Theo's Sig Thread

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Awesome work, Rodzilla's tha man, although he did creep me out when he dressed in a bride dress.:wtf:
A request my good man! I've read through this entire thread and am unbelievably impressed. I'm coming to you for my first sig and hope I'm worthy even though I'm a n00b. I'll do whatever possible and give you mad props for it. I was just hoping for JoMo with a backsplash of the WHC and says "Wrestlemania 27...?" If it's way too much I understand and wouldn't expect you to exert any effort if you don't feel like it. Much appreciated.
Alright Darwin I can do that for ya. Welcome to the forums, hope to see ya around more often. So let me make sure I got this right. You want a sig with ever amazing John Morrison and then in the background have a picture of the WHC and then for the font have it say Wrestlemania 27?
Yep, question mark and all. haha. The text is optional though, if it looks better with just the picture, I'm totally happy with that. I just read through this entire forum and your stuff is totally awesome. I appreciate it quite a lot. By the way, love the Ryder sig!
Here ya go Darwin. Didn't go all fancy, went with a simplistic look. Hope you like.


Here ya go Darwin. Didn't go all fancy, went with a simplistic look. Hope you like.



I'm digging this one!

We need WPWF sigs. One for the company & one for each brand. Plus I'll need a separate WPWF sig for the magazine cover.
For the magazine:
WORLD PRO WRESTLING FEDERATION-1 COMPANY 5 BRANDS-ARE YOU READY? Then add the names of each brand all in silhouettes maybe.
I know your busy, but try to fit these in when you can.
John Morrison, Wrestlemania 27...? At his pace, he'll win Money In The Bank and cash in before that, but other than that, awesome job as always Theo, you're like magic.
Awesome! Just incredible. Ill get it on when I get to a computer. Came online on my blackberry just to check it out. I love it.
Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words. And Doc every time I see that Kerwin White sig I literally LOL, it is awesome. And it'll disappear once I post this message. And kingdirrty, I just sent you the book this! sig and I'll work on the brand sigs throughout the next few days.
Hey dude was wondering if you could do me a favour and make me a MVP and John Morrion sig please. Many thanks.
Good work as always Theo. Seems different from your usual style though.
hey sorry im back so soon but ive been really itching for a D'Angelo DeNiro sig (with my name on the bottom right or left corner) if so thankyou so much theo
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