[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I wouldn't go as far to compare Cena's moveset to Bret Hart's. Cena is nowhere near the technical ability of a Bret Hart.
nickybo said:
What you have just said gives me the impression that you are obsessed with wrestling, if your watching all of the wrestling shows you musn't have any time to get out and do stuff, so your probibly one of those fat pigs that sit on their ass all day watching tv or playing computer.
Actually, you're so wrong it's funny. I'm a personal trainer and stay in pretty damn good shape.
cmiller9291 said:
i think a good amount of the reason tna gets more out of their athletes is because they have a less grueling schedual(despite the fact they do indy shows) and because they get to do more risk taking. with wwe not allowing their wrestlers to do some moves, i dont blame them. now that vince is ontop without competition(wcw) they dont need to risk injuries like they use to to attract an audience. now out of cena, batista and kane the only one i completley understand is batista. however, kane is almost never in main events. cena i think is just bashed with not great reason. if u look at guys like the rock and austin who lead the attitude era, u see that you dont need a kurt angle for good main events. cena is equipt for main events if u look past his chain of repetetive moves(by the way so many wrestlers use a chain such as bret hart, michaels,etc.). also triple h, edge, and orton are 3 of their biggest main eventers and all three are good to very good in the ring.
With the roster split there isn't quite as much of a scheduling issue for the WWE guys as they work less than they did before it took place. And yes, most of TNA's wrestlers still do indy work but they still do the same kinds of matches they do for TNA, but throughout the rest of the week. WWE has been playing it safe for about four years now, and only sporadically do we get to see what kind of maneuvers some of the talent can execute. Kurt Angle wasn't needed for main events in those days because he was a bland character, definitely not himself. The difference between Cena's lame ass and guys like Hart or Michaels is that they understand how to take the audience for a ride that can go for twenty, forty, or sixty minutes at a click. Cena couldn't do that if he was held at gunpoint. He doesn't have a fraction of the tools in the ring that Bret and Shawn did in their days on top. I agree with Triple H, Edge, and Orton being three of their biggest main eventers, but alas they're used in the tag team division right now. Meanwhile, the World Title hunt is a joke because that's where Cena is. I love the talent base that WWE has procured, but it's the use of it that I find disgusting.
I just like to watch all of it. I tape it and come back home to watch it. Tna and wwe are fun to watch. I would say to me there even. It's almost the same stuff.......... Almost.
I think TNA is just shotting on TNA for pubilcity.... since i heard that was the problem with their ratings, not enought publicity
Reasons for WWE winning:
1. More Wrestlers
2. Longer Shows
3. More Shows
4. More Hollywood Credibility
5. Not Resoponding to TNA's "Fuck WWE" Angle
6. Younger Wrestlers
Reasons for TNA winning:

1. Old School Wrestlers
2. Easier Schedules
3. uhhhhh
Reasons for TNA "winning" or being better:

1. Smarter booking
2. Better use of talent
3. Not afraid to get in WWE's face, neccesary or not
4. Remember what happened to WCW? Well, WWE is going down that road. Exactly
5. Better X-division
6. Better Tag Division
7. Better, more concise shows, other than long crap-orientated shows
8. Original matches
9. Less- if maybe not as "good" for some reason- moronic and offensive angles
10. Fresh styles
11. Decent PPVs
12. No John Cena. No Umaga. No talentless morons pushed pointlessly.
13. No infinitely-recycled storylines.
14. Not controlled by a heartless (if talented) bastard.

Reasons for WWE "winning" or being better.
1. J.R. and King
2. Um....
3. Hang on...
4. Wait, wait, it'll come...
5. Sorry, I've got nothing

No wait, there's five!
Reasons for TNA being better:
1. Better wrestlers
2. The X-division
3. the ring is awesome
4. better tag division
5. great storylines
6. not run by an asshole
7. No DX
8. Senshi and Sabin
9. there arent any pointless titles
10. lighter travel schedules
11. 10x better PPVs
12. young talent, not too many old ones (ex. Flair, HBK, )
13. better promos
14. All talent on one brand.

reasons for WWE being better
1. more tv time
2. thats about it
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Vince McMahon is the smartest man in all of professional wrestling. He does makes some "seemingly" stupid decisions, regarding talent and storylines, but he knows what he's doing. Without good competition, things will get stale and boring, but with good competition, things will become more entertaining and better for the wrestling business. Its only obvious, Vince and the creative team are probably waiting until TNA becomes legitimate competition, then is going to give them every thing they've got, and when its all over, the wrestling fans will be the true winners.
/\ /\ Yeah that was right on. I just get sick of all the people that bash Vince for every thing he does. His job is a lot harder than people see on screen and he has to deal with some tough shit. In fact it is just plain mark to say that sort of stuff. But anyway TNA will becrushed. How long can they keep putting on ht esorts of shows they have been?
Vince is a complete dick. Never in almost 30 years has Vince McMahon had any idea what he was doing. Vince got to where he is based on an idea. He was able to bring wrestling to the mainstream by pushing it on to syndicated networks and by hiring hollywood and music stars to appear on his programming. People tuned in to see the stars and realised, "OMG, wrestling isn't all that bad" so they tuned in again the next time.

He stole all the talent he got in the early days from his completitors with the promise of his vision for the first WrestleMania and was able to produce a good television product. BUT... Vince never ever ever was the brains behind the what went to TV week after week. Vince never had any idea how to book a show. And Vince has never been in touch with the demands, opinions and tastes of his audiences. Others who work for Vince have always been the ones to take care of all of this.

For years, Vince had wrestling's greatest minds booking his shows. Real wrestlers, real wrestling fans, real wrestling bookers, promoters, writers, creative minds, and so on. This is no longer the case. Vince now has hollywood writers, who have no idea about wrestling whatsoever, writing his TV programs. He bases everything he does on what went well during the Attitude years.

Seriously, has anyone witnessed a change to the temperament of WWE programming since that time?? Other than the whole thing being done at a slower pace?? Hell no!!

And why?? Because Vince has no fkn idea. And he no longer has the luxury of falling back on others, because those who book his shows today, too have no fkn idea. In the minds of Vince and the WWE, there is nothing wrong with the current product. It is perfect. All who work the creative and booking process are insiders. No insider can take a sensible approach in the uppraisal of their product. You need an outsidser, an independent third party, to observe what it is you do and tell you where you are failing. The problem here is that Vince won't listen to the fans. And again, why?? Because Vince knows better than the fans. And for being so ignorant and arrogant, again, Vince is a dick.

The man gets way too much credit. He has never contributed anything worthwhile to this great sport and has made a legacy for himself riding off of the creative talents and wrestling know-how of his subordinates. And until someone kicks his ass and gives him a wake-up call (like Bischoff did) prompting a major re-shuffling of his creative team and his approach to television production, WWE will be remain dormant.

This is not to say that TNA will reach the WWE's level nor that it will ever compete with or defeat it. But this is to say that the WWE is on its last breath and its Vince's fault.
^I'm inclined to agree with a majority of what you said. Vince is good at marketing, but let's face it, if he didn't have an already established company to work with when he started...I seriously doubt he'd be close to where he is today. Hell, his whole bankroll from the 1980's was based off of 1 wrestler who he only believed in because he watched Rocky III. The scary thought I have sometimes is what if he had done something realistic along the lines of the Attitude Era, but in the 1980's when he had quite possibly the biggest stable of classic stars the business had ever seen. With all of the tag teams and future mega stars at his disposal, wrestling would be phenomenally different than it is today. Whenever I look at the Attitude Era and how successful it was...I'm still reminded that ECW was producing crash TV like that a couple of years before Stone Cold flipped of his first fans/wrestlers/announcers etc. and was in fact a toned down version of The Sandman. Not that I didn't like a lot of that era, as it worked like a charm for the mass audience, and for WWF as a company, but McMahon is a lot like the Japanese. Some of his biggest ideas he didn't create, but rathers used someone else's and just re-marketed them with a little spin. I've been watching as much wrestling as I could get my grubby little mitts on since I was five years old, but his recipe is about as entertaining as WCW's was when they were on their downward slide at the hind end of the last millenium. I can't even remember the last time I was left at the end of a Monday Night Raw chomping at the bit to see the next week's episode. It's been years in fact. Hell, I don't even read the spoilers anymore, and I'm still not impressed.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
/\ /\ Yeah that was right on. I just get sick of all the people that bash Vince for every thing he does. His job is a lot harder than people see on screen and he has to deal with some tough shit. In fact it is just plain mark to say that sort of stuff. But anyway TNA will becrushed. How long can they keep putting on ht esorts of shows they have been?
Vince's job may be a tough, but in the end he has the final say over everything that goes on in the company. From who is on the roster, who wins, what angles are approved, who's on the creative staff, all the way down to the next candidate sites for Wrestlemania. He rules the company with an iron fist and the people he has in charge of his creative end of the company can't pour piss from a boot with regards to the angles and pushes. TNA's attendances have been increasing and their company has been continually increasing with outward expansion in terms of their markets including DVD and the video game front. What is just plain "mark" is to continually swallow all of the bull$hit the WWE has been shoveling forth for the last few years instead of expecting something better from the most dominant wrestling company on Earth. And if WWE keeps doing what they've been doing and bring their "C" game to the table, they'll only allow a bigger gap for TNA to fill in the coming years. The fact that TNA got this far is pure evidence that McMahon was absolutely f***ing clueless when it came to what he should've done when he bought out all of his competition circa 2001.
Kasey said:
TNA's attendances have been increasing.

How many people would you say go to a TNA event. I've heard that they hold most events in arenas that hold somewhere between 'old ECW' and current WWE capacities.
Kasey said:
Vince's job may be a tough, but in the end he has the final say over everything that goes on in the company. From who is on the roster, who wins, what angles are approved, who's on the creative staff, all the way down to the next candidate sites for Wrestlemania. He rules the company with an iron fist and the people he has in charge of his creative end of the company can't pour piss from a boot with regards to the angles and pushes. TNA's attendances have been increasing and their company has been continually increasing with outward expansion in terms of their markets including DVD and the video game front. What is just plain "mark" is to continually swallow all of the bull$hit the WWE has been shoveling forth for the last few years instead of expecting something better from the most dominant wrestling company on Earth. And if WWE keeps doing what they've been doing and bring their "C" game to the table, they'll only allow a bigger gap for TNA to fill in the coming years. The fact that TNA got this far is pure evidence that McMahon was absolutely f***ing clueless when it came to what he should've done when he bought out all of his competition circa 2001.

BTW, the WWE will improve as TNA gets better. The years when WCW was the powerhouse attracted heaps of people to watch. Currently the WWE is going through a rebuilding stage. They have lost most of the talent that made them big in the late nineties and early 2000's. The wrestlers they have now are making up the numbers, but in a few years, the likes of Mr Kennedy and co will be HUGE. The way to build popularity is to build popularity and credibility for new wrestlers. Sure, this past year hasn't been the best, but can you blame them? For years they have given us gold in wrestling, without competition, and when companies added to the wrestling front, the WWE/F got even better. A dud year or two is expected from a company run by a man working his ass off for many years. And I'd say that Vince has been in the business long enough to realise that when something like a hybrid, cult-like of you will, company like TNA comes along, you don't take it lightly. I'm sure he's aware of the following it has, and yes, he hasn't been doing enough to banish it forever, but it could be coming around the corner very soon. I don't think that the WWE will fold for a while. It's legacy (Vince's Legacy) will keep it strong for years to come and if TNA can compete with that I commend them. The creative staff need proper people to work with and wrestlers that people want to see. It's not entirely their fault if we aren't getting the matches we want, it also depends on what the wrestler, or Vince wants. And as far as Vince telling them who wins, in Edge's book, he states that the wrestlers in the match often decide the finishes and at times who wins - just not on the important stuff. And I guess Vince never thought TNA would amount to anything - as most of us did so he didn't bother buying them out when they started, but here they are.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
How many people would you say go to a TNA event. I've heard that they hold most events in arenas that hold somewhere between 'old ECW' and current WWE capacities.
Depends on where they are booked, as well as the capacity of the arena.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
BTW, the WWE will improve as TNA gets better. The years when WCW was the powerhouse attracted heaps of people to watch. Currently the WWE is going through a rebuilding stage. They have lost most of the talent that made them big in the late nineties and early 2000's. The wrestlers they have now are making up the numbers, but in a few years, the likes of Mr Kennedy and co will be HUGE. The way to build popularity is to build popularity and credibility for new wrestlers. Sure, this past year hasn't been the best, but can you blame them? For years they have given us gold in wrestling, without competition, and when companies added to the wrestling front, the WWE/F got even better. A dud year or two is expected from a company run by a man working his ass off for many years. And I'd say that Vince has been in the business long enough to realise that when something like a hybrid, cult-like of you will, company like TNA comes along, you don't take it lightly. I'm sure he's aware of the following it has, and yes, he hasn't been doing enough to banish it forever, but it could be coming around the corner very soon. I don't think that the WWE will fold for a while. It's legacy (Vince's Legacy) will keep it strong for years to come and if TNA can compete with that I commend them. The creative staff need proper people to work with and wrestlers that people want to see. It's not entirely their fault if we aren't getting the matches we want, it also depends on what the wrestler, or Vince wants. And as far as Vince telling them who wins, in Edge's book, he states that the wrestlers in the match often decide the finishes and at times who wins - just not on the important stuff. And I guess Vince never thought TNA would amount to anything - as most of us did so he didn't bother buying them out when they started, but here they are.
I certainly hope you're right (although I'm doubtful) that it's a rebuilding stage. Even during the early/mid-nineties when the attendance figures were dwindling the quality of wrestling was still tops. During those days, I was still an avid supporter of the WWF product. Although it was childish by nature and written atrociously, it still had the in-ring delivery that held it together. That has gone down the $hitter this time around. Sure, there are solid guys on the roster, but as I've stated in countless other threads...it's the use of the talent that hurts them. This is by no way me saying that every match sucks, because that's not the case. What I'm saying is that with the talent base they have at their disposal in each show, they could be tearing the house down every single night. WWE will no doubt be around until Shane is an old man and has his turn at helping it succeed (or running it into the ground). I'm well aware that in certain instances, specific wrestlers can determine the outcome of a match in terms of who'll lay down for the other and how it'll be done. However, my reference is regarding the actual push. The whole angle determining who will be the top guys in the company in that respect. That's Vince's call. If it wasn't, then chances are you'd see everyone wear the world strap at one point. Instead, we get to see a qualified wrestler like Booker get saddled with the most retarted gimmick since Rockabilly lose to a juiced-up wonder with three moves. It just boggles my mind and in a way breaks my heart because I see a hell of a lot of potential within that company.
I agree that the WWE has lost the talent in the ring that it once had. If anything, guys like CM Punk (who originally I thought was terrible) will add to the wrestling credibility. Anyway, TNA will never attract us Australians because the TV shows aren't televised here, only the PPV's are. That is pretty stupid though, because the buyrates would be terrible as only smarks on the internet would know what's happening. Until they televise it here, I will never have a proper reflection on TNA. BTW, I have only seen 3 TNA PPV's and didn't like what I saw - although it was a little interesting and I can see why, with the drop in quality of the WWE, that it is attracting fans.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
I agree that the WWE has lost the talent in the ring that it once had. If anything, guys like CM Punk (who originally I thought was terrible) will add to the wrestling credibility. Anyway, TNA will never attract us Australians because the TV shows aren't televised here, only the PPV's are. That is pretty stupid though, because the buyrates would be terrible as only smarks on the internet would know what's happening. Until they televise it here, I will never have a proper reflection on TNA. BTW, I have only seen 3 TNA PPV's and didn't like what I saw - although it was a little interesting and I can see why, with the drop in quality of the WWE, that it is attracting fans.
I'd love to live in Australia because of the scenery, but if you guys don't access to TNA, I feel for you. Do you guys have a delay in the WWE wrestling that you get? Or does it air at the same time it does over here in the states?
Meh... TNA's concepts of new matches kinda interest me... apart from the reverse battle royal that was just mayhem... but a lot of their storylines are recycled old concepts that WWE already used in the Monday Night Wars... the James Gang turning up at WWE headquarters for instance - didn't D-X do something like that with WCW?? I have absolutely no problem with TNA - they do have a habit of picking up old hasbeens though (Sting, Nash etc.)
I know this not ever gonna happen..but if it were who do you think gonna win?

Lets say WWE & TNA agree to put a One time PPV for the fans..and one of the match will be an Undefeated Vs Undefeated Match..

this will be Umaga from WWE taking on TNA's Samoa Joe. Who do you think gonna be the best man. any opinions?
well i think umaga would win...he seems more intense and i havent really seen him sustain any serious injuries....samoa joe on the other hand has been busted open and WAIT WAIT didnt KURT ANGLE make samoe joe submit in their match? so yea umaga would win...overall it would be up to the creative writers as to who would win
no one would. If this would ever happen (which it won't) it would have to be a DQ finish, because why would either company agree to have their guy loose?
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