[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Rated R Superstar316 said:
Look RAW is 2 hours ans SmackDown is 2 hours and ECW is soon going to turn to 2 hours how will TNA compete against 3 of Vince McMahons shows? Even if TNA turns to 2 hours it's still in trouble.

now isnt that damn true, all u stubid tna wrestling fans....
look like you I'm a hardcore wwe fan, I love it just because the guys in the creative team are shit and don't give good storylines thats not thew fault of us the fans and I think wwe fans doesn't need to get that low to insult the fans of a good promotion like tna and you tna fans don't need to be saying that wwe sucks, can we just have to very good promotions and try to open our minds to other things
crippler2525 said:
look like you I'm a hardcore wwe fan, I love it just because the guys in the creative team are shit and don't give good storylines thats not thew fault of us the fans and I think wwe fans doesn't need to get that low to insult the fans of a good promotion like tna and you tna fans don't need to be saying that wwe sucks, can we just have to very good promotions and try to open our minds to other things

Where is the fun in that? Look this is a war, and when a war you don't just say" aw forget it lets just stop this fighting and go home" No you fight to the death and TNA is losing the war.
wwe relys on vinces money. thats how all the different brands of wwe can be funded. WCW went out of buisness because they relied on ted turner and made stupid decisions. I can see vince doing the same thing. hes to rich and i would agree that tna is the small dog now but the hungary dog at the bottom of the mountain is always more motivated than the well fed dog on top. Vince is a TRUE LIFE, no storylines about it peace of shit human being. He is corrupted and he will fall.
I would just like to say thank you to Kasey. You've offered a lot of intelligent and witty retorts, in contrast to this servant of The E, who shall go unnamed...I'm not around here to sling mud at others though; and as it is I would like to say that over the past year WWE has proven to me, through its various programs, that it has completely lost the ability to be entertaining. It literally puts me to sleep, I kid you not. TNA may not be perfect, but it sure as hell is a lot better than anything The E is offering. The most viewers do not equal the best promotion or the best show, a fact that I wish more fans would realize before all good wrestling shows get taken over by The E and its zombie promotion, WWECW...
Blackthorn said:
I would just like to say thank you to Kasey. You've offered a lot of intelligent and witty retorts, in contrast to this servant of The E, who shall go unnamed...I'm not around here to sling mud at others though; and as it is I would like to say that over the past year WWE has proven to me, through its various programs, that it has completely lost the ability to be entertaining. It literally puts me to sleep, I kid you not. TNA may not be perfect, but it sure as hell is a lot better than anything The E is offering. The most viewers do not equal the best promotion or the best show, a fact that I wish more fans would realize before all good wrestling shows get taken over by The E and its zombie promotion, WWECW...
It's just like 1997 when Bret Hart was still in the WWF in the middle of their whole storyline and he had his first encounters with Austin (starting at S.S. 1996). Even though WCW was trouncing them in the ratings, the WWF product was generating more fierce pops and heat than anything I've ever seen. Even though I was a WCW fan and loved Nitro, I could tell right then that the tide would turn because these young WWF upstarts had momentum and they were hungry. Their product was sharper and the main event matches were leagues more exciting than Hogan versus Flair, or Hogan versus Piper. I look at WWE and all I see is wasted resources. They have some of the best wrestling talent on the entire planet and all the means in the world to push it. They just don't use any of it. Instead, they spend time doing primary pushes to a group of individuals who can't lace the boots of yesterday's WWF/E greats like Stone Cold or The Rock. It hurts to see it because I've been a fan of WWF stuff (even if I don't like the man pushing it) since the age of four. Hell, I still have original VHS copies of a majority of the classic PPVs all the way back to WM 1.
I've watched WWE since before the Attitude Era but I switched on TNA iMPACT the other night and I found on equal par to the Attitude Era, in entertainment value, and was easily MUCH more entertaining than the 6 hours of WWE I have forced down my throat every week. Let me just say this, TNA has more entertainment than WWE. How can I say that? Because what TNA has is entertaining, what WWE has is a glorified soap opera and a sh*t one at that.
tna_fan said:
they got rid of hard is because hes a crack head just like you wwe marks

Oh man you are so smart that is so right!

Money, matt, exposure, and WWE offered him a clean slate that he didn't have with TNA anymore. Seems like all TNA fans hate this guy now that he is in WWE, but when he was in TNA they loved him so much? This is annoying how people will turn on a person as soon as they go from one company to another and immediately dismiss them as a telentless P.O.S.
Actually a lot of TNA fans always resented Hardy for some reason. They cheered when he would do big drops and shit, of course, but they never really took to him the way WWE fans did. But I agree that a lot of fans have still jumped on the Hate-Hardy bandwagon since his TNA departure.

BTW, didnt this thread die about 4 weeks ago. Who brought it back into the top five?
I couldn't stand Hardy since about 1997. I still remember when they were both signed to WWF deals and even advertised on their webiste that they were going to get tag team title runs down the line. The guy has all the tools, but he's never worked hard enough to procure his overall package. His agility and grace are paramount at times, but then other times his matches are a disjointed, sloppy-@$$ joke. TNA fans didn't buy it because Hardy lives for the one-move spot and wouldn't know a solidly-paced match if it jumped up and bit him in the junk. If you added Matt and Jeff's collective talent, then you'd probably have one decent wrestler.
I mean WWE has shitty wrestling, TNA has shitty storylines and makes no sense. Just get some ROH DVDs and forget about them both, right?


Watch what you like and shut up about it.
wwe has shitty wrestling yet i guess we forget its called SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT and not just pure wrestling...they have good wrestling mixed with promos and better storylines which is y they are the most recognized and STILL running business since the old days...explain to me y ratings are 3.0 and above? Tna has good wrestling but doesnt understand good promos and storylines which is y they will stay with 1.0 ratings till they realize what to fix....tna sucks plain and simple
ErkBono23 said:
wwe has shitty wrestling yet i guess we forget its called SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT and not just pure wrestling...they have good wrestling mixed with promos and better storylines which is y they are the most recognized and STILL running business since the old days...explain to me y ratings are 3.0 and above? Tna has good wrestling but doesnt understand good promos and storylines which is y they will stay with 1.0 ratings till they realize what to fix....tna sucks plain and simple
So which does WWE have? Shitty wrestling, or good wrestling? I vote for shitty the majority of the time. Their promos are better SOMETIMES. The storylines aren't exactly anything to write home about. Ratings are at 3.0 and above, your're right. However, they used to be nearly twice that. Along with WCW's ratings, which were around the 3.0 range (give or take a few points), WWE should still have around a 5.0 average. This means they not only lost the WCW audience (which they were basically spoonfed by the acquisition), but they also lost two of their own points in the process. Sure, I'll give you that SOME of TNA's promos and storylines aren't exactly the stuff of legend, but neither is the WWE product at present. The main differences between the two being that one is established and held in bigger arenas, while the other is not. TNA has good wrestling, but they suck plain and simple? You're going to have to make up your mind.
dmacid said:
Cant wee all just agree that they both suck and go watch ROH?
I watch them all in addition to my ROH DVDs. Even on the worst shows, I still find at least five minutes of redeeming quality somewhere, but if I don't watch them it doesn't allow me to make fair comparisons when I bury the dog***t that WWE strains out of its backside each week. I wish to high heaven ROH would at least get a syndication deal or something so I could watch them on a weekly basis. I do like that their DVDs are cheap to buy at Wherehouse Music, though. However, I burn through them quickly and don't want to cheapen it by watching the stuff over and over again.
i miss WCW. that was wrestling. i watched some old matches from about 8 years ago, 1998, it was the week for the bash at the beach ppv, WCW should have prevailed, they were way better than wwe and tna combined.
dmacid said:
I mean WWE has shitty wrestling, TNA has shitty storylines and makes no sense. Just get some ROH DVDs and forget about them both, right?


Watch what you like and shut the fuck up about it.

You seem to not understand that those ROH DVD's just show all the best parts of ROH durring that time, now I happen to love wrestling as a whole which means I will watch and support any wrestling show on TV, I just love watching wrestling, now to tell the truth all three of the promotions you named have their problems.

WWE: I don't think they have shitty wrestling just too much promo's how can any wrestling fan say that WWE sucks when most wrestling promotions wouldn't be around if it wasn't for WWE, and most of us wouldn't be wrestling fans if it wasn't for WWE, if this was the army i'd have to put most of the people in this post in a max sercurty prison for treason.

TNA: Yeah i'd have to agree their storylines aren't incredible and I know a lot of you say the wrestling is better on TNA but you guys must not be watching the same show I am because with the exception of the X-division matches they are on par with WWE wrestling wise.

ROH: Now this is the company that focuses on wrestling well at least as far as I can tell I have only seen the DVD's and as we all know DVD's only show the best matches that they have had recently or a speical card like a supershow, nobody will know just what ROH is truly capable of until they get some form of TV deal.

I could go on and on about the many other wrestling promotions but I think you guys get the point every company has there problems and are just tring to entertain us the best they can.
allright tna has good wrestlers tna this tna that.....THATS SHIT OK.you want it or not wwe has all the world at their feet,you want a prove australia show 20000 people more than a soldout msg mexico city 17500 people.that was the largest wrestling event in mexico city and I tell you that because I was there.now tna their shows are compaired in attendence to be the same as ecw the 3d lower brand of wwe and trsut me here in mexico nobody cares about the tna show been held in monterrey there are front row tickets now and we are 2 days away from the show and common wwe dont have good wrestlers?? come on shawn micheals,chris benoit,finlay,edge,booker t(not king boooker)rvd,cm punk any of them can beat your top wrestlers they can sell more shows around the world than tna my point isthat tna is extremley away from wwe and if you are not down with that.......go fuck yourself!!!!
wwe positives:
-more entertaining
-better storylines/promos
-good wrestlers/matches
-more well-rounded wresters(can wrestle, marketable, draw large crowds, AND cut great promos)
-GOOD pay.per.views(wrestlemania, unforgiven, ecw, survivor series, and summerslam)

tna positives:
-GOOD matches
-great wrestlers(x division)
-better pay.per.views, overall

wwe negatives:
-sometimes long/boring/pointless matches and fueds
-releases good talent (kurt angle, gunner scott, kid kash etc)
-SAME guys in the main event week after week(hhh, bigshow, booker etc)
-too many weird, unnecessary gimmicks(highlanders, jimmy wang yang etc)
-barely pushes tag team/cruiserweight division and pushes guys by size and look than skill and ability
-too many gay characters(vito, viscera, big dick johnson, spirit squad etc)

tna negatives:
-BORING promos
-not many gimmicks, wrestlers with NO personality
-they always take shots at wwe/vince, it gets annoying after a while
-lack-luster rivalries
-boring shows(sometimes)

all in all, i think wwe offers the better product, but thats just my opinion
crippler2525 said:
allright tna has good wrestlers tna this tna that.....THATS SHIT OK.you want it or not wwe has all the world at their feet,you want a prove australia show 20000 people more than a soldout msg mexico city 17500 people.that was the largest wrestling event in mexico city and I tell you that because I was there.now tna their shows are compaired in attendence to be the same as ecw the 3d lower brand of wwe and trsut me here in mexico nobody cares about the tna show been held in monterrey there are front row tickets now and we are 2 days away from the show and common wwe dont have good wrestlers?? come on shawn micheals,chris benoit,finlay,edge,booker t(not king boooker)rvd,cm punk any of them can beat your top wrestlers they can sell more shows around the world than tna my point isthat tna is extremley away from wwe and if you are not down with that.......go fuck yourself!!!!
Yes, and WWE has at least a few decades of back business and entrenched fanbase to go off of. They're a household name that's synonymous with pro wrestling. The fact is that if TNA had all of the media trappings and resources that Vince had, they'd do just as good as WWE, at the least. Anybody with at least half a working brain knows that WWE does have good, even great talent. It's just that the company can't pour piss from a boot when it comes to managing that talent. If you want proof, slip in an old WWF tape and observe the differences in not only the quality of the in-ring action, but the storylines, as well as the audience response from match to match. Wrestling is scripted, so whoever is booking decides who wins, slick. WWE just uses recycled wrestlers for the most part just like TNA does, the difference is that McMahon has way more of a foothold in the business and more outlets to push his product. If TNA were given those same means to function, they'd be able to level the playing field overnight. That doesn't say jack$hit as to the quality of the product, which has been in a cumulative downard spiral for the last two years.
TheRealLionheart089 said:
wwe positives:
-more entertaining
-better storylines/promos
-good wrestlers/matches
-more well-rounded wresters(can wrestle, marketable, draw large crowds, AND cut great promos)
-GOOD pay.per.views(wrestlemania, unforgiven, ecw, survivor series, and summerslam)

tna positives:
-GOOD matches
-great wrestlers(x division)
-better pay.per.views, overall

wwe negatives:
-sometimes long/boring/pointless matches and fueds
-releases good talent (kurt angle, gunner scott, kid kash etc)
-SAME guys in the main event week after week(hhh, bigshow, booker etc)
-too many weird, unnecessary gimmicks(highlanders, jimmy wang yang etc)
-barely pushes tag team/cruiserweight division and pushes guys by size and look than skill and ability
-too many gay characters(vito, viscera, big dick johnson, spirit squad etc)

tna negatives:
-BORING promos
-not many gimmicks, wrestlers with NO personality
-they always take shots at wwe/vince, it gets annoying after a while
-lack-luster rivalries
-boring shows(sometimes)

all in all, i think wwe offers the better product, but thats just my opinion
At least your opinions were organized and well thought out for each thing you stated. Most times, we get someone with a reading level slightly above the fourth grade running in shooting nothing but blanks. Some of your points with regards to TNA are spot-on, sometimes. Especially when it comes to the promos. I feel they have been getting better since Russo took over, but I still feel some of the wrestlers need more work with regards to their gimmick or speaking ability. And by the way...welcome to the boards, man.
showtyme27 said:
WWE: I don't think they have shitty wrestling just too much promo's how can any wrestling fan say that WWE sucks when most wrestling promotions wouldn't be around if it wasn't for WWE, and most of us wouldn't be wrestling fans if it wasn't for WWE, if this was the army i'd have to put most of the people in this post in a max sercurty prison for treason.
When compared to the wrestling of past, they've definitely been slipping, considering the quality of talent they have. Limited movesets and matches that are just too short have turned too many of the casual WWE audience members into lemmings with attention spans that have trouble enjoying a match that actually sees a length beyond ten minutes. I also blame Goldberg for that...but that's another story, altogether. There was wrestling before WWE, sure enough. You're right as far as the impact they've made on the business in the last thirty years, but blind allegiance and excuses for a lazily-constructed product has zero bearing when I'm watching the shows. If something sucks, loyalty is never an issue. If you want to know where I really found my interest in pro-wrestling? NWA/WCW during the late eighties and early nineties. The quality of wrestling was always a shade above what WWE was doing...even if the production values and scripting were complete crap. If holding high standards to the dominant promotion in America is treasonous, then that's fine and dandy for me.
showtyme27 said:
TNA: Yeah i'd have to agree their storylines aren't incredible and I know a lot of you say the wrestling is better on TNA but you guys must not be watching the same show I am because with the exception of the X-division matches they are on par with WWE wrestling wise.
The difference is that TNA gets more out of their athletes. I do watch all of the shows, and it disgusts me to see Chris Benoit and Booker T...two of the best North American workers of the last decade wrestling in watered-down, boring, matches against wrestlers who couldn't even hold their jockstrap on their best days. TNA rarely pushes contenders for the heavyweight title that can't at least stay afloat in an extended match, Monty Brown being the exception. Guys like Cena, Batista, and Kane drop the consistency of WWE's heavyweights down to zilch. They've managed to undo all of the work done by Benoit, Michaels, Eddie Guererro, and Kurt Angle from the previous years and turn the heavyweight division into a den of mediocrity.
showtyme27 said:
I could go on and on about the many other wrestling promotions but I think you guys get the point every company has there problems and are just tring to entertain us the best they can.
I'm in definite agreeance with you on this. Every company has their problems, but some are worse than others. TNA might be a little-engine-that-could, but when I see where WWE is at now, versus where it was in the late 1990's, it sickens me because they have a better set of talent rosters now than they did then. When I watch Smackdown episodes have piped-in crowd chants ala' WCW Thunder, then I get really irate, because all of those shows are just a handful of good booking decisions away from being better than they were in their prime.
here's my question, is tna trying to have wcw-like competition with wwe or is tna trying to be wcw. Rhino says he had the ecw world title and said if anyone from wwe wants it, come take it from him. Isn't that what Eric Bishoff say on Nitro, that if Vince wants some, come get it? The only reason why tna had hino say this was because of the new Ecw. The James Gang say that the want war with wwe, just like wcw did. The say they went to their headquaters and showed it on t.v, but couldn't show it all yhanks to legael reason. Hmmm, maybe they really didn't go all the way in WWe headquaters and used that as a cover-up. Look at whose been champion in Tna, Jeff Jarrett, Christan, Ron killings, Rhino, Raven, Sting. All these guys have been in wwe or wcw. The only people who haven't that been champion is Abyss(kane,mankind rip-off), and A.J Styles. Now i must say wwe hasn't been the greatest, but it has been better than tna. Raw is for the big players, hhh, hbk, cena, orton, edge. Ecw is for the up-comers, cm punk, kevin thron, shannon moore, and they trow a couple of big guys like big show, rvd, and sabu to spice up the show. Smack down is like a mixture new AND old like jimmy wang yang, mvp, ect. and bigger guys like rey, beniot, batista, and booker. Raw has the most storylines in the wwe, then it is smackdown with only the wwe champions, with the storylines, and ecw has no storylines basicly. Now, tna ratings have been, like, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, just some o name off. Its most competition, ecw, has been getting, 1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8, 2.most storylines like what everybody has been saying that there storylines is better than wwe. So, than why is a show with storylines better than wwe's isn't even beating the show that has no storylines like ecw in ratings? How can tna become competiton to wwe if they can't even get better ratings than ecw, the lowest rating show? If tna every becomes competiton to wwe which it won't!, i am sure wwe will run it out because they would to spend a lot of mNY TO BECOME COMPETITION. now if you read this, u might say ratings don't matter, but in the end, they do, THEY DO!!!!!
joshb said:
Look at whose been champion in Tna, Jeff Jarrett, Christan, Ron killings, Rhino, Raven, Sting. All these guys have been in wwe or wcw. The only people who haven't that been champion is Abyss(kane,mankind rip-off), and A.J Styles.
WWE's workers started off in other places and not in WWE. Shawn Michaels (AWA), HHH (WCW), Benoit, (WCW, ECW), Big Show (WCW), Booker (WCW), Undertaker (NWA/WCW). And this is just for starters.
joshb said:
Now i must say wwe hasn't been the greatest, but it has been better than tna. Raw is for the big players, hhh, hbk, cena, orton, edge. Ecw is for the up-comers, cm punk, kevin thron, shannon moore, and they trow a couple of big guys like big show, rvd, and sabu to spice up the show. Smack down is like a mixture new AND old like jimmy wang yang, mvp, ect. and bigger guys like rey, beniot, batista, and booker.
TNA spanks WWE's collective ass up and down in the wrestling department. Yeah, WWE smokes them in the attendance and production values areas, but look at the response TNA's crowds get compared to WWE's. Night and day as every TNA fan in the audience actually gives a damn about the matches from top to bottom, while WWE's current crowds bypass the quality performers and performances for the gimmickry and cheap finishers. Raw isn't remotely using it's "big players" in an intelligent manner. DX is old and needed to stay dead. Orton and Edge should be in the title hunt along with HHH and HBK, instead of putting on tag matches that are irrelevant and don't help a damn thing with regards to the overall direction of the show. John Cena needs to go back to wrestling school right now. ECW is a gigantic waste of some of the better workers this business has seen, just so a pathetic, empty excuse for a once-respected brand of wrestling can do something with worthless hacks like Big Slow and The Great Khali. ECW matches have DQs now. That's about as extreme as a nursing home. ECW has become exactly what Lawler used to say it was. Smackdown is another waste that has the most retarted booking structure in recent memory. Fat needs to be trimmed in the rosters of all of the shows and the cumulative structure of matches needs to be changed. All the way from the style, to the pacing, to the length.
joshb said:
Raw has the most storylines in the wwe, then it is smackdown with only the wwe champions, with the storylines, and ecw has no storylines basicly. Now, tna ratings have been, like, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, just some o name off. Its most competition, ecw, has been getting, 1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8, 2.most storylines like what everybody has been saying that there storylines is better than wwe. So, than why is a show with storylines better than wwe's isn't even beating the show that has no storylines like ecw in ratings? How can tna become competiton to wwe if they can't even get better ratings than ecw, the lowest rating show? If tna every becomes competiton to wwe which it won't!, i am sure wwe will run it out because they would to spend a lot of mNY TO BECOME COMPETITION. now if you read this, u might say ratings don't matter, but in the end, they do, THEY DO!!!!!
Amount of storylines doens't equal quality. Half of the storylines wouldn't be so bad if the matches they support weren't complete crap. Remember, TNA is a completely fresh brand that has no history of background support. ECW is basically Diet Raw and had all of the help of pre-pushed talent, as well as a marketing blitz from WWE's other two shows. ECW's ratings are around 1/2 to 3/4 of what they were from the beginning, which means that the majority of faithful ECW fans turned the goddamn channel and haven't been back for a progress check. TNA isn't competition for WWE because they're a baby promotion that is only about five years old. WWE has been around for ages and had been thriving when WCW went tits up. The ratings do matter and WWE pissed away both the WCW ratings they could've gained in the merger, as well as about two to three full points of ratings they once had at the turn of the millenium. This means loads of people gave up on the product a long time ago. The only reason WWE maintains is that all of their direct competition is gone. TNA has to claw their way up from scratch. Not like WCW did.
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