The Undertaker & Wrestlemania XXX


Dark Match Winner
I know the streak may, and probably should never end. However, what are the logical ways that make long-term sense in which The Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania could be broken?

I think one way to do it is to have The Undertaker compete for a world title in his last WM match, that would be billed as his curtain call in the WWE. Have Undertaker win a grueling match and finish out on top with the belt (with plans to retire and hold a tournament to determine the next contender), but as soon as he wins, that year's Money in the Bank winner could cash in, take the belt, end the streak.

Think this out visually. What WWE Superstar, if any, would be worthy of breaking the streak and grabbing the torch from The Phenom? Whose entrance and music would strike a "holy SH%$" once the first chord struck? Who would be ready to be champ in 2015? Who makes sense?

My picks would be be either Dean Ambrose or Bray Wyatt. Someone with career longevity, someone the WWE can invest in for the next 10-15 years. Can't be a face, either.
i just want to chime in, and its not a personal shot against you at is just something i have seen posted over and over on WZ by numerous people.

but Bray Wyatt isn't facing Undertaker at WM, he isn't fighting for the world title or the WWE title, hes not even wrestling for the US or Intercontinental title. He had LITERALLY the worst PPV match i have ever seen at Summerslam, its amazing he is still employed. The gimmick is cheesy and terrible and he is destined to (rightfully so) be a low mid carder for the foreseeable future. A feud with the Miz confirms thats his place.

and for Ambrose, he is still the weak link of the Shield, and albeit more likely than Wyatt to eventually be a threat to face Undertaker, he is also peaked in his position of being the US champion right now and for the foreseeable future.

It to me is just so insulting to see so many people thinking The Undertaker!!!!! should be losing a streak of 20+ years to mid carders.

If The Undertaker even was to lose, which i don't believe will happen, it should be to someone who is unarguably legit and still has time to reap the benefits of being the one to break the streak AND it would have to be an absolutely legendary build/execution to pay off.

John Cena or nobody. That has to be the logic.
First, the streak is bigger than any title. Taker's Mania match will never need a title involved.

Second, the streak should never end. I said it before and after the Punk match; we knew Punk would lose, so the focus was able to be on just how kick ass the match would be. The end of streak matches is always a forgone conclusion, it's a matter of how it happens. The only way doubt gets created is if they put Taker in with someone who has a huge ego and thnks they are bigger than the streak. This is why there was a bit more drama with the HBK and HHH matches.

Finally, IF (see second, first) the streak were to end, they would have to do it clean in a one on one match, or else it'd be a meaningless waste.
Bray seriously?
i mean i know he's got a fanbase, but please think of what your saying you want husky to beat the streak? the streak has to end! it would help push someone to the limit's i will say that dean ambrose, seth rollins or roman reign's would be perfect to end the streak, but as for bray we had'nt even seen much of his own wrestling abilty? not to mention he's already got injured that quickly, not to jump to conclusion's but when a wrestler gets injured so quickly after their debut people don't take em to seriously anymore, bray is a joke.
wade barrett and drew mcintyre would be great to end the streak, but im afraid that over 95% of people will disagree with that, guy's that shouldn't defeat the streak is kane, daniel bryan, john cena, randy orton, and manly not alberto del rio. if the streak never end's wwe will be ruining a huge build up to a future "face" of the company.
If WWE even dared to en the Streak now, ESPECIALLY with some newcomer like Bray or Ambrose, Ziggler, etc, people only the die hard fans watching right now even know, you would see such a negative reaction WWE would ever live it down. Think about it, top stars of today like Batista, Edge, and Randy Orton all failed, legends such as Ric Flair, HHH, and HBK failed, CM Punk failed, yet WWE ends The Streak with Dean Ambrose !!!!!!! A lot of fans would find that unforgiveable, and WWE numbers would decrease even more.

Taker doesn't have many more years left, The Streak simply shouldn't end, and the only people at this point anyone would even consider worthy of being In the ring with him for such an important match or John Cena, Rock, and maybe Brock Lesnar.
I swear to god, these "Bray Wyatt should end The Streak!!!" threads are getting worse than the title unification and brand split threads ever were...

Bray Wyatt had one of the worst matches in WWE history at SummerSlam, and has never been even the slightest bit interesting or talented, not on his first day in NXT, not today, and not anytime in between. The thought of him even wrestling Undertaker is laughable.

The only person who I considered truly worthy of ending The Streak was Edge. He was a fresh new main eventer and was on the cusp of becoming a legend, and I think ending The Streak would have done that. Edge didn't do it, so no one should. Especially not a worthless nobody like Bray Wyatt.

If The Streak HAD to end (for some reason I can't even fathom, but for argument's sake let's say it had to end), and a gun was held to my head and I absolutely had to pick the person I would be the least upset about ending it, I would say CM Punk. His match with Undertaker at WM29 stole the show and he proved to Taker and to the PTB in WWE that he is a legitimate main event superstar and has more lasting drawing power than 99.9999% of the roster. If Punk ended The Streak, I'd still be pissed...but a lot less pissed than if someone who didn't need it like John Cena or Triple H did it, or if a part-timer like Brock Lesnar did it, or if someone who wasn't worthy to tie Undertaker's boots like Bray Wyatt or Dean Ambrose did it.
I agree with almost everything everyone else has said, but for the sake of conversation I offer an alternative scenario...

Doing the MITB thing you are suggesting isn't the best idea because like someone already mentioned the streak is bigger than a title so it is not needed, instead I think if the streak ever ends it should be in another suprise type fashion, suppose the undertaker is booked to face, lets say Big Show at WM 2015, they do a reasonable job hyping up the match leading up to it, but on the pre show Big Show gets mysteriously attacked and is out cold in the back, Undertaker goes to the ring and says there is no way he will not be competing at WM and the streak will be defended... No one knows who he will face leading right in to the show.

When it is time for the match undertaker makes his entrance and then calls out whoever is responsible for the assault on the big show...

Music hits out comes xxxxx and they have go right in to a match. Taker loses the match and we now have a new #1 heel to carry us through the year. it will have to be an established or returning superstar though, not some lame mid carder like Bray...

Whoever it is will be kind of repackaged as a ruthless villian and can go right in to a program with Big Show or whoever was suppose to face Taker originally...

A few names that come to mind to play the part of xxxxxx:

Bubba Ray
Cody Rhodes
The streak in and of itself is almost a championship match really. It's become a huge drawing point for WrestleMania and it's become every bit as important, sometimes even more so, than the WWE Championship match. The streak match at WrestleMania doesn't really even need a championship as part of the hype because the respect fans have for Taker and WWE's build of the match is really all that's been needed for years now.

If the streak ever comes to an end, then it needs to come about as something of a surprise. Given that Taker's health and that the wear & tear of the business has taken its toll on him the past several years, having his WM match be for the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship would give away the outcome of the match weeks before it even took place. We saw it happen with The Rock earlier this year and the end result will be the same for any part timer or special attraction who goes into WM either as champ or trying to become champ. We knew The Rock would love to Cena and it'd be all but guaranteed that Taker would lose because his body can't take the toll anymore. Sure, they could always have Taker win it only to surrender the title the next night or have it stripped or whatever, but just think of how fucking lame that'd be. Whether it's Taker, Rock, Lesnar, RVD, Jericho or any other part timer; leave championships out of the equation. With their schedules and how their deals are structured, adding titles will only wind up taking away from their matches.

As for who the opponent, as of right now, it shouldn't be Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt is highly entertaining and a unique character, but he's definitely going to have to be built up over the next several years in order to have the sort of credibility needed for people to not only want to see this match, but to also believe in him as a threat. By the time Wyatt has that level of credibility, if ever, it'll probably be time for Taker to close the door on the streak one way or the other. WWE & Taker basically take things one day at a time as it pertains to his participation at WrestleMania. It's possible something might happen between now and January or February that keeps Taker out of WM XXX. Maybe he suffers a bad injury or gets sick. Maybe Michelle McCool gets sick or severely hurt, maybe one or more of his kids and he has to devote his energy & focus in that direction. If he missed WM XXX then, who knows, maybe he'd just decide to hang it up altogether since he's had to skip this time around.

If a choice is made to end the streak at WM in a match, then I think WWE needs to be very selective in who they pick. It shouldn't be someone like John Cena as he's already done damn near everything already and ending the streak would give people who resent him all the more reason to because, frankly, he doesn't need it as a career boost. It shouldn't be part timers like The Rock or Brock Lesnar who only come back for big money and/or being in the spotlight. In my opinion, the wrestler should be someone that's both young and established to some degree, but not TOO established, and someone that's pretty over with fans. As of right now, at this very second, one of the only guys I can really think of who fits that bill is Colph Ziggler.
Personally, I would've said if anyone was going to do it, it would've been Punk last year, but you could tell during the build-up that that wasn't going to happen. He was the only guy who had the fan base and ring presence to seem like a legit threat, and he could've gotten massive heel rub that would've carried for a long, long time.

Obviously, they didn't want the Streak to end, and now there's really no one with any legitimacy who could end it without getting massive blowback by the fans.

Ryback? People would scream bloody murder about how he's being rammed down our throats.

Bray Wyatt? Just because he fulfills the "creepy" factor that seems like it goes hand in hand with a feud with the Undertaker doesn't mean he ends the streak. Honestly, until I see a legit big match from Wyatt with a guy like Punk, Cena, or Bryan, I'm not convinced that he's all that.

The Shield? I think a 3 on 1 Handicap match would be an interesting match for Taker at Wrestlemania, but no way do they win that. Reigns is a big guy who could get the most rub by beating Taker, but something like that wouldn't happen til he was on his own as a singles competitor for awhile.

Again, you have to think that whoever beats Undertaker is the next bankable superstar for the WWE, and they really just don't have anyone who fills that role right now.

I think Taker ends up fighting Brock or Cena at Wrestlemania 30 (preference towards the latter).
to end takers streak would actually be the biggest thing someone could
accomplish in all of pro wrestling i get what peeps mean when they say a promising up and comer should win but its a massive isnt like throwing the heavyweight title at someone the streak isnt something that can just be won back or taken away if the winner turns out to be a flop.

i personally dont think it should end anyways but if i had to
pick one id go with an obvious choice kane.hes won loads of various titles and is a legend in his own right but his career has also been full of dodgy storylines and has always been in takers assuming the streak ending would also mean takers retirement so kane ending it would be the perfect close to their 15 plus year saga.
If WWE even dared to en the Streak now, ESPECIALLY with some newcomer like Bray or Ambrose, Ziggler, etc, people only the die hard fans watching right now even know, you would see such a negative reaction WWE would ever live it down. Think about it, top stars of today like Batista, Edge, and Randy Orton all failed, legends such as Ric Flair, HHH, and HBK failed, CM Punk failed, yet WWE ends The Streak with Dean Ambrose !!!!!!! A lot of fans would find that unforgiveable, and WWE numbers would decrease even more.

Taker doesn't have many more years left, The Streak simply shouldn't end, and the only people at this point anyone would even consider worthy of being In the ring with him for such an important match or John Cena, Rock, and maybe Brock Lesnar.

I'm glad someone said it. I'm not too keen on the idea of the streak ending unless it is to Kane at the end of both their careers. Honestly, if Ambrose or Wyatt ends the streak I will quit watching WWE and I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way. There's no reason either one of those guys should even have a mania match with him let alone end the streak. At this moment in time the streak is a big time match therefore it needs a big time challenger there are only a few people left to challenge it you have Brock Lesnar, Cena, the Rock possibly and if this were a few years ago I would have said Chris Jericho. If it's not one of those people or a returning Kurt Angle the match doesn't need to happen. In the end the streak should not end especially not to fucking Bray Wyatt or Ambrose. In regards to the OP I wouldn't book the streak like that because that's cheap if I were to book the end of the streak it has to be to Kane something similar to their 2010 feud with the little brother finally surpassing the big brother but it takes so much out of them that the devil's two favorite demons remain in hell and rest in peaceeeeee
I do agree with the fellow comments here, Bray Wyatt is simply overrated.

Yes, one of the worst matches in WWE history during Summerslam.

Yes, his gimmick is cheesy and his promos are unbearable to watch without cringing and wondering 'why am I watching this?'

Yes, he should not even touch, mention or defeat the streak.

But, if one person has to end it, I would say Kane. Preferably the moment Kane ends Taker's streak, they both lay down on the mat and wait till a final gong. Then as light turns back on, Taker's Hat and Kane's Mask is left in the ring, the two legends retires and never to be seen again.

Yes, that's how I want it, tell me what you think.
I do agree with the fellow comments here, Bray Wyatt is simply overrated.

Yes, one of the worst matches in WWE history during Summerslam.

Yes, his gimmick is cheesy and his promos are unbearable to watch without cringing and wondering 'why am I watching this?'

Yes, he should not even touch, mention or defeat the streak.

But, if one person has to end it, I would say Kane. Preferably the moment Kane ends Taker's streak, they both lay down on the mat and wait till a final gong. Then as light turns back on, Taker's Hat and Kane's Mask is left in the ring, the two legends retires and never to be seen again.

Yes, that's how I want it, tell me what you think.

A few years ago I came up with an idea very similar to this where after the match the lights go off and come back on and Taker's urn and Kane's original mask are in the ring and Paul Bearer comes out picks them and walks away and that would be the end of all three. Obviously that is now impossible as Paul Bearer has passed away which sucks because that would have been awesome. But yeah they could still leave the mask and urn in the ring and never be seen again.
I like the suggestion of Ambrose or one of the Shield to break it via cash in. Imagine Undertaker lying in the ring and then you hear Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta. It would be an impressive sight. I think Taker and 2 other superstars/legends fight the Shield at WM30. The Shield wrote off Taker and if he retires without doing something about it I would be unhappy that they left a loose end. The commentators keep reminding us of it and this may be the Shield last WM. You could see WWE boost The Shield by pinning one of Taker partners to build a feud between Taker and the one who got pinned. My dream partners for Taker would be The Rock (who was also attacked by the Shield) and HBK (who could be attacked by the Shield in this current storyline)
Taker has beaten someone in the ring. Then the Ultimate Warrior's music hits. He knocks him down and tombstones him. Real American hits. Hogan waddles to the ring. Tombstone. Vader's music hits. Tombstone's him. Then every other legend he never faced at WM runs in to try and defeat him. About 4 hours later, an exhausted Taker collapses and the Brooklyn Brawler runs in for the 3 count.
The only two guys who could have possibly broken the streak were Randy Orton and HBK.

Randy Orton back in 2005 because at that time the streak wasn't hyped as much as it is now and he was the legend killer and he had just become a main eventer a few months ago so it made sense for him to go over.

HBK because Undertaker was the guy who broke his back and took away 4 of HBK's prime years. Say what you will about Shawn being a dick during his first run but the HBK who returned in 2002 was not as entertaining as he was in his first run so for this reason alone I think HBK should have broken the streak at WM25 even though he didn't need it. Him losing twice to Taker was especially sad to watch especially after learning that Taker threatened to beat him up after WM14 if he didn't job to Austin. Especially after watching how Taker buried DDP during his brief WWE run I've never been a fan of the guy.

The streak has now become so big that merely facing(and losing) to Taker at Wrestlemania is considered a huge milestone, which is why guys like Sting and Goldberg want to come back. Having someone break the streak would do injustice to legends who lost in the previous Wrestlemanias. At best what they can do is have a tie, like a last man standing match where both men fail to answer the 10 count. That way Taker would still remain unbeaten at Wrestlemania and depending on how you look at it, he can retire after that match without having his streak broken(some people consider it to be broken in case of a tie). But there is nobody on the roster who deserves it at the moment. The Rock and Lesnar are part timers so that rules them out, Sting is a WCW product so there is no way Vince would let him go over, Goldberg would be a part timer if he comes back and he was also a WCW product, Cena is considered by many to be the best superstar of all time and has done everything there is to do in profession wrestling so he doesn't need to end the streak, it would do nothing for him, if anything it would only ruin his legacy and make people hate him more, Daniel Bryan would probably be involved in the WWE title feud at WM and even if he isn't, they would never let a babyface end the streak. The only way the streak could possibly ever end is if they bring a new guy and push him very hard right from his debut, like they pushed Brock Lesnar in 2002 and even then he would probably lose. If at all anyone ever manages to tie or beat Taker at Mania they would instantly become the greatest heel of all time.

Personally I hope Brock Lesnar vs Taker doesn't happen because Lesnar is the only guy who Taker has never beaten and I want that record to remain intact. If it does happen(Lesnar would obviously lose) I hope Lesnar beats Taker up bad enough during the match that he retires after WM30.
My idea of ending the streak would be to have John Cena turn heel and win the bout by cheating.

Obviously that's not going to happen, but I would absolutely love it. I would love how the entire IWC would freak out over it and whine and bitch and moan forever and ever. :p
Wyatt or Ambrose ending the streak???? LMFAO!!!!! The IWC is so ridiculous these days.

At this point, the streak is not going to end.
Taker has beaten someone in the ring. Then the Ultimate Warrior's music hits. He knocks him down and tombstones him. Real American hits. Hogan waddles to the ring. Tombstone. Vader's music hits. Tombstone's him. Then every other legend he never faced at WM runs in to try and defeat him. About 4 hours later, an exhausted Taker collapses and the Brooklyn Brawler runs in for the 3 count.

NO not Brawler. The one man taker's never beaten. The one man he's never faced.

It's time.... it's time... It's Barry Horowitz time! {the only man more worhthy of the self high five entrance music then ddp.}

This was a humorous post to the the thread, and I found it enjoyable so wanted to put my twist on it.
The only two guys who could have possibly broken the streak were Randy Orton and HBK.

Randy Orton back in 2005 because at that time the streak wasn't hyped as much as it is now and he was the legend killer and he had just become a main eventer a few months ago so it made sense for him to go over.

HBK because Undertaker was the guy who broke his back and took away 4 of HBK's prime years. Say what you will about Shawn being a dick during his first run but the HBK who returned in 2002 was not as entertaining as he was in his first run so for this reason alone I think HBK should have broken the streak at WM25 even though he didn't need it. Him losing twice to Taker was especially sad to watch especially after learning that Taker threatened to beat him up after WM14 if he didn't job to Austin. Especially after watching how Taker buried DDP during his brief WWE run I've never been a fan of the guy.

The streak has now become so big that merely facing(and losing) to Taker at Wrestlemania is considered a huge milestone, which is why guys like Sting and Goldberg want to come back. Having someone break the streak would do injustice to legends who lost in the previous Wrestlemanias. At best what they can do is have a tie, like a last man standing match where both men fail to answer the 10 count. That way Taker would still remain unbeaten at Wrestlemania and depending on how you look at it, he can retire after that match without having his streak broken(some people consider it to be broken in case of a tie). But there is nobody on the roster who deserves it at the moment. The Rock and Lesnar are part timers so that rules them out, Sting is a WCW product so there is no way Vince would let him go over, Goldberg would be a part timer if he comes back and he was also a WCW product, Cena is considered by many to be the best superstar of all time and has done everything there is to do in profession wrestling so he doesn't need to end the streak, it would do nothing for him, if anything it would only ruin his legacy and make people hate him more, Daniel Bryan would probably be involved in the WWE title feud at WM and even if he isn't, they would never let a babyface end the streak. The only way the streak could possibly ever end is if they bring a new guy and push him very hard right from his debut, like they pushed Brock Lesnar in 2002 and even then he would probably lose. If at all anyone ever manages to tie or beat Taker at Mania they would instantly become the greatest heel of all time.

Personally I hope Brock Lesnar vs Taker doesn't happen because Lesnar is the only guy who Taker has never beaten and I want that record to remain intact. If it does happen(Lesnar would obviously lose) I hope Lesnar beats Taker up bad enough during the match that he retires after WM30.

Well thought and and written but a larger piece of trash I have rarely seen.

Let's start at the bottom of the pile and work our way up.

Lesnar is the wrong guy to beat the streak, mainly because it means nothing to him as he is not really a wrestler, he's a glorified PR piece and mercanary. Taker has beat Brock several times in the past, mostly on smackdown. So that point of yours is wrong.

Let's jump to the top.
Who was most likely/potential to break the streak, after it started picking up? You listed Randy and HBK. But you forgot Edge. At the time Edge and Taker were having the feud of the year, and Edge was also undefeated at WM, somthing like 7 or 9 and 0. Edge's future at that point, and his rank among the roster made him the most likely of all and would have helped push edge out of cena's and the rocks shadows and to be at the same level as at the top. He would have benefited best as he was at an age and career level that would have made it suitable for him to carry on with this accomplishment. Randy was too young and immature to handle the responsibility. HBK...never bought that he was going to win.

You talk about it being sad that he lost 2 in a row, but honestly, considering all the shit he made Taker and every one else put up with before he lost those 4 years, this was just payback, and karma biting him in the ass. As for you not liking the fact that Taker had to threaten HBK to do the job at WM14, that is and was HBK's fault for being an ass. If he had been a team player and not a egomaniacal diva glory hound, it wouldn't have had to happen. That's the difference between Taker and guys like HBK, Hogan, and Flair. Taker's always cared about doing what was right for the business, not himself. He could have done a Rock and left, I'm sure there would have been offers for him, he could have gone to WCW for more money, gone on the talk circuit and book route of Foley, but he was more concerned about the business and doing the right thing then self promotion and egocentric projects. Don't forget, HBK is the one who posed in Playgirl and repeatedly refused to put over other talents every step of the way. And you e reare also wrong about the returned HBK not being as entertaining as the original, because honestly, I've never found much entertainment in HBK except enjoying seeing him getting his ass kicked because that way at least he was't butchering a promo.

DDP wasn't buried. he just didn't have what it took to get over with the wwe audience. He couldn't play the same role he did in wcw, since that role (bluecollar rugged guy, hates the boss, hated by the boss, underdog fan fav) was firmly in Austin's back pocket. So he tried a few things and couldn't connect to the fans the way he did with WCW. He'd also at that point closing in on 50. He didn't become a wrestler until late 30's early 40's so time was against him as well.
NO NO NO...the streak is never going to end and its not because it shouldn't but because there is nobody young and with enough potential to do it. If another Brock Lesnar came along, than sure have him end the streak but the guy has to be a sure MEGA STAR. The last time I would even consider the streak at serious risk was Taker vs Orton. Orton was young, full of potential, popular, and had his whole legend killer gimmick going. Ambrose is not a sure star, neither is Wyatt or any member of the Shield. Punk, DB, and Cena are all older and are as popular as they are going to get with or without ending the streak. Who else does that leave, Dolph? a guy that they dont even trust with the world title..Ryback? a guy that is like 1-10 on ppv and lost at last years mania to Mark Henry. The Rock? Why...Lesnar? so he can disappear for 5 months after the win.

There is nobody on the current roster that it would make sense to have end the streak NOBODY. Not even Kane, sure it would make sense as for as story lines go but what does WWE gain from doing this? NOTHING

The streak will not end...GET OVER IT...and if it did end we all know who would REALLY end it...and his name rhymes with Ron Dena
Some different situations I think that should/should have ended the streak:

An undefeated (for 2 years) Ryback (if he was still over)

The Shield beating Taker & Kane in a 3 on 2 Handicap Match (when The Shield were hot)

Daniel Bryan (as he is now)

CM Punk (summer 2011)

Bray Wyatt (with years of solid build)

Randy Orton (legend killer 2005)

Edge (2005/6)

I think whether people like to admit it or not, every single one of these guys has been over at one point and some to the extent to which I wouldn't have minded them ending the streak. I think its a huge waste if Taker leaves with the streak as it is such a good opportunity to make a huge star. However, the person who should end the streak has to be someone trustworthy & reliable. And honestly the only guys who have proven that on this list are The Shield/Punk/Bryan & Edge
I have always consistently maintained that the Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak should never be ended by anyone. For all that he has meant to WWE for the last couple of decades, and for all the loyalty he displayed during the darker days of the Monday Night Wars, when the temptation to jump ship must have been there, I think he should retire, whenever that is, with no blemish on his perfect record on the grandest stage of them all.

Having said this, the only scenario I could envision which would make the end of "the streak" acceptable would be for the streak to end at the hands of a heel John Cena. Cena challenges the Undertaker at WM30, and spends months cutting promos about the significance of the streak, respect, dedication, etc., He says he doesn't need a title shot this year, but he instead aspires for something more significant: immortality.

Then, at the end of the biggest event of the year, Cena shocks the world, turns heel, and either cheats outright to win or at the very least, does something sketchy. Bam, the streak is over, the blasphemous John Cena heel turn takes effect, and pro wrestling gets a jolt which hasn't been seen since the days of Hogan joining the nWo. Despite what the naysayers believe, I think this would sell like gangbusters, and would inject a little unpredictability into an otherwise stale product. The payoff would be huge and after a suitable time period has elapsed and Cena sees the error of his ways and turns back, that payoff would be pretty significant as well.

For me, no other scenario would justify the end of the iconic streak.
I have always consistently maintained that the Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak should never be ended by anyone. For all that he has meant to WWE for the last couple of decades, and for all the loyalty he displayed during the darker days of the Monday Night Wars, when the temptation to jump ship must have been there, I think he should retire, whenever that is, with no blemish on his perfect record on the grandest stage of them all.

Having said this, the only scenario I could envision which would make the end of "the streak" acceptable would be for the streak to end at the hands of a heel John Cena. Cena challenges the Undertaker at WM30, and spends months cutting promos about the significance of the streak, respect, dedication, etc., He says he doesn't need a title shot this year, but he instead aspires for something more significant: immortality.

Then, at the end of the biggest event of the year, Cena shocks the world, turns heel, and either cheats outright to win or at the very least, does something sketchy. Bam, the streak is over, the blasphemous John Cena heel turn takes effect, and pro wrestling gets a jolt which hasn't been seen since the days of Hogan joining the nWo. Despite what the naysayers believe, I think this would sell like gangbusters, and would inject a little unpredictability into an otherwise stale product. The payoff would be huge and after a suitable time period has elapsed and Cena sees the error of his ways and turns back, that payoff would be pretty significant as well.

For me, no other scenario would justify the end of the iconic streak.

Cena turning heel is the dumbest thing the WWE could ever do...nobody is close to Cena..he is the FACE of the company. A company that gets its money from kids that love Cena. How the hell would this earn more money for the WWE? I guess sesame street should have Elmo turn bad too. Kisd look up to cena, kids use their last dying wish to see Cena, and you think its a good idea to not only turn his back on millions of little kids that still believe wrestling is real but to also cheat to end the most iconic streak in the history of the WWE. If guys like you ran the WWE it would be out of business. Turning Cena heel is so stupid and I can't understand why anybody would think that this is a good idea.
Cena turning heel is the dumbest thing the WWE could ever do...nobody is close to Cena..he is the FACE of the company. A company that gets its money from kids that love Cena. How the hell would this earn more money for the WWE? I guess sesame street should have Elmo turn bad too. Kisd look up to cena, kids use their last dying wish to see Cena, and you think its a good idea to not only turn his back on millions of little kids that still believe wrestling is real but to also cheat to end the most iconic streak in the history of the WWE. If guys like you ran the WWE it would be out of business. Turning Cena heel is so stupid and I can't understand why anybody would think that this is a good idea.

Hey, you are entitled to your opinion (even if it is wrong), and I am entitled to mine. The simple fact of the matter is, there has always been faces in WWE, guys who are idolized by children, guys who move a lot of merchandise, guys who make a lot of money for the WWE machine, yet not one of them has ever been immune from the possibility of a heel turn. How is it that Hogan, or the Rock, or Austin, or so many others were able to be turned (admittedly with varying degrees of success), yet it is deemed absurd to even suggest doing so with Cena?

Obviously Cena is the face if the company, no one would dispute that, but therein is the point. But the suggestion that Cena only appeals to children, and this is where WWE derives all of its income is a prevalent IWC fallacy. Look at the people in attendance at any arena, whether it be RAW, SD, or a PPV. Sure, plenty of children present, but lots of adults too. Who buys the tickets? Who buys the PPV's? The notion that the WWE is financially driven by the whims of their younger audience is simply not correct.

How would this make money for WWE? By sparking greater interest in its adult demographic. You know, the people who purchase the PPV's. Who buy the tickets for the shows. Who buy the t-shirts . And who decide to bring their kids to the events or allow them to tune in to watch the product.

Cheating to win is the ultimate way to fuel the heel turn. It also allows the Undertaker to lose his streak but not look bad in the process. And it would elicit such a backlash of emotions that would turn the business upside down. Plus, I did say that it didn't necessarily have to be overt cheating, but it would have to be some sort of underhanded activity to elicit the greatest response.

I don't suggest a permanent heel shift, rather a finite period of time after which Cena sees the error of his ways and turns back. And gee, I wonder what demographic would be waiting there to lap that up when that happens. I'd be willing to bet that when the eventual return to face status occurs, WWE will probably sell a t-shirt or two.

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