WrestleMania XXX is upon us and a lot of theories/guesses about the card are being posted. I love when a milestone WrestleMania comes because the show is bound to be that much bigger and better. Personally, I would love a mix of current superstars and legends. I often wish wrestlers that were on top would hang up their boots far before they do; but, for WrestleMania XXX, I'd be fine with any and all of Hogan, Austin, Rock, HHH, HBK, Goldberg, Sting, Piper, Foley...even lesser former stars for the backstage segments a la a milestone Raw (IRS, Hillbilly Jim, etc. having quick cameos). I say whatever brings the most eyes to the show (outside of overpaying mainstream celebrities for the most part).
BUT once you get alllll these viewers tuned in (current fans, former fans, potential fans, people who aren't year-round fans but want to see WrestleMania, everybody!) give them something HUGE! Many times, you need someone like the Rock to get people to tune in. Then, once the show starts, it doesn't really matter what happens because they've already paid and you have them watching. But with the size of WrestleMania XXX, use every bullet in your gun to get people watching.
And then level them with a Cena heel turn that ends the Streak.
I just lost a huge percentage of you. But that's ok, because most of you repeat the same opinions every post, every year...forever.
I admit once Undertaker's unblemished WrestleMania record became known as The Streak, I didn't want it to end. It was too big an angle and was bigger than any little feud that might come out of ending it. But, the streak is not what it once was. Undertaker is mostly retired and the annual appeal of The Streak being threatened is close to going away. I read all the time how a fresh, young talent should get the torch passed to him or could use the push that ending The Streak would give him. But we are at the point where, history aside, who would be looked at in a better light for beating an old man who can only perform a handful of times a year? If some rookie beat Michael Jordan now one-on-one, would he get a huge push into superstardom? No! People would think, wow you beat an old man, so? I never wanted The Streak to end, but having Cena end it with the long-anticipated heel turn could be MASSIVE. I am talking Hogan being the third man kind of big.
People think they would care that this old man--sorry to say it again because I am a huge Taker fan--lost once instead of retiring with an undefeated WrestleMania record. Some would, but most would be upset for a bit and then move on. Hogan heel turn is proof of this. People get upset, then they forget...or at least cool down.
I think the potential of Cena ending the streak and, in doing so, turning heel could be bigger for the business than one more win added to Taker's record. Undertaker's legacy will not be diminished if The Streak comes to an end. In fact, allowing it to happen in this way could add to his legacy. One more HUGE angle before the Deadman rests in peace.