The [Official] South Park Thread

It was def a step up this week! I will say though that "sometimes" they overplay Butters, I love Butters but they do at times overplay him. I thought it was hilarious how the cop actually married that pimp then busted him, it was predictable but funny none the less. On a side note, Is Kenny gone? I went for like 3-5 years where I watched SP only a few times a year and have only been up to date for about 2 months now.
On a side note, Is Kenny gone? I went for like 3-5 years where I watched SP only a few times a year and have only been up to date for about 2 months now.

No, Kenny was in this episode actually. He only had one line I believe, some of his trademark mumbling, but I distinctly remember him being in the episode when the boys were talking in the hallway.
No, Kenny was in this episode actually. He only had one line I believe, some of his trademark mumbling, but I distinctly remember him being in the episode when the boys were talking in the hallway.

Damn, I missed that somehow. But it seems like they've been pushing Kenny away :( On another side note I wouldent mind seeing more Craig. His random 1 finger salutes crack me up.
I liked it. It's always good to see what Butters, the traditionally unimportant character, show what he's capable of. The thing is, what he did is perfectly plausible, at least in the beginning with the selling of kisses. The detective is one of my favorite characters and he showed why tonight. he was hilarious and managed to keep a running joke funny. While not a classic, it certainly was better tahn last week. This is the kind of episode that keeps me watching every week. It came from nowhere and was very funny. Good episode bordering on great.
I completely agree with X that this was an absolutely classic episode. In fact, I'd say it was the best episode we've had in years. It was hilarious from start to finish, and it couldn't have pushed the envelope any further. Like X, I just sat there saying to myself, "How the fuck do they get away with this stuff?"

Just like last week with Ike being the central character, once again Matt and Trey made the PERFECT decision to build this show around Butters. They could have gone the easy route and made Cartman the pimp, in his ongoing quest of getting 10,000,000 dollars, but they geniusly chose Butters and the episode couldn't have been better. Also, like KB said... anytime that cop is involved, you know you're in for something hilarious. He's so over the top and ridiculous; you could build an entire movie around the guy and the act still wouldn't get old.

Terrific episode, and I have a feeling the show will continue to remain this great as the season goes on.
I absolutely loved the episode. Butters is hysterical to begin with, and probably my favorite character. Any episode centered around him is usually great, and tonight is no exception. I was dying with the way he changed his manner of speech after going to the pimp convention, explaining to his parents that he has a bunch of girlfriends and only the one they brought up was his "bottom bitch", and his talking jive to Bebe and Wendy trying to get them to work for him.

Then the police chief continues being a hysterical recurring customer, escalating his busting of Johns to the point where he's... flushing his body into evidence bags and working for pimps. When that evidence bag scene took place, I had a feeling of jovial shock come over me. Definitely a "I cannot actually be watching this right now" feeling.

One of the best episodes of the season (remember, this is the second half of season 13)... hopefully they don't do another 3 part episode and continue to build on this momentum they have going.
Very good episode, don't think it's a "classic" like some of you were saying, but very good nonetheless. Butters was great, obviously. I loved the scene where he was talking about the Senator getting kisses in the motel, it cracked me up.

I also loved when Mr. Garrison asked Butters if there was a problem, and he said "Ya, these bitches are selling kisses for free when they could be out there making some mother fucking money." I laughed out loud there.

Great episode as usual, the cop is awesome. South Park is one of the rare shows that gets better and better as time goes on, can't wait for the rest of the season. "You know what I am saying?"
Great episode like everyone said I love how it was built around butters and it was plausible, skipping what would be very obvious things with Cartman etc. I also loved the sub plot with the cop. He destroys Barbrady any day of the week. Much more focused and stayed on track. Good work.
Honest to God, since the late nineties I've wanted to see South Park do a show that revolved around professional wrestling. And now it's FINALLY happening. I, for one, cannot wait. It's going to be beyond awesome.

And looking at that clip, I guess the last time anyone from the show watched Raw was in 2006 when Edge and Cena were feuding :lmao:

But still... that was some good animation. Hopefully there's a lot of great references to wrestlers, from the past and present, throughout the show. Moreover, while I won't bitch if they aren't, I still hope the steroid stuff is kept at a minimum, as you know it's going to get mentioned somewhere in the episode, even if South Park already did a tremendous episode on 'roids.
Yeah, I though that the last episode "Butter's Bottom Bitch" was pretty good. In saying that, the episode before that "Dead Celebrities" was so good that it was always going to be hard to follow up. I think that this is episode was a very good effort and a worthy episode to follow up on one of my favourite ever episodes of animation gold.

The storyline made sense and I think that the episode flowed really well. It is about time Butters got some of the lime light... Nah, I am kidding but I still think that Butters is one of the funniest characters on the show and I also think that any episodes that revolve around him are hilarious. Although I am glad they have dropped the Professor Chaos thing for the time-being, I like how they can still make Butters relevant and put him in some very funny episodes.

This episode was very funny too. The story line with Butters, primary to the cop story line was hilarious. The cop was especially funny and that particular part of the show was one of my favourites. Although it got a little silly at the end, it was still a great episode that reminds me that South Park is still some of the best TV available right now.
yeah wendsdays episode was really funny the have butters becoming a pimp that was fuunny. my favorite part is the detective. a real cpo would go in disguse and arrest the guy before he gets in the car but this cop gives him a bj and arrested him after he had sex. that was funny so we got jimmy and timmy being crips and now butters is a pimp. wow south park this season is getting good. i cant wait until the third episode.
ok we all know cartman hates jews. but what if cartman was looking up his family history. and then he goes to a library. he goes in the family history section. and he finds out that his family is jewish. i know it might not be great but it could be the biggest twist in southpark history think about it hitler he killed jews and hated them as i heard hitler was jewish. so that is my idea for an episode. and oh yeah cartman still makes fun of jews. and the episode would be called fat jew. so what are your thoughts and do you have any ideas of an episode.
The reason why that is a terrible idea is very simply that that was the plot of last weeks family guy where Peter found out Lois was Jewish so converted to the religion. Seems like a stupid idea that I can't really see working in a South Park episode.
Something that you all might find lame but I think might be funny in away.

Maybe a E-True Hollywood Story type one. Like behind the screens. See's its a cartoon/amitated show so I mean there is no behind the screens expect for real things but see here make it like a cartoon. Show like Cartman being all nice or some shit like or something. Talking about how its hard to play a mean kid cause he's very kind in real life. Maybe have Kenny be the riches of all of them. Butters probably could be a real jackass of the set. Stuff like that.
I hope SP stays around at least as long as FG because animation tv is fu**ed for me once SP stops making new shows unless something else new turns out great "not the Cleveland Show". Butters Bottom Bitch was a far step up from Dead Celebrities in my opinion. I cant wait for the wrasslin South Park, looks like good stuff. I wanna see more Tweek and Craig though.
Just got done watching the WWE episode. Very good, very funny, and very memorable, but if you're expecting just a big spoof of the WWE itself, we didn't get that. What we got instead was the boys going to see a WWE show (with cameos by "John Cena" and "Edge", not with the real voices obviously) and being so excited by it that they go and try out for the wrestling team at school, only to discover it obviously wasn't like what they saw with the WWE. So, they start their own backyard federation. Hilarity quite obviously ensued at this point.

Very good episode, this half of the season has been fantastic so far.
I thought the South Park episode tonight made a good point about the lack of actual wrestling that exists in WWE. When the boys put on their show and eventually held tryouts for wrestlers there was no wrestling involved. They had the potential wrestlers act and tell a story. Vince McMahon's appearance as a talent scout was great.
I was actually disappointed with South Park tonight. There were a few chuckles, but for the most part.... it was definitely, in my opinion, the weakest episode thus far this second half of Season 13.

I don't know; maybe my expectations were way too high for this one, but the wrestling stuff was beyond ridiculous and not funny at all, and the redneck fans were more annoying than they were funny. I was also expecting something hilarious from Vince, but he just showed up and left and didn't say and do shit. They didn't rip him or anything, so that was really disappointing. I did though enjoy the Amateur Wrestling guy. He was great, but outside of him... I wasn't really feeling this episode very much, unfortunately.
I was kind of upset with SP tonight. I expected it to be a lot funnier than it was. I guess that I just didn't find it that funny. I loved how all of their backyard wrestling revolved around mic time. That was a cool poke at Professional Wrestling. Other than that, it was pretty meh, for me.

Also, the reference to Goobacks with, "They took our joobs," was outstanding. That is one of my favortie episodes ever.
I rather enjoyed "W.T.F." as it made some great pointers about the difference between real wrestling and sports entertainment because naturally kids will think that if they go to a wrestling class at school. I think it was a really good episode with some real funny moments, nice little cameo of Vinnie Mac there as well. Overall that was a great watch, always got to love the episodes based on real facts of the world around us.
I thought that it was a pretty good episode. The "Dey tuck ar jeobs" stuff never gets old and the Rednecks were pretty awesome in this one. The gay porn stuff was great as well as the discussion about the boy's wrestling show.

The actual storys from the wrestling were great, a Vietnam veteran, the Rad Russian, El Polio Loco and Bad Irene, who was only 10 and addicted to abortions. I thought that it was really entertaining.

Great show, it may not have been the full out WWE spoof that some thought it would be, but it was awesome nonetheless.
South Park was spectacular tonight, IMO. My favorite episode this season outside of Butters' Bottom Bitch and maybe Fishsticks. I'm not sure how most people will react to this episode, but I personally loved every second of it.

You know, I honestly never knew about Japanese people hunting Dolphins until I saw on the news about a year or so ago (maybe 2) that Hayden Panettiere got in trouble with the Japanese law for interfering with their Dolphin hunting. I've always loved Dolphins, so the thought of them hunting and brutally killing him absolutely made me sick, but at the same time... I refuse to judge different cultures like that. That's just how those people are. I'm sure we all make people in India sick to their stomachs with the way we treat cows in this country.

But yeah.... still loved tonight's episode. The Japanese "Fuck you!" stuff was HILARIOUS, and my God... Cartman singing, not only was it actually catchy as hell (Trey Parker is an absolutely PHENOMENAL musician), but the fact that he was singing a fucking Lady Gaga song (which I didn't find out until just now, whereas before I thought it was original lyrics) is beyond outrageous.

Unfortunately, going into tonight's episode I'd never heard of Paul Watson or his show, so I wasn't in on those jokes, but it didn't keep me from enjoying the episode any less. Fantastic episode tonight. It sucks we only have a couple of more left before the season's over. :(
I loved tonight's show. In case you missed it, the plot was that South Park was being overrun by incredibly obnoxious Harley riders. The boys start referring to them as ****, which of course draws up issues with the local and eventually national gay community. the point of the episode is that at the end of the day, it's a word and the meaning is all that matters. You could called someone a peanut butter sandwich and eventually make it into a derogatory term. Words change over time and slurs are only that because we make them slurs. That's the main point of the show and it's very true. Very pointed episode and while not as funny as some have been, there are laughs there. I liked this one.
I wasn't too big on this week's episode. I loved seeing Big Gay Al and the Mayor, two characters we hardly if ever get to see anymore, so that definitely helped things out, but the whole episode just didn't really do it for me. The *** thing just went into overkill by the end, it was funny at first, but eventually it just got old.

I'm wondering if Matt and Trey got into a fight with some bikers or something?
They were going after Sons of Anarchy.

I don't think it was so much about the comedy this week but more about the social commentary/satire. it's very true also as so many words could mean whatever people choose to make them. Ok so maybe I'm overthinking this one.

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