[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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well, if vince ever got bored and buys tna (which I doubt would ever happen) and the TNA kids decided to stay, there isn't any undefeated in the TNA... angle made joe tap... and in all honest, Umaga is the worst wrestler ever... I can shuve my thumb into your neck but it isn't going to hurt to the point i could cover you... flair did the same trick for years but only higher... in the eye... whoo... big deal... if there was a ppv and on said card was joe vs umaga that would be about the time I took a piss break and refilled my munchies...
if there was a ppv and on said card was joe vs umaga that would be about the time I took a piss break and refilled my munchies...

lol i couldnt have said that better myself.

so what would the main event of this fantasy ppv be? voodoo kin mafia vs dx hell in a cell last man standing?
ErkBono23 said:
WAIT WAIT didnt KURT ANGLE make samoe joe submit in their match?

yeah dude. if you're going to post anything about tna on a wwe forum then get your facts straight. samoa joe tapped out to kurt angle's ankle lock at genesis
If it were a real wrestling contest. Joe would absolutely kill Umaga Joe is one of the few people in wrestling today who can actually kill you. Joe Vs Umaga would be a snoorefest any other way because Joe would have to make Umaga look good and have to slow his own pace down.
Kasey said:
I'd love to live in Australia because of the scenery, but if you guys don't access to TNA, I feel for you. Do you guys have a delay in the WWE wrestling that you get? Or does it air at the same time it does over here in the states?

Raw is shown Wednesday here (Tuesday in America) so it's hard not to look at the spoilers, which kind of ruin it. We get it on Pay TV, so not many here that I know are fans. BTW, we see SD before you do, but everyone reads the spoilers here. In America you have your own wrestling channel dont you?
T Murdoch 4 President said:
Raw is shown Wednesday here (Tuesday in America) so it's hard not to look at the spoilers, which kind of ruin it. We get it on Pay TV, so not many here that I know are fans. BTW, we see SD before you do, but everyone reads the spoilers here. In America you have your own wrestling channel dont you?
Actually, we get Raw live on Monday and the taped ECW is on Tuesday night. A lot of American fans read the spoilers, but I don't anymore as I have a hard time sitting through the programs without already knowing what's going to happen. WWE 24/7 is a subscription service that airs on certain satellite and cable networks, unfortunately, it's not on the one I have.
This is a no-brainer - Samoa Joe. The man comes at you from a million different directions, with a diverse attack that includes power moves, planchas, and of course submission holds. Umaga is yet another prototypical big guy that Vince McMahon drools over, with some decent high-impact moves, but a weak-ass finisher - wow, a thumb to the throat. It's also unknown how well Umaga can take punishment in the ring, since McMahon is making a great effort into having him look invincible for now. In the end, Samoa Joe has a penchant for putting on great matches that Umaga can only dream of.
What about TNA? Is it live or is it taped? I don't really care for ECW, and it is shown on Saturday after Raw. After that, it is the WWE Experience which is a highlights show, and then on Sunday it's SmackDown, then Heat. Did they have something like that in America?
TNA is taped for I think two weeks in advance. And I was actually mistaken this week as ECW was live tonight. WWE has at least one or two of the recap shows but I never bother to piss my time away watching something I just watched a couple days prior. Yeah, there are a few WWE programs on at various points during the day. We probably just get a lot of it sooner than other countries because the stuff is produced here.
Any way, TNA will never be big until it is shown arouond the world. Although there isn't a very large wrestling audience here anyway, although most associate wrestling with the WWE (TNA have a long way to go there.) They (TNA) must do the tapings at one arena don't they? I read the results once and no one had 2 matches or anything.
The victory would be depending on who's booking the thing. If anyone with half a brain cell in their head was writing the finish it should logically involve Joe putting "Mr. Magic Thumb" to sleep after beating the piss out of the one-trick pony for a while. It's not that I think Umaga doesn't have talent. The problem is that he's been developed in the worst way possible. Fast matches with no serious back and forth action. He's basically what would happen if The Headshrinkers, Goldberg, and The Ultimate Warrior had a kid. The guy can move and sell well, but they've painted themselves into a corner by fabricating another monster with ZERO depth. I read up top about what would happen if Vince owned TNA and booked the thing. Easy. The more qualified wrestler (Joe) would be forced to do the job, because Vince can never have a competitor's talent (especially ones he didn't get over) beat his homegrown boys, even if the outsider is more talented (see: lame-ass Alliance angle circa 2002). Umaga's development is irritating as hell because a Samoan can be pushed with depth and actually be a damn credible performer in the WWE. Just look at Yokozuna from 1992 through 1994. If it weren't for the amazing weight gain, he'd be a shoe-in for the Hall of Fame right now.
They shuffle the booking order for certain things and it is organized to keep the audiences fresh for the tapings. They do what they can to avoid audience burnout. Which is something that has been happening to Smackdown for the last couple of years. Most of what you see on the TV telecast for Smackdown is part of a near four-hour show that includes pre-dark matches, an ECW taping, and a dark-match main event. The audiences get restless during these things. The worst this ever happened was in WCW when things started to get bad after 1998. TNA is just a baby by comparison to WWE. As long as they keep up what they're doing in the states and expand further with things like a successful video game, then it may not be long before they get more international exposure. They need to focus on not getting into the habit of making the kinds of mistakes Heyman made as ECW was in this position years back before they bit the big one.
I love watching the wrestling channel here in the UK, even though TNA is my favourite it has some great shows on. I also get TNA and ROH DVDs from eBay. My most recent purchase are: TNA's Best of the Bloodiest and The Best of the X Division vol.2. Shame they haven't arrived yet :(
Why is evryone being so nice??

This is a TNA vs. WWE thread!!!!!

Where's the fkn BLOOD?!?!?!?!, lol

See, and they said we couldn't play nice. I know this is pretty much spam, but nice to see some good constructive conversation occuring.
i think vince wants tna to get big
he loves competition
but i personaly don't like tna
jarret won the tittle how many times
come on
they are pushing a ****** abyss
and still are pushing sting
wwe i like but i am pissed off at who they are pushing and not pushing
and what the hell is with ecw
ecw died rip 6 years ago at the alhambra center(bingo hall)
they should push the core like they pushed the cliq
attila said:
Why is evryone being so nice??

This is a TNA vs. WWE thread!!!!!

Where's the fkn BLOOD?!?!?!?!, lol

See, and they said we couldn't play nice. I know this is pretty much spam, but nice to see some good constructive conversation occuring.
Don't worry, attila. I'm just waiting for some half-wit to come strolling in here trying to actually defeat logic by suggesting that the WWE is better than TNA. With logic and a better product on my side, these arguments win themselves.
yo tna is dumb for even trying to "invade" wwe....all the fans will just go over to wwe from tna
Kasey said:
Don't worry, attila. I'm just waiting for some half-wit to come strolling in here trying to actually defeat logic by suggesting that the WWE is better than TNA. With logic and a better product on my side, these arguments win themselves.
babinko said:
yo tna is dumb for even trying to "invade" wwe....all the fans will just go over to wwe from tna
And there it is. Yeah, that is soooo the obvious outcome of this "invasion". Yeah, TNA fans have never heard of the WWE and once they get a look at it, they won't be able to look away. Is this kid for real??

Its the exact opposite buddy!! WWE fans will learn there is another promotion out there called TNA, they will tune in, be overwhelmed with the incredible action they witness, and will get hooked. Its a simple formula for exposure. They invade - and I here there are a lot of seats for December to Dismember still available in case Vinnie doesn't let them on TV - and people ask questions. The people in attendance might even end up ripping out a huge TNA chant as directed by VKM.

I think its a great idea. Like I have said so many times before, what holds TNA back is a lack of exposure. They need to get the TNA name out on the wire, and this is an easy way to do it. TNA needs to take it to WWE. I know most people think different, but bottom line is WWE can't respond. They are just not with it and they don't even know it.
^You know, attila, it boggles me that some of the people who frequent these boards could actually tie their own shoes...let alone log onto the world wide web and type this crap. I'm reveling in every WWE mark's irritation at what TNA is doing at present. It's like freakin' Christmas. The ECW PPV can use all the help they can get at this point. Most of their pushed workers are in the main event. How they expect to go three hours with mostly unpushed, unestablished talent, and actually have any of the clueless in attendance actually give a damn is beyond comprehension.
Complex_Enigma said:
No wreslters who value the extra 0 on there yearly paycheck think wwe is the place to be, Tna is where you can go if you want a shot at big time without having to be 6 '6 and dont use Rey mysterio on me as he was a joke of a champion, You see sting jj maybe old but they can still go and sting came in to help advance some of the younger guys. Jeff hardy was released because he cared to much for his band and drugs then wrestling which means he is not loyal which means he will end up getting fired from wwe again

Ok....I won't use Rey on you...But I will use Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, RVD, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle(can't believe the man's only like 5'11)...Theres a couple more I seem to have forgotten..Oh yeah, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels...Yes, WWE does gravitate more towards bigger guys, but then again, who's the NWA World Champion right now?It ain't Brother Runt i'll tell ya that much...Big guys are just generally more marketable...That's the business we watch..If they could market smaller guys as Credible World Champions, then Chris Benoit would be the World Champion, Sabu would be the ECW Champion, Jeff Hardy would be WWE Champion, and AJ Styles would be the NWA Champion.. Smaller guys maybe more talented but thats what the X Division(Samoa Joe only won the X Division Title so they could build him up instead of throwing him in the World Title mix immediatly) and the Cruiserweight division(as lacking as it is, There ARE some great Cruiserweights in the WWE), are for. Jeff Hardy went back to the WWE so He could reunite with his Brother, Plain and Simple..He figured, TNA tried to do it by signing Matt Hardy last year but he resigned with WWE instead so Jeff figured his best shot was to go back to the WWE.Being paid twice as much as he was being paid in TNA probably doesn't hurt either.
I guess there is so much niceness because most here came a long way from the '25 year old dicks' I thought they were and have provided good discussion. But nearly every insult in the book has been used here anyway.
I personally think that TNA is trying too hard to rise up to WWE's level. I'm referring to the threat from "VKM". Does anyone agree?
The VKM thing is a publicity stunt. Its to get people talking, tuning into the show and to get TNA some much needed exposure. The only thing thats holding TNA back is exposure and Dixie Carter. Dixie doesn't want to go head to head with the WWE until she feels they are ready. You don't want to awake a sleeping giant if you're not ready to kick his ass. Personally, I think TNA needs to take it to them today, coz Vince will not be easily woken. Vince and the E are out of touch. And just like it took them a year to readjust when WCW was kicking their ass, the same will happen this time.

But anyway aside from that. I think TNA will without a doubt one day compete directly with the WWE. It makes no sense that they wouldn't. The whole reason TNA exists is to rise and compete. Nobody goes into business with the vision of remaining a small-time player in the shadow of the industry leader. TNA will go and go until they find themselves at that level. Whether they are able to sustain a good run and not just drop off as fast as they get on is another question.

The second Dixie thiks its time and TNA gets the go from Panda, the entire industry will change. IMO TNA isn't trying hard enough. Sure maybe the VKM angle isn't the best way to do it, but hey, for now its at the very least some good cheap advertising.
I hereby challenge any WWE fan to watch a TNA "best of" DVD (And give it a fair chance and not turn it off because you don't like Shark Boy or whatever) then come back on these forums, swear on everyone they've ever loved lives and afterlives, and say that they were not impressed by what they just watched. For the hardcore fans out there, I recommend "The Best of The Bloodiest Brawls Vol.1" and the Abyss vs. Sabu Barbed Wire massacre. I'd say that it easily surpasses Sabu vs. Funk back in ECW.
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