Theo's Sig Thread

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Can you please make me a ManBearPig sig that says Half Man,Half Bear,Half Pig,or if you can't do that,make me a John Morrison one that says Guru of Greatness.I'll give you a good rep if you make them.



Here ya go man. Kinda sloppy as I quickly threw it together, as I'm on vacation and I didn't want to keep you waiting. Hope you like it.
That's...that's simply epic Theo. Simply epic. Absolutely love that sig, I mean damn it's a freakin' ManBearPig signature. Sublime.
Haha thanks guys appreciate it. The ManBearPig is something new. It is the first non-wrestling, non-sports sig I've done. So it was definitely different. Appreciate the kind words and all that good stuff, makes me feel special *whips tear from cheek*

-Incredibly bored now that I'm home from vaca. Just through this together. Not too sure about it, just wasn't flowing. Any thoughts?
The picture looks a bit odd with the background, like it doesn't fit or something. Not that I'm any kind of expert when it comes to sig-making. I like it nevertheless, anything involving Jake the Snake gets the thumbs up from me.

yea the picture doesnt go well with the sig. jake doesnt have many quality pictures, so i had to work with what i could find.
I quite like it! The pic and background go pretty well together, in my opinion. I think the snake in the background helped it a bit.
Well tomorrow I could be on a sig making spree. As I'll be babysitting my niece and nephew, so I'll probably take the 'ole laptop with and I'll download loads of new brushes and fonts and I'll probably churn out like 10 sigs tomorrow haha. I hate waking up early to begin with, so this will give me something to past the times while I pop in some kiddie DVD for the kids to watch. So stay tuned for those, figured I'd give a warning haha.
Sig looks good, I thought the background snake was actually Species 8472 from Voyager, but it's great. Quite edgey and feels right for Roberts' character, I mean without sounding harsh but when I think of Jake Roberts, this is sort of the thing I would think of with his history.

Greta stuff ;)
Alright here we go, the first of what could be many sigs today. One of my favorite WWE divas, Natalya.


-I love how this turned out. I really think this is one of my best sigs, if not my best.

EDIT-Here is sig number 2 of one of my favorite superstars, Shelton Benjamin.


-I'm iffy on the sig, has a bit much going on, but I still like the outcome.
WOW Theo, I really like that Natalya one. Maybe because she's so damn sexy, especially in that picture. Wonderful work as always man, I'd rock that if I didn't already love the one you've already made for me.

Oh Natalya...droolage.
I haave never wanted to see a sig more. This computer blocks images. Natalya is my favorite diva, too. I'm hoping for some drooling when I get home.
Doc, hopefully the hype X put on the sig doesn't let you down. I think I might actually rock the Natalya sig, though it is gonna be tough to replace the Billy Mays sig. And here is my 3rd sig of the day...The Black Pope, D'Angelo Dinero!


EDIT-Alright this might be my last one for the day. The creative side of my brain is starting to hurt lol.


-Went with a different approach with this one. Kind of a poster like approach.
I can see the Natalya one now and DAAAAAAAMN is all I have to say. Thumbs up.
Newish poster here been admiring your sigs there Doc. Was wondering if possible you could make a John Morrison in his coat and glasses and or a Daffney looking vivacious.
Hey, im new to all this but i was just wondering if you could make me a sig with aj styles saying something like just phenominal or something like that, whatever you think would be cool, many thanks if you decide to make it.
Yikes, I go away for the day and I come back to requests. I'll hop right on them. And tlcfan, I see you found my AJ Styles sig from a few pages back, so I'm guessing you'll just be using that one. If you want a different one I can go ahead and generate something.

Next, toscah, I'm assuming you were talking to me, being as you posted in my thread or did you want Doc to make you that sig?? I'll PM you to clarify.

KevinHarris...what do you have in mind brotha? Anything in particular that you are looking for? Let me know. If I don't hear from ya by tomorrow I'll PM you to see what kind of sig you would like.

And finally, Left4RKO. I got one guy ahead of you for a request, then I'll hop right on yours.
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