[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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I guess thats one of the few Drawbacks of TNA they're feeding many of their main roster to Angle, granted he is one of the best wrestlers ever. They should be building their own talent against him e.g. Abyss should NOT have tapped out in Angles first match but had more even paced matchup, Styles should have beaten Angle to get over as the new heel. Joe should have won it out like showtyme said.
I don't know if Russo is getting complete autonomy in terms of the booking rights, but someone with some intelligence has to put a foot down and make him stop pissing all over the competitiveness that TNA once possessed. It's not that I don't think Angle deserves a win over Styles. But it should be something earned. What's the logic in having Joe match Angle move for move and then having Styles get in the ring and inside of five minutes be made the b**ch? When not even a year or so ago, Styles was pushing Joe to the limit in some of TNA's best matches, ever? It has zero logic to it and if they're looking for a quick way to waste quite possibly one of the best workers in the world, they've found a wonderful solution. RUSSO! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS! Use your brain if it's still in there.
I also have to agree about keeping him happy as just about every wrestling company in the known world could find use for a superstar the calibur of Styles, I just don't think guys like Angle, Christain, Sting, and a couple more have earned their spot in TNA just yet, I persoanaly would rather see AJ, Daniels, and Joe in the top spots as they didn't make their name anywhere else (not counting ROH).
Long time no talk, man. Anyhoo, I'm in full agreeance with you for once (imagine that!). I appreciate what guys like Sting, Angle, and Christian are doing for the company and I appreciate the work they've all done thus far (with Sting impressing me by actually getting the fat off his @$$). It just seems foolish to me to bring in one of the competitor's boys and have him run roughshod over a former multi-time Mr. TNA. I mean, AJ is the REAL MVP. Not just in name, but voted by the diehard audience. And they repay him, and the fans this way? I certainly hope this is leading somewhere other than the type of Arquette magnitude blunder I feel it could develop into.
The whole idea of the wimp heel has always been around in wrestling. Most heels in the WWE are unable to show the moveset that they could be able to use if they were faces because the WWE feels that the fans will cheer for the guys who can pull off the best moves and so the heels will not benefit from that. I think they ruin their heels in many other ways other than this so to me, that mindset is just as annoying as putting Kevin Federline in there to get media attention.

To build a heel character in the WWE today, much of it has to be around the heel tactics in the ring. It has ruined some wrestlers reputation that they had when they could wrestle to the best of their ability as faces. Take a look at Edge. He is one of the best wrestlers the WWE has today, and yet they made him look weak by having him almost job to Cena in every match they have, and not once did he win cleanly.

There is some evidence of this in TNA in the fact that AJ Styles did a 5 minute squash to Kurt Angle that is ruining his reputation as a fantastic in ring performer. I am not saying that he is using a truck load of eye pokes and low blows, etc. but TNA has to learn from the WWE's mistake of making all heels look like wimps in the ring. WWE never did this to Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold and HHH at times when they were all heels.

They were heels the crowd loved to hated, even though they still showed their A-game in the ring. They should never take away from AJ Styles what he can do in the ring by altering what he can show in a match in order to get him over as a heel. They need to bring the heel character, not the heel wrestler to the fore-front. I don't really see a problem with Kurt Angle going over some of the other competitiors.

Angle looks like being the major player and drawer for TNA and you would have to build him up as the best performer in there. But to have him destroy a guy who has spent years trying to reach the top in TNA and working damn hard to do it, and who should be the future of this company, is downright asinine. Yes he is a heel, but the crowd is not stupid enough to believe that talent can just disappear like what they saw in that match.

At least when AJ just quit his last man standing match, he did it after having a great match which showed what he can do as a heel and he gave up in a way that also bettered his status as a heel, which I think TNA got away with. They should know that their fans want to see good rivalries and wrestling, not 5 minute squashes performed on people the company is too scared to make perform his best in the ring.

Yes, they do have to make him get over as a heel, but to do this instead of realising that there is a line between a cocky heel and a pussy heel is showing stupidity that will keep their company from taking off. He doesn't deserve this, the fans don't and more importantly, the company doesn't. They should leave that area of bad guy weakness to the kid-friendly WWE. This is probably another example that shows that TNA is not that far from the WWE as they may like to think.
This is Jim Ross commenting on WWE's current "slump" I'm quoting from http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/01/19/marquis-cor-von-russ-punk-hbk-ecw-stupidity/

"Vent all you want, but if you perceive that wrestling is in a “slump” then either ride the slump out or not. I have been in the business for over 30 years so how many “slumps” do you think I have perceived the biz has had and that I worked through? How about dozens of them? I still hung in there and watched the product because I love the business and take the good with the bad just as I do when my OU Sooners lose a college football game. At the end of the day what appears on a wrestling TV show is not nearly as important in one’s life as about 100 other things I can name."

Couldn't have said it better myself. Although I think that some changes need to be made, we all must remember how many times the WWF/WWE has changed things around before. Why do people bother comparing WWE and their so called "declining quality" and then bring up TNA? Can you honestly picture Vince Mcmahon surfing the net on internet wrestling forums and writing down ideas of what one or two fans think would reinvent his multi million dollar corporation? Come on. "Bring back so and so/John Cena sucks/ECW Sucks/I'm switching to TNA" QUIT YOUR DAMN WHINING. Mcmahon is a fucking billionaire and he didn't make his money by listening to what other people think. Go and watch TNA with their stupid ass 6 sided ring and fucking WWE rejects like the voodoo kin mafia and everyone else that couldn't cut it in the fucking BIG TIME. If you don't like RAW then stop watching it and above all stop FUCKING COMPLAINING about it and plugging that bunch of rejects. I mean jesus, when did WWE fans become such fucking *****es?
Long time no talk, man. Anyhoo, I'm in full agreeance with you for once (imagine that!). I appreciate what guys like Sting, Angle, and Christian are doing for the company and I appreciate the work they've all done thus far (with Sting impressing me by actually getting the fat off his @$$). It just seems foolish to me to bring in one of the competitor's boys and have him run roughshod over a former multi-time Mr. TNA. I mean, AJ is the REAL MVP. Not just in name, but voted by the diehard audience. And they repay him, and the fans this way? I certainly hope this is leading somewhere other than the type of Arquette magnitude blunder I feel it could develop into.

Yeah we should remember this one as it doesn't happen very often(lol), but I really don't get what TNA is thinking right now but maybe in the long run it will work out, also I must admit that except for the Angle/Styles let down it was one of the best Impact! shows i've seen in a long time.

There is some evidence of this in TNA in the fact that AJ Styles did a 5 minute squash to Kurt Angle that is ruining his reputation as a fantastic in ring performer. I am not saying that he is using a truck load of eye pokes and low blows, etc. but TNA has to learn from the WWE's mistake of making all heels look like wimps in the ring. WWE never did this to Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold and HHH at times when they were all heels.

I agree with 99.5% of your post except this statement all the aboved named superstars have done the weak heel routine even at the peck of the careers, that's not the point the point is that Angle is most reconized with the WWE product and AJ the TNA product why in the hell would you have one of the top guys from your main competitor come in and make two of your top-made TNA stars look even just a little less talented than Angle, hell if I was head of TNA I wou7ld make Angle job to some of my best talent than when he's more of a TNA star i'd let him make his run, but in my opinion their is noway in hell Angle shound win out over Joe at this point in his TNA career, Joe defeated all the top superstars TNA threw at him and Angle(who had been jobbing in ECW)is the one man who finally beat him, this was and always will be a bad decidion by TNA.
as far as the 6 sided ring in TNA that is all I can agree with you on. If TNA had a 2 hr show and was live i would rather watch TNA over Raw ,ECW ,and Defiantly Smackdown. At least TNA doesnt have a DIVA search which takes up countless time outta a show and for what so the Diva can get into Playboy and then she gets fired. TNA has great talent and with a little tweaking it could give the WWE something to motovate ol Vinnie Mac to put out a better product. Hey say what ya want about WCW but atleast when it was around WWE had a torch under it to keep things fresh.
This is Jim Ross commenting on WWE's current "slump" I'm quoting from http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/01/19/marquis-cor-von-russ-punk-hbk-ecw-stupidity/

"Vent all you want, but if you perceive that wrestling is in a “slump” then either ride the slump out or not. I have been in the business for over 30 years so how many “slumps” do you think I have perceived the biz has had and that I worked through? How about dozens of them? I still hung in there and watched the product because I love the business and take the good with the bad just as I do when my OU Sooners lose a college football game. At the end of the day what appears on a wrestling TV show is not nearly as important in one’s life as about 100 other things I can name."

Couldn't have said it better myself. Although I think that some changes need to be made, we all must remember how many times the WWF/WWE has changed things around before. Why do people bother comparing WWE and their so called "declining quality" and then bring up TNA? Can you honestly picture Vince Mcmahon surfing the net on internet wrestling forums and writing down ideas of what one or two fans think would reinvent his multi million dollar corporation? Come on. "Bring back so and so/John Cena sucks/ECW Sucks/I'm switching to TNA" QUIT YOUR DAMN WHINING. Mcmahon is a fucking billionaire and he didn't make his money by listening to what other people think. Go and watch TNA with their stupid ass 6 sided ring and fucking WWE rejects like the voodoo kin mafia and everyone else that couldn't cut it in the fucking BIG TIME. If you don't like RAW then stop watching it and above all stop FUCKING COMPLAINING about it and plugging that bunch of rejects. I mean jesus, when did WWE fans become such fucking *****es?

Dude WTF?? so now people arn't allowed to like TNA more than WWE, fuck dude your complaining about people complaining, that's just ******ed, personally I thinkl TNA has lot more action and is better in that way, to me it's an alterative to WWE,now saying that, I don't understand why people say they are going to switch to TNA because they are disappointed in WWE, ok, People listen to me...TNA IS ON A DIFFERENT NIGHT THAN RAW, SD!, AND ECW, YOU COULD WATCH ALL OF THEM IF YOU WANTED, SWITCHING IS STUPID, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ON THEY SAME NIGHT AS ANY WWE PROGRAMMING, oh and just because WWE fans aren't happy with what they have been getting lately doesn't make them fucking *****es
I agree with 99.5% of your post except this statement all the aboved named superstars have done the weak heel routine even at the peck of the careers

Yes those guys did use that same weak heel character, but they also had some of the greatest matches in history at that time. They were still allowed to perform brilliantly in the ring, as well as play the wuss heel character outside of it. The WWE heel is just not what it used to be, and it is partly because they feel people will only watch wrestling to see the good guy kick the bad guys ass.

The point is that Angle is most reconized with the WWE product and AJ the TNA product why in the hell would you have one of the top guys from your main competitor come in and make two of your top-made TNA stars look even just a little less talented than Angle

I don't think the fans are going to really care about his WWE history. It doesn't make their guys look weak to have him defeat them, but squashing them is a whole different aspect. A win over this guy would boost any guys career but it may also hurt Angles reputation. I don't think any of the fans doubt or cannot see Angles ability. The guy is an Olympic Gold Medallist who rightly should be pushed as the top guy in any company. But I think they made him go over two of their top guys just so that he made a huge impact on TNA and so that they could give him an early platform to go off to reach the top of this company. I don't agree with the fact that he made Styles look like a beginner jobber in the ring because to even make one of their wrestlers look just as good as this guy would be a huge push for a young guy like him. I don't think it made WWE look better than TNA, it made Angle look better than TNA, which is just a little better. Christian came in, and within a few months I think, he became NWA champion - and that again didn't hurt TNA's reputation.

You would think that TNA would cater to every wish of Angle, simply because he is quite possibly the biggest star they have gotten and would be foolish to make him get frustrated like he did in the WWE. I think that going over two guys is again, just a way to make him look like the best wrestler in TNA, regardless of where he came from.

If I was head of TNA I wou7ld make Angle job to some of my best talent than when he's more of a TNA star i'd let him make his run, but in my opinion their is noway in hell Angle shound win out over Joe at this point in his TNA career, Joe defeated all the top superstars TNA threw at him and Angle(who had been jobbing in ECW)is the one man who finally beat him, this was and always will be a bad decidion by TNA.

I think that if he came in with a streak of losses to some of TNA's wrestlers, that the credibilty he had coming into TNA as the best wrestler in the business would be lost. TNA see this guy as the new MVP of the show and I think they want to make him look huge, but have gone about it the wrong way. They do not want Angle to get frustrated that he is not getting a push, and that is some arrogance by him that they will have to deal with. You have got to feel bad for AJ though. There he was, the brightest up and coming star that they had who had worked his ass off to impress the fans and company, and next thing you know, he jobs to some guy who they just brought in. To me, Angle has already exploded out of the blocks, but he has also left Joe and Styles behind, which is a definite wrong. If they had of left his push too late then I think that he would have lost the hype he had when he first came in. Again, they know his ability in the ring, so they are not going to look at what happened in the latter stage of his career (ECW) and judge him on that.

I don't agree with them making their heels look like the WWE ones, but even though this guy came from the WWE, they still have to make him look big by going over talent like he has been. In the long run it will pay off for Angle, but not for the young guys who deserve to be the main eventers.

Sorry about that post. It was a little jumbled and I had just woken up so I couldn't really think of many reasons to reply to your post with.
This is the greatest thread ever. Oh, my. I just don't know where to begin. Okay, let's start with JR and his slump. First of all, he was one of the top guys in WWE when the major drop in quality and ratings came about, so the initial f**kups that led to this current state of quality (and by that I mean the lack of) can also be dropped into his lap. Some of us really love wrestling and actually appreciate talent, without having to lap up horse$hit gimmicks and lousy storylines (whether they're made by either of the Vince's). We're allowed to have an opinion and we have the utmost freedom to view and judge as we please.

I just love his quote at the end "At the end of the day what appears on a wrestling TV show is not nearly as important in one's life as about 100 other things I can name." Whoever said it was, Jim? I don't recall people frequenting this or any other wrestling board I've been to saying that they're going into therapy because "WWE sucks ass" or something like that. And seeing as wrestling has been the focal point of his life for "30 years" that is a very ass-backwards way of thinking for a man whose life swims in wrestling.

Why do we bother with the comparisons? Easy. Use of resources, quality of PPVs, and quality of the key ingredient: wrestling. They are the only two shows in massive circulation on the US that promotes wrestling. The difference being that WWE nearly gets ten hours worth of fresh airtime to do with what they please, and you figure that somewhere in there, they'd garner some consistency with the quality.

Can I picture McMahon on the net? Himself? Maybe. As for one or many of his staffers, of course. It's also been widely reported that he has copies of so-called "dirt sheets" sitting on his desk, the primary one being The Observer. Everyone has their own opinions, and this thread is no different. If we wish to bitch, then we get to do it, and there is nothing JR or Vince can do about it. Don't like us complaining? Use the ignore function or better yet...try to beat us in an argument about it, because that's always fun and futile.

Vince made his money by taking over an existing company (daddy's), pillaging talent, and then applying overbearing marketing practices to it. Apparently with the recent reception of his amazing Rosie/Trump and Khali concepts, he hasn't been listening to the fans (even when they yell at him in person). In turn, something that foolish would usually result in decreased revenue, if you get my drift. Low and behold, here we are in 2006...a long way away from WWE's glory days.

"I mean jesus, when did WWE fans become such fucking *****es?" I don't know, when did they? And when did some of them find the need to start rant threads based on it?
"TNA!" "TNA!" "TNA!".... Wasn't this the chant head in the background on RAW the past 2 weeks? I don't see that as being "*****es". Matter of fact, I think it takes alot of balls to chant TNA in Vince McMahon's ear.

"TNA!" "TNA!" "TNA!"....
another thread about TNA in the WWE Section? I hardly know what is going on with TNA week to week let alone on the PPV's I think it's time for people to start going to TNA and chanting ECW/WWE just to mock these people who come to WWE Events and hey you know what? I would take your money let you chant TNA all you want I would still take your money.
a I think it's time for people to start going to TNA and chanting ECW/WWE just to mock these people who come to WWE Events

Good luck on that. I think the original die hards who chanted ECW moved on to tna either when wwe bought the rights to ecw or when they realized what a crock of shit wwECW turned out to be after the false hopes and lures of hardcore matches at both One Night Stands and Paul Heyman having control.These fans held up signs such as 'If Cena wins we Riot'.They were behind the wwecw until the pile of shit became too much to try to tolerate.
I ve never heard a 'wwe' or 'wwf' chant anywhere.I don't hear any of the old school ecw crowd favorites 'holy shit!' 'you fucked up' etc... anymore on any wwe programming but i ve heard them at tna shows and ppvs.

People wouldn't chant tna if the wwe was actually entertaining them instead of boring them.Rose vs Donald? K-fed and Cena..Umaga and Cena? Boring.Don't get me wrong wwe has it moments...far and few between but they are there.

Also i read on the front page news ecw is going back to being taped again.Apparently the hierarchy at Titan isn't happy with ecw being live anymore.wtf is that about? It's not like its live old school ecw...i could understand that being taped.

Anyways i hope this rant made sense i m about half lit (and still got my typing skillz :p)
This is the greatest thread ever. Oh, my. I just don't know where to begin. Okay, let's start with JR and his slump. First of all, he was one of the top guys in WWE when the major drop in quality and ratings came about, so the initial f**kups that led to this current state of quality (and by that I mean the lack of) can also be dropped into his lap. Some of us really love wrestling and actually appreciate talent, without having to lap up horse$hit gimmicks and lousy storylines (whether they're made by either of the Vince's). We're allowed to have an opinion and we have the utmost freedom to view and judge as we please.

I just love his quote at the end "At the end of the day what appears on a wrestling TV show is not nearly as important in one's life as about 100 other things I can name." Whoever said it was, Jim? I don't recall people frequenting this or any other wrestling board I've been to saying that they're going into therapy because "WWE sucks ass" or something like that. And seeing as wrestling has been the focal point of his life for "30 years" that is a very ass-backwards way of thinking for a man whose life swims in wrestling.

Why do we bother with the comparisons? Easy. Use of resources, quality of PPVs, and quality of the key ingredient: wrestling. They are the only two shows in massive circulation on the US that promotes wrestling. The difference being that WWE nearly gets ten hours worth of fresh airtime to do with what they please, and you figure that somewhere in there, they'd garner some consistency with the quality.

Can I picture McMahon on the net? Himself? Maybe. As for one or many of his staffers, of course. It's also been widely reported that he has copies of so-called "dirt sheets" sitting on his desk, the primary one being The Observer. Everyone has their own opinions, and this thread is no different. If we wish to bitch, then we get to do it, and there is nothing JR or Vince can do about it. Don't like us complaining? Use the ignore function or better yet...try to beat us in an argument about it, because that's always fun and futile.

Vince made his money by taking over an existing company (daddy's), pillaging talent, and then applying overbearing marketing practices to it. Apparently with the recent reception of his amazing Rosie/Trump and Khali concepts, he hasn't been listening to the fans (even when they yell at him in person). In turn, something that foolish would usually result in decreased revenue, if you get my drift. Low and behold, here we are in 2006...a long way away from WWE's glory days.

"I mean jesus, when did WWE fans become such fucking *****es?" I don't know, when did they? And when did some of them find the need to start rant threads based on it?

Unless one of use magically have the inner workings of the WWE, there is no way we can blame the slump in ratings on anyone (or partly blame), especially Jim Ross of all people. He is the man that has signed huge names like Lita, Trish Stratus, The Dudley Boyz, Kurt Angle, The Hardy Boyz, Edge, Christian, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Mick Foley, The Rock, Steve Austin, Batista, and so many more that all helped boost ratings (example of that is Mick Foley who's segment on Raw in the late 90s gave Raw the higest rating it has ever had.)

Sure it pisses me off when I see the Great Kahli actually has a match- or that an idiotic segment like Rosie vs Trump was actually hyped. And you're 100% right Kasey that fans of the right to express our opinions, but that doesn't mean that half our opinions might sound like whiny complaints.

At the end of the day what appears on a wrestling TV show is not nearly as important in one's life as about 100 other things I can name."

Referring to that I can see where JR is coming from. Though wrestling might not be the pinnacle of every fan's life, it is pretty obvious by the amount of reptitive complaints or "opinions" on JR's site, that he might percieve fans care about wrestling too much.

A lot of fans might think that Vince McMahon is completely oblivious to the fans and what they want, but in all fairness he isn't. Did anyone actually listen to Vince's promo on Raw last week? Everything he was saying from Donald Trump's supposed "letter", sounded extremely familiar to the criticism the fans had of the segment.

The thing is that many wrestling fans have a perception of what a wrestling show should be like and if it isn't like they'll assume it's horrible. Raw really isn't that bad, and if you can ignore the few terrible segments or storyline that it does have occasionaly it might be more enjoyable. It's been on for
10+ years, and it's bound to have a bump (or crater) in the road every now and then.

If you want to watch TNA then watch it, if you want to watch Raw then watch it. There's no point in comparing the two, in my opinion because they're too different in a lot of ways.
Flames Out
^Then it is free advertising for the competitor. Especially at a show that is live and not taped like SD and ECW are. Even during the days of the Monday Night Wars, you didn't hear chants of that magnitude during the broadcasts unless it was for ECW. The fact that it's coming from an upstart program and not a neck-and-neck rival says that something needs to change, plain and simple. I doubt the WWE fans would stand much of a chance getting their voices heard in a TNA broadcast as the fans there are usually busy with chants for the actual company they're watching, as opposed to chants for the competitor.
Unless one of use magically have the inner workings of the WWE, there is no way we can blame the slump in ratings on anyone (or partly blame), especially Jim Ross of all people. He is the man that has signed huge names like Lita, Trish Stratus, The Dudley Boyz, Kurt Angle, The Hardy Boyz, Edge, Christian, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Mick Foley, The Rock, Steve Austin, Batista, and so many more that all helped boost ratings (example of that is Mick Foley who's segment on Raw in the late 90s gave Raw the higest rating it has ever had.)
I can blame it on anyone in charge. They (particularly Vince) has the ability to do whatever he wishes with the product, so if something sucks, I'll gladly point the fingers his way. He has autonomy in the company, so I don't feel one shred of guilt naming his name. It's a good list of laundry names (well, half of it, anyway) and I like wikipedia as much as the next guy but the fact is that JR is just like the other WWE puppets who obviously think there is nothing wrong, when it's blatantly apparent there is, as numerous people voice their opinions daily...and not just on these boards. Hell, Dragon, we wouldn't even be having threads like this if everything was peaches and cream, would we?
Sure it pisses me off when I see the Great Kahli actually has a match- or that an idiotic segment like Rosie vs Trump was actually hyped. And you're 100% right Kasey that fans of the right to express our opinions, but that doesn't mean that half our opinions might sound like whiny complaints.
Whether the complaints are whiny is subject to scrutiny and perspective. If someone has a well-expressed opinion and can back it up it doesn't sound very whiny to me. However, when someone enacts a thread like this that is just waiting to rain down flames, whilst insulting a group of people with obscenities, you tell me which demographic leans more towards the whiny sector?
A lot of fans might think that Vince McMahon is completely oblivious to the fans and what they want, but in all fairness he isn't. Did anyone actually listen to Vince's promo on Raw last week? Everything he was saying from Donald Trump's supposed "letter", sounded extremely familiar to the criticism the fans had of the segment.
I heard it loud and clear. I also heard Carlito's scripting which was pretty on the mark with the general perception I see around here, but then McMahon topped a strawberry sundae with a giant piece of $hit by sending Khali out to the ring. I almost wonder if that was a rib at the smarks by baiting with something good and switching to something god-awful.
The thing is that many wrestling fans have a perception of what a wrestling show should be like and if it isn't like they'll assume it's horrible. Raw really isn't that bad, and if you can ignore the few terrible segments or storyline that it does have occasionaly it might be more enjoyable. It's been on for
10+ years, and it's bound to have a bump (or crater) in the road every now and then.
Perception of quality is a very relative thing and it definitely depends on what someone expects. I've watched Raw since I was in middle school and have seen every transition come down the pike. What irritates a guy like me most, though, is that if they notice business is down, they should automatically re-evaluate what they're doing and try to get it back on track. For YOU, Raw isn't that bad. For me, it's absolutely horrendous most of the time. I used to leave the show each Monday night feeling exhilirated at the end of the storylines and matches and was always waiting to see next week's episode. And that includes the times after I was internet-savvy. Lately, it hasn't just been a bump, but rather a canyon that has developed as far as I'm concerned with the show. It used to be about McMahon listening to the fans (hence Stone Cold's push) and now it's like we're just supposed to eat whatever they serve and unquestionably like it...no matter how much it sucks.
If you want to watch TNA then watch it, if you want to watch Raw then watch it. There's no point in comparing the two, in my opinion because they're too different in a lot of ways.
Flames Out
I watch both frequently. I know there are differences, but in the end, I see that McMahon has all the tools in his arsenal to make wrestling a dominant force and keep it that way in the American landscape. TNA might be a separate type of entity, but they're both in the same business and have drawn from the same pools of talent, so the comparison is inevitable. I used to have the same passion for watching Raw that I do for Impact (even if it's quality is going the way of Raw as of late with Russo at the helm).
Dude WTF?? so now people arn't allowed to like TNA more than WWE, fuck dude your complaining about people complaining, that's just ******ed, personally I thinkl TNA has lot more action and is better in that way, to me it's an alterative to WWE,now saying that, I don't understand why people say they are going to switch to TNA because they are disappointed in WWE, ok, People listen to me...TNA IS ON A DIFFERENT NIGHT THAN RAW, SD!, AND ECW, YOU COULD WATCH ALL OF THEM IF YOU WANTED, SWITCHING IS STUPID, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ON THEY SAME NIGHT AS ANY WWE PROGRAMMING, oh and just because WWE fans aren't happy with what they have been getting lately doesn't make them fucking *****es

I never said people couldn't like TNA more than WWE, I was mad about people who complain about WWE's product and then in the same paragraph plug TNA and talk about how much better it is. I was bored with the Rosie/Donald segment too but that doesn't mean WWE as a whole is coming crashing down. Look at all the shows and pay per views they sell out look at all the merchandise people are still buying. Why are these people wasting their money on a sub=par product?!

This is the greatest thread ever. Oh, my. I just don't know where to begin. Okay, let's start with JR and his slump. First of all, he was one of the top guys in WWE when the major drop in quality and ratings came about, so the initial f**kups that led to this current state of quality (and by that I mean the lack of) can also be dropped into his lap. Some of us really love wrestling and actually appreciate talent, without having to lap up horse$hit gimmicks and lousy storylines (whether they're made by either of the Vince's). We're allowed to have an opinion and we have the utmost freedom to view and judge as we please.

Ok seriously and when has the WWE not had corny gimmicks and stupid storylines. I can't think of a time. For that matter, what do you call the current Sting/Abyss storyline right now in TNA? WWE did that 10 years ago with Paul Bearer/The Undertaker and the urn. WWE isn't the only one guilty of ridiculous gimmicks and stories.

I didn't mean to go off on TNA like that I'm sure its a good show. And the more and more I think about it those people who chanted TNA on RAW probably opened up a whole new angle for Mcmahon. Hell he probably planted the people there to start the chant.
I never said people couldn't like TNA more than WWE, I was mad about people who complain about WWE's product and then in the same paragraph plug TNA and talk about how much better it is. I was bored with the Rosie/Donald segment too but that doesn't mean WWE as a whole is coming crashing down. Look at all the shows and pay per views they sell out look at all the merchandise people are still buying. Why are these people wasting their money on a sub=par product?!
Different strokes for different folks. For a number of us the Donald/Rosie segment was just a cap on the entire situation with regards to the product. Indeed look at all of the shows and PPVs they sell out. Now look at the business they were doing eight to nine years ago and it was twice what it is now. And I know the first defense of this will be telling me that "wrestling goes through slumps like this...it'll rebound." This happened to McMahon once before when he bled Hulkamania to death and had to start from scratch because his foresight was limited to the next steroid-monkey (Warrior) he should base the product around. When the steroid trial fixed that up, he had to start over from square one and it was obvious he was having more than a little trouble doing that. You may like the programming, and if so, kudos to you. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Some of us expect more.
Ok seriously and when has the WWE not had corny gimmicks and stupid storylines. I can't think of a time. For that matter, what do you call the current Sting/Abyss storyline right now in TNA? WWE did that 10 years ago with Paul Bearer/The Undertaker and the urn. WWE isn't the only one guilty of ridiculous gimmicks and stories.
Having a few corny gimmicks and stupid storylines is fine and yes, they've been prevalent in WWE programming since I can even remember. There is a difference between pushing a lesser amount of this kind of stuff and regressing the intelligence of the overall product to instead make the product chock full of it. Not to mention a drastic dip in the quality of the wrestling itself, which is key to actually having a good WRESTLING program. Who said I loved the Sting/Abyss storyline. Sure, it's prototypical Russo fodder. I know that, and expect that. However, when it came time for the last title match I was actually getting my money's worth at the PPV, instead of watching a slow, no talent wonder with a bad marine gimmick fight a guy with a deadly...thumb?!?! No one ever said TNA wasn't full of some of the same stuff, however it isn't based around it and the pushes usually revolve around guys that are at LEAST worth the paper they're printed on for the most part. I, personally, have been a wrestling fan since the age of five and was indoctrinated into the whole shebang by the WWF. Even now I can see the drop in quality with regards to the most important ingredient: wrestling. Every time I flip in a DVD or old tape I shudder to think of Batista or Cena's next matches because it's helping to tear down something I really loved as a child. That's why I don't keep silent and will continue to voice my opinion at will. At least not until they do something I don't feel is half-assed.
I didn't mean to go off on TNA like that I'm sure its a good show. And the more and more I think about it those people who chanted TNA on RAW probably opened up a whole new angle for Mcmahon. Hell he probably planted the people there to start the chant.
McMahon's best interest is to keep a low profile with regards to TNA. He doesn't want any of his audience to know about the new competition and that is beyond apparent as WWE officially took a silent stance with regards to it. He couldn't record press conferences anymore without chants...so he nixed them. Planting chanters for the competition doesn't sound like a smart move to me, but rather the dumbest thing in the world. His best recourse is to keep doing what he has been doing: act like they don't exist. Hopefully for him, he can outlast them. At the rate things are going, though, I don't see them going anywhere for a while.
Look at all the shows and pay per views they sell out look at all the merchandise people are still buying. Why are these people wasting their money on a sub=par product?!

Let me go ahead and answer that question for you. The people wasting their money on the sub-par fecal matter steaming it's way out of connecticut are the same people who waste their money on other talentless drab products, like K-Fed's cd. These are the idiots that listen to Kamillionaire and think its great music. Or watch mvoies like Fast and the Furious and think it's great cinema. In a world filled with people who think that Vin Deisel and Nicholas Cage are good actors, it isn't a suprise that the WWE has as much popularity as it does.
Let me go ahead and answer that question for you. The people wasting their money on the sub-par fecal matter steaming it's way out of connecticut are the same people who waste their money on other talentless drab products, like K-Fed's cd. These are the idiots that listen to Kamillionaire and think its great music. Or watch mvoies like Fast and the Furious and think it's great cinema. In a world filled with people who think that Vin Deisel and Nicholas Cage are good actors, it isn't a suprise that the WWE has as much popularity as it does.

i didnt waste any money on k-feds cd....i still like wwe and wouldnt mind wastin some cash on a ppv here and there...so im not an idiot...nicholas cage is a good actor which is why he has been featured in many hit movies...i like watchin the show and whether it is bad or not im not going to kill myself over it just being bad...you analyze and ask for to much from the company...they are still making more money..they still have sells..and are STILL the most popular wrestling production in the world today...
When Tna Got Better People and made the name and been around longer then wwe and done the things what the wwe has done then you can saying it better. for vkm and Christain Cage do you no why they in tna because there wwe junk they only think what has work for vkm is beening in dx.and who in there right minds have christian has they champ That Guy SucKs Tna Sucks same thing is going to happen to tna what happen to wcw .
one of the reasons why tna sucks is cause the x division makes no sense.
Is it for lighter superstars only if so how come there is a 4000pound gorilla known as samoa joe in the hunt for the title. It makes no sense
all dave meltzer and dave scherer do all day is go online read stuff on wwe.com and report it as if they recieve the news firsthand. they have no life.
Actually, Meltzer and Shcerer make a pretty decent living at it and are pretty well respected in the industry, so try again.
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