REPORT: TNA Make CM Punk "Hulk Hogan" Sized Offer

Of course they fucking did. Why wouldn't they?

One imagines, looking at TNA's history, that God himself couldn't move TNA to the 'next level' - i.e. away from the 1.x rating range (x being, like, anything between 0 and 4). Great wrestling, big names, both together - TNA will a-shimmy and a-shake and then sit back down. Punk's arguably - arguably - a bigger name than Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy were when they signed.

But shit, I'd watch it. Certainly doesn't seem like a very CM Punk thing to do though.
Hardy, Angle, Hogan, and Sting didn't make a difference and neither will Punk. TNA is garbage. They need to fix their real problems instead of just signing guys from WWE. WCW did the same thing and failed. If they want to compete with WWE than they need to have a better product. Punk can't wrestle every match and cut every promo. I'm not going to order a ppv just to see Punk wrestle. Punk is a good wrestler but only one man can have a huge impact on wrestling if he were to go to TNA, and that man is John Cena.
After what TNA did with Aces and Eights and how they've pretty much shit the bed almost every single time I would be completely willing to forget the Claire Lynch saga, the Pope/Devon feud, Aces and Eights, Immortal, EV2.0, oh and Garrett Bischoff (seriously that shit was the worst) but I would be willing to forget all of that if they signed CM Punk.

All of that either entails how much of a CM Punk mark I am, or how big of a deal it would be for the company if they got their hands on Punk. Either way, I'm not watching TNA unless they sign CM Punk.
It is a good idea for them to try and grab him even if they need to spend a few extra dollars. While it will never be WCW, think of when Hogan joined WCW and the boost it gave them. I don't think Punk will turn TNA into major competition for wwe but considering he left wwe over bad storylines amongst other things, him joining might make TNA up their game a bit and become a better company. Do I see it happening? Not unless the offer is crazy huge but if the do that, they risk pissing off a lot of talent so I don't think it will work but you never know.
Mr. Punk signing with TNA would be a game changer. Dixie, pull out the check book and make it happen.

Cut ties with Angle, Christie Hemme, Tenne, Anderson and whomever.

I would build the company around Punk, The Wolves, Aries, Roode, Samoa Joe, Magnus, Bram, EC3, and Storm. I suspect we will see Mr. Punk signed before the end of the year.

Bring back AJ Styles and sign Michael Elgin and Kevin Steen. That's a main event roster to be reckoned with.
I guess I can see the outcome of Punk signing with TNA. It would make for some awesome matches if TNA doesn't lose half their roster by then. Punk 'Crossing the Line', as the old saying would go may cause a spike in viewers (no pun intended). It as always will and would be up to TNA to keep the momentum going this time. I'm not sure Punk would go to TNA at this time since they don't have a solid footing at this time. If they announce a new TV deal sometime this lifetime, maybe then they can get bigger free agents. At this time I can only wait and see if Punk would ever come back to TNA.

Even if Punk signed, it wouldn't mean anything. Yes, TNA fans worldwide would bust a nut for it. Yes, some WWE fans will give it a looksie. Yes, the product will improve (slightly) since Punk's a talented guy. Other than that, nothing will change. Only TNA's pocket will become much, much lighter because they think signing a big time star will do their marketing for them. Didn't they learn with Hogan? You can't just sign someone and expect people to find their way to TNA on their own.

So what if they sign Punk, if his arrival and existence within TNA is not marketed well enough? We already see how abysmal Spike is when it comes to promoting TNA. Outside from that, I doubt TNA has the budget to pull off a bigger marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns don't HAVE to be expensive, mind you, however it doesn't seem like their marketing team is creative enough to bootstrap and use the power of social media and the Internet to their advantage.

And EVEN if they did pull off some amazing, creative marketing campaign that somehow went viral and some attention was put on pro wrestling, does TNA have the product quality to keep those people watching? Fuck no! So they'll come in, see what Punk does, then behold 90+ minutes of TNA being average and go back to watching something else. TNA has to have a top notch product first, then start thinking about signing big names that attract attention. If you're butt ugly and you go to a bar, start yelling and acting like a fool - yeah, you'll get the attention of every pretty girl in the bar, but you're still butt ugly. So they'll look away. Get my drift?

Those are all theoretical situations. TNA doesn't have the marketing power to make this signing count, they don't have the product power to make whoever comes by stay, they probably don't even have the money to keep him either. They'll just throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks, as per usual. It won't. It'll slither down the wall and plop itself on the ground. Mark it as a failure. Forgot the number, lost count.

In the end you're left with a pretty cool thing for TNA that will give them a temporary short term boost and cost them a whooooole lot of money long-term. Whoop-dee-doo-zip-dee-doo-dah-ratta-ratta-woop-woop.

If TNA spent as much effort on signing Punks and Hogans as they did on making Punks and Hogans, maybe they wouldn't be scrambling for a TV deal right now. It's not like they don't have the talent. But heck, it's easier to buy it than to make it right? Yeah ... that works out great every time.
Having lost so many of their main eventers over the past couple of years I think something like signing someone the level of a CM Punk would help to put TNA back on the map, I'm not really a fan of CM Punk and found him way overrated anyway but I still think it would create a lot of at least initial interest in TNA if they signed him especially if they brung back someone like AJ Styles to feud with.

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