Theo's Sig Thread

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That's actually pretty good Theo. I thought it was pretty creative putting the WZF thing on his shirt. Overall, I'd give it an 7.5/10. Keep practicing on making sigs, the more practice the better you get.
WOW! You did a really good job with the editing on that Billy Mays pic, and I'm loving the new name.
Well I made a siggy for the future Mrs. Theo Mays. She is the love of my life.

Definitely among your very best work Doc.

Great Maryse sig Theo.
Yeah, Theo. It'll be neck and neck for Best Graphics Designer this year, I think. You and me buddy.

Hey, if we were to have a tag team graphics contest, would you be interested in teaming with me?
Very good Maryse sig Theo. Maybe you can try experimenting and see how it comes out with a couple different pictures of her. Well you don't have to if you don't want to, but the more Maryse the better :).
After watching Summerslam and marking out like crazy that The Undertaker returned, I had to go and make a sig to show of his greatness. This was pretty much an experimental sig, as I went with a whole new approach. It is like the Hitman sig I made that has images in the background.


Whatcha all think???
Nice work on the Taker Sig Theo.

Thanks again for doing my sig.
Haha, Theo, I was going to make a Taker sig for the exact same reasons. Couldn't get it to work so I've put it on hold.
That's a nice sig, but I'm personally not too keen on the bevel effect you put on the text. That's just my opinion. I LOVE the picture you chose, though. The scythe and darkness is awesome.
Yea the bevel effect was a last second edition. I just couldn't get the text to look right. I might work with it tomorrow and post a modified version up if I decide to touch it up.
Sounds good to me.

Here's some more info about the possible graphics tag team contest.For every contest, a judge gives out a request, and each member of a team completes the request. The WZ posters then vote on the winning team. That's how I think it'll work, if it happens.

Do you have an MSN/Windows Live/Yahoo Messenger account?
Sounds good to me.

Here's some more info about the possible graphics tag team contest.For every contest, a judge gives out a request, and each member of a team completes the request. The WZ posters then vote on the winning team. That's how I think it'll work, if it happens.

Do you have an MSN/Windows Live/Yahoo Messenger account?

My windows live is [email protected]
That is also my YIM, though I'm rarely on that.

I won't be on much tonight, I have to babysit tonight at my sisters.
I'm starting school soon so I'll usually be on from 4:30-8::30 or so. I usually appear offline. Just message me, and if I don't respond then I'm not online.
The Undertaker sig is pretty good. I would give it an 7/10. Keep making sigs, like I said earlier, the more you make the better you get. Practicing helps a lot and I can notice it by seeing how much you have improved. Keep it up.
I'll be going on vacation tomorrow, so I won't be around. So if you request, it will take a little while. So if I don't respond it isn't because I don't like you or because I'm ignoring you (well that could be the case for some). But before I go, I figured I'd throw in some of my newer stuff for the public's viewing and critiquing. Have at it.


-Edge (can't believe I haven't done him yet). The sig is ehh, but I still think it is alright.)


-MVP (I like this one, prob my favorite out of this bunch.)


-Goldust (Surprised this one turned out as well as it did, started off looking awful.)
I LOVE the effect you did on the MVP one, with the BALLIN' in the background. And I was just thinking of doing a Goldust one.

Great work as usual.
Dr Theo Mays... I believe we haven't met. Hi, I'm FalKon!

I have a request. I have asked Rebecca & Doc for the same one... a DIVA-lution sig. Basically, its the one I am sporting right now in my sig. I was wondering if you could have your hand at making your own version. Same females, same names as the one below. I wanna see some Mays creativity in the design & how you present it.

I will give you rep & anything I could possibly give you in return for the completion. Take your time, no deadlines or anything. I am not an asshole. :)

Please & Thankyou
Yeah that MVP sig might just be your very best work yet Theo. Well, except for my super-awesome signature. Thanks again for taking the time to do it bud.
Anytime X, your my bro, I gots yo back. Thanks for the comments everyone, appreciate it. And Doc, I LOVE that Lettuce sig you made, it is reeks of awesomeness.

And FalKon, it is a paaaaaaleasure to meet you and I would love to toss in my creative brain into your divalution sig. I'll get working on it now. My niece and nephew are having their B-day party today and I'm leaving for vacation later on. I'll try to get it in today, that way I don't have to make you wait for it.
Alrighty FalKon. I started working on the sig, and of course had to leave to go to the party and now I'm on vacation, so all the creative juice I had in my head for the sig vanished, as I was away from the sig/comp for a good long time. So I did the best I could and I'll be the first to admit it isn't my best work. Maybe once I get home from vaca (Wednesday) I might be able to throw something better together, but for now here is what I got.


Can you please make me a ManBearPig sig that says Half Man,Half Bear,Half Pig,or if you can't do that,make me a John Morrison one that says Guru of Greatness.I'll give you a good rep if you make them.
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