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The Return of....?


The Return of Goldberg has been talked about for years. Its been said when he arrived that he disappointed in wwe. He went DOWN since being at wcw. The Storyline of Goldberg trying to take out Evolution was not interesting to many people and got stale fast.. I thought the storyline was great but other people have there own opinion. On to what I think.. Now wwe could use a BIG NAME player return. A Guy Like Stone Cold but, also a guy like John Cena or Cmpunk. A guy who is known and is popular like Stone Cold but, wouldn't just be there as a part timer. I dont know if he could be able to be a full timer or if he would go back to wwe. Somebody like Goldberg who could put over talent. If Goldberg would be happy to do that also is in question.

Would Goldberg be able to be a full timer in wwe? your opinions...

Would Goldberg go back to wwe?

Would you like to have Goldberg in wwe?

Do I make a good point on the topic?

Who would you like to see as a BIG NAME player return as a Full Timer?
Goldberg is 46 years old. His heyday in WCW was 13-15 years ago. His WWE run ended about 9 years ago. See where I'm going? Simply put, this is a terrible idea.

I don't think he'd go back full-time, I don't want him back full time, you don't make a good point, and WWE doesn't need any "big name" players to come back full-time.
i think it has been said that he would like to return, however it has also been said that he might be a little...demanding.
for obvious reasons, you cant bring goldberg back now without involving ryback in it.
i would like to see goldberg back, however i would have him separate himself from ryback without having a match against him. i would do something along the lines of ryback getting help for a 2vs3 against shield or something, maybe 2vs4 if they ever get more members, have one match and then have him leave again.
goldberg doesnt need to be back full-time and having him job in a goldberg-ryback match would not reinforce ryback, it would make the goldberg chants even louder, because the intelligent people would see how ryback would be shoved down their throats like that.
just have both of them say on camera that they are somewhat similar but they respect each other, go kick ass and then thats it.
lets face it, goldberg is super intense but brings little else to the table, and we dont need two intense guys running around.
lesnar is different and so is rock, and i feel like goldbergs chance for a storyline outside of "hey, goldberg is back to kick some ass one last time" has passed.
Goldberg has always been entertaining to watch and one of my favorites. That being said, I think he's a little old to be a full-time guy. Not to mention the ring rust on the guy would be ridiculous. He hasn't done much wrestling in about 9 years, and he's no Rock. If he came back in great ring shape, I guess I wouldn't be completely against it. And obviously he would have to have a match with Ryback.

That being said, I don't think Goldberg would want to come back for a full-time return. He likes spending time with his family, and I don't think he would be willing to go on the road for 300 days a year. It just wouldn't be worth it to him, and probably not to the fans either. I just think he's too far passed his prime at this point to be much more than a one time nostalgia act.
Your right. I just thought putting it out there and seeing your opinions helped my thought. The only problem Im seeing is alot of these newer guys CANT get over like a Ryback, Cena, Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Cmpunk, Stone Cold, or even a guy like Goldberg. Im giving them a chance but these newer gimmicks aren't interesting to what we had before. WWE creatively isnt what we like. Its about what Vince likes/want. Us as fans enjoyed the streak of GREAT gimmicks but, nowadays its half made gimmicks
yeah, but thats what you get when the stuff you do grows older, you cant do anything new because everything has been done already.
just look at how ryback has to avoid using goldbergs moves, even though i think they are the perfect moveset for this kind of face monster.
the question is: do you think that putting the old guys in there will help the new ones or do they just show how bad the new guys are?
now think about goldberg coming back and having a match vs ryback.
goldberg wins: ryback is buried, the old model beats the new model. basically this makes ryback obsolete, because you could have goldberg who is still superior after years of not wrestling.
ryback wins: goldberg "passes the torch", the fans who chanted goldberg will chant it twice as loud because they believe that the booking is stupid and ryback, as a goldberg ripoff, is shoved down their throats instead of the original.
cheating/shenanigans: they basically reveal how they hae no idea what to do, because they didnt have the stones to do a proper finish to the question of who is superior.
Well I may be biased because I never was much of a WCW fan & I always thought as far as storylines went WCW was always much more inferior. I thought WCW did a god job in the rise or Goldberg but once he became an established star I feel like WCW really dropped the ball with him. & on the flip side of that I agree with you on his WWE tenure & feud with Evoltuion, I found it very enjoyable. So while most would disagree, I would say Goldberg did his better work in WWE, especially as a bonafied star.

So with that being said, even though most don't like how Goldberg was used in WWE, I would have no problem seeing Goldberg in the WWE again.

However I don't think WWE cares much to have him back, not to mention I don't think VKM likes to pay the big buck to bring in WCW 'made' guys. Also, just from comments I have read on his time with the company, I really don't think Goldberg cares to ever return to WWE unless they meet each & every one of his demands. & even if he did I don't see him ever returning full-time, I think that is just illogical at this point in time.

But I do think you make a good point of bringing back a big name for more than some one off appearence or for just a small handful of matches & it would be nice to see a bonafied Legend lock up with the current names in WWE. Unfortunately I think between money & issues with age, schedule, etc. I don't see any true Legends returning for more than we have seen guys like Rock & Lesnar return for.
I just don't see the point in him returning. His he that much of a draw? Goldberg is a big name but his he at the same level as the Rock, Austin, Bret Hart. No. It would be cool and interesting but nothing more.

Obviously, he doesn't need to be but in my opinion someone like Goldberg wouldn't help people get over. His character doesn't suit it.
"Would Goldberg be able to be a full timer in wwe?"

I don't really know whether he "would" or not, depending upon his physical condition. I haven't seen the guy in forever, so I wouldn't know about that. However, I very much doubt that Goldgerg would even if physically able. In order to be a full timer, you have to have a love of wrestling. All the money in the world is great, but that means little if you don't have a love for the business. Brock Lesnar is the epitome of that point. He was pushed to the moon, paid obscene amounts of money but couldn't hack it because of the schedule. I don't think Goldberg ever particularly loved wrestling. I think he saw it as a way to generally make easy money. Goldberg had the mental toughness to stay with it for several years but, all in all, he never came across as someone that, at least to me, especially cared for it.

"Would Goldberg go back to wwe?"

Absolutely, for the right price. There have been reports of Goldberg being involved in negotiating a return to WWE but the deals have all fallen through. In my opinion, and this is an assumption, I have a feeling Goldberg wanted a massive amount of money and a dramatically reduced schedule in order to return. I think he wanted Brock Lesnar's deal He probably wanted the moon & stars while the WWE simply didn't think he was worth it. Goldberg is no Brock Lesnar. Lesnar went out and conquered the UFC and generated a response & interest from MMA fans, whether they liked him or not, that's been unrivaled before or since.

"Would you like to have Goldberg in wwe?"

Not at all. Personally, I think Goldberg is one of the most overly hyped overrated stars in wrestling history. I understand why he was pushed, he got a great response from the WCW fans, but I never really saw anything to justify it. He had a great look and great intensity, I'll give him that. But his streak is extremely overrated, probably the most overrated thing about him. The vast majority of Goldberg's wins during his streak took place against jobbers in 2 minute squash matches. Goldberg was a success due to his look, his intensity and the way he was booked & marketed. It worked great. However, once you took the guy out of those squash matches and put him into actual matches that went 5-10 minutes, most of the time, his limits became very apparent. At the end of the day, I see Goldberg as an overly hyped, one trick pony that made good in wrestling for a few years, made a good deal of money and left it behind without ever really looking back.
I wouldn't mind seeing him come back in some capacity for a little "mini" run.

It could already be in the works since he had signed a deal with them at some point last year. I believe it was a legends deal and they are working on a DVD for Goldberg.
I think maybe a one off appearance would be cool. Maybe have him as a suprise entrant in the Rumble. Or have him maybe have him come out and squash Heath Slater and the 3MB on Raw. But I dont see him ever coming back full time as others mentioned. With his DVD coming in the next few months we could possibly see him on WWE TV again.
Goldberg wasn't a full time guy in WCW so I don't see him coming back to WWE to work full time now. I think maybe a one time deal or working a few months before a send off would be fine. Once he was defeated the mystique of Goldberg died. People say the WWE killed him but that just wasn't true.
I don't ever see Goldberg returning to WWE, for reasons that people have already stated so I won't list them again. I'm not so sure if I would even want to see him back, even if it was for a short term deal. The WWE relies so much on part-time stars to carry the company during WrestleMania season that I just wouldn't like another one.

Not saying it wouldn't be cool to see him back, maybe just a one time gig... that's it though.
I am not going to lie. I would be seriously interested in a Goldberg return ... but it would not last long likely because he is old and doesn't have much by the way of feuds and such that I would care to see him in.

Him vs. Brock was ruined by their disaster at WM 20. Him vs. any other person on the roster does not seem that interesting ... and he never had a strong workrate in the first place. I mean ... I would pay attention for sure ... but really? Have him go over Ryback or something of the like? Wouldn't make sense. Would I be that impressed by seeing Ryback or Punk go over him ... nah.

So ... of course he would come back for the right about of money. And OF COURSE all of us would pay attention ... but he would quickly grow stale I think.
Goldberg was never a good fit for WWE, as he wasn't a home-grown talent and he was hardly what WWE looks for in a main-event guy (he wasn't a good promo and he wasn't exactly the best worker). He's had very little good to say about WWE, plus he's 46 years old, so don't hold your breath waiting for a Goldberg return. At most, he might come back if they decide to induct him in the WWE Hall Of Fame, but since HHH doesn't like him at all, that's a very long shot.
I wouldn't want goldberg to return, it would just become stale quick. I actually feel that goldberg was cool when he was in wcw, but when he went to wwe he just never really clicked with me anymore.

As far as a return is concerned I would kill to see Kurt Angle come back, the guy can make anyone look good and he's still one of the best.
"Would Goldberg be able to be a full timer in wwe?"

I don't really know whether he "would" or not, depending upon his physical condition. I haven't seen the guy in forever, so I wouldn't know about that. However, I very much doubt that Goldgerg would even if physically able. In order to be a full timer, you have to have a love of wrestling. All the money in the world is great, but that means little if you don't have a love for the business. Brock Lesnar is the epitome of that point. He was pushed to the moon, paid obscene amounts of money but couldn't hack it because of the schedule. I don't think Goldberg ever particularly loved wrestling. I think he saw it as a way to generally make easy money. Goldberg had the mental toughness to stay with it for several years but, all in all, he never came across as someone that, at least to me, especially cared for it.

"Would Goldberg go back to wwe?"

Absolutely, for the right price. There have been reports of Goldberg being involved in negotiating a return to WWE but the deals have all fallen through. In my opinion, and this is an assumption, I have a feeling Goldberg wanted a massive amount of money and a dramatically reduced schedule in order to return. I think he wanted Brock Lesnar's deal He probably wanted the moon & stars while the WWE simply didn't think he was worth it. Goldberg is no Brock Lesnar. Lesnar went out and conquered the UFC and generated a response & interest from MMA fans, whether they liked him or not, that's been unrivaled before or since.

"Would you like to have Goldberg in wwe?"

Not at all. Personally, I think Goldberg is one of the most overly hyped overrated stars in wrestling history. I understand why he was pushed, he got a great response from the WCW fans, but I never really saw anything to justify it. He had a great look and great intensity, I'll give him that. But his streak is extremely overrated, probably the most overrated thing about him. The vast majority of Goldberg's wins during his streak took place against jobbers in 2 minute squash matches. Goldberg was a success due to his look, his intensity and the way he was booked & marketed. It worked great. However, once you took the guy out of those squash matches and put him into actual matches that went 5-10 minutes, most of the time, his limits became very apparent. At the end of the day, I see Goldberg as an overly hyped, one trick pony that made good in wrestling for a few years, made a good deal of money and left it behind without ever really looking back.

this isnt exactly true, and would prob get u killed on a mma site. brock won the belt, but conquered...no , no he did not. i defended brock to the max but i would nowhere near say he conquered..brock was 4-3 which it is very argued that he should be 4-4 as some refs would of called the stoppage in the carwin fight. brocks weakness was very known and eventually caught up to him, if he couldnt get a guy down he was screwed as he HATED to be hit, which is very common in wrestlers/grapplers in mma.

as far as unrivaled... theres been a bunch of events thats come near brocks....gsp and penn are known to always of been in the same region as brock, rampage vs rashad did 975,000. brocks claim to fame was ufc 100 for drawing 1.7 million ppv b uys but it was a STACKED card with gsp also on the card which attributed to sales............

however , no goldberg does not deserve a contract like brock..brock has showed success outside wwe and is a smart business man knowing he was in demand and demanded said contract...it was vince who needed brock.... goldberg has basically done nothing since wrestling( failed mma commentator and had a show on speed tv).. so it would be insane to give him such a contract.... the only one who could remotely even try would be batista...

goldberg coming back FULLTIME would be a disaster, hes too old
NO! Goldberg coming back simply won't happen. Him vs Ryback would NOT be a good match. And honestly, there would be absolutely nothing to gain by it.
I can see him come in for an appearance or two for a HOF induction. Maybe even have an in ring confrontation with someone like CM Punk. That is, IF Punk at that time was still playing the same role he is now.

Now, while I do not see it happening, especially with age being an extreme factor here, I would love to see Ken Shamrock come back for a short stint.
If he can recapture half of what he was in WWE, a fued with Punk would be quite a battle. The intensity of those two alone would draw fans.

Bob Holly is another guy I could see pulling a surprise return. He never quite reached the main event level and I never understood why. Yeah Crash held him back a bit but Holly had some good main event appearances and again i think his skill set would match up well with CM Punk, John Cena, even Sheamus.
He was insignificant in his 2003-2004 run in WWE. 10 years on, he is 46 or so, has no interest in ever learning the business and is a total mark for himself who believes his characters hype. Goldberg should only EVER be brought in to put over somebody like a Ryback,
Honestly, I dont care for the old timers any more. I quit watching wrestling in the time frame in which the Goldberg context is being held. I just recently (2 months) got back into wrestling and its guys like Ryback, CM Punk, Dolph, Cesaro, Kofi, Rey, Big Show, Cena, and other players who are making this show interesting to a point for me again. I thought Goldberg's mic skills were bad at best.

If anyone is going to come back for whatever reason, they have to be full time. Im tired of seeing The Rock come back when its convienent for him and leave a couple months later. Punk makes awesome points on the mic as to the mentality of the WWE Universe and Mr McMahon. Punk IS the best in the world and earned it by being in the rin 4-6 nights a week.

Quit beinging back oldies and develop the talent you have to make the new big thing.
"Would Goldberg be able to be a full timer in wwe?"

"Would you like to have Goldberg in wwe?"

Not at all. Personally, I think Goldberg is one of the most overly hyped overrated stars in wrestling history. I understand why he was pushed, he got a great response from the WCW fans, but I never really saw anything to justify it. He had a great look and great intensity, I'll give him that. But his streak is extremely overrated, probably the most overrated thing about him. The vast majority of Goldberg's wins during his streak took place against jobbers in 2 minute squash matches. Goldberg was a success due to his look, his intensity and the way he was booked & marketed. It worked great. However, once you took the guy out of those squash matches and put him into actual matches that went 5-10 minutes, most of the time, his limits became very apparent. At the end of the day, I see Goldberg as an overly hyped, one trick pony that made good in wrestling for a few years, made a good deal of money and left it behind without ever really looking back.
I have to disagree. I used to think that then I went back and watched. I am not sure what WCW could have done different. It was one of the more intelligent ways to build someone. You give him a bunch of squash matches and go from there. The fans went ape-shit. Literally. He certainly wasn't the greatest wrestler but he actually had a surprisingly well-rounded repertoire. His mic skills get criticized but he was a monster and honestly they were not that bad.

His 1998 run was memorable up until he beat Hogan and then unfortunately WCW did not know what to do in the follow up. He had that great DDP match but not much else as he was relegated behind Jay Leno and the Warrior. Still, I don't think he was overrated. Even at the end in 01 the fans chanted for him. Also, his name still gets bandied about and there are still Goldberg chants.

What WCW did with Goldberg is the epitome on how to push a guy and then give him the title. Sure inherent problems cropped up later but that moment in Georgia is still one of my favorite TV moments of all time.

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