[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Can I just ask; could the administrators crack down on the guys coming into the TNA forums and spamming with stuff like "TNA is WWE wannabes. I love WWE. Me and Vince are like the guys from Brokeback Mountain. I wish I could quit him. Bitch bitch! Wa wa!" or the equivalent? I'm so f*cking sick of that sh*t and to be honest I prefer WWE a little bit to TNA (don't ask me why, for the life of me I couldn't tell you).
Hello board,
This is my first post but I've been watchin wrestling since about 89 and I just wanted to say that after watching TNA's Bound for Glory I figured I'd give it a shot I heard good things from various sources and after watching the PPV I have to just say a few things I noticed:
1. If TNA is ever going to compete with the WWE its gotta improve on a hell of alot of things such as the gimmicks, catch phrases, the generic weak music. Music can make a star. I heard Samoa Joe's music and didn't know what the hell I was listening to, no words or anything. Someone of his talent should have quality music.
2.Storylines-the whole Rhino segment was ******ed, with the lame as hell lose yourself rip off music. Yelling THIS IS MY TOWN, cmon now. But it seems like some of the gimmicks like joe,jarret,sting etc. are over...But all the LAX shit just comes off as corney, it could go places but still unrealistic.
3.The commentators-O MY GOD Mike Tenay and the other guy are absolutely aweful.Me and my friends watching the thing were just shaking our heads at some of the crap coming out of their mouths. Not saying Lawler and Ross don't say anything dumb ever but c'mon their on another lever from these guys.

That would be a step in the right direction for TNA I think.
trunksjmd said:
Are you kidding me? Even though there staged, ground matches are more closer to reality than flying around in the air. If your going to do a high fying move, work your way up to it and then miraculously pull it off. Don't just do it every other move. You'll just look dumb.
I guess it comes down to what you like, and whether or not you have respect for the athleticism of some of the competitors. I'd be willing to bet ten dollars you think Smackdown is an entertaining show. Also, most high-flying wrestlers have to use that kind of offense because they can't wrestle move for move with the bigger guys in a mat-based style. I mean, when's the last time you saw Rey Misterio Jr. powerbomb a heavyweight? Oh, yes...he can't.
jawn87 said:
TNA is purely and simply just WCW all over again. with new faces and some older ones, thats it. its not an important company and only melvins watch it. its one day going to be bought by WWE whether all of you melvins like it or not, so cut it with the whole WWE is scared of TNA. its gonna happen.
You can say the same thing about WWE in regards to the talent they push at present. HHH, Booker, Benoit, Misterio, Finlay, etc. Notice the pattern? They were all WCW alumni and are being recycled by Vince McMahon. The rest of us "melvins" like to watch a show that actually demonstrates workrate on a consistent basis and doesn't spend the entire time formulating soap-opera bullshit storylines that are a disgrace to the business (Rey vs. Chavo, anyone?). We like a show that focuses more on the "wrestling" and less on the "enterainment," if you even want to call it that. WWE is scared of TNA. If they weren't, then Vince wouldn't have shat forth the abomination that stinks up Sci-Fi every Tuesday night and he'd still be going about his business dragging a company through the mud like he's done since WCW folded.
trunksjmd said:
And he can't knock the big show out with the 619 either. But that's exactly what he did lol.
That's one of the reasons I can't stand WWE. The real ECW did those kinds of matches between giants and juniors very well. Mike Awesome versus Spike Dudley being a prime example. Awesome wouldn't sell small moves from Spike and would typically only really sell a hot chair shot from the guy. It gave the matches a greater sense of logic and urgency. If you ask me about the Big Show, he's the biggest waste of space in the industry. He's becoming more immobile and useless each year. Everyone can thank Hulk Hogan's dumb ass for that, as he "discovered" the big doof.
Kasey said:
That's one of the reasons I can't stand WWE. The real ECW did those kinds of matches between giants and juniors very well. Mike Awesome versus Spike Dudley being a prime example. Awesome wouldn't sell small moves from Spike and would typically only really sell a hot chair shot from the guy. It gave the matches a greater sense of logic and urgency. If you ask me about the Big Show, he's the biggest waste of space in the industry. He's becoming more immobile and useless each year. Everyone can thank Hulk Hogan's dumb ass for that, as he "discovered" the big doof.
Yet another reson that I hate Hulk Hogan.
TNA is for me the "wrestling" show. WWE is the "Entertainment" show. I think that they both do thier jobs very well. I think that with a few more stars though that TNA could become very dangerous to WWE and that with the aquisition of Kurt Angle they have proven that they can be a threat
I read about the tapings of TNA and I read about the James Gang's segment in the second show. They came out and was mad because they havent had any gold since they have been together so they tried to tell TNA and Spike TV to "suck it" but they cut off their mic. Does this mean the James Gang is done with TNA or is it staged. Please answer if you know. thank you.

Dude.. Thats a spoiler.. Thats why I deleted it the first time you asked in another thread.. Either re-edit your post and I wont warn you and ask this in the Spoiler Section in TNA Tapings next 2 weaks.. Or I will give you a warning.
I am a long time fan of the WWE and I think that I always will be. I have been watching the WWF/E since I was like 4 yrs old. So its almost 17 yrs I have been watching the product. However I must say that TNA is very entertaining as well. I dont have a problem with the product or the fans of the show. I think that it has some great performers. I personally hope that it does get really big and become compitition because on a whole it will be good for the wrestling industry, not just good for the perticular brand. It will make wrestling as great as it was when WCW was big and the storylines were great. When you wanted to tune in to see if WWE or WCW was going to get someone new that week. So in closing I wish the TNA the best of luck in becoming the company that all the fans hope it can become.
I would first like to say that I watch TNA and have since its pay per view beginnings. I also hope that it does grow and become something someday. To say that its there now and a threat to WWE is a stretch at best.There are very talented wrestlers in TNA but most of them are stuck in nowhere storylines and deadend character development. Yes, you can say that the wrestling is most important but even their match bookings make no sense most of the time, an example would be Christian being touted as the biggest acquisition in TNA history and winning the title yet spending most of his title run without the belt. The show IMPACT is often boring and repetitive. If I have to sit through another tag match featuring any combinations of Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Petey Williams, and whoever that other paparazzi guy is, I am going to lose my mind. They use alot of wrestlers that are living of their past gimmicks and not doing anything fresh i.e. Konnan, Spike Dudley, the Dudley Boyz, New Age Outlaws, Rhyno, Raven and Shane Douglas. Not to mention Kevin Nash who's current storyline eerily resembles the "new blood" fiasco of WCW. The announcers are nothing short of horrible, take the bound for glory pay per view for example. Bobby Roode takes great pains to let everyone know that he is now Robert Roode ( I think he said it at least 50 times ) and they spend the entire match still calling him Bobby. After saying all this there are bright spots like Abyss, Christopher Daniels ( I would like to see those two as a tag team ), A.J. Styles, and Samoa Joe ( although for a submission machine he doesn't seem to use those moves alot ). Hopefully Kurt Angle will have a great impact on the show but I see another Christian coming. In the end what you need to recognize is that yes TNA has potential but we are talking about a promotion that has spent the majority of its exsistence with its champion being Jeff Jarrett.
wordisborn21 said:
I am a long time fan of the WWE and I think that I always will be. I have been watching the WWF/E since I was like 4 yrs old. So its almost 17 yrs I have been watching the product. However I must say that TNA is very entertaining as well. I dont have a problem with the product or the fans of the show. I think that it has some great performers. I personally hope that it does get really big and become compitition because on a whole it will be good for the wrestling industry, not just good for the perticular brand. It will make wrestling as great as it was when WCW was big and the storylines were great. When you wanted to tune in to see if WWE or WCW was going to get someone new that week. So in closing I wish the TNA the best of luck in becoming the company that all the fans hope it can become.
I was a long time fan of WWE just like you. I watched them since I was old enough to be capable of comprehending what wrestling was, maybe even before that. Anyways, I never thought I would like any other wrestling more than I liked WWE. Heck, even after the draft, when they lost a lot of fans because of that, I still defended them and even went as far as saying the having two world titles was better than having one. However, I heard a lot of talk about TNA when it was only available on Fox Sports Net which I didn't have in my area so I was never able to watch it. So instead, I downloaded a few Ultimate X matches and they were great. Then when I heard it was coming to Spike TV I was really happy. I was finally able to find out if the hype of AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, etc. was true. When I watched it, I slowly start liking it more and more. Then when they brought in Sting I liked it even more and I became interested but I still thought the storylines were weak. Then they brought in Scott Steiner and the Sting v. Jarrett rivalry became heated. As it went on, I found that the rivalries were becoming a little better. I finally decided to order a TNA pay-per-view since WWE was really making me angry and unsatisfied after watching their pay-per-views. I ordered my first ever TNA pay-per-view: Lockdown! I must say, up until bound for glory, that was the best pay-per-view I'd ever seen in my life. Every match had the potential to main event including the world X cup match between USA and Japan. After that, WWE just seemed so much worse. I became bored more and more with WWE and I was sick of watching more talking than wrestling. Eventually I realized that I'm an old school wrestling fan. I want more wrestling than I do jokes and storylines and entertainment. Now I don't watch WWE at all. However, I'm not saying that WWE isn't any good. I'm just saying that I personally don't like WWE because it's not for me any more. I like shows with wrestling and little talk. WWE is for those who like to watch the build up to the matches and then just see what the turnout is. WWE is sort of like a soap opera for men (not an insult. That's what I think it is.). It's suspensful and fun to watch if you're in to it. TNA is for people who just love to watch nothing but wrestling and could care less if there was any buildup whatsoever to the match. I used to insult WWE but now I realize that both the shows are completely different and nobody should debate on which one is better. The brand that's better is in the eye of the beholder.
Do any of you think that Tatanka's new make-up looks like a direct Sting rip-off? I know that recently, there have been many speculations on Umaga being a rip-off of Samoa Joe, and in a way, he is, but not the way that many TNA marks are thinking. Tatanka, (who isn't being pushed as any sort of main-event figure in the WWE), is directly copying Sting's make-up. And, with Sting's new recently-debuted look, it just fits that somebody on the creative team of WWE would do something so un-creative! The shape of Tatanka's face even looks like Sting's! Personally, I think there will be a WWE vs. TNA war within the next year or so, especially since TNA is going to try out a two-hour show on November 16.

PS. If you do respond, please have a good answer, and not just a slur of "WWE is better", or "TNA is better". I don't want any major marks posting on this because the topic will just get cluttered with spam.

EDIT: Sorry for putting this as it's own post. I haven't been to WZ in a while, and haven't grasped the new rules yet.
thecruiser said:
Do any of you think that Tatanka's new make-up looks like a direct Sting rip-off? I know that recently, there have been many speculations on Umaga being a rip-off of Samoa Joe, and in a way, he is, but not the way that many TNA marks are thinking. Tatanka, (who isn't being pushed as any sort of main-event figure in the WWE), is directly copying Sting's make-up. And, with Sting's new recently-debuted look, it just fits that somebody on the creative team of WWE would do something so un-creative! The shape of Tatanka's face even looks like Sting's! Personally, I think there will be a WWE vs. TNA war within the next year or so, especially since TNA is going to try out a two-hour show on November 16.

PS. If you do respond, please have a good answer, and not just a slur of "WWE is better", or "TNA is better". I don't want any major marks posting on this because the topic will just get cluttered with spam.

EDIT: Sorry for putting this as it's own post. I haven't been to WZ in a while, and haven't grasped the new rules yet.
I was thinking the same thing, except that Tatankas make-up looks like shit and Stings lok decent, I don't know if their will be TNA/WWE war in the next year unless TNA goes head to head with one of WWEs shows, unless that happens I don't see where Vinces would pay enogh attention to TNA to start a war and give them more publicity

side note: TNA isn't getting a two hour show when they move to primetime, the Debut show is the only one that will be two hours
I really do think that TNA is going in the following months to become a much more noticed brand of wrestling than even it is now. Even then though, it isn't yet a threat to WWE. We have to look at WWE as being beyond a simple wrestling show. It's a brand name. It's a film company. It promotes music. It promoted acting (usually poor acting). It's generated vast amounts of wealth and despite its poor storylines and booking recently still has incredible ratings. Vince, despite his being a genuine bastard, is an incredibly apt showman and businessman.

I love watching TNA, it has to be said, and give me an Ultimate X match with Styles, Senshi, Daniels and Sabin over most WWE matches any day. I think that one day TNA will be big, but not for years yet. Only now is it starting to move away from being simply a dumping ground and a fringe production into the spotlight of wrestling brands. The trouble they are having is that not enough of their home grown talent; i.e the future of TNA, is getting the spotlight. Sting now has the gold, formerly Jarret. They need to get guys like Samoa Joe and other home grown talent to hold the title and get notice. AJ Styles is one of the few guys they've really been able to push and hes probably the biggest star outside of the WWE right now (veterans such as Angle excluded). Speaking of which, the acquisition of a guy like Angle is only getting them more attention; both good and bad. The talent of Angle is indisputable and he will provide some stellar matches and publicity, its also bringing them into the potential sights of a man called Vince. Vince doesn't like competition, Vince chews competition up whatever way necessary.

Cheap shots from TNA and banners saying "100% Vince Free" aren't going to get TNA anywhere, avoiding playing the childish game and providing week after week of top qualty wrestling however, will. That's what they need to keep doing. The fact that the WWE is attempting vague parodies of TNA already (Tatanka's rather familiar paint, which looked shit on him) for instance, is a bad sign for TNA as they just can't compete at the moment. Now it's past midnight here and this has sort of just come out as an incoherent rant I'm sure, but what I'm attempting to say is that TNA need to just keep steadily building up and not bother about being compared to WWE cause they aren't in the same league yet. They just need to keep wrestling, get better at booking matches and develop some more storylines to keep fans hooked (without going to the extent that RAW has where an entire hour can be spent just talking). That's how they can reap the rewards one day.
Everyone knows TNA is the future. They have great in ring action, and not stupid staged promos. I hate that about WWE, 3 matches, and an hour and a half of fucking promos. If i wanted to see promos, Id watch a fucking comedy.
Originally Posted by YA_TNA
I watch tna because i'm mad at the wwe. I know there's no competitive feel to the x division matches because there's nobody to root for in the matches for it to be a competition in the first place. And watching the x division matches for the sake of competition is pointless. Which is why the whole world watches sports in the first place like basketball,soccer, footbal,etc....to get behind a team and root for it. Without competition all it is is body's moving around in the air. It's not even a wrestling match anymore. Heck, I could tie a bunch of dummies to some puppet strings and have them fly around in the air banging up against each other and it would still be the same mindless pointless thing as the x division matches. This is mostly because the x divisions wrestlers are all cookie cutter cut out's of each other, so you really cannot cheer for anybody to win in the matches. Which makes it not even a wrestling "match" anymore. But I force myself to get into the matches anyway, becuase I am mad at the wwe. At least i'm being honest. I am a very honest person and if anybody has a problem with that then that's too bad. If there's a group of people in a room with me and i fart i'll admit it was me. I know i'm going to get flamed for this but hey this is a free country and I have the right to watch anything I want to for whatever reason I want to. I'm so mad at the wwe that I will do anyting to stick it to them. EAT THAT VINCE!
to add to this arguement ive been a wwe fan since it was the wwwf and then wwf and whenn some stupid court case caused them to convert to wwe and it even fined them, teh different WWE is a generation thru generation promotion and well yes WWE right now is bukkshit and once in a while it can bring itself to its levels but its the writers and management that are loose they always change hand but there is always times when they cant have the best ideas but over i seen some TNA EPISODE BUT THEY SEEM SO DOLL...Ai mean i wrestled most of my high years and have competed in outside leagues as well as college level and i understand the levels of physical wrestling wit a twist, i mean TNA has alent, some veterans , good writers but over it does not appeal to myself, so wit time the WWE will change hands, vinnie mac dies or retires soon but yea wit time tna and wwe will face each other but this time i would love to see how these too shows compete but in the end s its the same story....rival companies trying to overthrow eachother, trying to get their talents and increase there potential yea in this time, i would love to see more younger talent taking and fresh new storys and well let the legends and old stables, and rivaries die off...but OVERALL WWE= WINNER
TNA, where do I start...okay, sure it may have some good up and coming stars and some veterans but from the entertainment point of view, it is just plain BORING!! You just have to look at the attendance differences and the legacy WWE has built to see how much WWE is better than TNA despite WWE's recent little drop in quality. It is probably a little short-sighted but I can see WWE buying TNA out as soon as they start getting desperate like WCW did. BTW for lack of a better term, TNA is shit and always will be (now that will piss off some TNA fans but like the washed up Kurt Angle would say, oh it's true!!! lol.) And TNA fans are all just a bunch of losers who try to be different and sort of 'rebel' against WWE because they think they deserve better and just went onto TNA's asinine bandwagon because it was the only alternative.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
TNA, where do I start...okay, sure it may have some good up and coming stars and some veterans but from the entertainment point of view, it is just plain BORING!! You just have to look at the attendance differences and the legacy WWE has built to see how much WWE is better than TNA despite WWE's recent little drop in quality. It is probably a little short-sighted but I can see WWE buying TNA out as soon as they start getting desperate like WCW did. BTW for lack of a better term, TNA is shit and always will be (now that will piss off some TNA fans but like the washed up Kurt Angle would say, oh it's true!!! lol.) And TNA fans are all just a bunch of losers who try to be different and sort of 'rebel' against WWE because they think they deserve better and just went onto TNA's asinine bandwagon because it was the only alternative.
It's funny that you expect anyone, ANYWHERE to take you seriously with a name aggrandizing Trevor Murdoch of all people. Why exactly is it so boring? Because they're not using dead wrestlers to further angles? Because they're not reviving a stable that should've stayed in 1997? Or maybe it's because they don't piss away THREE rosters worth of talent on three separate shows that exhibit poor enough wrestling to put the average viewer into a coma? Recent little drop in quality? What the hell have you been watching? The storylines are idiotic, the booking is completely retarted, and some of the company's worst wrestlers are getting top spots (Batitsta? Cena?). Kurt Angle washed up? Yeah, maybe because he spent his last two years rotting on a trio of washed up shows playing second fiddle to people who couldn't lace his boots if he helped them tie the goddamn things? Listen, TNA won't be bought anytime soon, so forget about it. McMahon's dumb ass only got his grubby little mitts on WCW because Bischoff's investors pulled out of the deal at the eleventh hour. He only got ECW because Heyman was bouncing more checks than a crackhead at a supermarket. We watch wrestling for wrestling and not the bullshit trimmings on the side, and coming in here insulting us is the last thing a half-wit such as yourself wants to do.
i dont see tna being a real threat until it gets some more good talent. they have rhyno, sting, christian, kurt angle, and i see a chance that aj styles will be a top athlete soon but they are going to need more talent, a longer show, and be on a better station ( maybe tbs or tnt ). after all that happens wwe will still beat them. I MEAN THEY HAVE THREE SHOWS EVERY WEEK!!! u just cant beat wwe
ryanjohnson_14 said:
i dont see tna being a real threat until it gets some more good talent. they have rhyno, sting, christian, kurt angle, and i see a chance that aj styles will be a top athlete soon but they are going to need more talent, a longer show, and be on a better station ( maybe tbs or tnt ). after all that happens wwe will still beat them. I MEAN THEY HAVE THREE SHOWS EVERY WEEK!!! u just cant beat wwe
You're just discussing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to TNA's talent base. They have enough wrestlers to beat ANY company on the planet. A.J. Styles has been one of the top three athletes in wrestling for the last four years. TBS and TNT will probably never air a wrestling show ever again. They're owned by Time Warner. The same company that sold WCW for scrap because it didn't fit into their network overhaul that included multiple reruns of all of the Law and Order series. Three shows for WWE doesn't mean jack shit when the amount of decent wrestling split between the three can barely fill up an hour of airtime, tops.
Kasey said:
It's funny that you expect anyone, ANYWHERE to take you seriously with a name aggrandizing Trevor Murdoch of all people. Why exactly is it so boring? Because they're not using dead wrestlers to further angles? Because they're not reviving a stable that should've stayed in 1997? Or maybe it's because they don't piss away THREE rosters worth of talent on three separate shows that exhibit poor enough wrestling to put the average viewer into a coma? Recent little drop in quality? What the hell have you been watching? The storylines are idiotic, the booking is completely retarted, and some of the company's worst wrestlers are getting top spots (Batitsta? Cena?). Kurt Angle washed up? Yeah, maybe because he spent his last two years rotting on a trio of washed up shows playing second fiddle to people who couldn't lace his boots if he helped them tie the goddamn things? Listen, TNA won't be bought anytime soon, so forget about it. McMahon's dumb ass only got his grubby little mitts on WCW because Bischoff's investors pulled out of the deal at the eleventh hour. He only got ECW because Heyman was bouncing more checks than a crackhead at a supermarket. We watch wrestling for wrestling and not the bullshit trimmings on the side, and coming in here insulting us is the last thing a half-wit such as yourself wants to do.

Whoaaa, did someone forget their meds today. I thought it was implied when I said that my rant was designed to jokingly piss off some TNA fans, that I was only talking trash. Sure, I do not think TNA is better than WWE and it never will be, but taking it as serious as you did makes me think that you are tired of hearing people bag TNA, so don't just take it out on me. TNA is boring for ME (I respect others opinions as well - unlike you) because I just hate seeing so many wrestling matches and rarely any entertainment through promos etc. And by the way it sounds like you have been watching WWE a lot lately (by your DX and other references) so as JR would say, if you don't like it, leave it. And next time you bag the bookers, try putting yourself in their shoes. I would love to see you be shitted on after 1 day on the job. And don't say the whole 'it's their job to do it' because these people are professionals not 25 year old dicks who think they know the business in and out and that they think they have a right to call other peoples work ******ed. Give me one reason why TNA won't resort to selling out to WWE? They are poorer and less publicised than the WWE and if they can keep going for another 5 years I will be very surprised. Kurt Angle is a mother-fucking backstabber and an egotistical asshole to boot for turning his back on the company that's been so loyal to him for so many years. If that's the kind of person TNA want, I really couldn't give a shit about the company at all. If you want to get frustrated that guys like Batista and Cena are champions when they clearly cannot display the technical style of an olympic wrestler, you have to remember that popularity and drawing ability is an immediate sign that they are bringing in more people to wrestling. If the WWE wants to make them more popular by making them champion that is fine for me. Who in TnA has the promo skills of Edge, Cena or the WWE veteran the Rock? No one. Dead wrestlers to further angles? Yeah they do use that but last time I checked, wasn't Eddie's wife involved heavily in the whole storyline. This is for the business, and if it gets more heat or interest in an angle and it's okay with Eddie's family, they will go ahead and do it rather than listen to some moron on a wrestling forum. People also watch wrestling for the promos AS WELL as the matches. Some find a FAKE show boring if it was just wrestling instead of the other parts like promos. That's a different characteristic with all fans so don't question and get angry at people who like a better company. And I find the half-wit in this equation someone who comes in and criticises peoples usernames, of ALL things, instead of the quality of what they've written. Most people make up usernames that don't make sense or they use their favourite wrestlers so if you want to question them on that, go ahead and ask the other thousands of people who do it. I will call my username what I want and if I see someone with a name 'Cock Sucking Raging Homo' I will read his post before I criticise him.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
And by the way it sounds like you have been watching WWE a lot lately (by your DX and other references) so as JR would say, if you don't like it, leave it. And next time you bag the bookers, try putting yourself in their shoes. I would love to see you be shitted on after 1 day on the job. And don't say the whole 'it's their job to do it' because these people are professionals not 25 year old dicks who think they know the business in and out and that they think they have a right to call other peoples work ******ed.
I've been watching WWF/E nonstop since 1985. I've seen all of the high and low points the company has had to offer. This last two-year stretch has been the lowest of the low. If I put myself in their shoes the the episodes of all three shows wouldn't ge a goddamn joke. I can actually spot talent and wouldn't spend time pushing walking gimmicks that can't differentiate between their ass and a hole in the ground. Leave it? I'm a wrestling addict. Why do you think I'd spend time on a Saturday evening posting here? 25 year old dicks? I'm sure there are a boatload of others who would agree with my positions on a ton of issues, especially the ones geared around the current workings of the WWE. There are a few certanties when it comes to wrestling that even a mark can see. Look at the crowd response to a majority of the matches that take place on any WWE show. The fans are lulled to sleep unless its an established gimmick doing the damn thing. Don't even get me started on the improper pushes of a number of very qualified workers on any of the shows.

T Murdoch 4 President said:
Give me one reason why TNA won't resort to selling out to WWE? They are poorer and less publicised than the WWE and if they can keep going for another 5 years I will be very surprised.
They've been going since 2002 and have done nothing but grow the whole time. Panda Energy is an extremely wealthy company, so the only time that WWE would have an opportunity to buy is the minute Dixie Carter wants to sell. TNA isn't publicly traded like WWE is. If Ted Turner really wanted to, he could pluck his money down and buy WWE as it's stock isn't quite the windfall it once was. Then he could fire McMahon's ass in a heartbeat.

T Murdoch 4 President said:
Kurt Angle is a mother-fucking backstabber and an egotistical asshole to boot for turning his back on the company that's been so loyal to him for so many years. If that's the kind of person TNA want, I really couldn't give a shit about the company at all.
No. As I've pointed out to numerous other "Vince can do no wrong" sycophants on these boards in recent weeks, Vince was pissed because he was misusing Angle for two years straight and Angle was tired of letting Vince bend him over the couch so to speak. He's obviously aware of what Vince did to Bret Hart, so kudos to him for doing what he had to do.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
If you want to get frustrated that guys like Batista and Cena are champions when they clearly cannot display the technical style of an olympic wrestler, you have to remember that popularity and drawing ability is an immediate sign that they are bringing in more people to wrestling.
I don't care if they're displaying the technical style of Angle. That's not my point and never has been. There are plenty of capable workers who don't wrestle Angle's style who've done fine in the past, Triple H being one of them. These two guys have drawn no more than anyone who came before them, including Kurt Angle, Lesnar, or any of the other myriad of other stars WWF pushed. Stone Cold and The Rock were great not just for the showmanship, but for the fact that they could also deliver in the ring. Something Batista and Cena are completely foreign to.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
If the WWE wants to make them more popular by making them champion that is fine for me. Who in TnA has the promo skills of Edge, Cena or the WWE veteran the Rock? No one. Dead wrestlers to further angles? Yeah they do use that but last time I checked, wasn't Eddie's wife involved heavily in the whole storyline. This is for the business, and if it gets more heat or interest in an angle and it's okay with Eddie's family, they will go ahead and do it rather than listen to some moron on a wrestling forum.
Who in TNA? Sting, Jarrett, 3D, James Gang, Samoa Joe for starters. Edge is cool, but what's the point behind his promos as they're all scripted. TNA doesn't rely on overproduced television, but instead let's the wrestlers do a lot of their own thing. Yes, Vickie is, and so is Chavo. Chavo could barely get over when he was tagging with Eddie, and the fact is that WWE has sullied Guerrerro's name numerous times since his passing, and regardless of whether or not a screaming WWE mark such as yourself see it, it's in poor taste. She must be hurting for cash to stoop this low. You want to keep jocking the insults, that's fine with me.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
People also watch wrestling for the promos AS WELL as the matches. Some find a FAKE show boring if it was just wrestling instead of the other parts like promos. That's a different characteristic with all fans so don't question and get angry at people who like a better company.
A better company is a matter of perspective, but while you're at it, please have fun enjoying all of the Kevin Federline angles you want. I don't mind promos, and never have. What I have a problem with is when a company forgets that the promos are there to support the wrestling...NOT REPLACE IT, as in WWE's case. The only fake shows are ones that contain a strip poker segment on a show that used to be geared around some of the best wrestling in the history of the business. I used to be a staunch supporter of WWF/E programming and still have catalogs of tapes left over from those days. Every time I slip one in the VCR it sickens me as to what I now have to look forward to on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday nights.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
And I find the half-wit in this equation someone who comes in and criticises peoples usernames, of ALL things, instead of the quality of what they've written. Most people make up usernames that don't make sense or they use their favourite wrestlers so if you want to question them on that, go ahead and ask the other thousands of people who do it. I will call my username what I want and if I see someone with a name 'Cock Sucking Raging Homo' I will read his post before I criticise him.
I'm sorry if I offended you about the username. However, as far as I'm concerned, the quality of the name goes hand in hand with what you post, so try again.
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