat the crap out of someone he is a big heel. They give the fans what they want.
RonaldMcdonald said:
totally false, TNA wrestlers are requesting to leave whilist WWE are making new promos as the old ones are coming to a end.
Yes, two wrestlers are requesting to leave. Good, Monty can get the f*** out of dodge and go wrestle with WWE's other useless airtime hogs (Cena, Big Show, Kane, Khali, Batista...I'm talking to you). Truth just isn't happy because he's not in the world title hunt, and honestly he's right to be upset, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the product as a whole. WWE aren't making new anything. Their wrestling is s***, and their primary angles revolved around kickstarting a dead stable which should've stayed where it belongs: 1997. The others are around Marky Mark the anti-talent, and a two-move ******* named Batista. Meanwhile, one of their top talents of the past five years is running around talking in an attempted English accent regurgitating a gimmick Randy Savage drove into the ground when I was nine. Plus, they let the future of their world title divisions job to a man who nearly blows a pacemaker before he gets to the ring (Yes, Hogan, I'm talking about your worthless ass). Now tell me how this is "new" and exciting?
Kasey said:
Yes, two wrestlers are requesting to leave. Good, Monty can get the f*** out of dodge and go wrestle with WWE's other useless airtime hogs (Cena, Big Show, Kane, Khali, Batista...I'm talking to you). Truth just isn't happy because he's not in the world title hunt, and honestly he's right to be upset, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the product as a whole. WWE aren't making new anything. Their wrestling is s***, and their primary angles revolved around kickstarting a dead stable which should've stayed where it belongs: 1997. The others are around Marky Mark the anti-talent, and a two-move ******* named Batista. Meanwhile, one of their top talents of the past five years is running around talking in an attempted English accent regurgitating a gimmick Randy Savage drove into the ground when I was nine. Plus, they let the future of their world title divisions job to a man who nearly blows a pacemaker before he gets to the ring (Yes, Hogan, I'm talking about your worthless ass). Now tell me how this is "new" and exciting?

Can I get an amen?
WWE can pay more, plain and simple really. Plus he has more of a fan-base on Raw and smackdown maybe
Hardy went home to daddy because TNA wasn't going to put the strap on him. They were right not to do so. As soon as WWE put Jeff back in the ring with Edge and Orton it became blatanly apparent as to why Jeff only functioned well in a tag team. He wrestles too slow in instances, and gets stuck in others. The trick to good wrestling is to make it look as if it's not COMPLETELY fake. He doesn't get this. He also has the ring psychology of a shaved ape. Good riddance.
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