Hey Theo... I really do like your stuff. I've just been through your entire gallery and it's amazing (I don't mean to sound horrible) at how bad you were at first to where you are at now. It's not took you long at all.
I used to make a lot of GFX a few years ago. I was unfortunately stuck with Macromedia Fireworks which is Ok but not quite photoshop. I got very good at using it and people really were surprised when I told them what program I was using. I moved over to a Mac last year though and just never went back to designing.
I would love to get a new sig and think, out of all the guys on here that are pretty new to the skill, you have shown the most promise.
I really loved the sig of Mick Foley on Page 2, the Burchill's on Page 4 and the MVP and Goldust two on page 7.
I want to properly challenge you. I'm looking for an Undertaker graphic. I want it to be dark and pretty plain. Just a Shot of him from a studio photo would do. Unsquashed and well cut is mandatory! A nice dark background (Mainly Blacks, hints of whites, greys and silver. If you can feel it working, play around with dark blues and purples... Think his entrance lights. Black and white is more than adequate. Size around 500 X 350 but that can be flexible.
If you can find a nice simple script font for it that would fit perfectly. Just 'The Undertaker' would be fine... and 'CJ' tucked away in the corner would be excellent. I'm very fussy about how text looks. I think one colour is sufficient. Look at my current Carlito sig for an example of bad text placement too... Difficult to read Carlito without the border and the fade destroys the subtext far too much. Ideally, I'd prefer it to be white with a black border and finally a 3pxl border running black, white, black would be excellent.
I know i'm sounding a bit snobbish with instructions and that might come off a little arrogant but I do like specific things. I am not the type of guy to big you up just to make you feel better. I will tell you if I dislike it and I will also tell you why. I'm just an honest person and if I don't give you these guidelines then it's not your fault if you do it wrong. You wouldn't learn how to become excellent that way. I hope you can pull this off!
Thanks mate!