The [Official] South Park Thread

Pretty much what Mitch said. The entire episode just felt like one big bizarre moment to me. I understand the purpose behind having the HUMANCENTiPAD; but more than anything, I felt a lot more disgusted of the connection between Kyle and the other two than I found it funny. Don't get me wrong. The satire to Apple and their dime-a-dozen new inventions (iPad 2) as well as the people's stupidity to buy them and not read the license agreement terms is as clear as day; but that's as far as it goes -- I didn't find it funny in the slightest. The jokes seemed too bizarre to be considered funny. On a side note, the Eric Cartman subplot was somewhat entertaining. It gave me a few cheap laughs, but nothing too big.

Meh. --> That's what I give this week's episode. Nothing special but nothing awful either.
Finally got around to watching it tonight online. It was pretty sweet, but not all that great in my opinion. Some of it was just a bit to repetitive for me, what with Cartman doing the whole "fuck me" bit over and over. They did a few funny things with it but it got kind of old.

The whole centipede thing was just odd. I get that it was a knock at that shitty looking movie but I have to question the satire of a movie that not a whole lot of people have seen. I'm just assuming the flick was shit but I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't seen it, so they're targeting a very limited audience.

Overall, I'd give it a 2.5/5. Decent laughs but a very shaky premise.
... I didn't get it. I mean, there was some funny stuff here and the ending was fucking brilliant, but I just didn't get the plot at all. Maybe it's because I didn't actually see the Comedy Awards and I have no idea what happened there to make Trey & Matt shit on them like that(especially since they won an award) so maybe it's just me not being in the loop.

I'm not going to rate it since I just didn't get it, but for now it doesn't rate very high. Except for shitting on Tyler Perry. That alone gives it a 2.5.
I enjoyed it.
I admire peoples willingness to give long, detailed reviews on anything here but I could never do it, as I lack the energy and would get bored half way through. Thats said I find South Park to be silly to review its "messages". Which is odd since it carries them. I just prefer to shut my brain off and just enjoy the show.
I was half asleep when I watched it, and I believe I even dozed off on some parts. Not the shows fault, just that I was beyond tired last night and actually went to bed at eight but woke up to watch. From what I do remember, I found it quite funny. Not one of their better episodes but it still got laughs out of me. I hate Tyler Perry with a passion so that made my night right there. I even laughed at some of the robots jokes. It was an entertaining episode, just not on par with some of their best. I think the first episode of the series was much funnier than this one but then again, the first episode was one of my favorites of all time.
What the Hell is going on with South Park right now? Don't get me wrong, I am loving the new series but there is something about it that I cannot put my finger on. That something is really odd and for the life of me, I cannot understand why I don't like it.

Maybe it is because the story lines of the first two episodes in the season have not been circulating around the characters that I would like to see. The first episode poked fun at Steve Jobs and Apple's domination of the technology market right now and although the Cartman secondary story was funny, it was nearly familiar enough with me. It felt as though they were trying to poke fun at people simply because they had no other ideas and that was a damper on the episode. In this one, the same thing is prevalent. Not only did they poke fun at the Germans for no reason, they also circulated the episode around someone who I have no interest in seeing. Jimmy is not a funny character (ironically enough) and watching an episode about him was pretty boring.

The comedy in the show was half-decent and I enjoyed what they made of the episode. I just think that South Park has a huge reputation to keep up and it is not doing that right at the moment. I think it has a long way to go before it is back up to it's usual standards and what we need right now is a Cartman episode to bring us back up to scratch. Hopefully basing an episode around a character like Randy is on the horizon too. I think something needs to happen though because I am getting bored and watching it out of hope, rather than sheer enjoyment right now.
Jimmy isn't one of my favorite characters on the show. He can have his funny moments sometimes, but overall, I think the character is pretty dull. I really enjoyed the Kanye West fish stick episode, but I think Cartman was the reason why that particular show was so funny. He was such an asshole, as he tried to take some credit for the joke. It was classic stuff.

Anyway, I thought last night's episode was pretty underwhelming. It just didn't do it for me. The comedy awards didn't make me laugh, but the Tyler Perry stuff was a real treat. I can't stand Tyler Perry, so I was happy they tore him apart. As far as the robot stuff goes, I just couldn't get into it. I wanted to laugh at it. I really tried, but It wasn't doing it for me. Also, it's hard for me to get into a Jimmy episode. I loved the Kanye West episode, because he was paired with Cartman, and Cartman can always be hilarious. Last night's episode wasn't terrible, but it wasn't something to remember.
I wasn't a fan of last night's episode either. I like Jimmy in small doses, and I did find the mock comedy awards and Tyler Perry funny. That guy won't go away no matter how many shitty movies he makes. I just couldn't get into the robot and the Germans being so crazy. What does Matt and Trey have against Germans? I just don't think the entire episode should have been dedicated to the comedy awards and a robot comedian. There should have been some side stories that involved one of the members of the main cast.

South Park loves to poke fun of everyone so I can't fault them for that. I just don't need to see a whole episode making fun of Tyler Perry and the lame Comedy Central awards.
I just watched it. Nothing special or memorable besides Tyler Perry and the nice twist at the end with him being burried and seal in w/concrete.

So far the first two episodes of the season have not been anything I brag about watching.
A Canadian episode, oh yeah.

They're my favourite episodes and to have mark out moments such as Ugly Bob on the coach (yes my housemate gave me a disappointing look when I got excited) and how Scott is now a Giant Dick due to radiation in Ottawa. The faith box was hilarious and the 'traditions' side of thing was also good. I pretty much enjoyed the Mr Mackay bit with him going crazy at the kids and when "they got him" I just laughed.

Great episode, but I love the Canadian ones.
I liked the episode last night. It started a bit slow, but got progressively more funny. Mr. Mackay was fucking funny last night. I almost died when he would scream and curse at the kids. I also marked the fuck out for Scott and Ugly Bob. Two fantastic additions to the series and it's great to see them utilized. It was also cool to see an episode primarily based around Ike. I've always liked Ike's character and always found him funny and entertaining. The ending with the Prince shoving the Princesses' arm up his butt made me chuckle as well.

I know not many people love this season, but I have throughly enjoyed every single episode. The first one was my favorite so far with last nights being a close second and Episode two being a close third. I love it so far.
It was funnier then the previous episodes. A lot of people are going online and complaining about how South Park is 0-3 this season. I wouldn't say that though. I mean there hasn't really been an awesome episode since the Coon vs. Coon & Friends saga. I haven't had a problem with the last three though. The second one was probably my least favorite. I found last night's episode pretty funny with the Scott the giant dick and Ike being upset about the Canadian wedding. If you aren't a fan of Canadian episodes or humor then you probably hated this one. The second half of this season isn't nearly as terrible as some have claimed it to be.
My thoughts on this new string of episodes so far:

Human Centipad was just plain weird. I wasn't sure what to think of it. It was very amusing, yet very disturbing. I did find the frustration of Apple not being able to "get it to read" was funny. Cartman getting zapped in the end was funny too.... However, it was disturbing as a whole.

Funny Bot was good. The Tyler Perry jokes were pretty much spot on. That's not funny and I don't know of anyone who thinks it is. The comedians coming out threatening everyone when Funny Bot "terk der jerbs" was good. I found it to be a better episode than Human Centipad.

Royal Pudding started out rather stupid but got great as it went on. I thought that the Tooth Decay play was random but it made sense in the end when it was the "real" Tooth Decay that took the princess, I love it when South Park does random stuff like that because it can make the difference between an episode being really funny or really dumb.
I really enjoyed the Royal Pudding episode. The stuff with Mr. Mackey and the dental hygiene play was hilarious. Kyle had to take a lot shit from Mackey, as he filled in for Ike, and Mackey's constant tirades were easily the best part of this show. The storyline with the kidnapped Princess was okay, but I did like the surprise of Tooth Decay as the kidnapper at the very end. Also, the return of Scott was a treat for me. Scott is a dick, and this character always manages to crack me up. This was a very entertaining show, and I hope next week's episode can be just as good.
Well this weeks episode just seems to be a fun sort rather than satirizing the Royal Wedding, or Bin Laden or Apple it's about Cartman and he measures the boys dicks and posts them on the bullitin board at school.

This has great potential.
I thought the Royal Wedding episode was pretty good. Not great, but consistently funny. I absolutely loved seeing the old Canadian characters from the Season 2 premiere (Ugly Bob, Scott) again and for some reason Ike always seems to crack me up. The whole "tooth decay" thing was pretty weak, but it was funny seeing Mr. Mackey fly off the handle in the play rehearsals. Best part of the episode was probably the ending, my jaw dropped and I was laughing my head off when the Canadian prince pulled off the princess's arm and shoved it up his ass (as is tradition). Plus now I have some fun racist nicknames for Eskimos. Thanks Matt and Trey!
Much better. This week's episode was excellent, much better than anything they have put out so far this season. They're always at their best when they focus shows on Cartman and to an extent, Randy, and this episode was no exception. I was laughing my ass of the entire time, which is much more than I can say from the other episodes this season which has been pretty hit and miss in my opinion.The Anger Management classes were fucking hysterical, especially the Tea Party guy and the little Wigger kid. I know people just like that so it'll be a fun mental image next time I see them.

Hopefully, they can keep up this momentum going forward.
Cartman is the best character on the show by far. He makes episodes so fucking funny. Last nights was fucking hilarious. Everytime Cartman spoke, I cracked up. Another great part was Butters measuring his penis in his room. That entire scene was funny, and I have grown to love Butters. That white gangster was fucking funny as well. Everything about this episode had me laughing and it was easily the best of the season. I can't wait for next week.
This was the gem we have been waiting for. Cartman is usually golden in most of the episodes that revolved around him. Ike, Kenny, and Butters episodes are pretty funny too. The whole concept of Cartman being angry for no reason (except for penis size) and other people that are in Anger Management is hilarious. The pissed off Tea Bagger was an excellent example. Randy always seems to be the front runner in episodes like this. If Cartman isn't the one in charge leading the revolt then Randy usually is. I found it hilarious that even though the National average penis size for males was reduced, Cartman still came up short by a centimeter.
This week's episode was weird and funny. TMI definitely sums it up although Cartman's reaction to a growth chart starting a crazy chain of events was classic. The best part was the anger issues getting linked to the size of privates because it really makes sense as a shot at why certain types of people in real life act and a likely reason behind it. Hilarious and can't wait for next week's episode.
Anyone watch the crack baby basketball episode last week? I found it all pretty strange. It was funny how they were poking fun at the endless humane society commercials with sick and injured pets by Sarah Mclaughlin. Cartman was once again trying to benefit off the misfortune of others. Selling crack to drug addicted soon to be mothers so their new born babies would play for his basketball team (fighting for a ball of crack). I really didn't know where they were going with this episode.

Somehow former Guns N' Rose guitar player Slash was compared to Santa Claus by being invisible and giving gifts to those less fortunate. I guess he was the one that gave the crack babies a new nursery. This was a weird episode for me. It was a little out there and they really tried to cross the line even more. It was little too extreme to be funny for me. I have seen worse though. I don't know if this is the last episode this season or if next week is. Just wasn't a fan of this one.
It was little too extreme to be funny for me. I have seen worse though.

See I saw the title of this one and expected it to be fucking grim, but after watching it I was pleasantly surprised, sure it is a dark subject matter, but the way they handled it was excellent, especially with the Wall Street Dick™ suits and Kyle becoming more and more like Cartman while trying to hold onto a glimmer of humanity really did a good job of conveying just how shitty EA Sports can be [nur hur hur]. Well, you know, the satire on indentured servitude to big multi-billion dollar organisations.

Overall I really enjoyed it. Especially the happy ending.

I don't know if this is the last episode this season or if next week is. Just wasn't a fan of this one.

Not sure but usually the seasons are 14 episodes I think, which should mean there are two more before the mid-season break.
Anyone watch the crack baby basketball episode last week? I found it all pretty strange. It was funny how they were poking fun at the endless humane society commercials with sick and injured pets by Sarah Mclaughlin. Cartman was once again trying to benefit off the misfortune of others. Selling crack to drug addicted soon to be mothers so their new born babies would play for his basketball team (fighting for a ball of crack). I really didn't know where they were going with this episode.

They were making fun of major college athletics and the fact that players for major universities make the schools tons of money with football and basketball yet receive little compensation in return. Hence the comparison of "slaves" and "student athletes." It was a great episode you just had to get what they were poking fun at.
They were making fun of major college athletics and the fact that players for major universities make the schools tons of money with football and basketball yet receive little compensation in return. Hence the comparison of "slaves" and "student athletes." It was a great episode you just had to get what they were poking fun at.

Yeah, that makes sense now. I have been hopped up on so much flu medication all week I haven't been able to pay attention to anything. Looking forward to next week if we still have some more new episodes coming out.

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