Rock vs. Shawn Michaels

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HBK said he's "still" waiting to meet the greatest inring performer of our generation..He wasn't referring to The Rock..It was Kurt Angle..The reason he said he hasn't faced him was a shot at Kurt sayin he faced Kurt and Kurt Isn't the greatest of his generation..It was basically saying Kurt aswell as many have said they were the greatest inring performer of their generation but he didn't prove it to Shawn Michaels.
You read WWE Insider....congrats. Now listen to the promo and, unless you are that much of a WWE ass kisser, be smart and notice he wasn't talking about Angle. He has wrestled Angle. And just a though.. I was at the WM match, and it was a great that again doesn't make sense with what you just said.

keep in mind not everything WWE does makes sense, though he could be talking about any number of wrestlers wethers it is indeed Angle (who it probably is), or someone else like AJ Styles, who happens to be considered by some to be the greatest of this generation, and is jerking the curtain in TNA
keep in mind not everything WWE does makes sense, though he could be talking about any number of wrestlers wethers it is indeed Angle (who it probably is), or someone else like AJ Styles, who happens to be considered by some to be the greatest of this generation, and is jerking the curtain in TNA

He is not the greatest Wrestler of his generation. AJ Styles share the award being the greatest Spot Monkey of all time with RVD and Sabu.

The promo is about a person he does not face yet mybe the Rock will comeback seeing that HHH is in the injured list for about 6 months.

AJ Styles is not a wrestler he is a SPOT MONKEY....
The Rock has stated he would never fought Shawn Michaels, because he was always a flagrant asshole to him & everyone else. Plus the Rock has alot of respect for Bret Hart, and because of that aswell has stated he would never want to make Shawn a headliner.

Then Batista, john cena, Edge, Randy ortan tell them to get out of the ring becasue they are old crap.

Believe it or not Batista is actually older then HHH & the Rock. He's between 38-42.
i dont no if this is accurate it is off wiki Possible Return/Full Time?
WWE Play-by-play Commentator Jim Ross has stated on the "Ross Report" that he has spoken to Johnson about returning to the ring. Ross said that Johnson has considered coming back but is unsure if he's going wrestle full-time. Ross has also stated that you can expect Johnson to be back in the ring sometime in 2007.
I think tht with HHH out, Vinnie Mac will need somethin big for Wrestlemania. Tht could be a big one time deal with The Rock for a match against Shawn Micheals. Hey i woulda said last week tht the Rock prob wont wrestle again but things change and things happen. HHH gettin injured leaves a huge gap in Wrestlemania so Mcmahon needs to do something to make the show as good as it can be.
I dont know... I doubt the Rock would come back, not until hes done filming his 2 movies with wont be until around August. I would prefer the edge/HBK storyline went at Wrestlemania. With Cena/Orton for the title. Although I think it would be more worthwhile if Vince tried to get Jericho to come back until HHH is back, prephaps comming in as a suprise entry in the rumble and having Jericho/Cena for the titles, Orton/HBK, and having Edge in the money in the bank ladder match again.
I just watched the video of when Rock came back to help Mick Foley against La Resistance, sent shivers down my spine! God i miss Rocky :(
I just watched the video of when Rock came back to help Mick Foley against La Resistance, sent shivers down my spine! God i miss Rocky :(

I really Miss him i wish he can be a suprise entry on the Royal Rumble and have a feud with either John Cena or HBK.
There is NO WAY Rock will agree to a program with HBK; Rock hasn't forgotten what an asshole HBK was to him when he first broke into the WWF and Rock and Bret Hart became close friends and I think that Rock still feels loyal to Bret and that's another reason he doesn't want to wrestle HBK.

Bret also confirmed in an interview that HBK was an asshole to Rock.

It was rumored that Rock turned down a program with Cena before.

I agree that Rock vs. Cena would be AWESOME!

Think of how good the promos would be between the two of them; ESPECIALLY with Rocky playing the heel role.

For the record, JR NEVER mentioned that Rock will comeback in 2007; I was just on his official website to read his most recent blog and all he said was that "Rock vs. HBK is HIGHLY unlikely."
JR just updated his blog over at his official website and he DENIED the Wikipedia story about Rock returning in 2007.

He said Rock is about to start filming another movie very soon.
Rock has said that he won't ever wrestle Shawn because of the way that Shawn used to treat him when Rock was coming up and Rock doesn't forgive him for that. Maybe people change and things could happen but as far as I remember that is what he said and he won't ever wrestle Shawn. Don't get me wrong it is a dream match and definitely one I would love to see but I doubt if it ever happens. Also Rock needs to recognize that making movies isn't working and should be back in WWE.
The Rock made it perfectly clear in various magazine and on air interviews that he would never ever work with Shawn Michaels since when they had the Raw show in honour of The Rocks grandfather but The Rock wouldnt comment on what happened there and also when WM 15 was on Shawn Michaels was protesting to his buddies up stairs about how he should verse Austin for the title not The Rock

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