Spidey Revivey
Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
What a load of Garbage
Opinions are like that.
Listening 2 U all Defend HBK.... The Truth is It is his fault 4 the ratings drop in 96... Doesnt matter what another company is doing... If your top star sucks then the COMPANY Sucks.....
So if I were to understand you, it's 1 man's fault if rating's drop in a company? This is what you are going with? Okay let me ask you this, an example of something I can compare it to: If the Miami Heat lost to the Boston Celtics, would it be LeBron James's fault? I hope you said no. So let this question pass you in a similar way..
If WWE's ratings drop to WCW, would it be HBK's fault? Yes, he is the top performer, but he isn't the entire company. Shawn Michaels was a victim to circumstance; WCW had bought out most of WWE's big stars at the time. You could be Steve Austin of your company, but if you don't have anybody in the back to support your character, then you're going to look like shit.
If it wasnt for SCSA the company would of stayed Mid Card staute.. because u had a Mid Card star pushed 2 be the Top Star.. Cause Hoagn took his crew and went 2 greener pastures....
I'll reinerate what I said about having an SCSA on your show. If you don't have anyone on your show that can present a threat to your champion, then people aren't going to buy it. You will draw nothing. Shawn Michaels barely scraped away with feuds with Vader, Bulldog, and Psycho Sid. Austin had a SLEW of talented and promising athletes to contend with, including The Heartbreak Kid. It's not fair to say one man kept a program from going under.
This pisses me off when i read threads like this... because everyone is so quick 2 blame Hogan for the current state of TNA... But U r defending HBK for the condition of WWF at that time...
Don't recall anyone mentioning Hogan/TNA in this thread, but I could have overlooked it. Either way suck it up; Comparing Hogan and Michaels right now is like comparing Tyson with Ali. Yeah that looks good on paper but Tyson is up there with age and have you seen Ali lately?
HBK Sucks.... Period... He only got his chance cause the Golden Goose (Hogan) and his Crew Left!! HBK had nuthing to do with WWE Sucess... He just hid under the dress and went for the ride of top starts like Hulk Hogan and then SCSA and the Rock... And clamed he was a ICON.... Yawn... BACK it up is all I am saying!!!
How old are you? Just by judging your last statement, I would imagine you weren't around to see Michaels start something that was unprecedented in professional wrestling. With all the muscle heads and big boys in the locker room, we had a small, scrawny guy winning championships and flying around the ring when it was practically unheard of outside Mexico. I'd give him just a little bit more credit man.
Wrestling Skills ...Whatever... Name a Time he has ever Sold out and been on top with the likes of Hulk Hogan or SCSA.. then I will agree... Until Then... All u have proven to me is that U are pushing guys 4 their so called wrestling ability that doesnt produce the main Money resorce!!....
Sold out?

HBK..Bret Hart... Charity Cases.. who were lucky to just be in the right place at the right time... enough Said!!!
Wrestling has always been "right place, right time" so that's an irrelevant discussion. I'm sure you'd probably say the same thing about John Cena, and guess what? You'd be right to say he was lucky for being in the right place, because they all were, even Austin. Especially Hulk Hogan.