TNA Should Sell it's House, Car, and Soul For CM Punk

Allegedly, Punk started "fuck TNA" chants in RoH.

He didn't really start them, they were around before the Feinstein incident but he definitely enlarged them. He is on record saying on a shoot interview with Colt Cabana that he hated working for TNA and he vented on them a lot. But ignoring that, it's a different TNA nowadays.

On the topic, I don't see TNA ever trying to sign CM Punk. I don't think from the insights CM Punk has given the world to his thought process that he would sign for TNA. People have said it in this thread, I share the opinion that if Punk returns to wrestling It'll be for ROH. He fought to get them on his DVD, when the light was shining brightest he made sure to mention then, a lot of his friends are still there, his friend is the booker, it's the style he'd probably prefer, he'd have more leeway, guaranteed top guy and if he wants to do New Japan Pro Wrestling, ROH can do that for him now. TNA can't, and Wrestle-1 is far, far away from being anything to NJPW. But right now I don't see him returning to wrestling for awhile. But if he does go back, It'll be WWE once he mellows out or ROH to restore his love of wrestling.
CM Punk would not embarrass himself by going to TNA. Punk is a smart man and he knows it would do absolutely nothing for his career.

A return to ROH is far more likely simply to 'give something back'. Then there is Global Froce Wrestling as well which is starting out so that would probably be of more interest than the Theme Park. Finally I bet a return to WWE is even more likely!!!

Absolutely no chance of Punk ending up in TNA.

I'm not even going to get into the hypocrisy of how it's an "embarrassment" for him to go to TNA, yet the same doesn't apply to ROH or a fucking company that hasn't even had a god damned show yet, like GFW.

It's far more likely he returns to WWE, or even ROH, before considering TNA, but let's not sit around pretending like guys who've dissed TNA in the past have never shown up in the company down the line.

This is an absurd notion that's easily debunked.


Signing someone who's completely disillusioned with the business, beat up by injuries and claims to be retired? What is this, 2010?

TNA wouldn't automatically become popular with CM Punk there. That'd just smack of a last-ditch move and might well end up putting them back in financial difficulty.
I still remember when it was Chris Jericho who was totally going to sign with TNA once he was free of his WWE contract. Also, that the people who laughed at that idea were called "WWE marks" and "ten percenters".

Good times.
What TNA should do is offer Punk big bucks to book their shows. Be the booker, gets to run the whole storylines, who should fight who and who gets over. And a few times a year he could wrestle if he wants to. Make him the face TNA like Paul Heyman was the face of ECW.
if I were TNA I'd push all my chips to the center of the table and move to monday nights. I can only speak for myself but if they showed those kind of guts, I'd leave my tv on their show to try and tip the scales.

So if you were TNA, you'd repeat the same mistake they made a couple of years ago.

Sounds like a smashing idea.
Even if TNA were to sell its soul and whatnot for CM Punk, I highly doubt he would take them up on their offer. It seems pretty clear that Punk is well and truly done with professional wrestling, at least for the foreseeable future. And even if he were to come back to wrestling, which I can still see conceivably happening, I'm more inclined to believe he'll come back to WWE.

Instead of trying to sign Punk, TNA should continue to focus on the talent that they have. Honestly, the product has gotten pretty enjoyable recently and they really don't need CM Punk. Besides, if people like Hogan and Jeff Hardy (people I would argue have more name value than Punk) couldn't take TNA to the stars what's to say that Punk will? I'm a Punk mark and even I know better than to genuinely believe that he'll be their savior. If anything, going balls to the wall to sign him might actually hurt them.
It would be huge for TNA if they acquired CM Punk especially when he is in such hot demand right now by the internet and my dreams alike. However if I remember correctly from my vast knowledge of my fanboy ness for Punk doesn't he hate TNA? That and he doesn't want to be wrestling for the rest of his life? Unless TNA gives him the "Raw is Brock Lesnar" treatment and allow him to open the show, commentate, main-event, and hold all the belts at once while knocking around Jeff Hardy, I don't see Punk settling for anything less.
Even if TNA were to sell its soul and whatnot for CM Punk, I highly doubt he would take them up on their offer. It seems pretty clear that Punk is well and truly done with professional wrestling, at least for the foreseeable future. And even if he were to come back to wrestling, which I can still see conceivably happening, I'm more inclined to believe he'll come back to WWE.

Instead of trying to sign Punk, TNA should continue to focus on the talent that they have. Honestly, the product has gotten pretty enjoyable recently and they really don't need CM Punk. Besides, if people like Hogan and Jeff Hardy (people I would argue have more name value than Punk) couldn't take TNA to the stars what's to say that Punk will? I'm a Punk mark and even I know better than to genuinely believe that he'll be their savior. If anything, going balls to the wall to sign him might actually hurt them.

in a round-about way that could be a better way to look at it.

TNA is in an odd place, as they just let tons of good X-division talent go: Christopher Daniels, A.J. Styles, Kazarian, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelly, Jay Lethal.. THAT is what grabs people's attention. They watch TNA and say "Hey, wow, those guys are moving way faster than WWE guys, and are doing things I've never seen Sheamus or John Cena do".

The Hulk Hogan name grab was a gamble by TNA, but as far as a CM Punk is concerned, it's hard to compare the two. Hogan's name, while big, has been used and abused to "restart" something time after time after time. Hulkamania in 1984, WCW in 1994, the NWO 1996, The NWO again in 2002, The return of Hulkamania in 2003... it's not fresh. CM Punk would not only be a big name, but a fresh one.

I think once a promotion gets big enough, they need to at least look into getting big name guys. It might not be necessary now, I think I'd need to make sure that the new production changes remain as well as building set ups and better utilization of talent and storylines.

However, while my name says one thing, I can still return to "mark" land occassionally, and mind you HEALTHY mark land. I did so for Daniel Bryan's WM build up.

Meanwhile, WCW had the most successful invasion of all time in 1996 with the NWO. They got Hall and Nash while they were still somewhat in their prime, and that was the momentum to really get the ball rolling. Soon enough people started coming to WCW.

What if TNA got such a ball rolling?

All you need is one person to break through and be utilized the right way.

Hell, get Punk on the phone, Styles on the phone, Ziggler on the phone, and throw Ric Flair in the mix and see if any of em bite...

You don't know if you don't try. It's truly just pipe dreaming, but I'd safely return to mark-land if something like that occurred. LOL.
What would be the reason he would even want to go to TNA?

At this point the guy is set financially & really only has one accomplishment left on his list. Main event Wrestlemania. Last I checked, that is exclusive to WWE. TNA couldnt even afford to pay him this imaginary large ass check anyway & they have nothing that Punk would want. Not even the draw of healthy competition would suffice because frankly the roster is not what it once was. Most of the good names are gone to Japan\ROh & if Punk decides he is bored, he can always head there & wouldnt need a large check dangled in his face to lure him.

Punk does not need the money, TNA has nothing for him to cross off his bucket list & frankly he just doesnt want to wrestle right now. Nothing TNA can do to change that now or likely in the future. If he comes back to wrestle it will be for 2 things: Wrestlemania main event or for fun just to see the guys at ROH. And as far as this 'save TNA' business? I love Punk, but if Hogan\Sting\Angle, etc couldnt get it done to boost TNA to a legit contender- the Straight Edge Savior wont make it happen either.
What would be the reason he would even want to go to TNA?

There could be a meriad of reasons...

At this point the guy is set financially

So are Cena, Orton, HHH, etc... why do they keep wrestling?

really only has one accomplishment left on his list. Main event Wrestlemania. Last I checked, that is exclusive to WWE.

True, but then again, going to one company that's not WWE doesn't mean he can't come back. We've seen it countless times in wrestling.

TNA couldnt even afford to pay him this imaginary large ass check anyway

Are you privy to TNA's financial records?

they have nothing that Punk would want.

How do you know what Mr. Brooks wants?

Punk does not need the money, TNA has nothing for him to cross off his bucket list & frankly he just doesnt want to wrestle right now.

You sure know alot about Phil Brooks. Are you his homey or something?
There could be a meriad of reasons...

Off to a bad start captain. Reload the torpedoes and try again.

So are Cena, Orton, HHH, etc... why do they keep wrestling?

Because they want to? Punk clearly does not at this time. Are you going to keep firing Nerf torpedoes or will you eventually break out the real ones?

True, but then again, going to one company that's not WWE doesn't mean he can't come back. We've seen it countless times in wrestling.

Good to know he can work elsewhere & come back. Guess I missed that part of the meeting. Back to my original question you say there are a myriad of reasons for. Do you have one or can we count this as strike 3?

Are you privy to TNA's financial records?

Seems to be general knowledge that they are on a thinning budget, hence the talent cuts. Plus the stories from employees about their paychecks. So I highly doubt they will be throwing a large sum of money at anyone anytime soon. Unless they want Punk to wrestle in the dark because Dixie used the electric bill money on his paycheck. So maybe. I mean Poppa Carter could always get his company to turn it back on for her on credit.

How do you know what Mr. Brooks wants?

Mr. Colton told me. :wave: "Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing ?"

You sure know alot about Phil Brooks. Are you his homey or something?

Do you actually have any reasons why he would go? Because asking me if I looked at their bank account, if I am his friend or saying "He could go & come back" are not very good points.
Off to a bad start captain. Reload the torpedoes and try again.


Because they want to? Punk clearly does not at this time.
A. I'm talking about the future.. you know, not necessarily right now. After the pipe bomb promo, Punk was white hot, but slowly descended in my eyes. I don't have some desire to see him in wrestling, I just know he's a hot commodity that would benefit any wrestling organization. You appear to be more of the Punk supporter.. don't you want to see him back? Or are you participating in the "I like Punk but I'm glad he's gone from wrestling if that's what he wants" gig that many Punk fans and marks are portraying.

B. Because wrestlers never "retire" or take breaks from wrestling and get the itch to come back... (Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Sting, etc.)

Are you going to keep firing Nerf torpedoes or will you eventually break out the real ones?
Oh geez. Here, we have a guy who's going to be the resident judge of the effectiveness of points, of course with no bias being that he might disagree with the premise of the points..

Save the internet ego and either debate the topic or don't.

Seems to be general knowledge that they are on a thinning budget, hence the talent cuts. Plus the stories from employees about their paychecks. So I highly doubt they will be throwing a large sum of money at anyone anytime soon. Unless they want Punk to wrestle in the dark because Dixie used the electric bill money on his paycheck. So maybe. I mean Poppa Carter could always get his company to turn it back on for her on credit.
Do you think Dixie Carter is almost broke? Do you think Chris Daniels and CM Punk are one in the same? Do you think there are AREN'T differences in risk/reward ratios wrestler-to-wrestler?

Mr. Colton told me. :wave: "Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing ?"
I loved the reference when Punk did it. It's a shame the realism died the same night it started.

Do you actually have any reasons why he would go? Because asking me if I looked at their bank account, if I am his friend or saying "He could go & come back" are not very good points.

I'm simply pointing out that your absolutism here is ridiculous. It's one thing to speculate, as I am. It's another to speak with authority, as you are, and claim to know what Phil Brooks wants.

I will restate reasons why Punk could possibly find interest in TNA
1. It's not WWE, and if he's fed up with WWE and wants to wrestle down the road, it's an option.
2. A lighter work schedule.
3. Being the biggest fish in the pond, having the most stroke in an organization. From what I've read, I suspect Brooks has quite the ego, so he might want to go somewhere where he won't get upstaged by Daniel Bryan.

If you disagree, congrats. But drop the online posturing charade.. it's ridiculous.
CM Punk wont go to TNA. Not for the money they dont have & certainly not to be the big fish in a tiny pond that is slowly drying up. If he comes back to wrestling it will be to WWE in hopes of crossing off the last item on his bucket list, or he goes to ROH like he has stated in the past. Those options make more sense because they are based on statements made by the man in question. Punk has shown no such interest in TNA since moving on from that place for bigger and better things in his career. I highly doubt that will change given the way TNA is run.

None of your hypothertical 'But he could' statements make the situation any more valid. If this was the TNA of years past, then it would be more of a chance. Its not that time anymore. Will TNA shut down? Probably not, but they certainly are treading water & losing interest. So I doubt, at this time or in the near future, that TNA looks very attractive to any of the big name stars like Punk. Why would it? Its like dating down at the prom just to say you went & ignoring the other viable options that you would enjoy the evening with more. Makes no sense.

Could he? Yeah. Will he? Nope.

If you want to break down my post & be a smartass, cool. I have no problem with people ribbing each other. But dont puff your chest & try to take the high road when I fire a few back at you. I showed why your hypothetical scenario's can reasonably be deemed unlikely to happen. Now quit being ridiculous because you disagree. I wont change your mind & you surely have nothing to convince me.
CM Punk wont go to TNA. Not for the money they dont have & certainly not to be the big fish in a tiny pond that is slowly drying up. If he comes back to wrestling it will be to WWE in hopes of crossing off the last item on his bucket list, or he goes to ROH like he has stated in the past. Those options make more sense because they are based on statements made by the man in question. Punk has shown no such interest in TNA since moving on from that place for bigger and better things in his career. I highly doubt that will change given the way TNA is run.
First you say he won't, then you say you "highly doubt"...

Stick with the latter. The running theme in professional wrestling is "never say never".

Oh, and I agree, it's highly unlikely.

None of your hypothertical 'But he could' statements make the situation any more valid. If this was the TNA of years past, then it would be more of a chance. Its not that time anymore. Will TNA shut down? Probably not, but they certainly are treading water & losing interest. So I doubt, at this time or in the near future, that TNA looks very attractive to any of the big name stars like Punk. Why would it? Its like dating down at the prom just to say you went & ignoring the other viable options that you would enjoy the evening with more. Makes no sense.
Makes no sense to you..

It made no sense for Lebron to return to the Cavs basketball-wise, but he did it anyways for non-basketball reasons.

Likewise, you're looking at only wrestling reasons. We can agree it's highly unlikely, but your trying to "win" some argument here when there is none. I'm not trying to convince you it's going to happen, I'm simply stating what TNA should do, and why it could happen even if it's very unlikely.

Could he? Yeah. Will he? Nope.
I don't get why you'd make an absolute proclaimation. You can say you don't see it happening, that's a nice healthy viewpoint.

If you want to break down my post & be a smartass, cool. I have no problem with people ribbing each other. But dont puff your chest & try to take the high road when I fire a few back at you. I showed why your hypothetical scenario's can reasonably be deemed unlikely to happen. Now quit being ridiculous because you disagree. I wont change your mind & you surely have nothing to convince me.

Your accusing me of "puffing my chest"... pot, kettle, black?

I didn't claim any superiority, I didn't claim any sacred knowledge, I claimed no absolutes... so no, I wasn't puffing my chest at all. I simply pointed out your posturing, and now you're trying to even the score with a label.

I'm not trying to change your mind, and through this, it's apparant we have different goals as far as coming onto these forums.

Perhaps I'm anti-nightmare... as my name would dictate.
If this was 3-6 months ago/around the time of "the investor" storyline, then yes. I would have spent whatever was necessary and taken the legal consequences of Punk breaching his WWE contract and working for us to hire him, and not even use him as a wrestler (thus coaxing his complaints of being "burnt out"). I would have taken the dissatisfaction of what the WWE was doing at the time (Bryan being nowhere near the WM30 Main Event at the time) the mainstream interest of Punk's fall out with the WWE + the wrestling fan's dislike for Dixie Carter + the shock value of a wrestler breaching contract and showing up randomly on a competitor's program + the 24/7 viral hashtag news society we live in and used it all as a marketing ploy to get people to tune in to the new (and it would have actually been new, not just MVP showing up with an indy tag team and turning heel before the summer started, would have had a new color scheme, new set, six sided ring, new creative direction, etc.).

If I was running TNA at that time, I would have replaced the Investor storyline with someone outright buying the company (kayfabe). I would have fired Sting much earlier (what value does he hold in 2014) and for a month or two, hinted at various people being the new owner. One week it would be hinted that it was (the recently departed) Jeff Jarrett. The next week: (the recently departed) AJ Styles. The next week: (the recently fired) Sting. The next week: Jeff Hardy. The next week: Kurt Angle. Continue on with hints at names like Hogan, Bischoff, even Shane McMahon (not a WWE employee right now so not off limits). Then one week (maybe even that crazy week that Taker lost the streak, Ultimate Warrior died, and a few more crazy things happened that I can't remember), right after Dixie and Magnus once again pull their Russo-esque shenanigans to retain the title, out comes Punk in his very corporate attire of a Free Chief Keef t-shirt (Chicago connection; will also appeal to casual fans who just see the pictures randomly on Twitter: "What is this scraggly looking white dude doing in a Chief Keef tee?") and basketball shorts with a promo about how he bought the company, firing Dixie, saying that TNA will now be an alternative wrestling experience, etc. etc. to end the show and now you have not only an iconic moment in itself (Punk breaking WWE contract in a Chief Keef t-shirt), instant renewed interest, mainstream coverage and shock value (because of Punk not only showing up in the first place, but also breaking his WWE contract) and the next week would begin the "new" TNA. Punk is now an authority figure that doesn't have to wrestle and you have renewed interest in the company and product.

But now, 6 months and infinite promises of Punk returning on RAW later: Aside from a few dream feuds/matches with Joe, Aries and Hardy, what can he offer a dying company? He beats Lashley at BFG, has feuds with Aries, Joe and Hardy and by January/February, he's back where he was being creatively stagnant. I don't even think people even really care anymore. TNA would be better off using the money to fund creation of a time machine to go back and sell the company to Jarrett and his rich redneck friends when they were allegedly interested.

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