The RAW LD is going to do the right thing on 10/18/10

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Thanks. :)

I'm rather excited for tonight's RAW. I like Husky Harris a lot, so I'm hoping he and McGillicutty join the Nexus. Also, with Barrett as the mouthpiece, McGillicutty won't have to do anything but wrestle, which is what he's good at. It'll increase their diminishing numbers and could make for some great drama during the match if Cena actually lays down for the rookies.
I hope they both get some mic time. They can both cut promos. They just need a chance.
I like Harris.. A lot. But I don't want him in Nexus. I dunno just something about it feels so weird. At least with Cena, they have an incredible storyline going with him and Barrett. What will Husky add?

And why are people so high about Lil Hennig is way freaking beyond me. The guy is absolutely horrible. It has to be the penis he came out of. That is the only reason I think people are big on DH as well.

You sure about that, boss?

I love how the IWC leaches onto one bad aspect of someone and then calls then shit forever after. So you're willing to dismiss the other ten great promos he cut on NXT because of this one? :disappointed:
If you can find me said "great" promos considering all he did the entire show was terribly fake cry about his dad whenever he got the chance, I'd be willing to give him another chance on the stick.
Outside of the ring, McGillicutty is VERY generic. If he was anyone other than Perfect's son, we wouldn't be so high on him. In Nexus, he can have his weaknesses hidden and his strengths (ring skills) on full display. It's a win.

As for Harris, he'd be a great replacement to The Brute role that Sheffield or Tarver left behind when they got injured.
If you think Lil Hennig is good on the stick, then that is some pretty damn low standards. In that first clip, The Miz totally owned him in like 20 words or less and in the second one, his trademark rambling really shined.
And why are people so high about Lil Hennig is way freaking beyond me. The guy is absolutely horrible. It has to be the penis he came out of. That is the only reason I think people are big on DH as well.

I agree. I haven't been impressed by Hennig Jr., at all. From his weak mic skills, to his dorky looking haircut (minor thing, I know).
Hennig's not that bad. He's actually improved a hell of a lot on the Mic. In FCW he was truely dire, but now he's passible. He's not great, but he's good enough.
You know what? I wouldn't be shocked if Kaval chellenges Danielson to a US title match at Bragging Rights tonight. It's not like either of them as anything better to do.
The whole IWC will explode should that happen.

We could also get a Ziggler/Bryan nontitle match at Bragging Rights like last year with MizMo. That would also be cool.
I like Harris.. A lot. But I don't want him in Nexus. I dunno just something about it feels so weird. At least with Cena, they have an incredible storyline going with him and Barrett. What will Husky add?

And why are people so high about Lil Hennig is way freaking beyond me. The guy is absolutely horrible. It has to be the penis he came out of. That is the only reason I think people are big on DH as well.

Harris would eat the Nexus out of the buffet at the Sizzler when they have their celebration

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