[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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TNA feels like WCW in the way of there promos and rivalries there dull. i fall asleep listening to any TNA wrestler talk on the mic , yeah there matches are good but whats the point if they cant work the mic and get you into the rivalry and the match itself.

WWE is alot more enjoyable to watch cause you have guys like Cena,Mr Kennedy, DX, Edge and Orton, i dare even say Kenny. they got skillz on the mic and let you know whats going on quickly straight to the point.

if i wanted to watch a good wrestling match i would watch amateur wrestling in the olympics.
all right kasey, first of all, hhh was never in wcw, learn your wrestling facts. Sceond of all, if wwe put hhh and hbk as tag team but didn't name then as DX, would you still be complaining? If you had stone cold and goldberg in a fued and the storyline was great but the match sucked, people would still say its a great fued. And you still asumed to think tna is better than ecw. Sabu was in tna and left to ecw. He signed a contract with wwe on the same night he competed in a Tna ppv!!! nd if ecw had the same guys it did before, than it would have probably gone bankrypt again, what sounds like a bigger ecw main event. RVd vs. Super crazy, or Rvd vs. big show? raw isn't using is big players because mist then have been there for a decade. WWE is being smart by keeping the raw title with someone young. If you, kasey have a pro blem with this, show it!
joshb said:
all right kasey, first of all, hhh was never in wcw, learn your wrestling facts. Sceond of all, if wwe put hhh and hbk as tag team but didn't name then as DX, would you still be complaining? If you had stone cold and goldberg in a fued and the storyline was great but the match sucked, people would still say its a great fued. And you still asumed to think tna is better than ecw. Sabu was in tna and left to ecw. He signed a contract with wwe on the same night he competed in a Tna ppv!!! nd if ecw had the same guys it did before, than it would have probably gone bankrypt again, what sounds like a bigger ecw main event. RVd vs. Super crazy, or Rvd vs. big show? raw isn't using is big players because mist then have been there for a decade. WWE is being smart by keeping the raw title with someone young. If you, kasey have a pro blem with this, show it!

I wouldn't contest Kasey's knowledge of wrestling, he knows what he is talking about. But you are wrong, HHH was in WCW as Terra Ryzing starting 1994, he later changed his name to Jean-Paul Levesque and even wrestled at Starrcade against Alex Wright.


Next time double check your facts before you post. Trust me, it will save you a lot of trouble.
Since knowledge of wrestling goes beyond TNA and WWE, which is what this thread is about. It would be wiser to take this to general so this thread will not go off topic.
I'm a WWE fan and im not nervous, or scared at all, tna may be becoming big but nothing will ever compare to wwe. WWE has to good wrestlers to compete with and you say that wwe act too much and tna have more wrestling? well without acting you dont know what all the wrestlers rivalries are about, WWE balance the wrestling out with the acting and that is way better than having the majority of the show wrestling.

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woodywood7 said:
sucks! sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks!sucks

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The tna is gay, the ring is all ******ed most of their moves suck, they don'y have much titles or superstars or brands and it just sucks altogether. WWE should by it
WOW to the above post you have no idea what you are talking about. All you need to do is order one TNA ppv and you'll realize how much better is then the last 5 ppvs WWE has had.
Aeksis8745 said:
WOW to the above post you have no idea what you are talking about. All you need to do is order one TNA ppv and you'll realize how much better is then the last 5 ppvs WWE has had.
I don't order them my brother does and i watch them and they suck ass. They havn't had a good match in ages and that is whats making mit crap.
he does have a point. although i hate tna and love wwe, wwe hasnt had a good ppv in the last 5, but i dont know if tna has better ones. i couldnt care, quite frankly. ill take umaga, cena, triple h, undertaker, kane, batista, and king booker against abyss, sting, jarrett, and whoever the hell else they have
whitesoxxx1 said:
he does have a point. although i hate tna and love wwe, wwe hasnt had a good ppv in the last 5, but i dont know if tna has better ones. i couldnt care, quite frankly. ill take umaga, cena, triple h, undertaker, kane, batista, and king booker against abyss, sting, jarrett, and whoever the hell else they have
I enjoy every WWE event and i try to enjoy TNA events but can't. Maybe if they got more superstars, titles and brands then i think it could compare to wwe
Its real simple if you want better wrestling but worse promos watch TNA. If you want better promos and worse wrestling watch WWE.
nickybo said:
I enjoy every WWE event and i try to enjoy TNA events but can't. Maybe if they got more superstars, titles and brands then i think it could compare to wwe
If you enjoy every WWE event, you need to get out more. Instating extra superstars, titles, and brands (stupidly executed to begin with), has no bearing on the quality of the wrestling. WWE is full of talent. The $hitty thing is that the talent is misused in the worst way and the lousiest wrestlers in some cases are given the top spots. Gimmickry and flash is what the WWE sells. TNA sells wrestling, not useless, baseless, hype. This means you aren't a fan strictly for the wrestling, but have to have the glitz in order to verify what you're watching is quality. I, on the other hand, don't care if I'm watching ROH, TNA, WWE, NJPW, Zero-One, WCW, or numerous others. If the match is good, I don't give a damn if it's held in a 20,000 seat arena, or a high-school gym. Some of the best matches I've ever seen were attended by less than a thousand people, easily.
Jeff Hardy made his NAME in wwe, TNA is stupid, pointless and gay, i cant even watch it now, cuz the wwe rejects tna hires, Jeff Hardy belongs with the best, and that is the wwe!

Brand extensions suck. The WWE tag divison sucks. The WWE cruiserwight sucks. And even the WWE heavyweight divison is beginning to suck. TNA's X-division rules. TNA's tag division rules. TNA's heavyweight division is pretty good and on-par with WWE's. The only place where WWE excels is in commentary, the storylines aren't even as good. TNA might also only have on weekly mainstream show but it's better than SD, RAW and ECW put together. I pride myself on telling it how it is, I am NO TNA mark. I loved WWF, but I can't stand watching WWE deteriorate at a such a rapid rate. Someone either find a cure or PLEASE just pull the plug! Let her out of her misery!
To Kasey: I am a WWE and TNA fan you can't seriously tell me that TNA's Impact is better than any show the WWE has, production wise WWE is better, Commentery wise WWE is better and even booking wise WWE is better TNA as good as it is just can't compete with WWE right now, I don't think TNA has been making the right choices lately Sting as champ and now Abyss, Angle comes in from rival company in ends their top unstopable moster and future maga star Samoa Joe when nobody in TNA could get even close, bad X-Division Booking and Three title changes in three weeks, the whole dumbass VKM versus VKM thing it's not cute or cool and makes TNA look unprofessional, WWE right now is better than TNA, you have to remember that was wrestling boom period WCW put WWE in the position to work harder than ever before to entertain us and until someone poses that threat again(hopefuly TNA in a couple of years) I don't see WWE going that far out of their new norm.

To Mr.Sam: I can't believe you said these things:

Mr.Sam: Brand extensions suck. The WWE tag divison sucks. The WWE cruiserwight sucks. And even the WWE heavyweight divison is beginning to suck. TNA's X-division rules. TNA's tag division rules. TNA's heavyweight division is pretty good and on-par with WWE's. The only place where WWE excels is in commentary, the storylines aren't even as good. TNA might also only have on weekly mainstream show but it's better than SD, RAW and ECW put together. I pride myself on telling it how it is, I am NO TNA mark. I loved WWF, but I can't stand watching WWE deteriorate at a such a rapid rate. Someone either find a cure or PLEASE just pull the plug! Let her out of her misery!

The Brand extension is one of the things that has made WWE better it gives new talent a chance to shine do you think that Booker, Rey, Chris Beniot, JBL, RVD and Eddie Guerrero would have ever had title regins if it wasn't for the extension? do you think new talent like Lashley, Kennedy, CM Punk, and some more would have gotten the push they recived? My point is this has given more wrestlers a chance to shine, I agree that the Tag, Woman's, and Cruiserweight Division's are lackluster WWE has the talent to pull these division's off but won't take the time and efford to make them better, the heavyweight Division WWE and TNA are pretty much the same but WWE's is a little better, TNA's Tag Division is better than WWE's but it's being mis-used right now also LAX is a great tag team and they deserve to have incredible matches with the top teams in TNA and I don't mean make shift mega teams like Daniels and Styles but the good news is it looks like it's getting back on track, WWE storylines are far superior to TNA and I think that's all i'm going to say about that, and last TNA's X-division is the biggest disappointment since TNA debuted on Spike TV Lackluster feuds and poor storylines still great action but total mis-use of that division right now and not enough X-matches on TV, WWE is still the best source of wrestling on TV in my opinion hands down.
I can say it's better. I don't watch the damn shows for the production values or commentary. I hate JR's commentary as he lost his touch with play-by-play ages ago. This is why Styles should've been left on Raw and JR put out to pasture. Lawler lost all of the character/piss and vinegar that made his commentary so I could stomach it each week when he became a face announcer. Mike Tenay has been annoying since 1997, so I don't know why half of the people are just now realizing it. Don West has a signature voice that you either love or hate. I'm indifferent as I can stand almost none of the commentary done in wrestling these days. I personally think Shane Douglas should be the color man for TNA. I also think Styles and Taz should be allowed to actually speak their minds and not have a leash shoved up their asses when talking.

Sting was brought in simply as a ratings ploy and to secure a TV spot. But I'll take Sting with his gimmick and talent over Batista and Cena's worthless asses in a company's top spot anyday. Even at his old age, he can work circles around them. He also probably had a title run stitched into his contract.

It was Angle's first match with Joe. Do you honestly think that they'd debut Angle in a loss on PPV? Joe will probably win the rematch, and I seriously doubt that Angle and Joe won't go again many times in the future. To the rest of the WWE faithful, the whole VKM segment is nothing Vince McMahon and his crew didn't do before...and using B.G. and Kip in the very same exact type of angle. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, people are pissing and moaning. Boo hoo.

I'll agree with you on the X-division front in some instances, but the issue is that Russo is trying to build characters for wrestlers that have had pretty much none for their entire TNA existence. Rome wasn't built in a day, and that is why Daniels and Styles are probably split now, so they can help elevate the division. Russo probably understands the common complaints that most smarks have about the X-divisioners being "spot monkeys" with no character. Although, I don't need the bull$hit trimmings to appreciate a wrestler, most people do. This is why Nash is in there trying to help establish these kids and get them over in a more traditional sense. Even if the title is being changed hands...the guys doing it work a style that is light-years ahead of anything most of WWE's roster could even think of doing.

At WCW's lowest point, they drew less than TNA did for shows, attendance-wise. They lost $24 million a year in revenues, and were barely clearing $10 in profits. TNA can't take the kinds of risks that WCW did in the beginning because they don't have the advantage of using all of the Turner network media machine that WCW had in its back pocket. McMahon is dug into a hillside and they can't budge his entrenched foothold. TNA is just a baby by comparison and they only have one show per week. However, if they work smart, within the next decade they can keep chipping away. Things like a video game will help expose their product to the younger market. Especially if it's a good one.
TNA impact is better than any wwe ppv. wwe has horrible storylines and are too strick on their wrestlers. watch any ONE x-division match and compare it to ANY wwe main event and tell me which you enjoyed more.
Kasey said:
If you enjoy every WWE event, you need to get out more. Instating extra superstars, titles, and brands (stupidly executed to begin with), has no bearing on the quality of the wrestling. WWE is full of talent. The $hitty thing is that the talent is misused in the worst way and the lousiest wrestlers in some cases are given the top spots. Gimmickry and flash is what the WWE sells. TNA sells wrestling, not useless, baseless, hype. This means you aren't a fan strictly for the wrestling, but have to have the glitz in order to verify what you're watching is quality. I, on the other hand, don't care if I'm watching ROH, TNA, WWE, NJPW, Zero-One, WCW, or numerous others. If the match is good, I don't give a damn if it's held in a 20,000 seat arena, or a high-school gym. Some of the best matches I've ever seen were attended by less than a thousand people, easily.
What you have just said gives me the impression that you are obsessed with wrestling, if your watching all of the wrestling shows you musn't have any time to get out and do stuff, so your probibly one of those fat pigs that sit on their ass all day watching tv or playing computer.
Kasey said:
The difference is that TNA gets more out of their athletes. I do watch all of the shows, and it disgusts me to see Chris Benoit and Booker T...two of the best North American workers of the last decade wrestling in watered-down, boring, matches against wrestlers who couldn't even hold their jockstrap on their best days. TNA rarely pushes contenders for the heavyweight title that can't at least stay afloat in an extended match, Monty Brown being the exception. Guys like Cena, Batista, and Kane drop the consistency of WWE's heavyweights down to zilch. They've managed to undo all of the work done by Benoit, Michaels, Eddie Guererro, and Kurt Angle from the previous years and turn the heavyweight division into a den of mediocrity./QUOTE]

i think a good amount of the reason tna gets more out of their athletes is because they have a less grueling schedual(despite the fact they do indy shows) and because they get to do more risk taking. with wwe not allowing their wrestlers to do some moves, i dont blame them. now that vince is ontop without competition(wcw) they dont need to risk injuries like they use to to attract an audience. now out of cena, batista and kane the only one i completley understand is batista. however, kane is almost never in main events. cena i think is just bashed with not great reason. if u look at guys like the rock and austin who lead the attitude era, u see that you dont need a kurt angle for good main events. cena is equipt for main events if u look past his chain of repetetive moves(by the way so many wrestlers use a chain such as bret hart, michaels,etc.). also triple h, edge, and orton are 3 of their biggest main eventers and all three are good to very good in the ring.
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