The [Official] South Park Thread

They were going after Sons of Anarchy.

I know, I watch the show every week. I'm just curious as to what made them so damn angry at bikers, I guess they don't like the show.

I don't think it was so much about the comedy this week but more about the social commentary/satire. it's very true also as so many words could mean whatever people choose to make them. Ok so maybe I'm overthinking this one.

The whole social commentary/satire angle was heavy handed in this episode though, they beat us over the head with it. It was funny, yeah, I had quite a few laughs, especially during Cartman's first little speech to the bikers, but overall this was probably the weakest episode of the season so far I think. Still, by South Park standards, that's still better than 99% of the shit on TV.
I thought it was a good show. It wasn't great but they stated something they needed to state for quite a while now. Since all the characters use the term "***" over and over again in their episodes, I see how a lot of people are offended by it. Even some people on these forums don't like the use of the word gay or *** as a derogatory term.

If you aren't talking about a homosexual, I don't see a problem. Granted, I don't go out and use these terms in public. Only seldomly in private to my friends to describe someone's behavior. I don't know any bikers around town here, but I do know quite a few people that resemble that obnoxious behavior the bikers exhibit. Big Gay Al and The Mayor are always fun to see, along with Ike.

I thought the mayor committed suicide a few seasons back, I guess not.
I, too, felt like this week's episode was the weakest of the 2nd half of Season 13 so far.

Like X mentioned... it started off promising and hilarious because of Cartman, but then it just went into overkill mode. Though, I have to say, I do agree with their message of using the term "***" isn't necessarily a slur against gay people nowadays. I know whenever I say it, it's never referring to a homosexual, but as South Park put it yesterday, an inconsiderate douchebag. So, the message of the show was fine with me; I just didn't think after the first 10 minutes or so there was anything to laugh at because they were basically just repeating everything they said in the first few minutes of the show.
I, too, felt like this week's episode was the weakest of the 2nd half of Season 13 so far.

Like X mentioned... it started off promising and hilarious because of Cartman, but then it just went into overkill mode. Though, I have to say, I do agree with their message of using the term "***" isn't necessarily a slur against gay people nowadays. I know whenever I say it, it's never referring to a homosexual, but as South Park put it yesterday, an inconsiderate douchebag. So, the message of the show was fine with me; I just didn't think after the first 10 minutes or so there was anything to laugh at because they were basically just repeating everything they said in the first few minutes of the show.

I have to agree with you strongly.

For me, I was a little disappointed in this episode and I shouldn't have been for all intensive purposes. Watching the first half of the show was pretty entertaining and enjoyable. However, I thought that it became a little stale over the latter half of the show and that nothing overly funny happened. Although, I did absolutely piss myself when that guy got impaled on the side of the ship. That was just epically hilarious to me and I could not move for laughing.

When it comes to the subject matter, I could not care less. This is probably because it does not affect me and it is not a slur against me. Some people may be offended by the word but I think South Park are correct to be honest. When I use the word, it is never used in a derogatory sense against homosexuals, just giant douchebags.
Great episode tonight, in what was basically just an allegory for Glenn Beck and the various other outrageous political commentators, this time that person of course being Cartman who criticizes the student body president Wendy while doing the morning announcements. From the word "Go" I knew this was going to be a good one, and by the time the smurfs were brought in I was dying with laughter. The bowl I was smoking might have helped. Cartman of course gets his comeuppance in a hilarious manner, and I was left extremely satisfied as I am every single Wednesday night. If only South Park could last forever.
Agreement with my co G-mod, tonight was a great show. This is the beauty of South Park by comparison to another show. On standard animation, we would be lucky to see an episode about this by March. Here we get it when it's a major deal in the country which makes the jokes so much fresher in our minds. We don't have to think back to something from months ago that we might remember. Tonight's show was exactly what South Park is best at: social satire. It saw something humorous in society and went after it hard. Everything was spot on here, even down to the chalk boards. This was a great episode and for people like me who are political junkies, this was gold.
Good episode tonight, but it sucks that the season is over already. It seems like it only just started, and really it only did. This is what pisses me off about the half-season intervals they air the show on---as soon as I get into the season, it's over.

Solid episode tonight though, I always love the apocalyptic situations that the boys can get them into, so this was fun even if the whole pee joke wasn't very funny by the end of the show.

Not a great episode, but pretty good. We have to wait until the spring for more new episodes though, and that pisses me off.
Good episode tonight, but it sucks that the season is over already. It seems like it only just started, and really it only did. This is what pisses me off about the half-season intervals they air the show on---as soon as I get into the season, it's over.

I completely agree, man. But working on the fly, so the show can truly provide us with current evens in its humor, makes doing the show tiring and stressful, so you can't really blame them for only doing each season 6/7 weeks at a time.

Anyway, I thought last week's episode was pretty good. However, the "peeing in the pool" deal had been done by South Park before, so I was surprised to see them go back to that premise, but nevetheless... I still highly enjoyed the show, especially Cartman's "Minorities" song, which had me cracking the fuck up. That was fantastic and definitely the show-stealer. Also, the peeing on the money deal was funny as hell, too.

Not the best episode, but better than a lot of South Park's season finales. Remember when they did the hockey episode to end a season a couple of years ago? God that was atrocious. But lately they've been getting a better grasp on how to end their seasons with good episodes.
Very good season premiere tonight, IMO.

When it started with the Tiger Woods thing, I was more like meh, but when it turned out all to be the new EA Sports Golf Game.... absolute genius. Cartman never fails to amuse me, and tonight was no exception while he was playing the video game.

As far as the message... I agreed. Too many righteous fucks love to judge celebrities for sleeping around and shit like that... and it just blows my mind. Just this morning I was watching Mike & Mike and Greeny got a hatefilled email for sticking up for Tiger Woods. I mean, what's the big deal that these guys sleep around? Much worse is happening out there... why do we care so much about that dumb shit?

Anyway, LOL moments for me tonight were definitely seeing Ben Roethlisberger apart of sex therapy, and Bill Clinton's delivery of, "What the fuck are you talking about?" Those, plus of course Cartman playing the video game, stole the show for me. Great stuff.
Great opening episode to this half of the season that mixed the trademark South Park mixture of great humor and a good message hidden inside with brilliant satire. I've been saying since the whole Tiger Woods fiasco happened that I could not care less who he sticks his dick into, and that I wasn't sure how it was any of our business or why it should affect his golfing career in any way. Having all of the men in the world carry on pretending to be flabbergasted as to why Tiger would want to sleep with as many women as he could. The fact that they carried the joke all the way until the end, going so far as to convince the kids to murder a soldier who knew they were all bullshitting was just hilarious, I was in stitches at several points in this episode.

Great way to start off this half-season, I'm certain at this point that this show could just go on forever and never get stale or boring so long as they continue to tackle current events like they do.
Great way to start off this half-season, I'm certain at this point that this show could just go on forever and never get stale or boring so long as they continue to tackle current events like they do.

THIS I 100% agree with, it's wildly held that the first few seasons ran out of steam quickly, but once they upped their social satire it generally has improved season on season, which is VERY rare for a show to do. As long as this is still happening it shouldn't be a problem and the characters have developed so much that they don't become dated.
Fanastic season debut. In fact, I think regardless of what South Park puts out at this point, I'll consider it fantastic. They're at that level now.

Loved bascially the whole show. Elin was hilarious, the Lady with the Hankerchief Test was brilliant, as was Kenny dresses up as Barman and jerking off while choking himself. I laughed out loud whenever Ben talked and the though of Bill Clinton shoving cigarettes up vaginas did the same thing.

As always, the message behind the show was great as well. I thought it was more about how sex addiction is a stupid and completely fictional disease more than anything, but the whole idea of badgering celebrities about the sex life is just stupid as well. Unless, of course, they raped someone, which is no laughing matter. Let that be a lesson to you, boys and girls.
Another good episode tonight, IMO.

I seriously laughed my ass off when Cartman called John Lennon the King of all Hippies. I just wasn't expecting him to finish his sentence off like that, and it caught me off guard. I nearly spit out my drink. That and calling Sarah Jessica Parker (who is butt ass ugly) a Transvestite Donkey were pretty much the funniest moments. Over doing the puking was good too, but that was more gross than it was funny, lol. Also, loved the Kardashian slaughter, and the ending of them telling Butters that it was his fault Sarah Jessica Parker got shot. Brilliant stuff.

Anyway, Catcher in the Rye is one of the few books I've read in my lifetime, and I never really got the appeal of it. It's decent, but not this masterpiece people proclaim it as, in my opinion. I also never got the hidden messages scattered throughout it, and I guess the South Park guys feel the same way, which is what the show is basically about. Definitely agree with them there.

All in all, very much enjoyed the episode, and this mid-season is definitely continuing the hilarity and greatness of the last one and a half.
Another good episode tonight, IMO.

I seriously laughed my ass off when Cartman called John Lennon the King of all Hippies. I just wasn't expecting him to finish his sentence off like that, and it caught me off guard. I nearly spit out my drink. That and calling Sarah Jessica Parker (who is butt ass ugly) a Transvestite Donkey were pretty much the funniest moments. Over doing the puking was good too, but that was more gross than it was funny, lol. Also, loved the Kardashian slaughter, and the ending of them telling Butters that it was his fault Sarah Jessica Parker got shot. Brilliant stuff.

Anyway, Catcher in the Rye is one of the few books I've read in my lifetime, and I never really got the appeal of it. It's decent, but not this masterpiece people proclaim it as, in my opinion. I also never got the hidden messages scattered throughout it, and I guess the South Park guys feel the same way, which is what the show is basically about. Definitely agree with them there.

All in all, very much enjoyed the episode, and this mid-season is definitely continuing the hilarity and greatness of the last one and a half.

I agree with you, JMT. Tonight's episode was pretty funny. It showed how annoying some people can be who try to read in between the lines all the time with everything they read, the funniest part was Stan yelling at them for making an analysis on hidden themes that were never there. I also found the jokes about Sarah Jessica Parker hilarious as well.

I've read Catcher in the Rye, and I rarely ever read outside of things required for school. It's a good book but nowhere near as controversial or awesome as people claim it is, much like the comments the guys on South Park made. It's just a vulgar book about a guy who rants and cusses the whole time.

I enjoyed the episode other than all the vomiting because they overdid that a bit, but still funny and almost as good as last week's. I'm still laughing at the episode with the whole wizard alien thing and the Tiger Woods video game. This new season is off to quite a great start!
I thought that last episode was somewhat below average to be honest. I watched the whole thing and was entertained througout, but it didn't really have many truly hilarious moments. I did love Butter's second book though, in which the "poop peed and it smelled like a butt." How isn't that funny when Morgan Freeman is reading it?

Like I said, not the best episode, but not terrible either. I think that with the high quality South Park gives us each and every week, anything other than brilliance is going tp be a little disappointing.
So last night had to be one of the best damn episodes of South Park I've ever seen, and no not just because I'm a bit of a stoner. They mixed the classic South Park formula of a real political message in a satirical comedy show mixed with crass humor, and even threw in a bit of current events with the references to Jamie Oliver and the Pope scandal this past week. I was just amazed at how they were able to fit so many things into one episode and still come out with a damn funny and enjoyable episode. Add in the political message they sent of the unhealthy consequences of eating the high-fat, high-sodium, preservative-laden fast food that major chains like KFC serve to their customers, while the relatively harmless marijuana is kept illegal and causes more problems by being illegal and illicit than it would cause if it was just legalized already.

I'll have to watch the episode again, because there was just subtext and allegories all over the fuckin' place, but this was simply a BRILLIANT episode from the minds of Matt and Trey, really one of the best I've seen in a long time.
X hit the nail on the head with the message(s) from last night's episode. While I don't think Matt and Trey are against fast food as much as X claims, the point is still valid that it's ridiculous to let fast food publicize as much as they do in this country (alcohol, too), but yet continue to keep marijuana illegal. It makes no fucking sense, and South Park wonderfully made that point last night, while still keeping the show entertaining and funny, with the Scarface sub-plot and the typical Randy Marsh antics.
I've really been impressed with South Park the last few seasons.
I was a little iffy with the first half of the Tiger Woods episode but the second half with the "hankerchief test" was South Park at it's best. The second episode of the season was pretty meh for the most part, aside from Morgan Freeman reading Butters' novel. This past wenesday's episode was just genious. My mother who has resented the 'controversy' of the show sat down and was actually amused by it. With this season, so far, so good.
I thought that last episode was somewhat below average to be honest. I watched the whole thing and was entertained througout, but it didn't really have many truly hilarious moments. I did love Butter's second book though, in which the "poop peed and it smelled like a butt." How isn't that funny when Morgan Freeman is reading it?

Like I said, not the best episode, but not terrible either. I think that with the high quality South Park gives us each and every week, anything other than brilliance is going tp be a little disappointing.

I LOVED the Morgan Freeman reading Butters' newest book over the tv in the bookstore. I nearly choked on my juice while watching the show!! :lmao: Each time I see him on Bucket List, I start laughing hysterically. Then I die with laughter when I see Keeping Up With The Kardashians, waiting for some weird kid to burst through the door.
I LOVED the Morgan Freeman reading Butters' newest book over the tv in the bookstore. I nearly choked on my juice while watching the show!! :lmao: Each time I see him on Bucket List, I start laughing hysterically. Then I die with laughter when I see Keeping Up With The Kardashians, waiting for some weird kid to burst through the door.

I love this episode! when the kardashians were killed i was like OH THE IRONY.I loved the show since i was old enough to understand it.Kenny is my favorite character.I have grown to love him in my quest to find out how he comes back to life all the time.Cartman is a close second because i love a good brilliant villian and Cartman embody's that.

My favorite episodes have to be the one with the fish sticks joke,imagination land, and the one were the teacher say "drugs are bad....MMM Kay.Their are more but i don't remember the specifics of them.
Dude, the first half of tonight's episode was the funniest thing I have seen on South Park maybe ever. The parody of Facebook was one of the best written things I have ever seen and they nailed it on all levels. Just an absolutely hilarious episode that was as perfect as you could ask for.

The second half wasn't as good, but at the same time was still funny. The whole going into Facebook thing was rather stupid but it worked for the most part. This was absolutely hilarious all around and a great episode, easily one of my favorites of all time.
Yeah another great episode tonight from South Park, this season has kickstarted with some fucking GREAT episodes so far, it's like Stone and Parker can never lose their touch to write a perfect satire. As usual though with the best episodes of South Park, this one brings up questions to the viewer while it makes them laugh their head off, this time sending the message that we should be more worried about REAL friendship than status updates, friend requests, and other bullshit on Facebook. Not that Facebook can't be fun, it's great way to connect with people all around the world, but some people just get TOO obsessed with it (my sister is one of those people, this whole episode had me laughing, thinking of her).

Great episode, great season so far. I hope Matt and Trey just make South Park forever. Literally. Forever.
Just got done watching and thought it was yet another week of brilliance from South Park.

Now, I'm not going to lie... there was once upon a time where I was really into myspace. Meeting new people, catching up with old... each day I actually looked forward to checking that shit, lol. That was a couple of years ago. Today myspace sucks, but I still do like to decorate my profile. Can't explain why, but I get pleasure out of that, lol, but that's really all I do on there today, whenever I do decide to check it.

I have a Facebook as well, and I check it a couple of times a week. I really don't dig anything about it, just check the main page and see what my "friends" have been up to. But that's all it is to me. And I don't know anyone who takes it seriously, but I'm sure there are people out there who do. So, while I get the point of the episode, I never had anyone in my personal life to compare it to, fortunately.

Anyway, great episode tonight like I said, with some absolutely hilarious moments. Cartman with the Mad Money podcast... hysterical. And of course that poor little kid. You can't help but laugh, but you also feel bad for the little guy. That dance he did though was fantastic.

Also, I must say tonight's visual effects were by far the best South Park have ever done. I was really, really impressed with that for tonight's episode as well, especially considering they make this show within a fucking week. That's just nuts.
WOW to say Parker and Stone hit the nail on the head with this episode is an understatement. People are really that cracked out for those games on FB!! I was surprised they didn't mention anything mafia wars at all since thats the biggest game on there besides farmville. I have an FB account but refuse to play any of those games on there. When that kid was talking to his parents about Kyle was hilarious, "I rolled on the floor" I literaly rofl myself! Also when he was at the movies and had his laptop with him and poured some popcorn on it for Kyle pretty funny!

I wanna know when they will do an episode featuring the Jersy Shore cast, that would be a another great episode!
What a great episode! I would say it is probably in the top tier alongside the Family Guy one and the WWE one. The facebook parodies were perfectly done because of all the useless applications that were made fun of. It seems like I cannot log in even once without having to click "hide this application" in the newsfeed, for some friend having found some new game. I only use facebook for friends lists, chatting, pictures, and liking/commenting on stuff. That's it. South Park did such a good job of showing what a waste of time some of these things are and this was by far one of their best episodes.

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