The Undertaker & Wrestlemania XXX

wont happen. your facts are slightly altered or wrong. wwe fucks this up all the time. do u recall the nexus story line attacking undertaker then like 2 weeks later acted like it didnt happen. yeah kane vs undertaker nexus attacked and helped kane retain the title and nothing happened. in theory this could be interesting but the shield are loosing a little momentum and shouldnt hold a good storyline with ut based off a random match. i have to veto this and say somebody else. now i could see him randomly taking them out and hunting them and playing mind games but not a random 3-1 or 6 man match. sheild has no real beef with anybody but rhodes dynasty and bryan right now so yeah where would undertaker find 2 convincing teamates to help and not to mention that would make undertakers streak look weak but having him team with multiple people this late in his career. the streak is bigger then him at this point
WWE can do alot with The Undertaker, having a Lesnar match would be interesting but it would be unrealistic.

If he fights the shield it would have to be against one of them and they would have to split up before...lets say they all argue in wanting a piece of Taker then the GM whoever it may be says triple threat for number 1 contender for Taker's streak

A match with Cena is more realistic and probably the one most people want to see. Cena can say he has done it all, WWE Champ, World Heavyweight Champ, winner of RR, all he hasnt done is a match with Taker at Mania. Cena challenges Taker but is shot done then when Taker comes back and lets say is getting beat down or what Cena comes out to look like to make the save but instead takes out Taker. WWE kills two birds with one stone, Cena a legit heel and Wrestlemania 30 there is Taker vs. Cena
I too am hoping that the seeds planted after this years Wrestlemania are leading to a match involving Undertaker and the Shield. I don't think it involves a dream team scenario or a streak vs split.

The thought of breaking the streak by pinning a hypothetical team mate just doesn't have the same suspense. The point is that Undertaker has never been pinned or made to submit at the grandest stage, and teasing a loophole finish won't sell. What we should see is a 3 on 1 handicap match. I know the previous handicap streak related match was a dud, but The Shield are not the makeshift team of Big Show and A-Train. The Shield are the most well protected group in recent memory, and if that threat level is maintained, then the threat of breaking the streak is real. The OP put it well, all the hints for this match have been dropped. The Undertaker is back to reclaim his yard, and he's putting the iconic streak at great risk to do it.

I already expect some backlash on my thoughts, so let me fight off the expected one; "That'll make Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose look weak when they lose." I disagree, twofold. First, the streak is sold in mythic proportions, unbreakable, as if cursed. The Shield won't look weak for failing, but they will be put in the same list as Triple H, CM Punk, Diesel, Ric Flair etc.

Second, is that there's another story to tell in this angle. Sure, in the build up the Shield would have lots of bravado. "We may be three men, but we'll do what nearly 21 men couldn't." On top of that, The Shield have been a well oiled unit, devoid of ego, never putting one man above the group. Couldn't that stop here? Is being the man who pinned Undertaker too big a temptation for any or all three members? Maybe Dean Ambrose breaks up a pinfall. Or maybe Rollins shoves Taker out of the way of a Spear from Reigns. The Undertaker wins, but it's The Shield who defeats The Shield. This here leads to the group splitting, not a match stipulation.

That's what I'd like to see. Or hey, maybe I just want to see Undertaker do a big dive once more.
WrestleMania XXX is upon us and a lot of theories/guesses about the card are being posted. I love when a milestone WrestleMania comes because the show is bound to be that much bigger and better. Personally, I would love a mix of current superstars and legends. I often wish wrestlers that were on top would hang up their boots far before they do; but, for WrestleMania XXX, I'd be fine with any and all of Hogan, Austin, Rock, HHH, HBK, Goldberg, Sting, Piper, Foley...even lesser former stars for the backstage segments a la a milestone Raw (IRS, Hillbilly Jim, etc. having quick cameos). I say whatever brings the most eyes to the show (outside of overpaying mainstream celebrities for the most part).

BUT once you get alllll these viewers tuned in (current fans, former fans, potential fans, people who aren't year-round fans but want to see WrestleMania, everybody!) give them something HUGE! Many times, you need someone like the Rock to get people to tune in. Then, once the show starts, it doesn't really matter what happens because they've already paid and you have them watching. But with the size of WrestleMania XXX, use every bullet in your gun to get people watching.

And then level them with a Cena heel turn that ends the Streak.

I just lost a huge percentage of you. But that's ok, because most of you repeat the same opinions every post, every year...forever.

I admit once Undertaker's unblemished WrestleMania record became known as The Streak, I didn't want it to end. It was too big an angle and was bigger than any little feud that might come out of ending it. But, the streak is not what it once was. Undertaker is mostly retired and the annual appeal of The Streak being threatened is close to going away. I read all the time how a fresh, young talent should get the torch passed to him or could use the push that ending The Streak would give him. But we are at the point where, history aside, who would be looked at in a better light for beating an old man who can only perform a handful of times a year? If some rookie beat Michael Jordan now one-on-one, would he get a huge push into superstardom? No! People would think, wow you beat an old man, so? I never wanted The Streak to end, but having Cena end it with the long-anticipated heel turn could be MASSIVE. I am talking Hogan being the third man kind of big.

People think they would care that this old man--sorry to say it again because I am a huge Taker fan--lost once instead of retiring with an undefeated WrestleMania record. Some would, but most would be upset for a bit and then move on. Hogan heel turn is proof of this. People get upset, then they forget...or at least cool down.

I think the potential of Cena ending the streak and, in doing so, turning heel could be bigger for the business than one more win added to Taker's record. Undertaker's legacy will not be diminished if The Streak comes to an end. In fact, allowing it to happen in this way could add to his legacy. One more HUGE angle before the Deadman rests in peace.
Every year, without fail, we get a 'Cena turns heel at Mania' thread. I know, coz i made one when he faced Rock for the first time. It, got merged. Sumbitch moderators :D

Cena, doesn't have to turn heel any more. He is doing fine whatever it is that he is doing and the whole facade of face and heel, while not completely lost, is kinda hazy when you look at him. And then you pit the streak against it. Now the Streak, just like Cena's heel turn, isn't happening. Both of them draw and are FINE as they are. If anything, since its WM 30. Make sure you build guys like Wyatt, Reigns, Bryan and give them BIG BIG wins.
Every year, without fail, we get a 'Cena turns heel at Mania' thread. I know, coz i made one when he faced Rock for the first time. It, got merged. Sumbitch moderators :D

Cena, doesn't have to turn heel any more. He is doing fine whatever it is that he is doing and the whole facade of face and heel, while not completely lost, is kinda hazy when you look at him. And then you pit the streak against it. Now the Streak, just like Cena's heel turn, isn't happening. Both of them draw and are FINE as they are. If anything, since its WM 30. Make sure you build guys like Wyatt, Reigns, Bryan and give them BIG BIG wins.

Cena may be doing fine, but what about the WWE as a whole? It's largely stagnant.

I'll admit, I don't think this idea has a chance in hell of coming true, but I actually think it's a damn brilliant idea and I hadn't thought about that combination of angles before. I think the only issue with it is that you don't have Undertaker available to do any kind of follow-up unless you can suss a few more matches out of him during the year.
What about the WWE is stagnant?

They are churning a ton of money and look set to make more. They HAVE a good set of people on their roster who would satiate the most jaded of fans in some way or form. The fan group out there is what it has been for the last 8 years. And it's all Face Cena driven mostly. The likes of Punk and Bryan are the 'cool' alternates.

The idea here for me, won't happen as both the scenarios show me no merit. I have given up on a Cena turn and want Undertaker to ride into the horizon, streak unblemished.
but I actually think it's a damn brilliant idea and I hadn't thought about that combination of angles before.

You're like the only one. This idea of turning Cena heel and beating the streak has popped up in a "new" thread several times this year alone. It's nothing new.

Cena is not turning heel. Not any time soon at least. And the streak shouldn't end. By now, there's no point in ending it anyways. The established stars don't need it and a new guy is too risky to waste that kind of opportunity on.

Oh and the OP's point about once you draw them in you can do whatever you want, that's just idiotic. If you can't keep them coming back then you've accomplished nothing.
Oh and the OP's point about once you draw them in you can do whatever you want, that's just idiotic. If you can't keep them coming back then you've accomplished nothing.

The thought itself is idiotic. But, that doesn't stop them from doing it. What was great about WrestleMania last year? Nothing. They needed Rock to get people interested, at least to the level they wanted. The performance itself was nothing extraordinary. The money had already been paid for a part-time attration. Coming back for more was off the table because Rock was leaving. Ehh, I'm bored...enjoy the product as is.
What about the WWE is stagnant?

They are churning a ton of money and look set to make more. They HAVE a good set of people on their roster who would satiate the most jaded of fans in some way or form. The fan group out there is what it has been for the last 8 years. And it's all Face Cena driven mostly. The likes of Punk and Bryan are the 'cool' alternates.

The idea here for me, won't happen as both the scenarios show me no merit. I have given up on a Cena turn and want Undertaker to ride into the horizon, streak unblemished.

If you're basing stagnant on how well business is going, I'd say their stock price has been flat for nearly 10 years and they've got a profit margin that approaches that of a supermarket (razor thin).

On the product itself, we talk about all these what-if scenarios but in the end the WWE builds its biggest pay per view around guys like Rock, Undertaker, Triple H, and Lesnar. It remains to be seen if WM 30 follows suit.
Imagine Cena vs Taker and Cena blatantly cheats to win and taunts the crowd over it for a mega heel turn ala Hogan/NWO...would be cool but would never happen. Although I would love a huge heel turn by Cena with a nice storyline to help him. Would need another face to step up though to take his place. Doubt that ever happens though, (all the damn kids buying his stuff) but would be nice.

Edit: imagine Hollywood Hogan helping Cena beat Taker? And grooming him along the lines of Flair with HHH. I can dream can't I? lol
Here's what needs to happen. At TLC John Cena beats Randy Orton to unify the WWE Title and the World Title, becoming the Undisputed Champion. At WrestleMania, he puts the Undisputed Championship on the line against the Undertaker's streak. He says he's done it all, hes won the US Title, Tag Titles, multiple Royal Rumbles, multiple World Titles, and the now the Undisputed Title. The ONLY thing left for John Cena to do in the WWE is end the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. A lot of guys say that in the build-up to a match with Undertaker at WrestleMania, but in Cena's case it's actually the truth.

This is WrestleMania 30, and I can't really think of a main event that's bigger than John Cena vs. the Undertaker. You've got the top star in the business against a living legend. It's such an obvious main event, they'd be foolish to pass it up. The fans would be so hot for this match and would be on the edge of their seat the entire time, because it is believable that Cena can win based on his past booking (this is why it's important to have a guy who is like "Superman" and wins a lot, but that's another point for another thread). John Cena would be getting crazy heat and the atmosphere would be incredible. That's a match worthy of three decades of WrestleMania.

Make it happen.
Undertaker vs. John Cena
Undefeated vs. Undisputed
I see Shemaus being the guy selected to meet Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I dont see John Cena going down on the biggestc ard in WWE history, he will be leaving Mania with his hand held high, and with one or both belts.
Bray Wyatt is nowhere near big enough in name or abiloty to be in Wrestlemania 30, nd probably Takers last Mania.
Shemaus, is Triple H's boy, so to sopeak, multiple time Champion and has been off tv for sometime woth injury. He will return and hopefull with a character freshen up. I see him returning and turning heel, a credible opponent for Taker as he is large, very agile, a great look(his white playing off Takers dark colour)....Sheamus doesnt need the win, but the match will elevate Sheamus into the main event picture for the post Mania period guaranteed. Lesnar is to physical for Taker at this stage of his career, Orton, Punk, HHH,HBK,Kane have all been there before. They are not going to bury Roman Reigns at Mania 30...I think Sheamus is the obvious choice

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