Undertakers 15-0 streak becoming 15-1


..Is Rated M!
I pray to god this never happens but it almost did at wrestlemania 23 (or atleast thats what vince wanted us to believe) because everytime I watch that Match Undertaker VS Batista at WM23 its pretty much Undertaker getting hs arse kicked with some counters to keep the match going but batista had all these high Impact moves that destroyed takrt but you know what they say "He Keeps Coming Back" and he did and he won the World heavy weight title so he gets another count to the score board 15-0 but with all this talk of edge facing undertaker at WM24 and since he hasnt lost at WM either would that let edge win the match or because of come rumours I'm hearing buzzing about undertakers contract is about to expier so will they just make his lose his winning streak anyway or will they keep it going for ever.... and ever..... and ever.....

These are just crazy theries and I'd just like to hear your oppinions
C'mon man! Undertaker's winning streak is something that no other superstar has. It shows his true greatness and his ability to keep apealing to a new generation of fans. If the WWE took away 'Taker's streak, I for one, would be very upset with the WWE and I mean upset enough to completely quit watching SD altogether. The only reason I and I'm sure alot of other fans watch this second rate show, is because of 'Taker! His streak will continue forever and if it doesn't, it would be the dumbest thing the WWE has ever done.
I dunno if he will keep his streak. I like taker and all but I think it may be smart for him to lose to Edge @ wrestlemania if he will be retiring soon b/c the would make edge the most hated superstar in all of wwe. Edge would have so much heat and be so over(even more than he is now) so it may be smart for edge to beat takers streak.
thats a tough call, bcoz if the Undertaker is really retiring, then it would make sense if Edge was to win at WM24, but then again, the killer streak of the Undertaker's wouldn't really mean anything, as that would make a huge dent in the legacy of the Deadman.

i think it would make sense for Undertaker to win that match, as Edge wouldnt need to win that match as he is already over with the fans as a great heel and will always be loved by the fans.
randy orton was supposed to end the streak i read but out of respect of the streak and the undertake randy orton refused to beat him i wish orton would have
I've hear that the undertaker has said he will only lose his streak to kane, and kane said that he doesn't want to end the streak, so does this mean the undertaker would use his power within the company (im sure he will have some) to stop him losing at WM24 v edge?
i think if the UNDERTAKER lost at wm24, people would really start to think what the company is doing. I mean, there is nothing that stands out more in my head, then the 15-0. if they take that away, then there is no standard to live up to!.......MY THOUGHTS.....BAMBAM!!
Taker's streak will never end at Wrestlemania. He will remain undefeated. Where in the world did you hear his contract would expire? He is on a WWE LIFETIME contract. And by the way, Edge lost this year at Wrestlemania.
Taker wins title vs. Edge at Wrestlemania, then retires later in the year, maybe summerslam where edge reclaims title. (least that's how i'd do it.)

If he loses at Wrestlemania, the gimick goes, and so does he.
most of you dont know what your talking about. only 1997RAWFan knows what hes talking edge just lost last wrestlemania but i think when taker does retire it will be a loss at wrestlemania and he will never come back and make more question about taker hes my favorite wrestlers i know everthing about him
most of you dont know what your talking about. only 1997RAWFan knows what hes talking edge just lost last wrestlemania but i think when taker does retire it will be a loss at wrestlemania and he will never come back and make more question about taker hes my favorite wrestlers i know everthing about him

Don't make a crazy statement like, you know everything about him! Look at my screen name, Undertaker is my favorite wrestler and, in my eyes, the best of the best! If 'Taker was to lose at Wrestlemania, what would be the legacy of the deadman? Sure, he would still be the most dominant star in the history of the business, and he would still be one of the greatest to ever step into a ring, but the Wrestlemania winning streak is half of 'Taker's story and legacy! He will retire undefeated at Wrestlemania and be the only one in history to do so. Undertaker is great and any honest man could not deny that.
Listen here. The Undertaker streak will never be broken that streak is who he is and if that streak goes i agree that he does to. And Edge lost the money in the bank match this year. Taker may be retiring soon i dont know but what i do know is edge has heaps of fans and taker will win at W24
edge just lost last wrestlemania

Edge didnt really LOSE, he just didnt win, but i guess if you count that, good thing Cena is out until after WM, because i think that if Cena was around, he would beat Undertaker, because the only other person whos undefeated with more than 1 match rite now besides Taker is Cena, and I doubt that they'd take that away from Cena so soon, if at all, and, in 12 years, if Edge's WM record is 17-1, Takers is 16-0, and Cenas is 15-0, Kennedys will probably be like 13-0,which do you think is the most impressive, i think Takers, just because, even though Edge would have like more wins, he has that one loss, that is if you count this years match as a loss...
in 12 years, if Edge's WM record is 17-1, Takers is 16-0, and Cenas is 15-0, Kennedys will probably be like 13-0,which do you think is the most impressive, i think Takers, just because, even though Edge would have like more wins, he has that one loss, that is if you count this years match as a loss...

I think honestly, it would/should be determined by the opponents they've faced. Edge fought a lot of good Wrestlemania matches that could've easily went against him. The T.L.C. matches count as matches that could've went either way. The MITB match counts as a solid match that could've went to someone else. His match against Booker T. at WM X-8, easily his match against Foley could've went against him.

Ultimately, I don't like Undertaker's streak being "impressive." He's defeated -- Jimmy Snuka, Jake Roberts, Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Diesel, Sid, Kane(2), Bossman, Triple H, Ric Flair, Big Show & A-Train, Randy Orton, Mark Henry, & Batista.

Jake Roberts basically jobbed big time to him, so did Snuka. Taker's character back then was SO dominate, that neither of those two stood a snowball's chance in hell. Taker v. King Kong Bundy was a joke, likewise with Taker v. Gonzales. Taker v. Bossman, Ric Flair & Mark Henry were all way too predictable. So boil it down, Taker has less than a handful of GOOD victories at Wrestlemania, against Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, & Kane. As ANY of those matches could've went either way.
I've heard somewhere that Undertaker wanted Kane to end the streak, but Kane thinks it would take a LOT out of the Undertaker's character. Also, I believe the fans would HATE the man to end the Undertaker, unless it was Kane. Think about it, third time's a charm for the Big Red Machine, he defeated his brother, and maybe for the World Heavyweight Championship...using the Undertaker's Tombstone...in the MAIN EVENT, and not the fourth match like this year. It woud be huge, and fans will come rushing into the WWE...
i highly doubt this streak will ever be broken...and edge will most defitnatly not be the one to end it..he doesnt have the level of reaction that undertaker brings with him...the only person who could realistically end the undertakers streak would be kane..if it were to go with the storyline that has been potrayed over the years with these 2 characters kane could be the one to do it..he's the undertakers brother..its been said he can match up to the power that undertaker himself presents..fireballs, vanishing, reappearing etc...this wrestlemania we will most likely see an edge vs taker streak vs streak with taker no doubt winning..to have edge win it would be a disaster its guranteed he would be booed out of the building..if its not kane it wont be anyone..what undertaker brings to the ring is to powerful...the wwe potrays him above any wrestler and above any mortal so it would only make sense the other who could match up to him would be kane..if played right it could be one hell of a storyline but this is one of many options to go with...
ok, ok everyone calm down....first of all, from what i've heard, Undertaker is planning on wrestling for a couple more years...secindly, he was set to hold the world title for close to a year and it was interrupted by his injury this past may.....Edge was the one who stole the belt from him on smackdown by cashing in the money in the bank...logic would dictate that if Vince wanted to put the belt on him for the longest reign of his career, he would just pick up where they left off last spring...it's not like there is some new star that is burning up the roster right now...Taker is still more popular than ever....also, Edge was not supposed to get that title...it was a last minute booking decision because of Taker and Kennedy getting hurt....if Edge cheated Taker out of the title, and the fans are pissed about it, then they would not have Taker job to him again for the title twice in a row....i firmly believe that Taker will not lose at Mania under any circumstances and if he does well then i guess that makes me a liar....
i highly doubt this streak will ever be broken...and edge will most defitnatly not be the one to end it..he doesnt have the level of reaction that undertaker brings with him...

How on earth do you figure Edge doesn't have/gain the reaction Undertaker does? Edge pops the fans to boo him, almost on a similar level that the fans pop to cheer Undertaker.

Have you forgotten Edge cashing in, BOTH TIMES, to major ovations?! Even the second one, against Taker, people knew it was coming.. but still "marked out" huge to see him doing it. In my opinion, Edge, more so than ANYONE has all of what it takes to be Taker's dagger at Wrestlemania. Edge is a "legend killer" in his own right, he just doesn't use the gimmick.

the only person who could realistically end the undertakers streak would be kane..if it were to go with the storyline that has been potrayed over the years with these 2 characters kane could be the one to do it..he's the undertakers brother..its been said he can match up to the power that undertaker himself presents..fireballs, vanishing, reappearing etc...

Kane from 1998-1999, maybe. Kane of today, the same Kane thats dropping matches left & right to the likes of Finlay & Mark Henry? No, Kane has lost any unquestionable about him being similar to match Taker's "mystique."

this wrestlemania we will most likely see an edge vs taker streak vs streak with taker no doubt winning..to have edge win it would be a disaster its guranteed he would be booed out of the building..

To have Edge win it would GUARANTEE the man a spot in the Hall of Fame. He, hell, ANYONE, who beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania will forever more live in the fans' eyes as a hated, piece of shit. In someone like Edge's mind, thats perfect.. because it means he'll NEVER be forgotten. Of course "whomever" would be boo'd out of the building, it'd be ending a streak that was "forever" in the making.

if its not kane it wont be anyone..what undertaker brings to the ring is to powerful...the wwe potrays him above any wrestler and above any mortal so it would only make sense the other who could match up to him would be kane..if played right it could be one hell of a storyline but this is one of many options to go with...

Yeah, W.W.E. is greatly potraying Taker as the "unbeatable" he once was. Thats why he's dropped matches, squash matches, to The Great Khali. Thats why the man jobbed left & right in 2004 to J.B.L. - Taker's "mystique" will always remain. Its in his gimmick, its not exactly in his streak.

Don't get me wrong, the streak will live on, broken or not, but Undertaker will be immortialized because of who his character has become over the years.. not simply because of a 15-0 streak. And I respect your opinion about Kane being optional, but get off the "Kane's the only one" kick.. because they'd have to majorly push Kane as dominate again to make that even remotely possible.. & even then, the fans would have to believe it.. & I'm sorry, but I'll never forget Kane jobbing to guys like the Spirit Squad.
Bottom line is that IF 'Taker's WM streak ends, it'll be his decision and his alone. At this point in his career, I don't think it's out of the question to think he'll retire undefeated at WM, however, stranger things have happened. With the WWE's failure to give 'Taker what many would consider a 'proper' title reign, the WM streak could be what his legacy and eventual Hall of Fame induction is centered around.
Bottom line is that IF 'Taker's WM streak ends, it'll be his decision and his alone. At this point in his career, I don't think it's out of the question to think he'll retire undefeated at WM, however, stranger things have happened. With the WWE's failure to give 'Taker what many would consider a 'proper' title reign, the WM streak could be what his legacy and eventual Hall of Fame induction is centered around.

Undertaker will be inducted into the Hall of Fame, regardless. His induction could very well be his streak, but that doesn't mean it has to stay intact.

And as far as Taker having control over whether he loses or not.. NO, he doesn't. Thats the "Bret Hart" rule coming out. (The 97 screwjob) Just because the guy has busted his ass, don't think McMahon won't ASK/TELL him to lay down & job at Mania, just to majorly push the younger talent.

I'm pretty positive it won't be a complete no-name. But I seriously thought it was going to be Randy Orton, as that would've definately written in stone the legend killer gimmick. Now I'm sold on Edge being it, even though Edge's streak at Mania is mirrored with last year's "no win/no lose" record. (call it a draw finish, if you will)

I'm just ultimately sure the ONLY way Taker's streak remains unbroken, is if the man simply can not go come Wrestlemania, during his last year. Because otherwise, McMahon will say.. "Taker, thanks for the years of service.. its time to hand the ball off."

And regarding his Championship run. Taker's run (last year) was suppose to be long & yearly, but it was Taker who had the accidental injury, not W.W.E. screwing him over, or failing to push him. Besides all that, Taker is one of the few big names (like Shawn Michaels & Triple H.) that don't need Championships to get over every single time they come out.
How on earth do you figure Edge doesn't have/gain the reaction Undertaker does? Edge pops the fans to boo him, almost on a similar level that the fans pop to cheer Undertaker.

undertaker gets cheered regardless of being a heel or a face...to compare edge to the level of undertaker is completely absurd...edge is no doubt main even status but taker is the likes of flair, hogan, michaels, austin, rock etc..i can honestly say i have never heard edge get as loud of a reaction as taker has..Undertaker = Legend..thats a known fact...i dont think edge can be considered a legend just yet...

Have you forgotten Edge cashing in, BOTH TIMES, to major ovations?! Even the second one, against Taker, people knew it was coming.. but still "marked out" huge to see him doing it. In my opinion, Edge, more so than ANYONE has all of what it takes to be Taker's dagger at Wrestlemania. Edge is a "legend killer" in his own right, he just doesn't use the gimmick.

yes he did recieve an ovation...has what it takes to be a dagger just like the other 15 that were fed to undertaker throughout wrestlmania history...legend killer? im not sure...but i dont believe he has enough to destory the streak..creative would not let him..taker would not let him...he's already main event status there would be no reason for him to destroy the streak...taker is potrayed as the phenom..like he's stated years ago in a feud with hhh..hhh may be the moutain...but taker created that mountain burying body ontop of body....something called over a decade of destruction...

Kane from 1998-1999, maybe. Kane of today, the same Kane thats dropping matches left & right to the likes of Finlay & Mark Henry? No, Kane has lost any unquestionable about him being similar to match Taker's "mystique."

that could easily be changed around with a fresh storyline...theres many out there who have jobbed only to be refreshened..he still is the brother of the undertaker and everyone understands what comes with that obligation in the storylines..if creative had the desire that could all easily be restarted

Yeah, W.W.E. is greatly potraying Taker as the "unbeatable" he once was. Thats why he's dropped matches, squash matches, to The Great Khali. Thats why the man jobbed left & right in 2004 to J.B.L. - Taker's "mystique" will always remain. Its in his gimmick, its not exactly in his streak.

you and i both know it looks horrible to have him squash everyone on the roster its only logical to have him lose some matches...

Don't get me wrong, the streak will live on, broken or not, but Undertaker will be immortialized because of who his character has become over the years.. not simply because of a 15-0 streak. And I respect your opinion about Kane being optional, but get off the "Kane's the only one" kick.. because they'd have to majorly push Kane as dominate again to make that even remotely possible.. & even then, the fans would have to believe it.. & I'm sorry, but I'll never forget Kane jobbing to guys like the Spirit Squad.

of course he will be immortialized because of his character however the streak just adds even more to the mystery of the undertaker..how the so called top dog of the wwe is able to destroy everyone on the biggest ppv the company has to offer..it shows something of his character...cant get off the kane is the only one..it would only make sense because of his character and because of his relation to the character of the undertaker...they could easily push kane again to main even status it isnt an impossible task to complete..not saying that it will b done but if wanted it could easily be brought forth..the fans would believe it..kane has always been a fan favorite..just because a veteran like kane has decided to respectfully job doesnt mean his character could be relinquished..again this just a possibility of what could occur IF creative and the man who rights the paychecks decided to do....
Undertaker will be inducted into the Hall of Fame, regardless. His induction could very well be his streak, but that doesn't mean it has to stay intact.

And as far as Taker having control over whether he loses or not.. NO, he doesn't. Thats the "Bret Hart" rule coming out. (The 97 screwjob) Just because the guy has busted his ass, don't think McMahon won't ASK/TELL him to lay down & job at Mania, just to majorly push the younger talent.

I'm pretty positive it won't be a complete no-name. But I seriously thought it was going to be Randy Orton, as that would've definately written in stone the legend killer gimmick. Now I'm sold on Edge being it, even though Edge's streak at Mania is mirrored with last year's "no win/no lose" record. (call it a draw finish, if you will)

I'm just ultimately sure the ONLY way Taker's streak remains unbroken, is if the man simply can not go come Wrestlemania, during his last year. Because otherwise, McMahon will say.. "Taker, thanks for the years of service.. its time to hand the ball off."

And regarding his Championship run. Taker's run (last year) was suppose to be long & yearly, but it was Taker who had the accidental injury, not W.W.E. screwing him over, or failing to push him. Besides all that, Taker is one of the few big names (like Shawn Michaels & Triple H.) that don't need Championships to get over every single time they come out.

his induction would defitnatly not be the streak...his induction would be the character that mark potrays the streak would be second to what the undertaker has done for the company..he is the most respected man in the lockeroom..he has been with the company longer than anyone else on that roster..it doesnt have to stay intact..but im pretty sure the undertaker would be the one to decide who would end it...that isnt the bret hart rule..your comparing something drastically different..bret was leaving for wcw it only made sense to take the belt of the man who was LEAVING your company...undertaker has earned every right he has within that company he's never switched while the whole wwe/wcw ordeal was going on he is as loyal as an employee gets for a company...the streak is wayyyy past majorly pushing the talent...thats like andre passing the torch to hogan with hogan giving him the body slam..we already know the likes of undertaker , shawn dont need a title to show what they are capable of...however..undertaker was to have a long title reign..that storyline could easily be brought back and would most likely be the last title reign he would recieve...i can gurantee he will get the belt back on his shoulders for him to defend it at wrestlemania against none other than edge which edge would lose and most likely recieve it at a following ppv..
his induction would defitnatly not be the streak...his induction would be the character that mark potrays the streak would be second to what the undertaker has done for the company..he is the most respected man in the lockeroom..he has been with the company longer than anyone else on that roster..it doesnt have to stay intact..but im pretty sure the undertaker would be the one to decide who would end it...that isnt the bret hart rule..your comparing something drastically different..bret was leaving for wcw it only made sense to take the belt of the man who was LEAVING your company...undertaker has earned every right he has within that company he's never switched while the whole wwe/wcw ordeal was going on he is as loyal as an employee gets for a company...the streak is wayyyy past majorly pushing the talent...thats like andre passing the torch to hogan with hogan giving him the body slam..we already know the likes of undertaker , shawn dont need a title to show what they are capable of...however..undertaker was to have a long title reign..that storyline could easily be brought back and would most likely be the last title reign he would recieve...i can gurantee he will get the belt back on his shoulders for him to defend it at wrestlemania against none other than edge which edge would lose and most likely recieve it at a following ppv..

i agree...if the belt is on the line at Mania, Taker is not going to job to Edge for a second time in a row....the fans would shit all over it if the guy that screwed Taker last may actually beats him for the belt again at Mania...i think taker is getting his long title reign whether anyone likes it or not...Vince is closer with him than any other wrestler besides HHH, and respects the hell out of him...i think being the mark for the Taker character that Vince reportedly is, he wants Mark Calaway to have a long reign as a reward for what is coming up on 18 yrs of loyal service...also Taker is still a major draw and having the title centered around him will be good for business...just read the smackdown spoilers this week about how many people left after Takers match, before the main event of Mysterio and MVP.....i truly think that Edge will take the title from Batista and drop it to Taker at Mania...Batista is a transitional champ right now by default because nobody wants to see Khali in the main events any longer, if they ever did in the first place....
i agree...if the belt is on the line at Mania, Taker is not going to job to Edge for a second time in a row....the fans would shit all over it if the guy that screwed Taker last may actually beats him for the belt again at Mania...

Thats the whole point for a heel character. To make the fans pissed off at everything you do. I'm not saying Edge doesn't already have top heel heat, I'm merely saying for any heel, Edge or another, to beat Undertaker at Mania would forever write them into the history books as the "most hated person" when it comes to realizing just how much effort was put into making that streak, only for it to end in a mere night.

i think taker is getting his long title reign whether anyone likes it or not...Vince is closer with him than any other wrestler besides HHH, and respects the hell out of him...

I think you're confusing fans caring whether Taker gets the Championship or not, with your own personal feelings. "I" don't care if Taker has the belt or not. Some may, but ultimately that wasn't the discussion going on. Taker was originally scheduled to get his long reign when he got injured, so I think a lot of people are confusing this with W.W.E. not giving him a respected run.

i think being the mark for the Taker character that Vince reportedly is, he wants Mark Calaway to have a long reign as a reward for what is coming up on 18 yrs of loyal service...also Taker is still a major draw and having the title centered around him will be good for business...

Thats exactly why he SHOULDN'T be given the Championship. I don't think you're understanding what Championships are ultimately in wrestling to do. They are more or less an object of "pushing." They're designed to build the character they're on.

While there have been moments of clearity when W.W.E. needs to put the Championship on a known name.. Taker draws just as much, with or without the title.

just read the smackdown spoilers this week about how many people left after Takers match, before the main event of Mysterio and MVP.....

Thats just because a lot of "today's wrestling fans" are disrespectful to talented athletes & only care about "their" favorites. M.V.P. AND Rey Mysterio have more than enough talent to be the Main Event. While that doesn't justify Taker NOT being in it, its just more bad marketing & booking on W.W.E.'s part.

i truly think that Edge will take the title from Batista and drop it to Taker at Mania...Batista is a transitional champ right now by default because nobody wants to see Khali in the main events any longer, if they ever did in the first place....

I never unintentionally meant this storyline wouldn't happen, as even "I" see it being more realistic. I honestly CAN'T see Taker losing at Wrestlemania, but mark my words.. IF its ever going to happen.. fear Edge being the man behind it, because W.W.E. is very high on Edge being a future Main Event for years to come. Taker is going out, next year, the year after, its only a matter of time. Edge (barring career-ending injuries) will be around for at least another 10-15 years.
Thats the whole point for a heel character. To make the fans pissed off at everything you do. I'm not saying Edge doesn't already have top heel heat, I'm merely saying for any heel, Edge or another, to beat Undertaker at Mania would forever write them into the history books as the "most hated person" when it comes to realizing just how much effort was put into making that streak, only for it to end in a mere night.

I think you're confusing fans caring whether Taker gets the Championship or not, with your own personal feelings. "I" don't care if Taker has the belt or not. Some may, but ultimately that wasn't the discussion going on. Taker was originally scheduled to get his long reign when he got injured, so I think a lot of people are confusing this with W.W.E. not giving him a respected run.

Thats exactly why he SHOULDN'T be given the Championship. I don't think you're understanding what Championships are ultimately in wrestling to do. They are more or less an object of "pushing." They're designed to build the character they're on.

While there have been moments of clearity when W.W.E. needs to put the Championship on a known name.. Taker draws just as much, with or without the title.

Thats just because a lot of "today's wrestling fans" are disrespectful to talented athletes & only care about "their" favorites. M.V.P. AND Rey Mysterio have more than enough talent to be the Main Event. While that doesn't justify Taker NOT being in it, its just more bad marketing & booking on W.W.E.'s part.

I never unintentionally meant this storyline wouldn't happen, as even "I" see it being more realistic. I honestly CAN'T see Taker losing at Wrestlemania, but mark my words.. IF its ever going to happen.. fear Edge being the man behind it, because W.W.E. is very high on Edge being a future Main Event for years to come. Taker is going out, next year, the year after, its only a matter of time. Edge (barring career-ending injuries) will be around for at least another 10-15 years.

edge will be 34 this month....the likelihood of him going another 10-15 years is not probable...he's already missed 1 full year due to neck surgery and now he's been gone another 6 months...are you saying he's going to be wrestling at 49 years old???..Taker is banged up just about worse than anyone from what i've heard from other wrestlers and guys i have spoken with who have had dark matches with WWE..i've heard he has trouble just walking.......by his own admission his hips and knees are like"'powdered glass"...the fact he's lasted this long is suprising,and he's never had a spine or neck injury....Angle and Benoit had the same surgery Edge had and Angle is not what he was and he's only 38, and i don't need to tell anyone about benoit... .as far as him having real heel heat, i don't believe that in 2007 there is such a thing...most of the wrestling audience knows this is a work and it's entertainment...it's not 1987 ...the crowd would shit all over it because they don't want to see Taker lose because they respect him....nobody is going to start booing edge from a storyline standpoint because 'they're supposed to'....plus here in canada where i'm from, he does not get booed period....he's not a heel up here...the fans are clued in....in 1987 he would have been, just as bret hart was booed when he and the Anvil feuded with the bulldogs......i was at mania in detroit and there were signs all over the place that said if Batista wins we riot, and he is 'supposed' to be a fan favorite....the crowd's buzz waned after that match because most people wanted to see Taker win the belt and it killed the buzz by going on fifth...i understand what you mean when you say Taker doesn't need the belt...no, he doesn't, but the fans want to see him with regardless because they want to watch him in main events, not in the mid card against guys like Henry and Khali....if he's champ then he's always the main event and that is attractive for business...as i said in my earlier post, edge was not supposed to be within 10 feet of the World HeavyWeight belt...it was desperation booking because taker got hurt and then kennedy, who was the original choice to win it went down as well...no disrespect to edge, i'm not saying he's not worthy of carrying the belt, and as a fellow canuck, from 30 minutes outside his hometown of Orangeville, ontario, i'd love to see him get it one day....i think he's already hall of fame bound anyway and i don't think you sacrifice Takers legacy just to 'hopefully' have the effect you want it to from a performer....it's no different than the HBK/Cena match at mania...the air was sucked out of the crowd when cena won, it was a dissappointment...i'm pretty sure the booking strategy that vince had was that the anti-cena contingent would applaud Cena because he beat a true legend of the industry in Michaels but that was not the case...i know, i was there...people felt let down, and even more so because the Taker/batista match went fifth...the last shot as mania went off the air should have been taker holding the belt up and the pyro going off...the fans know when the WWE is trying to shove something down they're throats as evidenced by the decling ratings.....i just don't think you can manufacture a real heel anymore, and it would be a risk to do it at the expense of something that the fans respect and want to see preserved like takers streak....i understand where you're coming from though and respect your post.....

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