They are Hardy, Jarrett, Abyss, Hogan and Bischoff; The Immortals

That was definitely a great swerve. Was it bash at the beach or wm17 great? No. But this is tna, not a wrestling powerhouse like wwe or wcw was. I did not see anyone predict this. My questions now are, so they is people already in tna? That's kinda lame, I guess they were always there. Was hogans injury a swerve on us all? Is sting now face for knowing and trying to stop it? Is he going to lead a fraction against it? Many more questions need to be answered come impact.
(This post has been kayfabed)

I have to ask, is Sting a pussy, a ******, or both? He knew from the day that Hogan walked into TNA that Hogan was a bad guy. He's been on this big crusade against Hogan. Of course, he never actually told the world what he knew Hogan was up to. (Out of kayfabe, that's because what Hogan was up to was ******ed. If you want to get the belt off of RVD and onto Jeff Hardy, there are less ******ed ways to do it than a plan that has Abyss running around like an idiot for three months, finally branding people on camera.)

When Jarrett walked out on Joe, Sting had to know that Jarrett was in on whatever it was. Why just let Jarrett walk away? Why not bail and get Pope and Nash to bail from the ring and go after Jarrett?

So when Hogan and Bischoff came out and screwed over Angle and Anderson, where was Sting? For all the good he did, for all he accomplished, he might as well have stayed home all year and played Wii or Xbox. Maybe that should be his plan for 2011.

Too bad they didn't implement your theory of Bob and Janice that you speculated about over the last few weeks. I told you earlier today in some thread (not sure if you read it or not) that your theory would be better and would make more sense than what actually transpired.

Why have the angle result in they being Hogan and Bischoff, other than the obvious answer that their egos have to put them front and centre in ever storyline, which ever company is in question? Didn't they already have control? Why was there so much talk of the fact that "they" were coming, when every member of the group has already been there? How will they explain Kurt Angle losing but not retiring, because you know goddman well that he may take a brief hiatus, but he's not actually going anywhere.

This is a classic example of a clusterf**k. Throw absolutely everything out there over a period of months, with no direction or forethought, and then resolve the storyline because you can refer back to any aspect of what happened previously to make sense of it.
I know there is a thread or two on it but I want to direct this to everyone who thinks it was a flop or horrible.

-2008: Jeff wins his first ever title after months of climbing to the top and failing. Now this is still kayfabe wise. He loses it before main event Wrestlemania.

-2009:Then gets another shot against Edge. He wins then Punk cashes in and winning the belt before Hardy could have a legit reign.

Now, this is TWO title shots that Hardy failed to be successful in.

He chased Punk and still could not win, resulting into a "I leave if I don't win" match which he lost.

Fast forward to 2010: He debuts in January. He grabs a contract with Shannon.

-March 8th: He returns as an official member of the roster, his first match? Against AJ STYLES who was the CHAMP.

-He then faces against RVD for a title shot. He LOST. Which had RVD WIN the title when Jeff was supposed to win that match but being a face, he showed no signs of hatred.

-Hogan starts calling RVD the future of TNA and the face. Which was all a lie to set up Abyss getting a title shot once Hogan made Abyss his student and eventually him turning against Hogan which sparked a fire under RVD taking Hogan's side allowing a TITLE match vs. Abyss.

-Sting vs. RVD...Remember DECEPTION? Sting knew the plan all along.

-Victory Road 2010: RVD vs. Abyss vs. Hardy vs. Anderson.

-A match where Hardy was supposed to win. But it never happened. If you re-watch, RVD was going to win until Abyss went nuts and that prolonged this plan they had in effect.

-Abyss eventually takes out RVD with Janice. Which FORCED the belt off of him setting up a Tourny for Hardy to win. That's around the same time Abyss started talking about "They" and 10.10.10.

-Hardy vs. Angle? Who won? That's right NOBODY. Bischoff wanted to throw both men into the main event but Dixie overruled. Eventually both of them got into the main event. Why? It would have been easy to get the belt on Hardy AND get Kurt to retire since he is the biggest threat in the company. They used his own "Win or Retire" angle to their advantage.

-Let's not forget Angle and Anderson had so much build up with each other that Hardy was the Dark Horse. That explains why the last 2 weeks of build up for the 3 Way match did not include Jeff Hardy.

Where does Jeff Jarret fit into it? He was a scapegoat to keep guys like Sting, Nash and Pope looking like the crazy ones talking shit since they knew what was going on.

He simply got paid off by screwing Dixie who screwed him over last year when she took the company from him.

It's a great storyline which was built from the start.
I'll save most of my opinions and analysis of what happened for my PPV Review thread on the Old School PPV Reviews subforum. But sufficient to say, I was shocked that Hardy was involved in the "They" storyline. Jarrett to a lesser degree since I didn't know if TNA was going to link Deception and "They" together, which they did. I think someone had to be blind to not see Bischoff being involved after last Thursday's Impact when he clearly gave visible keys of his inevitable turn.

We all have to watch Thursday to see how Hardy does as a heel. I'm anxious to see whether Hardy can do the heel promo and turn well. Not every wrestler is great doing both extremes of the wrestling psychology. Many wrestlers have been great villains but make lousy "faces," and the opposite is true as well. Was this the game changing night TNA promised? In the promotion in terms of storyline, yes. It gives a clear us vs. them mentality now which can possibly lead to some intriguing TV if booked right. It obviously didn't have any effect on the entire industry (as both major promotions try to brainwash all of us to believe), but for TNA, it could be a good change if booked right.

While it wasn't the greatest thing that's ever happened, it wasn't the worst.
As I said in the LD, this was a backup plan.

That's right, a backup plan. The first mention of THEY came when Abyss turned on Hogan and said he'd be out of power, along with Dixie and maybe Bichoff (I can't remember if he said Bichoff in this promo). Then he took Hogan's ring and shoved it down his throat. Thus, everyone can keep peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining, but that fact alone makes this the single worst booked angle in history. By far.

This was supposed to be Heyman. It always was. Heyman would have legitimately tried to seize power and it would have made sense. I actually thought it might happen and TNA had one over on us, but they couldn't get Heyman so they went with HogOff (you know, the two "masterminds" that barely share one brain). They also added Jarrett, who is absolutely perfect for the angle since he was against Hogan from the beginning since he built the compnay and Hogan didn't have the same vision. So obviously, Jarrett made perfect sense here..........

All this to take out a 120 pound lady who didn't have power to begin with because Hogan and Bischoff always made rulings and were in charge anyway.

The Jeff heel turn was a bit of a shock, but overall, this a a colossal failure on so many levels. Feel free to debate me all night and forever, but it's true and if you think about it, you all know it.
I didnt see the PPV and I'm a 40 yr old wrestling fan from the early 80's, some of the 90's through now. TNA has a shot to get gain market if they create appeal. I sorta got into the "They" angle as Abyss hyped it non-stop. Jeff Hardy personally doesn't do much for me, but I realize he's got a big following so in a way it's a similar swerve to Hogan turning. Will it work? Maybe. I'd really love to hear Lance Storm's take as he usually has a strong opinion into the way the plot coulda/woulda/shoulda play out. My question is WHO are you putting over by creating "They"? Or why didnt you put over some of the younger talent or talent they need to get over? So many diff ways to do it, this one on the outside doesn't look overly appealing but I'll check Impact to see where this goes. WWE creates Nexxus to get over younger talent, yet TNA still hasnt figured out a formula, minus Fourtune. I just started reading "Controversy Creates Cash" by Eric Bischoff and the "They" angle could've taken on w some of the past history but from the sound of it didnt go that direction, yet. On a totally diff note, the Eric Young stuff is freaking hilarious. It's taken forever for me to take a liking to EY's character, now this could work. Finally, I would've preferred to see the Ric Flair vs Mick Foley in a wrestling match not a blood bath last Thursday, but it still was cool to see from a nostalgic view. Come on TNA, impress us!!
I will wait to pass judgment on this for several weeks as it hasn't had time to develop yet. Lots of people are already trashing it and saying that everybody who likes it is nothing but a TNA mark. But truth is this could be something big for TNA.

Kind of a letdown that there wasn't anybody new coming in. But who is really available. Y2J, Batista, HBK, Helms, Carlito, Burchill, Snitsky. Maybe Heyman in a mastermind role. The first 3 are the only real game changers and with that they are the 3 least likely people for it to be as the money would have to be off the charts and keeping it under wraps nearly impossible.

If Hogan's injuries were a work then I was totally fooled. I hear the Bubba the Love Sponge show everyday and Hogan is always calling in, and they have talked about his injuries so again if it's a work, great job.

I like that RVD beat Abyss as he will now be in line to go after the title from Hardy. These 2 have been very close and has the making for a great feud between them. The 2 matches they had at SummerSlam and Invasion during the Invasion angle were classics. Don't know if they can recapture it now but I'd love to see them try.

Not sure where all of this is going to leave Angle, Sting, Pope, Joe, Anderson, I know Nash is retiring (or so Twitter says),
Been watching wrestling for long enough to see every gimick redone. We don't need this new faction. Especially a bunch of guys that can't deliever. The only sverve might be Harrdy going to jail and RVD with the title as part of they would be different. But how would the storyline explain the actions of Abyss. There is no way Hardy can keep the title given the competition. It was different but boring, about like EV2 vs Fourtune.
I'm disappointed.
to start, I never saw it on PPV or stream so I'm only going by what people say.

EV2.0 with Dreamer pinning Styles? WTF complete garbage. way to build Fortune, have them lose. idiots! so now I guess EV2.0 is still around longer? what about Fortune now? Fortune, loaded with future TNA stars, lose to a bunch of has beens! Dreamer and Rhino are really the only ones any good, and that's a stretch with Dreamer who is past his prime. FAIL

just because it was a surprise to see Hardy turn heel, doesn't make it the right move to do. both Angle and Anderson would have been better choices. Anderson would have been the best heel and someone who could have held the title for a long period, same with Angle. Hardy? Hardy seems more like a mid card wrestler to me than a regular main event wrestler, now hes champion in the new heel stable? I'll have to wait and see how he does as a heel, but I don't buy him being a long time champion.
maybe I don't know all on Jeff Jarrett. did he actually come out to help Bischoff/Hogan/Hardy? or people assuming Jarrett is in there? in the tag match, Jarrett simply walked out on Joe? I don't think that automatically makes Jarrett heel. I hope Jarrett is not involved. this new group already has Hogan and Bischoff who don't wrestle, even Jarrett himself doesn't seem like a full time main event wrestler anymore. plus Nash/Sting/Pope never came out at the end either? so even though Nash/Sting have been going on week after week about how Hogan and Bischoff are cancer, once Hogan and Bischoff show that Nash/Sting are right, Nash/Sting do nothing? that's a huge FAIL. why have Nash/Sting go off every week for and then they are not involved?
so I assume we know "they" are atleast Hogan, Bischoff, Hardy, Abyss. maybeJarrett. IMO not one of them I would consider a long time main event champion similar to what Hogan was with nWo back in WCW.
even with this exact story line, it could have been done better.. and this story line isn't OMG the way I was expecting.

even with Angle losing, you KNOW he is not going to retire. he's going to come up with something how he's been screwed and wants revenge.

I guess I should not be surprised that TNA didn't match the hype. these are the same people who took the title off of AJ Styles and dropped him way down in the pecking order to give the belt to RVD, plus tried some ridiculous angle of making the monster Abyss face with the powers of Hogan's ring.

atleast "they" were not Bob and Janice Carter, although I think TNA used those names for a reason to make people think, rather than just happened to use those 2 exact names.
I know there is a thread or two on it but I want to direct this to everyone who thinks it was a flop or horrible.

-2008: Jeff wins his first ever title after months of climbing to the top and failing. Now this is still kayfabe wise. He loses it before main event Wrestlemania.

-2009:Then gets another shot against Edge. He wins then Punk cashes in and winning the belt before Hardy could have a legit reign.

Now, this is TWO title shots that Hardy failed to be successful in.

He chased Punk and still could not win, resulting into a "I leave if I don't win" match which he lost.

Fast forward to 2010: He debuts in January. He grabs a contract with Shannon.

-March 8th: He returns as an official member of the roster, his first match? Against AJ STYLES who was the CHAMP.

-He then faces against RVD for a title shot. He LOST. Which had RVD WIN the title when Jeff was supposed to win that match but being a face, he showed no signs of hatred.

-Hogan starts calling RVD the future of TNA and the face. Which was all a lie to set up Abyss getting a title shot once Hogan made Abyss his student and eventually him turning against Hogan which sparked a fire under RVD taking Hogan's side allowing a TITLE match vs. Abyss.

-Sting vs. RVD...Remember DECEPTION? Sting knew the plan all along.

-Victory Road 2010: RVD vs. Abyss vs. Hardy vs. Anderson.

-A match where Hardy was supposed to win. But it never happened. If you re-watch, RVD was going to win until Abyss went nuts and that prolonged this plan they had in effect.

-Abyss eventually takes out RVD with Janice. Which FORCED the belt off of him setting up a Tourny for Hardy to win. That's around the same time Abyss started talking about "They" and 10.10.10.

-Hardy vs. Angle? Who won? That's right NOBODY. Bischoff wanted to throw both men into the main event but Dixie overruled. Eventually both of them got into the main event. Why? It would have been easy to get the belt on Hardy AND get Kurt to retire since he is the biggest threat in the company. They used his own "Win or Retire" angle to their advantage.

-Let's not forget Angle and Anderson had so much build up with each other that Hardy was the Dark Horse. That explains why the last 2 weeks of build up for the 3 Way match did not include Jeff Hardy.

Where does Jeff Jarret fit into it? He was a scapegoat to keep guys like Sting, Nash and Pope looking like the crazy ones talking shit since they knew what was going on.

He simply got paid off by screwing Dixie who screwed him over last year when she took the company from him.

It's a great storyline which was built from the start.

Exactly it all fits the bill. Jarrert wanted payback against Dixe for screwing him over in his own company, Bishoff and Hogan think they can take TNA to next level, but Dixie keeps getting in their way, and making key decisions and they do not like that, Abyss just in it for own glry in company and Hardy the same. So yeah it does all work out perfectly and Hogan and Bishoff are good heels, Jarrert should of never turned face cause he a good heel too, Abyss good heel and Jeff might can be good heel. Cannot wait to see were this thing gonna lead to. Obviously gonna be Sting/Pope/Anderson/Joe vs. Abyss/Hardy/Jarrert/Anoter superstar they can add fill void.
To me it doesnt make any sense, but hey most storylines dont these days, i dont think this was the time for this, Hogan, and Bishoff people saw it coming but Hardy doesnt make any sense, I guess we will see in time
This is a classic example of a clusterf**k. Throw absolutely everything out there over a period of months, with no direction or forethought, and then resolve the storyline because you can refer back to any aspect of what happened previously to make sense of it.

TNA management is completely clueless, and they proved it with their derivative drivel tonight. Once again Hogan and Bischoff have turned heel, and will take over the company. Who didn't see that coming? Not only is TNA creative unable to tell a compelling and consistent story, they lack originality of any kind. Does TNA have an original thought beyond 2001? It doesn't appear so. TNA is nothing more than glorified fan art; drawn by rich girl playing with daddies money. At this point TNA product contributes nothing original to the wrestling business whatsoever. If anything TNA is constantly pulling the quality down further(If that were possible) by relying on cheap hot shooting, over indulgence of blood, sleazy half naked, second rate bimbo's instead of actual women wrestlers, and regurgitated angles from the 80's, 90's and early 2000's.
I can see how the storyline made sense except for Abyss/Hogan. Would Hogan allow his own ring to be shoved down his throat to take power? Why beat up and bloody up Hogan only to have him be behind it? It's one thing to take a powerbomb through a table; it's another to nearly choke on a metal ring.

I felt like Hardy would win and join Hogan and Bischoff, but I thought it'd be Jarrett AND Joe joining. THEY still disappointed me because no one new came in. I would have bought Hogan and Bischoff turning if someone new came in. It doesn't even need to be a WWE reject. ANYONE we haven't seen before. That was the true beauty of the NWO. Some new wrestlers coming in and changing up things. This feels more like NWO 2000, when Bret Hart and Jarrett joined Hall and Nash to beat up Goldberg to form a new NWO that wasn't any different. Plus, didn't A.J. Styles turn pretty much the same manner with Flair?

Now this leads a corporate power struggle behind Hogan's group with Bischoff, Hardy, Abyss and Jarrett facing Dixie's group which should be Angle (who can break his own stipulation to get revenge) RVD, Anderson, Sting, and The Pope. Fourtune won't care, Samoa Joe will hate everybody, and EV2 will just be there to job to people. I'll watch Impact still but I feel very disappointed that THEY were nothing new.
Damn its only been a couple hours and people are already calling it a bust like they seen the future and know whats going to happen. Damn yall let it play out first before you start calling it a waste. Until then the IWC needs to shut the fuck up and stop bitching about every little thing. Never satisfied.
Horrible reveal, I would have preferred a new church group rolling in on a tide of violence with James Mitchell at the helm, instead Easy E does the heel turn we all knew he would do and Hogan is also a heel now as well.

Tying this angle to the Jarret/Sting angle just makes it stranger still since now suddenly Pope who went heel 2 weeks ago is now face again....ok, as well as Sting and Nash suddenly being faces as well w/e guess it coukld work out.

Overall it is compelling, but for the wrong reasons like watching a trainwreck type reasons.
This new faction or collective or whatever you wanna call them has all the makings of instant chanel changing for me.Hardy's run in TNA thus far has been medicore at best and i think thats a big reason why this heel turn leaves me with a big "wow that was it" feeling. Now were left with the prime heel faction consisting of three guys in there 50's(i guess Jarret has to be closing in on 50)an ex WWE guy who might be in prison in the next few months and Abyss! As a whole these guys dont really strike me as being cool or wanting to pay money to see these guys get there cumupence(spelling?) on a PPV!
I love TNA and will always watch and even continue to defend them against WWE fans/TNA haters.

I think this story line could be good, but I would not call this great like I was expecting.
if you want people to blame, I'm sure you can start with the 2 who turned heel in Hogan and Bischoff, but also throw in Vince Russo.

I think one of the main reasons TNA did this with Hardy is because he is so popular and well known with WWE fans and sells so much merchandise that this could potentially increase ratings and bring over WWE fans.

there are still alot of questions, like what happens to Abyss with the potential firing? what is Dixie going to do/say? still room to build.
I do think I'm going to enjoy this as it builds more, but I just think TNA could have been better.
I was hoping for something OMG shocking, and that did not happen.
Damn its only been a couple hours and people are already calling it a bust like they seen the future and know whats going to happen. Damn yall let it play out first before you start calling it a waste. Until then the IWC needs to shut the fuck up and stop bitching about every little thing. Never satisfied.

Trying to re-create the NWO/ attitude era is futile;like trying to catch lightening in a bottle. Most fans have accepted this reality and want to see something fresh. With the talent TNA has in place, there is no reason why this company couldn't put out a better product, without relying on regurgitated ideas from a decade ago. TNA has become like Hollywood; nothing but horror remakes and comic book movies. I like the idea of Hardy turning heel, but more as a lone wolf/antihero type character. He hasn't set the world on fire since the WWE machine went bye bye. So this could be a fresh start for him.
That's why the storyline is going to be one to follow, have you ever seen Hardy as a heel??? we seen Matt Hardy as a heel, but not Jeff. the fans LOVE Jeff, how will he work as a heel???

the one and only time i remember Jeff being heel was when the Hardys first joined the main roster in WWF, when they were with Michael Hayes and then eventually became the new Brood with Gangrel.. after that, i think Jeff has always been face..

anyway, i was shocked he turned heel, but this whole "They" was disappointing as everyone else has already said, too much hype for months to be letdown.. but i am still curious to see where this goes
The swerve wasnt all that bad, alot of people have said give it a chance and i think that is a fair assumption. Really my interest is not with Hardy, but rather with Sting. I mean, as many have stated,m but i feel is not being pushed enough, STING WAS RIGHT and STING SAW THE WHOLE THING COMING. To me that is a bigger payoff then a Hogan/Bischoff turn. Sting character over the past couple of months i admit disappointed me, and i remember asking msyelf "Why ddi he come back, for this?" But in wrestling, it is all about the payoff. Sting comes out smelling like roses. Of course alot will have to be answered, but i think "They" and "Deception" ultimately had to play off one another. But well see how it plays out, im not really bummed or excited, but it makes me want to watch on Thrusday...and in the end, isnt that the point?
Trying to re-create the NWO/ attitude era is futile;like tying to catch lightening in a bottle. Most fans have accepted this reality and want to see something fresh. With the talent TNA has in place, there is no reason why this company couldn't put out a better product, without relying on regurgitated ideas from a decade ago. TNA has become like Hollywood; nothing but horror remakes and comic book movies. I like the idea of Hardy turning heel, but more as a lone wolf/antihero type character. He hasn't set the world on fire since the WWE machine went bye bye. So this could be a fresh start for him.

All im saying is how do you know its gonna be a NWO remake completely? people never know, in the next week or 2 some really big shit could happen that will blow everybody outta there seat. But according to the IWC smart asses, they can see the future and know whats going to happen. All im saying is let it play out before you say its the worst.
there have been rumours of potentially Matt Hardy coming to TNA. I was actually excited for that. I thought Matt and Jeff could have teamed up again and been a great tag team to compete with Beer Money/MCMG/ect. but no, now Jeff is champion? sorry, not buying him as main event heavy weight champion.
you know why hardy ended up getting the title an being part of they? its because of that dumbass comment that RVD made a while back, basically branding him an Hardy as ROCKSTARS.........Hardy didn't want anything to do with that comment, so Russo, Bischoff, Hogan, Prichard got together an decided to scrap the "THEY" gimmick original finish an do this.......distance Hardy AWAY from RVD, Keep Hardy as one of the Boys, an then have him piss on the fans an say if RVD is a ROCKSTAR then I AM A GOD! I can sit here now an see where this exactly was a good idea.......but earlier boy was I pissed off

u know what sucks? is that again THE COMPANY THAT BRANDED STING ITS FRANCHISE TURNED ON STING AN DIDNT BELIEVE HIM......Stinger man I've always been a fan of urs, but now seems like the time to run to wwf an take a year or so in that company an retire after making your debut an winning on the grandest stage of them all.....WRESTLEMANIA!
this just goes to show that hogan and bitchoff have to be in the spotlight. im a huge hardy fan and im glad to see him turn heel because this is something new for him and something that could help him as a performer. the only problem i have with this whole situation is that hogan, bitchoff, and jarrett are involved. i dont mind hardy being part off they but i just wish they had a different group of wrestlers involved. i think a great group could have been something like hardy, abyss, suicide (considering we havent seen him in a while), daffney (as the woman of the group), james mitchell, and maybe few guys just brought in. they could be like the outcasts of the organization. a dark and gritty group that can just be something different. i just dont like the fact that hogan and bischoff have to be at the center of everything. rather then them being on camera every thursday they could give that precious tv time to superstars that need it like amazing red, desmond wolfe, hernandez, kiyoshi, and suicide. all these guys are on the payroll so use them. these are very talented wrestlers put them to use.
All im saying is how do you know its gonna be a NWO remake completely? people never know, in the next week or 2 some really big shit could happen that will blow everybody outta there seat.But according to the IWC smart asses, they see the future and know whats going to happen. All im saying is let it play out before you say its the worst.

I do think this could be good, at least I hope so. I hope TNA has some surprises in the future.
however, pretty much everyone KNEW that Hogan and Bischoff were going to turn heel. that was not surprising at all.

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