Off to a bad start captain. Reload the torpedoes and try again.
Because they want to? Punk clearly does not at this time.
A. I'm talking about the future.. you know, not necessarily right now. After the pipe bomb promo, Punk was white hot, but slowly descended in my eyes. I don't have some desire to see him in wrestling, I just know he's a hot commodity that would benefit any wrestling organization. You appear to be more of the Punk supporter.. don't you want to see him back? Or are you participating in the "I like Punk but I'm glad he's gone from wrestling if that's what he wants" gig that many Punk fans and marks are portraying.
B. Because wrestlers never "retire" or take breaks from wrestling and get the itch to come back... (Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Sting, etc.)
Are you going to keep firing Nerf torpedoes or will you eventually break out the real ones?
Oh geez. Here, we have a guy who's going to be the resident judge of the effectiveness of points, of course with no bias being that he might disagree with the premise of the points..
Save the internet ego and either debate the topic or don't.
Seems to be general knowledge that they are on a thinning budget, hence the talent cuts. Plus the stories from employees about their paychecks. So I highly doubt they will be throwing a large sum of money at anyone anytime soon. Unless they want Punk to wrestle in the dark because Dixie used the electric bill money on his paycheck. So maybe. I mean Poppa Carter could always get his company to turn it back on for her on credit.
Do you think Dixie Carter is almost broke? Do you think Chris Daniels and CM Punk are one in the same? Do you think there are AREN'T differences in risk/reward ratios wrestler-to-wrestler?
Mr. Colton told me.

"Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing ?"
I loved the reference when Punk did it. It's a shame the realism died the same night it started.
Do you actually have any reasons why he would go? Because asking me if I looked at their bank account, if I am his friend or saying "He could go & come back" are not very good points.
I'm simply pointing out that your absolutism here is ridiculous. It's one thing to speculate, as I am. It's another to speak with authority, as you are, and claim to know what Phil Brooks wants.
I will restate reasons why Punk could possibly find interest in TNA
1. It's not WWE, and if he's fed up with WWE and wants to wrestle down the road, it's an option.
2. A lighter work schedule.
3. Being the biggest fish in the pond, having the most stroke in an organization. From what I've read, I suspect Brooks has quite the ego, so he might want to go somewhere where he won't get upstaged by Daniel Bryan.
If you disagree, congrats. But drop the online posturing charade.. it's ridiculous.