TNA Castmembers


As a fellow die hard, TNA loyalist who lives up here in Connecticut and never misses an Impact or PPV, I acutally go back to the days of a weekly PPV show, I have to say:


You and your boys in the Impact! Zone are truely what makes TNA very exciting to watch. You guys to to TNA what the ECW fans did for ECW. Without you guys TNA would be less exciting. I am a long time wrestling fan, fell in love with ECW because the fever in the crowd added to the matches and currently work in the business.
What happened to you guys last night was wrong. See, Dixie isn't a wrestling fan, and she is so scared to "upset" Hogan she will apparently ban the real TNA fans. Which is bad business...
This Hogan thing isn't working...and I am so glad that there are guys like you down in Orlando that make your voices heard. If I were in Florida I would be right there with you. I expierenced this with one of our local hockey teams, my boys and I were the "super fans" of our team but when a team that played in two leagues beneath ours left, the "office" tried to bring their "super fans" when we wouldn't roll over for them during the game for their stupid chants it divided the arena and caused a rif in our group.
Tell Venus he doesn't belong, keep giving love to the Pope and Styles and the REAL TNA guys...
As a fellow TNA lover who lives miles away who went through the same thing, please, don't give up hope and don't stop. Thats what Hogan wants, Hogan needs everything to go his way (getting rid of the 6 sided ring was lame). TNA belongs to you, and me, and the rest of the TNA loyalists and as the leader whos on the front line...don't give in...for the rest of us

btw.."Sit Down Brooke" was GREAT!
In my opinion... I don't blame the fans (entirely) or Hogan/Bischoff (Entirely) for the lack luster pay per view last night. With there being no CHristmas Impact and New years being a knockout special / best of and then January fourth being booked mainly around Hogan and the new aquisitions, TNA in a whole (Dixie, Bischoff, Hogan, Russo, etc...) didn't really have any time to push a pay per view. The only thing being known up until last Thursday night was Hogans return to ppv and Angle vs Styles. Thursday night was the only night to book matches and with only two hours to do it, clearly Genesis was not going to be what it should have and could have been. Not only did Hogan and Bischoff fail but the entire creative crew failed. It's easy to blame Hogan and Bischoff but they are not the ONLY ones who are making matches. I think some of the fans in attendance probably did damper the evening as well. I don't see the need to let a four sided ring ruin your evening. I don't see the need to let Sean Morely ruin your evening. Hell, I even hate it, as boring as a match is (Anderson vs Abyss), to hear fans disrespect wrestlers by chanting "Boring" as Abyss and Anderson, to my knowledge never worked together before and it seemed as if the change might have been on real short notice. You take what you get and you try to make the best of it and if your really that unhappy, leave the arena. I wasn't thrilled with the ppv but i didn't turn the channel or yell at the tv... I watched and although parts were real slow, dragging, and bad... Other parts were really good. Kendrick vs Red, Pope vs Wolfe, Angle vs Styles. Great wrestling... The fans had no problem really, vocally bashing what they hated but didn't give nearly enough of vocal props to some of the great stuff on that show. Remember folks, It's wrestling and like any other show... Theres gonna be great parts and shitty parts and you gotta take it or leave it. I am a die hard TNA fan and will be until the very end because With or without Hogan, However they do it, I would love to see TNA be the #1 company out there today because the talent deserves it. Sabin, Shelleys, Styles, Daniels, Joe, Roode, Storm,... They have proven that they are the future and I would love to see them finally break out and be on top. So in my opinion you can blame some of it on hogan... You can blame some of it on the fans but in reality... TNA as a whole bombed last night but they've bombed before and they've came back and tore the house down. Bad nights happen in every entertainment company... Do i think this will be a trend, No. A real TNA fan, who supports the company they love doesnt threaten to storm the ring or bash the product.... They stand by it, support it, let their voices heard in a positive and mature way, and they don't turn their backs on it so easy... after one night.
Dixie Carter is a business woman first and foremost. She has to do what she feels brings in money to TNA. As the fan base grows, she can get a pulse of what is working and what is not, and ultimately make decisions she feels benefits the company. Love Hogan or not, he brings in viewers. Dixie has a responsiblity to her employees as well as the fans. If she can bring in more revenue, she can put out a better product.

It has only been 2 weeks, the sky hasn't fallen yet. Look at the buzz created so far. That is a good thing! Now just make smart decisons and make a good product as to challenge Vince and hopefully we get 2 better brands for it.
Hey folks, first time poster, long-time lurker. Glad to be a part of the WZ boards! Please allow me to express my opinion on this matter, and comment on a few things said here:

I have been a WWE fan since 1992. I was a WCW fan from 1993 until its buyout. I always enjoyed the competition between these two organizations. Competition is GOOD, and can always provide fans with a choice. Choice, in my opinion, helps a person invest their time and money between multiple sources. Why is this good you ask? It helps ensure repeat business among all businesses.

Example, for someone that enjoys both McDonalds and Burger King, a person is likely to occasionally invest in both companies' products in a given year, since both competing companies offer some similar & some very different products, ensuring VARIETY. If BK was the only existing fast food burger joint, how likely is it for the average joe to continue investing their time/money/attention in the one company, that offers the same old, all the time, with the same predictable service? It's to Burger King's advantage that McDonalds competes with them.

Same was with WCW & WWE. As much as my preference might've swayed one way or another, I never completely got tired of following both. Yes, they both had matches & interviews & storylines, but the VARIETY of match types, storylines & wrestlers provided a choice that kept me compelled to stay loyal to both.

I believe TNA is not trying to accomplish anything other than to become a huge, similar-level competetor to WWE. And that won't just benefit TNA, but WWE too. Though I might not agree with future management decisions TNA may make, I will have to accept them as much as possible, for the pure sake of growing their product and being able to provide me an alternative to WWE. I want TNA to flourish, even if it means losing a few favorite TNA wrestlers or match will be worth it in the long-run.

At this point, I sincerely welcome their growth. I have grown EXTREMELY tired of the same ol' same from WWE for the past few years. Orton v. Cena, Cena v. Edge, etc. Interview upon interview with a lame Divas match, followed by more interviews. I enjoy TNA's roster and gradual improvement of production quality. But I wouldn't want WWE to go away either. I would happily entertain companies fighting for OUR attention. Mr. Anderson or The Miz? The Pope or Kofi? IMPACT! or RAW? Storyline 1 or storyline 2? Even as simple as Michael Cole or Mike Tenay?

It's hard to accept change, but change can be beneficial to us all, as shown in the WCW growth of the late 90's/early 2000's. Even if that means changing the ring from 6 sides to 4. I'm sure it's hard to part with for a loyal TNA fan, but the ring shape is one VERY small change to help grow their product for the long-term. I didn't like the 6-sided ring at first, but eventually accepted it and enjoyed it. Now that I'm used to it, I have to get used to not having it...but that doesn't affect my desire to see my favorite TNA wrestlers or storylines play-out. I will get used to their squared circle...we all will!

Now, to some comments:
TNA can expand by catering to their loyal fans and new and exciting booking which Hogan is not bringing to the table.
How can TNA expand, if they only cater to those who are already loyal to them? That's a huge contradiction! TNA can only expand its fan base if they try to find a happy medium by pleasing their current fans but attracting new ones...i.e. retain TNA originals like A.J. or Samoa Joe, but attract (or in my case, FURTHER attract) newer fans by changing the ring. And how can you say Hogan is not bringing *fill in the blank* to the table? He's been participating in the company for a only a couple of weeks...give him a chance!

But the question I have is simply: What will happen when the loyal fans leave TNA? Because that too will LOSE ratings.
How "loyal" of a fan can one truly be if it's just that easy to turn your back on a product you spent so much of your time and efforts supporting? Was it all for nothing...just a big waste? If anything, I can see some diehard TNA fans split their attention between them & WWE, but again, that is beneficial for BOTH companies, and for all of us fans...FIGHT for our attention, our money. We can be loyal to our options, you know!
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for the record, pope isnt a TNA original, he did a few years with WWE and WWECW, and the indies. and just recently joined the TNA ranks, only a few months before sean morely to be exact. just pointing that out. so now you can go back to crying with the OP
I saw you ... you had a purple shirt and I think a yellow tie. You guys in the front row are lame. Thanks for chanting "over-rated" for Mr Anderson. I bet your the same ones who chanted "who needs Bret" and chant "this is wrestling" and "this is awesome" 9 times every show. You guys need to be banned from the Impact zone.
Thinking about it, a lot of their chants are justified. Such as the bullshit ones on Jan 4th...What Hogan was saying was bullshit, and so was a DQ in a cage match...

But then there are a lot of stupid ones too. They should just share their opinions, and not try and get themselves over.
All I can say is that ever since Hogan and Bischoff came along TNA has been quite interesting. It seems the change they are trying to do would only be for the best interest of the company and it's fans. They seem to be pushing an "Attitude like" product which I can I say I actually enjoy, being a huge fan of the WWE Attitude era and all. They brought in Hogan and Bischoff because they know what they're doing, heck they almost put Vinny Mac out of business and with Vince Russo in the mix it'll now just be a matter of time before they secrue that Monday night spot and go head to head with Raw and who ends up winning? Us the fans!! Life is all about adaption so just adapt to this change. Trust me in the end you'll like it.
Anyone else notice after a few posts the OP has stopped responding? I think he realizes he's been verbally bitchslapped and is now cryingon the shoulder of the rest of his "crew". Either that or trying to pick fights with Securtiy at The Impact Zone and getting his punk ass arrested.

On topic, Do I agree with everything that Hogan and Eric are doing? No, something I look at I wonder just where something is going but I at least let it play out before I call it good or bad. Do I think the changes (fixing the stage, putting back the 4 sided ring) to the arena are good, yes I do. Anyone who says that they hate a company because of the 4 sided ring is clearly not a wretling fan since every company (with the expection of AAA and Ultimo Dragons fed) use a 4 sided ring yet they dont hate them for it. Yes it was different but after a while it wasn't something I looked at and got exicted about because the ring doesn't matter. It's what goes on from bell to bell.

The Impact Zone fans are (as I stated before) spoiled. They have been given this great gift that is TNA and they are shitting all over it because it's not what this guy wants or what hat guy wants. The fans in the Impact Zone are the fans that are hurting this company more than anything else.
Thinking about it, a lot of their chants are justified. Such as the bullshit ones on Jan 4th...What Hogan was saying was bullshit, and so was a DQ in a cage match...

But then there are a lot of stupid ones too. They should just share their opinions, and not try and get themselves over.

the only reason they dqed the match was cause no one could get to the wa suppose to finish with people falling off the top but they had to scrap it at the last second.look closely no could get up there.
So I'm keeping this short and sweet.

I never watched TnA before January 4th, I may have seen it for about 5minutes once or twice, but I had no interest in it.

Since January 4th I've watched 2 full Impacts and bought a Ppv. This is exactly what Carter and Hogan are aiming for. Bringing in casual WWE fans like me.
Wow, some people here need to calm down and grow the hell up. The 'Smark', 'Mark', 'Tampon' bullshit is ridiculous and immature. If theres one thing I've noticed on these boards, it's that any time a person wants to discredit the opinion of a fellow wrestling fan without actually addressing their argument, the first thing they do is throw out the 'smark' label. I think the term is used exclusively by people without a brain in their head or a point to their argument.

Bottom line is, wrestling fans are not obligated or required to react according to a script. MTV tried that with 'Wrestling Society X' or whatever, and it failed abysmally. The fans don't detract from the show, or ruin the matches, or any crap like that. I've never seen any community on the internet so absolutely fucking arrogant as to presume that everyone with a different opinon is wong and ruining the product, which we all love and want to succeed. I've yet to hear an intelligent argument about how it detracts from the show or turns away viewers when the fans boo a guy like Morley and cheer Daniels. These people will say that it DOES, but will never explain WHY. In reality, ANY reaction is good; it makes it seem as though the fans are interested and excited and involved in what they are seeing. Anyone over the age of 11 knows that pro wrestling is fake, and TNA isn't marketing to that demographic anyways. So booing the faces and cheering the heels shouldn't make a difference at all, because we all know it's NOT REAL.

You argue that 'smarks' are marking out for the X division or the ROH guys or whatnot, yet that's exactly what you are doing for Hogan, or Bischoff, or Mcmahon, or whoever else you agree with. I'm sorry if you're so dedicated to a given wrestler or idea that you can't tolerate people in the audience disagreeing with you, but guess what? That's life as an adult. Get over it.

Should Morley have been 'given a chance'? Of course not. Was Rocky Maivia given a chance? Nope. He wasn't given a chance, he earned the admiration or loathing of the crowd through his performances. Morley can do the same, if he's talented enough. He's already been 'given his chance': he's in the company. Like every other wrestler on the planet, getting over with the live crowd is now his JOB, and JOB's require WORK.

And it's not as though TNA is the only form of entertainment with loud fans creating chants or whatnot. This happens in every organized sport. Anywhere else, the performers/athletes and the fans are happy to have loud, vocal supporters of the home team. In TNA, a select group of fans demand that you respond in a particular way and agree with everything they say. Why? Because they presume they are the internet equivalents of the Eric Bischoff's and Vince Mcmahon's of the world, and want to chastize everyone else for their ignorance. In reality, we are all just wrestling fans who know nothing about the industry, except what we like to see. So knock it off with this idiotic holier-than-thou notion that we are all obligated to swallow whatever shit is fed to us, and smile while we eat it.

Now I'm not saying that TNA should be listening to only one group of fans, because obviously there aren't enough of them to turn TNA into a WWE competitor. To address the OP (now that I'm through addressing the children), TNA cannot survive in it's former state. As far as any of us understands, the Carter's entered a business relationship with TNA expecting certain results, and those have yet to be delivered. So TNA needs to get bigger, and there simply isn't a big enough market out there for wrestling purists or whatever term is appropriate to deliver those ratings.

We have no idea what the time table is for Hogan and Bischoff to deliver higher ratings and profits, and for all we know they may have very good cause to be pushing for so much change so quickly. I would say that I'm probably fairly similiar to yourself in terms of what I want to see in a wrestling show, ie what entertains me. But we are the minority. In order to sustain the entertainment we enjoy, there needs to be a certain amount of content aimed to a more general audience. I'm fine with that, and I recognize that I'm very out of touch with what the general audience wants to see (and in fact, I find their tastes ridiculous). So what I think is stupid might actually be entertainment gold to millions of viewers, and encourage them to keep watching the show and keep the product afloat, enabling fans like you and I to enjoy the content that we do like.

Of course, if the content that I enjoy is removed from TNA, I will stop watching. I'm not a 'TNA Loyalist', and I don't believe in such things. But hopefully TNA can manage to grow and prosper while still retaining the core performances and feel that made us fans in the first place. But the bottom line is; change is here. There's nothing any of us can do about it now. Things can't go back to the way they were, because it wasn't a sustainable model. Let's just hope it works out.
I consider myself a TNA loyalist, however I have never been to the iMPACT! zone because I live in Missouri, and I agree with u I liked the 6 sided ring, but I wont say hogan and his pals are killing TNA there hasnt been enough time to prove that either way, u are being a smark with these comments because u dont know how it will play out, only time will tell what Hogan will do. and a 4 sided ring makes a very VERY small difference
I Kind of agree with him since i was a TNA loyalist and i think some of the chants that the crowd were chanting last night was justified. I know Hogan and Bischoff want to attract new fans but they need to make the old ones happy as well and right now that not what's happenning. On the contrary they are alienating all most of the TNA fanbase with all these change. Why have all these changes happen at the same. In the space of 2 weeks, you had half the rosters replace by new guys. The remaining guys are either jobbers or are force to turn heel, the X-division is pretty much non-existant, same goes for the knockout division. And now, you have to turn the Impact into a replica of a WCW set from the mid-90'S. No wonder The TNA loyalist are piss of. THey took everything the Worked in TNA and decided it was broken. While i understand the reasonning behind the new ring, i don'T understand why they had to change it now. I thing if they would have made an angle out of it it would have be taken a lot better by the TNA Loyalist instead of just making the change for the sake of it and them insulting the TNA loyalist for having an opinion.
They are not alienating all the old fans. I have watched TNA and supported it since day 1 and I am willing to allow change and see what happens. Claiming that the "Crew" are the voice of TNA fans like he has it ridiculous. If they complain and bitch that TNA changes a ring or brings in some new guys are they loyalists and fans or are they bandwagon jumpers?
Claiming that the "Crew" are the voice of TNA fans like he has it ridiculous.
But they even gave themselves a name. They must be over! I'm pretty sure most people pay to see the antics of the Crucial Crew, not AJ Whatever, Kirk Angel, Huck Hoggen, or Samurai Joe. TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA!
Listen, I'm not going to go out of my way to chastise some of the very loyal and loud fans in the Impact Zone.
I've said more than once that I'd rather have a group of honest and passionate fans upfront than a bunch of hard-to-please drones in the crowd who do what they're told.

But, these TNA loyalists are going to have to decide whether they want TNA to really succeed or not.
Because they've gotten as far as they were they way they had been, and taking chances and making changes are the only way the company is going to grow.

I'm far from being a fan of Hogan, and I don't like some of the decisions he's made ( like bringing in some of his cronies ).
However, as far as I know, none of them are going to stay around beyond a couple of months, if that.
None of them are in any title pictures, and with the exception of Morley, have even gotten a win over any TNA 'Originals'.

So any doom-saying at this point is really more an anxiety than based on things that have happen.

And everyone paranoid about the younger TNA talents being released for Hogan's people--there's been NO indication that anything like that is happening yet. The only people who have been let go wanted to leave (Bashir) or was going to be released anyway (Deaner).

No one has been replaced. It's debatable where the storylines are headed, but no one is one the chopping block as far as I've heard.
Also, if you take a look at who all the TNA champions are, as if right now, none of them are one of Hogan's cronies.
If the Nasty Boys are tag champs, Orlando Jordan is main eventing and every Impact ends with The Band spray painting Beer Money or MCMG after jumping them, I'll join in with my own conspiracy theories.

Now, when it comes to censoring the crowd in the Impact Zone, TNA is in a more delicate situation.
They don't garner enough revenue or attendance to constantly travel for Impact yet, so in a way they're stuck there at the moment and alienated the vocal parts of that audience could make for some bad television.

I'd rather not have them barred because they're still fans and deserve to be allowed in as long as their not being too disruptive, but if people start to feel like they can't express themselves as they did before Hogan came along, that's going to continue the backlash to all the changes happening.
Hogan and Bischoff definitely should have researched the nature of fans their dealing with at the Impact Zone, because their acting like they had not idea things would be like this. But some of this is just TNA 'loyalist' being unreasonable.

For example, the move from the 6-sided to 4-sided ring is has really been overplayed.
I could do without the ramp, and they need to free up some space around the ring, but the new ring itself is fine. It's just not as big of a deal as some fans are making it. Here's why:

1.) Early TNA used a 6-sided ring, so it's not as if they haven't had one before. Hell, I remember people complaining about the 6-sided ring when that debuted!

2.) Wrestling in the 6-sided isn't going to hurt the performance of the wrestlers, even the X-Division wrestlers, because almost all of those guys have wrestled in the indies or Japan and know how to retain their style in a 4 -sided ring. Not to mention that the average wrestler trains in a traditional 4-sided ring anyway.

3.) TNA is not becoming 'more like the WWE' because the ring 4 sides.
The WWE didn't invent the concept of having a 4-sided wrestling ring.
That's been around for ages and anyone who pegs TNA's identity on the shape of the ring have a very shallow respect for them indeed. Shouldn't the talent and maybe the production set you apart from competition, and not the damn ring?

4.) I personally could care less about the ring as long as the wrestlers are fine with it, but, there were wrestling fans who though the 6 sides of the ring made TNA look 'bush-league'. If TNA wants to pick up those fans, the ring was going to have to change, and quite frankly, it's not a big deal. Sorry.

I'm sure it's hard to deal with TNA changing because it's been running on the same format for sometime, but they want to compete, and those changes, like the ring, are the sacrifices they have to make.
I really think some of the Impact Zone loyalist want TNA to grow, but on their terms, and it doesn't look like it going to work that way.

I can understand the sentiments as well.
Hogan in many ways represents what alot of TNA fans had come to despise about pro wrestlers. The ego, the politics, not wanting to step aside and let the new guard in, etc.

I don't like Hogan, but if he's doing his best to help the company and they get more fans because of it, then that's a good thing.
I want TNA to grow and be real competition for the WWE, and I'm not going to hold them back because of the general anxiety and the sides of the ring.
Watching back I did in fact see the "Twat 12"...oh I mean the "Crucial Crew". I watche dthe Abyss/Anderson match and I did see our little shirt and tie wearing buddy. When Anderson won they turned their backs on the ring and held up the little hand signal. Do you guys know that people were looking at you and laughing at the ridiculous, moron, pathetic people you are? I saw it on screen of people laughing at you guys thinking you are being cool and cutting edge by turning your back on the show (someting you guys wouldn't have thought of doing before Bischoff did it as One Night Stand). By the way good try at duplicating the ECW fans (hat guy, sign guy) by trying to be noticed with your purple shirt and yellow tie. Hope you have fun looking like tools. Im not sure if the Impact zone allows concessions but if they did I would be the first to throw a drink on you peices of crap.
Underworld, were you the one wearing a purple shirt and yellow tie at Genesis? If that's you and your crew I've gotta say that I was annoyed as hell by you guys throughout the PPV and that you aren't a very good dresser. The "sit down Brooke" chant was classy. Really helped TNA by getting the audience at home, many probably first time ppv customers like myself, into the match. It wasn't at all distracting. What I am essentially trying to say is that if you truly care about TNA like you say you do then cooperate. No one is going to call you a conformist if that's what you are scared of. If you are trying to create the perception that everyone has your jackass opinions, and God help us, TNA management falls for it, you will have helped run the company into the ground rather than help it succeed. Oh and the season ticket holder card is BS, typically season ticket holders have to pay for their tickets. How often have you paid for a TNA ticket?
I hate to say it buddy, but you're gonna have to either suck it up or stop watching TNA. You and your friends are about what, 10 people? Yeah, TNA definitely doesn't need you to succeed. If you really loved TNA and wanted it to grow, then you would embrace the new changes. It's not like they're making any big firings or dropping any major figures. I think it's selfish to not want TNA to grow just because of some minor changes. TNA is truly an alternative to the WWE. In a day where WWE is boring and watered down, TNA is edgy and exciting. This is the best I've ever seen TNA. Get over whatever you're pissing about. Sorry, but its the truth.
I Have been goin to TNA Wrestling shows since 2004 (Since Raven was NWA Champ) I was there when kurt Angle first showed up I was at the Slammiverary Roit in 07 and I must say I Hate the 4 sides in TNA I see no real reason that TNA can not continue to move foward with a 6-sided ring i was watching the PPV live on sunday and i could clearly see that the talent under preformed tht night simply because they where used to the ^ Side and the Way TNA NEEDS TO Be. is there slogan is "cross the line" own up to it dont wimp out and became what people dont want you to be to compete with WWE Be inovative not preditable....
That's a great post and all but really why ruin it for other people just going and having a good time? Besides you guys get in for free. It's not like you bought tickets. The crowd at the PPV last night, at least on TV, came across as idiots. You guys are ruining it for yourselves because what's going to happen is TNA is going to get out of there soon.

Some of the chants are just stupid. Who cares if TNA goes back to using a 4 sided ring? I, for one, think it's a great idea. The two extra sides made no difference in matches and it started to look like a joke. The entire set up last night from the entrance to the stage/ramp going to the ring, to the 4 sided ring to the new lighting everything came across looking way better than anything TNA had before.

I mean really it's just so ******ed to chant to get someone fired. I've really disliked TNA being in the impact zone all the way back to when the idiot fans were chanting "fire Russo!". Sorry to say it, I don't care if you guys attend all the shows but you guys act like morons and chanting for someone to be fired is ridiculous. You guys are not the kind of fans that TNA should be catering towards. TNA should not be RoH or ECW (even though I'm a huge fan of the original ECW). TNA has to be the next WCW and cater to a mainstream audience and not some stupid smarks who think chanting "this is awesome!" or "fire Russo!" or "We want six sides!" is cool. I can't wait for TNA to get out of that TV studio they're in now and move on to bigger and better things.
I hear alot of people making the argument that the wrestlers underperformed last night. You can't put that on the ring change. They were not told before hand and it probably threw off some of their plans. To say that the ring change is screwing up the wrestlers is BS. TNA tapes Mondays, Tuesdays and maybe Wed two weeks a month, the rest of the time those guys are in indie feds or in other coutnries that use 4 sided rings. To say that the ring will mess up the wrestlers is asinine.
I Agree They Need to Go Other places Then The Impact Zone if they want to Move foward They Dont need more talent,i belive TNA already has the best talent in the world and the biggest step to competeing with The 'E is going to bigger Venues ,selling out and Tearing The house down
Hardcore TNA fans can't have it both ways. TNA fans are just that TNA fans, they are not casual wrestling fans. Which are pretty much the people who watch WWE, which some call mainstream. If you want TNA to remain the product it has been from the beginning, then guess what it will never appeal to casual fans and never be bigger than it is now. Sorry, but that is FACT.

I can understand the main posters feeling. Even I think it's a little harsh for a producer to come down and tell you to shut up, but at the same time I can't look bad one the TNA officals either. You people aren't helping at all. Hogan and bischoff are ACTUALLY trying something here. They know the business way better than you EVER will. Hell ECW fans knew the business more than any of you.

TNA hasn't done anything in 4 years. It's tried everyting to become mainstream,while at the same time stay the same. It's tried plain wrestling, it's tried Russo Attitude era angles, it's tried bringing in big stars. None of it worked. You can not have it both way.

Hogan knows the glammer and glitz of the busines, he know BIG. He knows what appeals. Bischoff understand wrestling and booking.

Could it all fail, you bet. But in the end at least TNA went all out to try to make TNA something, because on it's own doing it's same old thing would have never made it big at all.

To tell you the truth, and I'm mean no offense, but I've always thought it was you people that distracted from the show. ECW fans were hardcore, they knew the business, and were smart to know how thing went down. You guys are just poor imitations of them. Why not just keep quite and see what happens. In truth we won't see Hogan/Bischoffs version of TNA for another month.

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