Only two cd's are truley even powerful enough to me metioned in the Album of the year talk.
Eminem's Recovery and Kayne's MBDTF
Allow me to Go In depth:
1. Cold Wind Blows
This track starts off Mr. Shady's insainty and sets this away from good old relapse. Classic Slim singing to start off sing and beautiful instrumental work and the magic begins. Punchlines are just so damging no rapper cant destroy this man. This track just sends chillis through my back but it was topped by one of my faves.
2.Talking to myself
Guitar riffs then Kobe lays down 1 of the best hooks this year. Eminem is getting some major bars over here I love it this self reazation is amazing. This track helped me because I felt self guidance in this track. I just love it.
3.On fire
Instrumental once again banging its hard for most rappers to find proudercs to make every beat sound amazing but em succeds this i nice track and agains makes sure em dont have any fillers that from point a to point b this ablum is a success
4.Won't Back Down
Pink makes smile eminem makes me love this track beat is sick. Eminem murders every punchline in this story. Jesus coundn't out rap em in this track just killing every rapper in his path.

Oh and the hook is awesome.
This is my least favorite track because it simply comes at the worst time after the amazing won't back down and before the awe inspiring going thru changes. the tracks funny and still good but no on the level of the others instrumental is still killing.
6.Goin thru Changes
Em is back to beautiful music. Beat superb lyrics outstanding hook/sample reaches thru your brain. This track truley opens into marshall's heart. love it.
And sets up perfectly for the next track which adds to the postive experince of relaspe!
7. Not Afraid
Probly the most heard track off the ablum its Eminem mixed with a colloge dropout kayne. A good mix but My only complaint is that his bars in this are far from his best he saves that for his showdown with the only rapper on the ablum besides him.
Vintage Eminem just breaking rappers bar by bar. This track is so awesome but I have a feeling that once again he is setting up for the next track . instrumental kills samples kills hook awesome verses are murder. but the next track is the best.
9. No Love ft. Lil Wayne
Track of the year. Duo of the year. How can I put this if you hate wayne your gonna hate him just a lil bit more because this is the best verse anyone has spit since the year 2000. Eminem for the 1st time ever lost to someone else on his own track and of course it would be wayne. After killing weezy in Forever and Balrey edgeing him out on Drop the world or Wayne lays him 2 rest with this song and em knows it thats why he spit the best verse he ever spit. If you doubt then you truely dont understand the meaning of this song.
10. Space Bound
Eminem has went to work to make sure this ablum closes as great as it startes. Space bound is just wanting you to love it! Makes your smile bright up
11.Cinderella man
Now Eminem killed every part of this instrumental! Had everyone ya know singing Cinderella Man! Cinderella Man! Now like he said " I be damned if another rapper get in my ass!" Well he truley murders every member of his competion. The samples and beat make me look to Mr.West because of how beautiful this song is.
12. 25 to life
Like I said these ending tracks are all great and 25 to life is no exception. Cant find anything to dislike about this 1.
13. So Bad
Vintage Dr. Dre Production Just made this a amazing track its like eminem's old days! The only track Dre made the beat for but He made this song. Eminems lyrics are awesome as usual but The beat is perfect.!
14. Almoust Famous
I love this track as welll hook/samples/ lyrics all wrappped in one comes out a track as beautul as this. For anyone who dont like this ablum just jam this and your opion will be changed I promise.
15. Love The Way You Lie
Rihanna is lovely on this chours and fits it 100%. And eminem's story telling reminds me of a early slick rick and is contagious. loves it
16. your never over
reminds me that slim shady is a crazy mofo and he cant really sing lol but this track brings this sensation of a ablum to a end just the same way it began by crazyness.
Crazy ass eminem killing more and more all I GOT TO SAY!
Now up till november there was no question in my mind that the ablum was the best and better than any ablum that would follow. Well I was wrong..
1 ablum killed everything about Recovery. 1 rapper is the king of 2010.
and its Kayne.
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Let me start off by saying after listening to this ablum I realized all of my above statent is BS. Because this is how a cd should be done. its not just Rap anymore its music the heart of it. Kayne is the voice of our genration while Em and Wayne are the best rappers alive because it a differnece. Even though all of his rhyems are amazingly the best he spits. That is not the main reason this is the best. Nor beats even though all of them are just beautiful. Its because its the 1st ablum in a long time from Track 1 to Track 13 you get the artist point you get are trapped in a story of the twisted thoughts inside kayne's head. Every track you can take a different way than others so n I am not gonna do a track by tack anaylais. Also I am not gonna do it the same I did recovery. That was a rating of each track I know every track is 5-stars and best set of tracks in a cd. So this is a perfect 10 cd.