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TNA Castmembers

Ok the reaction to the change of ring was a bit much. I mean does it really matter if it's four six or twenty sided. All that matters is what they do inside it. But I can see where you're coming from. Having Daniels go from main eventing to jobbing to a guy who hasn't matter in about a decade is not progress, nor is it going to garner any interest. As for the influx of talent, they've made some quality acquisitions recently (Wolfe, Pope Mr (don't call me Kennedy) Anderson etc. Shit even a guy like Hall is a decent acquisition. He may be past his prime in the ring, but the guy can still work the mic better than most TNA talent, and if TNA wants to make the leap into the mainstream they need that. But the Nasty Boys? Bubba the Cum Rag? What exactly can they bring to the table, bar pandering to Hogan's ego.

Overall it's been a mixed bag, but it's still early days, so I'm gonna at least give it chance, let the company settle down after what has been a period of huge change. Still, if I was a die hard TNA fan I don't think I'd be happy with the way things happened last night.
TNA should not turn their backs on the TNA loyalist because without their energy TNA would have folded years ago. I do not agree at all with what Hogan said to the audience during Genesis, because it was a strong slap in the face.

TNA can expand by catering to their loyal fans and new and exciting booking which Hogan is not bringing to the table. Genesis was worst than the last 2 TNA PPVs which were solid. Dividing the core TNA audience is not going to go well overall.

However, TNA is trying to get new fans and grow the company. This can be done with a traveling IMPACT! tapings, *a new booker, not Hogan or Russo or Bischoff* , and pushing the TNA originals.

On a side not about jr. heavyweights and lucha, lucha tends to be sloppier than cruiser/jr. heavyweight bouts.
First off, while I admire your passion and loyalty man, you really have no right to be pissed. You guys killed a match that could have been good in Morley and Daniels. Why? Because Morley isn't one of your "boys", he's another ex-WWE guy and you guys did not even give the fucking man a CHANCE to perform for you before you were booing him and cheering Daniels. You want to talk about unfair? That's unfair right there, to not even give a guy a chance before booing his ass because he isn't an ROH veteran or something. Morley is actually a good worker and if you had actually given him a chance, maybe you would have ENJOYED yourselves instead of spending that match trying to "send a message to the people backstage".

I don't agree with every decision being made in TNA right now, but with the belt on AJ and the future of Desmond Wolfe looking good I for one think TNA is doing fine right now. They're ratings are up, they've got a bunch of new talent (and YOUNG talent), you guys are simply overreacting. Seriously, do you remember those old TNA shows? The ones with midgets and Goldilocks and shit? Is that the awesome TNA you guys are trying to protect? The company has been MUCH worse creatively and in the ring than it is right now man. We've seen some simply phenomenal wrestling over the last few months from Styles, Angle, Daniels, Joe, and Wolfe.
I understand the TNA regulars situation, they are used to something, they love it, and it is taken away from them. I love music. There are many indie bands I would follow, love their music, then they sign with a major record label and start producing crap music. It sucks, but you gotta deal with it. If you go to Best Buy to buy a CD from a band, you won't find ALL of their CD's because most bands produce awesome low quality albums that again, were not on a major label.

Point being, TNA is now on a major label. The stuff they produce might not be appealing for you, but now they want a wider fan base, they have more people to please. Personally, I hate TNA. They have some unbelievable talent such as AJ and Daniels, but I would never go out of my way to watch Impact. For me, it was the 6 sided ring. Now that they have a traditional ring, maybe I might try to watch it if I'm home on a Thursday night and remember the show is on.

TNA is not going to please everyone. WWE doesn't please everyone, neither does ROH. The company has a goal, they cannot remain a successful company if they tape everything they do in Orlando. I would never travel to Orlando to just see wrestling, not many people would. I would like to see TNA come up to my town of Pittsburgh. I was a hardcore original ECW fan, and everytime they came to Pittsburgh, I would be there. I admit, I was an ECW "smark." ECW refused to change their ways, they finally made it to network TV and they clashed heads because TNN wanted something different than what ECW was doing. ECW was stubborn and they crashed and burned. TNA has been doing ok for Spike, but ok sometimes isn't good enough. Hogan is there and gotta suck it up. Things will change, as they already have.

I was shocked to hear about Morley going over on Daniels. I know that pissed off a lot of you TNA smarks, because you have a passion for the TNA originals. It crushed me seeing Tommy Dreamer because a WWECW jobber, but that's because I held on to the original ECW in my heart, after Tommy left last month, I can finally let go. This may or may not happen with TNA. Their homebred talent is nothing short of amazing. Daniels will now probably feud with Morley and it'll probably be back and forth. Your favorite guys can't win all the time. Yes, I do not want to see Morley in the ring anymore than you do, mainly because he's still using the Porn Star gimmick which was cool in the 90's. Personally, I loved him in the Right To Censor and as Chief Morley, but for TNA to bring him in with the same gimmick is awful. When Morley went back to Val Venis before his release, it was not the same and it was dead to many fans. When I read that Morley beat Daniels, I was slightly pissed. But, you can't blame Morley for sticking with his career and making the most of it.

Give this new TNA a chance. If you are a true fan you will. More importantly, please, just pull the tampon out already.
Whats so crucial about you? You turned hundreds on to TnA in a mere 14 posts here on WrestleZone? If that's true then I'am most definitely impressed! But I highly doubt this is the case. You guys should call yourselves the butthole brigade! Anyways I didn't watch the PPV last night but I do watch Impact every week and have since it's been on Spike TV and in the back of my mind I have wondered why the 6 sided ring was still in use. Yeah OK. The ring was their gimmick to try to set themselves apart but it didn't work and it should have been sent packing years ago. As for Hogan and his merry band of rejects they are just trying to recreate the WcW magic. Will it work only time will tell I hope for the benefit of getting a viable WWE option it does. But I doubt it will, It will still be fun to watch TnA spread it wings and fly or just fall from it's nest and die.
you TNA marks make me sick to my stomach. After the "you can't wrestler" chants at Lacey Von erich, it really shows what kind of people you are. The girl doesn't have much experience wrestling, she was doing the best she could but you guys shitted all over her for no reason and probably made cry after the match, I hope you guys are happy
Call me crazy- but I think this is exactly what Hogan & Bichoff & TNA wanted to happen. I think this turns into a angle itself. Hogan & Co. want to change things. Jarrett, Foley & maybe even soon- Dixie will be on the other side. Sayin it was better how it was. Its going to turn into a "real angle".

The OP is pissed about this "situation" rightnow. So what will you & your 12-20 CCs do when Jarrett & Foley come out and join "your side of the argument"? Your all gonna eat it up, thats what your gonna do!! Joining the Jarrett/Foley side of the angle

There is a plan that HH & EB have for TNA- I cant gaurantee that! Your really think these guys wanna walk into TNA and just bury it into the ground, by changing everything and pissing all the ALREADY loyal fans off? Why? I would suspect they both have thier own money involved here- so I doubt thats the case.

Pure & simple: I think they are tryin to turn this "situation" into a real-life angle. Kinda like the Outsiders in thier start with WCW. Arent things more entertaining when you feel the situation is real/legit?

Just My Opinion
As TNA continues to grow and get better, it is just time for them to move away from the Impact Zone. Many of the fans there, especially those in the pit have grown spoiled and have even acted childish on many nights due to the fact that there are changes coming in which in the end is only going to make TNA better.

Hogan said it best, "you had 6 sides and it only got you so far"...everything TNA has done that you have loved has put it at a certain level. Now it is time for the company to improve and go to the next level. How are they going to do that? By doing the same exact thing? By just developing in house talent? No, they must bring in known stars from past and present, and they must make a more familiar product for the masses. I for one am enjoying TNA now more than I ever have.

What the Impact Zone fans need is a break from TNA. Let TNA come there once a year and then we'll see how they act when a show comes there. I would be so happy if TNA came and did a live Impact in New York City. We'll show you how a real crowd should act (no offense to anyone or their city, I'm just saying the Impact Zone fans have grown spoiled).

What I do not like is that the Crucial Crew as you call yourselves immediately boos something, in a complete immature fashion. It is good to be smarky, but it is not good to be an asshole at a show. You're basically just rowdy fans who are ruining it for the rest of us, as we are all enjoying the show. If you don't like it, don't go to the show. TNA is doing great things, why do you not see that? Why do you not see that direction that TNA is going is to have it be a real competitor of the WWE. Do you know that TNA is trying to go mainstream? Do you think they can go mainstream the way they were before Hogan? Hell no, or else we wouldn't be where we are now.

Grow up Crucial Crew. You think people support you, but people don't. The sooner TNA moves away from the Impact Zone, the better. The crowd there is starting to piss me off.
Like most of the others in this thread, I often find you guys and your chants annoying.

However booing Morley, and turning your back on the ring, was deserved. Him beating Daniels cleanly was the biggest load of bullshit I've ever seen.
I agree with the point to give it time and see what direction it actually goes in. Hogan at least adds a new dynamic to a company that definately needed some star power. If WWE is gonna be bringing in Stone Cold and The Rock for some of these guest hosting gigs, TNA needs the ammunition to counter. Christopher Daniels is a great wrestler, but who else other than an educated fan has ever heard of him? People see DX on ESPN with Mike Tyson. They recognize the HHH's, John Cena, and others.

For TNA to grow, you have to give the person who watches Wrestling every so often an interest to watch it more regularly.
I agree that the regular in the impact zone are spoilt. They see incredible talent for free or dirt cheap on a regular basis and have seen some great matches. I get that they are entitled to their opinion (i'm not happy on the ring change and they always make weird or plain crappy booking decisions) but as with WWE, you just have to accept it because the people in charge have more experience, nous and knowhow that we ever will.

I for one of jealous of the Crew. I can only see TNA once a year and that's not even for an "important" event like a TV taping or a pay-per-view. Don't moan because you are very fortunate.
Unlike most people, I agree. While I've never attended an actual iMPACT! taping, I watch it every week. It disgusts me how Hogan is taking charge of everything and changing everything that makes TNA different from WWE. The 6-sided ring was one of those things, and a 4 sided ring is just too plain. What the hell are Steel Asylum matches going to look like now? A red 4-sided cage?

TNA fans should be allowed to cheer whoever they want, and chant whatever they want because they are being loyal to the company, and telling everyone who or what they like. Yesterday, during the Daniels vs. Morley match, after Morley won, you can expect him to turn heel sometime soon, because of the reaction he got from it.

Basically, if Hogan turns TNA into another WWE, what's the point? The only difference would be all those annoying backstage segments in TNA.
I loved ECW but when it was on spike well then TNN it barely drew a 1.0 also. ECW never changed from having just that loyal fan base and they never drew any higher ratings. They never stood a chance against WWE.

In fairness to ECW on TNN, TNN had no real interest in ECW. They were using ECW as bait to get the WWE over on their network. I remember ECW barely being advertised(similar to pre-Hogan TNA). The only ECW ads were in conjunction with Rollerball and only on TNN, no other network. The program setup was also bad; the show was constantly interrupted mid-match or mid-angle for heavy commercials. ECW couldn't really survive with so little support from the network. We'll never know if ECW would've changed somewhat to gather in new viewers; after all the attitude era and many of the wrestling moves we saw then was taken from ECW.

As far as TNA goes, I think it's best to give it time. This is the feeling out stage where everybody is trying to find where they fit or if they fit. Be patient, everyone and hope for the best. It may gall me if TNA succeeds to listen to Hogan brag about his greatness, but if it means better wrestling shows from both companies, then I'll survive. We all just need to hope that Hogan and Bishoff have learned from past mistakes. After all, if they fail, where are they going to go wrestling-wise? To the WWE. Not unless McMahon wants to further humiliate them.
The direction to me is boring currently, but I'm not gonna bitch about it yet. This is less than a month into the new regime, they're just starting to figure out how to use each wrestler based on their strengths and weaknesses. I believe Daniels should've won that match, however Morley is an established name in the wrestling business and so long as he returns to the favor to Daniels, in the end Daniels will get some decent mainstream exposure outta this deal, so I'm not giving up on the Hogan era yet. However, I do have a big problem with the changing of the ring. Not so much for the way it looks, but for the symbolic aspect of the six sides. Having a six sided ring showed people right off the bat this isn't your grandfather's squared circle. It established TNA as being an alternative to WWE, plus I thought it looked cooler than the four sided ring. But alas, times change, people change, and companies change. TNA is changing. For the better? Hopefully. We'll find out soon enough I guess.

BTW, I went to many TNA shows live (as I live in Orlando), I've never seen someone in a shirt and tie (it's a wrestling show, why a tie?), and I've never heard of this "crucial crew." That has about as much creativity as "the band" but I assure you, you aren't crucial. I was a proud member of the TLA (Turkey Leg Army) though. Maybe you know my commanding officer, the Clit Commander?
I know alot of people are bashing all the chanting, but you can't deny that part of what made the Jan 4th live Impact awesome was the hot crowd. Especially, when you switched over and compared it to the live RAW crowd, which was pretty tame.

That's really too bad that you yelled at by a producer for not putting Morley over, but that's your right. Ultimately it's the fan's right to cheer and boo who they want to and it's the wrestler's responsibility to get himself over.

I personally got no problem with the people in the pit at the Impact zone. Sometimes they over do it, but so what, it's pro-wrestling. It may not always come off well on TV, but I'm sure the wrestlers appreciate performing in front of a hot crowd then a dead one.

There is nothing wrong with expressing your displeasure with something you don't like. There have been a lot of changes in TNA and according to Bischoff, more are on their way. Some will work, some will not, but that shouldn't stop you from voicing your opinion about things you don't like.
I would have to believe that another goal for TNA would be to do away with the Impact Zone itself. They will need to make big money to compete with the WWE. That would include eventually going to sold out arenas nationwide, much like Nitro and Thunder did, and bigger house shows where fans are paying some serious cash to see these events.
I'd say that this is a management failure by the Carter-Hogan-Bischoff regime. It shouldn't have been that hard to convince at least a faction of the "Crucial Crew" to back the new direction. A little flattery, a little argument from someone on the TNA payroll, a little psychology, and diehard TNA fans are likely to salute the new TNA direction and get on board.

But I think that Hogan and Bischoff see this as strategy. They're attacking things that represent the old TNA--six sided ring, Impact Zone smark fans, Jeff Jarrett. Even the repeated speeches to the Band and Foley that they have to line up with everyone else and earn their spot--sounds like a backhand criticism of the old TNA of Booker, Steiner, Kip and BG James, Rhino, Nash and Raven.

I'd say it's not the right strategy, that the way to go is to motivate your hardcore fanbase and use them to recruit gradually and build a critical mass. That's what UFC did, that's what Family Guy did, that's what Seinfeld did. Hogan and Bischoff are trying to do what American Idol did, what 24 did, what Dancing with the STars did, which is to make a huge splash and shoot to the top.
Cool, so you're one of the people I've been wanting to talk to. I'm a recent loyalist from the mid west that didn't get on board until I heard Sting was there. I've always been an underdog guy so I was huge into WCW. Once I found another underdog in TNA I latched onto it as expected. Now I constantly defend them even if I know I'm wrong because when you're defending an underdog you don't have as much ammo to use.

Here's the thing. You're costing this company, that I want to see eclipse WWE, WWE viewers. I was pissed at all of the "this is bullshit" chants on the 1/4 Impact. Do you have any idea how many people were changing the channel because of the way you acted? It was the first match and your "buddy" homicide got his foot stuck. It's not Hogan's fault. That structure was invented before he showed up. You buried Homicide and made him look bad on the night he had to make a good impression. You're lucky Homicide didn't rush the pit instead of the pit rushing the ring.

Later on the 1/4 show you started the bullshit chants again during a Hogan promo. They had to bleep your cuss words so you couldn't even hear what Hogan was saying. Again, I was pissed. How much did Vince pay you little ********s to fuck up the show? You're helping him. You do realize during both of those instances I just mentioned Vince was smiling while viewers were disgusted. A Maven would never do such a thing.

How about at Genesis? I don't mind the 4 sided ring even though I prefer the 6 but the lack of room on the floor annoys me. As a business I expect them to solve the problem eventually. Did you really have to ruin the opening promo? You ruined the beginning of both big shows they've had since the hype started. You're not helping TNA, you're fucking them, and therefore you're fucking me.

You're not above TNA, you do not represent TNA fans, and you do not have the right to choose the direction TNA goes in. A month ago you represented me. I enjoyed watching you guys. Now you're just being rebelious at a time that's crucial to TNA. You think TNA is dying right in front of your eyes? Well you're wrong. That's just what will happen if they continue to let you guys ruin segments.

Be passionate. Please do because you guys can be great. Just stop ruining stuff please. If the rest of the crowd tries to ruin something then start a different chant that doesn't make the show look horrible. You're not making Hogan look bad, you're making TNA look bad.

Stop and think after reading this. Do I have a right to be mad at you for those instances? Shouldn't you feel the same way? If the crowd wouldn't have been ********s during the 1st hour would TNA have scored higher ratings during the 2nd hour? Share this post with the rest of your friends if you could. I'm not trying to hate. I'm just concerned about how crucial moments to gain viewers are being ruined. You're making TNA look bush league and you're making these WWE smarks right. Thanks alot. I gotta listen to the shit over it ... you don't. At the same time I have to find a way to defend your actions. Greatly appreciated supposed loyalists.

(Edit: Also I'm sure you didn't get confronted just over the Morley thing. It was because of the first segment as well and they were afraid you were going to do it all night. Confronting you was smart business.)
wow! the OP on this thread reminds me of this tool i saw on youtube


there was a lot of good and bad with last nights PPV. but, what can you expect with brand new mgmt? its gonna take a while to iron out all the wrinkles and establish the new storylines and heels and faces. I myself find it kind of exciting, i wasnt watching TNA in the early days, and heard lots of good and bad opinions about it.

Let the new TNA develop before you curl up in the fetal position and sob uncontrollably, which, from the looks of it, you probably already are.
Ummmm hmmm how should i put this lightly?..hmmm oh oh ok ok i got it now.(ahem) youve got to be the biggest dumbass ive ever had displeasure of meeting.let me get this striaght..Tna finally getting in the spotlight and getting the respect it deserves and the ratings..and your mad.Why? because hogan changed the ring shape...oh boo hoo.becuase hes adding big names./.ohh wahhh.stop bitching.you and the rest of your bitching baby oil bergade..or "crucial crew" are whats wrong with tna now. change is a good thing.if this is what it takes to get tna to become a big name and be in the same conversation as the wwe then thats what going to happen. and 20 losers who have no life and think they know about tna arent going to change that.tna is going to rise..with or without you.its good if your on board but better if your not bitching and with tna.if you have a problem..they have an exit door.make room for real fans.you guys think your soo special cuz you go to like all the shows.that doesnt make you know whats good for tna.your the audience.your trying to make tna into ecw..its not ecw..its not the atitude era its TNA.like or leave it.and you dont speak for every tna fan.ive been watching ever since june 2002 and i love the way tnas going.so your those douche bags who boo the good guys and cheer the heels.im tired of thes "hardcore tna fans" that watch hogan and pick and poke everything he does.itf you think hes the only person behind the change then your a ******.they have talking about change for a long time just brought hogan in at the right time to keep image up.it was the behind the scenes guys doing most of the work. the same one that were there from the get go. and your hating the traditional ring..umm if you were a true hardcore fan you would know that TNA STARTED IN FOUR SIDED RING DIP WAD!!!!so take your little stupid tie and choke yourself back into reality dude..tna is on the rise and doesnt need ******ed douche bag "crucial crew",which by the way is the GAYEST NAME IVE EVER HEARD..KILL YOURSELF FOR THAT NAME, just get with it or get lost! HAVE A NICE DAY!
im loyal to tna i think it way more interested then seeing orton and cena every week with a few none interesting matches atleasy tna i really dont know what going to happen like the 4 sides thing i think its going to make more wwe watcher take it serious .. but one this i do think i can predict right now is this

( a little of subject but im watching genesis agian)

i think ODB was faking the pulse thing and lost 2 straight falls because hogan and easy E wants her to spot using the flask and there going to go a story line on how drinking is making her lose here edge.. just thinking ahead

but what do u guys think im new and can post a thread yet so if anyone could start one on this it would be kewl ty

Tna something new! is always worth watching
there was a lot of good and bad with last nights PPV. but, what can you expect with brand new mgmt? its gonna take a while to iron out all the wrinkles and establish the new storylines and heels and faces. I myself find it kind of exciting, i wasnt watching TNA in the early days, and heard lots of good and bad opinions about it.

Let the new TNA develop before you curl up in the fetal position and sob uncontrollably, which, from the looks of it, you probably already are.

You are right. But what I see as the problem is in what you just said. There's a new managent and along with that, changes. All of this started on the 4th and look at TNA. Too many wrestlers have debuted in just 3 show. We can't keep track of them all at once. The ring was changed. The wrestlers were never told it would happen so suddenly. There are too many changes going and people are getting confused. Therefor they stick what they know. Hogan should've done all these changes at a slower pace. War is a game of chess. You can't just toss all the pieces in at the same time and hope for something good. You need to take your time and study your moves carefully. Hogan rushed it and now the regulars are mad. If he'd been patient, then the Morley/Daniels match would've gotten such a bad reaction. Or Hogans opening promo wouldn't have been cut off by the fans.

"Patience is a virtue".
Hey guys. I'm one of the hardcore TNA fans who you see regularly on iMPACT! and TNA PPV. You probably recognize me as the guy who wears a shirt and tie to the shows.

I do recognize you. I saw you last night, and found you to be a disgusting little fuckwit. No offense.

I don't know you so my opinion shouldn't bother you in any way, but I'm sure if I felt that way, a lot of other people did too, and that should embarrass you a litte, because your behavior was embarrassing. There's been a lot of discussion about the show last night in a lot of different forums and venues I frequent, and almost universally, the number one complaint I see about the show last night was the crowd. That was easily the worst live crowd I've ever seen at a wrestling show, and your little clique was 99% of the problem.

As someone who lives too far away to support TNA with my presence, I do want to thank you for supporting something I love in a way that I can't for so long. In the past, you've been one of the things that I've loved the most about TNA. You guys are passionate, dedicated, and just plain fun most of the time. All that has changed in the last month, however. In the time that TNA needs you the most, you've turned on them and become an obstacle, and you should be ashamed of that. I'm ashamed for you.

The recent changes to TNA may well pan out to be a VERY good thing, but you and those other thugs seem to have made it your personal mission to sabotage that, and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, fuck you for that. They should have ejected you last night, and if they had, my enjoyment of the PPV would have been greatly increased.
A sad and unfortunate truth that TNA loyalists are going to have to face is that the TNA management and the owners want the company to grow. They want to be able to compete with the WWE. Now, the problem is that TNA as it has been is not going to be able to compete with the WWE. It's just simply how it is. Ultimately, TNA Wrestling is a business just like any other and the ultimate goal of a business is to become bigger and more successful. In the case of TNA, if it means gaining 50,000 fans at the expense of a couple of hundred, then TNA is not going to give those couple of hundred fans another thought.

Hulk Hogan and Dixie Carter want to change TNA's image and, for better or worse, that's probably what's going to happen. Personally, I think that it's a change for the worse. I've heard how TNA has been an alternative to the WWE and, from what I've seen in the past several months, that is a truth that's been dwindling fast. Personally, I've got no problem with Hogan being in TNA because of his affiliations with the WWF and WCW. My main problem with TNA right now is the large influx of has beens and neverwases into the company. I have no interest in watching senior citizens wrestle, I have no interest in seeing a reformation of the nWo, I have no interest in a power struggle between Hulk Hogan and Jeff Jarrett. I simply have no interest in hardly anything that TNA is doing right now. Most of it are little more than channel changers particularly since TNA seems to be heading in the direction of a pro wrestling based reality show filled with long time friends and associates of Hulk Hogan.
[QUOTE="The Kill Joy" Robert Morales;1721131]You are right. But what I see as the problem is in what you just said. There's a new managent and along with that, changes. All of this started on the 4th and look at TNA. Too many wrestlers have debuted in just 3 show. We can't keep track of them all at once. The ring was changed. The wrestlers were never told it would happen so suddenly. There are too many changes going and people are getting confused. Therefor they stick what they know. Hogan should've done all these changes at a slower pace. War is a game of chess. You can't just toss all the pieces in at the same time and hope for something good. You need to take your time and study your moves carefully. Hogan rushed it and now the regulars are mad. If he'd been patient, then the Morley/Daniels match would've gotten such a bad reaction. Or Hogans opening promo wouldn't have been cut off by the fans.

"Patience is a virtue".[/QUOTE]

I definitely see your point, and agree with it, but on the other hand a little bit of CRASH TV may be what puts TNA over as a major competitor to vince and the big E. TNA was having problems with their storylines, leaving them hanging unfinished for so long it either pissed people off or forgetting them altogether. in the 9pm segment of the 1/4 episode of TNA, when bischoff ripped up the format in the ring, i think they kind of acknowledged some of the problems that TNA was having with Russo, hopefully with the new mgmt, teaming up with russo, they can figure out the mistakes TNA was making and eradicate them, thus creating a more enjoyable product, we already know the ring action is superior to WWE, they just need more control over the drama outside the ring. maybe on an upcoming episode they could ban the Crucial crew 4 lyfe! run them all out on TV, that would be fucking hysterical!

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