[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I don't mind debating anyone around here about this sort of thing. These arguments are easy to win when most posters don't have a reading level above the fifth grade and can't comprehend that there actually is more than what Titan Towers can spew forth (and that there actually was wrestling before the year 2000). I think some of the WWE diehards are in denial. They may not be scared, and they have no reason to be because TNA isn't exactly kicking down Vince's door ratings-wise at present. However, the quality of each product is undeniable (especially when it comes to the PPV's). WWE's in-ring delivery is on life support for the most part, and their solution to it is to pad it with horrible storylines and idiotic DIVA search contests. The sad thing is that both companies are stock-piled with the biggest assortments of talent ever seen in the business stateside, but TNA is the only one who uses it within even one iota of it's potential. WWE has the gun in their hands...they just can't find the damn trigger.
Rated R Superstar316 said:
why would i be scared of tna xchosenonex? theres no good wrestlers on the show, exept like 3, i watch it on thursdays here and there, and to tell u the truth i aint impressed. crappy announcers, crappy pyros, crappy and i mean crappy music. wwe has the real themes real pyros real wrestlers, and the squared circle, i hate that tna ring, its shit. i am not afraid of a wrestling promotion that takes wwe rejects, cristian, dudleys(team 3d that a great team name NOT) and rhino, guy is challengeing vince, all vince needs to do is send kane after him and rhino is history. Fuck tna. 1 day a week for an hour. wow, how nice.

Slow down son! TNA is totally fan based! How does a company go from weekly PPV to a SPIKE TV deal??? Granted this is not WCW (the best ever) but it is promising and unique. As for calling these guys rejects.. I belive they rejected Vince! JJ screwed vince out of 250K in one night.. Rhino Dissed him on TV, as did Christian, Dudleys stole on the WWecw. Sting NEVER EVER EVER gave Vince the time of day!!!

There is a reason for the 6-sided ring, At first I will agree I hated it, but now it seems 4-sides are boring!
If you are expecting to see WWE or WCW while watching TNA.. Thats why you dont like it!

TNA will use the younger stars as soon as they can build up the program and thats when you will see JJ Sting Stiner out of the picture!
Ok all of you WWE fanboys say WWE is a better sports entertaintment show and your right because they focus on the soap opera and put on sub-par matches when they used to have great stories and great matches. What happend to all of that? TNA has more exciting matches but not enough time to show off like WWE does with there 2 hours on mondays. Smackdown is a joke so i wont even mention it. TNA may not have the storylines to keep up with the WWE but then again WWE's storylines arent that interesting nemore I can pretty much call what is goin to happen as the match is goin on its pretty sad. Raw has the announce team best one in all wrestling but the point is TNA has better matches and WWE is a better soap opera cause they work on mic skills more then the actual wrestling part.
I have been a huge wrestling fan since I was 13. Now I'm 31!

I really enjoy WWE because it is entertaining. But after watching my first TNA Pay-per-view (TNA's Lockdown 06)... man! I was in shock! So different, so unique, so impressive.

I watch WWE's RAW, SD and ECW... but I've been so disapointed with the latest Pay-per-views (except ECW One Night Stand) that I will not pay for any other pay-per-view, except for Wrestlemania.

TNA needs to improve a lot of things (marketing)... but the quality of the matches are FAR FAR FAR superior than WWE matches.

Give TNA a try and you wont regret it!
Kasey said:
I don't mind debating anyone around here about this sort of thing. These arguments are easy to win when most posters don't have a reading level above the fifth grade and can't comprehend that there actually is more than what Titan Towers can spew forth (and that there actually was wrestling before the year 2000). I think some of the WWE diehards are in denial. They may not be scared, and they have no reason to be because TNA isn't exactly kicking down Vince's door ratings-wise at present. However, the quality of each product is undeniable (especially when it comes to the PPV's). WWE's in-ring delivery is on life support for the most part, and their solution to it is to pad it with horrible storylines and idiotic DIVA search contests. The sad thing is that both companies are stock-piled with the biggest assortments of talent ever seen in the business stateside, but TNA is the only one who uses it within even one iota of it's potential. WWE has the gun in their hands...they just can't find the damn trigger.

Very well put. I agree. WWE will use their talent but only when they have a threat against them. The monday night wars is when Pro Wrestling was at it most entertaining. Like I said before a time when in WWE people literally jumped out of their seats when hearing a certain Superstars music. But now even the biggest stars are lucky for a standing ovation.

I'd rather just not argue. A friendly debate is fine, but when people start throwing out how "gay" people are, and "fucking stupid" for not agreeing with them. It gets a little annoying.
WWE fans are constantly coming on the TNA forum and trying to cut it down. Now, I know that's just their opinion, but when they dedicate their profile pictures to show how much they hate TNA and they post day in and day out about how much they think TNA sucks, that's just proof that they're scared and jealous of it. I had the same problem with Cubs fans trolling the White Sox message boards back when I was a regular poster on the White Sox fan forum. Do you know why they were posting how much they thought the sox sucked? It's because the Sox just won the world series so cubs fans were taking their aggresion out on the fans of the Sox. WWE fans are posting how much they hate TNA because TNA just got their own spot on cable, moved from saturday nights and went to Thursdays, and the WWE fans can see just how good the matches in TNA are. So they're getting kind of nervous and jealous of TNA. I don't know why they just can't admit that TNA is better and still watch WWE. It's just wrestling. But, if they want to act like children then that's their problem.
^^ im all with SatansHockey, Which is a sick name dude lol.

I like Tna i like WWE, Im probably a little biased towards the wwe sure, but when u been watching for as many yearrs as i have, you get like that.

Tna is great though and i love and respect all tehre doing for wrestling, X - Division, Taking the so called rejects and making them into what there fans know there capable of.
There going great and will continue to do good things.

WWE - well what can you say its the company we all grew up with, And although in a slump now now one can doubt its credentials and we will all still watch it.

So both are fine imo and i will not sway from that view
grungy72 said:
^^ im all with SatansHockey, Which is a sick name dude lol.

I like Tna i like WWE, Im probably a little biased towards the wwe sure, but when u been watching for as many yearrs as i have, you get like that.

Tna is great though and i love and respect all tehre doing for wrestling, X - Division, Taking the so called rejects and making them into what there fans know there capable of.
There going great and will continue to do good things.

WWE - well what can you say its the company we all grew up with, And although in a slump now now one can doubt its credentials and we will all still watch it.

So both are fine imo and i will not sway from that view

Thanks, im with you there too, I grew up watching the WWF(E) and that's why Ill probably always watch it, but ive always enjoyed the other companies that are out there as well. I have gone to a large amount of old ECW events and I would like to go to TNA if they ever come near me(NY,NJ area) To me the more the wrestling the better.
I Know I Have A Sig Knocking Tna But I Like It Aj Is The Best Out Of All The Companys I Like The Sig Becouse It Has Joe In It And I Dont Like Him So Thats Why I Have One I Want Every One To Know I Think Joe Is Overrated
Dude i love that sig, evn though it knocks Tna it makes me laugh, Is it me or does joe in that pic look like a FAT ELVIS
grungy72 said:
Dude i love that sig, evn though it knocks Tna it makes me laugh, Is it me or does joe in that pic look like a FAT ELVIS

It looks like thats the look he's always going for is Elvis. Haha.
hell no tna have only have wrestlers with good finishers about it and the best wrestler in there is a.j styles!!! vince cares less about tna he gots money and if he wanted 2 he will buy tna... but it blows
i've seen tna ppv's, they prolly have a stronger undercard than wwe, but i think wwe has better main events and better storylines to go with them.
I am talking as WWE fan and as TNA fan. I not getting scared at all. TNA has not proven to me that they are a force to be reckoned with yet. TNA has some the best young wrestlers. But they starting to remind me of WCW. TRYing to steal wrestlers and thats been done didn't worck. They not even close to comepeting WWE yet. There one hour show a week. It Like ECW vs WWE in the old days. Get rid of the vertans and stay with young ones.
As much as I like TNA they can't consider themselves contenders to the WWE yet until they start actually doing shows around the country. Bound For Glory is a start though.
^^ good point and totally agree, whilst they are pre taping and at one locale they will not be on wwe page
I think that TNA us building slowley but surely. I read somewhere that people buy the TNA DVDs way more than the WWE ones. And people watch the TNA DVDs more often than WWEs. So TNA is definetly making money and I think they will still be around in a few years and will be a force to be reckoned with in those years.
they need to start a tour and find a different time slot and a longer one. TNA has the potential to be good. But all I see is WCW. They come over for WWE do the same crap and promos. Look at the James Gang, Its DX with out HBK and HHH. Christan same old crybaby he alwasy was. Jeff J. thinks he gods gift to wrestling. Everybody says it different, I just don't see the differnce. Best thing they got young talent and they aint using them as they should
yes they do have good distribution of there dvds and what not and a tour would be a good idea, They really do need to branch out, They got the talent and resources now, Its time to really flog the idea of tna put it out there be heard, See what type of reaction they get. Tna would be welcomed in australia in a big way
How do you think their not using their talent right? I think they're using they're guys better than WWE.
Philbrook37 said:
dont get me wrong there good wrestling but Vince has the money to buy tna out anytime..not to mention that all tna maineventers are past wwe,wcw,ecw stars..

Let's not get ahead of oursleves:
Booker T - WCW
Rey Mysterio - WCW
Rob Van Dam - ECW
Chris Benoit - WCW
Big Show - WCW

All promotions "steal" stars that's required to get fans attention
and let's not forget the "Legends"

Stone Cold - WCW
Mick Foley - WCW
Ric Flair - WCW
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