TNA Taking Shots at WWE


Pre-Show Stalwart
It seems like TNA is constantly taking shots at the WWE. Theres Tazz with "vintage" and then you have other guys like Kazarian trying to take a shot at Nexus calling them a band of rookies and then the TNA galaxy comment.

Do you like when TNA tries to make fun of the WWE?

Does it make them look low rent or busch league?
I'm sure most of the response here will be that it makes them look "bush" (what you meant to say – Busch is a type of beer) league, but personally I think it's quite funny.

I actually LOL'd at the "TNA Galaxy" comment, because I laugh every day at the absurdity of the term "WWE Universe", as if the WWE is this self-governing life force above humanity, and beyond this measly world. :rolleyes: They're called fans, Vince – they were fans since day one, not a "universe". You either have absolutely no idea what the magnitude of a universe encompasses, or you don't actually care for the fact you're comparing a drop of water to the Pacific Ocean.

I LOL at most of the comments, to be honest, because I think they're quite funny. Taz noting that Sarita might be fired for choking someone the way she choked Taylor Wilde in another company made me laugh, as did Kaz' comment about the Nexus being a gang of angry "rookies".
Does it truly matter? No. It does not matter, in the end of the day it's just a small joke, it changes absolutely nothing for WWE, as well as it changes absolutely nothing for TNA.

These back and forth "attacks" has been done before by both companies. As well as it has been done by WCW back in their day. The only way WCW benefited from taking notice to WWE was the fact that they gave away results because RAW was taped back then. TNA cannot do that now, sure they can give away the result of Smackdown, but it doesn't matter because the primary ratings are pulled on RAW, a live show.

TNA can have their fun, because that's all it is, a few jokes for them to have a bit of fun with. And as IDR so nicely pointed out, some of them can actually be just a bit funny, I mean I chuckled at their mockery of Vince McMahon.
I'd never use the term ''Bush league'', I'm English, dude. But it's definitely minor league.

Kazarian calling the Nexus rookies? Surely that reflects badly on Kazarian, because while none of the Nexus guys are great most have more personality than Kaz and they all at least have something about them that makes them interesting. And they're rookies, Kazarian, you're like a veteran, man. Justin Gabriel actually reminds me of Kazarian. As in he's competent and totally unspectacular. At least Gabriel can do that flip thing.

Mocking WWE is perfectly fine, I have no real problem with it. But TNA would have their feelings hurt if WWE decided to do the same thing back to them. Their is more ammo there.

It's a bit like a the unpopular fat kid picking out flaws in the most popular kid at school.
I'm sure most of the response here will be that it makes them look "bush" (what you meant to say – Busch is a type of beer) league, but personally I think it's quite funny.

I actually LOL'd at the "TNA Galaxy" comment, because I laugh every day at the absurdity of the term "WWE Universe", as if the WWE is this self-governing life force above humanity, and beyond this measly world. :rolleyes: They're called fans, Vince – they were fans since day one, not a "universe". You either have absolutely no idea what the magnitude of a universe encompasses, or you don't actually care for the fact you're comparing a drop of water to the Pacific Ocean.

I LOL at most of the comments, to be honest, because I think they're quite funny. Taz noting that Sarita might be fired for choking someone the way she choked Taylor Wilde in another company made me laugh, as did Kaz' comment about the Nexus being a gang of angry "rookies".

Actually I'm not an idiot and meant to say Busch league. From urban dictionary.
1. Busch League
An adjective referring to anything sub-par, or of a lesser or lower grade.

2. An adjective meaning bullshit or bunk.

The term is derived from Nascar's joke of an undercard, the Busch League of racing. Not only is the league of a lesser grade than Nascar, the whole idea of racing as a sport is bunk.
Jon: What's up baby girl? You tryin' to bone.
Jane: Please, homeboy. Your game is Busch League.

I just kind think its kindof funny that they're taking shots at a company who is pretty much dominating them. It's like the Orioles making fun of the Yankees because they're only 33 games out of first place.

It seems pointless too and makes them appear insecure.
its funny because the best joke that can be made about tna is on spike every thursday.

This doesn't make the fact that WWE's product sucks...any better though.

You know what the WWE would be called if they tried to put out their same product without having made a name for themselves over the past 3 decades and/or without the significantly large budget they have?

I'm all for the little jokes. I find them hilarious. WWE does some STUPID crap and they basically asked for it.
for me, it just depends on the circumstances. i'd like to believe that the best kind of comedy is painless and profaneless, meaning that you don't have to cuss to be funny and you don't have to hurt people to be funny either.

back in the early days of DX, they invaded WCW. that was pretty funny to me. a few years ago in TNA, BG and Kip James invaded San Antonio and tried calling out the new DX and McMahon. that was just a lame rip-off.

before the Attitude Era, the WWF ran segments mocking WCW with "Billionaire Ted". these were terrible and not because it was attempting to hurt other people. simply put, they weren't funny in the slightest. and that's coming from a WWF fan.

the comment Taz made (or is it Tazz?) about "vintage" and "that can get you fired in other companies" were freaking hilarious. i believe in the wrestling world they call that "a rib". it's just fun. and it should be taken that way.

technically speaking, everyone in the wrestling business is an adult. as such, i'd expect them to have a sense of humor.
I really don't think it matters much...but it gets kind of old. And Vince isn't losing any sleep over any of these so I don't really understand why it's even used by them.

Instead of using that time to take jabs at the WWE...they should use that time to show Dixie on the camera another 100 times
Every promotion takes shots at WWE including ROH. It's nothing new and it doesn't make anyone look "busch league". When WCW was on top, look at the lengths WWE went to in terms of taking shots. From sending DX to WCW, to parodying Goldberg, to parodying Hogan, Savage, Hall, & Nash. You talk about busch league, than WWE must be the epitome of busch league because look how far they went with taking jabs at the competition. What TNA is doing is nothing but a poke.
I enjoy the "ribs." Anything more than that can still be funny but is really hit or miss. The little jabs here and there are almost always quite amusing. I am not sure why WWE fans get so bent out of shape about them. It all goes back to the end of WCW creating this odd brand loyatly situation that did not exist back then. Even when "the opposition" would make comments about your favorite stars foibles it would still be amusing. Now it is some odd effect where your in-house heels can trash any wrestler etc. they want but if anyone outside the organizations says even a tenth of that same thing everyone loses their mind.
OP, the Busch Series was the second tier to the Winston Cup. Since then, the Sprint Cup is top tier and Nationwide Series is second. There are no "leagues" in NASCAR, and Urban Dictionary may be the most inappropriate source I've ever seen for a valid definition. Look up "bush league" on the same site for a rebuttal.

"Bush league" was a term first used in MLB to refer to the minors, which were in small towns as opposed to big cities. It has since spread to mean anything mediocre.

Back on topic, though, I have always loved the little jabs from the smaller company. It's called a fighting spirit. The best company isn't always on top and the underdog in the ratings has a good reason to claw at the top rated company as they're doing.
Its funny when Kazarian says shit about the Nexus rookies, even though all the rookies are more over than Kazarian ever has been and they've only been on TV for 4-5 months whereas Kazarian has been on WWE TV and TNA TV for over 5 years.

If I've said it once I've said it a million times, TNA really has to stop paying attention to what WWE is doing and just concentrate on themselves and their product, leave the WWE alone. Its not like the comments bother me or anything, but if you need to take shots at another company as much as TNA does, at least have a product that can..... I don't know CONTEND WITH WWE. I know they aren't the first company to take shots at the WWE (and I know companies like ROH have in the past, but they are the only one since WCW that does it on a weekly basis (every week since January 4th they've taken at least 1 shot every impact, thats pathetic). At least when WCW started doing it they had an audience that could contend with WWE, TNA isn't at the level where they can take shots at others, they haven't earned the right yet. IMO their product isn't good enough to take shots at ROH let alone the WWE.

WWE only started taking shots when they were pushed by other companies to, they never would have taken shots at WCW if they weren't provoked, there is a difference between picking a fight and defending yourself, TNA picks fights they can't win, WWE merely defends themselves (but only when a company actually matters, like WCW). WWE has better things to do than to take shots at the competition.

Its alright to take shots once in a while, but don't do it every week, it just makes you look (as the OP said) bush league and it makes it look like your more concerned about what the other company is doing than what your company is doing which is what they should be doing. I know they want to compete with WWE, but in order to do that you need to offer the general public a product that they feel can contend with WWE, TNA doesn't have that, so instead of trying to constantly compete with WWE, forget about them and spend your time improving your own product so down the road they actually CAN compete with WWE.
I disagree deaner. They are playing to their audience which is a good idea. There are a lot of former WWE fans that got fed up with the product that watch TNA. They like to hear this. People that like/defend the things they are mentioning about WWE tend to just stick with that product exclusively. TNA is not claiming they are better, they are merely poking fun at silly WWE things. Why should TNA care what WWE marks think about their comments?
It depends on the context of the situation.

When Tazz lets a little rib get through like the choking joke, it was funny because the Danielson situation made shockwaves through the wrestling community. Now when Kaz brings up a big WWE angle like Nexus, for me it takes the focus off of him and Fourtune and puts it on WWE.

There's no harm in a little joking or a few jabs, but it takes me out of the product when it becomes part of a promo or a backstage segment... if I wanted to hear about WWE I'd watch their product.

And to answer the question, yes, I do think that makes them look bush league when its in the context I mentioned. But this feeling has always been universal... I didn't like it when WWE did it, I didn't like it when WCW did it, I don't like it when TNA does it... IMO it makes the company in question look weak, not to mention desperate for attention. And yes, I got the same feeling when WCW did it while they were number 1.

My attitude is that the product should be able to stand on its own two feet. If Kaz had anything interesting to say, he wouldn't have to bring up Nexus just like WWE wouldn't have had to create Billionaire Ted sketches if they had a legit answer to WCW...
Its funny when Kazarian says shit about the Nexus rookies, even though all the rookies are more over than Kazarian ever has been and they've only been on TV for 4-5 months whereas Kazarian has been on WWE TV and TNA TV for over 5 years.

If I've said it once I've said it a million times, TNA really has to stop paying attention to what WWE is doing and just concentrate on themselves and their product, leave the WWE alone. Its not like the comments bother me or anything, but if you need to take shots at another company as much as TNA does, at least have a product that can..... I don't know CONTEND WITH WWE. I know they aren't the first company to take shots at the WWE (and I know companies like ROH have in the past, but they are the only one since WCW that does it on a weekly basis (every week since January 4th they've taken at least 1 shot every impact, thats pathetic). At least when WCW started doing it they had an audience that could contend with WWE, TNA isn't at the level where they can take shots at others, they haven't earned the right yet. IMO their product isn't good enough to take shots at ROH let alone the WWE.

WWE only started taking shots when they were pushed by other companies to, they never would have taken shots at WCW if they weren't provoked, there is a difference between picking a fight and defending yourself, TNA picks fights they can't win, WWE merely defends themselves (but only when a company actually matters, like WCW). WWE has better things to do than to take shots at the competition.

Its alright to take shots once in a while, but don't do it every week, it just makes you look (as the OP said) bush league and it makes it look like your more concerned about what the other company is doing than what your company is doing which is what they should be doing. I know they want to compete with WWE, but in order to do that you need to offer the general public a product that they feel can contend with WWE, TNA doesn't have that, so instead of trying to constantly compete with WWE, forget about them and spend your time improving your own product so down the road they actually CAN compete with WWE.

every company takes jabs.... wwe/f did it, wcw did it,ecw did it,tna does it,roh does it... half the people watching probably dont even pick up on them.... wwe/f went wayyy beyond what tna is doing when they were losing to wcw as other people have said. what tna is doing is NOTHING compared to what the e did. and one the most memeoriable things to me in the ending years of wcw is scott steiner straight up calling out the rock on nitro with him ending saying the rock isnt sh^t. all companys take jabs its nothing to get bent out of shape over. ecw use to put down wcw and wwf ALL the time
I disagree deaner. They are playing to their audience which is a good idea. There are a lot of former WWE fans that got fed up with the product that watch TNA. They like to hear this. People that like/defend the things they are mentioning about WWE tend to just stick with that product exclusively. TNA is not claiming they are better, they are merely poking fun at silly WWE things. Why should TNA care what WWE marks think about their comments?

I understand what you are saying and you're right they shouldn't care about what WWE marks think (because marks are marks and they will defend their company no matter how bad it is) but they should learn to keep their mouths shut once in a while and just worry about themselves. When TNA takes a shot at WWE, they are only playing to about 10% of their audience, 90% couldn't give 2 shits. Like I said before, even though a couple of fans think its funny, it makes you look minor league. The best way to take a jab at someone is to beat them at their own game. They aren't getting any more fans by taking jabs at WWE, but in turn they might lose some.

Like one of the posters said, its like the orioles making fun of the Yankees. The Orioles are in no position to make fun of the Yankees, their organization sucks. If they Orioles constantly took shots at the Yankees, they would look like minor league fools to everyone else except die hard Oriole fans, they wouldn't gain fans, but they might lose support from others that are on the fence about cheering for that particular club (even though their record wouldn't help matters either). There have been many clubs and athletes that have lost a lot of support for this very reason. The best way for the Orioles to stick it to the Yankees would be to win the division, not badmouth the shit out of them.

To die hard TNA fans they probably like the jabs (I enjoy some of them myself, like Taz' choking remark), but to the general population in just makes you look minor league.

The cool kid doesn't make fun of others because he doesn't have to, he has friends and has better things to do with his time (WWE). The unpopular kid sits in the corner and makes fun of everyone and everything because he tries to hard, and because he tries to hard, nobody likes him (TNA) except the other unpopular kids that are the same way.
I disagree deaner. They are playing to their audience which is a good idea. There are a lot of former WWE fans that got fed up with the product that watch TNA. They like to hear this. People that like/defend the things they are mentioning about WWE tend to just stick with that product exclusively. TNA is not claiming they are better, they are merely poking fun at silly WWE things. Why should TNA care what WWE marks think about their comments?

There obviously can't be too many "former" WWE fans that made the switch based on the ratings.

Look, I mean this stuff goes on in wrestling all the time, so I'm not going to get too worked up over it. What I find funny are these blind TNA fans, who watch TNA almost exclusively because they hate the WWE, that think little jabs like this on a show drawing a .9 rating are going to make a difference. I mean really?? Plus, who the f*ck is Kazarian?? I wouldn't recognize him if he came up to me on the street with a sign around his neck that had his name on it.

Vince McMahon could put TNA out of business tomorrow if he wanted to, so I don't think he's losing sleep over the fact that TNA made fun of the NEXUS angle (which is infinitely more interesting and over than any angle I've ever seen on TNA) or that they made fun of the term "WWE Universe."

And to IDR, what is so wrong with the WWE calling their fan base the WWE Universe? It is just a saying. My goodness, I don't know what the WWE did to some of you, but you will just look for any little thing to rip them about. It is no different than the Boston Red Sox fan base being "Red Sox Nation" or the Pittsburgh Steelers fan base being "Steeler Nation." The WWE, however, is an international brand with fans all over the world. Plus, "WWE Universe" sounds a lot better than "WWE Nation." If you take it any other way than that, then you are really grasping for straws like a fat lady in a milkshake store.
every company takes jabs.... wwe/f did it, wcw did it,ecw did it,tna does it,roh does it... half the people watching probably dont even pick up on them.... wwe/f went wayyy beyond what tna is doing when they were losing to wcw as other people have said. what tna is doing is NOTHING compared to what the e did. and one the most memeoriable things to me in the ending years of wcw is scott steiner straight up calling out the rock on nitro with him ending saying the rock isnt sh^t. all companys take jabs its nothing to get bent out of shape over. ecw use to put down wcw and wwf ALL the time

That's true, and I don't think anyone would disagree with you, but just because it's been done before wouldn't change an unbiased mind about it being in poor taste. Maybe I'm just different, but like I mentioned, I don't like it when ANYONE does it. I went to an ROH show in Arizona and I cringed when they took a jab at Wrestlemania weekend.

To me, the smaller the company is, the more they should focus on themselves rather than the competition. The ROH show was my first one, and I wanted to know more about Roderick Strong, Tyler Black and Austin Aries, not to be reminded about Wrestlemania.

And with the examples you used, it was mostly while the company in question was desperate. WWE used Billionaire Ted when WCW was kicking their a****, they used Gillberg when Goldberg was taking wrestling by storm, they used the fake Nash and Hall to counter the NWO and Steiner called out The Rock because WCW was getting trounced.

So in my mind at least, just because companies did it before and do it today doesn't make it look any less weak.
The letter "C" is found nowhere in the word bullshit. So, despite the all-powerful Urban Dictionary saying otherwise, it's "BushLeague."

Anyway, on to the topic. I will admit, I chuckled at the "TNA Galaxy" thing. I have always hated this "Universe" crap, it sounds ridiculous.

But ripping on NEXUS? Probably the hottest angle in wrestling today? Hey Kaz, those seven rookies are about to main event Summerslam. When are you going to do anything even close to that?

TNA needs to wise up a bit. Stop taking shots at a company that will not even acknowledge (on television) your existence. Taking shots at a clearly superior company does not attract people to your product. It makes you look bitter, and yes, Bush League.
its one of the things they are known for, Their obsession with wwe is not only getting weird, and pathetic its getting creepy and annoying, they are suppose to be their own wrestling brand not copy and steal former wwe talent. there is bunch of talent in the indy circuit. but all i see is tna getting overrun and crowded by former wwe talent. i dont wanna watch tna to see jeff hardy or mr anderson i wanna watch tna because of aj styles,kurt angle, desmond wolfe,joe,and the x-division. tna needs a serious wake up call or a reality check.
From, Its Damn Real
I'm sure most of the response here will be that it makes them look "bush" (what you meant to say – Busch is a type of beer) league, but personally I think it's quite funny.

It actual is Bush League, its a reference to second rate baseball league. I think its funny how all forums people have to put themselves high on a pole and be mighty. I find the humor when someone is wrong though, priceless. but to my point all of TNA is Bush League and unoriginal.
I don't think that Taz's "vintage" comments are a shot at Cole, they're helping to solidify "VINTAGE" as a good quote (for lack of a better term lol) JR used to say slobber knocker, and whipped like a government mule and those are all somewhat legendary in their own right, so Taz is just adding to the status of "vintage" ... Maybe that doesn't make sence when I type it out but it makes sence in my head lol.
And with the examples you used, it was mostly while the company in question was desperate. WWE used Billionaire Ted when WCW was kicking their a**, they used Gillberg when Goldberg was taking wrestling by storm, they used the fake Nash and Hall to counter the NWO and Steiner called out The Rock because WCW was getting trounced.

to add to these classic examples of really bad attempts to take jabs at the competition, i submit Oklahoma, the jab at JR. that was the worst possible taste imaginable. i can't believe Dr. Death Steve Williams signed off on it.

this would be one of those great examples of a terrible attempt at humor. and it was the move of a desperate company.

Taz saying "vintage" and the comment about the "choking=firing" is just funny and it doesn't hurt anyone.

i love the WWE as much as the next guy and more than some others, but i feel no need to defend the WWE for the remarks made by Taz. why? because they're funny! and they're not harmful. simple as that.
its one of the things they are known for, Their obsession with wwe is not only getting weird, and pathetic its getting creepy and annoying, they are suppose to be their own wrestling brand not copy and steal former wwe talent. there is bunch of talent in the indy circuit. but all i see is tna getting overrun and crowded by former wwe talent. i dont wanna watch tna to see jeff hardy or mr anderson i wanna watch tna because of aj styles,kurt angle, desmond wolfe,joe,and the x-division. tna needs a serious wake up call or a reality check.

you almost made a good point. you lost me at Kurt Angle though. he's a former WWE guy and the best in the world at what he does.

consistency, man. either you allow WWE guys to go to TNA and make a living entertaining the fans, or you don't.

lest we forget that WWE takes their guys from other places too. they took Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn & Malenko from WCW before the purchase. after the purchase, they took everybody they could including Goldberg, Steiner, DDP, Storm, Booker T, etc. the WWE also took guys from ECW before the purchase in the form of Rhino, Raven, Dudley Boys, etc. and now WWE is taking guys from TNA in the forms of Consequences Creed and Low-Ki.

every company does it. and sometimes not by choice (wrestlers jump ship for more exposure, lighter schedule, more money, etc) and sometimes the company lets a wrestler go (drug issues, backstage issues, injury, lack of direction, etc) and then those wrestlers go to another promotion. it's been happening since the beginning. don't just slam TNA for it. slam all the companies that do it, which would be everybody.

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