TNA Castmembers

All I know is I would die for a TNA live event to happen around where I live, with or without the current changes. Sometimes, you have to appreciate what you have to truly appreciate what you will lose. Yes, Orlando and the Mountain Dew gang, this goes for you. TNA is growing and taking risks. In order to compete, TNA HAS to make changes. It has to grow. Yes, you had good years with the six sided ring and the 400 person crowd. But that era is DYING and soon to be DEAD. I believe Hogan/Carter/Bischoff have no intentions of staying in the IMPACT Zone past 2010, at least on a permanent TV show and PPV basis. To be frank, the only TNA shows I pay money to see on DVD are the ones that happen in audiences OTHER THAN the IMPACT Zone. TNA had a much better feel live a couple weeks ago, and the show feels better when it is on the road.

Keep it up by shouting your anti-Hogan tirades to get your 15 minutes of fame. Your pleas will fall on deaf ears, and any storming of the ring will only result in you spending a night behind bars. OR you can do the logical thing and give Hogan a chance. You have problems with the show? Don't watch it, or at least react in a more mature, sane way to get your point across. Storming the ring in a blaze of infamy that will never make TV on a taped show in front of 400 people with free tickets as well OR in a live show where thousands of kids can go "Mommy, look at the guy being billy-clubbed on national TV" are not real options. TNA is still a great alternative to WWE, and you should be appreciative of the fact that Hulk Hogan didn't drop the leg on AJ Styles at the 1/4 Monday Night show and take the title.
I just read about this weeks spoilers on the main page and came into the forum to see if there was a thread regarding the audience. It's not really a spoiler so I think it's fine for me to write about it here. Basically, AJ was talking about women and the crowd began to chant "You are married." If that's true, then the members of the audience really are messing up storylines. Not everyone behind the scenes needs to be public. By chanting something like that the audience is NOT showing loyalty and is a detriment to TNA.

Sure be vocal, but you don't have to be vocal in a negative way? Sure, boo bad matches, let them know what you think. Just remember that TNA is still small and anything you do negative that appears on TV is only going to work against TNA gaining a larger audience. Giving away background knowledge, such as the fact that AJ is married is ridiculous.

From what I've seen and heard thus far, I have have to say that yes, the crowd is hurting TNA.

As a member of the crowd, you are NOT part of the show. You are part of the experience. If you want to be part of the show go to a wrestling school. In any other capacity you are not helping.
For all you Hogan-lovers out there who act as if he is the only one who can save TNA, take a look at WCW in the last few years of its life and tell me him and Bischoff will improve TNA. I understand they have a vision, but trying to ell people who to boo and cheer is pathetic. Threatening to kick out anyone who won't embrace your vision is Obama-like arrogance. Until they start going nationwide, they are in no position to alienate the fans who decide to take the time to watch the show. I can understand bringing in Morley, Waltman, and Hall, who can all be solid performers when they are motivated. But the Nasty Boys? Please, they were past their primes 15 years ago. TNA should focus on the stars they have now, rather than cast-offs who the fans ceased to care about ten years ago.

But I do feel the hardcore fans should give Hogan a break. TNA is in need of a new direction. Hogan and Bischoff have demonstrated a keen mind for the business and marketing end of wrestling, something TNA sorely needs. TNA needs to establish their brand. They need to give companies and the general public a reason to care about TNA.

For the Krucial Krew or whatever their name is, let me enlighten you as to an important fact. TNA cannot survive as an alternative. They need to go mainstream to expand. I do think the producer overreacted. But there is no need for profanity or flashing your stupid hand signs. Boo and cheer whoever you want. But there is a way to do it without acting like a bunch of drunken frat boys. Carter does not care about you. She cares about appealing to the mainstream, about the people watching on TV. You think small, Dixie, Hulk, and Eric think big.
Let me comment on this...

Before Hogan came along, I, like many, didn't really give a crap about TNA. Six sided ring minor league wrestling. But then Hogan came along, and the ratings grew and interest grew for TNA because of it.

I get what you are saying and doing, you are like fans of small indie bands that get pissed because suddenly EVERYONE knows who this small indie band is. It's no longer theirs and that special feeling is gone.

But you should still show support, instead of being annoyingly obnoxious. One of the things that sucked about Genesis was watching the bunch of you act like idiots the entire time. Way to show support and loyalty to what you claim to be huge fans of.
A new memeber to this forum, and this being my first post, as an 18 yr old Hulkamanic who had to endure such crap two years ago when I attended my first TNA event @ Final Resolution 2008 and went to TNA @ Universal regulary for the next several months, now 20, it is truly justice that you guys are being singled out as the idiots that you are because it was I who was singled out by the TNA production staff and told to turn my Hogan bandannas/shirts inside or to leave the building. Having stood ringside with most of you, I can truly say you're nothing but a bunch of dorks who show up to be on tv and because it's a cool place ot hang out, when in all reality couldn't hold a conversation on wrestling history be it WWE or WCW, other than the what you'd attended at Universal or watched on PPV. What makes it even better, is the fact that Bischoff and Hogan are the ones who told you to shut it HaHa.

In closing, John Lennon said "Instant Karma Is Gonna Get You", and what goes around comes around indeed, I wasn't allowed to wear Hogan merch... and now they're selling it and telling the loyals to shut up HaHa!
Dear Smarks:

What part of your history of working in the business brought you to the conclusions about what TNA needs to do in order to be successful? What's that, you say? You don't actually work in the business? That's funny... you mean like the large percentage of you fucking cancerous infections who can't ever be happy with anything the company does that doesn't involve pushing ROH veterans and indie nobodies because they can do fancy flips and tumbles – is that just your small-minded opinions flaring up again, because you've been watching professional wrestling from your living rooms for the last decade and think you have any inkling as to why something works or doesn't in the industry you obviously have absolutely no experience in?

Like Hogan said – the play-time is over. TNA is going mainstream, and they're going after McMahon. In order to do so, a lot of the small-market aspects of the company you used to love are changing, and that includes the ring, and the amount of control the morons in the front row have over the atmosphere in the arena on any given night. You may think that because after watching three weeks of the new direction that you've got it all figured out and that this is destined for failure all you like, but the bottom line is that you know about as much about how to run a successful wrestling company into the mainstream as monkeys know about rocket science – and that is nothing short of fact.

TNA has reached a cross-roads, and with you or without you, change is coming. With you or without you, the company moves forward. With you or without you. Period.
Watching some old TNA on justin tv and I've noticed something. The golden tie boy and his army of morons are just as bad as the juggalos who infested the TNA asylum who went to get themselves over and didnt care about the product unless the ICP were involved.

Nothing against Juggalos, my brother is one, but he is one who was a juggalo when it was about not being accepted into what others called "the norm". Now they are just spoiled brats who hate their parents even though they get everything they want and shop at hot topic to be different even though they all look the same. Sorry bout getting on my soapbox but I do have a point to this. Those guys who think they ae being cool and differnet by turining their backs on the product, yeah guys you are different...just like your friends.
Neither side gets it TNA is doomed either way.

Before Bischoff and Hogan. Couldn't get 200 people to pay to go to a show and was lucky to get 10k buys for a ppv.

Since Bischoff and Hogan took over. The Nasty Boys get more tv time than Jeff Hardy. Let me repeat this the Nasty Boys have had more tv time than Jeff Hardy.

Bischoff needed an unlimited checkbook, the WWF at a point where it was doing ratings at a 2 level and its worse house show business ever, an A list cable network, a large money paying audience, and comparable production to be competive. he doesn't have that with Spike.
If you guys jumped the rails and entered the ring on live tv, those wrestlers who "like" you guys and "enjoy your energy" so much, will be the same people putting your ugly fat asses in the hospital lol!

I mean, do you not see how disrespectful you are? Here is Ken Anderson, who was unfairly fired from the WWE, who comes too TNA too try and make it better and you guys chant "over-rated" and "this is boring" @ him during his match. Tell me, how the hell is that helping TNA?

That guy was entertaining as hell, he even acknowledged you guys. I think while you were chanting "lets go Abyss" he chanted "let's go smart marks" lol.
And you guys like inside jokes, Ken was good enough too add a few inside jokes for his fans. How the hell could you disrespect the guy like that?

Your full of crap about supporting TNA. All you support is your toolbox crew.
I mean they had to tell you too stop throwing up "gang signs" ...

What a joke you people are.
Well, reading this one was a bit of a let down. Between this original post and the "TNA is in huge trouble and will die" thread, it appears that some people are putting the horse before the cart. Look all, I am a huge WRESTLING fan. Have been since I first started watching it when I was four and I'm 33 now. Not a "Smark", but I do think I have some knowledge about the wrestling industry. Will Hulk Hogan kill TNA? He might, but who knows? The point is this, he hasn't even had much of a chance and already you are crucifying him. "Hardcore" TNA fans, as they call themselves, seem to always be mad about something with the damn organization. One minute Jeff Jarrett is doing this or that or it's Vince Russo or Samoa Joe looks fat or Hulk Hogan and The Bubba Army are starting crap or the Nasty Boys showed up. Well, I have to agree with the Nasty Boys thing actually, but anyway, you get my point? TNA is in a moment of flux. You have to give them a chance to do something before you get pissed at them. Hell, seems to me that people were pissed about the square ring before any matches even happened. To be quite honest, I really thought that Genesis was a step in the right direction for the most part because for the first time in quite some time it seems all the pieces feel into place and the fluidity of the event was spot on. There were some goof ups and some of the fans seemed out of it for reasons obviously spoken about in the first post, whatever, but overall, the PPV was run well and fell into place nicely. In order for TNA to compete with WWE and become the other company, things need to change. No "WWE Rejects" and that crap. Just because you worked for WWE and you don't now doesn't make you a reject. If Vince fired you, well then that's Vince, doesn't mean you should never work again. That's just stupid to think that. Now if in two or three months everything starts to fall apart, well then now you can complain because the horse ended up in front of the cart. Don't just assume it's going to be bad because it doesn't look right at the moment.

Just for the record, I am a huge fan of Christopher Daniels and am looking forward to his new feud with Sean Morley. Yeah, some of us realize it's a storyline. Takes some time to build these things people. Morley won round one, big whooptie doo. Just for the record, a "Push" doesn't mean you win every single match you are in.
Triner the only reason the Nastys have had more tv time than Hardy is because Jeff has recently been indigted and needed to deal wtih those issue as opposed to going to Florida. Can't blame TNA for Jeff wanting to fix things first.

I loved when Ken got on the fans who chanted Over Rated, by making the big O followd by the "Let's Go Smart Marks." chant. You had nothing else to do but try to look cool and turn your backs on the ring to which people pointed and laughed at you.
Triner the only reason the Nastys have had more tv time than Hardy is because Jeff has recently been indigted and needed to deal wtih those issue as opposed to going to Florida. Can't blame TNA for Jeff wanting to fix things first.

I loved when Ken got on the fans who chanted Over Rated, by making the big O followd by the "Let's Go Smart Marks." chant. You had nothing else to do but try to look cool and turn your backs on the ring to which people pointed and laughed at you.

Jeff Hardy should have been all over the show he was on. He's a bigger star at this point than anyone on the roster. This illustrates why TNA is in trouble afraid of someones legal troubles so only put them on TV for a second. Either put him on TV full force or don't have him on till legal troubles are taken care.
Jeff should have never been signed to begin with. The fact that he has been indicted is a bad sign. If he's convicted, he's going to be doing some time, the judge could care less which show Jeff's on.
At tonights impact taping, when they tried to start a sort of ric flair, aj styles angle where he had a woman with him, they chanted "you are married". Are you serious? That's exactly the type of smark ass chants that ruin shit. Bringing up a wrestlers real life while he is trying to work a show, that's just stupid.
"At tonights impact taping, when they tried to start a sort of ric flair, aj styles angle where he had a woman with him, they chanted "you are married"."

LOL. I too thought this was lame. It's one thing if you guys shit on the Nasty Boys or something that really sucks. But come on, a lot of people like and are excited to have Mr. Anderson in TNA, and the Ric Flair/AJ Styles angle has the possibility of being pure gold.

And I know you guys like Daniels, we all do. But he's playing a heel. Cheering him only makes him look bad to the people in the back. they aren't going to say, "Oh, they are cheering Daniels, we better put him over next time!" they are just going to think Daniels can't work. So, boo him.

It'd be one thing if this was a show that was able to tour around and have different crowds but you're the only ones who can see the show live unfortunately.

So I guess my suggestion is to quit being so nit-picky, shit on the stuff if it actually sucks, and to give stuff that has potential a chance and help it get over on TV. Now THAT would be helping out TNA!

I caught most of RAW tonight for the first time in a long time, and I have to say, even the worst parts of TNA are better than 99 percent of that shitty show. How anyone can watch that boring shit is beyond me.
Ok... I did see you last night.. You were on TV.. Cool Deal.. I think you guys are just trying too hard to create that ECW Magic.
Wow, hot thread here. Gotta say I totally disagree with the OP(who apparrently has regressed to a frightened vegetative state rendering him incapable to respond to any posters). I'm no "smark" but I've been watching wrestling for the better part of my 30 years on PE and think I have a fair amount of knowlegde of the biz(albeit not insider knowledge). I just think to totally write off any kind of change brought to the company "you love so much" and sabotage ANY chance it has to become a huge success before seeing how things pan out is shortsighted and incredibly ignorant at best. If you love something, you want it to succeed and to grow. Just cool your tempers and let things progress before you kill it, mount it, and hang its head on your wall.
Read this on another forum thought Id bring it here.... is also reporting that some fans at ringside Sunday night were warned by a Universal Studios employee named Bernadette about not being negative towards the show, and asked to watch their language. This came after the fans turned their backs on Sean Morley's win over Daniels, and chanted "porn star" during the match. These fans decided to sit in the bleachers for tonight's tapings instead of ringside where they would normally be, in order to "show TNA the difference." Several Universal employees, of which the aforementioned Bernadette was one, addressed the crowd before the start of today's tapings, asking them to behave and stay in line with the tapings. No word yet on how the fans reacted.

Hmmm I wonder who theseguys were......
By the way you are going to show up and sit somewhere else to show them "Their difference". You still showed up you fucking morons. You are not showing them shit except you are just pathetic high school attitude douchebags who are still wrapped around TNA's finger.
lol wait minute, is that why they have those hand gestures like that for "Crucial Crew"? the whole freaking time, i though they couldn't get enough of christian cage so they decided to still do the hand gesture for him, for either Christian Cage or Captain Charisma
I think the idea of fans turning their backs to voice their "opinions" is not the worst thing they could do.
The Crew is actually a riot to be around and add a lot to the live attendance. You'd be surprised at how many casual fans become more involved in the show because of their energy.
Someone stated that fans are not part of the show. Oddly enough, the show's director came out before the tapings tonight and specifically said that we the audience were all "cast members in the show."
Go figure.
I hate to quote Shawn Michaels because as much as I respect him as a worker, I cannot stand him as a human being, but the fans have a right to boo or cheer whomever they please. Without the fans, there is no product.
Those of you bashing the Crew and calling them spoiled, might consider taking your own advice. Jump on a plane, make the drive, catch a bus, walk, hitch hike, whatever. Bring yourselves to the show and voice your opinion as well.
And for the record, I attend as many of the shows as I can, and they aren't "free." I pay my hard earned dollar to gain park admission, others pay to park. A dollar is a damn dollar. Especially in this economy.
BTW, glad to be here.
loyalty to brands/products is great....but the guy really has no room to bitch when he gets into the product every week for FREE....and even if he did pay for a ticket....every ticket to a sporting event has a disclaimer having for the management of the event or the management of the building to remove you from the event at anytime with no refund of purchase of ticket price for any actions, statements, gestures that they may deem inappropriate or a distraction to other ticket holders. Not to mention that there are kids in the show, i've seen them before....he has no right to whine about using profanity or vulgarity....and i'm sure TNA has some sort of disclaimer posted in the building that they have the right to remove you from the event for any reason at anytime without disclaimer to you objecting or having a right to remain at the event. In my opinion the dude has no grounds for bitching...its the liability he assumes for attending the event.
The Crew is actually a riot to be around and add a lot to the live attendance. You'd be surprised at how many casual fans become more involved in the show because of their energy.
Someone stated that fans are not part of the show. Oddly enough, the show's director came out before the tapings tonight and specifically said that we the audience were all "cast members in the show."
Go figure.
Re watching Gensis I tried to just ignore them but I couldn't for the simple fact that they chanted through the night. Not just once or twice a match but every fucking second of every fucking match. That's not being a fan. That's being self riteous thinking people are there to hear your stupid ass chants half of which didnt even get off the ground. For example, they chanted "Brian Kendrick" then immediatly one moron in the group tried to chant "They got Spanky". Wow you guys are clever. Throughout the night they were just ignorant or annoying. Especially the original poster whom I saw jump up and down and scream like a two year old and pretending to hang himself with his tie when Morley beat Daniels. I wish his tie tightened and he passed out and hit his head on the guard rail. That would have been the highlight for me.

Im all for fans getting into the action. Im all for chants. They are fun and some are very original "You're gonna get your fucking head kicked in" will never be beaten, but that "crew" are trying so hard to get on tv try to be this generations ECW fans that they come off as jackasses. Im hoping they piss off some of the wrestlers and they ge spit on by the guys. Because guess what. YOu are there to see them perform and see professionals put on a product. They are not there to watch you try to hang yourself with your tie if one of "your boys" loses a make believe match. Fuck The "Crucial Crew". Cry baby jackasses who wouldn't appreciate a 5 star match if it was given in their living room for fucking free while they got head watching it.
I'm from another wrestling board. I saw this linked and I signed up just to say, I support your cause.

No longer shall the original fans of TNA be subjected to this abomination that is the current TNA Hogan product. No longer should us loyal TNA fans be forced to sit through this trash they are trying to pass off as pro wrestling.

Crucial Crew, I salute you. It is time, for TNA to get back to their roots. They don't want to listen, but they need to listen, and we must make them listen.

I refuse to forfeit TNA to the lame ass WWE-hybrid-TNA fans that are relishing this sports entertainment movement. To hell with those fans, and to hell with the current TNA product.

Raise hell fellas, I salute you.

Pope Has Spoken
The Crew is actually a riot to be around and add a lot to the live attendance. You'd be surprised at how many casual fans become more involved in the show because of their energy.

That's exactly the thing that bugs me because you're right. The problem is the whole "Maven" example he made. The Crew knew it was on Monday Night TV for the first time ever. They knew there would be millions of new viewers that have never seen the product before and they were unopposed an hour before RAW. So what do they do? They chant words that they know their supposed beloved company isn't allowed to air on TV. They shit on the very first segment among others during that hour when TNA could have finally made an "Impact". They went out of their way to make TNA look bad when they knew this was their first chance to stick it to Vince. I don't care if they write a 72 page essay, they can't justify that.

They go to all the shows but I'm a better fan. I still think my Cowboys are going to the Super Bowl you bastards ... Aikman's gonna commentate. I'm in a local band and if our biggest supporters booed us while we played in front of our largest crowd ever I'd bitch slap every single one of them after the show. The thing is my "best friends/biggest supporters that are at every show" wouldn't do that to us. They'd do everything in their power to make us look good no matter how bad we fucked up. That's what a Maven is my friend ... and a Maven you are not.

P.S. I read they confronted you before the tapings tonight. I'm sure you're mad and no matter what I say I still always see both sides of every story. Just do me a favor and watch the shows from the perspective of a die hard fan watching at home. Then watch it again from Dixie Carter's point of view. You understand so hold back the pride for a minute.

I'm punk so rebellion is my thing, but you had a chance to rebel against Vince McMahon and blew it. Instead you whined the whole time. That makes you emo lol.
What cause? Jesus are you guys gonna do a Million Man......I mean 13 Man March To The Impact Zone to try to get your point across? Wow you guys need to get a life. get laid, get a bj for god's sake. What is this "gotta go back to it's roots" crap? They have the old four sided ring back, mixing good storylines with great matches in the ring just like they did when they started, it is back to it's roots. Obviously you guys started watching in the FSN days and not the Nashville era. Learn your history boys. Once again you dont like it, leave and let real fans come in and enjoy the show without your "movement" there. I'm begging the Crew do jump the rail or raise hell and see what happens. Read the spoilers for this week and guess what, those big talk fucks did nothing they threatened.

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