The *Official* John Cena Thread

What are your feelings on John Cena?

  • CZENA SUX!!!

  • I dislike Cena on my TV.

  • I don't like or dislike him.

  • I like John Cena.

  • I am a Cena fanatic.

  • I don't like Cena, but think he's a good wrestler.

  • I like Cena, but don't think he's a good wrestler.

  • I dislike the John Cena character, but respect John Cena the man.

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No I just used to hate Cena 'cause he kicked Edge's ass all around the place.

I've grown fond of Cena over time, and I don't why you'd hate him. He is the top face, a good respectable man, and carries the WWE flat on his back. Not to mention how well he represents the WWE in the media.

Cena is the perfect prototype for the PG era, you just gotta admit it to yourself.

Although I'm not really a fan of his because I find his CHARACTER rather boring. But that doesn't mean I dislike or hate him.
I've always found it funny that the IWC hates all over John Cena for being a no selling, super strong babyface that preaches about Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. These same people, if they are even old enough, were the exact same people that were Hulkamaniacs in the 80's and 90's that cheered when he would "hulk up" against dominate opponents and "no sell" when someone would hit him with a steel chair. It's almost comical how hipocritical the IWC can be sometimes.
I honestly don't 90% of the people that hate on him just do it to be cool. I respect someone that can say, John Cena doesn't appeal to me because I relate more with a badass heel character than I do a face. If someone says they hate him because of his moveset, or because he no sells, or is always winning titles I lose all respect for what you have to say. There are ALOT more main event stars today then there was back in the day, and there are 2 titles. Hogan only had 6 title reigns, but look how long he held the title for each time. They didn't have people that could challenge for it and be believable. Did anyone think Hercules would beat Hulk Hogan? Hell no. Warrior/Savage/Perfect/Million Dollar Man were the only regulars back then that I could see that could legitimately challenge him. The main guys now are divided between 2 belts so they are gonna get way more times with the belts nowdays.
You offered the idea that perhaps people don't like him because we can't relate to him. While this is a fine idea, can we relate to any of them? They're bigger and tougher than we'll ever be, all have more money than us in their banks, they appear on television half naked every week and... well... they're wrestlers. We have nothing in common with them.

Kids don't care about matches. They want to see an entrance, a finishing move, and a celebration. They want their hero to win and they don't care how. To them it doesn't matter how limited Cena is, because he's Cena and he's their hero. He isn't my hero, he's just a wrestler, and he isn't a great one, which is unfortunate, because if every guy was as passionate and committed as him wrestling would be epic.


In regards to the top quote its more like the wwe are trying to force that relation to the Cena character as being one of us that i cant stand.
For the quote on kids youre exactly right as kids will see it more as the hero thing n wanting them to win no matter what but the older generation of wrestling fans have outgrown this and now like our fave stars to have either a darkside or some weaknesses, flaws or traits to them. Thats why stars such as Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Batista and CM punk flourish in the post-austin era. Theres also the underdog factor for guys like rey mysterio and hardy cud even fit into this. I think this is a reflection on other entertainment aspects too as fans these days at the cinema prefer a tainted character like wolverine or the new batman to the cheeseball superman and captain america.
when cena's entrence hit, the screaming women and small children's cheers are drowned out by the boo's of TRUE wrestling fans. i dont care for him at all but we all have to respect him...

This is why Cena is hated by so many. I am not agreeing with this post, but this is the mentality. So many guys notice the women and children cheering Cena and want to be different. They think they are superior fans, or TRUE fans as this guy said. They feel like if they cheer Cena it makes them some kind of sissy or something. I’ve seen this mentality in other areas of entertainment. I know guys who claim they don’t like American Idol and only watch it because their girlfriends like it. Most of the time the guys like it just as much, if not more than the girls, even though they’ll never admit it.

Let’s review some popular reasons to hate Cena:

He only has five moves and can’t wrestle: This is a tired argument. He clearly knows more than five moves. Every single wrestler has a few select moves that they use in every match. The great Bret Hart used the bulldog, side russian leg sweep, backbreaker, second rope elbow, and sharpshooter. Of course he knew and used more moves, but these were his signatures. Everyone notices when Cena does the five knuckle shuffle, stf, and attitude adjustment. They notice because they are the signature moves. How about a headlock takedown or hip toss? He does these moves, you just don’t notice as much because they are incorporated into the basic flow of a match.

He’s pushed like Superman: Anyone who uses this argument must not like Hulk Hogan or the Undertaker. Cena’s not the first guy to kick out of finishers. Hogan did this for years and it was much more blatant than how Cena does it. He would kick out of a finish and become literally indestructible. For his first couple years Taker had a gimmick where nobody could even knock him off his feet. If this is your reason for hating Cena I’d like to hear you express your hatred of Hogan and Taker too.

He’s always in the title scene: All who use this reason must also hate Edge, Jericho, HHH, and Batista now and Austin, Rock, Flair, and Hogan from the past. That’s a lot of hatred toward a lot of top guys. Key word: top guys. Cena should be in the title scene. There are so many guys that have multiple title reigns. Cena doesn’t have an unjust amount of title reigns compared to the rest of the main event guys. Even Edge is a nine time champion. Where’s the hate toward him? Everyone on here is always so desperate to see new guys in the title hunt. Christian seems to be the forum flavor of the month. I guarantee if Christian won the title tonight that most fans on this forum would turn against him within a few months looking for the next guy.

So the REAL reason Cena is hated is stated above. The guys in the crowd want to be different than the women and children. They think women and children are on their turf at a wrestling show. They want it to be a man’s form of entertainment and will take a stand against what the women and children like. In their fragile minds it makes them less of a man to cheer for Cena. They think they’re “true” fans and the women and children are not. I’ve got news for you. The kids are the true fans. They cheer who they want and boo who they want regardless of what a bunch of guys on the internet think. Most of us became fans when we were kids and I was definitely a true fan when I was a kid. Cena is this generation’s Hogan, plain and simple. If there were internet forums in 1987 I bet a lot of people would be on there bitching about Hogan. The kids wouldn’t care and Hulk would still be the top draw because the internet fans are the minority.

I’m not saying this is the mentality of anyone who doesn’t like Cena, but I’m sure it is for a lot of them. It’s fine if you simply don’t care for him, but if you have an actual hatred toward him I have to wonder.
Just watching Raw now and Cena just got hit 5 times with a steel briefcase and jumped straight back up as tho it never happened and laughin straight afterwards. ANNOYINGGG!!!!!!
U wouldnt see jeff hardy or randy orton do it like that. Thinkin about it more im feelin im right (if i do say so myself) about the hero thing in that noone likes cheesy invincible superman and now they like a dark edge or flawed hero. Hardy and punk were defo the true fan faves of 09 and now people seem to want orton as the no1 now rather than cena.
I was so damn happy cena didnt put that loser swagger over thank god!!!!!!

Theres a hundred reasons why anyone doesnt like anyone, but i have to agree that i think alot of people just boo him to be cool, like it makes em think that there part of the show because there booing the biggest face in the company or sumthin i really dont understand it at all, like u see the people he embarrassed at mania last night it just looked like a couple of teeneagers just trying get on camera or sumthin.

I mean my reasons for not liking swagger is because i just flat out could care less about him, he's never done a thing to impress me in a match and i think he looks wierd with his singlet and his gut sticking out and his puny ass physique, but ne wayz i think cena is a damn good entertainer to get the reactions that he does good or bad
Wow, what is it with John Cena and the IWC. You guys all despise him for some reason. Same old arguments. Kay, I'll tell you one thing: I HATE, absolutely DESPISE John Cena's gimmick. If the person who made this gimmick showed up I would shoot the man dead. It's not because I want Stone Cold back but if you look at it the top dogs of the wrestling business, and I'm talkin veterans (Well, unless you think Taker actually goes around the street dressed like that) They all have creative control over their character. All of them. HHH doesn't need to memorize lines, it's HHH. If you meet him backstage he'll do the same thing cept with a little less intensity. Same with HBK. My theory is this:

One days a man named John Cena won the U.S title and Vince went up to him and said "Keep it up" so he did the best he can to do so. Then he won the Royal Rumble and Vince said "Very good, keep it up" and he did and for a while it was great. John was on top of the world. Now Vince said "You're pretty big, I'm making you a legend John, congrats you'll be the face of WWE for years to come." and John said "Gee, I sure would like to be with SCSA, The Rock and Attitude Era legends." And so John complied. In turn what happened was, Creative got full control and was told that they're going PG so what do hey do? Bring the Hulkstur back. Does that mean he's a kiss ass? Of course not, he just doesn't have creative control I believe in time he will and he'll hopefully make an enjoyable gimmick like Hopgan w/ the NWO thing wven though he was a heel, but add some intensity and some bad guy stuff you got the crown w/you. Kids and adults. We think 8 yr. olds are idiots. They don't necessairly buy what Cena says but if Cena is "cool" and if the "cool" guy drinks his milk every day then so should they. Even if they cool guy sometime talks back and hits a guy with a steel chair. That's why he's so cool. And therefore, if the kids drink milk they'll become cool like Cena. That's the mentality WWE is hoping for. They just pushed it too far. Creative thinks kids are complete idiots and will do everything Cena does. Cena needs creative control and if nothing else, talk smack and make people laugh like he did back in the day. Back in the day he WAS the common man. Now he's the cool guy that kids look up too. Just not the coolest man in the world. That's my theory and that's the main issue.
I don't appreciate his character, nor do I care much for his work (though it has improved leaps and bounds as evident by his high caliber match at WM26), and hence rarely find myself engrossed in his performances. Clearly I'm NOT a fan of John Cena's character. That being the case, I have tremendous respect for his real world work ethic and dedication. Make it into an equation and they cancel each other out. I'm neutral on him overall and don't get hot over his "Superman" character as it is pretty damn close to his real life commitment to the business.
If the OP's post is to be taken for fact then that's sad indeed to not like a person because you may feel threatened or inferior... He's only "above" you if you choose to compare yourself to a fictitious character (which is stupid, pointless, and an exercise in failure) that you could never hope to "beat". It would be better to worry about yourself and not what other people do (real or fake). Perhaps you should approach him as you would the literal character of Superman, who you and others tend to equate him to, and be inspired by his "perfect life, power and abilities". What is Hustle Loyalty & Respect if not Cena's permutation of "Truth, Justice & the American Way"? I mean if you say he's a too perfect, childish comic book character then take him as such; the comic book medium wouldn't exist today if everybody hated superheroes because they were constantly made to feel inferior to them...
The only knock I have on John Cena is his inability to sell.

I'm not trying to sound like some know it all ass, but his whole match at Wrestlemania revolved around his neck and than once the match ends he is fine? This really becomes really obvious when you consider the match after that(taker/HBK) had 'taker selling the living shit out of his knee. Every move he made, during and after the match, reacted to that knee like it was really injured (assuming it wasn't actually injured)

I also love how people view the women and children thing as an insult. If you were in the WWE, would you prefer the kids looking up to you and the women loving you, or a bunch of drunk guys cheering for you?

This is amusing to
I am sick of Cena haters. From the stupid ones on the internet to the stupid ones I talk to in real life. I am so fed up with this hating because the MAJORITY of these people come up with the most stupid arguments and really do not know enough about wrestling. People always bring up the "he sucks at wrestling" argument, which is stupid as hell because they act like you need to be spectacular at wrestling to succeed in this company, which is nowhere near true. Not only that, but I am positive these same people like other wrestlers who are just as good as Cena if not worse. I'm sorry if there have been similar threads, but I need to vent.

I also know the majority of LOGICAL posters on here who really know about this business do not necessarily hate on Cena for stupid, common reasons. And please tell me, WHY DO THIS PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE TO COMPARE CENA TO THE ROCK OR STONE COLD? They live off the attitude era like its the ONLY way to make a comparison in wrestling. "The attitude era was the best time ever" "wrestling sucks today because of cena, bring back the attitude era"..PEOPLE, WE LOGICAL FANS GET IT, the attitude era was probably the greatest time to be wrestling fan, but if that style of entertainment is your only way to truly enjoy this product, then you are simply not a real fan of this business. Lastly, I've heard many people say that Cena doesn't deserve to be the face of the company! I find that to be ridiculous. This man is made out for the job.

I'm expecting people to hate on this, so post whatever you think about this. I am also sure people will agree with me, so again, please add to this because I DONT want to go on for days.
first off i would like to say i have been a “cena hater” since 2003. Lets start with the first reason. He was pushed to the stars with no reason. He was made to look great against jericho and angle when he first came in. then He had a match against brock lesner for the title within a half a year of being in the wwe. He ruined a year worth of mid card US championship matches that could have been good. I thought he goobled up all the time with the US title jobbing to no one cleanly. He becomes wwe champion and turns it into a worse looking belt then the hardcore belt. He spends a year with the title and jobs to edge after a elimination chamber match[which he got back after one month]. During this time he becomes a movie star. He stars in a horrible movie which gives him a worse gimmick. He then get 7 more titles that acceseries rather than championships. He also somehow loses his bostonian accent. Now thats when he becomes a supermega phony. He turns into a hulk hogan wannabe that uses promos that are overscripted and acted. is that enough for me to hate him. Yes but lets add more. During his title reigns he has held down tons of mid carders by staying on the championship matches. He also somehow beats people like shawn michaels, triple h, and big show when half his moves are ******ed as hell. five knuckle shuffle, fu, and shoulder bump. Yes thats half because other three are leg drop , stf, and clothesline. And did i mention he can't wrestle. The only time he had a great match was against the very best of all time, hbk. Now do you see why i hate the hulkagangster marine bitch.
Look, I'm just going to go ahead and merge this into the General John Cena thread discussion guys. I totally agree with you, John Cena is a damn good wrestler, always has been, always will be. That isn't to say he's a great technical worker, he isn't, but he's a damn good wrestler and he's no slouch as a worker either. I was one of those big Cena haters years ago, but recently I've just come to realize the man is everything you could ask for in a wrestler, apart from being a Misawa or Benoit in the ring in terms of technical ability.

Yes, anyone who thinks John Cena isn't "made out for this job", is in fact, stupid. I'd even go so far as to say they are fucking stupid. Hating on Cena is old and stale, and frankly, I wish it would end.

*Cue Slyfox Heart Attack*
I don't like Cena because he's always kissing the crowds ass, which is something I don't need. Stone Cold never had to kiss the crowds ass, he just asked him for a Hell Yeah!

Thats the prob with WWE, The only way they get Boos is by talking shit on the crowd and the only way they get cheers is by kissing the asses of the 'Universe'

I respect Cenas work ethic, but I don't need him to kiss my ass. I can't blame him though, he's only doing what he's told to do.

Also have you ever thought that some people like Bad Guys, I've always prefered Shedder over the turtles and Skeletor over He-Man. I don;t care for John 'Dudly-Do-Right' Cena because I hate Goody 2 Shoes.

this comes from someone who doesn't care for 'smart fans' or being cool because I really don't give a ^#*^& about what some stranger in the arena thinks, life's to short to try to be cool in front of the 'normals'
The thread should have ended here:
This is why Cena is hated by so many. I am not agreeing with this post, but this is the mentality. So many guys notice the women and children cheering Cena and want to be different. They think they are superior fans, or TRUE fans as this guy said. They feel like if they cheer Cena it makes them some kind of sissy or something. I’ve seen this mentality in other areas of entertainment. I know guys who claim they don’t like American Idol and only watch it because their girlfriends like it. Most of the time the guys like it just as much, if not more than the girls, even though they’ll never admit it.

Let’s review some popular reasons to hate Cena:

He only has five moves and can’t wrestle: This is a tired argument. He clearly knows more than five moves. Every single wrestler has a few select moves that they use in every match. The great Bret Hart used the bulldog, side russian leg sweep, backbreaker, second rope elbow, and sharpshooter. Of course he knew and used more moves, but these were his signatures. Everyone notices when Cena does the five knuckle shuffle, stf, and attitude adjustment. They notice because they are the signature moves. How about a headlock takedown or hip toss? He does these moves, you just don’t notice as much because they are incorporated into the basic flow of a match.

He’s pushed like Superman: Anyone who uses this argument must not like Hulk Hogan or the Undertaker. Cena’s not the first guy to kick out of finishers. Hogan did this for years and it was much more blatant than how Cena does it. He would kick out of a finish and become literally indestructible. For his first couple years Taker had a gimmick where nobody could even knock him off his feet. If this is your reason for hating Cena I’d like to hear you express your hatred of Hogan and Taker too.

He’s always in the title scene: All who use this reason must also hate Edge, Jericho, HHH, and Batista now and Austin, Rock, Flair, and Hogan from the past. That’s a lot of hatred toward a lot of top guys. Key word: top guys. Cena should be in the title scene. There are so many guys that have multiple title reigns. Cena doesn’t have an unjust amount of title reigns compared to the rest of the main event guys. Even Edge is a nine time champion. Where’s the hate toward him? Everyone on here is always so desperate to see new guys in the title hunt. Christian seems to be the forum flavor of the month. I guarantee if Christian won the title tonight that most fans on this forum would turn against him within a few months looking for the next guy.

So the REAL reason Cena is hated is stated above. The guys in the crowd want to be different than the women and children. They think women and children are on their turf at a wrestling show. They want it to be a man’s form of entertainment and will take a stand against what the women and children like. In their fragile minds it makes them less of a man to cheer for Cena. They think they’re “true” fans and the women and children are not. I’ve got news for you. The kids are the true fans. They cheer who they want and boo who they want regardless of what a bunch of guys on the internet think. Most of us became fans when we were kids and I was definitely a true fan when I was a kid. Cena is this generation’s Hogan, plain and simple. If there were internet forums in 1987 I bet a lot of people would be on there bitching about Hogan. The kids wouldn’t care and Hulk would still be the top draw because the internet fans are the minority.

I’m not saying this is the mentality of anyone who doesn’t like Cena, but I’m sure it is for a lot of them. It’s fine if you simply don’t care for him, but if you have an actual hatred toward him I have to wonder.

Actually, even as far back as page one, Razor put down the truth:

The average fan doesn't relate to John Cena? I seemed to hear the entire stadium yesterday at Wrestlemania 26 relate with him. They fucking loved him.

People who don't like John Cena fall into two categories, really:

1) People who just don't care for his style of work.

Alright, I can dig. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I hate Benjamin because I view any wrestler that just jumps around all day as shit. Others love the stupid fuck.

2) People who hate because they think it's cool.

They read on here "Oh, what? Cena's not cool? Yeah! Cena's not cool!" and run around yelling about 5 moves and Superman and shit. Not realizing that many top tier wrestlers have a 5 move routine they run through at the end of a match, that any top face in the wrestling community is built as a Superman that can rise against all odds. HBK has the kip up, Taker sits up, Triple H hits the Spinebuster and suddenly he's a new man. That's why we love the faces. They can never be put down.

What gets me the most is when people think that they're hurting Cena by getting front row seats and using their camera position to deride him on live TV. Not only is Cena laughing as you make a fool out of yourself and ruin the PPV for the children (and fellow fans) all around you, you were drawn to pay for a ticket and waste 3 hours of your life at a WWE event because of him. If that's not the definition of a draw, I don't know what is.

As for the real reason people hate John Cena, it's not your reason at all. People love outlandish characters on TV all of the time. People are emotionally attached to the cast of 24. The main character of that is a fucking super agent that can kill people by twisting his legs a certain way. He repeatedly saves the world in, you know, 24 hours.

I outlined the "real reasons" people hate John Cena, if there even is such a thing, above. Either people just plain don't like his style of wrestling, or they think it's cool to hate on him. You can tell the difference when people stick to "I know he's great and does his job, I just don't like his wrestling style" as opposed to "5 moves!!!!?!?!??!?!?!?!"

But since this thread hasn't been closed, I'll throw my cents on the pile:

The OP stated more or less that "we" all "hate" Cena because he's popular and rich and out of touch with the common man. Um, quote The Rock: "Your bald ass must be high".

You might hate him for all he's got. You might see that as the cardinal sin; how dare Cena become successful. The fine gentlemen above me have dissected why people like you hate Cena. The fact is that he's no worse than any before him, and so while it's ok for you to dislike him, don't try to make into something it's not.

This is coming from one of those guys that tends to cheer the heels. But that doesn't mean I'm not entertained by Cena and guys like him. And I don't try to act like just because I don't like a performer that he must be utter shit, on and off the stage.

Gotta say, I loved his post-Wrestlemania celebration, heading over towards the corner of the crowd with the douchebags in their "I hate John Cena" shirts. He spent his Wrestlemania moment rubbing it in a little bit, and I guarantee that most of those dudes went home Cena marks on the inside because he included them in that moment, whether they liked him or not. That took some balls, I must say.
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first off i would like to say i have been a “cena hater” since 2003.

Nice to meet you. Wrestling and Cena fan since 2002

Lets start with the first reason. He was pushed to the stars with no reason. He was made to look great against jericho and angle when he first came in.then He had a match against brock lesner for the title within a half a year of being in the wwe.

I don't really see a problem with getting a quick push if you can get some kind of reaction out of the crowd like Cena did when he started with Angle and was feuding with Jericho. Also, Cena actually his match against Lesnar at Backlash for the WWE Championship was April 27, 2003 (345 days after he debuted). There have been a few wrestlers who have won the belt in a shorter amount of time from when Cena had his first title shot. These guys being Angle, Big Show, Kane, Goldberg, Sheamus, Lesnar, Yokozuna, Ric Flair, and Hulk Hogan. So, hopefully these guys get the same amount of hate due to their fast starts too.

He ruined a year worth of mid card US championship matches that could have been good. I thought he goobled up all the time with the US title jobbing to no one cleanly.

How does he ruin a years worth of mid card US championship matches? Bold statement to make when you don't back it up. He lost to Booker T cleanly in the elimination match for the title after he was stripped of the belt by Angle.

He becomes wwe champion and turns it into a worse looking belt then the hardcore belt.

That's a matter of opinion, I happen to like the design along with many of the other fans of the WWE.

He spends a year with the title and jobs to edge after a elimination chamber match[which he got back after one month]. During this time he becomes a movie star. He stars in a horrible movie which gives him a worse gimmick. He then get 7 more titles that acceseries rather than championships.

Cena has had the "never give up" gimmick (I'm assuming that's the gimmick you're referring to) since early 2005, way before The Marine came out and a good amount of people were fine with it back then. And the titles mean more to Cena than just "accessories." His character feels that if you're the champ, you're the top dog of the brand, which is why he has that need to be champion all of the time. Hopefully you hate Edge and Orton just as much due to the notion that they've had almost as many if not more reigns than Cena in the same period of time, I believe.

He also somehow loses his bostonian accent. Now thats when he becomes a supermega phony. He turns into a hulk hogan wannabe that uses promos that are overscripted and acted.

Doesn't make him phony if he really believes all of the stuff he talks about in the ring. Go look at most of his interviews outside of the ring and some of his stuff on his "5 Questions With the Champ." I'm sure you'll find that most of the things he says there is the exact same thing you'll hear him say on Mondays.

is that enough for me to hate him. Yes but lets add more. During his title reigns he has held down tons of mid carders by staying on the championship matches.

Yes because he is the one that books the matches at every show and pay-per-view. A lot of main eventers "hold down" mid carders because the main eventers are the ones the fans react to, pay good money to watch, and put butts in the seats. Not many people are going to watch Carlito vs Benjamin in comparison to the ones that would watch a John Cena vs Triple H.

He also somehow beats people like shawn michaels, triple h, and big show when half his moves are ******ed as hell. five knuckle shuffle, fu, and shoulder bump. Yes thats half because other three are leg drop , stf, and clothesline.

I must be an idiot then because I forgot about all of the fisherman suplexes, hip tosses, bulldogs, back body drops, headlock takedowns, scoopslams, drop toe holds, belly to belly and belly to back takedowns, DDTs, spin-out powerbombs and throwbacks that he does.

And did i mention he can't wrestle. The only time he had a great match was against the very best of all time, hbk.

According to Dave Meltzer, who from what I hear is one of the more prestigious match raters in the world, he's had great matches (4 stars or better) against the likes of Umaga, Edge, Angle, and JBL all in singles matches.

Now do you see why i hate the hulkagangster marine bitch.

We see why but, those are some poor reasons to hate on somebody.
Hate the guys character but as a man he really is a top notch guy, I blame WWE for making him look like superman, and his gimmick is getting really old, they could turn him heel , but merch will go down big time, I feel bad when he gets the "you cant wrestle " from idiots fans who just want to be big rebels so to speak, they should all grow up because obvious he can wrestle and his work ethic is amazing and he is a well deserved star !
I voted the last one, because i dont particularily enjoy him winning titles all the time, i think he would make a good heel, but as for his character... hes great.
i dont see why they didn't give shawn michaels more titles.
here a comparasion of titles: only wwe title reigns(cena wasnt in wwe pre-wwe)
Shawn Michaels:

WWF Championship (3 times)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Intercontinental Championship (3 times)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (5 times) – with Diesel (2), Steve Austin (1), John Cena (1), and Triple H (1)
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Triple H (1)
World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
Total 4-5 in wwe

John Cena :
World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Shawn Michaels (1) and Batista (1)
WWE Championship (7 times, current)
WWE United States Championship (3 times) (credit wikipedia)
and talent like hbk should have been given more titles.

He is good, but as a face all the time,uhh.
I agree with levi, thay are posting him as superman, and are afraid to lose merchandise sales
I picked the last one because the john cena character is getting a little stale now. He's too much of a suck up to the crowd. He shouldn't mention the wwe universe so much and he needs a good year with out a world title. I mean for a while I was talking about triple h having the world title too much but since triple h hasn't been the world champion since april 26th of last year I wouldn't mind triple h being champion now but cena needs to stay out of the title picture for a while.
Cena is ok. I dislike his gimmick. It isn't all that exciting or thrilling to me. I feel that Cena would make a great heel nowadays. I didn't have a problem with John Cena when he was free styling in the ring several years back. I thought he was a pretty good heel at the time, and I didn't mind it when he turned face to beat JBL. Although, I always thought Eddie Guerrero should've been the person (as a face) to beat JBL. I started to mind it when it seemed like the WWE was forcing him down our throats.

Then he stopped rapping. Some of his raps were pretty funny and cool. I don't truly mind that he stopped rapping, but his character just does not appeal to me. I didn't really like John Cena until I watched his Five Questions show. He was really funny on that, and I looked forward to watching it every week. His character in the WWE isn't as good.

I really do think Cena would make a great heel though. He won't be as cheesy and kiss up to the crowd. He won't play that superman gimmick, and I'm wondering if he'll get a lot of heat from the crowd like Stone Cold and The Rock when they turned heel. I'm waiting on that turn.

I have not watched wrestling in a long time, and I'm just starting to get back into it now. I'm shocked that Cena won so many titles in comparison to Shawn Michaels. What about the other greats like Taker, Austin, and Rock?
Last week on Raw we saw a Cena match, and Orton match and of course Hornswoggle and Santino. Orton outdid the two and left them in the dust pretty much. No problem there, he's a great tweener best of luck to him. However, Hornswoggle appeared and he, for some reason got a larger pop than Cena did. Now, no matter how hard working and realistic pro-wrestler you are, when the face of the company has less pops than the comedy jobber the company has to seriously consider a re-package.
I'm curious to see how the Cena character develops over the next year. As a 9 Time Champion all as a face, and with fresh faces moving up the ranks (Randy Orton), I wonder what else there is for this guy to do other than eventually turn mega heel.

He's accomplished everything there is as a face, and storyline wise as far as wrestling goes it's only a matter of time before it gets to his head and he turns into an arrogant heel in similar fashion to what Batista currently is and what the Rock once was. What else does he have to do after he ends this feud with Batista? Another feud with Sheamus, HHH, or Orton? Will someone else step up? Will he lose the title again? I just feel like I know when this guy is going to win and going to lose. The predictability of the path that this character has taken has bored me to death. What can he do now that would be different and refreshing?
I would have to say a heel turn is in order, but not a voluntary heel turn, sorta like a "If you hate me, I'll hate you" heel when the crowd just can't stand him anymore and after that he just doesn't care and dies whatever he wants. The same was for Rock, he was so stale that people hated him and he dropped to a heel. I think Cena's reaction is primarily due to the fact that he's so great but when he turns heel the adults will instantly like him because he'll be such a prick. I think it's also a great way to change the gimmick to a sort of electric one sort of like the Rock.
I can't understand why there are soo many Cena haters to be honest. I understand that he is not the greatest in the ring, but he's not as bad as people make out. The old '5 moves' argument is pretty poor as most top tier wreslters have a move set they repeat before their finisher (i.e HBK kip up, elbow drop, sweet chin music, Randy Orton - scoop slam, back breaker, viper actions, RKO) and its not a bad thing at all. So in the ring, IMO hes nowhere near as bad as people make out, i personally find him entertaining. Plus, his size and strength means it is very believable that he will be able to compete with the top dogs. Struggling upper -midcarders who are struggling to break into the main event are held back by size IMO. For example, I dont find CM Punk or JMo believable as main eventers as I see no way in which they could realistically compete with guys like Batista who are over 275lbs. Rey Mysterio also falls under this category. John Cena doesn't have this problem - he has got the look.

His super hero gimmick is a bit stale but what you've gotta remember is that he is the face of a PG company who sells an absolute ton of merchandise and draws hugely. That is why he is constantly a face. He is pretty good on the mic, but he is a bit cheesy and so is not on the level of The Rock or Jericho for example. However, if his prime was in the attitude era then i think an edgier Cena would work really well. This guy is like 32 and is already a 9 time champion, so he has got another ten years in him at least. This guy will go down as one of the all time greats IMO, behind only Hogan, Austin and The Rock.

Now, in terms of present storylines, someone posted a thread about him turning heel by cheating to break Takers streak next year. This would be golden IMO, a perfect way for him to turn heel and would top even Hogans heel turn in 96. However, due to merchandise sales, i doubt this will happen. Although if anyone should break Taker's streak it should be Cena....(possibly Orton, but hes already lost at Mania to Taker)
Seeing as this is the Official John Cena thread, I'm guessing this goes in here.

Anyway, I've seen a lot of people yawning over John Cena being a face, and I've seen a lot of people wanting him to turn heel.

We all know although Randy is now a over the top beloved tweener, and Triple H probably draws well on RAW as well, but turning John Cena heel would definitely still show in the ratings of a kid focused program I bet, and therefore I've been thinking, why not give John Cena some tweener characteristics?

Keep the face character of the "never give up never quit" personality, but have the matches where he could FU a face partner after a tag team match, or just generally fight both heels and faces, we've seen him fight Triple H before, but that's cause Triple H is probably more in the direction of the tweener character with face characteristics anyway, at least that's how I'm seeing it.

So really, would John Cena be able to become more fresh and exciting if we allowed him to do tweener stuff?
I'll start of by saying I think "CZENA SUX". I'm not a fan, nor will I ever be one. That said, on to my opinion about him this week.

He was on drugs. Don't deny it. Something was wrong with him. Creative needs to reevaluate themselves if they seriously think Cena was good. I don't know what kind of promo that was but it accomplished one thing: Making Cena look a like a joke. I think their trying to turn him into the "entertainer" while Randy is turned into Stone Cold. Epic failure. They might be going for a heel turn. In fact we should expect this Wrestlemania to feature Randy Orton vs Cena for the WWE title. Anyone else thought he was weird this week? What was he on?

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