[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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attila said:
The VKM thing is a publicity stunt. Its to get people talking, tuning into the show and to get TNA some much needed exposure. The only thing thats holding TNA back is exposure and Dixie Carter. Dixie doesn't want to go head to head with the WWE until she feels they are ready. You don't want to awake a sleeping giant if you're not ready to kick his ass. Personally, I think TNA needs to take it to them today, coz Vince will not be easily woken. Vince and the E are out of touch. And just like it took them a year to readjust when WCW was kicking their ass, the same will happen this time.

But anyway aside from that. I think TNA will without a doubt one day compete directly with the WWE. It makes no sense that they wouldn't. The whole reason TNA exists is to rise and compete. Nobody goes into business with the vision of remaining a small-time player in the shadow of the industry leader. TNA will go and go until they find themselves at that level. Whether they are able to sustain a good run and not just drop off as fast as they get on is another question.

The second Dixie thiks its time and TNA gets the go from Panda, the entire industry will change. IMO TNA isn't trying hard enough. Sure maybe the VKM angle isn't the best way to do it, but hey, for now its at the very least some good cheap advertising.

I like your point... Thanks for your input...
Personally, I think they will be competition. But that's going to be a long way down the road. I really don't think they will ever beat WWE ever, but TNA will rise in popularity to that of WWE or WCW status. Also if troubled WWE and Vince McMahon (although right now his vision is ridiculous) will find a way to stay alive. They always do. Whether they are going to have a faster pace of wrestling (Pre Jan. 2004) or just simply buying out TNA on every media level.
Personally I hope TNA gets big. I only started consistently watching it the psat 3 weeks, would catch a show here and there but now I am tuning in weekly and the wrestling is better but the promos are laughable at best.

What I DON'T want is monday night wars. I LOVE that I get...

Tuesday....House *shut up! lol*
Thursday- Impact

That's all the tv I watch and I'm glad I can watch all my shows without one starting at same time as others.

wwe will not die.......tna will die at sometime! why would vince let this worry him? did he let the wcw/ecw invasion worry him? no he didnt....tna is hella gay...the ring has six sides? wtf? what kind of wrestling is that? and tna has alot of hella old wrestlers too.....jarrett, sting, nash, flynn....who the hell cares about this so called "war"....nothing big is gonna happen, but you all are gonna keep waiting and your gonna keep wasting your time on this thread about an invasion that will never succeed!!!
I think Kurt Angle was the type of move for TNA that Hulk Hogan was in 1994 for WCW. It took a couple more additional big moves to get them ready for primetime which included Randy Savage, and of course on the nitro debut Lex Luger. I think that the Big Show is going to be the next one to switch. I have been reading controversy creates cash and a lot of the older stars like Big Show, Rey Mysterio, and some of them that have been breaking their backs for the last 10-15 years are going to want to get out of the tough WWE travel schedule but not really retire. This is what happened for Hogan and others that eventually went to WCW and that led to them getting big. WWE stars are going to make the switch because TNA has an easy TV schedule, and minimal house shows. As time goes on I look for them to go live, and I really believe that by August of 2007 Eric Bischoff will be lured to TNA to help get them jump started on live tv. His contract ends in June or July and this all makes perfect sense, because by then they could very well have Rey, Kurt, and Big Show. Not to mention Joe, Nash, Jarrett, Sting, Abyss, and a slew of other talented performers. I also think it is a realistic possibility to lure Jericho in. If they do everything I just said I really think they can do what WCW did. And I think for those of you who haven't read CCC you should definitely check it out at the library if you don't want to buy it. But it has been an awesome page turner and a real inside look at what happened to WCW.

But I really do think the key person to wind up in TNA is going to be Bischoff. Think about the way McMahon put him in that dumpster and embarrassed him, you know that pissed him off. We have not seen the end of the real Bischoff vs McMahon, at least not in my opinion.
Also just to add to that.....It isn't that I don't like WWE I just know that if TNA starts another Monday night war that the wrestling business is going to be better off. Truthfully I am bored right now with raw. They are overusing guys like Cena, Umaga, and DX, and not pushing Carlito enough at all. I really think he should make the switch and show his stuff for TNA in a couple of years.
The WCW/ECW invasion was kayfabe (part of a storyline), WWE had already bought both company's B-talent out, the cheap bastards, and the writers cocked the entire thing up. This "invasion" isn't similar in the least!

Anyway,TNA might have "old" wrestlers but some of WWE's big timers are hardly spring chickens. The ring having six sides allows for new match possibilites (I'm still waiting for an eight-man elimination chamber match) such as the six sides of steel, the ultimate X (which would be possible with four sides but wouldn't be as good) and the six-sided barbed wire massacre. WWE fans are too hung up on superficial bullsh*t. If you are a WWE fan, you are a soap opera fan that watches the occasional wrestling match. If you are a TNA fan, you are a wrestling fan that watches the occasional soap opera. Oh, and unlike WWE's cruiserweight and tag divisions, TNA's X and tag divisions aren't absolute sh*t but instead what they should do: entertain with ground-breaking, innovative WRESTLING.

Mr. Sam has spoken.
Mr. Sam said:
The WCW/ECW invasion was kayfabe (part of a storyline), WWE had already bought both company's B-talent out, the cheap bastards, and the writers cocked the entire thing up. This "invasion" isn't similar in the least!

Anyway,TNA might have "old" wrestlers but some of WWE's big timers are hardly spring chickens. The ring having six sides allows for new match possibilites (I'm still waiting for an eight-man elimination chamber match) such as the six sides of steel, the ultimate X (which would be possible with four sides but wouldn't be as good) and the six-sided barbed wire massacre. WWE fans are too hung up on superficial bullsh*t. If you are a WWE fan, you are a soap opera fan that watches the occasional wrestling match. If you are a TNA fan, you are a wrestling fan that watches the occasional soap opera. Oh, and unlike WWE's cruiserweight and tag divisions, TNA's X and tag divisions aren't absolute sh*t but instead what they should do: entertain with ground-breaking, innovative WRESTLING.

Mr. Sam has spoken.

the soap opera that wwe potrays is what gives them the ratings they have..so while tna may have good wrestling and wrestlers it doesnt compete with todays standards of reality tv and that is the reaosn y they will never achieve success until they figure out they have to b more like wwe
I pray to god TNA doesn't sign Show. The dude is out of place on ECW; TNA would expose him for the big, fat, pus-filled sac of talentless goo he always has been. I read a rumor Rey is talking to TNA, but I wonder how they'd fit him in. He's really too old to give the younger guys viable competition, and I still think he's too small to be able to put anybody "over". Don't get me wrong; I like Rey (well, I liked him before WWE turned him into a one-trick pony...), I just would be surprised if he would have the impact Kurt's had...

I sincerely HOPE TNA is able to compete with WWE; not so one will conquer and swallow up the other, but because all competition does is raise the quality of the product. And, especially in WWE's case, a better quality product is sorely needed.
If they continue on the path that they are on now, TNA is not going to ever be a real competition to WWE for several reasons.

One, it is because they are being an alternative to WWE. I see people talking about TNA being an alternative to WWE like it is a good thing. When you are an alternative to what many people see as shit, you will be nothing but shit squared. TNA needs to franchise themselves. They used to have some great things going on such as X Division and even the tag team division. In the last year they have managed to not only make people stop carring about those 2 divisions but also they made them a side attraction. You don't see X Division matches headlining PPVs anymore, nor do you see its wrestlers playing a major part of the show. As I said, right now TNA is trying to be like WWE, and no1 is as good at being WWE as WWE is.

Two, Shitty booking... I wonder when was the last time TNA put on an angle or storyline that made sense. Ever since Russo came in we've been watching 1 clusterfuck storyline after another. He has pretty much ruined just about every wrestler in TNA with his short term, publicity stunt like booking. TNA has gone from being semi-respectful wrestling promotion in 2002-2004 to jackass stunts, having blow up dolls on their shows, doing lie detector tests, and putting up senseless storylines. As a wrestling fan I just cant watch or support that.

Three, Lack of creativity is affecting TNA now. They just can't seem to come up with anything new that would interest me. AJ Vs Daniels...hell, I've seen that more times than I can remember. kevin Nash is trying to breathe some charisma into X Division. But the only problem is that he can't draw for shit anymore. Right now TNA is not doing anything to make people watching it on TV care, and that will continue to result in shit ratings and it being a second grade wrestling show.

Four, Kurt Angle. I am gonna give him his own paragraph. To me Kurt Angle is a selfish piece of shit. He is TNA for himself only and could care less about Samoa Joe, Abyss, and other wrestlers in there. RIght now he is completely killing the entire TNA roster. Hell, you have a wrestler who wasnt at the top coming from WWE and he beats all of your top wrestlers in a month? Give me a fucking break. What Angle should be doing now is what he refused to do in WWE to begin with, and that is make people around him better. He can do so much for wrestlers like Samoa Joe, AJ, Abyss, Homicide, etc, but as I said before, he doesnt do that because he is a selfish piece of shit. And people can see right through him. He didn't draw in WWE and he isn't drawing in TNA.

For TNA to ever stand a chance they need to start changing things around. Russo needs to get a boot and they need to hire someone with an eye for what makes people interested now in 2006-2007. Bring some MMA guys in, involve more music into wrestling, make people care. And then maybe one day they will be able to stand a chance against WWE.
very well said acid i agree with the majority of what you sed..kurt angle is in it for himself as u can c he jumped ship jus cuz the spotlight wasnt on him anymore
dmacid said:
If they continue on the path that they are on now, TNA is not going to ever be a real competition to WWE for several reasons.

One, it is because they are being an alternative to WWE. I see people talking about TNA being an alternative to WWE like it is a good thing. When you are an alternative to what many people see as shit, you will be nothing but shit squared. TNA needs to franchise themselves. They used to have some great things going on such as X Division and even the tag team division. In the last year they have managed to not only make people stop carring about those 2 divisions but also they made them a side attraction. You don't see X Division matches headlining PPVs anymore, nor do you see its wrestlers playing a major part of the show. As I said, right now TNA is trying to be like WWE, and no1 is as good at being WWE as WWE is.

Two, Shitty booking... I wonder when was the last time TNA put on an angle or storyline that made sense. Ever since Russo came in we've been watching 1 clusterfuck storyline after another. He has pretty much ruined just about every wrestler in TNA with his short term, publicity stunt like booking. TNA has gone from being semi-respectful wrestling promotion in 2002-2004 to jackass stunts, having blow up dolls on their shows, doing lie detector tests, and putting up senseless storylines. As a wrestling fan I just cant watch or support that.

Three, Lack of creativity is affecting TNA now. They just can't seem to come up with anything new that would interest me. AJ Vs Daniels...hell, I've seen that more times than I can remember. kevin Nash is trying to breathe some charisma into X Division. But the only problem is that he can't draw for shit anymore. Right now TNA is not doing anything to make people watching it on TV care, and that will continue to result in shit ratings and it being a second grade wrestling show.

Four, Kurt Angle. I am gonna give him his own paragraph. To me Kurt Angle is a selfish piece of shit. He is TNA for himself only and could care less about Samoa Joe, Abyss, and other wrestlers in there. RIght now he is completely killing the entire TNA roster. Hell, you have a wrestler who wasnt at the top coming from WWE and he beats all of your top wrestlers in a month? Give me a fucking break. What Angle should be doing now is what he refused to do in WWE to begin with, and that is make people around him better. He can do so much for wrestlers like Samoa Joe, AJ, Abyss, Homicide, etc, but as I said before, he doesnt do that because he is a selfish piece of shit. And people can see right through him. He didn't draw in WWE and he isn't drawing in TNA.

For TNA to ever stand a chance they need to start changing things around. Russo needs to get a boot and they need to hire someone with an eye for what makes people interested now in 2006-2007. Bring some MMA guys in, involve more music into wrestling, make people care. And then maybe one day they will be able to stand a chance against WWE.

You realize Russo has only been around for a month or 2 right? TNA storylines have been poor for a lot longer than that.

I agree Kurt Angle only cares about himself. He isn't big enough to carry the company. He should have been a top star in WWE though, his injuries held him back. He is one of the best wrestlers alive though. He absolutely should be elevating the people around him, but he isn't going to start jobbing anytime soon because like you have stated, he is selfish and is in TNA to build his legacy as the best wrestler, not the best i dont know how to say it, business man? That isn't right but I mean he isn't the best guy for the business, as far as helping build it up without worrying about his personal status.

The only things holding TNA back are exposure, a big star, and production quality. The show just feels cheap, honestly. Once they start doing arena tours and things the feel will change and become a lot better.

They need a home-grown star. Someone to do for them what Hogan did for WWF, what Austin did for WWF in the late 90's, so on and so forth. Yes, A.J. Styles is good and TNA original, but he doesn't seem to have the it factor. Of course Jarret doesn't, neither does Abyss. Sting didn't make the impact people hoped, and Kurt Angle isn't going to, he is good but not going to be TNA's Hogan, nor is he a TNA original. They need that guy to build the company around.

Exposure will come with the arena tours and big star. Once you have that charismatic guy that just draws people, people talk. When you go from town to town then more people hear about you and your audience grows from curious people. Then they should bulk up their ad campaigns, tv magazine radio and everything, i know they have ads but I hardly ever see them. I see many many WWE ads, so TNA will have to step up.
I don't know why people think that you need to have one or the other TNA (good wrestling) or WWE (good storylines), isn't it possible to have both good qualities with either or both WWE and TNA?

Besides whilst WWE has a habit of overpromoting certain superstars and letting some talented wrestlers be midcarders or lowcarders, the same could be said about TNA who are definitely overpromoting former WWE superstars this is apparrent by: Jeff Jarret's huge number of NWA Championship reigns, the rapid escalation of Kurt Angle as a main event wrestler, the constant references to WWE as "the other place" as well as the "war" against them - Voodoo Kin Mafia and their response to the Hardy Boyz Invitational and their constant references to Mr McMahon and DX, as well as the Ron Killings calling out John Cena next week - are TNA serious?

As I said in another thread, the only way TNA can win is if WWE considers them as an equal and engages in a war against them, then regardless of the kayfabe outcome they've generated publicity without looking like idiots like the Voodoo Kin Mafia have proved to do.

If TNA do launch an invasion of a WWE live show or Pay Per View then it will work in WWE's favour, ratings will increase as hype is created, and due to copyrights TNA can only refer to the events subtly or as "what happened in the other place", besides remember the quote by Mr McMahon during the war with WCW "Which show are people going to watch: The one with nobody on it or the one with everybody on it?"
Regardless of whether you think they suck or not that hardly contributes to the so called "war" and the debate about it.

I think that both wrestling companies should give more all round exposure instead of just promoting the same people constantly, however I presented it in a way that relates to the topic. Please don't spam, the idea of a forum is to discuss not to diss with no hypothesis or conclusion.
wwe will always be better. And you know why?, because Tna SUCKS AT RATINGS, thats right its only benn once that TNA got over a 1.0 rating. see raws ratings. they kick Tna's ass alone. And you see smackdowns ratings. If they move Friday night smackdown to thursday night smackdown again Tna has no chance of beating them as the powerhouse show
I agree that homegrown talent should be utilized, but the trouble with TNA is that they don't have enough of it, and the homegrown talent they have is pushed on the backburner in order to further former WWE, ECW and WCW wrestlers.

If they get a new writer for their storylines and perhaps even Eric Bischoff as Commissioner instead of Kevin Nash, Nash's bad booking led to WCW's ruin and I'd hate that to happen to TNA when they have such great potential to rival or maybe even surpass WWE one day.
Your point about the ratings is true as WWE does surpass them and are the dominant brand in sports entertainment, but as "anything can happen in the WWE" the same can be said with sports entertainment, from a business perspective it would be counterproductive for SmackDown to revert back to Thursday nights because it would therefore being admitting that TNA was a rival, which is just what TNA needs in order to truly initiate a ratings war instead of ranting to no avail.
attila said:
The VKM thing is a publicity stunt. Its to get people talking, tuning into the show and to get TNA some much needed exposure. The only thing thats holding TNA back is exposure and Dixie Carter. Dixie doesn't want to go head to head with the WWE until she feels they are ready. You don't want to awake a sleeping giant if you're not ready to kick his ass. Personally, I think TNA needs to take it to them today, coz Vince will not be easily woken. Vince and the E are out of touch. And just like it took them a year to readjust when WCW was kicking their ass, the same will happen this time.

But anyway aside from that. I think TNA will without a doubt one day compete directly with the WWE. It makes no sense that they wouldn't. The whole reason TNA exists is to rise and compete. Nobody goes into business with the vision of remaining a small-time player in the shadow of the industry leader. TNA will go and go until they find themselves at that level. Whether they are able to sustain a good run and not just drop off as fast as they get on is another question.

The second Dixie thiks its time and TNA gets the go from Panda, the entire industry will change. IMO TNA isn't trying hard enough. Sure maybe the VKM angle isn't the best way to do it, but hey, for now its at the very least some good cheap advertising.
Tna gets plenty of advertising. I see there commercials like every other commercial break. And they always show off there best stuff. They show petey williams obviously fake move, the spot fest and even that lousy commentator and his voice that sounds like he has a promlem with cigarettes. Or who knows mabye someone is strangeling him while he's commentating. The viewers see all this and are turned off.
gamehead said:
2) Why do you STILL post in the TNA forums if you don't like TNA? If you don't like it then just go to the WWE forums
This is a flame. Your attempting to insult him by "calling him out" and talking to him condescendingly. This has nothing to do with the topic. This is flamming.
BC 21 said:
Lets get the above sentence in the correct order: Christian rejected WWE and their big contract offer for many reasons to sign with TNA.

Know your facts before posting. You really do make yourself look like a clown.
WWE rejected christian by not giving him what he thought he deserved in the wwe. He was never good enough to be on top. He tried several times to get to the top using his own methods. But wwe kept regecting his efforts. Then he decided to leave because he kept getting rejected. He is such a wwe reject.
xxmonsterpimpxx said:
wwe will always be better. And you know why?, because Tna SUCKS AT RATINGS, thats right its only benn once that TNA got over a 1.0 rating. see raws ratings. they kick Tna's ass alone. And you see smackdowns ratings. If they move Friday night smackdown to thursday night smackdown again Tna has no chance of beating them as the powerhouse show
And ratings dictate the quality of every show on TV? If this were the case, we'd all be talking on an Everybody Loves Raymond messageboard instead of this one. Even when the WWF was being beaten handily by WCW during the majority of 1997, the WWF was turning out a hotter product that had better crowd response, better heavyweight workrate, and tighter storylines. They were still losing in the ratings, though. Does that invalidate how good the WWF product was by comparison? Hell no. Smackdown is a pile of $hit. Raw is not far behind. ECW is probably the worst wrestling show I've EVER seen. At least with TNA, I"m guaranteed the wrestling end of the bargain will be upheld when I tune in more often than not.
Kasey said:
And ratings dictate the quality of every show on TV? If this were the case, we'd all be talking on an Everybody Loves Raymond messageboard instead of this one. Even when the WWF was being beaten handily by WCW during the majority of 1997, the WWF was turning out a hotter product that had better crowd response, better heavyweight workrate, and tighter storylines. They were still losing in the ratings, though. Does that invalidate how good the WWF product was by comparison? Hell no. Smackdown is a pile of $hit. Raw is not far behind. ECW is probably the worst wrestling show I've EVER seen. At least with TNA, I"m guaranteed the wrestling end of the bargain will be upheld when I tune in more often than not.

smackdown is a pile of shit...raw is not far behind and ecw is the worst wreslting program uve ever seen yet each alone does better than TNA in general...your gruanteed wrestling thats great...fact is though that wrestling isnt the only thing needed to make a great wrestling company..and therefore if TNA keeps it up with its useless storylines for example VKM and if their ratings start to not increase or if they start to decline then SPIKE will drop the show and panda will cut their budget if they arent producing profit....and ratings do play a big role cuz it decides whether or not the show it is advertising stays with them or not....cant compare wcw and wwe to todays version of wwe and tna cuz wwe is still bringing in tons of profit with merchandise sells and etc...while tna i dnt kno what they r doin cuz they have been on for 5 years yet they keep repeating the same feuds and matches over and over DANIELS VS STYLES....so while u so called TNA fans who no doubt use to be wwe or wcw fans diss wwe the company that will succeed is the one that understands all aspects needed to keep the show going and that is what wwe understands and u say they have shitty stuff goin on rite now well if TNA ever becomes a threat which i highly doubt u can defitnatly expect them to pull out the goods then
TNA does have great wrestlers, but they must use the wrestlers in a way that works for them. TNA should use all 3 of their divisions to their full potential, one of the bad points about WWE is their limited exposure of their tag team and cruiserweight superstars which are mostly lowcarders on the main shows or stuck on WWE Heat.

There is a gap to be filled with tag team and X division action that isn't seen on WWE, and TNA can fill that gap with their wonderfully talented wrestlers, that's how they'll turn heads, not by launching a "war" with no substance. Action speaks louder than words, so lets see some action whether it be in terms of a solid storyline, a real "war" against WWE with intelligent tactics instead of Voodoo Kin Mafia ranting or using their tag team and X Division advantages to win more fans.
Ushiku said:
Besides whilst WWE has a habit of overpromoting certain superstars and letting some talented wrestlers be midcarders or lowcarders, the same could be said about TNA who are definitely overpromoting former WWE superstars this is apparrent by: Jeff Jarret's huge number of NWA Championship reigns, the rapid escalation of Kurt Angle as a main event wrestler, the constant references to WWE as "the other place" as well as the "war" against them - Voodoo Kin Mafia and their response to the Hardy Boyz Invitational and their constant references to Mr McMahon and DX, as well as the Ron Killings calling out John Cena next week - are TNA serious?
I agree that both companies do need some direction with regards to who is being pushed (why Killings is not a main-eventer is beyond me), but the amount of qualified people versus the amount of unqualified people pushed is more abundant in the WWE. Batista. Can't wrestle. Cena. Can't wrestle. Umaga. Worst gimmick ever. Meanwhile, two of the WWE's most successful singles competitors of all time are involved in a gimmick that should've stayed dead, when they should in fact be helping the dilapitated World Title scene. And Jeff Jarrett wasn't exactly what I'd refer to as a WWF Superstar. He was 86'ed out the back door years back and was forced to job to Chyna. Not that I'm sexist, but how McMahon would expect me to believe a solid worker like Jarrett should lose to Chyna is beyond retarted. Jarrett made most of his success in WCW. Angle is right to be pushed. He has the talent and was squandered by McMahon. It would also be stupid to hype him up and bring him in as anything less than a badass, as he is arguably the best professional wrestler alive today, shoot or work. These angles regarding the "war" between TNA against WWE is likely just Russo trying to up the shock factor for his new company which before was seen as a pure-wrestling, mom-and-pop type of organization. This was the same strategy that Russo employed in the WWF when they were getting their a$$es whipped by Nitro. Whether it works in the long run is anybody's guess.

Ushiku said:
As I said in another thread, the only way TNA can win is if WWE considers them as an equal and engages in a war against them, then regardless of the kayfabe outcome they've generated publicity without looking like idiots like the Voodoo Kin Mafia have proved to do.

If TNA do launch an invasion of a WWE live show or Pay Per View then it will work in WWE's favour, ratings will increase as hype is created, and due to copyrights TNA can only refer to the events subtly or as "what happened in the other place", besides remember the quote by Mr McMahon during the war with WCW "Which show are people going to watch: The one with nobody on it or the one with everybody on it?"
You're probably right. However, I for one seriously doubt the strength of TNA rests in this "war." TNA diehards don't show up strictly to see what VKM is going to say next. I watch the show for a consistent wrestling program that has PPVs which are actually worth their purchase price. This is just a garnish that I find cute as I've lost nearly all faith in the WWE's ability to produce an interesting and consistent wrestling show and the VKM weren't doing anything really interesting. Wrestling is also in a recession at present (due to McMahon's mishandling of the WCW acquisition). At one point in time, WCW and WWF were both pulling in consistent 4's and 5's in the Nielsens simultaneously. That's a combined total of nearly a 9 or 10 total wrestling viewership, which is a hell of a lot of people. Right now, WWE's product generates around a 3 for it's two top shows, unlike ECW which has fallen flat on its ass for sucking so bad. Even with TNA's near 1 rating, you still only have around a 4 total viewership combining the average WWE telecast of either Raw or Smackdown with TNA's number for Impact. That's less than half of the people who watched in the late 90's. There isn't much of an audience to steal at this point. They're both fighting over table scraps as the mass audience was pissed away in early part of this decade. One of the two companies needs to attract FRESH viewers. WWE obviously has the advantage as they are entrenched in the American market, but not as much if you take into account the lameness of their product. This was the same way things were going when WCW came out of nowhere to gain a foothold.
ErkBono23 said:
smackdown is a pile of shit...raw is not far behind and ecw is the worst wreslting program uve ever seen yet each alone does better than TNA in general...your gruanteed wrestling thats great...fact is though that wrestling isnt the only thing needed to make a great wrestling company..and therefore if TNA keeps it up with its useless storylines for example VKM and if their ratings start to not increase or if they start to decline then SPIKE will drop the show and panda will cut their budget if they arent producing profit....and ratings do play a big role cuz it decides whether or not the show it is advertising stays with them or not....cant compare wcw and wwe to todays version of wwe and tna cuz wwe is still bringing in tons of profit with merchandise sells and etc...while tna i dnt kno what they r doin cuz they have been on for 5 years yet they keep repeating the same feuds and matches over and over DANIELS VS STYLES....so while u so called TNA fans who no doubt use to be wwe or wcw fans diss wwe the company that will succeed is the one that understands all aspects needed to keep the show going and that is what wwe understands and u say they have shitty stuff goin on rite now well if TNA ever becomes a threat which i highly doubt u can defitnatly expect them to pull out the goods then
We're talking about a company in the WWE that is living on past successes and a financial backlog that has been built over thirty years. That's the difference between the two companies and their financial situations. Spike would've still kept ECW back in the day, alas, Vince came along and took their spot. Spike doesn't garner heavy, heavy ratings like a lot of networks do. They're a cable offshoot that is geared at a specific demographic (18-34 males). TNA is doing as well as a majority of their shows that have been on for longer than Impact, and those shows haven't gotten the axe. And yes, what I said about Raw, Smackdown, and ECW is true. Better production values are definitely the one thing that WWE has over TNA. That's fine by me. Better pyro and entrance music doesn't save Monday night from Cena's f***ing horrendous matches and definitely doesn't save Friday from Batista's lousy attempts at wrestling. I'd rather take a showcase of Daniels vs. Styles for the 500th time (as they can actually wrestle) against any of the $hit that falls out of the WWE's dead ass any day of the week. WWE is entrenched not necessarily because of the quality of what they produce. It's because the only genuine competition they had was sold to them for scrap as Time Warner didn't believe in wrestling. It's also because they're better at polishing turds.
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