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The Shots That The WWE Take

DMJ, your talking is just backwards. And spam is usually a no no.

But that's not it. I have proved nothing to your point. I respect that TNA tries, and that's all they should do. You want your fans to feel better? Give them better programing and something believable to watch because its just plain awful they way they are booked. And don't get me wrong, some of the talent over there is great, but they get little to no camera time because of bigger names that should be in the back.

I love healthy cometition but TNA is not it. They can try, they can. But it will never compete, and remarks out of their mouth are really just them saying "please, please, please watch us!!" And nothing more. Like I said before, its a lame attempt @ trying to amp their own heads up. When TNA's numbers for PPV buys, and their ratings go up then maybe id accept a low blow so to speak from them. But they are in no position to talk. They really aren't. Just a small thing to a giant. And the sooner you ppl understand that, the sooner we won't have any problems with words. Its obvious that TNA needs to pot shot to try and have people talking, but you know what their saying? "Lol, they actually think that?" It usually is a joke, because I don't see them doing venues half the size of the E. Hey, if your ever in florida and want a free show, go see TNA.

Just remember, you get what you pay for.

If you want wal mart give away steak, you can have that if you want. But ill be the guy eating the fresh NY strip with a big ass baked potatoe on the side. Yeah, it was a little pricey, but it was worth it for the satisfaction.

Come to think of it, I bet Dixie's nipples get hard and her pussy gets wet when WWE is mentioned on TNA tv ... lol, its the little things that count ..
TNA's Current biggest shots they are taking is Hogan/Flair and the whole Four Horsemen remake as well as EV 2.0. Lets go with the start....

Hogan: WWE made this man as much as Hogan made WWE yet Hogan thinks he is better then Vince, Don't get me wrong I will die a Hulkamanic. I've watched this man since I was 3. I was at WM2 when it was in Chicago. Hogan thinks he can bring the company to where WWE can't go, the only problem is this, No matter who they have brought in they just can't bring the ratings up and can't get the star power to WWE's level and the best part about what I just said is on WZ they had an interview with Eric Bishoff. He even said this.

Flair, the man: Ok WWE and Flair wanted to give him a send off worth of the Nature Boy. For all those people out there who don't know Rick wanted his last match at WrestleMania. Rick wanted to go out with style. Now you have the new Horseman, Lead by Rick Flair in TNA, this is not a bad thing, When you have Rick around you know good things are gonna come. The Nature Boy is mentoring AJ just like he did with Triple H. He's putting them in the right direction. Even with all this all this really is with TNA is to take a shot at WWE.

EV 2.0: TNA wanted to say to WWE 'HA we did it last for ECW' The problem is TNA has no IDEA how to use EV2 to the best it can be. Atleast with WWE at the start of ECW/WWE they had Paul Haymen running things. HE KNEW what to do. bringing EXTREME back to wrestling. When WWE let Haymen go that was the big mistake that killed ECW, no one knew how to do it right. Dreamer is a pour excuse for an ECW type manager. You know why Paul Haymen said no to the TNA Hardcore Justice? Haymen knew that ECW's time has passed and he is moving on.

The problem with TNA taking shots at WWE is that you can see that TNA is worried WWE is gonna kill them. You know if TNA is smart they will work with WWE like both WCW and ECW did in the invasion storyline otherwise people like AJ Styles will be jobless in afew years when TNA goes under because of all the WWE rejects they pick up and try to use when you have guys like the MMG, Jay Lethal, AJ, Kaz, all the young talent is having to share time with the rejects WWE let go. There is afew of wwe wrestlers that did good yet can't bring the company up, The Pope, Angle, Anderson. sorry Jeff Hardy doesn't fall in here, if he had cleaned himself up and stoped the drug use he'd still be in WWE.

Oh i'm reminded of one other shot that TNA took. The Orlando ScrewJob. This was to laugh at WWE when Bret Hart was going to wrestle Vince. Nothing big here

TNA's shots at WWE really show they work. TNA can't even break a 1.0 in the ratings. Shots work don't they Dixie.
DMJ, your talking is just backwards. And spam is usually a no no.

But that's not it. I have proved nothing to your point. I respect that TNA tries, and that's all they should do. You want your fans to feel better? Give them better programing and something believable to watch because its just plain awful they way they are booked. And don't get me wrong, some of the talent over there is great, but they get little to no camera time because of bigger names that should be in the back.

I love healthy cometition but TNA is not it. They can try, they can. But it will never compete, and remarks out of their mouth are really just them saying "please, please, please watch us!!" And nothing more. Like I said before, its a lame attempt @ trying to amp their own heads up. When TNA's numbers for PPV buys, and their ratings go up then maybe id accept a low blow so to speak from them. But they are in no position to talk. They really aren't. Just a small thing to a giant. And the sooner you ppl understand that, the sooner we won't have any problems with words. Its obvious that TNA needs to pot shot to try and have people talking, but you know what their saying? "Lol, they actually think that?" It usually is a joke, because I don't see them doing venues half the size of the E. Hey, if your ever in florida and want a free show, go see TNA.

Just remember, you get what you pay for.

If you want wal mart give away steak, you can have that if you want. But ill be the guy eating the fresh NY strip with a big ass baked potatoe on the side. Yeah, it was a little pricey, but it was worth it for the satisfaction.

Come to think of it, I bet Dixie's nipples get hard and her pussy gets wet when WWE is mentioned on TNA tv ... lol, its the little things that count ..
Classy finish.

All that said, I've said plenty of times that TNA will never compete. I've come to terms with that better than most people. In fact, if TNA focused more on keeping their 1.1 HAPPY rather than trying to go after an audience that is, for all intents and purposes, been re-trained, re-programmed and brainwashed for the last 9 years, they'd be successful and stay successful.

But why would anything TNA says or does bother a WWE fan, anyway? So what? They're "the minor leagues".
I find it funny how some of the people on here talk about how TNA needs to create it's own talent... Are most of you too young to realize where guys like Austin, Triple H, Jericho, Mysterio, Big Show, R-Truth, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, Finlay, Beniot, Eddie Guerrero, etc, etc, etc, ( Need I go on?)... Where did these guys come from??? Through FCW? NO!!! You act like Vinnie Mac just created every single star that was ever featured on his programming... He did the same thing when he originally started to buy up all the territories and their stars in the early 80's... Look at how many ECW guys Vinnie Mac bought up... Dudley Boys, Mick Foley, etc... Don't act like this guy is God just because your noses are brown... You know what I love the most??? Vinnie Mac never had anything to do with the successful careers of two of the biggest icons ever... Ric Flair & Sting... Ouch!!! That's gotta hurt all the WWE die hards out there... Sorry I got off subject...

As for TNA taking jabs at the WWE... Didn't WWF START taking the jabs at WCW in the mid 90's??? Wait, most of you are too young to remember that... Since you are basically referring to the Beautiful People and what they said about Laycool, what was so bad about that??? TBP were around before Laycool EVER was so how is Laycool not just a cheap knockoff??? Much like DX was a cheap knockoff of the nWo... Why can't TNA call a spade a spade???

Yeah thats true about those guys being Stars before going to the WWF/E but which Company is Stone Cold Steve Austin most Remembered for being famous for? Oh yeah the WWE,why because WCW had no idea what to do with him. Same goes for Chris Jericho,Chris Benoit,Eddie Guerrero,Rey Mysterio,Big Show,William Regal,etc. Thats where most Wrestlers aspire to end up being,the WWE.

By the way anyone who says DX was knockoff of the nWo I really fail to see how that is the case. They didn't intefere in every Match or Sprayypaint people like the nWo did all those years in WCW. Plus DX didn't have 50 guys in their Group either but I guess according to you im not too young to remember all that right?
You people need to get over yourselves, TNA taking shots at WWE dosnt make them look 2nd rate , they are just doing what every other sport in the world does, ever watch a NFL pre game show? those dudes talk major shit about each other, TNA vs WWE isnt direct physical competition but its still compitition, all tv networks want to beat there competitors ,look at the late night shows , they take shots at each other all the time, its just funny, if you dont like it dont watch, what TNA is doing is just there way of being funny they know they cant compete with WWE right now at there level so they are having a little fun. Everybody needs to stop taking this shit so serious.

Umm.... Most business men would call that 2nd rate. Hell, the worst car salesmen I ever had, was the guy that ripped on the other competitor's car. Then to compare the NFL to the WWE vs. TNA is another bad example. Sports is a different form of entertainment, compared to pro wrestling. Pro Wrestling is American Thespian arts at it's best.

It's more of entertainment and story lines. You don't see rival studios opening their huge acts on the same day. You don't see Studios opening Spider-man, Batman, X-men, Lord of The Rings, and Star Wars on the same day. They won't make their big opening day money, and these good movies wouldn't make as much, and couldn't spawn good sequels.

Taken shots at Competition is such a bad business move it isn't even funny. I don't care if it gets attention, it's never any good. I saw a previous post saying "Well Burger King, and Jack in The box do it, So It's okay." McDonald's doesn't do it, they just serve their customers... Holy Shit, they are the number one fast food company in the world...

GM is always ripping on Ford, or Dodge, or Honda. Hey, they owe America, 100 billion dollars. Yep, good business. Yes, I know their product sucks too. But, ripping on the competition doesn't help.

Did you know Pepsi rips on coke all the time?? Hey Coke, I heard you made an extra billion dollars then normal. Good Job pepsi, You can only sell pepsi in 3 countries, Coke is around the world.

But, sorry for the rant, but, I hear what people are saying. This isn't the WCW vs. WWF monday night wars. This a small company trying to expand and get recognize, and a billion dollar empire doing it's thing. Wouldn't it be easier to have an amazing Pay-per-view, with 10 amazing matches in front of 20,000 people, or just 10,000 people. Something amazing. TNA needs it's Wrestlemania. Or It's big event. That's what they need. Their own product, instead of blaming or bashing another company. Sorry for the data dump. But that's what I'm noticing.
It's the same thing WCW did to WWF back in the monday night wars..and look where it got them!???????? It's childish!!

When Raw and iMPACT went head to head, Someone on Raw could have easily given away some taped results for iMPACT..but did they? WWE simply doesn't care about TNA and doesn't see them as competition...Thats the way I see it, TNA can't even focus on their own program!!

How closely were you watching WWF and WCW back in the 1990s? If memory would serve me right, I remember WWF actually hiring actors to portray the parts of Ted Turner, Mean Gene, Savage and Hogan for the Billionaire Ted TV Skits...oh sure WWF might have felt obligated considering that their flagship stars all went and jumped ship, but it was all karma playing itself again. In fact when Vince's father fired Hogan the first time back in the early 80s and the genesis of Hulkamania started in the AWA, Hogan was wooed back to the WWF with that persona intact, even though he may have been in the WWF before the AWA, this was an entirely different Hulk Hogan that was being re-introduced to the fans. Macho Man's gimmick started in the southern territory and in his father's promotion the ICW, Vince just made it more recognizable but it's not like he created the Macho Man. Then of course Mean Gene was in the AWA first and not a WWF original, he too like Hogan and Savage were lured to the burgeoning WWF, which while I'll give credit to what they've done for pro wrestling, they went ahead and acquired talent that they didn't entirely create from the ground up. So when these people left to go elsewhere, Vince obviously couldn't handle that the karma bug bit him on the ass. Hence his need to lampoon and satire Ted Turner and his new acquisitions to his promotion.

Now don't get me wrong, I thought they were a hoot...but for a couple of months the WWF was unrelenting on doing what they could to make fun of the aging Hogan and Macho Man and of course Mean Gene's 900 number racket...which the WWF themselves was doing at the same time. Back in the day that was the way of getting a lot of inside scoops...so WWF was very hypocritical in attacking Mean Gene's 900 line tactics.

I mean if you were watching as intently as I was back in 1996...it seemed that for weeks on end leading up to WrestleMania XII's Free For All Show, all the WWF could do was do the Billionaire Ted skits...EVERY FREAKING WEEK...and oh man did they ever go out of their way to discredit Ted Turner, I thought what they were saying about Macho and Hogan was hillarious and I got amused by Ted Turner's spoofing...but there was a legit method to Vince's madness, he wanted to do his best to put down WCW and it's southern based "wrasslin" and also mention some of Ted Turner's controversial moves like colorizing black and white films, not a major crime per say but many movie buffs who were subscribing to Turner's movie channel were fuming at this concept. Vince spared no amount of pettiness to illustrate his contempt for the competition.

I mean both TNA and WCW had individuals lampoon Vince one of which was Kevin Nash during the final years of WCW. To the best of my knowledge I don't believe I ever saw a running gag on Nitro where people on the WCW creative team would bring up Vince's various controversies of his own such as his accused rape of a former female referee, his steroid trial, the 1992 sex abuse scandal which briefly saw Pat Patterson resign, or his embarrassing appearance on the Donahue show where several former employees confronted him on the aforementioned allegations.

Trust me if TNA wanted to and at the time had WCW wanted to, they could have done some great character assassination there. But it's just great to see and read that a lot of fans and I am not saying you Ruthless RKO feel this way or that you are necessarily in this category, but it seems that many WWE smarks love to leave out the Billionaire Ted era and act like it never happened. Well here's an idea smarks, just because WWF changed their name to WWE doesn't mean that it changed the way things went down back in their past.

This company and the people who blindly defend it would do better than to just forget the important details of some of WWE's antics over the years. The day I see TNA bring up Vince's past and try to take truly personal jabs at him like they had with Ted Turner then I'll concede to any smark's smack talk on this thread. But for those ignorant enough to still believe WWE can do no wrong, look no further than some of what you are about to see here...

For some reason the YouTube video would not embed so I just provided a link, but for those who wonder about how TNA is so bad these days for what they say about WWE, let's take a trip down memory lane, boys and gals!

On top of that you'll find the "Wrasslin Warroom" series of sketches to go along with this segment. Again for as funny as these were, much of this material far exceeds the stuff that TNA has said and WCW ever did. Again, I am not putting Ted Turner on a pedestal...but has Vince McMahon really ever been all that better of a guy? Let's not kid ourselves people, WWE is far from innocent in the game of handing out the "pot shots".

So my final question Ruthless RKO, has what TNA or WCW ever done as childish as the then-WWF making digs at talent who found themselves better deals elsewhere and wanted to continue their careers? After all to the best of my knowledge none of these men were ever truly fired, they fulfilled their contractual obligations and moved on and they were only bringing their talents elsewhere like they had prior to joining with the World Wrestling Federation and many of TNA's signees do the same thing? I would have to say that by labeling WWE's competition as being "childish" is merely simplifying the situation and not putting any other true thought into the idea of what you're trying to express here on this thread.
We all know WWE is better then TNA. TNA is terrified of WWE because they have enough money to get there whole tna roster haha!:suspic:
idk why they are doing that. just like when raw did that shoot on monday night football and the nba. but for tna it is different because they do wwe shots like everyweek. like the tna screwjob. and when they had called it the tna galaxy just for no reason i think it is because they can't make up there own stuff so they have to copy wwe and just change the name. but if tna gets up to wwe status (which they won't) you will see raw do the same thing
I like how Vince just flat out ignores TNA in public! He's watching them, but that's it. Yet TNA won't shut up and they keep taking shots at the WWE! Really? Dixie needs to get Hogan and Flair together and come up with something. If not that, follow suit with WWE. Hell go create some stars or something. It may be too late for that as it seems TNA is digging a deeper hole by the minute!
idk why they are doing that. just like when raw did that shoot on monday night football and the nba. but for tna it is different because they do wwe shots like everyweek. like the tna screwjob. and when they had called it the tna galaxy just for no reason i think it is because they can't make up there own stuff so they have to copy wwe and just change the name. but if tna gets up to wwe status (which they won't) you will see raw do the same thing

Hahaha, well my good man, if you've been watching wrestling going back to at least the mid-1990s, then you'll know that when WWE was still the WWF they were doing EXACTLY that. If you read my previous post you'll even get a YouTube link showing just how far Vince would go to make his competition look bad and take pot shots. As far as where TNA will ever go, hey I am not putting my life savings on TNA ever overtaking WWE, but at the same time I wouldn't put that same life savings into saying that WWE will be around forever either.

You just never know what would happen, when they were still the WWF they were on the verge of going out of business at one time, history can always repeat itself and sometimes end up being a worse repeat than the time before. If other corporations can crumble, don't think the WWE juggernaut can't be susceptible to the same thing.

However, that's another thread for another day, but if you know your wrestling history then you'll realize that TNA is not setting a precedent here with how wrestling promotions discuss their competition.

Not reading posts. Sorry if I redub some peoples, I just wanna state my opinion and sleep. :)

TNA should ignore the WWE. TNA should concentrate SOLELY on TNA. They need to create thier own universe, so to speak, where they are king shit of crap hill. TNA needs to make people believe that Thursday nights, not Monday-Wed, Fridays, and the occasional SNME is THE place for wrestling.
TNA needs to only concentrate on raising the stock of thier brand.
Taking shots at WWE makes them look second rate. They are, but that's a different arguement. TNA needs to be the best TNA.
WWE doesn't acknowledge them on air...why?.....Cause in the WWE Universe TNA doesn't exist. TNA could do well to learn this trick.
Tazz once said that perception is reality. What they perceve to be true in the ring the audience will hold to be true in life. Undertaker is a dead man. Kane is a monster. HHH doesn't do roids....well maybe not that one..but you get the point. If TNA only promotes TNA as the #1 place for great wrestling more and more people will follow them. THink Pied Piper.
I truely do not mean any disrespect towrad Dixie Carter, but sometimes I get the feeling that a rich teenage girl is running TNA. Her actions seem scatterbrained, and done to try and impress someone or sopmeones. I'm not refering to TNA fans.
I wish TNA would finally step up, I'd like another option that I enjoy watching more often.
My favorite TNA shot by far was on the very first head to head Monday show where Bischoff was in his office, on the phone and he says "...you're going to do what? You're going to start a football league to compete with the NFL? Haha ok, good luck with that!"

Bischoff and TNA then proceeded to get fucking annihilated and humiliated by MNR. Got to love when karma kicks a shit bag like Bischoff square in the balls like that. What made that even funnier was the fact that the XFL, as big a failure as it was, still earned ratings that blow away what TNA gets.

TNA takes shots at the WWE because the guys in charge are bitter losers still jealous and hurt from the last time Vince kicked their ass when they were running WCW. So they showed up in TNA to get their revenge, stuck their finger in Vince's chest, let everyone know how they we're coming to "take over Monday nights brother!" and got fucking murdered again. Vince is so far into biscoff's head he's turned him into an obsessive creep, so overcome with his inferiority and failure, his last resort is to take cheap shots at the guy who's still wiping bishoff's hair dye off the bottom of his shoe.
My favorite TNA shot by far was on the very first head to head Monday show where Bischoff was in his office, on the phone and he says "...you're going to do what? You're going to start a football league to compete with the NFL? Haha ok, good luck with that!"

Bischoff and TNA then proceeded to get fucking annihilated and humiliated by MNR. Got to love when karma kicks a shit bag like Bischoff square in the balls like that. What made that even funnier was the fact that the XFL, as big a failure as it was, still earned ratings that blow away what TNA gets.

TNA takes shots at the WWE because the guys in charge are bitter losers still jealous and hurt from the last time Vince kicked their ass when they were running WCW. So they showed up in TNA to get their revenge, stuck their finger in Vince's chest, let everyone know how they we're coming to "take over Monday nights brother!" and got fucking murdered again. Vince is so far into biscoff's head he's turned him into an obsessive creep, so overcome with his inferiority and failure, his last resort is to take cheap shots at the guy who's still wiping bishoff's hair dye off the bottom of his shoe.

So tell me twentytwo, when WWF was still WWE do you happen to not remember the Billionaire Ted skits and WWF's desperate tactics or are you that blind of a follower to WWF/E that they can do no wrong as an organization. Just because someone like Eric Bischoff has opened their mouth and properly inserted their foot into it does not speak for the entire organization.

Again, guys like Eric Bischoff are merely mentioning business follies on the part of Vince McMahon, they could be doing a lot worse by bringing up McMahon's other controversies. Vince McMahon stopped at nothing in the mid to late 90s to bring out all the dirty laundry that Ted Turner had, and other organizations like TNA aren't even really going that far, they are saying some bold things that's for sure, but it doesn't compare to ripping direct quotes from Ted Turner's past in an attempt to bury the then-WCW. You tell me how professional that is compared to Eric Bischoff laughing at things like guest hosts and failed football leagues. Let's be honest RAW's ratings are still solid considering the fact that we aren't in the Attitude era anymore, but celebrity guest hosts and other silly things don't make WWE any better. It's just the fact that they have been around for so long that they can afford to do things TNA can't since they have just a loyal audience.

But believe you me, WWE is not much better...it's about time you reevaluated your marking out for WWE and slandering TNA at every chance you can without showing a TRUE argument behind things. It also doesn't impress me that every other word you use starts with an f this or an f that, and your good old sh*t and what not. Expand upon your vocabulary and actually debate instead of trolling.
Yeah, TNA is like WWE Lite. In fact the WWE never get back at them for imitating gimmicks, like they have imitators of Stone Cold etc. Wonder why TNA has to do it and look like idiots
I don't think either company should even be mentioning the other company, unless it's in satire, or parody. For instance, I think that little rant by The Beautiful People (TNA) was childish and shitty. It just made the WWE look better than they are, in my honest opinion, unless your face is right up TNA's asshole, and you thought what they said was somehow the logical position to take.

Just be a wrestling show. TNA doesn't have to rip on WWE every 6 seconds in order to validate their existence. It's like they think if they insult WWE, they're bringing down WWE's image so they can associate themselves as the face of the wrestling industry. They want to BE the WWE, as much as they say they don't. It's really pathetic the length they're willing to go in order to gain ratings - even more so pathetic when the WWE doesn't even acknowledge them while they do it again and again and again.
Vince is not going to care WCW did the same they took shots at WWE did Vince do same back no he improved his product once WCW stared to challenge him for the top spot.Now TNA is taking shots at him and TNA is nowhere near challenging WWE. so he going to care even less about TNA than he did about WCW.
While not a pot shot at all, my favorite mention of WWE on TNA was when Kurt Angle made his debut and they were like HE MAIN EVENTED WRESTLEMANIA!!!! Or how about when the main event mafia "kicked Christian back to WWE"? What did that prove? Other than to tell Christian's fans where to tune to when they wanna see him. And I know, in this day and age people know already. But its true, when I watch TNA I want to be totally focused on TNA. I don't want to be reminded WWE exists. For those 2 hours of Impact, I want to be thinking T-N-A!

In a perfect world that would be the case, I guess. Its funny though, I notice a lot of people are bringing up the Billionaire Ted skits as validation for TNA taking pot shots at WWE. However, it was stupid of WWF back then and in the same breath its stupid of TNA now. It really honestly does nothing for them. At all. I also noticed people saying TNA is just entertaining their fans, but that is an idiotic reason as well. Because, again...no one watches TNA to see what pot shot they will take at WWE next. So, if you wanna entertain them than do so with compelling storylines and amazing matches.

TNA has the tools to do both. Instead of constantly reminding their fans of WWE, they should remind their fans why they are fans of TNA in the first place. Not to repeat what I already said but wrestling is and forever will be a BUSINESS. So, what purpose does it serve to constantly remind your fans of a rival, larger company? Like, how about that feud over Ric Flair's Hall of fame ring? Or should I say his WWE HOF ring? Who ever thought that was a good idea for an angle? All it ended up being was publicity for WWE's HOF. Though, we can't forget such marquee comments as(paraphrased) "AJ Styles is a future hall of famer!" Sure he is, if he jumps ship to WWE or WWE buys out TNA...LOL!

I'm not trying to bash TNA, I watch it. I really really really really want TNA to grow and be completely awesome but I gotta say I am really starting to lose hope. The wrestlers they have, not all but lots of them, are amazing. So in closing, let's hope TNA starts to finally concentrate on themselves rather than concentrate on WWE so we as wrestling fans can continue to have more wrestling on TV each week.

The main thing TNA has going against itself is the fact they pick up the "trouble makers" who couldn't hack it in WWE. They pick up people like the ECW originals, who as we know now just show up when they want to work, they get burned out stars like Hogan and Flair. Hogan and Flairs lives are so f'ed up, TNA doesn't need the bad press that they bring. Same could be said for Hall and Sean Waltman who are constantly in and out of rehab..

basically TNA has hard time managing their talent, keeping them in line. The reason why they should build their own stars is because they need to have talent who WANT TO WORK and are HUNGRY for the spotlight.

I'm sure the recent shots TNA are making aren't all on Dixie, but there's obvious resentment on Hogan's and others end.
not only do TNA take the childish shots at WWE, which are non existant the other way around,
But they even advertise that WWE is the superior brand, Ric Flair/Hogan most recently with the war on the HOF rings and Flair was constantly going on about his WrestleMania retirement on the "Grandest Stage of the em all"

Wait Ric, i thought TNA was the place to be? apparently not, since you keep going on about how you faced the best of the best in WWE, hell he spends more time talking about WWE then WCW/NWA where he spent most of his tenure.

WWE recognises that there other groups out there, they just chose to not advertise for them, or even for there own stars that chose to go out and do private stuff.. Thats good business, don't necessarily agree with punishing there own stars for branching out and improving themselves though.

only time in recent memory anything about TNA was mentioned on WWE programming was Kaval saying he was Total Nonstop Action, and that got an obvious what the hell were you thinking kinda vibe

Back during the Monday Night Wars, both sides were being a little childish.
All i can say to that is.

They "WCW" started it :p I'm gonna tell my network on you :(
WWE is the biggest company of the two obviously. So does vince care about cheap shots that are taken...Of course not. TNA has their own style of how they do things. Do I agree with TNA about how they are doing things...NO. I do like the product they put out there. Since they have some guys I grew up watching yeah I watch it on thursdays. I also watch WWE to.(Mondays only) TNA needs to worry about themselves and only themselves. When/if they start pulling high ratings at a weekly basis like WWE does maybe then if they want to take shots they can, but I don't see why you would.
The reason TNA is so willing to take shots at WWE is they can not preform anywhere near as good as WWE, They don't have the style and they don't have what it takes. Don't get me wrong they do put out a rather good product but to say they are better then WWE makes me laugh. TNA right now is where WWE was in the Attitude era. WWE went PG for the kids where TNA is for adults. Once TnA pulls over a 1.0 rating on a weekly basis WWE MIGHT take notice. Till then Good luck.
How closely were you watching WWF and WCW back in the 1990s? If memory would serve me right, I remember WWF actually hiring actors to portray the parts of Ted Turner, Mean Gene, Savage and Hogan for the Billionaire Ted TV Skits...oh sure WWF might have felt obligated considering that their flagship stars all went and jumped ship, but it was all karma playing itself again. In fact when Vince's father fired Hogan the first time back in the early 80s and the genesis of Hulkamania started in the AWA, Hogan was wooed back to the WWF with that persona intact, even though he may have been in the WWF before the AWA, this was an entirely different Hulk Hogan that was being re-introduced to the fans. Macho Man's gimmick started in the southern territory and in his father's promotion the ICW, Vince just made it more recognizable but it's not like he created the Macho Man. Then of course Mean Gene was in the AWA first and not a WWF original, he too like Hogan and Savage were lured to the burgeoning WWF, which while I'll give credit to what they've done for pro wrestling, they went ahead and acquired talent that they didn't entirely create from the ground up. So when these people left to go elsewhere, Vince obviously couldn't handle that the karma bug bit him on the ass. Hence his need to lampoon and satire Ted Turner and his new acquisitions to his promotion.

Now don't get me wrong, I thought they were a hoot...but for a couple of months the WWF was unrelenting on doing what they could to make fun of the aging Hogan and Macho Man and of course Mean Gene's 900 number racket...which the WWF themselves was doing at the same time. Back in the day that was the way of getting a lot of inside scoops...so WWF was very hypocritical in attacking Mean Gene's 900 line tactics.

I mean if you were watching as intently as I was back in 1996...it seemed that for weeks on end leading up to WrestleMania XII's Free For All Show, all the WWF could do was do the Billionaire Ted skits...EVERY FREAKING WEEK...and oh man did they ever go out of their way to discredit Ted Turner, I thought what they were saying about Macho and Hogan was hillarious and I got amused by Ted Turner's spoofing...but there was a legit method to Vince's madness, he wanted to do his best to put down WCW and it's southern based "wrasslin" and also mention some of Ted Turner's controversial moves like colorizing black and white films, not a major crime per say but many movie buffs who were subscribing to Turner's movie channel were fuming at this concept. Vince spared no amount of pettiness to illustrate his contempt for the competition.

I mean both TNA and WCW had individuals lampoon Vince one of which was Kevin Nash during the final years of WCW. To the best of my knowledge I don't believe I ever saw a running gag on Nitro where people on the WCW creative team would bring up Vince's various controversies of his own such as his accused rape of a former female referee, his steroid trial, the 1992 sex abuse scandal which briefly saw Pat Patterson resign, or his embarrassing appearance on the Donahue show where several former employees confronted him on the aforementioned allegations.

Trust me if TNA wanted to and at the time had WCW wanted to, they could have done some great character assassination there. But it's just great to see and read that a lot of fans and I am not saying you Ruthless RKO feel this way or that you are necessarily in this category, but it seems that many WWE smarks love to leave out the Billionaire Ted era and act like it never happened. Well here's an idea smarks, just because WWF changed their name to WWE doesn't mean that it changed the way things went down back in their past.

This company and the people who blindly defend it would do better than to just forget the important details of some of WWE's antics over the years. The day I see TNA bring up Vince's past and try to take truly personal jabs at him like they had with Ted Turner then I'll concede to any smark's smack talk on this thread. But for those ignorant enough to still believe WWE can do no wrong, look no further than some of what you are about to see here...

For some reason the YouTube video would not embed so I just provided a link, but for those who wonder about how TNA is so bad these days for what they say about WWE, let's take a trip down memory lane, boys and gals!

On top of that you'll find the "Wrasslin Warroom" series of sketches to go along with this segment. Again for as funny as these were, much of this material far exceeds the stuff that TNA has said and WCW ever did. Again, I am not putting Ted Turner on a pedestal...but has Vince McMahon really ever been all that better of a guy? Let's not kid ourselves people, WWE is far from innocent in the game of handing out the "pot shots".

So my final question Ruthless RKO, has what TNA or WCW ever done as childish as the then-WWF making digs at talent who found themselves better deals elsewhere and wanted to continue their careers? After all to the best of my knowledge none of these men were ever truly fired, they fulfilled their contractual obligations and moved on and they were only bringing their talents elsewhere like they had prior to joining with the World Wrestling Federation and many of TNA's signees do the same thing? I would have to say that by labeling WWE's competition as being "childish" is merely simplifying the situation and not putting any other true thought into the idea of what you're trying to express here on this thread.

I applaud you...you went through all this trouble (if there was any), i obviously never made myself clear before, you see the reason I never brought up the billionaire ted was because well, I only started watching WWE back in 98, 99, but I had been watching WCW since Nitro started, so I believe I am in the wrong here..thats my bad...but I enjoyed reading your response, made good sense..and thanks for the rep :)
I've always been of the mindset that if you have to knock what your competition is offering, there's bound to be something wrong with your product.

Personally I don't mind the shots they take, it's amusing, and I don't watch a lot of TNA to see it every week. But when they continually work WWE into their shows, it makes me feel they're trying to deflect attention away from their own shortcomings and onto the WWE's.

Neither promotion is perfect, WWE just does more things right. (Of course, Vinnie will never please the IWC) If TNA would focus more on building themselves up as opposed to tearing someone else down, they might legitimize themselves quicker.
It's the same thing WCW did to WWF back in the monday night wars..and look where it got them!???????? It's childish!!

The difference here is that WCW was a credible threat to WWE as they were surpassing them in the ratings for the lomgest time. As of right now, TNA is all bark
and no bite. While part of me doesn't care if TNA takes shots at WWE because WWE doesn't acknowledge TNA anyway, another part of me thinks that TNA should just cut it out and do their own thing. When they take shots at WWE (especially as frequently as they do), it makes them seem desperate and childish. They should stop trying to bash WWE and do what made them popular in the first place and that's put on great matches. There will hopefully be a time when TNA can bash WWE and back up their talk but until then, they should just go do their own thing. It's kinda annoying.

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