The Official LOLTNA Thread

How about when they blundered by initially making a promo people could easily confuse with Sting?

How did they blunder? It isn't their fault that a bunch of people mistook the promo for being Sting.

Unlike in TNA, where the only way you know to DVR the over run is from Twitter.

Not every wrestling fan spends all day on the internet.
How about when they blundered by initially making a promo people could easily confuse with Sting?

I can't even tell if you're joking anymore.

Your first reaction to someone criticizing TNA is to take it personally, call everyone pedophiles, and now you're just desperately grasping at straws trying to find problems with the WWE as if they somehow justify problems with TNA.

I went from taking you as a legitimate poster, to angry, to amused, to...

I'll be frank, I'm feeling pity.
Lol at the massive amount of butthurt TNA marks pitching a bitch fit over Jack Hammer and my own reviews of the show being negative in the Aftermath/Review thread. Holy shit these marks are fucking pathetic, they come to a thread titled "REVIEW THREAD" and bitch about people writing reviews. Too funny.

Oh and would you STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT THE WWE SD? We're not talking about the WWE. We're talking about TNA. In a thread ABOUT TNA. Stop trying to change the subject to the WWE every single time someone tries to talk to you about TNA. What the WWE does is totally irrelevant to this conversation.
Dude, read the thread. I am hardly the only one talking about WWE. I did not bring up the undertaker situation but it is clearly being discussed in here by several different people. The idea that comparable situations by companies in the same business are irrelevant to one another is ridiculous.
How is this not their fault? They made it. It happened. End of story. How is TNA the only company held responsible for the fact that the average wrestling fan is stupid?

What is their fault, that a bunch of internet wrestling fans thought it was Sting? Fine, it was their fault that they made something that could be misinterpreted by a small minority of fans. But it still wasn't a fuck up. They haven't suffered from it, nor will they. The only people hurt is a bunch of clueless smarks who thought way too much into something.
So TNA is on Sportscenter right now showing the whole Bart Scott thing. See, these are the kind of people TNA SHOULD be bringing in. Not the fucking Jersey Shore bitches. Wow this is embarrassing to watch though as the Sportscenter anchors have no idea what they're watching. The guy just called Kurt's ankle lock the figure four. God damn guys, come on, I know there are wrestling fans at ESPN, you couldn't get one of them for this segment?

Oh and SD, the idea that what the WWE does is relevant to a conversation SOLELY ABOUT TNA and their product is what's ridiculous chum. We're talking about TNA. Forget WWE even exists. What they do is irrelevant. Tupac and Kurt Cobain were both in the music industry but they have no relevancy to a discussion of their individual music careers. Same shit here.
Yet we are supposed to believe TNA will suffer because of a show preview description that came out after this weeks show or the fact that KB still doesn't know how to dvr an overrun?

I never said the "sting" promo was going to cause any harm but it definitely was a screwup under the circumstances.
When there are only a handful of people in the business instead of millions it is a big difference X. Also, from a business perspective they certainly could be compared, which is often when I draw parallels.
Forgive me, as I don't fully comprehend tv ratings, but on tvbythenumbers, they have TNA in at 1.1/2 for last night with 1.5 mil viewers. Could someone try to verify this?
Yeah because they have time to go up and untarp shit hanging from the fucking ceiling while filming a LIVE show, you know that other thing that TNA has failed at, that WWE does weekly with great success

Seriously WWE as well as other wrestling promotions have been hanging steel cages from above the ring for fucking decades, nobody considers it a fuckign spoiler, I've explained why to you multiple times, not doing it again

TNA doesn't hang their cages unless advertised or is Lockdown. In the episode that Mickie James and Tara fought, the cage was pulled form the backstage area. I don't see what a cage hanging seamlessly has to do with the success of a company. Hanging there uncovered really isn't a biggie. But when a cameraman stupidly films it before its advertised, somebody should pay. Regardless of the company.
But they hung an Undertaker symbol. For no inconceivable reason!

And that was stupid. But it also has nothing to do with TNA or any of our criticisms of the product. So why do you guys keep bringing it up? Just because the WWE did something stupid, that doesn't make TNA doing something stupid okay. It doesn't work like that.
And that was stupid. But it also has nothing to do with TNA or any of our criticisms of the product. So why do you guys keep bringing it up? Just because the WWE did something stupid, that doesn't make TNA doing something stupid okay. It doesn't work like that.

I didn't bring it up.
No one said it did X but people were saying the taker symbol thing was stupid well before this stuff even happened with TNA. Now people that said that wasn't a fuck up are saying this innocuous shit in TNA is a big deal, even within this thread that is being stated. It is the inconsistency of the opinions that are annoying. You are good about keeping some consistency in how you view the promotions X. Many are absolutely terrible at it, which is why myself and others feel the need to point that out from time to time. Whether it be through analogies or through parody in the spam sections. It is all in the presentation. I have pretty much no problem with people that say TNA is bad as long as they admit WWE is as well, especially in comparable situations.
For being so greatly opposed to talking about WWE in this thread X you are sure spending a lot of time fixated on that undertaker symbol thing.
For being so greatly opposed to talking about WWE in this thread X you are sure spending a lot of time fixated on that undertaker symbol thing.

This is your favorite line, isn't it? You pull it out on a daily basis, always saying "You know for people who claim to hate TNA so much you guys sure do watch and talk about it alot". I said literally ONE thing about the 'Taker thing, and that was that it was stupid. My answer wasn't exactly a novel, now was it?

But you're right, back to TNA. iMPACT! is going to look so shit in the coming weeks back in the iMPACT Zone after being in a real building with real wrestling fans last night.
You made two comments related to that on this page alone x, three if you count the most recent post.

Big difference between looking like shit and not looking as good. If you liked TNA so much back in the day when they looked like shit compared to what they do now as far as production values go, why is this such an issue for you?
But you're right, back to TNA. iMPACT! is going to look so shit in the coming weeks back in the iMPACT Zone after being in a real building with real wrestling fans last night.

:suspic: I know.

What's even funnier is that those real wrestling fans didn't give 2 shits about Sting winning.
It came out looking a hell of a lot more solid than the spoilers made it out to be.
I was just talking about the crowd reaction. It was pretty dead considering they just witnessed a title change.

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