Rumor: Goldberg To Return to WWE?

Goldberg lacks what all the other part-timers bring to the table, mainstream relevance. Goldberg hasn't been relevant to the mainstream since 1998, whereas Rock, Lesnar, Batista, and Jericho are all recognizable mainstream names (Jericho to the lesser extent).

The fans that want to see Goldberg are also the lifetime fans that will watch WrestleMania anyway. If they want to bring him in, he should be putting someone over, but he likely won't want to come in and lose. Goldberg will want to come in and put over Goldberg. He was dangerous then, he'll be dangerous now. The only match I have any interest in is Goldberg vs Ryback in a "shortened career on a pole match."

Segment with a spear and jack hammer? Sure. Hall of Fame induction? Why not? But unless he's coming in to lie down for a young guy, major pass. Won't be good for the product long term as a fans, won't draw a dime for the company.
My reaction to the first Goldberg v Lesnar encounter went something like "Eww! I did not like that match AT ALL!".

So this is a chance for these two hooligans to get it right and stop acting like a couple of spoiled brats and finally have the epic exposition we fans have been waiting for since WM XX.

The only person I can see being a proper opponent for Brock going into WrestleMania would be Goldberg. Maybe have Big Show wander into a Goldberg flurry of a squash match to hype the bout.
Firstly, Vince made a rod for his back bringing back part-timers for WM every year, and now it has blown up in his face.

Once, they would have one-part timer show up, as well as the Undertaker's one appearance of the year. But in recent years, half the matches have had a part-timer involved.

This is where Vince needs to build the current talent, and rely on them to carry the show. But maybe he has left this too late.

Secondly, Goldberg WON'T job. If they have him at Wrestlemania, it will be on his terms, or not at all. He knows that Wrestlemania needs him more than he needs it, so he will charge through the roof pay-wise, and then demand that he win as well, to preserve his "legacy".

Thirdly, who wants to see Goldberg v Brock Lesnar again? It wasn't just that they got booed out of MSG at WMXX, it was also a terrible match. Also, because WWE use Brock more, he has to win, or his aura would be lost. But Goldberg won't do the job, so you may end up with some screwy finish, and no-one wants that.
Firstly, Vince made a rod for his back bringing back part-timers for WM every year, and now it has blown up in his face.

Once, they would have one-part timer show up, as well as the Undertaker's one appearance of the year. But in recent years, half the matches have had a part-timer involved.

This is where Vince needs to build the current talent, and rely on them to carry the show. But maybe he has left this too late.

Secondly, Goldberg WON'T job. If they have him at Wrestlemania, it will be on his terms, or not at all. He knows that Wrestlemania needs him more than he needs it, so he will charge through the roof pay-wise, and then demand that he win as well, to preserve his "legacy".

Thirdly, who wants to see Goldberg v Brock Lesnar again? It wasn't just that they got booed out of MSG at WMXX, it was also a terrible match. Also, because WWE use Brock more, he has to win, or his aura would be lost. But Goldberg won't do the job, so you may end up with some screwy finish, and no-one wants that.

I hope they do Goldberg Vs 'Taker. Imagine if they still both had their streak!

On a serious note though, it's probably time to scale back on all these part timers. The only other person I have an interest in seeing return now that he is out of contract is Kurt Angle.

Would it draw more eyes to the product? Probably not.

Would it please a hell of a lot of the older fans? Fuck yeah
On a serious note though, it's probably time to scale back on all these part timers. The only other person I have an interest in seeing return now that he is out of contract is Kurt Angle.

Would it draw more eyes to the product? Probably not.

Would it please a hell of a lot of the older fans? Fuck yeah

Angle vs Daniel Bryan and I'd mark out like a 6 year old Cena fan.
The question should be how the hell does the biggest wrestling company on the planet not have a major draw for the biggest PPV of the year? How exactly did they get in this position? Maybe they need to start developing other stars rather than bringing back part timers for a short term fix.
The question should be how the hell does the biggest wrestling company on the planet not have a major draw for the biggest PPV of the year? How exactly did they get in this position? Maybe they need to start developing other stars rather than bringing back part timers for a short term fix.

Well when guys like Sting, Seth Rollins, Cesaro and Randy Orton are hurt it kind of changes the landscape.
I find myself not caring.

Bill Goldberg's time has long since passed and he's no longer the draw he thinks he still is. Not to mention the insane amount of money he seems to want for a return. Then there's his B list movie career he has going.

That being said there may be something to this rumor. With the lack of star power due to injury as much as I don't care there are probably plenty of people out there who will tune in to see him and WWE has the money to give him.

We'll see in the coming months if this rumor has any merit.
Over the past few days, I've seen a few reports pop up stating that Goldberg may be in talks with WWE to return for a Wrestlemania match this year. The idea goes that with so many top names missing for Mania this year (Orton, Rollins, Sting, etc.), WWE is hoping that Goldberg would be able to put the event "over the top". Goldberg return rumors have been running rampant for a decade now, and while I have never taken these reports seriously, I'm inclined to give this possibility a legitimate chance. Primarily because it makes sense for everybody involved. WWE is in dire need of a big drawing name to get Wrestlemania even close to the level they want it to be, and Goldberg is the last really big name that can draw huge numbers at this point. Also, Goldberg has discussed wanting one more match in the WWE (a big payday).

A quote from one of Goldberg's "business managers" states: “I remain optimistic that the time will come for big Bill’s return to the ring but I am realistic in my acceptance that it will be when the time is right and when the planets align. I have to believe the planets are as close to aligning as they ever have been. But will they click into place?”

Oh yes, and the rumored match for Mania involves Brock Lesnar of course.

Personally, I was never a huge fan of Goldberg but it would be cool to see him in a ring again, IF he actually showed up and worked his butt off instead of just half-assing it for a paycheck. But there is also the financial aspect. Anyone else think Goldberg would demand a ridiculous amount of money to appear? Money that he's nowhere near worth anymore? Would WWE be able to make money back on their investment in Goldberg through Mania ticket sales? At this point, it seems like panic is ensuing in the back, especially on Vince Mcmahon's part as he apparently sees his vision of Mania falling apart. I have no problem believing Vince will throw the money at Goldberg and Goldberg will, of course, bite.


Is it possible that Goldberg returns to face Lesnar at Mania 32?

How would you feel about seeing Goldberg return for one more match?

Buddy this rumour is old GOLDBERG has no desire to return to worst wrestling excrement and what ? JOB? We heard it before against Cryback?
GOLDBERG doesn't need his money he is doing fine on his own and if anything I rather see GOLDBERG vs BOBBY LASHLEY for the TNA Heavyweight TITLE! Look at how STING is booked and treated? Enough said
Bill will be lost in the shuffle with no directions and HHH will just make him miserably job so no point for GOLDBERG to have his reputation and image tarnished like that!
I'll be the first to admit that I was never a big fan of Goldberg but arguably was a big fan of WCW in general. To say Goldberg wouldn't be a draw at all is hilarious.

The rapid speed with which the new Goldberg DVD was sold shouts out loud that the fans still remember him or would be interested in seeing him. Even if the WWE couldn’t get Goldberg to work a match they could still utilize him as a guest referee or enforcer.

Either way, the appearance of Goldberg is becoming a necessity as days pass and the company struggles to lure in big names to pack 100,000 people into the arena. Paying him what he wants to make a guest appearance or a match wouldn’t be a bad business move for the company, and seeing Goldberg at WM is definitely a trillion times better than seeing the fans chant for the much depleted version that WWE calls Ryback.

WM is a supercard, filled with building the future and in recent years embracing the past. I've been to countless Nitros at least 22 or 23 in the past and the reaction he would get coming out was louder than Sting or Hogan's that night. He would create a tsunami of nostalgia.

The difference between a big WCW draw like Sting and Goldberg is he's physically in better shape. Sting wasted years in TNA and once he came to WWE the thrill was seeing him in a WWE ring and anticipation to see him against Undertaker was less enthusiastic because of their conditions. Goldberg however didn't jump to TNA or Indy scene which to me makes his return more anticipated.

It's business at end of day. Much respect to guys like Ambrose, KO, Reigns and Cesaro but that's not enough star power to fill 100,000 people into an arena.

First of I rather see GOLDBERG jump to TNA and have a few matches with TNA CHAMP BOBBY LASHLEY if any! Second of all as ignorant as you seem STING did not waste years in TNA he is wasting them in wwe being underutilized and having his reputation and image tarnished! When was the last time we saw STING ? My point exactly! STING will be heading to TNA after his 2 years are up cause wwe is struggling and no matter what UFC will probably prevail over wwe product! I also heard GOLDBERG will be in UFC 131 maybe he is in talks with UFC and it wouldn t be surprise me he did lose muscle mass and here s a link
First of I rather see GOLDBERG jump to TNA and have a few matches with TNA CHAMP BOBBY LASHLEY if any! Second of all as ignorant as you seem STING did not waste years in TNA he is wasting them in wwe being underutilized and having his reputation and image tarnished! When was the last time we saw STING ? My point exactly! STING will be heading to TNA after his 2 years are up cause wwe is struggling and no matter what UFC will probably prevail over wwe product! I also heard GOLDBERG will be in UFC 131 maybe he is in talks with UFC and it wouldn t be surprise me he did lose muscle mass and here s a link
First of I rather see GOLDBERG jump to TNA and have a few matches with TNA CHAMP BOBBY LASHLEY if any! Second of all as ignorant as you seem STING did not waste years in TNA he is wasting them in wwe being underutilized and having his reputation and image tarnished! When was the last time we saw STING ? My point exactly! STING will be heading to TNA after his 2 years are up cause wwe is struggling and no matter what UFC will probably prevail over wwe product! I also heard GOLDBERG will be in UFC 131 maybe he is in talks with UFC and it wouldn t be surprise me he did lose muscle mass and here s a link

Never was a fan of TNA. Mainly because their booking revolved around older talent in the main event. I followed it for the sake of argument - as a secondary option to watch on TV. To me anything since WCW was a waste of years for Sting including his current WWE tenure. As big of a fan I have been of Sting growing up I feel he has been in the ring far too long. It was not appealing to me to watch TNA and see a 50+ year old Sting working a match.
I read TNA contacted BILL GOLDBERG cause he is in a movie with BRAM and its his adversary in CHECKPOINT! I think TNA can give GOLDBERG some solid matches against BOBBY LASHLEY for the TNA Title!

Shut the fuck up man he's not going to go to TNA. The size of his ego and the fact that TNA is shit means it's a no go.
If it was up to Vince, then I'm certain they would try to get Goldberg back for a match at some point. But if it was up to Paul Levesque, I wouldn't hold your breath. He has no interest in bringing back one of the top 15 wrestlers in history Kurt Angle. No interest in a top 50 in Jeff Hardy..Vince when he was in charge always let bygones be bygones except when it came to Randy Savage. But Triple H, he's like that chick from the Max Landis video. He holds grudges and doesn't want 'over' wrestlers challenging his forced legacy..He only pretends to care about those who've been loyal to his father-in-law.. Goldberg won't be coming back unless he's booked in such a way to make him weak so to devalue his entertainment stock. Goldberg isn't easy to negotiate with and will not work for cheap or for character humiliation..So no don't expect Goldberg back as long as Triple H continues to call the shots..
So people are buying a ticket to watch Austin or HBK in a 5 minute segment? Something they could easily see on a Raw. Granted I'm sure HBK and Shawn Michaels are probably going to make a WM appearance and it's nothing against them. I hope those guys are used properly.

Again and they're two guys past their prime just like you feel about Goldberg. There's two differences - Austin and HBK made their names in WWE and Goldberg in WCW. But they were and still are popular, obviously not on the level they were 16 years ago. That's the first difference.

Austin hasn't wrestled in over a decade, HBK hasnt in near 6 years. So you're saying they'll put fans in the seats more than Goldberg? Neither are in ring workers anymore. So their use to the program is limited. I'd much rather see a Goldberg vs Lesnar over two guys that'll come out and do their same routine every time.

People always yelling for HBK and Austin to give one more match, as much as I would love that - they're doing fine in their post-wrestling avenues to have to and physically probably aren't. Goldberg can do what they can't do and that's why he is more marketable for a spot on WM.

Let's say the following guys came back what can do they?

Foley - Retired - Segment or stand in someone's corner at best

The Rock - Unable to compete/promo-segment at best.

Stone Cold - Retired - Segment, enforcer, referee, whatever.

HBK - Retired - Segment, usually involved with Triple H at WM.

Sting - Injured - Curious if he's even on the show at all.

Hulk Hogan - Fired

Ric Flair - Retired from in ring competition.

Bret Hart - Retired - Promo at best

There's your biggest stars during the Ratings War SANS Undertaker who will likely be working a match. I listed guys who had drawing power during their time. I'm not sure if you're buying a ticket or have purchased a ticket to WM; but you'd pay to see guys that aren't able to compete? I'm sure they'll draw fans but it makes it more definite if they were able to work a match.

Everyone on the current roster aren't big enough draws to consider packing 100,000 in an arena. Then the ones like Reigns, KO, Ambrose and Wyatt aren't there yet. Cena, Undertaker and Lesnar can't do it alone. Again this is WM, they have to go up and beyond with this one.

Goldberg is healthy and able to compete and still a pretty well known guy to those that were born 1990 and before.

You are saying a lot of stuff and it is fine but it doesn't change the fact that Bill Goldberg had a short career that waned quickly after his streak ended and hasn't been that interesting since.

I don't know how much it would take to get Goldberg to wrestle but I find it hard to believe that it is going to be more than what extra Vince is going to make with him there.

That's all it comes down to. It doesn't matter what kind of shape he is in. He is no longer a draw (some might argue that he never was a draw and just grabbed on to Hollywood Hogan) and there is no story to attach to his name to make him a draw again. He is a guy with a decent fringe career going on right now. Between the money and exposure, a Mania appearance helps Goldberg more than Vince.

It's kind of sad the number of rumors that come out about the guy over the years. He is beginning to remind me of a guy like Honkey Tonk just spreading rumors to try to get relevant.
Shut the fuck up man he's not going to go to TNA. The size of his ego and the fact that TNA is shit means it's a no go.

Says who? U ? LOL STING has been STUNG and STUNK in wwe sorry to say it he got injured in wwe and never do I recall Steve Borden being injured in TNA and TNA is the place to be way better product than (w)orst (w)restling e(e)xcrement as it stands now! By the way TNA contacted GOLDBERG first so to promote Checkpoint and cause his adversary BRAM is in it
Over the past few days, I've seen a few reports pop up stating that Goldberg may be in talks with WWE to return for a Wrestlemania match this year. The idea goes that with so many top names missing for Mania this year (Orton, Rollins, Sting, etc.), WWE is hoping that Goldberg would be able to put the event "over the top". Goldberg return rumors have been running rampant for a decade now, and while I have never taken these reports seriously, I'm inclined to give this possibility a legitimate chance. Primarily because it makes sense for everybody involved. WWE is in dire need of a big drawing name to get Wrestlemania even close to the level they want it to be, and Goldberg is the last really big name that can draw huge numbers at this point. Also, Goldberg has discussed wanting one more match in the WWE (a big payday).

A quote from one of Goldberg's "business managers" states: “I remain optimistic that the time will come for big Bill’s return to the ring but I am realistic in my acceptance that it will be when the time is right and when the planets align. I have to believe the planets are as close to aligning as they ever have been. But will they click into place?”

Oh yes, and the rumored match for Mania involves Brock Lesnar of course.

Personally, I was never a huge fan of Goldberg but it would be cool to see him in a ring again, IF he actually showed up and worked his butt off instead of just half-assing it for a paycheck. But there is also the financial aspect. Anyone else think Goldberg would demand a ridiculous amount of money to appear? Money that he's nowhere near worth anymore? Would WWE be able to make money back on their investment in Goldberg through Mania ticket sales? At this point, it seems like panic is ensuing in the back, especially on Vince Mcmahon's part as he apparently sees his vision of Mania falling apart. I have no problem believing Vince will throw the money at Goldberg and Goldberg will, of course, bite.


Is it possible that Goldberg returns to face Lesnar at Mania 32?

How would you feel about seeing Goldberg return for one more match?

I doubt it. If anything Goldberg faces somebody like Cena so it can be a top drawing dream match.

I'd love to see him return since he never got a legit retirement match.
I am a big fan of Goldberg and would be too happy to see him at Wrestlemania! BUT i dont think its gonna happen because he would want a lot of money for lesser schedule and also he is not going to put over anyone else even if money is given..... He isnot going to lose and thats why i dont see him appearing in WWE!
Says who? U ? LOL STING has been STUNG and STUNK in wwe sorry to say it he got injured in wwe and never do I recall Steve Borden being injured in TNA and TNA is the place to be way better product than (w)orst (w)restling e(e)xcrement as it stands now! By the way TNA contacted GOLDBERG first so to promote Checkpoint and cause his adversary BRAM is in it

Yeah I know they made him an off and he turned it down you fucktard. Stings star diminished greatly in TNA. In my opinion with the way people rage about him during his WCW tenure if he had come over to the WWE he could have put himself in the same bracket as Cena/Hogan/Flair
Says who? U ? LOL STING has been STUNG and STUNK in wwe sorry to say it he got injured in wwe and never do I recall Steve Borden being injured in TNA and TNA is the place to be way better product than (w)orst (w)restling e(e)xcrement as it stands now! By the way TNA contacted GOLDBERG first so to promote Checkpoint and cause his adversary BRAM is in it

Aren't you the guy who wants everyone in TNA? And why do you post on a WWE section of the forum when you clearly hate the WWE product so much? Boggles the mind. Are you sure you aren't Crocker?

Anyway. Personally I don't give two monkey's damm's if Goldberg returns or not. Most of today's fans have no idea who he even is, and doesn't he want a shitload of money to appear just once?

A friend of mine is a Goldberg fan, and is always going on about how much money it would take to get Goldberg back. I say screw him, go out and spend that money on someone who the fans know. Mind you Mania tickets have been on sale for about a month now. I don't know how well they're selling, but if they don't need Goldberg then they won't get him.
Mind you Mania tickets have been on sale for about a month now. I don't know how well they're selling, but if they don't need Goldberg then they won't get him.

Remember when Wrestlemania used to be sold out in under 5 minutes? Those were the days.

Anyway, I think this is the first Wrestlemania ever in which WWE is actually in danger of not selling out the arena. I understand it's over 100,000 fans, but Vince will do ANYTHING to get that sell-out. Like you said, if he doesn't need Goldberg to get those numbers, he won't use him. However if Vince thinks there's a legitimate possibility that Mania won't sell out AT&T, I expect him to do everything and anything to accomplish that goal, including locking up Goldberg for a ridiculous amount of money.
Remember when Wrestlemania used to be sold out in under 5 minutes? Those were the days.

Anyway, I think this is the first Wrestlemania ever in which WWE is actually in danger of not selling out the arena. I understand it's over 100,000 fans, but Vince will do ANYTHING to get that sell-out. Like you said, if he doesn't need Goldberg to get those numbers, he won't use him. However if Vince thinks there's a legitimate possibility that Mania won't sell out AT&T, I expect him to do everything and anything to accomplish that goal, including locking up Goldberg for a ridiculous amount of money.

Which is why they have to bring in someone like Goldberg if they're trying to break the attendance record and hopefully will get involved with the Cowboys organization. WM 13 didn't sellout and actually turned out to be a decent PPV. But putting 100,000 people in an arena is obviously a lot harder than trying to put 20,000 in the Staple Center.
I would be interested in a Goldberg match, but have NO idea against who?

Cena maybe? Won't be Reigns. Brock? No.. Who else does WWE have that physically could have a shot? Maybe HHH somehow?

The only thing about Goldberg I never liked was security escorting him to the ring. Never understood that if he is such a bada$$.
I would be interested in a Goldberg match, but have NO idea against who?

Cena maybe? Won't be Reigns. Brock? No.. Who else does WWE have that physically could have a shot? Maybe HHH somehow?

The only thing about Goldberg I never liked was security escorting him to the ring. Never understood that if he is such a bada$$.

The security escort was supposed to be paying homage how Boxers were escorted to the ring.

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