[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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Not sure if monty will regret it...its been noted he is quite commited to his physical training jobs and been in WWE means he doesnt have to spend time improving, his current skills are very much what WWE looks for.
That's the problem of the whole company in a nutshell. They look for flash over substance and the end result is mediocre entertainment with $hit wrestling on it. Monty is nothing more than a two-minute wonder that the crowd likes to watch in squash encounters. Any time he's in a singles match longer than about ten minutes, the crowd finally realizes exactly how stupid they were to like him in the first place.
Well you've thrown out your problems and solutions, but only one man can change the face of WWE for the better: Vince McMahon. I will say, although it is not a threat yet, TNA is getting a little more prominent on the radar. The fans are getting vocal, and hopefully the WWE, and not just Vince can listen. After reading what you've written I would suggest that you have found many problems inside the WWE. Yes he has been treading water with the whole celebrity thing, but what he has been doing is trying new things to get ratings, which is a start to getting new fans. Wrestling going mainstream was always a possibility in the '90's, but the general perception of wrestling kept it from doing that. A problem in their rosters is that three shows is too much. Raw and SmackDown used to have lots of main eventers but ever since ECW came in, the talent has been spread around too much. All the experienced indy stars are just being brought up too quickly. That is a problem down at DSW and OVW; there is too little talent left because they don't have enough needed to fill the void left by the pulling of many wrestlers off the show to come up to the WWE. I'm all for new stars but there is too many inexperienced ones in the WWE because of ECW. The wrestlers you have listed as green are not surprisingly big men. A guy like Samoa Joe or Brock Lesnar are one in a thousand for big men who can wrestle. They show off the muscle and power of the WWE, but I would prefer to see a balance of big and small. They are not there to show off wrestling so you have got to stop expecting them to do it. As long as they are experienced with crowd control and mic skills and have earned respect from fans, they are not green to me.

It would be nice to see the WWE forget about non-wrestling fans and including celebrities but they want to take the WWE further. Wrestlemania this year I hope is not filled with celebrities. I am hoping for a fantastic Wrestlemania but not a single match has been announced yet and some feuds don't look like continuing till then so it will be interesting to see how good it is. Either way, I am ordering it. Wrestlemania will be crucial to see where the WWE stands now.

Yeah the WWE has dropped in quality from those days, but they have lost all the wrestlers they had since then (and the ones they still have aren't getting the same reactions they did.) Again, the WWE has changed. Those PPV's were filled with rivalries and good wrestling, but today the WWE only puts wrestlers in matches they would like - not the traditional fan. If the WWE is going to have matches like Benoit/Angle, they should have them for PPVs. This makes them available to the fan who really wants them.

McMahon is a tough authority figure, but if people are too weak to work for him, I wouldn't want them working for me anyway. This sorts out the stars who are willing to work. Mental toughness and the ability to comply with what you are told is a great asset for any worker to have.

Kasey I have got to stop replying to you. You are making TNA a little more enticing with all the faults you find in the WWE. I will always remain a WWE fan, but now I expect a little more.

And BTW, DMAN created a thread about you and Justinsayne for your comments about Noodlicious promiscuous. You should read it. It is possibly stupider than the Noodles post.
After reading this whole thread, I have to agree with every single word that Kasey has said. Kasey, you know your stuff! I've only been watching TNA regularly since Angle arrived and I have to say that the overall wrestling product there is far better than the WWE's. Angle/Joe is the best thing I've seen since Angle/Michaels, just great matches and a really entertaining and intense feud.
They need to spend a little more time enhancing their own talent instead of living off WWE's..They need to make their own name instead of banking on WWE's..They signed Christian, Kurt Angle, Rhino, Sting, Kevin Nash, DDP, Savage, X-Pac, Jeff Hardy, Team 3D.

Rhino was seriously underused in WWE they banned his piledriver ffs.

sting was never in WWE. team 3d we're let go and christian wanted to work for them.

i for one am enjoying the ride of this show. WWE nearly made me stop watching wrestling.
Common people...do you actually think TNA is better than the WWE? Youve got to be kidding me, TNA is filled with WWE rejects...except Kurt Angle (Who is getting alot of backstage heat). They do have some good talent, but they do not know how to push their talent wisely and that will lead to their downfall. I mean, I thought Samoa Joe was unbeaten...Someone from WWE comes along and beats them! It ruins their gimmik! They are loosing money...and loosing money fast, why do you think they have stopped paying for hotel's ect...because they simply can't afford it. Alot of their talent will soon get sick of TNA and realise the only place to be is WWE...and if the WWE rejects them...well...they always have Ring Of Honour to go too. TNA should quit before they go into liquidation...they are not even close to beating the WWE...I mean, most of their fans only go because the tickets are so cheap. Even the new (But VERY bad ECW) is pulling better ratings than TNA, and TNA is primetime. Soon Jeff Jerret will realise the games up and move on, and then after everything everyone in TNA has said about the WWE...where will they go? There gonna be out of jobs. Just face it people...WWE will always own professional wrestling...and until every one of the McMahons die...that will never change.
A few things you are wrong with. One, the WWE rejects statement. The majority of the guys here aren't rejects...they left on their own terms. Nash left when his contract was up, Angle asked to be released...same with Christian. VKM were let go, so was Rhyno and 3D. Aside from VKM, WWE have realized their mistake and come back to offer contracts to both Rhyno and 3D (this includes brother runt). Am I missing any other WWE rejects as you call them? Oh, Jarrett, who got pissed off and left the WWE back in the late 90's. You can't say Sting because he elected not to go to the WWE, even though Vince begged him and offered him millions of dollars. Sting said once early in his carreer that he would NEVER work for McMahon, and so far he has stuck to his word.

Now, this isn't to mention that contracts have been offered to Styles, Daniels, Joe (all three of whom where in the WWE around 01-02, and were all buried in dark matches or on heat). All three turned down contracts in order to work for the company that would let their natural skills shine over the looks and mic skills.

As far as money goes, for one, the shows are actually free. But that doesn't mean anything. The Impact zone always has the maximum capacity they can have for the shows. Losing money? No, they aren't. They stopped paying for hotel rooms to put more money towards something else. WWE has done it, and from what I have heard out of wrestlers own mouths, they don't mind at all. Its just like it was when they were wrestling in the indies! Besides, they are in florida for what, two days a month? woooooo.

Something a lot of marks, smarks, and your average joe don't realize is how a business works. Businesses have budgets. Panda Energy, who owns TNA, is making money OFF of TNA. Dixie Carter has already said this. They are making more money than they are spending. And Panda Energy is a huge company, and is worth WAY more than McMahon could ever dream of. Anyway, when a business is bringing in money but is owned by another business, they are given a budget. Even if they are making more than that budget, until the end of the fiscal year, the cannot reform that budget and take in more money.

So, basically, lets say TNA where given a budget of 2 million a month (that could be WAY over, or under, inflated...I have no idea...) If your wrestlers salaries come in at 500,000, advertising is around 700,000, your other workers need to be paid...that probably totals in around a 750,000 (it takes a LOT of people to keep a show running...)

So, that would leave 50,000. Not a lot left over. Doesn't mean they aren't makign money, but the parent company is seeing all of that. Now, you sign a new superstar that has a high premium, yuo pay for some one off appearancs by celebrities and other big name wrestlers. You try to do some travelling, and up your advertising just a little bit. Geuss what! That 50,000 you were using is no longer enough! Now you can't afford to pay for hotel rooms.

Now, Panda Energy has been known in the past to pump a little bit more money into TNA when Dixie feels she wants too. But, as I said, it won't be part of the budget, and the majority of business won't do it more than once a fiscal year (Dixie has done it twice if I remember correctly this year alone...)

That being said, the fiscal year ends in June, expect a budget increase for TNA. Then, hotel rooms might be paid for again.

And actually, while not close to beating the WWE (which was never their intention. Their intention was to offer an alternative and be on equal footing with WWE, anyway...) they are getting up there. Ratings may not show it because not enough people know about it yet. But every WWE show, what is happening? TNA chants, and they are getting more and more popular. They are getting louder. Vince cancelled press conferances becuase the TNA chants where so loud and, to him, obnoxious. He didn't want anyone to hear it!

What bugs me though is the lengths he will go to to make sure no one hears of TNA. Why must it be competition? What is it going to take from him? Different style show on a different night? Thats not competition!

Anyway, I hope I made my point. Maybe you fuckfaces will stop coming onto the TNA boards and acting like idiots.
Anyway, I hope I made my point. Maybe you fuckfaces will stop coming onto the TNA boards and acting like idiots.
I think you made your point.

Another thing do you u idiotic tna bashers think wwe grew to the size it is today in 4-5-6 years? Tna has been around for roughly that length of time.To have a national t.v. deal,ppv's,and attempting to have shows in different parts of the country says a lot. All small businesses have to cut some costs to try to do things that will them expand such as not paying for tna wrestler's hotels? Did wwe ever do that? i believe the answer is no(correct me if i m wrong)

As for the fuckfaces coming into the tna boards they have to have something to bash since they dont want to acknowledge the fact that the wwe product has fallen off in recent years and Tna is a refreshing alternative.
I think you made your point.

Another thing do you u idiotic tna bashers think wwe grew to the size it is today in 4-5-6 years? Tna has been around for roughly that length of time.To have a national t.v. deal,ppv's,and attempting to have shows in different parts of the country says a lot. All small businesses have to cut some costs to try to do things that will them expand such as not paying for tna wrestler's hotels? Did wwe ever do that? i believe the answer is no(correct me if i m wrong)

As for the fuckfaces coming into the tna boards they have to have something to bash since they dont want to acknowledge the fact that the wwe product has fallen off in recent years and Tna is a refreshing alternative.

you TNA sheep are all the same. This one loser happens to be a total WWE mark. And yes, alot of them were WWE rejects. Christian was never given the push deserved. Hence the term REJECT. And even styles and daniels being buried on Heat examplifies REJECTS. They were people who were stick in limbo on WWE but are more established in TNA. There's good and bad about TNA. ACCEPT IT. It isnt perfect. And none you find TNA bonying up a million dollars to get some attention from D-X (as if they need it) while making cost cuts back stage is smart, you so called business experts? Gwt a grip. You get mad at lame WWE marks like the author of this thread who come to bash TNA, yet you honestly expect Vince to give TNA FREE advertising on HIS company's show? Holy crap, talk about sad. Good God, wake up and smell the reality. LAX is lame and totally stale, Sorotonin is going nowhere rightnow, and they're killing the X division's credibility as well as their own tag division. The best they have rigt now is Angle vs. Joe, AJ Styles as a heel, Jerry Lynn back in action and the Abyss storyline, which are all very good. Grow the hell up.
I was going to have a rant, but the above too have said it all.

The bottom line in any thread that resembles this is, if you want to rant about how inferior TNA is to WWE, do it in the WWE section or someplace else, because we (and by we i mean the TNA fans) have minds of our own, we have our reasons why we like TNA.

We do not believe TNA is superior to WWE and if you think WWE is Superior to TNA your wrong, TNA and WWE have both got great qualitys but neither are perfect, they both have flaws and both have commendable attributes. We like it because we like it and we wont change our opinion because any some fuckhole tells us information we already know in a new thread on the message board we frequent.

Grow up, people have different tastes, the sooner you learn that the better.

I watch TNA because....

1. I dont like overblown/unrealsitic storylines.
2. I am bored with the same characters that WWE has pushed for the last few years and seeked different ones.
3. Its something different, 4 years with one mainstream wrestling product and no alternative got boring.
4. Kurt angle is one of my favourite wrestlers.
5. Christopher Daniels is one of my favourite wrestlers.
6. They have guys from ROH and other indys.

I cant be arsed to continue.....go home..
I agree with most of that, but you contradicted yourself in saying that people have different tastes, but then said that WWE supremists are wrong?

speaking of credibility, you can't hoenstly tell me Cornette is laying down the law on Impact. His old Roster meeting were great, but now he's politely asking Christian Cage to...get in a cage? what's that about? though one person who I give alot of credit to is James Mitchell, the guy is like a devil, just great on the mic and a complete bastard.
Considering that Vince is so scared of just the "Chanting" of the TNA name or the VKM name, pulling signs with anything related to those on it, and cancelling press conferences because of it, not to mention believes that a Kevin Federline vs John Cena match and two people in a match dressed as Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump can make money when instead they're a laughing stock, I'd say that those that bash TNA and still stand by the WWE are in over their heads in BS. In fact they're drowning in it by still siding with that senial old fossil that is Vince McMahon.

So to those that continue to bash TNA the minute something goes wrong that sounds even the slightest bit negative and praise the tripe that is the WWE nowadays, I got two words of my own for you. SHOVE IT!!!!
you TNA sheep are all the same.

whoa how did i become a sheep? Just for the record i watch both TNa and wwe.
If you think wwe hasn't fallen off since they purchased wcw and ecw and there isnt a 'high level' competition what are you smoking and why aint you sharing with the rest of us?
Competition makes products better.If amd and intel werent duking it out in computer processors home pc's wouldn't be as powerful as they are today.

Christian was never given the push deserved. Hence the term REJECT.And even styles and daniels being buried on Heat examplifies REJECTS. They were people who were stick in limbo on WWE but are more established in TNA.

How does that make any of them a reject? They got passed over for someone like Cena ,batista,umaga or any other talentless wonder mcmahon tries to push down our throats.I'm not particularly a fan of any of them because they are boring and have 5 moves max.I think most of this forum feels the same way.

yet you honestly expect Vince to give TNA FREE advertising on HIS company's show? Holy crap, talk about sad. Good God, wake up and smell the reality

Who ever said that? That would be a very dumb business move to advertise your competitor on your dime.

LAX is lame and totally stale, Sorotonin is going nowhere rightnow, and they're killing the X division's credibility as well as their own tag division. T,

What just because tna's stables/tag teams arent a failed attempt to rehash an old gimmick that was cool before 2000 they are lame and totally stale and going nowhere ?DX has been nothing but lame this last run.It was nothing compared to the original run.

As for tag divisions i honestly don't think i can name 5 tag teams in the wwe. Cryme tyme,rated rko...dx(prior to hhh's injury) hmm thats about it.

What's killing the x division? Having Kevin Nash run a contest to further developer the x divisioner's characters? I cant think of the last time i saw a decent cruserweight match on wwe.
ogod...another WWE Vs TNA thread. Don't you people have anything better to do with your time? Whose better? I think the better question is who cares. Some people like WWE, some like TNA, some like both, some like neither. The truth is, the "better" company is the one that makes more impact, does more for the pro wrestling and makes more money. Right now, as long as money making goes, TNA is about as profitable as selling ice cubes on the North Pole. At this point neither one of the companies is doing much for the pro wrestling as a whole. WWE is sitting in their comfotable setting while TNA is jumping up and down and not reaching enough of people to really make a difference. Impact? I don't think so. There is no company in the world today that can adn will make an impact to help the pro wrestling boom like WCW did in 1995 and WWE did in 1998.
tna says that they are better than the wwe because they have more wrestlins.THATA BULLSHIT. on tna some people talk, then there is comercials, then maybe someone gets attacked, but before that they tlked, tou maybe get 3 matches on tna. And there characters suck. AND BESIDES AJ STYLES THEY ARE WWE REJECTS. And you cant blame vince mcmahon for having the rosie vs trump match, or the kevin federline ting, he was just trying to get media attention to get more fans.

No1 cares about abyss' secret, sting is an old man, the pcs is ******ed, i want to see those guys wrestle not play MUSICAL CHAIRS!!!!. Ron "the truth" killings cant dance. Christian cage is nothing without tomko. kurt angle is still full of himself after winning a olympic gold medal 11 years ago!.Lax needs to go back to mexico. If vkm had any balls they would actually go after dx, not show up OUTSIDE a raw event, or go to san antonio where obviously shawn micheals will not be because he is traveling with the wwe.

And every says they dont like cena because he only has like five moves, or same with batista, at lleast every one in the wwe has a deiffernt move set. every one i tna basically uses the same exact moves as eatchother.

The only thing cool about tna is petey williams and thats only because of the canadien destroyer.

the only reason jeff hardy was on tna was to warm up for the wwe, that shows how good the wrestling is.

to all you tna fans ive got two words for ya SUCK IT!!!!
tna says that they are better than the wwe because they have more wrestlins.THATA BULLSHIT. on tna some people talk, then there is comercials, then maybe someone gets attacked, but before that they tlked, tou maybe get 3 matches on tna. And there characters suck. AND BESIDES AJ STYLES THEY ARE WWE REJECTS. And you cant blame vince mcmahon for having the rosie vs trump match, or the kevin federline ting, he was just trying to get media attention to get more fans.
Yes, in an hour show the ratio of talk to wrestling is typically what you'd find from WWE, it's just that they have a much shorter time to tell stories and set up angles with. Their characters suck? As opposed to the Boogeyman, The Highlanders, Cryme Tyme, Spirit Squad (thank god it's dead), and DX? You like COMPLETE crap? Fine. Knock yourself out. And WWE is nothing more than rejects from other places like ECW and WCW, so what exactly is your point? Do you even have a point that holds water? Or do you just type to see pretty letters form $hit on your screen? I can't blame Vince for these two fiascos? HORSE-$HIT! He's the word of law in that company and those two angles sucked complete donkey schlong. They were beyond stupid, completely pointless, and a waste of airtime on a show that needs more bad angles like I need to get struck by f**king lightning. Even if there is something I find crappy in TNA, I don't sit around making excuses for it.

No1 cares about abyss' secret, sting is an old man, the pcs is ******ed, i want to see those guys wrestle not play MUSICAL CHAIRS!!!!. Ron "the truth" killings cant dance. Christian cage is nothing without tomko. kurt angle is still full of himself after winning a olympic gold medal 11 years ago!.Lax needs to go back to mexico. If vkm had any balls they would actually go after dx, not show up OUTSIDE a raw event, or go to san antonio where obviously shawn micheals will not be because he is traveling with the wwe.
You want to see wrestling as opposed to storyline work? And you have the balls to come in and talk up WWE programming? Google the slang term "ass backwards." What planet are you from and what kind of drugs are you on? Actually, Truth can dance, but that speaks nothing for the fact that he is John Cena done right, and unlike WWE's blossoming movie dynamo, Killings can actually wrestle. Christian Cage is nothing without Tomko? Please explain as to why he is nothing? This ought to be fantastic to hear. The rest of the post I won't reply to because I already did in another thread.

And every says they dont like cena because he only has like five moves, or same with batista, at lleast every one in the wwe has a deiffernt move set. every one i tna basically uses the same exact moves as eatchother.
Different move set? And you're mentioning Batista and Cena? Good lord. It's not just the limited movesets that make people want to cringe, it's the execution of them, as well as the ability of each man to sell and move about the ring. They also have the ring psychology of a couple of first week trainees. Everyone in TNA uses the exact same moves as each other? Please astound me as to your base for hardcore proof on this one. The fact that you're comparing the offensive repertoire of a company that has numerous moves BANNED, and one with no limits and wrestlers that actually function under that mentality is just enthralling.

The only thing cool about tna is petey williams and thats only because of the canadien destroyer.
I know, you like flashy, shiny things, huh? Don't stare at neon sign for too long...you'll have a seizure.

the only reason jeff hardy was on tna was to warm up for the wwe, that shows how good the wrestling is.
Jeff Hardy was in TNA because he pissed away his push in WWE and had a problem keeping his nose clean. TNA took him in with the hopes to help him remedy his problem and rejuvenate his career...only problem is that when they gave him the ball to run with, he tripped over his own feet and dropped it on the ground. He can't wrestle in singles matches that don't involve him jumping off of something unless he gets very lucky. He botches moves, has pacing problems, runs out of breath, and has zero ring psychology. TNA gave him the opportunity to main event and he pissed it away because he's not half as good as WWE paints him up to be...and that's me being very generous.

to all you tna fans ive got two words for ya SUCK IT!!!!
Maybe next year when you're 8 years old you'll start to understand what it means to have verbal diarrhea, because right now the $hit is dropping all over your keyboard.

Be careful Kasey
It looks now that TNA is getting sick of some of the attitudes of former WWE employees around the locker room. Kurt Angle is being his usual jackoff self and Vince Russo is causing a stir as well. Who knows, this may either make the desire to jump ship to the fame and big money of the WWE for some of the TNA wrestlers, or it could give the wrestlers the wrong idea of what the locker room at WWE is like. Granted most there absolutely HATE the WWE and Vince McMahon so I don't think we'll be seeing anyone come over to the WWE anyway. Those idiots in VKM whose whole act is badmouthing the company that gave them a start and the people who got them to where they are now by fanning the flames of hatred, have proven that they don't take kindly to the WWE.

But let's face it. Whenever a company goes in a rough patch, we will continue watching in the hope that it gets better and in some cases, to find more stuff to complain about. The WWE today is exactly the same. TNA fans are diehard wrestling fans and as I've learned from a few people on this thread, there is no chance that they will give up the WWE completely any time soon. This is great news for the WWE and not so good for TNA. The WWE's popularity if anything is on the rise after the celebrity stuff because most fans have remained loyal to the company and may have gained some new fans as well, whilst TNA hasn't really gained much out of the WWE war and is performing at what I think is their best.

To end the argument on whether or not the WWE should advertise TNA by acknowledging them: The WWE will never, ever do that. As big a fan as I am of the WWE, even now I know that TNA is performing better and looks more stable. To acknowledge a lesser company that isn't going anywhere because no one has heard of it is plain asinine. If people hadn't noticed, pro wrestling is FAKE, so any chance of a TNA vs WWE match is slim to nil as no company wants to lose and therefore could not organise a match. I believe if TNA can ever reach the popularity the WWE has, all the WWE have to do is mention them - which is the last thing they want to do. There is no need to advertise them and would only be doing what TNA wants and would do them no favours.

The WWE and TNA will never come to terms on anything, so I see no point in the VKM thing. Wrestlers like Kurt Angle can spite the WWE all they want by going over to the minor leagues as of now in TNA - but if anything, it is ruining him financially (not as rich as he could be in WWE) and by the looks of it, hurting the rest of the locker room.

The WWE has far too big a developmental territory to worry about a few big name stars leaving - that is why you are yet to see the WWE get desperate in trying to out do TNA. Most TNA fans have to admit that while their company is fresh and innovative, it will never be as big as the WWE and that may mean it will not be around too much longer.
whoa how did i become a sheep? Just for the record i watch both TNa and wwe.
If you think wwe hasn't fallen off since they purchased wcw and ecw and there isnt a 'high level' competition what are you smoking and why aint you sharing with the rest of us?
Competition makes products better.If amd and intel werent duking it out in computer processors home pc's wouldn't be as powerful as they are today.

How does that make any of them a reject? They got passed over for someone like Cena ,batista,umaga or any other talentless wonder mcmahon tries to push down our throats.I'm not particularly a fan of any of them because they are boring and have 5 moves max.I think most of this forum feels the same way.

Who ever said that? That would be a very dumb business move to advertise your competitor on your dime.

What just because tna's stables/tag teams arent a failed attempt to rehash an old gimmick that was cool before 2000 they are lame and totally stale and going nowhere ?DX has been nothing but lame this last run.It was nothing compared to the original run.

As for tag divisions i honestly don't think i can name 5 tag teams in the wwe. Cryme tyme,rated rko...dx(prior to hhh's injury) hmm thats about it.

What's killing the x division? Having Kevin Nash run a contest to further developer the x divisioner's characters? I cant think of the last time i saw a decent cruserweight match on wwe.

no no, you sad little mark. read my post better, read the thread better, and maybe, just maybe, you'll realize i'm not defending any of the stupid crap WWE does. nor am i overglorifying TNA. D-X is alot better as a badss faction than hogging 25 minutes of every show with cheesey overselling. unlike you, i'm unbiased. no, there's more to the tag DIVISIONS than that. you said WWE, not RAW ONLY. come back when you have some credibility. by the way, you just proved my point about the reject bit for me. thanks.
Oh Boy I ll make you all shut up once and for all TNA is the resurrection of WCW from the ashes its sad that Vince Mcmanure purchases his competitors cause only a loser would do that as I said it before I ll say it again!
He makes wrestling fans miserable and a sick egotistical bitch who will do nothing but make his wrestlers live and breath WWE and shoving it down our throats when we fans our sick of WWE as it is!

Originally Posted by Totally Crazy
LAX is lame and totally stale, Sorotonin is going nowhere rightnow, and they're killing the X division's credibility as well as their own tag division. T,

DX has been nothing but lame over 1o yeas and this last run.It was nothing compared to the original run and I disliked DX= DPX Deep Penetration X who else do you got there Highlanders clones of Bushwackers and HeadBangers Cryme Tyme yawwwwwwwwn a copy of Harlem Heat! SO much of Tag teams
The only team I like that finally killed DPX is Rated KO

As for tag divisions theres about 6 tag teams in TNA compared to what 3 tage teams DPX is dead its over and this monday Shwan Michaels will be out of action if not this past monday soon he wants his requested time off !What's killing the x division? Having Kevin Nash run a contest to further developer the x divisioner's characters? I cant think of the last time i saw a decent cruserweight match on wwe.

Originally Posted by Totally Crazy
Christian was never given the push deserved. Hence the term REJECT.And even styles and daniels being buried on Heat examplifies REJECTS. They were people who were stick in limbo on WWE but are more established in TNA.

They are not rejects when you have ********ers like John Fagboy Cena and HHH and HBGay who are always pushing the older men as well as Batista and no room for young talent lets say your narcissist wannabee Chris Masters, Carlito and I can go on they ll soon leave WWE since there is no room in WWE do you blame them they are not rejects but more like refusers who dislike working for McManure which I would do the same
Soon you ll see Big SLow,RVD and BillY Kidman debut in TNA !!!!!
I hope Stevie Richards and Sandman and everyone else gets out of their contract before suffering there its been said all wrestlers are fed up of Vince
If Marks like you wanna say you enjoy WWE RAW and trash TNA I have yet to see TNA bring in false celebrities like Rosie O Donnel,DOnald Trump,False Bush, Lets see we have K-Fed and guess what Snoop Dog will wrestle him
its getting worse I even heard Emminem will join in
I got lets get Justin Timberflake vs K-Fed for Wrestlemania23 I am sure all you Marks will love it special refereee( britney Spears)
and lastly for Sevastra who said this

Something a lot of marks, smarks, and your average joe don't realize is how a business works. Businesses have budgets. Panda Energy, who owns TNA, is making money OFF of TNA. Dixie Carter has already said this. They are making more money than they are spending. And Panda Energy is a huge company, and is worth WAY more than McMahon could ever dream of. Anyway, when a business is bringing in money but is owned by another business, they are given a budget. Even if they are making more than that budget, until the end of the fiscal year, the cannot reform that budget and take in more money.

So, basically, lets say TNA where given a budget of 2 million a month (that could be WAY over, or under, inflated...I have no idea...) If your wrestlers salaries come in at 500,000, advertising is around 700,000, your other workers need to be paid...that probably totals in around a 750,000 (it takes a LOT of people to keep a show running...)

So, that would leave 50,000. Not a lot left over. Doesn't mean they aren't makign money, but the parent company is seeing all of that. Now, you sign a new superstar that has a high premium, yuo pay for some one off appearancs by celebrities and other big name wrestlers. You try to do some travelling, and up your advertising just a little bit. Geuss what! That 50,000 you were using is no longer enough! Now you can't afford to pay for hotel rooms.

Now, Panda Energy has been known in the past to pump a little bit more money into TNA when Dixie feels she wants too. But, as I said, it won't be part of the budget, and the majority of business won't do it more than once a fiscal year (Dixie has done it twice if I remember correctly this year alone...)

IF Panda has more money than Vince Mcmanure than offer him Chris Jericho a good amount of money as he requested say the salary he asked for was close enough to STING
I am a huge fan of Jericho its about time we saw him wrestle and bring in DDP where the hell is he now?
Hell Panda can even bring in Big SLow since his contract is up in February as well as RVD I believe soon so start dishing that money and get more talent
Get Sean Waltman in there and bring back Scott Hall
I know TNA is focused on talent Samoa Joe Aj Styles and so on
Christian is not a reject he is a lot better here than buried in WWE as well as Kurt ANgle ,Team 3D and Nash and so on hopefully get HOgan in TNA if Panda Energy can dish out money do it wisely and you ll have a new WCW from the ashes kicking McMorons ass !!!
R.I.P WWE TNA =WCW of the ashes is back to burn you Vince
tna says that they are better than the wwe because they have more wrestlins.THATA BULLSHIT. on tna some people talk, then there is comercials, then maybe someone gets attacked, but before that they tlked, tou maybe get 3 matches on tna. And there characters suck. AND BESIDES AJ STYLES THEY ARE WWE REJECTS. And you cant blame vince mcmahon for having the rosie vs trump match, or the kevin federline ting, he was just trying to get media attention to get more fans.

No1 cares about abyss' secret, sting is an old man, the pcs is ******ed, i want to see those guys wrestle not play MUSICAL CHAIRS!!!!. Ron "the truth" killings cant dance. Christian cage is nothing without tomko. kurt angle is still full of himself after winning a olympic gold medal 11 years ago!.Lax needs to go back to mexico. If vkm had any balls they would actually go after dx, not show up OUTSIDE a raw event, or go to san antonio where obviously shawn micheals will not be because he is traveling with the wwe.

And every says they dont like cena because he only has like five moves, or same with batista, at lleast every one in the wwe has a deiffernt move set. every one i tna basically uses the same exact moves as eatchother.

The only thing cool about tna is petey williams and thats only because of the canadien destroyer.

the only reason jeff hardy was on tna was to warm up for the wwe, that shows how good the wrestling is.

to all you tna fans ive got two words for ya SUCK IT!!!!

Okay. First off, TNA fans are sheep? No. Ignoring the fact that the WWE focuses on the soap opera dribble and less on match/show quality, those that do THAT are true sheep. Second, you wanna bash TNA, do it on the damn WWE section. Third: Jeff Hardy went back because his brother was there and TNA had the sense to not renew, even though he was high on popularity, due to his own little habits that were killing his career. And I happen to like Jeff Hardy. And they all use the same moves? What are you smoking? And whatever it is, keep it away from me because I prefer logic, common sense, and a firm grasp of reality. And the reality is that Vince's ego outweighs his sense of what the business is and needs now and more importantly what the fans want. And if John Cena is so great, how come he couldn't hack it against Kurt Angle or Triple H, resulting in both matches sucking beyond belief for the first time since Goldberg/Lesnar and Triple H/Scott Steiner.

Want a simpler comparison so we can hopefully TRY to end these TNA/WWE threads, how about this?

TNA: Proof that pro wrestling in it's purity still does exist.
WWE: Soap Opera Garbage, Bland matches, lousy PPVs, and meaningless championship titles all brought together by a senial old man and egomaniac still living in the past.

So, TheCriminal92, THAT is something that you my friend and any others that bash TNA and praise the WWE as pro wrestling at it's finest and in all it's glory, can truly suck on.
Anyone else noticed that almost all TNA Fans are marks? Weird, isn't it?

Their characters suck?

Yeah they really do.. TNA doesn't really have any strong gimmicks that couldn't be considered WWE gimmick rip offs.. Examples

Abyss - Kane/Mankind
Cage - WWE Gimmick basically
Eric Young - Eugene kinda, but paranoid

Theres more, but you should get my point..

As opposed to the Boogeyman, The Highlanders, Cryme Tyme, Spirit Squad (thank god it's dead), and DX?

Boogeyman - Cool gimmick, but cant wrestle.. Nothing wrong with his character.

Highlanders - If there crap, then I guess Piper was crap also, correct?

Cryme Time - Whats wrong with them? There actually pretty funny.. They can infact wrestle also.

Spirit Squad - Imo, this was the best gimmick of 06.. Male cheerleaders.. Who would of thot of that?? They did there job didn't they.. Got us to hate them.. And each of them, except Mitch were also great wrestlers.

DX - There has been nothing wrong with DX.. If you weren't stuck in the past, then maybe you'd realize DX was just as good as they used to be, just older..

And WWE is nothing more than rejects from other places like ECW and WCW, so what exactly is your point?

I agree that the whole "TNA is full of ECW, WWE, and ECW rejects" thing is pretty stupid, but so was your comment.. Your calling Booker T, Helms, Flair, Benoit, Finlay, Regal, Mysterio, RVD all rejects??? That right there deserves nothing else but a big WOW.

Actually, Truth can dance, but that speaks nothing for the fact that he is John Cena done right, and unlike WWE's blossoming movie dynamo, Killings can actually wrestle.

Meh, Cena can wrestle also.. Everyone talks about how great The Rock is, when Cena's style is almost an exact replica of his.. Basically a sloppier techhnician..


Rock - Sharpshooter - Cena - STFU
Rock - Spinebuster - Cena - The swinging backdrop thing
Rock - Peoples Elbow - Cena - 5 Knuckle Shuffel
Rock - Belly to Belly - Cena - Fisherman

I can probably name 4 more moves, but thats about it.. But the "Cena does 5 moves" stuff is bullshit x2

He can't wrestle in singles matches that don't involve him jumping off of something unless he gets very lucky.

Actually, all of Jeffs matches were real good.. Thats another thing.. When he was in TNA, all you praised him.. And now that he's back in the WWE.. It went away..

He botches moves, has pacing problems, runs out of breath, and has zero ring psychology.

Botched Moves - I've seen tons of moves botched in TNA.. If it was live, you would see TONS more.. And, when was the last time Jeff botched a move? Like 3 months ago?

Pacing Problems - Are you serious?

Runs out of Breathe - Im pretty sure every wrestler does after running around for awhile.

Zero in ring psych - Are you serious?

econd, you wanna bash TNA, do it on the damn WWE section

Uh yeah, theres nothing wrong with bashing TNA in a TNA Forum..

TNA: Proof that pro wrestling in it's purity still does exist.

Watch Smackdown! and you'll more then just a glorified spot fest.. No saying all TNA matches are like that, but a little over 70% are.
TNA is definately not full of reject superstars from the WWE. You have people such as Christian and Kurt Angle, who wanted to leave the WWE cause they were simply bored of it. WWE back in the day definatly kicked TNA's arse, but now WWE is boring. Back than WWE had superstars such as The Rock, Stone Cold, DX in there Attitude Era, Goldberg, Tag Teams such as the old school Hardy Boyz, Team 3-D, The APA and so on. TNA superstars take themselves to the limits and thats what it is so damn good about it. If WWE superstars could do that, than there would be no doubt that WWE would shit on TNA. Oh yeah and for who ever said Jeff Hardy went to TNA to warm up for WWE is just full of shit. Jeff Hardy left the WWE in the first place to defeat his drug abuse and to get his life back on track for once. After he cleaned up his act a bit, He moved onto TNA, for change of pace in wrestling. He wanted to do it this, not because people wanted him to, but because he wanted to. He moved from TNA to the WWE because he wanted to wrestle the next couple of years with his brother Matt. Oh and btw, Jeff Hardy wasn't different to when he was in TNA to WWE, he is the same person. Never bag Jeff Hardy, cause he has more determination to be in this buisness more than anyone else. People shouldn't be annoyed by the fact that he switched shows, cause he signed up to WWE to entertain more people, and to work alongside his brother untill he retires from wrestling.
fact is TNA does not meet all the standards needed to become a top wrestling organization in this world today.....pure wrestling alone does not work...and christian cage is pretty much a wwe gimmick sent to TNA...how could he not be...they pair him up with tomko yet again...and he praises pretty much similar things as he did in the wwe...i still do not understand how anyone can say TNA is a threat to the WWE...because some fans decide to head to a WWE event just to chant TNA?...vince cancels his conferences and now everyone saids the wwe might be in trouble.. lol it is a joke...look at the ratings...tna will never become a threat unless they realize what must be done to compete with a wrestling company like the wwe...i like SOME tna wrestling matches..some matches are great to watch because of the skills they potray in the ring..that is the positive about tna...but when you have crappy promos etc etc it just does not cut it...i like wwe..i understand they have been feeding us crap to a certain degree lately..that doesn't matter..i perfer their product overall..and because it isnt pure wrestling im not going to bitch..it has to fit todays standards..society does not want to see a pure wrestling program..it would never get anywhere..cheesy nonsense and things like the wwe potrays will stick with this world....WWE overall BETTER product..
I mean, down here in australia, we don't get to watch TNA, so unless they make TNA international viewing , than WWE will always desroy TNA in the ratings
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