King Of The Ring
That's the point I'm trying to make. The Punk angle and CM Punk the character are doomed to become nothing unless the product shifts with him. I really, really hope he opened Vince's eyes to the truth. They were doing it all wrong for the last few years, and while some WWE fans still enjoyed it now EVERYONE can enjoy it more only if he listens to Punk and takes his ideas into concideration because LORD knows Punk is more in touch with the people than Vince or Triple H.I won't say "ratings don't matter", but we have to acknowledge they are not the most important thing. First off, not everyone watches live on USA, some DVR it, others watch online streams. I also hate to break to y'all, the WWE is watched in more countries than the USA. Maybe ratings are going up in other markets, it's never reported so it is somewhat of an unknown variable. So ratings aren't too dependable in gauging the success of a program.
While ratings matter, I'm sure other things matter more. For instance, how much merchandise is Punk shifting? Are buys of mitb and Summerslam increasing? These are things which will ultimately be a bigger gauge of success - WWE are a capitalist MNC, at the end of the day it's all about we profit.
We should also remember that ratings didn't spike after the Austin 3:16 promo. It took a long gradual shift in the overall product to bring those ratings. I think Punk should be given a similar opportunity rather than making any knee jerk reactions based on short term ratings.
If McMahon is expecting people to tune in and pay their hard earned money for Pay Per Views just because there's ONE good thing going on then he's plain arrogant. Hopefully we'll see a change. What I mean by that is storylines for EVERYBODY. Not pushing this guy or that guy. I don't give a fuck who they push as long as he can cut a promo and work a decent match. My favorite guys are my favorite guys and I never bitch when my guy isn't owning the roster. That's what frustrates me with the IWC in general. If they're not pushing the darlings they suck.
Just start booking storylines like Punk's for more people than him and Cena and skyrocket the quality of the show, not only the Main Event. Do that and you really wouldn't have to worry about ratings. They'll come but this needs to be a massive, long term change not a one-off.