TNA = The Bin Of The WWE

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Aeksis8745 said:
wow don't complement yourself you FN CLOWN. Anyone in the X division could school anyone in the WWE except for maybe kurt angle and Benoit.

or HBK, or Triple H, or Carlito, or Edge, or Kane, or Nitro, or Booker, or Lashley, or Hardy, or London, or Kendrick, or Mysterio, or Super Crazy, or Undertaker, or Rvd, or Sabu.
TNA wouldnt even make it through the doors of the WWE cause they are that crappy.

The X division is full of crap wrestlers who only work in TNA is because of $$$
what kinda name is x division lmao its like the worst name ive ever heard.

TNA is not wrestling their wrestlers are actors.
RonaldMcdonald said:
TNA wouldnt even make it through the doors of the WWE cause they are that crappy.

The X division is full of crap wrestlers who only work in TNA is because of $$$
what kinda name is x division lmao its like the worst name ive ever heard.

TNA is not wrestling their wrestlers are actors.

Dude even though your pics and comments make me laugh all the time you are very ignorant when it comes to TNA....WWE has offered big contracts to AJ Styles X division and he turned it down, Somoa Joe Former X division Champion which was also turned down, And im sure has tried to recruit many others so your theory that tna wrestlers couldnt make it into the door of wwe is False already. Dude dont post till you know what it is that your talking about please
i do like tna but wwe is better i mean they got cena, batista, triple h, hbk,foley,hogan,edge,umaga,carltito, kane, flair,undertaker,mark henry,rey,boorker t, chris benoit,The Great Khali ,Sylvester Terkay, the hardy boys, kurt angle,cm punk, al snow, big show,rvd, sandman, test,Nitro,Tommy Dreamer ,Tatanka ,Ken Kennedy ,venis, Randy Orton , visera, hass, terry funk, sabu and alot more. wwe has better divas too
um like half of those guys you just mentioned cannot wrestle. Two words X division they are the ones wrestling and putting on a great show.
Aeksis8745 said:
um like half of those guys you just mentioned cannot wrestle. Two words X division they are the ones wrestling and putting on a great show.

That's true however, what about the Heavyweight Division? that has to be TNA's main focus in order to succeed because, it's the Main Event which determines the ratings & buyrate, for TNA and I'm not saying the X-Division is not important because, I thikn it's the Backbone of TNA wrestling today however, if TNA showcased their Heavyweights like they do their X-Divisions stars, then I think TNA would have alot of success in gaining a new audience, buyrates & ratings.
Aeksis8745 said:
um like half of those guys you just mentioned cannot wrestle. Two words X division they are the ones wrestling and putting on a great show.

lmao as if, all the WWE wrestlers can wrestle not like TNA who just copys the WWE
How does Tna copy the wwe when Wwe restrict all tehre wrestlers moves, Yet tna allow there wrestlers creative freedom in the ring
oh geez there is no talking to this ignorant clown. I bet you don't even watch wrestling and your just picking fights because you used to watch the wwf. Well wake up, there are other wrestling promotions out there that are just as good if not better than WWE. WWE has gotten stale over the past couple of years and TNA is new and fresh. Add that to the fantastic matches they put on and you got yourself one hell of a show. Also in the future if your going to reply to something I said then at least make it a little intelligent.
Aeksis8745 said:
oh geez there is no talking to this ignorant clown. I bet you don't even watch wrestling and your just picking fights because you used to watch the wwf. Well wake up, there are other wrestling promotions out there that are just as good if not better than WWE. WWE has gotten stale over the past couple of years and TNA is new and fresh. Add that to the fantastic matches they put on and you got yourself one hell of a show. Also in the future if your going to reply to something I said then at least make it a little intelligent.

I do watch wrestling!

Ive been watching wwf turn into wwe and copy shows like TNA a rising from the rejects of them so dont say i dont watch wrestling.

And no they don't let them do free creative moves in the ring of TNA because most of their moves are like the basic ones you have to learn while trainning to be a wrestler. And they keep using those so it bores the hell outta me.

And Now some low performance wrestling coperation namely TNA comes along and is gonna do the copy of them and get rich from it.

*TNA Starts* - *YAWN* "Ive seen all this goodbye!"
Why is it so hard to like both the WWE and the TNA? I watch both every week and they both have things I like and things I don't like. If you really hate one of them so much why would you waste your time watching it or talking about it.
i like them both, just because of a.j styles i like tna. The x-division isnt all that exciting compared to pretty much all of wwe.
I also like both, More so probs wwe but i hate ppl that come in and just bash the shit outta tna it is doing good things in wrestling and no one wants to acknoledge that
I never liked tna but i saw a few weeks and i watch it every week now its really good its not better then wwe but it could happen also is sting going to wwe now that he lost?
Yo Clown! I'm calling you out as well as all you WWE marks. I could bet that you never gave TNA a chance. Never seen a whole show. Just judged it cause you want the WWE to be the best at all times casue you know that the WWE has been sucking for a while. Well now I'm giving you a chance. Watch this match and please give it a chance and you WILL NOT be dissipointed. If you don't like this match you don't like wrestling. Here's the link:

And then after you watch the WHOLE match I want you to answer these questions and anwser all of them TRUTHFULLY:

1) From a 1-10 rate this match TRUTHFULLY
2) What did you like about the match the most?
3) What did you dislike about the match the most?
4) Does this change your mind about TNA?
5) And last but not least, Did you even watch the whole match and did you even give it a REAL chance?
I really like tna, and i really like WWE, everyone's always arguing that tna sucks, or people are defending them, but really the shows aren't all that different. for everyone that says they don't like tna, how about you tell us why you don't like it other than there copying wwe. of course there gonna be copying wwe, because wwe has done it all, and has been around for a long time
It's hard for me to like both, because the WWE doesn't let their stars do anything, they have the stupidest storylines, and everything is so sterile and corporate.

And as far as calling TNA a crappy company, remember that the NWA has been around WAY longer than the WWE. But, they have open minds. Vince McMahon is an arragont asshole who belives everything he does is fantastic...add to that he has around 15-20 people, including his own kids, who just kiss his ass all day saying "Man, this imposter Kane angle is awesome!" Then turning around the next day "We agree Mr. McMahon, that angle should be dropped without hesitation."

And you dumbass WWE MARKS will just keep watching, not realising that you are just doing what 90% of America does anymore: be brainwashed and just do what everyone else does.

It's sad that you get a social outlook on life by watching a car commercial. I believe it was Toyota, I don't know, all japanese cars suck. Anyway, the point of the commercial was the car was the best selling car and everyone drives one....and so should you! That is our mentallity. We have to fit in to all these social norms and you fucking idiots just fall right into that trap.

It's cooler to watch WWE than it is TNA because thats where all the big names are. Don't be suprised if Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or whoever else these fucking teenage airheads are worshipping now shows up. WWE is a commercialized peice of shit that even parades itself around as such, mocking the name and sport of wrestling.

I'm done...
I liked WWF but the WWE stuff is almost a discrase! Edge??? Cena?? Nitro?? PLEASE! talk abou WCW TV or European title holders ONLY! McMan is Scared of TNA thats the whole reason bringing back ECW!! Which totally backfired! If you have Angle, Flair, Show on ECW than thats not ECW, Plus the way the arena is set up.... Give me a break!
TNA is original you gotta give Jarrett props, of course its going to take a while for TNA to get huge, but once they get a better time slot and start traveling they will be right up there!!!

I hate to say this the I have always loved the Intercontinental title but as of late (of than Flair) the X-Division champ has been better!
The X Division title has been better then the IC title for ages man what you talking about IC title has sucked but i will say this Nitro Benjamin and Carlito are making it Interesting again, But i love Petey as teh number one contender for X gold man i love that guy lol
shelton and carlitto are making the division better now, but i do love the x division, its my favorite part of tna, and i bet a lot of people just watch tna for the X division
Yea thats the only reason I sometimes watch it, Styles, Daniels, Joe are the ones who should be in the Main Event! Not assholes like Jarrett and Sting.
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