TNA taking shots at WWE

Oh my LORD when did wrestling fans grow a conscience? The majority of us long for gore and blood, we absolutely love it when someone lands on a bag of tacks and glass, but we can't stand a few jabs at another company which by the way earned them. Are we really discussing whether a company takes jabs at its competition? It's not like they do segments dedicated to how much WWE sucks. It's not like they say "WWE sucks". TNA has all the right in the freakin' world to take jabs at WWE. They're competition, and you gotta admit they do some stupid shit. Not saying they should do it all the time, but it's not so frequent that people need to make threads about it.

Second rate my ass. Three words and people call three hours of telelvision second rate. I just don't know how you people sit straight in your chairs, typing your stuff without a spine. Walk it off ...

A few years ago I started an internship with a large car dealership company. One of the very first things they said were... "Don't ever rip on the competition, no matter what. It makes ya look stupid." A lot of truth to that. We had a guy who loves a Ford Truck, and can't afford one, and has to settle for a Dodge. One salesmen ripped on Ford, the other salesmen was just
presented the truck to him. He went with the guy who just showed off the truck. Another words, people don't need someone taking Jabs to move product.

It can be fun, when they take jabs, but I've been to battle of the bands, where the Lead Singer rips on another band, they I just hear boos. I saw it with my eyes, 4 bands took shots at the other band, and then everybody else couldn't wait to hear the band. The other bands set up the Winning band for a great show. So maybe Jabs really aren't needed.

I know this might be a dumb example, but do you like getting stupid political mail and commercials? I mean, how does disturbing comments another person's background really help the world around you. I absolutely hate hearing about it. I like hearing about the future, and the product they want to give. What their plans are. I hate hearing, that fear building music and a creepy voice telling me "facts" about someone. Doesn't help me out.

I do understand your side for taking jabs, It at times might make things more interesting. However, I think the day of other companies taking jabs are over. Well wrestling companies anyway. It just really isn't any fun, and doesn't help the product.
As a fan, I hate WWE for not making fun of TNA and taking jabs. Yeah I'm a TNA (s)mark, I hate WWE, but it's just ... fun. Why does everything have to be so rigid, boring, stiff and stale? Just do it for the fans, WWE fans will enjoy the TNA jabs, and I know I love the WWE jabs. It's not bad business to acknowledge TNA. In fact, it's a VERY good business decision if Vince wants to make REAL ass money.

Ok dude, I know you're a TNA (s?)mark but how do I put this for you... the fact that 90% of WWE fans don't know about TNA. So if the WWE started bashing or jabbing another wrestling company they would be inclined to see what it is... which I believe is what Vince thinks would be bad business. You know blatantly getting your fans to go to another show. So really their jabs if kept small would only benefit 10% of their fans. The people on the internet, that are on wrestling sites like these. So yeah, acknowledging that TNA exists would not deal in "REAL ass money" or be "VERY good business"

But to stay on topic. it bothered me a bit just only because they are constantly "jabbing" WWE. Like it seems like at least once a week there is a jab at them so like it just gets stale and annoying at times.
idk why they are doing that they shouldn't they spend more time on wwe/wcw/ecw things that happen 10 years ago then on their own product. 10/10/10 is the day tna screwed themselfs
As Hogan says, TNA is getting real. They acknowledge other wrestling companies exist, that wrestlers move from company to company and that TNA is not the only company with flaws. WWE, as far as I know, never mentions the competition, hoping people think they are the only wrestling organization that exist. I find no problem mentioning the WWE, or other wrestling company in promos or on Reaction, like Micky & Tara talking about their heat in WWE. This creates an instant feud in TNA. All wrestlers have a history and it usually extends beyond TNA, so why not mention their history in another company when it can contribute to the storyline? The 20 year heat between Flair and Foley can't be explained by their short relationship in TNA alone, they were in other companies when their feud began. Its entertaining when when TNA takes an shot at the competition in a humorous way. Saying "you would get fired for that in another company" is a great way to reinforce that TNA is not PG wrestling. So as Hogan says, TNA is being real and this ads to the realism.

It's like people think there's some kind of code where you aren't allowed to mention other wrestling companies in your program. It just adds some humor to things. Nothing more.
Ok, I just wanna start off by saying this is not a bashing TNA thread, I'ma huge TNA Mark and I thought last nights show was awesome the best in ages.

What I noticed last night is that I think TNA took yet another cheap shot at WWE, and its starting to piss me off, Ok when Pope was walking backstage with a casket, Tenay said "I hope there's not someone in there" and Taz said "Yeah like a Badass trying to take out an MMA guy".

What I'm wondering is whether this was just Taz being Taz or if he was refering to the Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar rumours, So i may be looking to far into this and by all means tell if I am, but really what the fuck is the point of all these stupid shots at WWE and I'm not neccasarely talking about this I'm talking about all the others, Kaz talking about angry rookies, Taz saying you can get fired in other company for that when a knockout was being choked Etc, but these are just fucking ridiculous seriously TNA get a grip, It's not scaring WWE, It's not intimidating WWE and to be honest I'd be surprised if WWE even knew about it, So what are your thoughts about all this crap, do you think it's funny and there just messing around or are you pissed off about just like I am, tell me your thoughts.

It's usually what the small fish in the big pond does to try and bring attention to itself. The fact remains that TNA is never going to be able to compete with WWE. WWE is too large and the only hope that TNA has is if WWE goes bankrupt someday because right now it's no competition. WWE beats them in ratings week in and week out, has a much larger house audience week to week than TNA has, and has younger, better talent and a better pipeline to that talent than TNA has.

Many here I understand love TNA because they are the little engine that could. The underdog. Everyone loves an underdog right? Problem is, TNA is WCW light. It's a rehash/redo of NWO in new clothing. Now they have too much talent for too small a show and venue to accomodate all the talent they do have. Which means some lose out week in and week out as the current storylines progress. It's why they are going the way of the faction route these days. Too many bodies and not enough airtime or storylines to go around.

Perhaps someday TNA will be profitable enough to compete, but I seriously doubt it.
Other companies taking shots at WWE has been happening for ages, no need to blow a gasket dude, it's just TNA like all other companies before & present wetting their pants again to try gain attention and make fans believe they are competition for WWE when in truth they're not, like WWE just ignore it mayne, TNA's an insult to wrestling.
I don't mind it. It's how things work WWE is there compitition nothing wrong with taking small little jabs. Say if TNA were recanting say Katie Vick or Bryan/Roberts it would be stupid and annoying but no it's just a small little jab WWE did it a couple of months ago with Kaval. For the peopel who haven't saw it here it is, 2 yeard old TNA taking a really big jab at WWE. Terrible


The guy at 5:12 with his face blurred out is Rey Mysterio BTW. :icon_neutral:
Did you miss the open plug at the start of the show? when refering to Mickie and Tara, not withstanding the repeat when the 6 woman tag happened
During the open brawl at the start of the show - "these two are continuing there fued from there WWE days"
these aren't jabs, they are downright stupid and one of the reasons while they are the F show and always will be
The WWE can take a shot at TNA with one simple comment, and that being this.
"TNA has to take our second hand wrestlers to try and compete against us" so TNA can try to take shots at the WWE but as you can see it doesn't really matter what TNA says in the big picture of professional wrestling WWE will always consider TNA second rate compared to them.
TNA has to acknowlege WWE as it makes better business sense to do so - implying to their fans that they are on the same level.

I do agree with Okininja - WWE would be silly to even acknowledge TNA, as the majority of WWE consumers do not even know (or care) that TNA exists. Mentioning TNA would simply spark WWE fans interest to go give the competition a look-see. That definately equals BAD BUSINESS!!
As both a WWE fan and TNA fan I find this interesting. On the one hand, TNA is throwing out the comments on WWE and yet, WWE does not seem to notice or really care. After all, Its all down to the fact that WWE is Goliath and TNA is David. TNA is the smaller but in time could be the thorn in Vince's side and its time he started noticing the little company that is creeping up on him. Any competition is good for business or at least should be spurring WWE to improve their storylines.

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