[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Oh man it is definetly obvious that you have not watched a single TNA ppv. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but do yourself a favor and go out and buy ANY TNA ppv dvd and your eyes will be opened to a whole new world. I think there are at least 3 matches better than those two matches you mentioned on any TNA ppv.
Youre right i havent, but the thing with the WWE matches is that since more time on national TV is built around the storylines and not actually wrestling, the moment at the PPV when they finally lock up like the two matches I just mentioned are so anticipated and the atmosphere is electric
Please. IF you have never saw a tna ppv or show post in this thread cuz you cant judge like that. It makes you and your post look dumb. Because you dont know what your talking about.^ Not you directly.
westerlybulldogs said:
why does everyone knock wwe's matches? I doubt TNA has had matches as good as Cena and Edge's TLC Match, or Cena against Rob Van Dam
please tell me your kidding i could name atleats ten matches off the top of my head that were better than those 2
westerlybulldogs said:
Youre right i havent, but the thing with the WWE matches is that since more time on national TV is built around the storylines and not actually wrestling, the moment at the PPV when they finally lock up like the two matches I just mentioned are so anticipated and the atmosphere is electric
Oh, you don't even know man. When you watch a TNA pay-per-view match live you can't even explain the electricity in the air. There's a lot of electricity because everyone in that building knows that they're about to see a great and memorable match. And that goes for pretty much every match on the card for any pay-per-view. It's always great. Trust me, order bound for glory. Just give it ONE chance. If it doesn't do it for you (and it will) then you don't have to watch it ever again. Just trust me.
iamwrestling said:
Oh, you don't even know man. When you watch a TNA pay-per-view match live you can't even explain the electricity in the air. There's a lot of electricity because everyone in that building knows that they're about to see a great and memorable match. And that goes for pretty much every match on the card for any pay-per-view. It's always great. Trust me, order bound for glory. Just give it ONE chance. If it doesn't do it for you (and it will) then you don't have to watch it ever again. Just trust me.
There's nobody to root for! It's quite lame. Just how are you supposed to get into the matches? I swear the tna audiance are a bunch of neanderthals. You should like a person for who he is not what he does with his body. It's impossible to get this through the skulls of dumb fat lazy ignorant americans though.
trunksjmd said:
There's nobody to root for! It's quite lame. Just how are you supposed to get into the matches? I swear the tna audiance are a bunch of neanderthals. You should like a person for who he is not what he does with his body. It's impossible to get this through the skulls of dumb fat lazy ignorant americans though.
That's completely uncalled for. TNA fans like the wrestlers who can actually you know, wrestle! We don't care about stupid soap opera storylines where people are forced to kiss the bosses butt or where there's a live sex celebration instead of a main event. What we care about is great wrestling and the excitement comes straight from the fact that we know there is about to be great wrestling going on. And as for your americans comment, I know there's a lot of ignorant people in this country, but there is no reason to talk about it like that. It had absolutely nothing to do with this topic of discussion.
trunksjmd said:
There's nobody to root for! It's quite lame. Just how are you supposed to get into the matches? I swear the tna audiance are a bunch of neanderthals. You should like a person for who he is not what he does with his body. It's impossible to get this through the skulls of dumb fat lazy ignorant americans though.

That was uncalled for. This is an official warning, do not do that again.
You cant warn him for that..He wasnt flaming anyone in particular. Just Americans and TNA fans which is uncalled for. TNA Fans are smaller then WWE's. But I bet ya Every TNA fan knows what their talking about and watch TNA for the great matches. I ordered three ppvs and now im hooked. There cheaper and better imo.
xchosenonex said:
The once, completely confident WWE fans, are now starting to show some signs of being scared or nervous of TNA becoming big. Frankly, I can see why they're scared. TNA has better wrestling while WWE has the same old boring storylines of DX v. Spirit Squad and Vince McMahon, and Edge v. John Cena...Again. So, I think what the WWE fan's nervousness is based around is, TNA wrestles and WWE doesn't. In reality, WWE fans realize that better wrestling beats better actors/stale storylines.
i like all the wrestling shows and i have been watching and reading about tna since "the suntanned superman" first title reign,some of you guys have been watching tna for five seconds and abandon the wwe why do you have to hate wwe and love tna or love wwe and hate tna,i happen to like both and i like all wrestling new japan,emll,wwe,wwecw,nwa/tna,roh,and any other wrestling promotion you can think of although the "pro" tna fans are crazy to say that right now tna has a better product then wwe, tna has the same dumba** storylines as wwe as a matter of fact worse then wwe.i don't know if you guys watch tna all the time but there show is well below even raw and smackdown and ecw they don't show more wrestling then the wwe it's about the same,also to say tna has better talent is an insult to wrestlers every where they both have great rosters but until tna pick if they want to be gimmicky like wwe or wrestle like tna of old they have no identity tna as great as it is, is no match for wwe right now but i hope they reach the point they are looking for wresling is better with competition.
iamwrestling said:
That's completely uncalled for. TNA fans like the wrestlers who can actually you know, wrestle! We don't care about stupid soap opera storylines where people are forced to kiss the bosses butt or where there's a live sex celebration instead of a main event. What we care about is great wrestling and the excitement comes straight from the fact that we know there is about to be great wrestling going on. And as for your americans comment, I know there's a lot of ignorant people in this country, but there is no reason to talk about it like that. It had absolutely nothing to do with this topic of discussion.
you keep saying tna "fans" like wrestling and hate the silly storylines but tna has silly storylines too and wwe has great wrestling matches also, so i don't see the point you are trying to make, the whole jacka** thing that tna was doing to the x-division wasn't dumb?, the done over and over again stolen title isn't a little weak?,you guys need to learn how to see things how they are and not how you want to see them tna/wwe are more alike then any of you "pro" wwe or "pro" tna guys would like to admitt.
Yeah, there are some stupid storylines in TNA, like the Eric Young thing, the Jackass thing, Norman Smiley and Shark Boy period, and...I can't really think of anything else. But the whole show isn't based completely around those like WWE is. There are nights where the main event is replaced by people kissing vince McMahon's butt. There was a live sex celebration two times. Eric Bischoff was thrown into a dumpster! The boogeyman took air time away from young guys just so everyone could laugh for a few moments. Paul Burchill dressed up like a friggin' pirate. Eugene pokes fun at handicap people. Maria acts stupid. All of those things are pointless things that never needed to happen to get fans watching. TNA however, is based around wrestling. When they have feuds, the feuds are hardly ever started with talking, they're started with fights. They don't have nearly as much talking segments as they do matches. Heck, the first twenty minutes of Raw is pretty much always talking. TNA and WWE aren't even close to being similar.
Jrock said:
TNA isn't a threat to WWE. It won't ever be.

Sorry that isn't true. TNA is not a threat now but soon it will be. wait untill next year and then TNA and WWE will be competitng for rating(or at least I hope so)
iamwrestling said:
Yeah, there are some stupid storylines in TNA, like the Eric Young thing, the Jackass thing, Norman Smiley and Shark Boy period, and...I can't really think of anything else. But the whole show isn't based completely around those like WWE is. There are nights where the main event is replaced by people kissing vince McMahon's butt. There was a live sex celebration two times. Eric Bischoff was thrown into a dumpster! The boogeyman took air time away from young guys just so everyone could laugh for a few moments. Paul Burchill dressed up like a friggin' pirate. Eugene pokes fun at handicap people. Maria acts stupid. All of those things are pointless things that never needed to happen to get fans watching. TNA however, is based around wrestling. When they have feuds, the feuds are hardly ever started with talking, they're started with fights. They don't have nearly as much talking segments as they do matches. Heck, the first twenty minutes of Raw is pretty much always talking. TNA and WWE aren't even close to being similar.
well i can see your points but there is just as much talking as wwe they have a hour show right now i say about 45 mins of t.v. time 20 of those mins are devoted to talking and makeing storylines just like wwe's hour show wwecw tna recycles old storylines from wrestling just like wwe.p.s you forgot the kevin nash x-division thing,the stolen title storyline (used to death in every promotion), time devoted to bobby rude finding a manager?(what the hell is that?),the misdirection of there main selling point the x-division,and i could name a few more.
I have always been a fan of the wwe(wwf). I never watched wcw when they had the wars. so your prob goign to say my reply to this is bias. My best friend is a huge wrestling fan as i am and he loves tna wrestling. i never really thought about giving it a chance but he invited me over for one of the tna pay perviews and i thought it was alright. i wasnt extremely impressed but i thought it was different. I think its good for the wrestling business to have tna around and have competition. It gives a chance for more wrestlers to either grow nationally (joe,styles,daniels,sabin,dutt, etc.) and it gives a chance to wrestlers to stay on top somewhere (jarret,sting,angle,rhino) and to someone like christian a chance to finally be on top. but im not so sure he wouldnt have been in wwe seeing as edge is and christian was always on the same level as edge. anyhow i dont think its wwe vs. tna atleast not at the moment. when i asked my friend about the angle signing he said he was very pumped up about the decision but then he kinda said that he just loves the tna product so much that he is afriad of vinnie mac squashing tna because of talent coming over. right now i dont think its a problem maybe down the road there will be competetion but by no means what so ever does tna have better wrestlers. and if you start to watch this closer i predict that tna will continue to try to pry vetern wrestlers who have already been on top or atleast have a big fan base away from wwe to bring more viewers(wcw) then wwe will continue to bring up talent (cm punk, masters, orton, kenny, ect.) anyhow i never got into tna ive seen three pay per views and there were good matches but it never had an effect on me and i dont watch it on tv. I like the competetion its good for business but wwe is and will always been the show.
The x division, aka the little kids division. The fighting is so urealistic that It's tantamount to when I tried watching power rangers and taking it seriously. Dosent anyone here watch ufc? Has anyone here ever even been in a real fight? Most fights take place on the ground. High flying move's are something I detest. If you are going to do one then at least "pull it off" don't just do them on a wim. What kind of a donkey does a HFM every other move? The more they do this the more staged the wrestling matches seem. I would literally have to lower my intelligents to take the x division seriously. Not to mention forget everything i've learned about MMA fighting. Since most fights takes place on the ground, I must say that the x division wrestlers look like a bunch of silly stick men.
trunksjmd said:
The x division, aka the little kids division. The fighting is so urealistic that It's tantamount to when I tried watching power rangers and taking it seriously. Dosent anyone here watch ufc? Has anyone here ever even been in a real fight? Most fights take place on the ground. High flying move's are something I detest. If you are going to do one then at least "pull it off" don't just do them on a wim. What kind of a donkey does a HFM every other move? The more they do this the more staged the wrestling matches seem. I would literally have to lower my intelligents to take the x division seriously. Not to mention forget everything i've learned about MMA fighting. Since most fights takes place on the ground, I must say that the x division wrestlers look like a bunch of silly stick men.

And that is relivant to Bound for Glory how? I guess that makes two warnings for you then.
And that is relivant to Bound for Glory how? I guess that makes two warnings for you then.

Lol, Johnny this is the WWE vs Tna thread.. Why are you warning him when he said what he feels about the X-Div in the right thread?
I'm a WWE fan but I come into the TNA forums a lot and often look at the videos on their site cos I don't have the channels that I can watch TNA on. I have a message for all you WWE fans who come on these forums and just spam and say "TNA sucks. Fuck you.". That message is... FUCK YOU! Be respectful of other people you waste of space and at least state a reason why you don't like TNA. Most people who say shit like that haven't even observed the TNA product. If they had then they probably wouldn't be bumming up to no-talents like John Cena etc.
trunksjmd said:
The x division, aka the little kids division. The fighting is so urealistic that It's tantamount to when I tried watching power rangers and taking it seriously. Dosent anyone here watch ufc? Has anyone here ever even been in a real fight? Most fights take place on the ground. High flying move's are something I detest. If you are going to do one then at least "pull it off" don't just do them on a wim. What kind of a donkey does a HFM every other move? The more they do this the more staged the wrestling matches seem. I would literally have to lower my intelligents to take the x division seriously. Not to mention forget everything i've learned about MMA fighting. Since most fights takes place on the ground, I must say that the x division wrestlers look like a bunch of silly stick men.
I've watched UFC since 1993. So what? Wrestling as a whole is fake. If you detest high-flying moves, then why the hell do you watch wrestling in the first place? The gimmicks? It's okay that you dislike them, because everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint, but I fail to see the difference between "slow-and-grounded" fake versus "high-flying fake." So I can get a gander at what you're ideal contest is, who are your favorites to watch?
PauLwaLL said:
Lol, Johnny this is the WWE vs Tna thread.. Why are you warning him when he said what he feels about the X-Div in the right thread?

Damn I dont know what happened, I was sure I clicked on the BFG Thread, meh. No matter the guy is going to end up getting banned eventually anyway, I'll just have to wait a little longer.
Are you kidding me? Even though there staged, ground matches are more closer to reality than flying around in the air. If your going to do a high fying move, work your way up to it and then miraculously pull it off. Don't just do it every other move. You'll just look dumb.
TNA is purely and simply just WCW all over again. with new faces and some older ones, thats it. its not an important company and only melvins watch it. its one day going to be bought by WWE whether all of you melvins like it or not, so cut it with the whole WWE is scared of TNA. its gonna happen.
That's a very immature point of view to have. I honestly don't see WWE buying TNA and even if it does, why can't we enjoy it "while it lasts"?
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