[UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active


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all tna does is showcomercials, and that comment made that said wwe is full of rejects? hahahh u have it backward, that basiclly what tna is....REJECTS!!!

chriastian is nothing without tomko, no1 cares about monster abyss secret, ron killings is a copy of cena, monster abyss is a mankind wannabe, vkm is ****** and intead of actually going after dx the go outside of a raw show or go to the alamo where obviously shawn would not be, kurt angle is still full of himself after winning a gold medal 11 YEARS AGO!!!.

im tired of every1 hear hatin on cena or batista because the only use 5 moves, thats bullshit, every1 on tna basiclly uses the same movs

jeff hardy went to tna to get warmed up for the wwe.

Riiight. I don't understand the unbound HATRED by WWE marks for the TNA guys. The onyl guys that get on my nerves are those exact people. I can get along with someone if they like WWE over TNA, but to just call TNA fans stupid and say suck it..oh well....

You have to realize, a lot of us, like Kasey, myself, and a few others that I am not sure still post here or not, or not TNA marks. We would watch WWE IF they put out a product that was entertaining. I don't look at TNA as competition, but more like an alternative. I don't WWE anymore because they offer nothing for me. Yes, Christian is basically the same gimmick he was in WWE, and he was one of, if not THE, best gimmick WWE had going. And as for the tomko statement...you do realize that tomko was a free agent, and the only reason TNA put him in this storyline was because Christian had asked for it to be this way. Not to mention that fans who remember Tomko and Christian would have their jaws drop when he suddenly showed up to help him.

Jeff went to TNA to get warmed up for the WWE? Okay, whatever.

And no, we didn't all sing Jeff's praises in TNA. I hated him now, I hated him then, and I hated him in his first run in the WWE. Tag Team action, I can stomach him because Matt can carry the match and jeff will do the crazy spot...thats col with me...

I'm done with this crap
Anyone else noticed that almost all TNA Fans are marks? Weird, isn't it?
Yes, Paul. Marks for superior wrestling. Plain and simple. I'd rather mark out for the company with better wrestling than for the one with shinier production values.

Yeah they really do.. TNA doesn't really have any strong gimmicks that couldn't be considered WWE gimmick rip offs.. Examples

Abyss - Kane/Mankind
Cage - WWE Gimmick basically
Eric Young - Eugene kinda, but paranoid

Theres more, but you should get my point..
Yes, and I never claimed that TNA's gimmicks were perfect, did I? I was alluding to the fact that the WWE cornfed mark was pissing on the TNA doorstep and ignoring the fact that his favorite sideshow didn't have any blemishes. So stop fishing. As for Cage, why the hell would you have to inform me that he has his WWE gimmick? We know this is a gimmick he spent years creating. Do you think he'd $hitcan it overnight?

Boogeyman - Cool gimmick, but cant wrestle.. Nothing wrong with his character.
One dimensional. Just like any of the other guys you may have mentioned. Can't wrestle...therefore what is the purpose of his character in the long run? So I can watch him spit worms onto a chick ten years down the road and continue to bang a clock on his f**king head?

Highlanders - If there crap, then I guess Piper was crap also, correct?
Once again, stop fishing. The difference between them is that Piper was a masterfully crafted character that had actual emotion, as opposed to the Highlanders which sees one of the dumb$hits run around spouting off his epic catchphrase weekly telling me "I'm Robbie!" If you have the audacity to lump Piper in with crap like that, then there isn't much point in my debating all things logic with you, is there?

Cryme Time - Whats wrong with them? There actually pretty funny.. They can infact wrestle also.
Another one-dimensional character piece. Whether or not they can wrestle well is also up for debate. Do I think they're horrible in the ring? No. Do I think they're green? Certainly.

Spirit Squad - Imo, this was the best gimmick of 06.. Male cheerleaders.. Who would of thot of that?? They did there job didn't they.. Got us to hate them.. And each of them, except Mitch were also great wrestlers.
I don't hate the wrestlers. I hate the gimmick. You like what I consider to be pointless crap? Fine. Have a ball. The heat they drew from me isn't the right kind of heat. Looking at the roster that made up the Squad, it irritated me heavily because they wasted five guys who all used the same stupid gimmick when they could've been distributed amongst the shows and given individual identities. Kenny is the only one they've done anything remotely worth a damn with since all of them have even been on Raw. I disliked the Spirit Squad not because of the guys in it...but because it was a waste of talent and airtime.

DX - There has been nothing wrong with DX.. If you weren't stuck in the past, then maybe you'd realize DX was just as good as they used to be, just older..
On the contrary, I look to the future. That's precisely why I don't like to see a regurgitated gimmick that was dead for a goddamn decade. Both of those wrestlers are way, WAY too old to be running around doing a damn comedy routine while the WWE Championship rests in the hands of an underqualified schlep who can't wrestle his way out of a wet grocery sack. Once again, I like the wrestlers in the gimmick, but they're being pissed away doing something completely moronic. They keep spoonfeeding $hit like this, and you just keep lapping it up. Kudos.

I agree that the whole "TNA is full of ECW, WWE, and ECW rejects" thing is pretty stupid, but so was your comment.. Your calling Booker T, Helms, Flair, Benoit, Finlay, Regal, Mysterio, RVD all rejects??? That right there deserves nothing else but a big WOW.
Notice the high amounts of sarcasm in there, buddy? You just ran off a list of some of my favorite wrestlers. Yet again, I was alluding to the fact that chucko there felt it necessary to refer to TNA's current stars (who happened to be former WWE/ECW/WCW alumni) as "rejects" when they're anything but. Do I think that the list of former WCW/ECW athletes who comprise the current WWE roster is a group of rejects? Not hardly.

Meh, Cena can wrestle also.. Everyone talks about how great The Rock is, when Cena's style is almost an exact replica of his.. Basically a sloppier techhnician..

Rock - Sharpshooter - Cena - STFU
Rock - Spinebuster - Cena - The swinging backdrop thing
Rock - Peoples Elbow - Cena - 5 Knuckle Shuffel
Rock - Belly to Belly - Cena - Fisherman

I can probably name 4 more moves, but thats about it.. But the "Cena does 5 moves" stuff is bullshit x2
Really? The Rock had at least a couple more signature spots he relied on depending on the encounter. Namely two separate variations of a DDT as well as a hell of a Samoan Drop, but that's just scratching the surface. Cena's limited offense isn't the least of my worries, but rather his slow movement, poor selection of the moves he has, weak looking execution of those moves, and mundane ring psycology. All of which results in sloppy moves, bad matches and a limited amount of time with which he can bore the audience with. Rock was able to run a match into the twenty minute mark successfully while keeping the crowd controlled if he needed to. Rock was also faster, more athletic, and even bigger than Cena. I've said it before...and I'll say it again: Cena couldn't do that at gunpoint. Not even when he had this supposed "expanded moveset" in his early days. I've seen him as The Prototype and suffice to say that I was less than impressed.

Actually, all of Jeffs matches were real good.. Thats another thing.. When he was in TNA, all you praised him.. And now that he's back in the WWE.. It went away..
Show me my posts where I kiss Hardy's ass? Please. You're a mod. Dig 'em up, slick. Even from the first BFG main event, I knew he sucked for real and it wasn't just my Spider-Sense tingling. He was given a main event with the top heel of TNA at their first ever 3-hour spectacular, in a ladder match no less, which is Hardy's bread and butter. It flopped, and not due to Jarrett. I have the match on tape. Hardy runs out of breath, gets stuck in numerous spots, and damn sure doesn't know when to play off the momentum of the crowd. The crowds in TNA were ready to worship the guy until they found out exactly how much he needs to go back to wrestling school. That is why he was used as cannon fodder for the Monster's Ball-esque matches afterwards. He can't handle a match with only one opponent, so they gave him at least two at a time.

Botched Moves - I've seen tons of moves botched in TNA.. If it was live, you would see TONS more.. And, when was the last time Jeff botched a move? Like 3 months ago?
Yes, I'm sure you've seen tons of botched moves in TNA. Considering their offensive repertoire most of the time is leagues ahead of anything the Stamford boys are allowed to do, I'd give 'em a little leeway. I'm not sure...when was the last time Jeff wrestled on Raw? I'm sure I can dig up a solid critiquing of that.

Pacing Problems - Are you serious?
I wouldn't have typed it if I was f**king kidding.

Runs out of Breathe - Im pretty sure every wrestler does after running around for awhile.
Some faster than others. Hardy's substance abuse and less-than-healthy lifestyle have obviously caught up with him as he's put on some fat. Look at the offensive crispness of other wrestlers at the beginning and end of their matches. Hell, even Flair's wrinkled ass has better cardio than Hardy does. By the end of each match Hardy punches like a chick and gets sloppier in nearly every move he makes.

Zero in ring psych - Are you serious?
Yet again. See above answer regarding pacing. He can't control a crowd and doesn't know when to apply his maneuvers. Even stuff as basic as crisp punches and brawling are as foreign to him as a Chinese cookbook. It's not that I think he's the worst of all time, but he needs to go back to school and learn how to build on a match that doesn't always require him to fall of something like New Jack does.

Uh yeah, theres nothing wrong with bashing TNA in a TNA Forum..
There is if you don't do it with any remote semblance of intelligence and forethought. You can do it, but be ready for the backlash.

Watch Smackdown! and you'll more then just a glorified spot fest.. No saying all TNA matches are like that, but a little over 70% are.
I watch Smackdown every week and have for years and years. It's boring, badly booked and has corny storylines. I could write a college thesis on why that show is a big bag of ass. However, this last episode was decent. I liked Kendrick versus London and the rest of the card wasn't too puke-worthy.
Its funny how now, noone saying they didn't praise Jeff in TNA.. Unlike some here, I have a life and rather not go and dig up some shit, just to prove someone wrong, again...

Basically, Kasey, you didnt say one thing in that post that would lead be to debate with you over what we were debating.. Its all just the same shit over and over and over again..

I'm gonna leave the WWE vs TNA thread like this.. TNA marks consistantly bitch about WWE Marks, when fact is TNA's are 10x worse.. Some people need to realize that WWE will be around for like ever.. As for TNA, its iffy.. Personally, I'm not a mark for WWE or TNA.. They both as of now put me to sleep.. CZW is where its at.. RoH also.. TNA and WWE have both killed great in ring athletes like AJ and Paul London.. AJ has turned into a glorrified spotter, and London isn't himself.. Both companys have there flaws, which leaves with neither of them being better..
Its funny how now, noone saying they didn't praise Jeff in TNA.. Unlike some here, I have a life and rather not go and dig up some shit, just to prove someone wrong, again...

Basically, Kasey, you didnt say one thing in that post that would lead be to debate with you over what we were debating.. Its all just the same shit over and over and over again..

I'm gonna leave the WWE vs TNA thread like this.. TNA marks consistantly bitch about WWE Marks, when fact is TNA's are 10x worse.. Some people need to realize that WWE will be around for like ever.. As for TNA, its iffy.. Personally, I'm not a mark for WWE or TNA.. They both as of now put me to sleep.. CZW is where its at.. RoH also.. TNA and WWE have both killed great in ring athletes like AJ and Paul London.. AJ has turned into a glorrified spotter, and London isn't himself.. Both companys have there flaws, which leaves with neither of them being better..
You have a life. That's why you're a moderator? Sure. You're also a professional bullshit artist who's trying to convince me he's some sort of Joe Cool. I have a life outside of here and work a 40+hour a week job, workout in my spare time, play nintendo with my geek friends on fridays, and have a wife. Big f***ing deal. Do you see me telling everyone on here that "I have a life." No. I'm not age 9 and I don't take kindly to those who frequent a website in an authority position and don't take a neutral stance. I didn't say one thing to further debate because I won the debate. You're the mod, and if I was in the crew that was bobbing Hardy's proverbial knob while he was in TNA, find the post where I did it. I know you guys keep records of those things. Do a search? Or maybe you tried lumping me in with someone else and ended up exposed for talking out your ass? My debates are typically the same ones, with a few exceptions, because I also hear the same dumb $hit from people who come in here saying TNA is the worst thing since rickets. I'm not a TNA mark anymore than I'm a WWE mark. I judge the products on their wrestling and overall presentation. It just so happens that at this point in time, I find TNA to stomping WWE's collective ass in those departments. No one with any shred of logic floating around in their brain is saying that "WWE is doomed!" Any claim would be foolish. It is funny that TNA is causing Vince trouble and doing their best to bury him up to his neck in $hit so he can think happy, happy thoughts forever. I do agree that both have flaws, but like I said, I find WWE to have MANY more.
You have a life. That's why you're a moderator?

You know, thats just about like the 4th or 5th time I heard that this weak... I'm a mod that is rarley on here.. So uhh yeah.. You don't know me, so don't judge what I do..

You're also a professional bullshit artist who's trying to convince me he's some sort of Joe Cool.

Oh yeah.. Once again acting like you know me, and know what I do.. Joe Cool? Thot it was average Joe? Meh.

I have a life outside of here and work a 40+hour a week job, workout in my spare time, play nintendo with my geek friends on fridays, and have a wife.

You want a cookie or something?

Do you see me telling everyone on here that "I have a life." No. I'm not age 9 and I don't take kindly to those who frequent a website in an authority position and don't take a neutral stance

I'm not 9 either =\\ .. Did I not sya I wasnt a WWE or TNA mark? Did you actually read my post? Cause from that statement, it doesn't seem like it..

didn't say one thing to further debate because I won the debate.

Lol, you didn't win shit.. But since you take pride in winning e debates, hey thats all you bud.

You're the mod, and if I was in the crew that was bobbing Hardy's proverbial knob while he was in TNA, find the post where I did it.

One more time, I really dont try to go for internet credability, so I rather not waste any of my time..

I know you guys keep records of those things.

Funny, you know things I've never heard of.

Or maybe you tried lumping me in with someone else and ended up exposed for talking out your ass?

No not really.. If I wanted ta make you look silly, I could do it, but once again.. Not trying to have e cred..

My debates are typically the same ones, with a few exceptions, because I also hear the same dumb $hit from people who come in here saying TNA is the worst thing since rickets

And your going to sit in front of your computer screan and tell me TNA fans arguements arent ******ed? I swear, your the only one that ever makes sence.. And if someone else does, its because they take your post, reword it and make it there own..

I do agree that both have flaws, but like I said, I find WWE to have MANY more.

Maybe so, but unlike TNa, WWE has time to fix them.. TNA right now is desperate after signing all these guys to million dollar deals, that there pushing for TNA vs WWE to boost there ratings, but its still not working.. As far as TNA goes, ever since Russo took over, it seems that in every match there has to be a story to it, or some kind of wierd finish.. Hell, ban some moves now, and TNA is the WWE.
TNA has good wrestling and highflying stuff but there to full of themselves like tthe "Million Dolla Challenge" or how Ron Killings copied Cena with his song "You can't Stop me" (see the resemblance) also if TNA thinks that they can take WWE right now (or ever hehe) in a couple years Cornette will be on his knees, begging Vinne Mac not to bankrupt him and ron killings will be in a box on the sidewalk asking people for scrubs
You know, thats just about like the 4th or 5th time I heard that this weak... I'm a mod that is rarley on here.. So uhh yeah.. You don't know me, so don't judge what I do..
I definitely can judge what you do on here. Being a mod means you're held to a higher standard than the rest of us on here. A standard you obviously see fly over your head on a daily basis. You've heard it four or five times this week? Which means you've been on here at least that many times, so the "I have a life" comment holds less water than a dixie cup. It also means there are others besides me who also find your assholery to be a complete nuisance. Notice a pattern?
Oh yeah.. Once again acting like you know me, and know what I do.. Joe Cool? Thot it was average Joe? Meh.
I know what I see and hear, slick. That's enough for me to form my own opinions.
You want a cookie or something?
There was the point...and it flew right over your head.
I'm not 9 either =\\ .. Did I not sya I wasnt a WWE or TNA mark? Did you actually read my post? Cause from that statement, it doesn't seem like it..
Really? Could've fooled me. Saying and doing are separate things...but I wouldn't expect you to know the difference.
Lol, you didn't win shit.. But since you take pride in winning e debates, hey thats all you bud.
Really? Care to take a concensus on that?
One more time, I really dont try to go for internet credability, so I rather not waste any of my time..
Who said you had any cred to begin with?
Funny, you know things I've never heard of.
Somehow I feel you say that to a lot of people...and not just on the internet.
No not really.. If I wanted ta make you look silly, I could do it, but once again.. Not trying to have e cred..
No please, your highness. I'm all ears. Astound me.
And your going to sit in front of your computer screan and tell me TNA fans arguements arent ******ed? I swear, your the only one that ever makes sence.. And if someone else does, its because they take your post, reword it and make it there own..
That's fine if they quote my words or use my opinion. Having an original thought is rare. However, the double standard is also said for WWE fans who litter this sandbox with some of the most ass-backwards retarted thinking I've come across.
Maybe so, but unlike TNa, WWE has time to fix them.. TNA right now is desperate after signing all these guys to million dollar deals, that there pushing for TNA vs WWE to boost there ratings, but its still not working.. As far as TNA goes, ever since Russo took over, it seems that in every match there has to be a story to it, or some kind of wierd finish.. Hell, ban some moves now, and TNA is the WWE.
TNA has plenty of time. They're fresh out of the gate and Spike is definitely as behind them as they could be. Not since Russo has arrived have I said that the product was the same. I know it's different. Is it something I approve of with regards to the reduced wrestling time? No. Do I want a two-hour show? Definitely. My crux is simple, though. When it comes time to watch the show, I still find the wrestling to be ahead of WWE's product (however little they show as of late). And then when it comes time for a PPV? I still get my money's worth and a hell of a lot more than I'd get chucking cash down for one of Titan's recent efforts.
I Was Readint The Past Comments And I Saw A Part Where Paul Wall Said Rock Was A Great Wrestler And Cryme Tyme Was Talented In The Ring And This Guy Has A Nerve To Call Anybody A Mark Lol
FUCK THAT STUBID TNA. They dont even have a square ring. they get like 500 people per show, wwe gets 10 times that much. fuck tna

Hey Rated R Superstar I am just going to tell you that them having a 6-sided ring is a lot better there is room for more shit to go down and the only reason that they only have about 500 is because it started out as a low rate wrestling federation, just like the wwe did when it first started not to mention that the studio TNA is in in Orlando Studios only seats about that many people. It is starting to grow rapidly. TNA was on for an hour at like 3 when it first started and then it moved to 11 and now it is on at 9 just like RAW and a lot of wwe wrestlers are wanting to leave wwe and go to TNA, look at Kurt Angle one of the best is over there and RVD's contract is up this year and there is talk about him going over there. Just think about it TNA is going to be big. You watch!
in the long run WWE is going to do better because of the simple fact that tna is not broadcast world wide. WWE is pretty much everywere in the world. I mean im from Australia and we only get TNA ppvs. But wwe here is huge.

We have RAW SD ECW Heat and experience on every week. For tna to work it needs to be broadcast more worldwide. plus Im not fond for a hexigon ring i mean thats kinda strange
After reading some of the results from the PPV last night, it seems that with Russo's involvement, TNA is now developing some definite WWEism's into their programming. TNA is supposed to be all about being different from the WWE, yet with a DQ finish, a pointless promo, and lots of cheating in matches, it looks like TNA is beginning to resemble some of the WWE product today. While their wrestling is second to none, you may think that the 'Entertainment' factor is becoming more prominent in TNA. Don't get me wrong, I think that if they can find the right mix between entertainment through good promo's, etc, and brilliant wrestling, they could become a real force in the wrestling market, but last night sort of contradicted what TNA is meant to be about: Pure wrestling. The WWE rarely has Promos on PPV's, which is usually to keep the time down , but for some reason TNA felt the need to put something you can see on TV every week: Another VKM rant on the WWE. And now they have even employed DQ finishes to their matches, which for me is just stupid because they have been promoting good wrestling and clean finishes for years, and now they resort to doing this. Yes it furthers an angle but it also closes the diiference gap between them and the WWE. I guess all the WWE stars are not doing them that much good. Cancer wears down a once healthy and stable body, and now Vince Russo and the TNA writing staff could be doing just that with TNA. I'm sure most fans would've hated the DQ finish and the cheating finish, so this is an example of TNA using typical WWE styles in their product that is not listening to what the fans want.
I'll be the first guy to say that if something doesn't change within the next few months, Russo will be down the road again. It's weird because for every three things he does that I really love, he'll do one or two things that I absolutely, f**king loathe.
Well if TNA were smart, they would let him go. He can only bring the WWE concepts that the fans loathe, but it would be strange to see him pull out a Trump vs Rosie though for them. When he was writing for the WWE he did do some good and some terrible jobs, but the WWE kept him as their main writer. How long has he been in TNA for anyway. I know he left the WWE a while ago.
He's been out of the WWE for ages (since about 1999, I think). He's seen stints in WWA and in TNA, with this recent bout being a return that happened only a few months back). He needs to shape up his logic and stop dropping the belts every other PPV. He also needs to realize that the prestige of a belt isn't built around someone losing it, but rather someone holding epic defenses of the damn thing. Case in point: RVD in ECW as the TV champ. He held the title for just shy of two years! Even JBL's dumb ass couldn't smoke enough pole to let the WWE give him a belt for that long. RVD did it because he more than earned it, and for a while, that belt had more prestige than the ECW World Title. THAT is how titles are made. Not that I hated the title change at the last PPV, because I thought the match was fine, but I honestly would've rather seen Abyss pull it out in the end after a bloody, hard fought defense. The tougher the champ, the bigger the title. Simple as it gets.
I agree with that. To make a show successful, you need to have good champions. What the WWE is trying to do with John Cena by making him unstoppable is too much, because he has held the title longer than the fans patience has been. To have a reign succeed, the competition has also got to be as good as the champion, but they do not have to trade the title back and forth to give it credibility. A champion can keep the title as long as they want as long as their feuds maintain interest. I hope this wasn't Russo's idea to have transitional champions like Abyss.
im sick of stupid wwe marks constantly defending wwe and saying tna sucks with poor arguments. tna has their share of stupid fans too, but i gotta say i turn to tna over the wwe in terms of wrestling. hell, ill turn to tna over wwe for the entertainment value. lets face it, vince is going senile and the creative team has either no experience with wrestling whatsoever or they're stuck in the 80's. TNA also has its share of problems, as their tv matches are nothing compared to their ppv matches. if theycan get the two hour timselot and are able to have quality matches that are over 10 minutes, they have the wwe beat in that sense. its just that most wwe fans are young, impressionable happy go lucky little kids or big fat annoying girls that will never get laid, so they love the over the top characters and lame, slow paced matches that wwe shoves down our throats. i could rant and rant about each individual wrestler, but ill save that for another time...

p.s. alex shelley is the SHIT
^Agreed. The timeslot increase will be such a benefit to the show. They'll be able to show their full roster and not have to rush the storylines. Hell, they could just keep the amount of story work they have at present and fill the rest of the time up with increased length in the matches and it would work much better. I made the easy switch from frequenting WWE to go watch TNA three years ago and it has really renewed my interest in the business. As a company it has all he makings of something very special and I really hope they keep things on track so that maybe one day the Monday Night Wars can be restarted again. I miss those times like no other.

And yes...Alex Shelley is the $hit. His match with Aries at the PPV was amazing and he definitely needs to be considered for a title run in the X-division sometime soon. His creativity and execution are of the highest degree and TNA better not piss him away.
I would think that by increasing the time length for the show, that would also increase the promos, segments, etc. Wouldn't it also mean that they would have to do two 2 hour tapings at each venue or would they just have the one taping like the WWE has? They should be able to show their whole roster on the one show instead of doing 2-3 tapings with different wrestlers on them at the one venue. I think they should stick to a 1 hour show simply because it compresses all the wrestling so that their is never a dull patch and it eliminates the time that they use for areas outside of the ring. They do have the roster to do it, but if they keep getting these 1.0 ratings it won't happen. The X-Division matches could be awesome if they let them roam freely for 15-20 minutes. These matches would show just how much more talent that TNA has, and could possibly create more of an interest in this wrestling - so it could also build up the CW division again once the WWE sees how popular these matches are.

The question is though, is TNA game enough to go up against the WWE in terms of timeslots? If they really want to be seen, it's this guts that will help them. This sort of competition is the spark wrestling needs to get going again and to hopefully wake McMahon out of this celebrity sized slump. WWE has the money though, and that is the biggest difference between the two and one that should ensure people tune in every Monday and Friday night instead of every Thursday night. Out of all of this, I hope we return to a balance of good entertainment, quality wrestlers, and even better wrestling.

BTW, I may be a WWE fan who has different views than some of you TNA fans, but I am not a mark for enjoying things that others despise. I try to make my posts decent, and I respect others viewpoints. I can see the faults in the WWE and I now (thanks to Kasey) see that TNA is real competition that has every chance to break through but haven't made their mark yet. I am a huge fan of the WWE and am willing to give it a chance whilst admitting their mistakes.
The rhythm of the shows are too frenetic and rushed. They have a lot of stuff to tell within one hour and way too many athletes to get over in that time frame. That's why you won't even see some of their wrestlers (who are solid performers) get to go for weeks at a time, which is a shame because you can't familiarize an audience with wrestlers they don't even know exist. They've also had to rush the matches since the switchover to Russo on the creative squad. On their old tapings (specifically on Fox Sports Network) they barely focused on the storylines and wrestling filled up most of the broadcast by about 75%, which for my taste is the way to go. Sometimes they'd have matches go for a fifteen to twenty minute length sometimes and for an hour show that was awesome. It also gave the TNA wrestlers a chance to tell a story in the ring and build the match to a true climax, as opposed to what they get to do now with match layouts that just get ahead of themselves. It's the same problem that the new ECW has. If you look on the main page for ECW or TNA, you'll see a boatload of wrestlers that you barely even hear or see on the TV broadcasts, which is a shame. Especially, when they have access to some great talent (especially CW Anderson on ECW).
They obviously have what is needed to go to a 2 hour broadcast. The roster is there and it would really showcase all of the wrestlers, rather than some remaining in the shadows. But I guess this is what makes the PPV's worth buying. You get to see their true talent come out, and I think this should be the same with any WWE PPV. For any PPV, there should be matches that go for 20-30 minutes, and I don't think either product is doing a lot of this lately (except for the ironman match in TNA.) You can never have a proper show when you are broadcasting for 1 hour a week. Either looking at 2 shows a week like WCW did, or expanding to 2 hours per show would be a good idea to test. What may be turning fans away is that they know it is just a 1 hour show, so to gauge on their reactions by doing this for 6 months or so would be interesting. ECW is just pointless to me. All it is, is a 1 hour show that is filled with commercial breaks, and is taking away wrestlers like RVD and Sabu from getting a real push in the limelight of the WWE and it's making TNA more enticing. You'd think that they would get more young wrestlers to go on it to prove what they can do but they are just putting talent down the drain. Guys like Lashley, Punk, and possibly Thorn, are the young guys that could make the most benefit out of the 1 hour show. I don't think ECW's roster is up to scratch with Raw or SmackDown and even fellow short-show TNA Impact. TNA has the roster to go up to 2 hours, yet is still on the same time level as the WWE minor leagues. You see on Raw and SmackDown that definitely over half their roster are guaranteed TV time, and TNA has to spread their roster over 2-3 shows that air once a week. To take TNA to the next level, this has got to happen. They can't have their wrestlers rushing matches to fit in the time limit, and they damn sure shouldn't be shunning some talented wrestlers from their earned TV time. Like you said Kasey, it hurts the popularity of wrestlers if they are hardly shown on television, and people like the X-Division wrestlers deserve to show their talent on tv each week. Also I think the reason most see TNA wrestlers as just good in ring performers who are terribly inexperienced on the mic, is because they are unable to do promos in the 1 hour show. To have an interesting show, you must not just stick to wrestling. Mic work and entertainment in that area is a must, and while TNA may not want to do it, they must find the right balance between wrestling, and outside entertainment. Both companies are lopsided in this area: The WWE focusses too much on entertaining the fans through promos, skits, etc. and has no room for quality wrestling. TNA focusses too much on wrestling to entertain fans and not enough on building their wrestlers characters. The Attitude Era will forever be unique for finding that exact balance that made us watch.

We like quality wrestling, but when you are given a 5-10 minute match to do, there is not much you can work with. The only area I see of assistance to TNA with a 1 hour show is that much of the focus is on the main guys and the main event can be a 15 minute classic. To reach the WWE's level, Spike TV and TNA must be courageous and daring, and go to the next level by upgrading their show to 2 hours. Otherwise, everyone will still stay tuned to what Vince has been force-feeding us lately.
Personally don't care for tna I don't fear it or anything best wrestler they have in my eyes is samoa joe and I could just watch old roh videos to see him they kinda remind me of the bad wcw I'm not saying they have horibble wrestlers it's just basic wwe rejects come on this vkm vs dx=wcw vs wwf do I think tna will ever come up to wwe no cuz rating rose for raw smackdow and ecw it's the new year more surprises
Right now, you have to understand that TNA has one hour to work with. They can't do as much as WWE. But, i guarentee you that with 2 hours to work with, TNA could make one of the greatest weekly shows of all time. It wouldn't have 5 matches like WWE. It'd have 6 or 7 fairly long matches. The thing is, TNA has the talent to make those matches and make them enjoyable. I've always loved WWE but I'm afraid that they're sinking, and sinking quickly. They need to have that stuff that TNA has. What is it? Exciting In-Ring Action. Damn right. WWE has great talent but they don't use it because they think that they focus too much time on being a good wrestler rather than cutting promos. It's a shame and once TNA gets those two hours, WHOA BROTHER!
Right now, you have to understand that TNA has one hour to work with. They can't do as much as WWE. But, i guarentee you that with 2 hours to work with, TNA could make one of the greatest weekly shows of all time. It wouldn't have 5 matches like WWE. It'd have 6 or 7 fairly long matches. The thing is, TNA has the talent to make those matches and make them enjoyable. I've always loved WWE but I'm afraid that they're sinking, and sinking quickly. They need to have that stuff that TNA has. What is it? Exciting In-Ring Action. Damn right. WWE has great talent but they don't use it because they think that they focus too much time on being a good wrestler rather than cutting promos. It's a shame and once TNA gets those two hours, WHOA BROTHER!
I couldn't agree more. I just hope that Russo and company doesn't do anything stupid like they did with Styles doing a light-speed job to Angle. That pissed me off more than anything the WWE has done in the last six months. Styles was their franchise player during the dark times when they were still fighting to get off of weekly PPV. He's also held a majority of their best matches EVER. I don't mind the heel turn, but turning him into a pathetic wiener who can't even wrestle is just plain dumb. Out of all the workers in the locker room, he's the one I would keep most happy. Any company on the planet would love him on their team. He can be bad, but he still needs to wrestle as good as he did before. Two hours is a necessity at this point. TNA Impact is ten pounds of stuff in a five pound sack.
I couldn't agree more. I just hope that Russo and company doesn't do anything stupid like they did with Styles doing a light-speed job to Angle. That pissed me off more than anything the WWE has done in the last six months. Styles was their franchise player during the dark times when they were still fighting to get off of weekly PPV. He's also held a majority of their best matches EVER. I don't mind the heel turn, but turning him into a pathetic wiener who can't even wrestle is just plain dumb. Out of all the workers in the locker room, he's the one I would keep most happy. Any company on the planet would love him on their team. He can be bad, but he still needs to wrestle as good as he did before. Two hours is a necessity at this point. TNA Impact is ten pounds of stuff in a five pound sack.

What's Up Kase, Sorry I been out of the loop for so long but i'm back now, anyway, I diffenetly agree that AJ and Angle should have been a better match, I really don't get the point of jobbing guys that believed in your product and your product only too guys that just a few short months ago were major players for your main competitor, I thought that Joe should have won out there feud (he still might as it looks like it's not over just yet), And AJ (as stated earlier he's TNA's franchise player)should have beaten him last week to not only give him the crediblity he deserves but to give over his new heel persona, I also have to agree about keeping him happy as just about every wrestling company in the known world could find use for a superstar the calibur of Styles, I just don't think guys like Angle, Christain, Sting, and a couple more have earned their spot in TNA just yet, I persoanaly would rather see AJ, Daniels, and Joe in the top spots as they didn't make their name anywhere else (not counting ROH).
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