The [Official] South Park Thread

I'm really dissapointed in myself. I haven't watched a single episode since the new season has started. Only Randy Marsh hippidy hopping on his gigantic testicles. I feel I'm missing out on so much.:sad:

I'll make sure to catch myself up on the hilarity. This season seems so much fun.
Since I live in Australia we dint get South Park The same time you guys do but I've caught up. Out Of the 4 episodes I've seen this season I have to say The Facebook one was the best. Not only did they make fun of the Fact that people obsess over Facebook but the way they went about it was excellent. The Farmville jokes we're brilliant. I was worried at first about how the Character Kip would Develop because I didn't see him going anywhere but as the Episode went on I Found Him Quite amusing
Finally South Park is starting to get hot. I didn't like either of the first two episodes of this season, but the last two have been great. The parody of Facebook episode was just hilarious. This is also one of the few episodes where Stan is funny when the story is centered around him because usually he gets up staged by his dad. Season 13 was very good, and I hope season 14 will be even better.
Finally South Park is starting to get hot. I didn't like either of the first two episodes of this season, but the last two have been great. The parody of Facebook episode was just hilarious. This is also one of the few episodes where Stan is funny when the story is centered around him because usually he gets up staged by his dad. Season 13 was very good, and I hope season 14 will be even better.

Yes. I always get quite disappointed because Stan's character is so versatile but he's often being Overshadowed by his dad. I was quite happy after Stan had an entire Episode based around him. Simply because Stan's character can go in so many different directions and this episode was one of the best I've seen in a long time.
I read the reviews in here before watching the new facebook episode, I was expecting to be let down, mainly by the second half of the episode, but to my surprise, I think I actually liked the second half just as much as the first, I really enjoyed it after Stan got sucked into his computer. At this pace we're being set up for the best season of South Park ever.

Also, anyone catch that new show Ugly Americans that comes on right after, I really enjoy the animations, its pretty funny too.
Oh my god! The last two shows have been so great. The KFC episode is right up there in my top 5 ever. At one point I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. In particular the moment where Randy has his balls in the microwave, And asks Stan for a beer. My favourite scene was by far the guys all bouncing down the street looking all serious.

The Facebook show was amazing, I think I liked it so much because I could indentify with Stan. It was great to see a Stan centered episode, As he is such a diverse character. My favourite moment in this show was when the loner kid was in the movie theater, It was such an awkard moment but ever so funny.
So the upcoming 200th episode, according to the commercials I've been seeing on Comedy Central, will revolve around all the celebrities the town of South Park has pissed off in the past. In theory, this sounds pretty cool, but I'm a wee bit worried about it. From time to time, Matt and Trey have admittedly been guilty of trying to cram too much shit into one episode and this kinda has that feel to it. I'm not stating right off the bat that it's gonna suck, I will never say anything that South Park does sucks. So what do you guys think about the potential of the 200th episode?
So the upcoming 200th episode, according to the commercials I've been seeing on Comedy Central, will revolve around all the celebrities the town of South Park has pissed off in the past. In theory, this sounds pretty cool, but I'm a wee bit worried about it. From time to time, Matt and Trey have admittedly been guilty of trying to cram too much shit into one episode and this kinda has that feel to it. I'm not stating right off the bat that it's gonna suck, I will never say anything that South Park does sucks. So what do you guys think about the potential of the 200th episode?

Yea. I totally agree with the cramming of too much shit into one show. It makes the episode boring and hard to follow. I think if they are going to cram stuff into the 200th episode I would like to see it be extended into an one hour episode. This would allow for a better plot and also an excellent episode which I'm sure everybody is looking forward to.
Tonight's episode was... blah.

I mean, I enjoyed all the references to past shows. Of course that brings a smile to your face, but I didn't really find anything funny about this week's show, and it seemed like they threw this together just to throw it together. Moreover, I have my doubts whether or not we get any kind of follow up next week.

But yeah... weakest episode so far this season, IMO. Also, I don't like how they basically single out Tom Cruise like he's the biggest celebrity douche out there, when that's not really the case at all.
I really liked tonight's episode. All of the references from past seasons were great. There was nothing that had me laughing too hard but overall it was solid. Tom Cruise on the couch was great. They definitely have to follow this up though with a conclusion. It didn't say to be continued but they aren't stupid. I expect a follow up episode.
I thought tonight's episode was funny but I was a little disappointed in the fact that it had a cliffhanger, and I hate cliffhangers. All the references to past episodes made up for it. I'm not sure why some people would think there's not going to be a second part to this next week. Part of me thinks they are just setting up another Terrence & Phillip prank, next week will be a Terrence & Phillip special instead of the conclusion to this week's episode, as a tribute to when they did that long ago during another two part episode. Then the conclusion will be in two weeks. However, if there IS no conclusion (which I highly doubt) then that makes the episode entirely pointless.
Definitely the weakest episode yet this season. The opening was probably the funniest part of the show, Cartman doing J-Lo again was pretty funny too, but over all it lacked what the previous 3 episodes had given us. I found it funny that after the 12am repeat on CC, that fox aired the original Mecha Streisand. I just hope that Mr. Jefferson comes back for the 2nd part.
As usual, another solid output. I found tonight's episode to be very funny, I loved the whole Tom Cruise fudge packer joke, and as everyone already said, I really liked all the past fake celebrity appearances.

I'm not sure if there is going to be a conclusion or not, imo it all depends on them being able to show Muhammad or not. No Muhammad, no conclusion, but what the fuck do I know.

As usual South Park hits it out of the park with their underlined message, and would be making even more of a point by not concluding the episode, either way I'll be happy, and congratulations on 200, I say we need at least another 300 episodes before they even think about calling it quits. :worship:
Ok, It appears that opinions are split on this episode. Half the people think it was brilliant and the other half thought it was merely ok. Luckily, I'm in the former category.

I loved all the old jokes they brought back. Some people hate the repition, but I think that's unfair. Repitition can be fantastic, Andy Kaufman based alot of his comedy on repition. I loved when J-Lo appeared and I said in sync with the episode ".... Mitch Conor!". It was just one of those moments that I could not get with any other show.

The new jokes were pretty good. I enjoyed the fudge packer stuff, and for some reason I laughed my ass off at Mohammed's timid, indifferent voice. Great stuff again from Parker and Stone.

Like I said, some people will think it's an average episode. But I loved it, best episode of the season and the perfect love letter to South Park's fans. Now it all comes down to whether or not we're given a second episode, a Terrance and Philip prank, or the episode is forgotten about completely. Honestly, I'm praying for a follow up episode. Finding out who Cartman's dad is, maybe some crab people, then God makes an appearance and sorts everything out. Basically, I would MTFO for that.
Last night's episode was filled with nostalgia. I liked how they referenced some of the past of episodes because it was cool to take a trip down memory lane. The Celebrity Revenge concept for this episode is an intriguing storyline, and I'm anxious to see how it will develop. I kind of wish Rob Reiner was the ring leader of the celebrities because I feel he would be a better lead villain. Reiner was used as a sleazy villain in a episode about the tobacco companies a long time ago, and the way the character was portrayed was just great.
You can't grade this show like you grade the rest of them this season. It's not a normal show. To get to 200 episodes on a show like this is INSANE. Back in 99, would anyone have believed we would be talking about this show in 2010? This was fine as it set up what could be a great ending. The key thing is that it wasn't put into one show. They've spread it out and that's going to help things. Having random things like Mohammed and the gingers is a nice touch. Think about it like this: name ANY other show where everything we saw in this episode would be completely normal. Not even the Simpsons would be able to claim that.
You can't grade this show like you grade the rest of them this season. It's not a normal show. To get to 200 episodes on a show like this is INSANE. Back in 99, would anyone have believed we would be talking about this show in 2010? This was fine as it set up what could be a great ending. The key thing is that it wasn't put into one show. They've spread it out and that's going to help things. Having random things like Mohammed and the gingers is a nice touch. Think about it like this: name ANY other show where everything we saw in this episode would be completely normal. Not even the Simpsons would be able to claim that.

Yeah I agree with this, to me it seemed like it was just having a fun filled nostalgia trip. So many mark out moments, from the Super Best friends, to the gingers, to MechaStreisand and especially for Mr Hat. There's lots of little things we haven't seen yet, like Mr Hanky and Starvin Marvin, kick the baby and a Kenny Death!

I also wouldn't be surprised if the next episode has some celebrities who have loaned voices to SP like Michael Buffer, Jay Leno, George Clooney, Jennifer Anniston plus guys like Sidney Poitier, Robert Smith and Brian Boitano saving the day.
Just finished watching it. Holy fuck and a half one of the best episodes of South Park ever, the ending when everything just tied together was fuckin' brilliant. The second the gingers brought him to a lair and said they had another boss, it just clicked in my head that it had to be Tenorman and sure enough it was and I indeed marked out. Marked out hard for Dr. Mephisto as well, oh and Pip! PIP! He was killed by Mecha Streisand though.

I mean, awesome. Like that episode just confirmed to me that this is one of South Park's greatest seasons EVER. Seriously, this season has been excellent thus far.
I can't believe what *****es the people at Comedy Central are. I mean, they censor half of the damn show, and completely ruin the ending because of it. And then to top it off, they pull the episode off the air and don't show it on the 11 o'clock replay. What fucking ***** they are. I know Matt and Trey had to be PISSED. Comedy Central won't even let them put it up on their Studios website. Seriously, what the fuck, man?

Anyway, it was a great episode regardless. Much, much better than last week's. I honestly didn't care about the whole celeb/Muhammad thing, more on who was Cartman's father, and boy oh boy did that just turn out to be absolutely brilliant. I fucking LOVED the route they went; it was just beyond awesome.

But yeah... fuck Comedy Central. Those fucking *****es. However, Trey and Matt are true American heroes. How could anyone not fucking love these two? They are both just brilliant beyond words could ever express, and last's night was proof to that being an absolute fact.
they pull the episode off the air and don't show it on the 11 o'clock replay. What fucking ***** they are. I know Matt and Trey had to be PISSED. Comedy Central won't even let them put it up on their Studios website. Seriously, what the fuck, man?

Agreed 100% man. Some of us rely on the 11PM rerun due to busy schedules. I have meetings every Wednesday night for an organization I'm part of at my campus, and they tend to last almost 2 hours.... so I always catch the 11PM rerun and am never able to see the first showing of a new South Park episode.

After a long day of classwork, my meeting, and dealing with other drama.... I still THOUGHT that I had the new episode of South Park to look forward to. What do I see when I sit down to watch it? A rerun of another episode! To say that I was pissed off would be an understatement. I ended up having to look up the plot of the episode online in order to find out what happened. Very disappointing to end up having to resort to that, all because they refuse to air a rerun. Even sunday's rerun is scheduled to be the facebook episode instead of "201".

My thoughts on the episode are that it was beyond epic. The thought of making Cartman and Tenorman be half brothers was a brilliant plot twist, quite possibly the best one in South Park history. They did a great job with it and I hope to see it as soon as I possibly can because reading the plot of the episode online did not do it justice. Massive props to Trey and Matt for another great episode, and Comedy Central is dangerously close to being boycotted by me if they do not air a rerun of 201.
Love this show, and the first six episodes of this season has been amazing.

I love that they were getting threats/warnings by Muslim extremists about even showing Mohammed in a bear suit, then it turns out it was always Santa. Genius at work.

The Saigon opening was brilliant too.
Last night's episode was awesome. The return of Scott Tenorman was by far one the coolest things South Park has done over the years because the episode where Cartman constantly tries to get revenge on him was just classic. Episodes 200 and 201 were filled with tons nostalgia, and it was nice to see a lot of the old characters brought back, and the new and improved Barbra Streisand was also a nice touch.

Although, it was annoying as hell when Comedy Central decided to censor everyone's speech during the end. I was pissed because I wanted to hear what everyone had to say. They should put the uncensored version on the season DVD set when it's released. I really hope they won't censor it on there because now all the South Park season DVD sets are being released uncensored.
Well, I finally got to watch 201 thanks to a friend of mine who had recorded it. As I pointed out in my previous post.... I was not able to see it at first due to a meeting I have every Wednesday evening and rely completely on the 11PM reruns to see a new South Park episode. Luckily, a friend had recorded it while he was watching and I watched it with him and a few other friends last night.

I had also mentioned how resorting to looking up the plot online to find out what happened was just not good enough, I was right! This episode was awesome, even though I already knew what was going to happen. The best part was the revelation of Tenorman as Cartman's half brother because they did such a good job of leading up to it. Referring to him as "The head ginger", the carnival as a reference to Cartman's Chilli Con Carnival in the other episode Tenorman was in, all leading up to the biggest spoiler in the history of South Park. Awesome.

This episode would have gotten a perfect score and joined episodes such as the facebook one, the wrestling one, and the family guy one.... but it had one major problem. I got a bit annoyed at all those long bleeps in the end. I honestly doubt that Matt and Trey care about the threats they had been receiving, those long bleeps are likely Comedy Central's doing. I've heard that the "Super best friends" episode has now been removed as well because of the same threats. South Park is famous for making fun of everything, regardless. They should have been allowed to air the episode without the bleeps. Nothing should ever get censored unless it's a curse word or a prejudiced remark. However, the episode is still probably in the top ten because of all the tributes to past episodes.
Tonight's episode was alright. It had a tough act to follow after the epic 200 and 201 episodes.... but this one was alright because it had a good mix of funny and random. I thought all the looney tunes character parodies were funny, despite being kinda wrong due to what they were making fun. The intervention parody was done well. I laughed at nearly all of the black screens, and I doubt I'll be able to take the real "Intervention" show seriously now. That is often the case with things South Park makes fun of.

The best part was Cartman having a whole stack of papers for why he hated Kyle instead of saying something to Towelie. Decent episode, and any appearance of Towelie is always a plus in my book. On an unrelated note, they got something wrong. The deadliest snake is actually the Inland Taipan, not the Black Mamba.
Last night's episode was HILARIOUS!!! :lmao: Hearing the theme song from Intervention will crack me up each time now. Then to see the camp, as a joke on Meatballs, with Timmy and Jimmy against Mimsy and his leader. The shark getting it on with the kid was so not what I expected. :lol:

I was dying to see Towlie again, and my husband and I both were dying with laughter at his 'relationship' that fell apart. His girlfriend gave birth to a washcloth. HEHEHE. I seriously doubt I can ever take Intervention seriously again!! LOL

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