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Top 5 EVAH

I always loved him on the mic. I mean, just becuase he doesnt have a bunch of whack ass catch phrases that were most likely scripted in the first place, he came, he said what he needed to say, and was right on. Serious buisness. And i mean, you cant expect much else from the character. I mean, he was supposed to be a respectable, throwback, excellent ring general. What was he supposed to do, stand there and scream like a crazy person, like Warrior did??? HBK benifits from having a flashier character, therefore had more "entertaining" promos. Bret Hart was always VERY good on the mic, and is vastly underrated in this regard

But NorCal, he never said his name twice. He never had any poop, fart, or sex jokes for us. Its so obvious how bland he was.

Seriously, I have never seen so many people come up with so many bogus excuses to say someone sucks more than they do for Hart, maybe Cena, but its close. All the younger people on this forum will bash Hart to no end, mainly because he didn't want to drop the title to their golden boy. If you get over that fact, you'll see that you are downplaying one of the best careers ever. Its sad that you have to focus so much on his short stint in WCW instead of his great WWF days. Thats no different then saying Hogan sucks, then citing his three week rivalry with Kidman.
The thing is, Bret wasn't a flashy individual, it would be illogical for him to come out with all those jokes. And Bret.........Bret just wouldn't work. In all seriousness though, Bret's gimmick was that of a serious individual. He was extremely focused on the task and didn't waste time on jokes, he got to the point like he did in the ring. Why should people bash him for sticking to a gimmick

Take the likes of the Undertaker. This guy I don't think has ever cracked a joke in a promo...ever, yet people are calling him a great promo man? the guy rarely speaks, he only does so when he needs to and gets straight to the point. yet people don't bash him.
okay, greatest five? i'm seeing a lot of names missing from these lists, so i'll mention a few here.
this man wrestled 6200 matches, losing only about thirty. he invented the sleeper hold. he was the guy you called when your champ refused to drop the strap.

he was the hulk hogan of his time, except he was also a great wrestler. his program with hackenshmidt was the single and solitary reason that wrestling first got popular in america in the first place.

c'mon people! you don't have to have been alive at the time to know he was NWA champ for a solid decade. he invented the STF and the powerbomb fercrineoutloud! and the (surprise!) thez press.

yes, i think ric flair should be on the list, but i just think some names need to be there.

i know, that's only four. fine. curt hennig. a flawless wrestler, if there ever was one. incredible mic skills. vince is no idiot, he gave hennig the mr. perfect gimmick for good reason.
Waylon you named some icons in the wrestling business. People who really made wrestling. Just one thing that sticks out to me. Curt Henning. Great wrestler and had solid mic skills. But the only reason he became the MR. Perfect character was because Terry Taylor didn't want it. Curt was second choice.
Shawn Michaels is the ultimate smark favorite. To be a real wrestling fan, you must say that Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels are the greatest two ever to be initiated into that club. Thankfully, I'm not a part of that club. Facts are facts, and Flair was never the draw his legend and his fans *cough Triple H* make him out to be. And Shawn Michaels, Michaels while great in the ring, has never been more then the number three guy in the company. When he was number one, ratings plummet. As much as his fans *Cough Triple H* will tell you other wise, Shawn Michaels is incredibly mediocre when it comes to being greatest of all time, those are just facts.

What a great post.

Michaels and Flair are definitely the two biggest smark favourites, even though they are nowhere near the greatest of all time. The greatest of all time MUST be a great draw, specifically in the number 1 company, which completely rules out Flair because when Flair and Hogan were on top, the WWE was far bigger than the NWA.

Seriously, I have never seen so many people come up with so many bogus excuses to say someone sucks more than they do for Hart, maybe Cena,

And Hogan.

All the younger people on this forum will bash Hart to no end, mainly because he didn't want to drop the title to their golden boy. If you get over that fact, you'll see that you are downplaying one of the best careers ever.

Another great post.

People bash Hart, Hogan and Cena for the most pathetic reasons I've ever seen. As much as Flair, HBK and HHH fans try to prove otherwise, when you look at who is/was the better overall worker/wrestler/draw, Flair was never in Hogan's league, HBK was never and will never be as good as Hart, and HHH will never be on Cena's level.
1. Hulk Hogan

Hulk was no doubt number one in the buisness during his time if you ask anyone the question who was your favorite wrestler then they will no doubt say Hulk Hogan if you ask anyone what was your favorite match ever they would say or mention WrestleMania III Andre the Giant vs Hulk Hogan and his Mic Work is Great with his Catchphrase "what you gonna do when hulkamania runs wild on you" and his famous "brother" and also and the Crowd Loves him Everytime he makes a Comeback he gets the Biggest Pops ever so Number One I would have to say Hulk Hogan

2. The Rock

Even though the Bastard (Saying Bastard Jokingly) left Wrestling and started making movies you have to admit if it wasn't for The Rock being in WWE then he wouldn't Be anywhere He is also another one of those Wrestlers that if you asked someone who there favorite Wrestler is they would say The Rock but The Rock put the E in World Wrestling Entertainment i have never seen or heard anyone bring the Charisma to the Ring like The Rock Did and how good he could Work the Mic it's believable I have not seen not one Promo or interview from The Rock that was bad his in ring ability is Great With his Rock Bottom and back to the Charisma Peoples Elbow if it wasn't for The Rock then WWE Wouldn't be what it is today

3. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle is an olympic gold medalist what else do i need to say he knows what wrestling is he does it for a living but one thing i never see from any wrestler that Kurt Angle has is the intensity he brings to the Ring When he Wrestles you can bet your gonna get a tooth knocked Out or have swollen Spots to where he Mauled you in the Face with his Elbow but that's not the only thing Kurt Angle Could Do Both jobs as a heel competitor or a face competitor he can do it all and everytime Kurt Angle gets in the ring he always makes the other wrestler he is wrestling looks good (even Vince Mcmahon lol)

4. The Undertaker

HE IS THE PHENOM HE IS UNDEFEATED AT WRESTLEMANIA 16-0 HE IS THE UNDERTAKER........Undertaker has been on top for so long ever since his Days debuting in the WWE he is a 7 time Champion and a Person his Size (6'10 300 somthing pounds) and he has the speed of a Cruiserweight and Flys Through the Air like a Highflyer Undertaker is with Hulk Hogan and The Rock if you asked someone who is The Best in WWE Right now they would Probably say The Undertaker he is a 7x World Champion and dosen't take the Glory like some people *cough cough* Triple H he is like Kurt Angle he makes his opponents look Good and you can bet your ass by the end of the night you will see someone REST IN PEACE

5. Ric Flair

Ric Flair has had so many problems in his life but at the end of the days when he Got in the ring in front of a little crowd big crowd none of that matters he gives the people what they want and that's the wheeling dealing, jet flying limosine Riding, Kiss Stealing son of a Gun he has won 16 championships and wrestled for 30 years everytime he got on the Mic you could expect a WOOOO! or a helluva Promo bout to be Cut Ric Flair makes it to the Top

Other Deserving Votes
Shawn Michaels
Stone Cold Steve Austin​
1.the rock-the guy who kept the company in the right direction after austin had to get surgery best of 2000-2001=the rock
2.hulk hogan. biggest draw of the 80s brught wrestling away from the south and onto a nation wide platform
3.shawn micheals.carried the company thrugh the hard time came through a horendes injury and still having great matches at 40
4.kurt angle.best wrestler going today has the ability to carrie any title and work well with everyone
bret hart.great wrestler but fun to watch after 1998 his carrear went south he needs one more great match to top it all off
notable 5... austin,ddp,mick foley,owen hart and raven
My top 5

Bret Hart: Most solid,technically efficent,realistic wrestler you will find. Not to bad on the mic too. Everyone of his match's was convincing and you always knew you were going to see a solid match.

Ric Flair: his longevity in the business speaks for itself

Kurt Angle: he had some of the best match's I've ever seen. His Chris Benoit feuds were amazing,convincing counter after counter. His wrestlemania matchs were absolutely amazing especially the triple threat match with Orton and Mysterio. Intensity, Integrity, Intelligence.

The Rock: Best overall entertainer in the business whether in the ring or cutting a promo

Goldberg: He was WCW

JUst an opinion of a fan of wrestling, not a expert. Just my favourites really. In no way am i claiming that i know everything,like i said just my personal opinion/favourite
Top 5 draws:
Oooof a tough one.

Well Number 1 is Hogan. Everyone loves Hogan. Heel/Face whatever. He was great. He really got the crowd going and really was entertaining. The hype was always more than the delivery but did people care... Nah. It was Hogan!

Number 2: Austin. Came very close to Hogan in drawing power if only he had discovered his character earlier we would've seen Austin longer.

Number 3: The Rock. Gotta give it up to the rock. His catchphrases are still great even today. He makes people want to watch wrestling because he gives the people what they want.

Number 4: Cena. Ok you all can hate as much as you like, but people buy PPVs to see Cena. They want to see Cena lose (smarks) or win (women/kids). He has charisma, the push, the build... and although I don't like... for 2 years he pretty much carried the Raw band and will do so in the future.

Number 5: THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR! hahaha it's true though. After he pinned Hogan his stock went up like crazy. He was a huge draw in his day and he kind of still is. I mean more short term now but I think people would still pay good money to see warrior.

Number 6: (Yes I know its only 5) Vince Mcmahon. In the hey day vince drew so much heat it was crazy. People paid shitloads to see Austin kick his ass. A true heel. Nowadays its gotten repetitious which is why no one cares about him anymore.
My Top 5 goes like this criticize it if you wish:

Stone Cold Steve Austin-Huge money draw second only to hulk hogan, he told the world he was the greatest thing to hit wrestling and when he got his chance he showed us that he was damn right. 1/2 of the greatest fued of all time, one of the most charismatic entertainers of all time possible only second behind the rock. He had fresh material and just did things during the monday night wars that had you saying "holy shit, can he really do that?" (i.e. filling mcmahons car with cement) <--C'mon now that shit is classic. Did i mention he was the man that ignited the biggest boom wrestling ever saw in the attitude era?

Hulk Hogan- Self explanitory, the only reason Hogan is probly second being that i wasnt around to see Hogan in the 80's at the top, but watching footage, hearing stories from my dad and so on, its obvious that this man took wrestling places it had never dreamed of seeing. BIGGEST drawer EVER that says something.

The Rock- IMO Most charismatic man to ever step foot in the ring, he could kill you with the mic he didnt even have to wrestle you. In the ring we all know he wasnt the greatest but he wasnt the worst, he had his share of moves. Catchphrases galore, watch an old RAW is WAR episode and listen to the crowd basically call the rocks promos for him, thats getting over wow! Was in the mania title match i believe 3 times? Was the legs to support Steve Austin in carrying the WWF late 97-2002.

Bret Hart- Incredible in ring worker, heluva man on the mic. Lotta argument on wether Hart really had it on the mic or not ill speak from experience 97 i wanted to strangle him. He did a phenomenal job playing heel leader of the Hart Foundation. Cutting his promos on Raw he caught so much heat and hell thats his job isnt it? Wrestler/Entertainer the man could put on a show.

The Undertaker-16-0. That is insane. For a man his size to work so well all these years and still put on the type of match he could ten years ago is incredible. Great heel, great gimmick (possible best ever) People dont say much about Taker being able to talk but he can, though he doesnt much anymore he did while part of the ministry and he was one scary son of a bitch, I was only a 4 year old the first time i seen the undertaker and he put me to tears and gave me nightmares. If i can remember that its something that will stick with me forever and in this buisness you wanna be remembered.

There it is feel free to criticize or give comments
Curt Henning. Great wrestler and had solid mic skills. But the only reason he became the MR. Perfect character was because Terry Taylor didn't want it. Curt was second choice.

you are right, trumike, hennig was second choice. so was harrison ford in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK...do you think tom selleck would be better as indy? or james caan as rocky?

i'm a huge terry taylor mark. although i agree he'd have been better as mr. perfect than as the red rooster, i just cannot (in retrospect) see him as mr. perfect being better than hennig in the same role. he never did convince me as a heel.
I argee bret was good on mic but I think career wise him and hbk are even success wise. Michaels drawing ability as wwe champion wasn't totally his fault timing was also the case. The nwo gimmick in wcw was fresh and new so even if bret was champion at the time it would be the same result of ratings going down . True that bret was more popular internationally more than hbk but hbk has a littke more memorable fueds and matches then bret plus hmm.....he's canadian of course he would get the pops. I know his career was cut short but explain why he main evented many years before hbk he wasn't such as a draw as people hyped him to be. Never had a bad match that is true but his wcw days hurts his crediability. I love bret don't get me wrong but shawn can wrestle anyone and make then look like a million dollars I don't think bret can do that
1.Rob Van Dam - He's an all time favorite of mine and he's a great wrestler

2.Shawn Michaels - One of the best wrestlers to ever step in the ring

3.John Kronus(R.I.P) - The most athletic man I've ever seen. This guy was 286lbs. and he could do 450 splashes, space flying tiger drops, and handspring elbows!

4.Taz - one of the greatest wrestlers and toughest s.o.b's I've ever seen

5.IDK I'll have to go back on that

And don't thing i don't appreciate guys like Ric Flair, Bret Hart, DDP, or any other guys like them, it's that I'm not big fans of them
I love bret don't get me wrong but shawn can wrestle anyone and make then look like a million dollars I don't think bret can do that

Obviously you haven't seen Summerslam 1992. Bulldog was an average worker but Bret carried his ass to one of the best matches ever. Watch Bret Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid from Raw in 1994 (in my opinion the best match in Raw history). That was the only time Waltman ever looked like he was worth a damn in the ring. Why? Because his opponent was Bret Hart. I could give you many other examples.

One of HBK's main ways of making his opponent look good (especially when he's playing a heel) is by overselling his opponent's offense. (Similar to what Flair did). That is just a cheap way to do it, and it takes away the realism from the match. Hart never did that, his selling was always very realistic, and he always knew how to make his opponents look good, even when he beat them. (Just look at his match with Austin).

1.Rob Van Dam - He's an all time favorite of mine and he's a great wrestler

You put RVD as the greatest of all time when he shouldn't even be in the top 50. Actually, not even top 100. He was an awful wrestler who only knew how to wrestle one style of match, a spotfest.
Wow ... this a very difficult list to conjure but I will give it a shot. I am limiting it to American Wrestling since I do not have a fair background in international competition.
1. Hulk Hogan - 12-time World Champion for a total of more than 9 years, one-time Tag-tag Champion and two-time Royal Rumble winner. There really is no other star to put in this spot. His name IS professional wrestling. Wrasslin fan or not, you KNOW who Hulk Hogan is and with Vince running the show they took the WWF from the territories to the NATION and to PPV. Hulk Hogan continues to draw like no other. FIFTEEN years after his all-time classic against Andre the Giant he bounced back into the ring for an epic battle with The Rock and tore the house down. I don't like the guy ... think he could do soooo much more for wrestling, but it is what it is ... he is the top dog this business has seen.
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin – Six-time World Champion for a total of 1 1/2 years, five-time Tag-team Champion, two-time Intercontinental Champ, two-time U.S. Heavyweight Champ and three time Royal Rumble winner. No one has sold more merchandise or gotten better ratings than the Texas Rattlesnake and there is a reason why ... you cannot turn away when he is on the screen. His in-ring skills have always been better than he is normally credited for and his work on the stick is second to none. He was the lead force not only in turning people away from WCW when Nitro was on top, but the lead in eventually running WCW in the ground and making WWE the clear winner. Also had a solid run as a comedic heel after many years as the top face.
3. Ric Flair - 16-time World Champ for a total of over 10 years, one-time U.S. Heaveyweight Champ, one-time Intercontinental Champ, three-time Tag-team Champ and a Royal Rumble winner. Simply the most decorated wrestling champion of all time. THE ONLY reason NWA and WCW was able to compete with McMahon's WWF behemoth for quite a while. Also was not shy about putting people over. Sting made a career out of wrestling Ric Flair and Sting still owes a lot to The Man today. As a heel, as a face, on the stick, or his workmanship in the ring ... very few ever compared to the Nature Boy and very few ever will.
4. The Rock - Nine-time World Champion for a total of just over one year, five-time Tag-team Champ, two-time Intercontinental Champ and a Royal Rumble winner. The Great One. The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment. The People's Champion. <Sigh> Any of us would be a liar if we said we do not miss him walking to the ring. There has NEVER been anyone like him on the stick and his ring work was highly entertaining if not always pure. His feuds with Mick Foley and Steve Austin are legendary and his feuds with Triple H and Chris Jericho also approach that status. He NEVER had a problem not having the strap and clearly never had a problem letting it go. If he had stuck around he could easily be No. 1 on this list by now. There truly has been no other showman like him in the ring.
5. Shawn Michaels Four-time World Champion for a total of more than one year, four-time Tag-team Champ, three-time Intercontinental Champ, one-time European Champ, two-time Royal Rumble winner and the first Grand Slam Champion. Noone puts on a show like the Showstoppa, Noone! The fact that this guy is only a four-time World Champ is actually mind-boggling and shows that he values a lot more than gold on his waist. He simply is a MOTY producing machine and continues to be the most consistent performer in the business into his 40s. His matches against Undertaker, Triple H, Chris Jericho, John Cena, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, etc. are legendary and he continues to steal the show night in and night out. At WM 24 with a 59-year-old Ric Flair, he again stole the show. If Shawn had not missed four-years of his prime he may be higher on this list. And lord knows we would have loved to have seen him in the mix with the likes of Stone Cold and The Rock a little longer. Ranking him No. 5 almost seems like a slight.

Honorable Mention: Andre the Giant, Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Sting, Bruno Sammartino, Randy Savage, Harley Race, Triple H and John Cena.
he6rt6gr6m Im not a Triple H fan but u have 2 respect the guy...U like all hhh haters get caught up the present...before he was wit "the bosses daughter" he was aready over.. in recent years he has had the wwe in his back pocket but its not like hes corny n need 2 use the power 2 his advantage. in HHH's career he has made alot ppl look good cut some great promos and classic matches. as a wrestling fan and not a backstage fan u have to give that to him. slim you must be a full time idiot 2 say rock austin cena andre the giant edge and the undertaker are better ring workers than Triple H....you need 2 get your eyes checked......and as a disclaimer to all ppl who think Im a triple h fan....Im actually a Orton fan who thinks the age of Orton should continue

:blink: Wait, wait, wait... Triple H was over before he started boning Steph?! I dont remember this...

Triple H is an awful excuse of a Main Eventer and World Champion.

It seems this guy only wants to beat records by people, and put himself in all the Main Events and Crowd pullers. Firstly, we will say Ric Flair, 16 Time World Champ. (although Im pretty sure its bordering 20 Time) and Triple H wants to beat that record. Its obvious with the amount of times he has a title.

Secondly, stuff like the constant "reuniting" of DX which happens every 3 weeks. DX was a faction. A Stable. A counter-strike to the nWo created by Mr. Vince Russo. It wasnt a Glorified Tag Team, that the children want to watch because the Child Like Humor appeals to them!

Im not saying Triple H doesnt know some moves. Sure, he can wrestle. But he isnt wrestling like a Main Eventer.

He is just like Kevin Nash, in that sense. Always looked like a Good Wrestler, but only had a few moves in his arsenal, and used his political power to get everything he has in this Sport.

Just to hear Triple H' name in this thread is disrespectful to the wrestlers that deserve to be mentioned here.

He isnt Great, he isnt the Best, he isnt a Legend. He will always go down as being the one that shagged the Boss' Daughter to get where he wanted. And lets see where he is when Shane takes full control of the company, and Steph gets Jack all. I predict a divorce, an end to that Unsackable contract he has, and no more pushes to the top of the Card, with the belt on the line or around his waste.

And if Slim did say that The Rock, Austin, Cena, Andre, Edge and 'taker are all better performers than Trips, I wouldnt disagree.

The Rock knew how to work the crowd, as a good guy AND a heel. Trips just knows how to piss people off and be child-like to get laughs and sell Green T-Shirts to the children. No talent there.

Austin. I dont even need to comment on Steve Austin. He was Number One in that Promotion as the Monday night wars started and during that time, he did some of the best work I have ever seen. Again, very limited by certain things, IE his Knees. But thats a position Trips would love to find himself in now. (The biggest Draw in WWE. Unfortunately for him, there are about 4 or 5 people on RAW alone, that Draw bigger than the King of Kings.)

Skip a few to 'taker. Taker was World Champion when Trips was In Diapers. Haha. No, seriously, 'taker is another thats done more than the Game can ever dream of. Again, another top Draw, Multi World Champ, great worker. AWESOME Gimmick. Getting on a bit, but he is one of those people that fans like me can look at, and say "Nah! Hes got another 5 Years in him, at least..." and then 5 Years down the line, "Nah, hes got another 5 years." Hehe.

Rob Van Dam is more talented and held in higher regard by the fans than the Game. Simple.

Lets say there are 1000 Wrestlers in the world, Trips would be in the Bottom Hundred. About 980-1000th.

If anyone can name something he has actually contributed to this sport, please let me know. :headscratch:

Everyone who is ranking HBK and Ric Flair towards the top is either a crack addict, or didnt read the rules. Neither guy drew shit, EVER. True, HBK may have the unfair stip of going against the NWO angle, but it doesnt change the fact that he never drew shit, was on top of the company for one of their WORST eras. And its been proven over and over and over that Flair has never drawn shit. Unless you cound crowds that came through the gate for free, drunk, at fairgorunds in bugaloosa georgia as a draw.

The best match at the latest Wrestlemania, the highest Rated, no doubt, and they never drew?!
1. Hulk Hogan-As much as I dislike his limited move set and backstage politics, I respect what the man has done for the business.

2. Bret Hart- Great technical wrestler, good promos, great draw and very good as both a face and heel. The man had a great match with Sean Waltman, and if that doesn't prove how great he is, I don't know what does.

3. Undertaker- Awesome gimmick, has had so many great feuds with a lot of different people, undefeated at Wrestlemania.

4.Stone Cold/The Rock- Have to put these two together since neither one would have been as big without the other. Both were great draws and very entertaining.

5. Chris Jericho- After seeing some of his matches in Japan, I realized just how watered down he is in WWE and was in WCW. Great promos and can do some very good moves when he is allowed to.

Triple H, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels will never appear on any list like this to me. The only reason I cared really about the Wrestlemania 24 match was to see the end of a long drawn-out angle that got very old after a while. Nobody bought the pay-per-view just for that match.
Everyone who is ranking HBK and Ric Flair towards the top is either a crack addict, or didnt read the rules. Neither guy drew shit, EVER. True, HBK may have the unfair stip of going against the NWO angle, but it doesnt change the fact that he never drew shit, was on top of the company for one of their WORST eras. And its been proven over and over and over that Flair has never drawn shit. Unless you cound crowds that came through the gate for free, drunk, at fairgorunds in bugaloosa georgia as a draw.

Ok, well, I had both Flair and Michaels on my list along with Hogan, Austin, and Vader. So I take this as a personal challenge to my list, and as such, let's review the "rules" of the thread, shall we my worthy adversary?

List who you feel are the top 5 wrestlers EVER. This is not a personal preference list. Make an unbiased, intelligent opinion on who the top five pro wrestlers of all time were, combining all facets of pro wrestling, that being in ring work, promo ability, and drawing power. Dont be a moron and just post a list, give reasons, or I will be SWIFT with the infractions on this. Thanks guys.

Originally, you asked for "all facets" of pro wrestling. Now, you are saying anyone who strays from looking only at drawing power is addicted to crack cocaine. Quite a drastic 180, no?

I gladly concede that Michaels and Flair did not draw nearly as well as Hogan and Austin, and that's ok. But to say Flair only drew drunks in hick towns is ludicrous and insulting. It also fails to take into account the fact that much of Flair's career took place in a territory system with a company that did not have Vince McMahon's marketing, money, or television connections. Michaels was groomed for the top spot and then thrown into it when all the major WWF stars went to WCW. You say it's not 100% his fault because of the nWo angle, but is it safe to say that, without Michaels at that time keeping some interest, the WWF wouldn't have made it to the Austin era? And dX sure as shit drew as a heel faction, as well as a face faction.

As far as in-ring work, do many people even come close to Michaels? The man got great matches out of almost everybody he faced! And Flair put on admirable work well into his 50's!

Promo ability? SO FEW better than Flair. Hogan wasn't better than Flair - Hogan was barely passable at promos. He cut the same promo from 10 consecutive years from 1986 - 1996, then he turned heel and cut the same promo from 1996-1999. Flair was a master at the heel mic work, and few have surpassed him. He was the embodied reincarnation of Billy Graham.
One thing people don't realize is that Hogan had a great and is was a successful wrestler. But when he and Flair started wrestling. Hogan wrestled in territories as well as Flair. Flair was making the money, not Hogan. He needed the WWE to make him a star. That was a totally different era. Then people wanted wrestlers to wrestle. Flair used to wrestle 2 60 minute matches in a day. How many stars can do that now? Not many. So, to think that Flair never made money is crazy. When he and Hogan were in WCW together Flair still became champion a few times. That is why he got the send off he did when he retired. He deserved it. When Hogan offically retires I don't think he will get the same.
I agree with that.

I dont think anyone will get a send off as well as Ric Flair got, and that is why i cannot understand why people constantly say he has no ability in the ring, nor in drawing power.

That is why I had to say that he, as a wrestler, is one of the greatest that ever lived.

When Dusty Rhodes said; "You have Legends. (Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, etc) You have Icons. (Sting, Hogan, etc) And You have National Treasure's. And thats what Ric Flair is."

I think, if it came to it, Ric Flair could be held responsible for keeping Wrestling in Wrestling, otherwise it would just be promo's and in ring confrontations.

Ric Flair was a wrestlers wrestler as far as I am concerned.
IC, dont think I cant see right through your purposefull attempt to drag me out simply for the purpose of us having a go. Punk :p

Anyways.....Yes, I did say take it all into account. But the gulf between the drawing abilities of say, HBK and HUlk Hogan, are SO absurdly wide, that I think it compensates for what you may feel HBK may be able to out do HOgan on. (which btw in reality is NOTHING)....And you know Id even accept Flair and HBK in a top 5, but to rank them ABOVE Hogan or Austin, when the drawing ability is SO much more for said two, would yes, in my opinion, be direct evidence of a drug problem. I was merely saying that ranking those two as numbers 1 and 2 is outrageous. Becuase the rest of their skill set was either on par, under, or just slightly above (depending on who you talk to) that of Hogan and Austin, while Hogan and Austin's drawing power is FAR superior to that of HBK and Flair. So, taking into account what I just said, ranking them above, or even near those two, is absurd.

And to heart6fy6jfu6 or whatever the fuck. Saying both guys had drawing power is absolutely becuase of ONE match, that was conviently enough, booked on THE BIGGEST SHOW OF THE YEAR is utterly foolish. I garuntee the numbers wouldve been roughly the same if the Flair HBK match wouldnt have been on the card. You know why?? Becuase it broke no record, and sold LESS than last years WM.
1. Hogan Hands down...when you think wrestling, you think Hogan...Before the Rock there was only Hogan. The only mad to draw non-wrestling fans to even glimpse at our programming.

2. D-Wayne the Rock Johnson lol...Had to poke some fun at the guy...I mean yes he is the greatest to touch the mic! Hands down...Hogan is the in-ring entertainer and Rocky wooed us through everything...Whether givin us directions to the Smackdown hotel or telling us about his favorite pie (Poon-tang) I mean would have been the greatest if the big screens didn't draw him so fast.

3. Sting Off the strength of his promos/programs with the NWO...


I disagree winged eagle I don't think hbk over stoled like its hyped up to be. hogan yes he did matches with taker yes he did but the thing is it make it comical and entertaining and made it look like he was getting dominated. The hogan oversell was to make hogan look bad cuz of the politics. Comparing bret fighting bulldog to hbk fighting lets say chris masters who is horrible is a joke. Bret was wrestling a average skilled wrestler while hbk was wrestling trash. Ok answer this how realistic was it for yokozuna to job to bret when suddenly out of nowhere he just falls and bret gets the title. And the austin matxh he had he stole prefectly to make stunner look like it was a legitimate move if hbk oversells then the rock is the king of overselling moves. Face facts hbk matches as a whole are usually the best on the card period
Responding to a few things I've read in the last few days...

1. I pointed out several workers (the ones heart6something pointed out a few posts ago) that are far superior to Triple H. It seems the only comeback people had for me putting Cena over HHH is that HHH actually WRESTLES. You can put wrestles in all caps bold or underline, it doesn't prove anything. If you want to watch real wrestling holds being done, the olympics are this summer, get your fill. This is pro wrestling, people are way more into John Cena than they are HHH. If Cena can go out, do the same five moves that everyone claims he does and still draw more fans than HHH can by putting on a 30 minute match, then Cena is better.

2. IC25, I have to disagree with you on this one buddy. Flair may be a cut above a bunch of the wrestlers today, but Hogan is two cuts above him. Hulk Hogan drew huge numbers from the late eighties all through the 90's. Anytime he comes back, he gets a high profile match because people care.

Ric Flair may have put on longer matches that wowed some of the southern territories, but on a national scale, Hogan outdrew Flair by a lot. Even when the WWF was pushing Flair threw the roof by having him win the Rumble and defending the title at Wrestlemania, Hogan was given the Main Event slot because the WWF was always focused on Hogan. The only knock people have on Hogan is his lack of "in ring skills." Hogan's skills in the ring are second to none. He got more of a reaction waving his finger than Flair did putting on 60 minute marathons. Most people on this forum use this as a anti Hogan argument when it is really a pro Hogan argument.

3. It still seems most people are doing their personal, top 5 favorites, instead of who they truly believe the best ever is. Believe me, I wanted to put Bret Hart number one, but Austin and Hogan are so far ahead that I can't justify the argument. I'd like to see others do the same (HBK fans, I'm looking at you).
One person i am surprised no one brought up is Ricky Steamboat, he always put on great matches especially in the nwa as a champion and he had great matches even though he was the dragon in wwf, i think if he wasnt injured he could have done much more.

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