The [Official] South Park Thread

I guess I'm one of the few who didn't really enjoy last night's episode all that much.

I don't know, I guess it just didn't click with me all that much. I never found Towelie interesting or funny, and I've never seen an episode of Intervention on A&E. I did like the Nathan character though, and the scene where Cartman starts reading his notes during Towelie's intervention was fucking HILARIOUS, but outside of that... I was bored for the most part and didn't find any of the jokes funny. Also, I thought it was pretty dumb that Jimmy didn't stutter once throughout the episode... that's the kid's only appeal, lol.

Anyway, not one of the worst episodes, just one of the lesser from this season in my opinion.
I, too have never liked the Towelie episodes. The one with Oprah Winfrey? I still don't think I've seen that entire episode.

I found it funny that most of the characters at the camp were mentally challenged versions of Looney Tunes.

Nathan and Mimzy made this episode for me.

As did Cartman. But any episode that features Cartman is a win.

Because he's got the blood of a BRONCO!

Beat that Kyle.
Well considering I haven't seen one of these and if one was made it assumably died off, I will now create a new thread for the discussion of South Park. This show currently stands as my favorite show on television that isn't wrestling and for good reason. The reason I love this show as much as I do is because it's sole purpose is to satirize pop culture and recent events to make it's episode plots. The way Matt and Trey go about doing this makes their way of satirizing that much better than most other shows that try. We also near closer to the final half of Season 14, which in my opinion has been the best season since Season 11.

So far during this season South Park has done a few greats. We kicked off the season with an episode that basically mocked the idea of sex "addiction" in male celebrities that we hear about all the time. Taking shots at many sex scoundrels in Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen, Ben Roethlisberger, Bill Clinton, among others. Then they had an episode that basically shat on people who make up random ideas of what "message" the book sends to it's readers. After that we got men bouncing on their balls as well as underground fried chicken market, as well as a great episode that took aim on FaceBook, a two part episode series that had wonderful nostalgic value as well as very good plot, and we ended the first half with a camp for the crippled and Towlie getting an intervention.

Now we head into the fall run of Season 14 which could have many interesting episodes. Some ideas South Park could go such as: an episode that parodies the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, they could parody Mel Gibson over his ridiculous tirade and antics as of late, or even have a plot about the soldiers leaving Iraq due to the war ending. But I personally hope that we get to see an episode that basically rips the shit out of Justin Bieber. The kid is at a point where he is so annoying he practically has earned himself a South Park parody, and knowing Matt and Trey they will give him similar if not better treatment then they gave The Jonas Brothers back in Season 13.

Again it's exciting that South Park is coming back to television as it stands as one of the best comedy shows to watch currently. It's one of very few shows that improves with every season, and most episodes are always worth a watch. They do have their off episodes as any show would but they're still watchable and even at times enjoyable. By far my favorite show that is not wrestling and I am counting down the days until the mid-season return. If you are a fan discuss about South Park and speculating it's new episodes in here and I will be looking forward to hear thoughts from fellow fans.
I was pretty shocked to see that there hasn't been a South Park thread too, I'm glad you started this one! The only episode I've seen of Season 14 is Sexual Healing, here in the UK, whenever I watch it on MTV, they seem to show whichever episodes they want randomly, same sort of thing with Comedy Central. That said, I am contemplating buying the episodes that are out so far on iTunes-would you say that they are worth the (extortionate) asking price of £19.99 (roughly 32.40 Canadian Dollars) for the current episodes (without 200 and 201) and the rest of the series?
Would you say that they are worth the (extortionate) asking price of £19.99 (roughly 32.40 Canadian Dollars) for the current episodes (without 200 and 201) and the rest of the series?

Most certainly not because any couple episode downloads are not worth $32.40 Canadian dollars. Also it's not the full package without the "200 Series" so you would be still missing out on two of the season's best episodes. So if you were willing to pay that and still are after this reply, then by all mean go ahead but I will tell you right now that seems to be a ridiculous amount money for not even all the episodes that have been released thus far. 200 and 201 need to be experienced so I will now give you a different option you can use to catch up on the season and stay in the swing of things if you will. There are many websites you can visit to watch these episodes. Usually these websites have all South Park episodes ever made and you can watch them all for free. Just an alternative so you don't have to spend all that money.

Slyfox Note:

While I don't watch South Park at all, I know that the official South Park web site puts out the episodes for free as well. Since they put them out for free, and you like the show, you might consider giving them your clicking business.

There has been a thread for quite awhile on South Park, just died off because the first half of the season ended.

The first part of season 14 was fucking great. I think my favorites were the Tale of Scortie McBoogerballs and the Facebook episode. The FB episode was so dead on, with how people are with it. The Mohammed episodes I didn't get that much until I saw the older ones after those aired. After that it was much clearer, what they were doing.

Yeah there are many things they can cover for next part of the 14th season. I fully expect a Mel Gibson episode as well. Other things they might touch on are the Haiti earthquake, and the trapped miners in Chile
Overall as a series, this is one of my favorite shows. I can normally get a good laugh out of almost any episode, and there's at least a few episodes each year that I really enjoy. My top 3 seasons (in order) probably consist of Season 9, 8, and 11. 14 is another one that, with a good second half, could really jump up to the top of the list. Both the 200/201 and the Facebook episodes are the faves for me from this season. However, I hope we don't see all parody episodes. 1 or 2 at the most. Sometimes it just is too overdone and redundant, and I don't want that to happen with one of my top 5 shows.
Source: South Park Studios


NEW YORK, October 4, 2010 Cartmans dream is to join the exclusive ranks of great NASCAR drivers in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "Poor and Stupid," premiering on Wednesday, October 6 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on COMEDY CENTRAL.
Cartman wants to race with the pros and he's ready to do whatever it takes to make it happen. He's afraid that no matter how hard he tries, he'll never reach the the level of the other NASCAR drivers. Working with Butters as his pit boss, Cartman pulls out all the stops to compete in the race of his life.​

Well this morning the first episode for Season 14's mid-season return was announced. Now to be completely honest this episode did catch me by surprise. The basis of satire for this episode is going to be on NASCAR, which is like the WWE episode of last year, meaning an episode that is a long time coming and may or may not be a classic. The WWE episode while good could have been so much better and didn't live up to it's potential, and just seemed a tad out of date for South Park to be satirizing. This could end up being the case with this NASCAR episode but hopefully it won't turn out that way. The episode is Cartman/Butters one which always makes for some good stuff. The idea of Cartman wanting to become a race car driver is a pretty good premise for an episode and with Butters as his Pit-Crew Chief this episode can only end up being a good one.

Also as South Park does at times is if one story isn't big enough for an entire show, they tend to have a sub-story go on as well. Making the episode up of two different stories being told at the same time. An example of this would be "The China Probrem" from Season 12 with Cartman's quest to defend America from the chinese and the other boys hope at getting revenge on Steven Spielberg and George Lucas for "raping" Indiana Jones. So a sub-plot could definitely be a potential element to this show if the "A" story doesn't fill the episode enough. We'll see how South Park kicks off the end of their fourteenth season this Wednesday on Comedy Central.
Tonights episode was fucking hillarious, pretty damn good start to the season if you ask me. Right when I saw Cartman crying in the hallway, I started laughing, just because I knew he was gonna say something hysterical. The whole "I'm just not poor and stupid enough" line didn't get old throughout the episode, and when he started talking like a redneck I lol'd, I lol'd hard.

But the funniest part of the episode was most definitley when he was snarfing down the vagisil in the pharmacy, and the ladys like "little boy, what are you doing?" Seriously funny shit right there.
Meh, it was a decent episode. The only part I really liked was the press conference and Cartman's video address about Obama. Outside of that though... nothing really amused me. And I fucking HATE NASCAR, so my hopes were really up for this episode. However, Matt and Trey really didn't make their stance on the sport clear, imo. You can't tell if they're on Cartman side or Kenny's... very unlike them.

Anyways, next week is about the Jersey Shore douchebags, so that ought to be good. The only problem is that the little commercial made it look like the Homeless episode, but hopefully it ends up being much different from that.
I thought last night's episode was pretty decent. I'm not a big fan of NASCAR, but I always enjoy an episode featuring the team of Cartman and Butters. I tried to laugh at the Vagisil stuff, but it just didn't do it for me. I usually can't get into Kenny episodes. I can only think of two Kenny episodes I like.... I thought the episode where Kenny "dies" was funny, and the real reason why Cartman became interested in stem cell research at the end of that episode was hilarious. Also, the episode where Kenny dies and takes the PSP to heaven was pretty funny.

Next week's episode looks like it could be really good. I've been waiting for South Park to take a shot at Jersey Shore, and I know that episode won't disappoint.
Last night's episode was hilarious. I'm not interested in NASCAR and felt that the jokes the show made about NASCAR's fans and racers being "poor and stupid" in order to get better at the sport, was very funny. The best parts were when Cartman was crashing into everybody and the recurring joke of the Vagisil guy saying he made that stuff because of his wife.... If that episode was any indication of how good this season will be, then I'm expecting a good one since this was such a funny episode.
Well this week's return to Season 14 was very hit and miss overall in my opinion. It started off really good with Cartman aspiring to become a NASCAR driver, but was upset since he wasn't "poor and stupid" enough to be a successful driver. Most of the Butters and Cartman acting like stupid rednecks was pretty good considering when I see NASCAR On thats exactly how driver to pit crew conversation sounds. The shot at Two and Half Men was very funny too, one of those little moments that always get me. Also Cartman's wrecks where he went flying in the air and his classic line in response to his perils were very hilarious as well.

Then Vagisil came along and those jokes took over a good portion of the episode. These jokes didn't really appeal to me all that much so that was a major down for the episode. Some stuff with the founder and his wife was decently funny though, but beyond that I just wasn't feeling the jokes. Also for a show that was lampooning NASCAR and it's fans, this was an extremely tame episode. In fact they let NASCAR off easy with this one, it was very much like it's WWE episode of last season meaning much of the parodies they could have done were left out and made the episode feel so much more empty.

Well I'm glad to see that South Park's next episode is going to be parodying "Jersey Shore" and hopefully they will give that show the bashing it deserves. Anyway overall this episode was decent, it wasn't horrible but it doesn't even come close to contending against the other greats we seen from this season. An average kick start to the fall run, but I truly hope next week's will be better. "Poor and Stupid" will get a 7/10 score from me.
I wasn’t really a fan of the latest episode of South Park and I cannot seem to understand why.

I mean, everything was there for a successful episode but it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Now, normally, I love Cartman episodes. However, I hate episodes where people are blind to reason and I think that is part of the reason that a lot of this episode was lost on me.

Add to that that the episode wasn’t really filled with punch lines that would normally get people excited. Butters and Cartman played their parts but it was just lacking something that I could not put my finger on. I hate NASCAR and for that reason, I found the episode to be very tedious.

That being said, I did like some of the moments that were involved in the show. The press conference with all of the NASCAR drivers made me laugh. Similarly, the part where Cartman was eating all of the Vagisil was hilarious. That being said, the episode didn’t really have too many highlights. The worst part of it was that it was completely nonsensical for the most part.

Not a good start.
Source: South Park Studios


NEW YORK, October 7, 2010 New Jersey is rapidly taking over the nation one state at a time and their next stop is South Park in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "It's a Jersey Thing," premiering on Wednesday, October 13 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on COMEDY CENTRAL.

Everything east of the Rockies is now part of New Jersey!! South Park is in danger of becoming West Jersey within the week. As the Jerseyites spill into Colorado and approach South Park, Randy and the boys stand strong against the onslaught.​

Most of you already know about this episode because the preview for it was shown after the mid-season premier last week. From the very brief clips I have seen that were teasing the episode and the description given the press release I have provided above, it seems as though all these "Jerseyites" as their called all act like the Jersey Shore cast and are basically taking over all of America and turning it all into New Jersey. So South Park has decided to fight back against them and stop them from spreading any father. Now while thats all fine and dandy for a plot, I truly hope we see the actual cast members from that awful show get the old South Park treatment as well.

I think it would be a great season moment if they gave Snooki a good old fashioned South Park bashing, and it would raise this episode's quality standard that much more. So seeing as though Jersey Shore is still a very recent show that isn't even a year old yet it seems rational that South Park would target them. Unlike last week's episode which like the wrestling episode seemed a tad outdated. I think we are in for a much bigger treat this week from Matt, Trey. and the rest of their South Park team.
"Poor & Stupid" didn't really feel like all that great of an episode. Sure, it had its moments, mostly the interaction between Cartman & Butters trying to be what they assumed all people involved with NASCAR are like, but they seemed unable to settle on what point they wanted to make. Also, the whole Vagisil thing stopped being funny pretty quickly. This was a letdown of a season premier. Hopefully tomorrow's Jersey Shore episode will be a return to form.
I'm a huge SP head and i don't think there's ever been an episode i don't like my favourite character is Cartman and my fav episodes are Cartoon wars and W.T.F. The new NASCAR episode was hilarious, all the " that's fuggin gay " had me practically rolling on the floor laughing and i can't wait for the new episode tonight.
Brilliant episode last night.

I have yet to see an episode of Jersey Shore, but like everyone else... I've seen enough talk about it in the media and on the internet to get a good idea what the show is and what kind of people are represented on it. And like everybody else... I find it to be absolutely ridiculous. They are worthless scum, and it was great to see South Park rip them a new asshole, especially in such a hilarious manner, like they pretty much always do.

Anyways, the episode was just awesome from start to finish. You can't pick it apart and say, "This part was the best." No, every part was the best. From the Kyle scenes, to the stuff with Snookie, to the town of South Park fighting off the people from Jersey and getting al-Qaeda involved... I loved everything about this episode.
South Park is really not that much interesting currently in it's present face. It should have been closed some time back. It is just about cracking some bold jokes etc. Though I won't say here it is totally bad.
I thought last night's episode was great. I glance at Jersey Shore every now and then, but I don't watch the show on a regular basis. South Park has done plenty of invasion style episodes, but I think this might be my favorite one yet. They way the mocked Jersey Shore was just great. I was almost in tears from laughing when the Snooki monster was first sighted, and Kyle's transformation at the end was also very funny. Also, watching Stan's dad ask Al-Qaeda for help was another great moment. I like it when Stan's dad is the leader of a revolution. Randy is one of the more entertaining characters on the show, and it's always fun to watch him be "the guy".

Fantastic episode last night. I know it's very early, but I might have to pick this episode as my favorite of the season.
There were some funny parts with this episode. I enjoyed the part where Ike passed out finding out that his family was from Jersey. I enjoyed this one more then the Nascar episode last week. I can't stand the Jersey Shore or any reality show dealing with Jersey, so this was was a funny episode.
This was an improvement from last week's episode. Not to mention with a parody on these trashy Jersey shows that have been on the air as of late it felt more with the times than the NASCAR one did last week. There were many parts about this episode I liked such as: the first scene we seen with the Jersey folk who were having dinner at the Marsh's house. The lady talks shit about everyone but when someone says something witty at her she explodes into a ridiculous rage. While her husband only cares about getting ripped. A great start to the episode.

Then more Jersey folk keep moving to South Park, which leads to Sheila's big revelation that she was originally from Jersey. Which Kyle soon learns that his mom got pregnant for him while living there making him a Jersey boy at heart. The portrayal of Snooki was also extremely funny. They made her out to be a fat, ugly creature from Jersey that only cares about eating and raping, great stuff there. Also the news casting team of Jersey was also funny. Then things got controversial when South Park has no choice but to call in Al-Queda for help to fight off the Jersey trash.

Then the ending of this episode was pure South Park hilarity with the terrorists suicide attacking the Jerseyites by crashing planes into them. Kyle transforming into a guido and scaring away Snooki from raping Cartman by totally bitching her out. Then things are back to normal Osama bin Laden is being awarded by South Park for his help when he gets shot by a government official with Randy shouting "We got him!" an absolute classic ending to an episode.

Now with that being said this episode while being very good could have also been a lot better. I thought they were going to rip apart Jersey Shore much like they did to Intervention earlier this season, but it was more of an overall mockery of how the stereotypical people from Jersey are like. This episode was very good and was much better than last week but with the material they were working with and with the right media target to parody this show could have been a whole lot better than it was. I gave "It's A Jersey Thing" a solid 8/10 rating for this week.
Source: South Park Studios


NEW YORK, October 18, 2010 Stan seems to have accumulated a frightening number of useless possessions in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "Insheeption," premiering on Wednesday, October 20 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on COMEDY CENTRAL.

When he's sent to the school counselor to talk about his disorder, Stan realizes that he's not the only one who has a problem. When Mr. Mackey and Stan agree to surrender themselves to the hoarding experts, Stan gets a more than a glimpse of what it was like for Mr. Mackey in the 4th grade at South Park Elementary.​

Well this week's episode was announced and from what I've read from the official press release here, I'm very excited for it. The show seems to be taking it's aim at the show "Hoarders" obviously, but the title seems to be an obvious parody of "Inception". And with Stan going into Mackey's past as described above it makes me think both topics will be the subject matter of parody for this week's episode. Which in the end could make for a rather interesting South Park episode.

This episode seems like it could be filled with good moments, especially looking into Mackey's past as a fourth grade. Also it should be interesting to see how Mackey and Stan can out hoard some of those obsessive folk on television. If it can top last week's episode then we're in for a hell of a show and knowing Matt and Trey they should hit a home run with this week's topic.
I thought last week's episode was funny. Making fun of Jersey was great. I laughed at "Its a Jersey thing" every time I heard it.... I really enjoyed the development with Kyle's character as well because that was so unexpected. Hope we get to see more of his "Jersey form" in future episodes. The best part was Cartman yelling at Kyle for being jewish, ginger, AND from jersey. Classic. Can't wait for tonight's episode!!!!
I enjoyed last night's episode of South Park. It wasn't great, but I thought it delivered pretty well. Inception has been my favorite 2010 film so far, and it was cool to see South Park take a shot at this film. It seems as if Matt and Trey were mocking how complex the story for Inception was. Obliviously, they thought the story was a lot more complicated than it needed to be, but if you pay close attention to the film, you'll see that it's not that hard to follow.

This episode had a good amount of funny moments. When one of the members of the team sent to rescue Stan and Mackey said, "our dream bullets are having no affect on it!" I laughed very hard. We also got to see a special appearance from a horror movie legend here, and I think this part of the episode was done very well. Also, this episode kind of hit home for me, because I have a HUGE problem when it comes to hoarding a bunch of crap I don't need anymore.

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