If CM Punk Did a Similar Shoot in TNA...

I won't say "ratings don't matter", but we have to acknowledge they are not the most important thing. First off, not everyone watches live on USA, some DVR it, others watch online streams. I also hate to break to y'all, the WWE is watched in more countries than the USA. Maybe ratings are going up in other markets, it's never reported so it is somewhat of an unknown variable. So ratings aren't too dependable in gauging the success of a program.

While ratings matter, I'm sure other things matter more. For instance, how much merchandise is Punk shifting? Are buys of mitb and Summerslam increasing? These are things which will ultimately be a bigger gauge of success - WWE are a capitalist MNC, at the end of the day it's all about we profit.

We should also remember that ratings didn't spike after the Austin 3:16 promo. It took a long gradual shift in the overall product to bring those ratings. I think Punk should be given a similar opportunity rather than making any knee jerk reactions based on short term ratings.
That's the point I'm trying to make. The Punk angle and CM Punk the character are doomed to become nothing unless the product shifts with him. I really, really hope he opened Vince's eyes to the truth. They were doing it all wrong for the last few years, and while some WWE fans still enjoyed it now EVERYONE can enjoy it more only if he listens to Punk and takes his ideas into concideration because LORD knows Punk is more in touch with the people than Vince or Triple H.

If McMahon is expecting people to tune in and pay their hard earned money for Pay Per Views just because there's ONE good thing going on then he's plain arrogant. Hopefully we'll see a change. What I mean by that is storylines for EVERYBODY. Not pushing this guy or that guy. I don't give a fuck who they push as long as he can cut a promo and work a decent match. My favorite guys are my favorite guys and I never bitch when my guy isn't owning the roster. That's what frustrates me with the IWC in general. If they're not pushing the darlings they suck.

Just start booking storylines like Punk's for more people than him and Cena and skyrocket the quality of the show, not only the Main Event. Do that and you really wouldn't have to worry about ratings. They'll come but this needs to be a massive, long term change not a one-off.
Hmm tna is taped , so I believe it wouldn't have the same effect as a lot of people read the spoilers. Also TNA is not as big as WWE therefore it would not have as big of an effect. Plus TNA have done this a lot in the past therefore it wouldnt mean as much.
No it wouldnt.
Reason #1: he wasnt given real opportunities there.
Reason #2: the bulk of mainstream coverage they get is TMZ
Reason #3: A great percentage of wrestling fans dont know TNA exists
Reason #4: In TNA, if dont agree with creative, you are gone...i.e-Jim Cornette
geez thanks alot , now chixie carter and hogie are gonna have AJ or Joe do sum shit similar! mark my words lol, RUSSO FUGGGGIN SUCKS!!! WHY IS HE STILL WRITING???????
Promos like these have existed in TNA since the birth of the company. Remember The Truth in 2002? The impact of doing it in WWE is greater because not only the WWE are the big boys but Vince has transformed the WWE in recent years in a kids show, a sanitzed envirionment where nothing too controversial happens and the PR outside of wrestling is king for them. So having a guy come in and say all these things fans have been saying for years is refreshing. Vince is such a control freak it's just not the type of things he likes wrestlers to say. First of all Punk wrote the promo himself and everything in the WWE is usualy done by 10 script writers. Joey Styles did something similar a few years ago when he faked quitting the WWE and did a great promo on RAW. I think he went even further than Punk saying to the fans "I blame you fan for enjoying this crap!".
That's the point I'm trying to make. The Punk angle and CM Punk the character are doomed to become nothing unless the product shifts with him. I really, really hope he opened Vince's eyes to the truth. They were doing it all wrong for the last few years, and while some WWE fans still enjoyed it now EVERYONE can enjoy it more only if he listens to Punk and takes his ideas into concideration because LORD knows Punk is more in touch with the people than Vince or Triple H.

Firstly I would like to say one thing, STOP KNOCKING OTHER POSTERS YOU MORON!

now ive got that off of my chest here's my rebuttal, how can you even justify your bias against the wrestling product, you complain yet knock the rest of the IWC for doing the same exact thing, Now in regards to the reality era i believe that it will more or less help the wrestling world, but that remains to be seen, if done right, it will change the shape of the wrestling world something that was otherwise stagnant.

If CM Punk did the exact same thing in TNA? well it would probably not have the same effect, in regards to the first
posters remarks its like comparing apples to oranges.

If McMahon is expecting people to tune in and pay their hard earned money for Pay Per Views just because there's ONE good thing going on then he's plain arrogant. Hopefully we'll see a change. What I mean by that is storylines for EVERYBODY. Not pushing this guy or that guy. I don't give a fuck who they push as long as he can cut a promo and work a decent match. My favorite guys are my favorite guys and I never bitch when my guy isn't owning the roster. That's what frustrates me with the IWC in general. If they're not pushing the darlings they suck.
what frustrates the IWC is comments such as this one, you cant even suspend disbelief for any reason whatsoever, you complain about the current state of the industry and then knock anyone else that has an opinion that differs from yours, that my friend is sad.

Just start booking story lines like Punk's for more people than him and Cena and skyrocket the quality of the show, not only the Main Event. Do that and you really wouldn't have to worry about ratings. They'll come but this needs to be a massive, long term change not a one-off.
the first sensible comment you've made , Punk has been given the ball he needs to run with it and if TNA even had the notion to let Punk loose then maybe they would have a larger share of the market, but with that being said TNA needs to promote its product more and more, people are aware of the WWE because of promotion, they have commercials during other shows, merchandise, celebrity interaction TNA doesn't have these things they need to present their product and allow their stars to be interviewed for that said product how the hell are going to allow a guy to carry the world title if they dont go out there and market themselves as a star that you want for your company.
No, becuase we have heard TNA superstar's bash the establishment, and the people running the show before. Every few weeks there's a shoot promo either bashing Immortal or Hogan. I remember the Roode promo when he bashed Hogan, that amounted to nothing, or the Styles promo, which also amounted to nothing.

That's why the Punk shoot promo was so shocking, shoot promo's in WWE rarely happen. When they do, it's a shock to many fans. And, unlike Styles and Roode, Punk was able to continue his tyraid and becuase of him able to say stuff he wanted, alot fans are now on his side. Fans want to see Punk, and that why they brought him back so early, it was what made sense becuase fans want to see what he's going to say, or do next. It's something different in the WWE, a superstar who's against the establishment, but with the fans. Sort of like Stone Cold, but not fully.

Styles and Roode cut their shoot promo's, then next week it was like the never happened. Hell, Hogan cut's a shoot promo almost every week and it usually amounts to nothing. Shoot promo's aren't a surprise in TNA, becuase they happen often and go nowhere. Punk's promo happened and WWE started to promote the show around his appearances.
No. It wouldn't have been shocking because it wasn't live, TNA does shoot style promos, WWE marks would find ways to criticize TNA for mentioning ROH or Dixie being dead.

And anyone who says the TNA shoot promos go nowhere is an idiot. But you already knew that....It sells the story to the freaking viewers. WWE has a following of moronic adults and kids. It was something new and unexpected.

But of course, this thread would be full of hypocrisy.
The main reason it worked so well in WWE was because it was live and unexpected. We rarely see any type of shoot or worked shoot promos in WWE. The closet would be the confrontation between The Rock, Cena, and Miz during WrestleMania. It wouldn't have the same effect in TNA because the show being taped for one. Also, Punk's contract was expiring soon and he has been known to show his dissatisfaction with the product of WWE.

Now every week on Impact we see superstars on Impact like Fortune, Sting, or Angle complain to Bischoff or Hogan about ruining the wrestling business. Now Robert Roode and AJ Styles have had some great promos or "worked shoots" against Hogan and Bischoff. It hasn't had the same effect because even though they were great promos, they weren't as shocking as CM Punk "breaking the fourth wall".

Zion you are probably right though if someone like CM Punk or Samoa Joe were to do the same thing in TNA then it probably wouldn't garner mainstream recognition from the media and it wouldn't be held in such high regard by the IWC. As far as ReAction goes, it was an interesting show at first but then all the shows ran together. Every wrestler said the same thing week in and week out about Fortune, EV 2, Immortal, etc.

Punk's shoot in WWE was refreshing since we usually see the same scripted show week in and week out. I don't know if it will bring a new era in wrestling or will mean anything in the long term. I just know that it is harder for TNA to get recognition for anything when it is warranted compared to WWE.

A couple of people on here talking about Raw's ratings keep saying "a lot of people DVR Raw now and that doesn't count towards the ratings. This is why ratings are down".


Ahhhh, now I feel better. People on here just talk out their asses.

Like everyone else on here, (and like I stated before) the CM Punk things would not work in TNA for obvious reasons...
TNA is too small and not much people watch it like WWE. TNA is taped and it wouldnt make any sense. TNA dosent have as much controversy as WWE.
First off, if what the old WCW DVDs are right, WWE doesnt care about ratings as much as people seem to think and the CM Punk thing isnt just for ratings, it was to basically make a great storyline for the fans and it just happened to draw some big time exposure because of how great it was.

As for the question, it would NOT work and the simple reason is this. TNA likes to promote ex WWE stars or older vets like Sting. Look at Samoa Joe, he's got in ring skills, but he's not being pushed at all. TNA tends to overbook things, for example, Anderson and Bully Ray already have issues in Immortal. TNA likely wouldnt have Punk doing this and if he did, it's a taped show and people would know about it before it aired. TNA has the talent to be great, they just need to book the show better.
First off, if what the old WCW DVDs are right, WWE doesnt care about ratings as much as people seem to think and the CM Punk thing isnt just for ratings, it was to basically make a great storyline for the fans and it just happened to draw some big time exposure because of how great it was.
O Really?


Look at Samoa Joe, he's got in ring skills, but he's not being pushed at all.
Ring skills? He needs to lose weight. He sucks now. Just actually watch him.

TNA tends to overbook things, for example, Anderson and Bully Ray already have issues in Immortal. TNA
It's clear, you do not know what overbooking is. Overbooking is re-starting a match multiple times in a championship match with two heel run ins and three babyface saves. That is overbooking.

Ray and Anderson had issues from before joining Immortal, they attempted to put it all behind them just like Hogan and Anderson but it's not working. Look at it as an evolved version of the Otunga/Punk issues.

likely wouldnt have Punk doing this and if he did, it's a taped show and people would know about it before it aired. TNA has the talent to be great, they just need to book the show better.
Have you not been watching the last 2 months? I find it quite ironic, they book the best product in 3 years and they get criticized for past things. I'm talking in general here.

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