The WZ Show With Robert Morales

F*ck the intro, you know who I am already. Oh, you don't? To bad! I'm in a jolly mood today. Why? Cuz our prayers have been answered. We all wanted a repeat of the JBL/Styles thing going down again, with Bubba The Jackass playing Bradshaw. His, Joey... AWESOME F*CKING KONG!:worship:
Bubba The Love Sponge Attacked by a Knockout & Sent Home
by Nick Paglino
Jan 19, 2010 is reporting that Bubba The Love Sponge was sent home by TNA prior to the Impact tapings yesterday, and has provided some new details behind why. Apparently, Hulk Hogan appeared on The Bubba The Love Radio Show this morning and explained that the reason Bubba was sent home yesterday was because TNA Knockout Awesome Kong punched him the face due to the comments he made about Haiti. Below is a paraphrasing of what Bubba said about the incident on his show this morning, written by someone from

"She was wearing wrestling gear, and she came in on me and sucker punched me right on my left cheek, and I was like, what's going on... then she came out me again, hit me again in the mouth, and she goes, 'This if for Haiti! This is for Haiti!' and I'm like 'What is going on?' Finally I put my left hand out and push her away from me, and she comes at me again and I just cover up, because I cannot fight back on a woman. Not only will I be fired from TNA, which I probably am, but my radio career is gone if I take a woman out!":beatup:

Kong still owes him a couple of shots for what he said about Hati as well. Kinda funny how he kills pigs but doesn't condone man on women violence. Even if the woman is 3 times his size. Thats good actually considering I kill chickens and disapprove of domestic violence.:twak:

WWE is trying a new strategy on their Films department. Something about changing distributors. Quite frankly, I don't care. The only way I'd watch a WWE flick if its a comedy starring Santino Marella and The Undertaker. A parody of Fighting would be nice.;)

Did You Know? WZ's version of WWE's completely useless bumpers with questionable info. The difference being the info here is real... and just as useless. Well, except for the Bret Hart edition. That one's worth the read.:D

Raw's LD was apparently more entertaining than Raw it s3lf. I didn't watch Raw as I needed to get up early today, but damn thats a low blow. I did hear WWE section mod, Lord Sidious got a lot of heat from the noobs for saying he prefers TNA. The noobs were reportedly committing the act of flaming and trolling. A word to the noobs. They don't just hand out mod positions. It takes hard work to get there. His view are different from the more " optimistic" WWE fan, but that doesn't mean you get to disrespect. He is the law in the domain.

Jeremy Borash of TNA Wrestling was at R.A.W. Radio yesterday and he provided some info on TNA's backstage atmosphere and on Eric Bishoff's feelings towards him. Its pretty insightful if you' re curious about TNA.

Possible Spoiler With Proof For Sheamus-Orton Rumble Match
by Matt Boone
Jan 19, 2010
Alec Clark sent along the following:

I found this on the Wells Fargo Arena website. Raw will be televised there on February 15, 2010. The main event listed is a WWE Championship match involving Sheamus against John Cena. This would imply Sheamus defeating Orton at the Royal Rumble. Here is the link:
So the other "might be" spoilers didn't have proof? But they all seemed so legit...:weird:

WZCW will be presenting its next set of Ascension and Meltdown cards respectively (I believe) at the end of the week. We're getting close to the Kingdom Come event.

Well, thats all we have for today. Feel free to ask me to promote your WZ project during the show. I will list them on my sig. Oh, and cast your votes for the next hall Of Awesomeness inductee. It can be a thread, a post, rep or a sig. Bye!:wave:
Awesome stuff Robert. I think you should promote the GWA from the Book This thread once we get it up and running. Keep up the excellent work.
Get a guest and ask them some questions.

btw, i'm posting from my PSP right now. IC25 and his Blackberry will never be as cool as me.
Get a guest and ask them some questions.

btw, i'm posting from my PSP right now. IC25 and his Blackberry will never be as cool as me.

Oh please. I do the show from a Blackberry. Why do you think its so short.
I post from my phone. It's like a Blackberry knockoff. Very useful.

Also, I find the WZ Show to be very entertaining.
I think I should be honored for my work in the TNA Castmembers thread. I was green-repped by eleven fucking people for my tirades in there :)

I don't even think that my "Unbiased" thread received that much love. I've outdone myself.
Yo! Welcome to the latest edition of The WZ Show. The slowest rising Bar Room trend in WZ history. Your host is me. Watch as I take you through the latest in WZ.

EXCLUSIVE: More on Awesome Kong/Bubba, Was it a Work?
by Nick Paglino
Jan 20, 2010
I spoke to a source in TNA this morning who provided me with a few more details behind the Awesome Kong/Bubba The Love Sponge incident which took place Monday night at the Impact tapings.

According to the source, the fight between the two was legitimate, and I was told that Awesome Kong was in tears for most of the day, and was anxiously awaiting Bubba's arrival to The Impact Zone. She was visibly upset at the tapings, and when Bubba arrived to the building she literally attacked him and began to beat him up. She did sucker punch Bubba, but it didn't end there. She continued to beat up on him and the fight was said to be a complete shoot.

However, according to the source I spoke with, incidents like this can never really be trusted to be entire shoots as Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo have been known for their unofficial motto of "work everyone." Both men like to take actual heat between people and turn it into worked shoots that come off as very real but in the end work both the talent backstage and the internet. After all, Hulk Hogan did call into Bubba's radio show yesterday and blamed Vince Russo for encouraging Kong to attack Bubba.

To put things into perspective, the source I spoke with related the following story to me which took place in WCW. Back in late 1999, early 2000, Buff Bagwell and Diamond Dallas Page were involved in a shoot fight backstage at a TV taping. DDP was awaiting the arrival of Bagwell to the building as he was furious over rumors that Bagwell had been having an affair with DDP's wife Kimberly. When Bagwell arrived to catering at the building that night, DDP attacked him and the two got into a legitimate, ugly, backstage fight. It was revealed, many months later, that in reality the entire incident was a complete work, and it was staged so that when Bagwell and DDP later worked an angle on TV, it could be said there was legitimate heat between the two in the past which would strengthen the feud.

This is NOT to say, however, that the Awesome Kong/Bubba incident is a confirmed work, but I was told that when dealing with Bischoff and Russo you must adhere to the adage of "believe half of what you see and none of what you are told."
Did April Fools come early or something? This the stupidest thing I've heard. Why in the blue hell would Awesome Kong work an angle with Bubba The Love Sponge? Its not even a guarantee that he's staying in the first place. Please! Analyze your report before you send it. I'm sure most people here are gonna agree with me. This is completely stupid. And to top it off Bishoff and Russo aren't in the same page anymore.:disappointed:

Hey UFC fans, Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar is on his way back to the UFC and he is set to defend his title. May God have mercy on the unsuspecting victim.
Brock Lesnar on ESPN: Reveals When He Will Return to UFC
by Nick Paglino
Jan 20, 2010
Thanks to Anthony Caiazzo for sending this in: Brock Lesnar was on SportsCenter this morning and said that after 3 or 4 doctor's opinions he will be returning to UFC. He said he had a life changing experience after going hunting in Canada which ended with him having a hole in his stomach and a diagnosed case of diverticulitis. He was in the hospital for 10 days with no food causing him to lose 30 pounds. However, UFC President Dana White did say Lesnar will be back in a UFC ring this summer to face the winner of the Frank Mir vs Shane Carwin fight!
My pick is Mir. That way Brock can shut him up again. HERE COMES THE PAIN!

Over on the TNA section, Its Damn Real asks you what your favorite TNA finisher is your favorite. I don't think I can pick one. Although i do know which onés my least favorite. That being "The Producer's" "Ending Credits" [/lamejoke]

Fantasize about what WWE mid-carder you'd push and how on this interesting thread.

Coming soon to the Book This! section is the debut of the GWA and its 6 brands. Wow! 6 brands! Thats a lot! Well to learn more about this check out the Book This! Lounge section. To hear from the creators, stay tuned as I will be interviewing them as special guests in upcoming shows.

Well thats all I have. Next show will be on Saturday. See ya then.:flush:
[QUOTE="The Kill Joy" Robert Morales;1730867]Let me guess. Not enough Jane.[/QUOTE]

That was my first though reading this.
Riveting material. I can hardly contain the excitement flowing through my veins. No really.

It was a slow day and to top it off the stories were covered in stupidity. I'm gonna hold off until Saturday. Hopefully something juicy (not you) will happen on the site from here to then.
Whats up WZ'ers! I am me, your host for the evening as we take an inside look of whats going on in WZ.

VIDEO: Trailer For Major New Movie With Several WWE Stars
by Matt Boone
Jan 21, 2010
Eliot Podgorsky sent along the following:
If video fails, click here.
Well its not a WWE film and it has some comedy. It doesn't star The Undertaker and Santino Marella, but I am tempted to watch. What an odd choice of guys:
- Chris Jericho (He's not an ass? Just like in VH1)
- Mark Henry (Will he rap?)
- The Great Khali (Get your glasses for the subtitles)
- I couldn't see the other two well, but I believe they were MVP and Kane.
Looks like a Get Smart rip-off though.:twocents:

It seems there's been an update on the Orton;Gumface case:
Eye Witness Claims That Randy Orton Did NOT Assault A Fan
by Nick Paglino
Jan 21, 2010 is reporting that, according to an eye witness, Randy Orton did not assault a 15 year old fan as both the fan and his mother have claimed.

Stephen Addonizio, who was sitting in his car during the incident, claims that Orton was approached by a dozen or so fans for autographs, but Orton refused the fans by simply walking past them. The 15 year old and his mother claim that Orton spat gum in the kid's face, however, according to Addonizio, "He [Orton] just kept walking past them to get into his car."
So the dude says Orton DID NOT spit gum. He DID point out that Orton played pitcher and ignored the fans. Well at least he's not breaking kayfabe or making Stride happy. [/lamejoke]

Big News: Awesome Kong Asks For Her TNA Release
by Nick Paglino
Jan 22, 2010
During a live webcast yesterday, TNA Knockout Awesome Kong asked stated the following: "People are sending me messages about my request for my release. I don't know. Originally, I was supposed to go to the UK, but I'm not going there now. I told TNA I would think about it. All they had to do was wait ten minutes." While it has not been confirmed, reports are indicating that Kong has indeed asked for her TNA release, although I can expect that TNA will do their best to keep her from leaving. To watch the live web cast featuring Kong's comments on her TNA status, you can CLICK HERE.
now this is getting me bummed. First Alissa Flash and now Awesome Kong. Hogan and Bishoff really need to do something because the best workers of their womens division are walking out. The is clearly something going on around there that has the Knockouts having second thoughts. Lack of pay? Mistreatment? I don't know, but it has to be solved.

The Rock Hooks Up With YouTube, Jeff Hardy's Music, More
by Matt Boone
Jan 23, 2010
WZ Forums Moderator Fromthesouth sent along the following: Spike's show Weekend Preview is using Jeff Hardy's WWE theme to preview The Hurt Locker.

Kevin Nguyen sent along the following: Hi my name is Kevin, and I was on when I saw under "Spotlight" I saw that Rocky and Youtube kinda got together and had the Rock show the fans what his favorite videos were, including a tag match back in the day when his father was teaming with Tony Atlas.
Hey! Its FTS! Whats up! Yeah, Spike uses the Hardy's theme on several programs. Unless you're talking about his TNA or 2008-2009 WWE theme. In which case is odd.
Slyfox696 said:
Here are the Rules for the newly revamped Digital Arts and Graphics forum.

1. Spam is not allowed in the main Digital Arts and Graphics forum. Any post in the the main forum which does not meet the WrestleZone Forums spamming policy, will be deleted and subject to Infraction.

2. The spamming policy INCLUDES Showcase threads. If you wish to post a graphic in the main forum, then you must also give a non-spam post to go with it. If you can do all the work to create a custom graphic, then you can create a small non-spam post as well.

Some examples of things that can be posted is the program you used to create the graphic and why you used that program. You can tell us about how you brought your graphic together, what fonts you used, how you created the background, why you created that graphic, etc.

Posts that are created simply to compliment a graphic maker need to also be in non-spam form.

3. Spamming IS allowed in the Requests sub-forum. Feel free to make requests without fear of a Spamming violation. Feel free to post graphics in the Request forum without fear of a Spamming violation.

4. There is no more Showcase Hall sub-forum. The Showcase Hall has been merged into the main Digital Arts and Graphics forum.

5. The "Resize Your Sig" thread has now been moved to the Requests sub-forum.

6. Post count is on in the main Digital Arts and Graphics forum, but off in the Requests forum.

7. At the time this thread is posted, ALL former threads in both the main Digital Arts and Graphics forum, as well as the now defunct Showcase Hall have been locked. They will not be re-opened. We are starting all over, so please do not request threads to be unlocked.

I'm sorry if you had a great thread, but we're starting all over, and we are going to be consistent across the forum.

Thank you.
Nah, thank you. The section needed organization... or a mod. But with the changes you made us sig makers get more reward out of their work, their respective thread will be nice and clean and... WHAT!! My thread is LOCKED!!! Sh*t. Thats the fourth time I have to start a thread from the bottom up. Damn! Well at least there won't be a bandwidth limit.:schild08:

BREAKING NEWS! A New Section has been opened on WZ! The Fantasy Wrestling League!

This news is so breaking that I don't have a single clue what its about. :smashfreakB:

I guess its like Fantasy Football, but for wrestling. :beatup:

More Breaking News! Mighty NorCal has been talking about this new section for a while! ...Goddammit! Get my facts right next time you lousy reporter!

The GWA Book This! brands will be starting their shows soon, and I will get an interview with fellow WZ'er, sig maker, friend and more importantly, GWA brand manager, Theo Mays. This to come soon on the show.

And with that and a salute to Jane (Jane) I bid farewell. So long and may the post be with you... :flush:

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