They are Hardy, Jarrett, Abyss, Hogan and Bischoff; The Immortals

couldn't they get another person to debut ? Somebody give them Batista's number or something.

What, and then give everyone another excuse to bitch about how TNA is simply taking another former big WWE name? This world is full of Madden wannabes...bitching about TNA no matter what they do.
I would have loved to see Jeff attack Hogan with the crutch. It would have been amusing as hell. Thus making it Hardy,Bishoff,Jarret & Abyss. But all together I liked the PPV a nice 8/10 PPV. The whole They angle was decent, sure as hell shocking with a Hardy turn.
I knew Hogan and Bischoff were going to be part of "They" and be a part of the deception angle as well. I also knew all the reports of Hogan not being at Bound For Glory was a work. I knew he would show up. I knew Jeff Jarrett was going to be involved in the deception angle, but had no idea he was going to be a part of "They". However, I had no idea it was going to be Jeff Hardy turning. I figured it was going to be Angle or Anderson. TNA hiding the fact that it was going to be Hardy, was brilliant. Big time swerve. But people should stop trying to compare it to the Bash At The Beach '96. NO swerve will ever be as big as BATB '96 was...if there is, it wont be for a VERY long time.

Now with that said, I will say, just because TNA turned Jeff Hardy, doesn't make me care about Hardy anymore more than I did. I haven't cared for Hardy since the original TLC tag matches, and this still doesn't make me care for Jeff Hardy.

Anyway, the PPV was probably the best PPV of 2010 and I enjoyed everything from the bottom of the card to the main event. Good work, TNA.
Well Hardy showed up with that inked up ******** Shannon Moore and they got those contracts I remember. Now it's settling in, Hardy being the heel doesn't seem so bad. But it's still pissing me off how Hogan turned as well. There was probably no need for that. In his head, he'll see it as all about him.
my last post got deleted so here we go again minus the profanity lol abyss finally revealed "they" is hardy,jarret,hogan,and bischoff, these people dont seem to fit in to the "they" abyys kept refering to they were the 1s tht made abyss hardcore again none of these ppl have tht ability, so yea and dnt put this with the official "they" thread because this is just a disection of every member of "they" and who else people would of made "they"

1. Hogan- okay abyss left hogan for "they" which turned out to be hogan? um wtf can any1 explain this to me?

2. eric bischoff- i just dont like him, never have, not in wcw, not in wwf, not now nor never.

3. jeff jarett- i was hoping deception anf they were not the same storyline but guess i was wrong..damn...again i nevere liked JJ either he isnt heel material

4. Jeff Hardy- i can stand him as a heel, but as part of they im pretty mad i mean what does he offer "they" and what was TNA creative thinking.

now who would you have liked to see as "they" me personally wouldve like el zorro, cibernitco, el messias, Los Psycho Circus an maybe some other AAA stars to be "they" so please your feedback

sorry for grammer people, an note to admin sry for my other profanity filled post, an please do not merge this with the main "they" discussion because this is about who people wouldve made they and a disection of the members now
I wouldn't have made anyone They. I wouldn't have put this angle together. What a mess, with a shitty payoff. Sure, it was a surprise, but when you know a surprise is coming for like 8 months the surprise needs to be something pretty huge, and I don't see "Jeff Hardy heel turn" as huge.
It was predictable but nobody is saying it was the wrong call. Sometimes, predictability is the right thing to do. Listen, nobody wants to see Jarrett PERIOD. No matter what, JJ's always going to get hate and be laughed at in any wrestling fed.

The role Hardy was in tonight seem like something made for what Anderson has become. Hardy can't cut heel promos at all. It's like Rey Mysterio going heel or something like that, but it was unexpected. Either way, I'm intrigued to see how it plays out. I didn't see it coming, but I will be proven right when he cuts some of the most unintentionally comical promos of all time.
Oh hell no, "They" turned out to be Hogan, Bishoff, Abyss, Jarrett, and Hardy. What is wrong with TNA. For Abyss to be hyping 10/10/10 and "They" for so long this is the best TNA has to offer. So now TNA has various factions with no point. Fortune, EV 2.0, and "They". What a complete waste of time and money for the biggest flop in pro wrestling.

Note to Dixie Carter: if you plan a huge surprise, make sure the surprise is worth all the hype. Next time trying saving money and sign real wrestlers who can make an impact such as Roderick Strong, Chris Hero, Delirious, Claudio Castagnoli, Ares, Mike Quackenbush. Names like these will be worth the money for a PPV
It was predictable but nobody is saying it was the wrong call. Sometimes, predictability is the right thing to do. Listen, nobody wants to see Jarrett PERIOD. No matter what, JJ's always going to get hate and be laughed at in any wrestling fed.

The role Hardy was in tonight seem like something made for what Anderson has become. Hardy can't cut heel promos at all. It's like Rey Mysterio going heel or something like that, but it was unexpected. Either way, I'm intrigued to see how it plays out. I didn't see it coming, but I will be proven right when he cuts some of the most unintentionally comical promos of all time.

I'm totally with you on that. I mean...why would you make Jeff Hardy, a man who has never been a memorable heel, your top heel when you have a natural heel in Mr. Anderson on your roster? Then again, I'm assuming that Bischoff is going to do most of the talking.
Why is everyone saying Jeff can't cut heel promos? He has never been a significant heel before so to just write it off like that is ridiculous.
I am very interested to see how this plays out for TNA. I'm wondering whats going to happen with Sting and Pope with "they" (Nash is retiring). I hope TNA doesn't screw this up and noting is wrong with "they" except with Hardy. I like Jeff but he's almost in jail turning Angle or Anderson heel would of been better.
As a guy who has enjoyed most of what TNA has been doing for awhile, and who enjoyed most of that PPV, even I can't defend the finish to that Main Event (which was also turning into an excellent match before the finish). And check out my name, I'm a longtime Hogan mark. But the booking was bad, the execution was bad, and it just didn't work. Sorry. I'll keep watching to see where they go, but this ending was a fail of epic proportions.

that said, I'm glad I ended up being right about Hogan's injury being a work. I've been calling it for weeks.
I was very surprised to see Hardy turn heel. I was expecting/hoping for Anderson to turn, but Hardy was a big shock. Also, was Hogan ever hurt? I mean, if he wasn't, that's one of the greatest works ever. The show was pretty good, & I'd say the in-ring performances were as good as anything the WWE has done recently. And for those who are criticizing the ending, let me say this: as I write this, Jeff Hardy is a trending topic on Twitter. When was the last time a TNA star was trending?
Honestly, I think it's about time they turned Bischoff and Hogan. I really don't think they were credible faces in the first place. I mean, anyone who's been watching wrestling since the 90's (i.e. a good percentage of TNA fans) probably best remembers them for their WCW characters, and likely don't take them seriously as faces. I just don't think Hogan can draw as a face in 2010. He probably won't draw as a heel either, but there is no harm in trying.
And for the people saying how it doesn't make sense, I say let it play out first. They might say the reason they even came to TNA was to take over and run things like they did in WCW, and now that Dixie was dumb enough to bring them in, they are going to do things their way, push the people they like, etc. I think we should at least give them a chance before we pass judgement saying it's just a copy of the nWo.

As far as Jeff Hardy, my only beef is that they would give him the belt. I don't mind the heel turn. I don't like him anyway so I'm glad he turned heel; now I can feel justified booing him. (RVD should have joined too for that matter.) But anyway, I think it's a slap in the face to society to give Hardy a push like that, considering he'll probably be going to prison soon. There was a thread about this about a month ago about whether they should give him the belt or not and the general consensus was that TNA wouldn't because of the bad PR they would get. We were wrong...
Hardy tends to get too excited in his face promos. I'm looking forward to his first heel promo. Hardy can just TALK and not yell like he has been doing in TNA. Hardy is def capable of cutting a semi-dark promo.
I was VERY Shocked to see That Hardy has turned Heel and win the TNA WHC I'm willing to give this a chance and not completely Shit on the Turn out and Let the Storyling unfold on whether or NOT its A Terrible decision which It might be or a Good ONE
You mean his face promos where he doesn't need to say much because he is white hot every where he goes. I don't know why this comes off as a fail before we even hear him cut a heel promo.

I dont think he's ever had a promo where i was glued to the TV,waiting to hear what he does or says next.Theres nothing about his promos that stick out.Dont have a problem with Hardy at all,just him being the centerpiece of They dosent leave me saying "Damn what an amazing payoff,this is gonna be for some amazing TV"
This much is certain: there were probably a collective of about four users on this entire forum who can now lay claim to legitimately considering Hardy an option heading into BFG, but even of those, I'm pretty certain zero would have pegged him as They.

Whether or not this is good or bad all will be determined by the follow-up promo this Thursday on iMPACT! — that much is certain.

This certainly wasn't half as bad as it's being considered to be, but it wasn't the best possible answer either (yet).
should be good i don't think it would be as good as the last swerve done at daytona, but lets see where they go from here, it was the same thing an unpredictable face became a heel.
Okay so I said that this was going to either make or break TNA and while I can't tell you right now, I can tell you that I'm seriously disappointed with what I just saw. Yeah it was surprising but like I give I fuck; if I wasn't a little kid in 1995 I would have seen Hogan turn heel and form the NWO. I still know about that now and this is like deja-vu for me. TNA, the one thing I wanted was something that we hadn't seen before and all you do is change up the names and faces. Big fucking deal.

The whole show was fantastic and now I'm left with a world of question. What on earth is going on with this company? I've denied for months now what my dad's been saying, "oh it's all WCW 2.0." well I'm beginning to think he was right. I'm stunned at how far Hogan and Bischoff are going to turn this into WCW, as if it's all going to change their reputations from what happened 10 years ago.

Unfortunately, Russo was right on reaction - "Bischoff and Hogan don't care who they step on as long as they get what they want."
The reveal of They was underwhelming to say the least. I like the idea of Hardy turning heel because it was a bit of a shock. He had been downplayed in the hype and build for the mainevent the past few weeks and now it makes sense for Bischoff to push the triple threat with Hardy in it after the last PPV. With that said I'm not against the faction yet if they can explain themselves on Impact with coherent reasoning for the grouping, however the execution of tonights angle was not done well. Having Jarrett turn on Samoa Joe worked and Abyss losing but claiming THey would reign worked, then came the Main Event. Bischoff running out with a chair made no sense with no backstory at all. Had he been there on guest commentary or ringside it would have worked better. Hogan coming out and then Bischoff and him facing off with crutches was lame and made no sense for a sudden turn on each other with no actions taking place prior. Then Hardy attacks both of them with the crutches and why Anderson was down for so long after doing his finisher made no sense. Finally the angle with RVD could have been saved for Impact with Hardy explaining himself instead of the PPV...
I'm totally with you on that. I mean...why would you make Jeff Hardy, a man who has never been a memorable heel, your top heel when you have a natural heel in Mr. Anderson on your roster? Then again, I'm assuming that Bischoff is going to do most of the talking.
That's why the storyline is going to be one to follow, have you ever seen Hardy as a heel??? we seen Matt Hardy as a heel, but not Jeff. the fans LOVE Jeff, how will he work as a heel???
yea im a jeff hardy and tna fan and i really wanted to see hardy win the championship and he did which is pretty cool and the fact now hes a heel is even better becuz this is gonna turn tna upside down and i think now jarrett is the owner of tna which hopefully will mean NO MORE DIXIE!!!! wooo!!!! but the ppv was pretty kewl aswell even though i ddnt see it all the way through i started in the middle of the joe/jarrett vs pope/nash/sting match and once i saw jarrett ditch joe i knew he had to be part of the "THEY" and the lethal lockdown match... well it was awesome but predictable becuz ev had beeen losing all their matches to 4tune leading up to bfg and suddenly kendrick appearing on top of the cell was predictable and JEFF HARDY AS A HEEL well that was unexpected which is good and the THEY has been revealed so overall i would rate bfg 8/10
(This post has been kayfabed)

I have to ask, is Sting a wussy, a ******, or both? He knew from the day that Hogan walked into TNA that Hogan was a bad guy. He's been on this big crusade against Hogan. Of course, he never actually told the world what he knew Hogan was up to. (Out of kayfabe, that's because what Hogan was up to was ******ed. If you want to get the belt off of RVD and onto Jeff Hardy, there are less ******ed ways to do it than a plan that has Abyss running around like an idiot for three months, finally branding people on camera.)

When Jarrett walked out on Joe, Sting had to know that Jarrett was in on whatever it was. Why just let Jarrett walk away? Why not bail and get Pope and Nash to bail from the ring and go after Jarrett?

So when Hogan and Bischoff came out and screwed over Angle and Anderson, where was Sting? For all the good he did, for all he accomplished, he might as well have stayed home all year and played Wii or Xbox. Maybe that should be his plan for 2011.

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