The one wrestler you hate.


Occasional Pre-Show
Right, so we all have our favourites and people we don't like.

But what I am asking, is do you have a wrestler you just could never stand?
Dosent matter if it's WWE, WCW, ECW, Japan, ROH.. Whatever. Just that one guy who you can't stand for some reason.

Mine is The Sandman.

How did he ever get relevant?! I mean sure, he had gimmick in the 90's which fit the mold then (May of just answered my own question there) but he has never contributed to anything or been relevant to me. Perfect example of right place, right time. I give FULL credit of his "work" to Paul Heyman. Because without Heyman, The Sandman would be jobless in the pub at all hours of the day.

He is the most dangerous worker, (I mean who the fuck gets wasted then attempts to wrestle!) totally disrepectful and the worst worker I ever seen. Compete BOLLOCKS! I bet you he could'nt tell you the difference between a hammerlock and a real hammer.

Ahhh that's my rant.

So, who do you hate?
Ian Rotten.

No words can describe how much, I really do dislike the guy, in fact, I don't even have to say much at all, he's given plenty of reasons already for people to not like him. In short, my rant would probably be about 20 pages long on how much of a scumbag the guy is otherwise, the guy is a disgrace to the wrestling industry, a scam-artist and a downright disrespectful scumbag that has no regard for "his wrestlers" (and I use that loosely) or "his wrestlers" (again used loosely) lives.

with his family background he should be alot better than he his. i mean botchamania could be all about Sabu and they'd have ENDLESS material. the guy is just a total in ring fuck up. he botches his signature moves all the time sometimes attempting that triple jump moonsault multiple times before actually nailing it. most of the time he's actually in danger of seriously hurting people because he botches like it's his job. hell that famous broken neck he had in that ECW match with Benoit was ALL Sabu. for whatever reason he twisted his body in a simple backdrop landing on his fucking head.
plus i met the guy, total dick.

i totally agree on sandman the dude is seriously drunk when he wrestles...yea Austin did the beer thing but he spit it out all over himself. Sandman drank it. hes wobbly in the ring and falls all over the place. he's a fucking joke in the ring too
There's definitely more than one, however at the moment as far as current performers go i can think of Alberto del Rio. Technically sound and committed worker, but just an abhorrently dull individual. Also the likes of Batista and Miz could fall into this category.
I reserve my feelings of hatred for the "character" itself, not the person who performs as said character. Screw the notion of actually hating someone, and even then most of the time when I say I hate a character, it's usually in the context of loving to hate, now I know that's not always possible, because there are just some characters you don't care for period and it's not because they draw you in to the show, it's because you just don't like their characters.

Even then though, I don't seriously hate any particular wrestler. It's just not a productive path to be on as a wrestling fan, in my view. Since so many people base this hate on stuff they hear in shoot interviews and read off the internet. I can empathize with those though that have had bad experiences meeting wrestlers because some of them can come off as assholes but it's what it is.

Like I've said already, hating is just unproductive and wasteful. But to contribute my part to the thread, even though I don't hate this particular wrestler, I strongly dislike his character and will give the reasons why:

Rey Mysterio, Jr. No offense to him, a great in ring competitor, superb athlete just with the way he moves and a hell of an underdog, I give him his credit for that. But after a while his whole act just started to wear thin on me. It's not that I don't like underdog stories but he's just not someone I could ever root for, in his feuds with Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho, I always went for Eddie and Jericho. I'm partial to them anyway as a fan but when they went up against Mysterio I hated seeing him go over them in certain matches.

That whole custody of Dominick angle, I just never fancied. Again, I know that lots of that has to do with the creative team of WWE, but just the same, it involved Mysterio and I just wasn't feeling it. Nothing disappoints me more than to know that this was to be Eddie's last performance at a "Big Four" event.

But yeah, that's it in a nutshell for me, don't hate the guy but sure as hell don't love him either.
CM Punk...and its sad because at first I enjoyed his work up into the straight edge society.

Then when he did that shoot he lost all respect from me...I just can't support someone who blames other people for his own "misfortune"...If u wanna call what he had a misfortune that is seeing as he regularly had main event feuds and held the world heavyweight and wwe title on different occasions.

I think he purposely rallied the bandwagon fans behind him just to elevate his career...He mentions ice cream and makes people think he's looking out for them.

I always saw through his bullshit and find it fitting he left the way he did because I would expect no less from him.
The ONE wrestler I hate would be Roman Reigns. I absolutely don't get the Hype surrounding him. He's not as athletic as someone like Rollins or cut a good promo like Wyatt. Hell, he's not even as intimidating as Ryback (atleast his initial run).

I see him as another Big E or someone who's gonna have a huge push for a couple of years and then fizzle out. A guy with the size but not the Charisma to carry WWE forwards.
Maybe, He's getting a push because he's related to The Rock or comes from a wrestling family.
The ONE wrestler I hate would be Roman Reigns. I absolutely don't get the Hype surrounding him. He's not as athletic as someone like Rollins or cut a good promo like Wyatt. Hell, he's not even as intimidating as Ryback (atleast his initial run).

I see him as another Big E or someone who's gonna have a huge push for a couple of years and then fizzle out. A guy with the size but not the Charisma to carry WWE forwards.
Maybe, He's getting a push because he's related to The Rock or comes from a wrestling family.
Or... You know. Maybe it's because he's..... Good. It's not about the promo's. It's not about the skill. It's about the presence. And since day one for the Shield, Roman Reigns has been the one with the presence. He's not picked exclusively because of his heritage. It's because he shows to have more tools than his other two peers. Because to be honest, when I see Ambrose, I don't see anything impressive. Much less with Rollins. Reigns on the other hand has a proven character in being a Samoan and a certain mystique due to his quiet but angry attitude. Maybe you don't see it, which isn't wrong. But lots of others see it.
Alberto Del Rio. Talk about a man that should not have won the rumble or money in the bank. He ruined two of my favourite matches in a year. He is okay in the ring, but his character is absolutely terrible. The "It is my destiny" stuff was a joke and think about this, Alberto Del Rio has had more wwe championship reigns then Chris Jericho, Kane , RVD, Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio
I hated the Miz during his whole "main event run" in 2011 and remembering that he actually main evented Wrestlemania. And ever since then every time he has a promo with somebody and they mention how his career has gone nowhere since then he just HAS to bring up the fact that he main evented Wrestlemania ONE time....("Look at meeee, I main evented Wrestlemaniaaaa"....)

My problem with him was not even because he was the "bad guy" but because he's the phoniest and most nonbelievable wrestler and did nothing to be anywhere near main event/world title. He's not intimidating, and has no in ring skills at all. He's just a guy who runs his mouth and whines alot about how everyone holds him back and owes him everything.

I remember how he would get in the ring to talk and be all "mad" for no reason and his lips would poke out as he makes the meany face looking like a 5 year old boy who's mad cause his mom told him to clean his room. Miz has the presence of a game show host or a boy band singer, NOT a professional wrestler. He's just way too fake for me.
Kevin Nash. God I hated that guy. He walked around like he was God's gift to wrestling, when in all actuality he was a botch machine. He thought being in The Kilq and the NWO made him a wrestling GOD and thought he was the coolest thing since Elvis (hell yeah Elvis was cool). I couldn't stand him then and I still can't stand the guy because he still acts like he actually contibuted something to the business.

Also gotta go with Goldberg. Didn't hate the character and he was a hell of a presence but the guy was too dangerous in the ring. You couldn't count the number of guys he hurt on both hands. Hell, he ended Bret Hart's career with a botched kick to the head.
I don't actually "hate" any wrestler.

There's people I dislike when it comes to wrestling like Brock Lesnar. I didn't like him from his first run when he was pushed down our throats with his mega push right off the bat. I just didn't care for it. When he went to UFC and Frank Mir tapped him out I was happy about it.

I've never been a fan of Randy Orton. When he first came in I never would have guessed that he would have gone on to become as popular as he did and honestly I've never really understood his popularity. I know other wrestlers hype him up and talk about how good he is and all that but that doesn't persuade me to care about him or suddenly like him. At one point in time he was a channel changer for me but admittedly I've gotten over the whole changing the channel thing when a wrestler I don't care for comes on.

Rey Mysterio just because of the personal interaction I saw with him and some kids where I worked at the time. Just watching him walk through the 4 or 5 little kids standing in the lobby. Having his head down and not acknowledging them. For someone who is supposed to be all about his fans and all that I felt like he could have at least said hi. I understand outside the arena these guys have no obligation to any of us but he probably lost 4 or 5 fans there by walking through them and totally blowing them off. I get kind of annoyed when I see him on screen where he stops and talks to the kids on his way to the ring.

There's the guys like Ian Rotten who has been mentioned and someone like New Jack who both just seem like huge pieces of garbage. If I never heard or saw anything about either one of them again I wouldn't be upset.
My dislike for New Jack is strong. Although he is about as far from a wrestler you can get. Somehow he became more than a glorified backyard idiot & I will never get it.

Really the only 2 that come to mind I actually change the channel or take a snack break for are Miz & Khali. Both just irritate me. I dont like the Miz in the ring or on the mic. I give Miz credit for sticking with his dream but he has done nothing to impress me since being signed. Khali has no mic skill anyway & just gets worse in the ring each match.
Taker was one of the worst. Never loved the character at all and I think he's overrated by alot of people. But I've learned to respect his work and see him as the legend he is. Even if I don't personally like the character, I think of him in a positive light.
For me, it's Bret Hart. Can't stand him, he bores the crap out of me, and he is so damned over-rated by everyone creaming their jeans for him, it's terrible. I don't like the way he carries himself, the way he is a complete mark for his own character as if he could never do wrong. I just can't stand him.

And yes, I understand this is an opinion that will differ greatly from the majority of other fans, especially posters on these boards.
I don't know how many of you would qualify him as a wrestler but seeing as how he's been in matches I'm going to say and don't nobody jump on me about the little people thing..
He just annoys the hell out of me, he's supposed to be a comic relief type guy but every segment he's ever had has just pissed me off lol. A complete waste of air time. Dude needs to leave.
I'm torn between two.
1/2 X-PAC

"1999 called and their sick & tired of you!" lol was Edge's diss on him in about 00/01' which pretty much summed Sean Waltman up. Never understood why at times during his career he got a decent mid-card push + got a spot in the legendary D-Generation X. OK, he was part of the "Kliq" but c'mon...his signature move "The X Factor" sucked, He had a proper divas move (The Bronco Buster) in his move set & any relevance or "push" he got involved being in a stable.

2/2 Ryback

If he gets any air time at WMXXX...well I wouldn't know what to say! WWE's constant push of gimmicks that have already been done really is shocking sometimes. Mason 'Batista' Ryan is another that springs to mind as I type. The thing about Ryan 'Ryback' Reeves is that surely he can see & realise that he'll never get 'over' with the character. JR's mentioned in numerous blogs & interviews about today's talent not speaking up or thinking outside the box enough. Speaks volumes here.

I can't explain it but I really dislike Sheamus, everything from his music to his face to his voice all just rub me the wrong way. I am sure the man behind the character is a nice guy and all that but he is someone I just do not like looking at... I have been a fan since 1985ish and never have I ever disliked anyone as much as I dislike him.
I've always thought Bret Hart was just up himself that it really would piss me off, although if there's one wrestler (if you can call this man one) I cannot stand, it has to be Khali.
How he still has a contract with WWE is beyond me, he was a complete joke as WHC and I always change channels when I see him wrestle.
Big E.
I don't understand what does he have in him (apart from bulky muscles) to get pushed to the main event briefly, and still hold the Intercontinental Championship.
His entrance theme song sucks after the first 10 seconds, his ring gear sucks as well and doesn't suit him, the moves he does are not interesting to watch or anything special either, and his mic skills are ordinary. His fans say that his tweets are witty and funny... Who gives a fuck about that? The lower mid card is where he belongs.
I know what I'm going to say is going to inspire profound ire from most of you IWC bums but I'm going to say it nonetheless.
I hate, loathe, detest, abhor, and condemn one Daniel Bryan. He's the biggest abomination to wrestling ever since The Miz was champion, or since Rey Mysterio won the WHC. The "Yes" movement is a disgusting slap to intelligent viewers such as myself, and anybody in the audience who's been chanting YES and NO from god knows how many months now, is a ******, or at least devoid of the intellectual faculty and ability to discern things.
My reasons for hating Daniel Bryan are obvious. He's not that talented, his mic work sucks in that The Miz(somebody so abhorrent) is more entertaining/amusing on the mic (and that's not saying much) than this goof, and his in-ring work is good but so much for good wrestling skills. He's simply not tall enough to be a credible WWE WHC, and to say he belongs in the same league as Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit would be a compliment, because their characters were engaging unlike Bryan- who's a fucking Vegan with a big beard. As far as WWE programming, he belongs in the same tier in which Guerrero and Benoit did belong throughout a large chunk of their careers- the mid card- IC title, US title, cruiserweight title(in Guerrero's case), feuding with Rey Mysterio, tag title. That's where Daniel Bryan belongs and is doomed to belong(unless he figures out a way to grow a few inches taller).
As far as any of you IWC bums adding a negative reputation or flooding this thread with invectives, KINDLY REFRAIN FROM THAT. None of you bums can deny that Daniel Bryan is simply not main event material and has not proven to be anything more than a big-bearded tiny little goof running around chanting YES and NO. I'd much rather take The Miz(another talentless wrestler but at least he possess the faculty of speech) as the WWE WHC. Thank you.
I mean, I can agree with SirJoseOle up there, in saying that it isn't the person, more or less the character that creative comes up for them. Personally, Heath Slater and Fandango would be my top most disliked. Slater never appealed to me at all, and his skills on the mic and in the ring are not well polished. He never seems to have a point or a purpose. He's just THERE. Fandango on the other hand, as Johnny Curtis, he was fantastic. It really comes down to the Creative placing a role of a flamenco dancing man with OCD about spelling issues on someone as talented as Curtis. The character is the one I hate, not the actual man behind the character. He's incredibly talented and deserves much more than WWE is giving him at this time. Like, they really put him over Jericho? Really?
I know what I'm going to say is going to inspire profound ire from most of you IWC bums but I'm going to say it nonetheless.
I hate, loathe, detest, abhor, and condemn one Daniel Bryan. He's the biggest abomination to wrestling ever since The Miz was champion, or since Rey Mysterio won the WHC. The "Yes" movement is a disgusting slap to intelligent viewers such as myself, and anybody in the audience who's been chanting YES and NO from god knows how many months now, is a ******, or at least devoid of the intellectual faculty and ability to discern things.
My reasons for hating Daniel Bryan are obvious. He's not that talented, his mic work sucks in that The Miz(somebody so abhorrent) is more entertaining/amusing on the mic (and that's not saying much) than this goof, and his in-ring work is good but so much for good wrestling skills. He's simply not tall enough to be a credible WWE WHC, and to say he belongs in the same league as Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit would be a compliment, because their characters were engaging unlike Bryan- who's a fucking Vegan with a big beard. As far as WWE programming, he belongs in the same tier in which Guerrero and Benoit did belong throughout a large chunk of their careers- the mid card- IC title, US title, cruiserweight title(in Guerrero's case), feuding with Rey Mysterio, tag title. That's where Daniel Bryan belongs and is doomed to belong(unless he figures out a way to grow a few inches taller).
As far as any of you IWC bums adding a negative reputation or flooding this thread with invectives, KINDLY REFRAIN FROM THAT. None of you bums can deny that Daniel Bryan is simply not main event material and has not proven to be anything more than a big-bearded tiny little goof running around chanting YES and NO. I'd much rather take The Miz(another talentless wrestler but at least he possess the faculty of speech) as the WWE WHC. Thank you.

I don't hate Daniel Bryan but I'm not obsessed with him like the IWC is. To me he looks like a homeless bum. I think he's good but not as awesome as everyone makes him out to be. The funny thing is, everyone criticizes, The Rock, Cena, Batista, Orton, etc. for doing the same thing over and over again in matches but Daniel Bryan does too. Lately, I've found some of his matches boring. The IWC will blame it on the other guy that Bryan has to "carry" but I honestly think it's him. I don't really understand how he's so over when he really has no gimmick other than being an underdog. So, what's going to happen when he wins the belt and holds it for a period of time?

Anyway, on to the point of the thread: The one wrestler I hate (this is assuming the OP is referring to current wrestlers) is Rey Mysterio. I could throw in Hornswoggle or Khali or something, but they are comedy jobbers. We're supposed to take Mysterio seriously and that's what makes him the biggest joke. Every time I hear that ridiculous music and see him on my screen I just shake my head. He'll probably end up in the WWE HOF and for what exactly?
I don't hate Daniel Bryan but I'm not obsessed with him like the IWC is. To me he looks like a homeless bum. I think he's good but not as awesome as everyone makes him out to be. The funny thing is, everyone criticizes, The Rock, Cena, Batista, Orton, etc. for doing the same thing over and over again in matches but Daniel Bryan does too. Lately, I've found some of his matches boring. The IWC will blame it on the other guy that Bryan has to "carry" but I honestly think it's him. I don't really understand how he's so over when he really has no gimmick other than being an underdog. So, what's going to happen when he wins the belt and holds it for a period of time?

Anyway, on to the point of the thread: The one wrestler I hate (this is assuming the OP is referring to current wrestlers) is Rey Mysterio. I could throw in Hornswoggle or Khali or something, but they are comedy jobbers. We're supposed to take Mysterio seriously and that's what makes him the biggest joke. Every time I hear that ridiculous music and see him on my screen I just shake my head. He'll probably end up in the WWE HOF and for what exactly?

Agreed with everything you said about Bryan- homeless bum, etc.

As for Rey Mysterio, I'm sure had it not been Daniel Bryan , I'd have included Rey Mysterio as the "one person I hate" for the same reasons as you mentioned.

As for why he's going to end up in the WWE HOF- it's simple. Rey Mysterio is(was) a very good wrestler in that he had the most distinct style of wrestling and perhaps through him was the first time WWE performers were exposed to that lucha libre style. WCW had a dozen wrestlers who could outwrestle mysterio in that style including Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis and La Parka.

Soon becoming a kids' hero with the mask and all , he carried the cruiserweight division for 2 years(one could call him the John Cena of the cruiserweight division). What I dislike is that they had to involve him from that point on in all the major angles on SD with Eddie Guerrero, etc. as the underdog babyface and when Eddie died, it was the most heinous thing to choose him to win the WHC. The guy is 180 lbs for chrissakes! The day mysterio was given the same consideration as Randy Orton and Kurt Angle and inserted him into the big program was the beginning of the end and when he finally won the WHC, that was a disgrace to Sting and to Ric Flair and Goldberg and pretty much anybody who held that big gold belt(except David Arquette). Rey always sucked on the mic and always will but the only reason we were bombarded with Rey Mysterio was his merchandise and mainstream appeal.
Fandango, The man has no skill what so ever in the ring. He makes ryback look like a technical wrestler. His gimmick is so cliche, the over feminine dancer with the hot sidekick It really is getting old, Like the Shield

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