The *Official* John Cena Thread

What are your feelings on John Cena?

  • CZENA SUX!!!

  • I dislike Cena on my TV.

  • I don't like or dislike him.

  • I like John Cena.

  • I am a Cena fanatic.

  • I don't like Cena, but think he's a good wrestler.

  • I like Cena, but don't think he's a good wrestler.

  • I dislike the John Cena character, but respect John Cena the man.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm tired seeing John Cena in the main event of Raw, PPV, and Wrestlemainia. He's not great of a wrestler, his match is very predicable, and he does the same move every week Sholder block, five knuckle shuffle, back drop, fisherman suplex, leg drop of the turnbuckle, and the F-U even I can do does moves. Sure he was awsome as a rapper, he acted like a rapper, he did different moves, he was entertaning. Ever since he was drafted to Raw he's acted like a boy scout. He started say stuff like You can't see me, the champ is here(even when he's not the champ), and you want some come get some, for the last 6 years. I don't see why WWE is so big on this guy. WWE do us a favor, change Cena's additude, punch lines, and make him learn some new moves.

Share you'r thoughts!

Rko 4 Life:worship:

I'm going to love ripping this post apart.

1. Was he in the main event of No Way Out? I believe he wasn't. Was he in one of the two title matches at Royal Rumble? He was not. Wait a minute. Did he have a match last Monday night? I don't think he did. So your first sentence is already wrong. Nice going.

2. HBK and HHH's matches are predictable and I can name the moves that they are going to do. Does that make them any less of a wrestler? No it doesn't and Cena shouldn't be viewed as less of a wrestler either. He became the top guy with those "same and predictable" moves so why does he need to change them?
I've gotten tired of saying this, but I'm going to say it once again. I am a die hard Cena fan. He IS my favorite wrestler (along with RKO, of course). He get's way too much criticism and it makes me wanna puke. "He has 5 moves": So fucking what? Incase you didn't know, most wrestlers in the WWE have 5 moves. And, it's not like it's a free for all, you can do whatever you want. It's called following the script and doing what you're paid to do.

Another shitty response from a Cena hater is, "He's the cause of the PG Era". That is complete shit, and no reason to hate somebody. When it comes down to it, Vince McMahon makes the decisions.

Why is John Cena always in the main event? Well, he isn't, not in it 24/7 like he was back in 2007. He's the face of the WWE, so of course he isn't gonna be facing people like Mike Knox. He's certainly not the best to ever step foot in the ring, but he has "it" and that's why he IS the face of the company. I will always be a John Cena fan no matter what, because I know it isn't his fault that the Creative Team gives him shitty moves to work with.

I don't get this with Cena sometimes...

Like tonight on Raw... Vince makes it a gauntlett type match.. and on the Eve of his WM match with Batitsta.. he made Cena look weak!!

I mean Kaslov (sp?) Came out first and destroyed Cena, then Drew, then a couple others.. they just manhandled Cena.. he barely had any offense.. He was fresh when Kaslov came in.. but he got destroyed by a jobber.. not sure i get it?

Then he said earlier int he night he was counting on Batista interfering.. and he still got beat down... just weird.. Personally i think they are making Cena look really weak leading to Wrestlemania with all the beat downs.. but maybe that is just me?

What do you guys think?
OK Slyfox guy, how far have you got Cena up your arse?

Cena may have been good when he actually wrestled and didn't suck up to the girl teens, but sirously. Cena only makes good matches if he gets outwrestled by a guy like HBK or Orton and somehow wins the match. Now the guys like you who think that Cena can wrestle probably think that Ric Flair knew nothing anout the business. Cena's gimmick has been ruined because of the wrestling he promotes, the PG typed wrestling. What is Cena's gimmick tell me? He has a ton of catchphrases like "You can't see me", what the hell is up with that? His phraes would only be good if he had his gangster gimmick. If I put a steel chair in the ring and told Cena to wrestle it, I think the chair would outwrestle him, without even doing anything. Cena is boring and is only put in high regard because he has a creative idea for T-Shirts.

And about you saying HBK is very predictable, well you must watch the same match over and over again. HBK is never predictable! HBK has always made the wrestling world better because of his unpredictability. HBK is and always will be the best wrestler that ever laced up those boots and Cena well, he's the best suck up that ever made a living in a wrestling ring 20 feet by 20 feet!
OK Slyfox guy, how far have you got Cena up your arse?

Cena may have been good when he actually wrestled and didn't suck up to the girl teens, but sirously. Cena only makes good matches if he gets outwrestled by a guy like HBK or Orton and somehow wins the match. Now the guys like you who think that Cena can wrestle probably think that Ric Flair knew nothing anout the business. Cena's gimmick has been ruined because of the wrestling he promotes, the PG typed wrestling. What is Cena's gimmick tell me? He has a ton of catchphrases like "You can't see me", what the hell is up with that? His phraes would only be good if he had his gangster gimmick. If I put a steel chair in the ring and told Cena to wrestle it, I think the chair would outwrestle him, without even doing anything. Cena is boring and is only put in high regard because he has a creative idea for T-Shirts.

And about you saying HBK is very predictable, well you must watch the same match over and over again. HBK is never predictable! HBK has always made the wrestling world better because of his unpredictability. HBK is and always will be the best wrestler that ever laced up those boots and Cena well, he's the best suck up that ever made a living in a wrestling ring 20 feet by 20 feet!

Orton outwrestling Cena? Biggest joke I've ever heard. Orton's best matches in his career were against two guys: Undertaker and John Cena. HBK doesn't care half the time so Cena had to make him care when they wrestled.

Cena's gimmick was PG before the PG era so it hasn't ruined his gimmick but only enhanced it. HBK is honestly the most predictable wrestler out there. You can telegraph one of his matches from a mile away. He gets beat up most of the match then he does chops, atomic drops, scoop slam, elbow drop, attempts for SCM, gets countered, and a few minutes later he hits it and wins. Seems very predictable to me.

Cena has been stale at times and yes he can not put the greatest match you've ever seen night in and night out. He's dedicated to the business and has the charisma and is a merchandise machine which Vince loves. He has put on many great matches in his career and will continue that hopefully at WM 26. It's not all about the moves you perform in the ring. It's all about telling a story and getting the crowd deeply involved in a match and Cena is one of the best at doing that.
I don't get this with Cena sometimes...

Like tonight on Raw... Vince makes it a gauntlett type match.. and on the Eve of his WM match with Batitsta.. he made Cena look weak!!

I mean Kaslov (sp?) Came out first and destroyed Cena, then Drew, then a couple others.. they just manhandled Cena.. he barely had any offense.. He was fresh when Kaslov came in.. but he got destroyed by a jobber.. not sure i get it?

Then he said earlier int he night he was counting on Batista interfering.. and he still got beat down... just weird.. Personally i think they are making Cena look really weak leading to Wrestlemania with all the beat downs.. but maybe that is just me?

What do you guys think?

I must consult my calender because last lime I checked last night was not the eve of Wrestlemania.

The point of Cena getting beat up is to sway the crowd to feel supportive of Cena and dislike Batista (and Vince for that matter). That is as basic a wrestling angle as there is, heels do bad things and make the crowd support the babyface.

Since this is my first time on a Cena thread I should state my opinion. I became a Cena fan in in 2004. He was great. When he gave a promo about never backing down and surrendering I was inspired. Now I have become less of a Cena fan as far as character wise goes, but I am someone who aspires to become a wrestler and a pay attention to what the perfomers do apart from perfrom on T.V. Cena is excellent at what he does. He is an excellent representitive for the WWE and draws crowds like crazy. Throw in the fact that I genuinly belive that he is drug free and works the most insane schedule of any wrestler ever, and I feel he more than deserves respect.

I like to think of it this way; when Cena does his promos he is targeting those who do not realize what he does behind the scenes, and that gets the reaction from the "women and children", and I cheer for him because of the effort he gives the company in real life.I applaud his work and dedication, along with his real life charcter, not the one protrayed on screen.

Plus he makes the company money, alot of money.
Cena has been stale at times and yes he can not put the greatest match you've ever seen night in and night out. He's dedicated to the business and has the charisma and is a merchandise machine which Vince loves. He has put on many great matches in his career and will continue that hopefully at WM 26. It's not all about the moves you perform in the ring. It's all about telling a story and getting the crowd deeply involved in a match and Cena is one of the best at doing that.

I understand that Cena has a passion for the business and I know wrestling skill might not mean how many moves you perform. But Cena making the so many Great Matches. What your saying basically is that HBK is bad even though Cena does the exact same thing, but because Cena is a household name and gets a lot of critism, he must be the best. Everything you've just said reflects what guys like HBK, HHH, Hulk Hogan and Undertaker did in the height of their careers. Make more sense before you create a frickin post
I understand that Cena has a passion for the business and I know wrestling skill might not mean how many moves you perform. But Cena making the so many Great Matches. What your saying basically is that HBK is bad even though Cena does the exact same thing, but because Cena is a household name and gets a lot of critism, he must be the best. Everything you've just said reflects what guys like HBK, HHH, Hulk Hogan and Undertaker did in the height of their careers. Make more sense before you create a frickin post

You need to make more sense before you try to say that I need to make more sense. I don't want to have to spell it out for you. Almost every match of every wrestlers has a lot of predictability in them from the moves they do to the way they get the crowd into it. Cena is the only wrestler that seems to be criticized for his predictability when HHH, HBK, and Undertaker escape this criticism because they are so great. Cena has had more great matches since 2002 then HHH, HBK, or Taker but because those three basically established their legacy somewhat before Cena got there, they are immune to criticism. Cena is the top guy in the business now because he can tell a story in the ring with the best of them, puts on great matches, gets the crowd entertained, and makes a lot of money for Vince which is what a professional wrestler is supposed to do.
ill never understand the appeal of cena ,mediocre wrestler ,horrible on the mic, i just dont get it. the only thing hes got is his build, the girls like his body but that has nothing to do with ability,the kids like him because they will pull for anyone thats a face there kids they dont know any me he is everything that wrong with modern day wrestling
ill never understand the appeal of cena ,mediocre wrestler ,horrible on the mic, i just dont get it. the only thing hes got is his build, the girls like his body but that has nothing to do with ability,the kids like him because they will pull for anyone thats a face there kids they dont know any me he is everything that wrong with modern day wrestling

Of course kids will pull for anyone that's a face. That is the job a face to get the crowd to cheer for you. I would like for you to tell those kids that they don't know any better because they shouldn't. They're just kids and when they get older, the business of wrestling will be better understood to them and then they can boo and cheer whoever they want to. Tell me how modern day wrestling is supposed to be since you think he is everything that is wrong with it.
Allow me to just put it like this. If you don't think John Cena is a good wrestler, then you obviously don't know what it means to be a good wrestler. You are probably one of them indy/ROH fanboys, who seems to think that doing bunches of flippys and cursing is what makes a good wrestler, not someone who understands match psychology.

Basically what I am saying, is either you think John Cena is a good wrestler, or you don't know what good wrestling is. Thanks.

Let me first start off by saying that I am not an ROH/Indy fanboy. Find it quite boring. I don't like spot filled matches and I don't think cursing is neccessary to make a good promo. I wrestle myself and understand match psychology very well. That being said I think John Cena is NOT a good wrestler. He is an average wrestler. Just because you put the WWE title on a guy a billion times for extended periods of time doesn't mean he is the best in the world. Just because you shove a guy down the fans throats over and over week after week month after month doesn't mean he is good. Cena works hard, he loves the buisiness and I respect the hell out of the man for that and for the improvements he has made in the ring. But even now eight years after his debut. He is still barely an average wrestler. Nowhere near main event calibur. When wrestling the top level guys Michaels,Orton,HHH ect. He can be carried to a great match. But when gutting it out against similar level competition he doesn't get it done. John Cena is the most overrated worker in the last ten years. If you don't agree Sly you don't know what good wrestling is :rolleyes:
That being said I think John Cena is NOT a good wrestler. He is an average wrestler.
Tell that to the millions of fans who enjoy him every Monday night.
Just because you put the WWE title on a guy a billion times for extended periods of time doesn't mean he is the best in the world. Just because you shove a guy down the fans throats over and over week after week month after month doesn't mean he is good.
You know who else was shoved down our throats? Orton and Edge. Probably even more than Cena. John Cena is the best in the world because he understands what you need to be the most successful wrestler in the largest wrestling company in the world. You know, everyone dreams of being on top of the world, but only the good ones make it there.

Cena works hard, he loves the buisiness and I respect the hell out of the man for that and for the improvements he has made in the ring. But even now eight years after his debut. He is still barely an average wrestler. Nowhere near main event calibur. When wrestling the top level guys Michaels,Orton,HHH ect. He can be carried to a great match. But when gutting it out against similar level competition he doesn't get it done.
Orton is an average worker at best, his best matches have been against John Cena. HHH's best matches over the last 6 years or so have been against John Cena. Shawn Michaels best matches over the last few years have been against Cena. Jack Swagger, an average wrestler had a very good match with John Cena. The Big Show has had a few good matches with Cena. Edge, an average wrestler has had a few very good matches with John Cena. The Great Khali the 7'3 immobile giant had a very good match with Cena a few years ago. Umaga also had a great match with Cena. For crying out loud he made JBL watchable also. None of this shit is a coincidence, Cena is that good. He performs well with everyone. People of all sizes. John Cena is the best in the world today. Whether you can see it or not.
Let me first start off by saying that I am not an ROH/Indy fanboy. Find it quite boring. I don't like spot filled matches and I don't think cursing is neccessary to make a good promo. I wrestle myself and understand match psychology very well. That being said I think John Cena is NOT a good wrestler. He is an average wrestler. Just because you put the WWE title on a guy a billion times for extended periods of time doesn't mean he is the best in the world. Just because you shove a guy down the fans throats over and over week after week month after month doesn't mean he is good. Cena works hard, he loves the buisiness and I respect the hell out of the man for that and for the improvements he has made in the ring. But even now eight years after his debut. He is still barely an average wrestler. Nowhere near main event calibur. When wrestling the top level guys Michaels,Orton,HHH ect. He can be carried to a great match. But when gutting it out against similar level competition he doesn't get it done. John Cena is the most overrated worker in the last ten years. If you don't agree Sly you don't know what good wrestling is :rolleyes:

Let's look at the great matches HHH, Orton, and Michaels have wrestled since facing Cena.

HHH: His matches with Cena have been good but other than that, where are his great matches? HHH's matches with Orton have been a snoozefest and a half and don't get me started on his matches with Hardy.

Orton: Other than the Undertaker, Orton's best matches have come against since 2005 with the exception of Rey Mysterio. Orton's matches with HBK and Jericho were underwhelming and his matches with Batista were awful. It looks like Cena can get a good match out of Orton and not be carried by him.

HBK: Cena put on two match of the year candidates with HBK and he was certainly not carried in any of them. What has HBK done after that? Overrated Jericho and Undertaker matches. I'll take any of his matches with Cena over anything else he's done since he came back with the exception of Summerslam 2002.

Cena has gotten good matches out of Umaga, Khali, Lashley, Swagger, etc. You try to name me any better matches those wrestlers have had. Good luck trying.
Tell that to the millions of fans who enjoy him every Monday night.

Promo wise the guy is pretty good. I enjoy his mic work. Match quality wise he is average. I'm not saying he is bad im saying he isn't as good as WWE books him to be. Those millions of fans who enjoy him enjoy him for his charisma not his ring work.

You know who else was shoved down our throats? Orton and Edge. Probably even more than Cena. John Cena is the best in the world because he understands what you need to be the most successful wrestler in the largest wrestling company in the world. You know, everyone dreams of being on top of the world, but only the good ones make it there.

Orton wasn't shoved down our throats he was pushed big difference. Orton's first WWE title reign lasted about 6 and a half months. Then he didn't get the title again until a year later. Cena had the title from Wrestlemania 21 until January the next year. Then he lost it for two weeks and won it back and held it until One Night Stand in June. Also Orton was booked as a sneaky champion who took cheap shots and shortcuts to retain his title. He was a bad guy and was doing his job generating heat. Cena was getting booed out of every building if you don't believe me watch the Elimination Chamber where Cena loses his first title. Every time Cena throws a punch the crowd boos very loudly then his opponent throws one back and they get cheered despite being a heel. Angle,Masters,Carlito. Your top babyface should not be getting booed out of the building. Edge was an opportunist and lost the title every few weeks only to win it back in another clever way later on. His gimmick ran its course and he no longer does it. John Cena is still doing the same old tired song and dance he has been doing since 2005. John Cena is on top of the world because as an entertainer he is very marketable. But that doesn't mean he is the best wrestler on the roster.

Orton is an average worker at best, his best matches have been against John Cena. HHH's best matches over the last 6 years or so have been against John Cena. Shawn Michaels best matches over the last few years have been against Cena. Jack Swagger, an average wrestler had a very good match with John Cena. The Big Show has had a few good matches with Cena. Edge, an average wrestler has had a few very good matches with John Cena. The Great Khali the 7'3 immobile giant had a very good match with Cena a few years ago. Umaga also had a great match with Cena. For crying out loud he made JBL watchable also. None of this shit is a coincidence, Cena is that good. He performs well with everyone. People of all sizes. John Cena is the best in the world today. Whether you can see it or not.

Orton's had great matches against people not named John Cena. Vengeance 2004 vs Edge, Summerslam 2004 vs Benoit, Wrestlemania 21 vs Undertaker, No Mercy 2007 (Last Man Standing Match) vs Triple H, Royal Rumble 2008 vs Jeff Hardy. In the last six years Triple H has had the following great matches not against John Cena. Wrestlemania 20 vs Benoit and HBK, Backlash 2004 vs Benoit and HBK, Ironman match on Raw vs Benoit,New Years Revolution (Elimination Chamber) vs Benoit,Jericho,Edge,Orton,and Batista. Vengeance 2005 (Hell in a Cell) vs Batista, Armageddon 2007 vs Jeff Hardy, No Way Out 2008 (Elimination Chamber) vs Jeff Hardy,Jericho,Kane,Umaga,and Michaels. Shawn Michaels best matches in the last few years not involving Cena. Wrestlemania 25 vs Undertaker, Wrestlemania 24 vs Ric Flair, Wrestlemania 21 vs Kurt Angle, No Mercy 2008 (Ladder Match) vs Jericho. Swagger did have a great match with Cena but he also had some dam good matches on ECW with Matt Hardy and Christian. Big Show's only good match with Cena was at Mania six years ago and thats a stretch. Cena made one JBL match watchable. The I-Quit Match at Judgemant Day after Wrestlemania 21. That match with Khali your referencing was one of the worst matches I've ever seen. I don't blame Cena for that I blame Khali but I wonder how you could possibly call that a very good match. Maybe you just had extremely low expectations and didn't wanna claw your eyes out with a fork afterwards so you thought it was good.

Let's look at the great matches HHH, Orton, and Michaels have wrestled since facing Cena.


HHH: His matches with Cena have been good but other than that, where are his great matches? HHH's matches with Orton have been a snoozefest and a half and don't get me started on his matches with Hardy.

Maybe I gave Triple H too much credit.

Orton: Other than the Undertaker, Orton's best matches have come against since 2005 with the exception of Rey Mysterio. Orton's matches with HBK and Jericho were underwhelming and his matches with Batista were awful. It looks like Cena can get a good match out of Orton and not be carried by him.

Orton had a stretch during 2006 where he wrestled Kurt Angle after his suspension, then he went into a feud with Carlito and had a better match with him at Unforgiven then probably 60-70% of Cena's matches during his entire career. Orton's matches with Jericho and Michaels were underwhelming because they had stupid stipulations and finishes. His matches with Batista were awful because well they were with Batista. I've seen maybe five good Batista matches my whole life so that doesn't surprise me. Cena and Orton had some ok matches but they were all gimmick matches so Cena's inabilities wouldn't be showcased in the matches. Hell in a Cell,I-Quit,Ironman match where they just beat each other up with weapons. If you can't see that your naiive or stupid and I hope your not stupid.

HBK: Cena put on two match of the year candidates with HBK and he was certainly not carried in any of them. What has HBK done after that? Overrated Jericho and Undertaker matches. I'll take any of his matches with Cena over anything else he's done since he came back with the exception of Summerslam 2002.

The London match on Raw was Cena's best match of his career. It was like fourth or fifth in Shawn's. The Jericho matches were very good. The Undertaker match while overrated was still better than anything Cena has ever done. HBK very much so carried Cena in the WM encounter. Look up Regal/Goldberg from WCW its very similar. HBK wrestled circles around Cena's ass and made him look like a fool on ppv. Then he put the kid over.

Cena has gotten good matches out of Umaga, Khali, Lashley, Swagger, etc. You try to name me any better matches those wrestlers have had. Good luck trying.

Umaga matches crap, Khali matches (seriously you too?!), Lashley meh was ok but not great, Swagger has had better matches with Christian and Matt Hardy. Thanks for the good luck it took me like half a second to think of those matches. I guess they stuck out to me.
I personally enjoy John Cena. He has never given me a reason to dislike him. Yes, his promos that involve him RAISING HIS VOICE to get the point across are a bit cheesy, but that is creative not him. When they let him have free reign of his promos earlier in his career his mic work was always spot on. He doesn't put on a bad match, but I will admit his matches are predictable. I could however say the same about Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Edge, Orton, Mysterio...The fans respond to these matches because they know what is coming. Until his merch sales slip, I don't see them changing up his match structure much. People can hate on Cena all they want, but I remember watching the Rumble a few years ago when he came back #30 as a suprise and I will say me and probably 90% of wrestling fans MARKED THE FUCK OUT. He does his job very very well, and as a person I don't think there could be a better representative of the industry today. He may not be the best technical wrestler in the world, but he is a damn good performer in the ring and busts his ass every time out. Thats all I ask for.

He can't wrestle.

FU is bad but not as bad as "Attitude Adjustment".
STFU is worse than his STF which makes me LMFAO.
His 5 Knuckle Shuffle deserves a One Finger Salute.

He gets booed out of every arena like Vince Carter in Toronto.
The boos get louder and louder, often interrupting his monologues.
People make signs saying "If Cena wins,we RIOT!"

He steals his gimmicks and catch phrases from Hip Hop.
"Chain Gang", "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect"
"U Can't C Me" I don't wanna see you, get off the air.
He copied G Unit Spinners and turned it into the WWE Championship.
His wrestling career should of been like his rap album. NEVER SHOULD OF HAPPENED.
Well, I'm most likely gonna get smashed but I'l say this anyhow:

During his greatest push (Pre-Wrestlemanis 20: John Cena vs JBL) He was the attitude era material. Why? Well let's look at what he did:

FU'd the Gen. Manager
Insulted all his opponents
Showed that he can back up his talks
Got REALLY mad
Had a nice tweener going on
Was a united states AND a royal rumble winner

Now, wrestlemania 20: BOOM! Cena becomes champion crowd goes ballistic. Great. Wonderful and kudous to him. For the next while comes the Cena Era where he gradually turns into the superman. Now, at first there was nothing wrong with the superman as he did some pretty amazing things and still does (WM 26: Picked edge and Big Show up even if it was for a minute). The best Cena was during his feud w/ Edge (Anyone remember the TLC match where Edge had been thrown through MULTIPLE tables stacked on each other. He was the end of the line for the big guys that people thought no one could beat (Umaga, Khali, HBK, HHH).

The main issue isn't Cena's gimmick or how good of a wrestler he is (If comparing skill Attitude Era was the worst era imaginable as SC, and the Rock were the guys on top and they had VERY limited techniques). I think it's the people: They're tired of the superman. I like Cena even though I'm more into the mid-carders *cough Kofi *cough* but I'm tired of the superman. I think the main issue is that he does his best to be the superman w/ kids and loses the adult fanbase specifically because he is the kisass. Now, during the early PG era it was different as the Superman was still "OMG, HOLY SHIT LOOK AT HIM PICK THIS MAN UP!!" because he did things for an older demographic. Although now, it's more kiddy and he sucks up to the kids and the kids in turn love him while us smarks all want to kill him. I think the best way to revive his character is go back to the old cena and stop saluting the people. He needs to wear his jersey and his chain do the "you can't see me" more often, become street a little bit more and make SOME jokes to provide the comic relief. Why? Because that was what made us like him in the first place. I mean with the feud w/ Orton he was so serious with him. I mean really, he coulda made some jokes not only to make Orton mad, but also to make the fans like him because he made fun of the guy who they hated ala working the crowd (I can think of Legacy jokes, why can't he?). Perhaps it is that, or maybe Vince tells him to stop doing that and kiss babies. If you look at his DVD this isn't himself. He's more of a rapper than a superman. That's my thoughts. If you're going to attack me please do the following:

Try not to swear

Please stop calling me a moron

Quote specific lines

Be on topic

Please stop correcting my grammar. I know it's not as good as yours, it doesn't take away from my point.

This isn't a YouTube fight, try to be as professional as possible no matter how much you hate my guts thank you.
I like John Cena much to the shagrin of the IWC. Let me count the ways.

-True wrestling fans really shouldn't be critiquing a performers work or his techincal accumen. We're marks and we need to accept that. The fact is John Cena busts his ass night in and night out.

-Whether he's cutting a promo or in action his passion bleeds through the to the audience. That's what fans should be looking for and thats what fans want to see, guys working hard. We put our hard earned money down ordering PPV's and snatchin up tickets and shirts etc. We the as customers and fans expect to see the WWE Superstars put it all on the line whether they're in De Moines, Iowa in front of 8,000 people for a live event or 78,000 people at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona for Wrestlemania XXVI. John Cena best exemplifies that hard work no matter the stage he is on.

-Another reason why I like John Cena that people seem to overlook is, he is the BEST individual in the INDUSTRY to represent professional wrestling. For all of us who love wrestling the one thing that eats away at all of us (whether or not we like to admit it) is that the art form now known as "sports entertainment" is still looked at by the majority of mainstream America as "rasslin".
People who don't know, understand or want to bother to understand what sports entertainment is all about consider wrestling to be "low brow". An escape from the real world of depressing lives of rednecks, hillbillies, and/or low income individuals. Sadly many people associate pro wrestling with people who unfortunatley aren't "playing with a full deck" if you know what I mean. All of course prejudices that are however derived from SOME TRUTH.
Anyways, the point is that John Cena is the guy who goes on and touts the WWE and the industry of sports entertainment/pro wrestling. We all wish hope and aspire that one day pro wrestling would be seen in the same light as all other avenues of sport and entertainment.
It certainly makes me proud when I see or hear of a public appearance that Cena has made as he comes off well as a man of character and is a good representation of the WWE. Let's be honest while I have great admiration for Steve Austin and everything he has done as he is certainly the greatest WWE Superstar of all time.
However, the man Stone Cold on television back 10 years ago is not a person that we would want the children of America to emulate. Most definetly the "anti-hero, stand up to authority" aspect is quite admirable but Stone Cold Steve Austin while a great money maker for the WWE Austin 3:16also helped validate those people's beliefs that the stigma surrounding pro wrestling is certainly the real deal.
John Cena is the perfect guy to lead us to a day and age when professional wrestling can stand tall as an accepted from of main stream sport and entertainment. He is a role model and a guy that parents can be proud that their children look up to and aspire to be. That is where the money is. More importantly that is where the growth of pro wrestling is.
That most importantly is why I like John Cena
Dwayne Jayson,I think tou are right(well except that Cena wasnt Royal rumble winner before wrestlemania 20 and I believe when you say JBL-Cena you think wrestlemania 21 and finnaly that you are Kofi fan couse I dislike him)

I dont dislike Cena and I think he was acctualy good before PG rating(you know when he insulted everyone and acctualy was more about the wrestling and less about merchendising).I am also tired of his Supermans gimmick,I mean cmon,last week they hit like 6 finishers on him before Mcmahon pinned him(when Kane was the monster it only took Undertaker 3 tombstones:) ).I dont think that he would need heel turn,just to be less invincible(I mean,Di biase was in elimination chamber and he destroyed him in Raw before chamber in about 30 seconds).I agree that he does have to look good(he is main event after all) but it wouldnt hurt to let somebody else look good at his expanse every now and then(I know that you would say Sheamus but to me it looked as it was fluke and nothing else).In conclusion I definitely agree with you that he has some impressive performances(like wrestlemania 23 with Michaels) but I also as you think that he must change Superman gimmick if he wants to have fans that are older then 14 years but i dont think right now he wants that when he is good in the eyes of kids and his merchandise sales are highest in WWE
Dwayne Jayson,I think tou are right(well except that Cena wasnt Royal rumble winner before wrestlemania 20 and I believe when you say JBL-Cena you think wrestlemania 21 and finnaly that you are Kofi fan couse I dislike him)

I dont dislike Cena and I think he was acctualy good before PG rating(you know when he insulted everyone and acctualy was more about the wrestling and less about merchendising).I am also tired of his Supermans gimmick,I mean cmon,last week they hit like 6 finishers on him before Mcmahon pinned him(when Kane was the monster it only took Undertaker 3 tombstones:) ).I dont think that he would need heel turn,just to be less invincible(I mean,Di biase was in elimination chamber and he destroyed him in Raw before chamber in about 30 seconds).I agree that he does have to look good(he is main event after all) but it wouldnt hurt to let somebody else look good at his expanse every now and then(I know that you would say Sheamus but to me it looked as it was fluke and nothing else).In conclusion I definitely agree with you that he has some impressive performances(like wrestlemania 23 with Michaels) but I also as you think that he must change Superman gimmick if he wants to have fans that are older then 14 years but i dont think right now he wants that when he is good in the eyes of kids and his merchandise sales are highest in WWE

I think that's exactly right. McMahon runs the company not Cena, he has no creative control and honestly no matter how big he is currently, he won't have creative control until he has more influence in the company like HBK and HHH. I know that he's the face of WWE but he does what he's told and that's all there is to it. Sorry to say. Also, why do you dislike Kofi? Just curious since I'm hoping to start an "OFFICIAL" Kofi thread.


I am going to look forward to probably his biggest main event push during the spring. I suspect he will be losing at Wrestlemania. If he does, he will still have months to improve against Batista, a guy who looks more powerful than Cena at the time. Cena should also lose at Extreme Rules in a brutal match, but will win later into the summer finally to be put over as the best of those two.
I know, I'm not his biggest fan. I hate his gimmick, I hate his character, and I hate his stupid moveset... but what makes this guy so easy to watch in the ring, is his ability to tell a damn story. People will always come back and say "Oh he's just doing the super hero thing" and honestly, it's been forever since I've seen him no sell.

I mean, let's take a look at how this guy has sold these storylines to perfection. His rivalry with Edge, felt personal. His rivalry with Orton, was built around respect of the WWE title and it felt even more personal. And now, his rivalry with Batista is feeling personal.

The guy has a way of going out into a program with anybody and making it feel personal.

Not only that, but the guy is out there busting his ass for WWE even when the cameras aren't rolling. He's always there to make WWE look good, and he does as he told to make WWE look good.

And from what I've heard by people who've jobbed out in WWE and been around Cena, he's a really nice guy to talk to backstage. He's a guy that has his head on his shoulders and knows where he is in the WWE.

If you ask me, John Cena is the Hulk Hogan of the PG era. Or hell, I'll take it a step further and say he's the Bret Hart of the PG Era.

I know, I'm going to be called a hypocrite now for not liking his in-ring work while praising his dedication... but damn, this guy is good at proving he's here for the WWE and its fans.
I really couldnt agree with you more. He may not be the most technically gifted 'wrestler' ever but in this era of entertainment, and thats what it is, wrestling entertainment, you could not ask for anybody to give more than what Cena does. He is marketable, dedicated, over, and whether you like him or not, you have to respect him.

This is the same guy that was being praised in the early 00's by the IWC. Not sure if anybody has watch wm 20 highlights lately but the pop he got after beating Big Show for the US title was INCREDIBLE. Now, his in ring ability hasnt deteriorated since then, if anything there were more older fans in the arena then than today, so you cant say it was an audience full of kids. So this Cena hate that I see everywhere seems to be PG heat and Cena is the main way people get to vent their frustration at that side of things rather than the guy himself.

Thought it was very appropriate at the HOF last night when DiBiase gave his speech and said that it isnt always the most talented guy that makes it, it's the most dedicated. You can't argue that Cena isn't the epitome of that very statement.
I got nothing against John Cena.I think that his gimmick should be watered down a bit as I stated in his tread on forum.He just needs to be less invincible(or less Supermen as many of you say)

I watched yesterday that match with Big show and I miss that John Cena.Can you imagine that now he throws chains and when the judge goes to pick it up he hits somebody with another foreign object.Hell,I even miss John Cena when he feuded with K-Fed and almost did attitude adjucment on Melina.Its probably not even his fault,its creative and Vinces fault,but I guess as long as they think its OK and it is good for them we could just whine about it

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