Hardcore Industries:Robert Morales' Graphics

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Sure man Ill get to work on it, but will be ready by tomorrow, if that's OK?

Anyway, I was watching Smackdown in spanish the other day and hear something well, that's really cool, and Id like to mention it here just for people to know. On October 11 in my home town Hugo Savinovich will be hosting a charity event for a 1 year old that needs a kidney transplant, in the event he will be auctioning off WWE merchandise such as Shirt, belts, and even props from the show's. It goes to show what a great guy he is. Bless you Hugo Savinovich and I look forward to attending the event.
Sure man Ill get to work on it, but will be ready by tomorrow, if that's OK?

Anyway, I was watching Smackdown in spanish the other day and hear something well, that's really cool, and Id like to mention it here just for people to know. On October 11 in my home town Hugo Savinovich will be hosting a charity event for a 1 year old that needs a kidney transplant, in the event he will be auctioning off WWE merchandise such as Shirt, belts, and even props from the show's. It goes to show what a great guy he is. Bless you Hugo Savinovich and I look forward to attending the event.

lol dude. I got the whole week free no thanks to them crazy-ass huelga people in the UPR system...so he's going to Sabana Grande on the 11th? that's awesome! never knew they did that.
Haha, teachers on strike, people throwing eggs at the governor, speeding senators, this Island is messed up. Anyway, here's your sig, hell I made 3, you can pick whichever you want:


Anyway, I was watching Smackdown in spanish the other day and hear something well, that's really cool, and Id like to mention it here just for people to know. On October 11 in my home town Hugo Savinovich will be hosting a charity event for a 1 year old that needs a kidney transplant, in the event he will be auctioning off WWE merchandise such as Shirt, belts, and even props from the show's. It goes to show what a great guy he is. Bless you Hugo Savinovich and I look forward to attending the event.

Hugo's a class act, always has been. It sucks we never get to see the Spanish announce team anymore, I may have only understood about 1/20th of what they were saying, but damnit if they weren't fun to watch and enthusiastic as all hell. Plus their table was perfect for breaking.
Woo, Robert, great work. One thing, though, when resizing pictures, be sure to hold down the shift key as you drag, in order to keep things proportional and not squished. Just a tip.
Woo, Robert, great work. One thing, though, when resizing pictures, be sure to hold down the shift key as you drag, in order to keep things proportional and not squished. Just a tip.

Yes Masta...

Wow I spend a lot of time in the threads, its becoming my 2nd biggest addiction, Tetris being my first. Anyway, time to show off what I learn from my 3rd biggest addiction:


Man I love this show, its almost a glimpse of the good ol' days of watching DBZ with my pops. I know Shippuden starts this month on Disney XD (Huh?) but I dont know the exact day, does anybody know?


Joke: Actually, I started a thread in the bar room, but that's not gonna stop me.

- My sister has split personality.
One day my phone rang...It was her... The Caller ID exploded.

- Sauron from the "Lord Of The Rings" franchise has a lot in common with women:

# Both have been called "the greatest enemy of men"
# Think they should rule the world
# They obsess over jewelry
# They spread gossip like the plague
# They boss kings around like servants
# They have an eye that sees all, or at least claim to
# They hold a grudge for hundreds of years
Here's today's batch:

A tribute to the most Hardcore rivalry I have ever seen, Ive meet Carlos Colon in person, you can actually see the fork marks on his forehead.


A remake of one of my first works, I love Matt Morgan. I actually met him here in my home town before he joined TNA, he's huge.


My all-time favorite wrestler The Whole Dam Show himself Rob Van Dam.

- A lady walks in to a butcher shop:
"I want that giant piece of pork over there"
The butcher looks at what she pointed,
"Ma'am... That's a mirror."

George W. Bush was passing through an airplane terminal and he noticed an old man in a long white robe, with a long white beard, long white hair and carrying two stone tablets in his arms. He approached the man and asked reverently, "Aren't you Moses?" But the man wouldn't listen to him and continued walking. George asked him again, ''Aren't you Moses?'' The old man continued ignoring him, even turning his back on little Bush. George grabs the man's arm, looks him right in the eye and insists, "Answer me -- Aren't you Moses?"The man replies, "I'm not saying a thing! The last time I spoke to a Bush I ended up roaming the desert for 40 years!"
A) Awesome Triple H Sig

B) Random joke that I just LOLed at my computer screen about. :thumbsup:
Not that you need people to tell you this... but your sigs are fucking sick. They're cooler than unicorns wrapped in barb wire.
Ah great, thanks to you now I'm hooked with the Power Rangers. I even dug up the original theme song from Youtube. Anyway here's the sig you wanted:

I gotta say, I went on a tremendous mark out trip doing the sig. If ya need anything else, I'm always here.

*Sigh* I'm missing my days as a 4 year old...
Heres my batch for today. No joke for now, let me see if I can find one.

Im sure somebody's gonna wanna kill for this one. Thankfullly Im not in the other side of your screen.


I've got to say there Rob, your Hardcore Industries sigs are very temtping to place in my sig. I would of had that RVD one, but i gotz to promote.

Some of the best sig work here, congrads.
Rob, you have some pretty good sigs. Although, I think they could look better if you didn't put the logo/signature on them. I just think it takes away from the sig itself. That's just my opinion though.
I appreciate the complements but in terms of the logo, I like people to know that I made, it makes it stick out, but like the first post says, if you don't want it you can tell me and I wont put it in.;)

Now... Who wants one...
Can you make a black and white, or black, white and red sig Motor City Machineguns?

Also, that Abyss sig is all sort of awesome, dude.
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